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Johnson 1

Kamryn Johnson


Composition II

3 March 2021

The Taxidermist Other Wife

Thesis: Kelly Barnhill, author of ‘Dreadful Young Ladies and Other Stories.”, uses the

characters to show how society is made of imperfectly perfect humans, who are corrupted by the

thought of being perfect. Barnhill wants us to accept who we are as human beings.

I. Perfection is not and should not be defined by excellence, characteristics, beauty, or lack

of flaws

A. The taxidermist’s wife (TTDW), is an eerie story told from the point of view of a

small community. Said community is not fond of the Taxidermist, who also

happens to be the mayor and his other wife. The unnamed spouse is known and

seen as perfect in the eyes of the small town. Yet, if she is so perfect, why doesn’t

the town accept her?

1. “She is a sweet pretty thing. Young. Large eyes. Tight, smooth skin…..she

is perfect.” (Barnhill. p.80)

B. The taxidermist wife is not who she seems to be

1. “She doesn’t clear her throat. She doesn’t sigh. She doesn’t lick her lips or

adjust her skirt. She doesn’t pass gas or snort when she laughs, or cough.”

(Barnhill. p.85)
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2. “Even through our scarves, we can smell the formaldehyde on her

breath.” (Barnhill. p.86)

a) NOTE: Formaldehyde (Formalin) is a very important chemical when it comes to

preservation. Typically used to dry out and protect specimens. It is often used in

taxidermy and funeral homes.

3. “She is memory, history, and longing.” (Barnhill. p.88)

II. You can NOT recreate something that already exists or existed.

A. The taxidermist explains that trying to recreate or better something is unnecessary

because it would be a lesser version than the first. In simpler terms, it would be

the dollar tree trying to compete with Dillards.

1. “If the artisan does not love the expired subject on his table, it is true, the

final product will be a cold, dead thing. A monstrosity. A hideous copy of

what once was unique and alive, and beautiful.” (Barnhill. p.81)

B. We can remember and look back on memories, yet we can’t recreate them because

it won't be as good as the original ones.


III. Accept who you are, inside and out. Why? This allows you to overcome low self-esteem,

body image, etc.

A. Barnhill’s text implies that we are all humans who aren’t perfect. However, that

doesn’t make us damaged goods.

1. “We are a collection of faults.” The taxidermist told us once. “A myriad of

imperfections through which shines divine perfection. You see? It is our

flaws that make us beloved by heaven.” (Barnhill. p.84)

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B. Scars, beauty marks, blemishes, deformities, etc are what make us human. God

created us the way we were supposed to look and be.

1. “Reveal the subject as the subject was, and you reveal the prints of God.”

(Barnhill. p.85)

IV. The more we construct what makes a person good or bad, is when we lose sight of what

is actually right and wrong.

A. The taxidermist explained it perfectly; Society gets caught up in policing what is

deemed to be good and bad. Thus causing them to corrupt the original idea, with a

new and false one.

1. “The more we attempt to force our corrupted idea of the Perfect and Good

upon what is actually and deeply Perfect and Good, the farther we are

from the divine.”(Barnhill. p.84)

B. Hypocrisy is another way to lose sight of what is right. We see this toward the end

with the taxidermist’s speech. He too is a victim of the corrupted thought of

perfection. He just ate his own words!! I aslo have a feeling the “other wife.”

along with the “community.” are just stuffed human beings. Just a guess.

C. “We preserve the memory- in it's perfection, in it's state of bliss, and we preserve

ourselves.” (Barnhill. p.88).

V. Being a “good and perfect.” human is not defined by how you act, dress, speak, or smile.

It's about being alive, having flaws, and not losing sight of the true meaning. We cannot

recreate the same scars, or flaws in another human life (it's what makes you unique). The

more we accept who we are, the more other people will as well. Unless G-O-D allows
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humans part-time jobs as the Anubi’s (the egyptian god) of the world. No one has the

right to judge you as a person, other than the man upstairs.

A. NOTE: If you are unaware of who Anubis is, he is an egyptian deity of mummification and the afterlife. He

often weighed the heart of a deceased people against a feather. This would indicate the “fate.” of their souls.

Souls heavier were eaten, souls lighter were sent to heaven.

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