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Kindergarten Diversity Lesson

 Book Title: Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

 Author: Doreen Rappaport

 Publication Date: 2001

 Grade Levels: Appropriate for K-5th Grade

 Grade Level For Lesson: Kindergarten


 Social Justice Standards:

o Anchor Action Standards:

 16. Students will express empathy when people are excluded or

mistreated because of their identities and concern when they

themselves experience bias.

 17. Students will recognize their own responsibility to stand up to

exclusion, prejudice and injustice.

 18. Students will speak up with courage and respect when they or

someone else has been hurt or wronged by bias.

 Nevada Academic Content Standard

o Social Studies:

 SS.K.14. Describe an action that exemplifies civic dispositions,

including but not limited to: deliberative discussion, equality,

freedom, liberty, and respect for individual rights.

 SS.K.16. Describe how people work to improve their communities.

 Objective:

o The student will be able to describe an action in the story and/or how they

would take a stand creating a poster and a small project with a 90%


 Materials Needed:

o Small Project

 Pre cut small Cardboard boxes or shoe boxes

 Glue sticks

 Glue gun for me

 Black sharpie for me

 Pencil for me

 Giant craft paper

 Scissors

 Small Styrofoam Balls

 Small Googly eyes

 Matchsticks

 Mini Wood Sticks

 Foamy

 Paper pre cut into 1in by 1.5in

o Poster

 Poster boards

 Scissors
 Glue sticks

 Pictures of how they would take a stand, at least 5 pictures no more

than 10

 Pencil


 Introduction:

o Show the students the book, maybe pass it around so they can see the picture

in the front of the book. Ask students if they know who the person in the

cover is, if they do not know tell them who it is. Then tell them in a exciting

voice the book title, the author, and the theme of the book is always take a

stand, never give up, and keep trying no matter how hard it is.

 Read the book:

o Read to by the teacher

 Discuss: The discussion is going to be as a whole class.

o Who was this book about?

o What did Martin do to stand up for people?

o Why did Martin do stand up for people?

o How did Matin stand up for other people?

o What did Rosa Parks do to stand up for people?

 Activities:

o Small Project: Groups of 4

 I am going to tell the students to clean up their tables. Furthermore, I

am going to put a giant piece of craft paper to place on the table, so

the students do not make a mess. I am going to place all the items they

will need on the table (smaller items are going in small cups so the

students would not drop them on the floor). For the people the

students are going to use the matchsticks, Styrofoam balls, and the

googly eyes. The Styrofoam balls are going to be used for the head;

then they are going to stick one of the matchsticks in the ball. Next,

the students are going to ask me if I can glue the matchstick to the

ball; finally, the students are going place two matchsticks as legs and

they are going to raise their hand and ask me for help with the glue

gun. They are going to set the people aside, now they are going to

work on the water fountains and some buildings (just one or two

buildings and water fountains). Firstly, the students are going to cut

some foamy to kind of match the measurement of the wood sticks and

to add color to them. Next, the students are going to glue the foamy to

the wood sticks. Then, the students are going to start constructing the

fountains and buildings. The students are going to glue all the pieces

together. Now, the signs, the papers are going to have on them

“equality” and I have a DREAM” in small letters. The papers are

going to be signs that the people will be holding. The students are

going to glue those small papers to the matchsticks. Now all I have to

do is help them with the glue gun and glue their pieces to the boxes.
o Poster: Individual

 For the poster, I will be telling them days in advance that I am going

to be go around and passing through their specials and taking

pictures of them standing up for another friend, when they are just

helping another student with conflicts that involve mistreated other

friends who are not the same culture or race etc. The students will

then go ahead and cut the picture with the scissors that cut crazy.

Lastly, they will glue the pictures in the poster board.

 Assessment:

o The students will do a mini presentation. The only thing is they can say

whatever they want. I will have a grading sheet out of 15-20 points of all their

projects. By observing what they are saying about each project I will know if

they learned the material or not.

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