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A Firefighter’s Love Story 


I dedicate this book to the Cleveland Firefighter’s of Station 30. I want to thank 

them for taking the time to talk to me and sharing their knowledge of what it’s like 

to live the life of a fireman. They are true heroes’ and I thank God for them. 

Other Titles Available 


Nayla’s Dilemma-The Ends of Justice 

Fighting The Desires 

Law and Disorder: Partners Undercover 

A Love Delayed 

When The Music Stops 

Let Me Serve You 

Scenes To Steal The Heart 

Scenes To Steal The Heart-Final Act

“Okay, Jonathan, take a deep breath, hold it for five seconds and exhale through 

your nose,” said Pam the x-ray technician. 

Standing with his bare chest against the cold plastic waiting for the x-ray to be 

taken, Jonathan inhaled deeply. The pain radiating in his chest worsen the longer 

he held his breath. The severity of the smoke inhalation and the bruised muscles 

and broken ribs he suffered falling through the porch, were keeping him confined 

to the hospital longer than expected. 

“We’re done,” Pam said coming from behind the protective shield. “The doctor will 

contact you once he’s read the x-rays. From what I saw of the images on the com- 

puter, your ribs seem to be healing nicely but your lungs have some healing to do 


Jonathan’s deep cough rattled in his chest. Feeling weak he steadied his body by 

placing a hand on the wall. “Thanks, Pam. Is it okay for me to get dressed?” 

“Certainly—do you need help?” 

The offer caused him to blush a deep red. “No, I think I can handle dressing my- 


She winked her eye. “I was not flirting.” She went back to her station saying,

“But when you’re done dressing, I’ll call the Orderly to take you back to your room. 

Can I get you some water?” 

“No, I’m good. What I want is to get out of this hospital and back to my life. I hate 

being confined with sick people and have doctors prod at me,” he said slipping a 

tight knot to secure his robe together.” 

Pushing the wheelchair behind him, Pam motioned for him to sit and replaced the 

nose tube for his oxygen. “Unfortunately you classify as a sick person; inhaling all 

that smoke damaged your lungs. You’re very lucky to be alive, Mr. DeMinico.” 

“Swallowing smoke is part of my job and I anxious to rejoin my unit.” 

“I swear I don’t know how you do it. The job of a firefighter is hard and very dan- 

gerous. The young girl you saved is lucky you didn’t leave her behind. Do you know 
how she is doing?” 

He shook his head. “I’d asked a floor nurse if she had been admitted to this hos- 

pital, but she couldn’t tell me anything since I didn’t know her name.” 

“I’ll snoop around—maybe I can get a few answers for you. After all you deserve to 

know how she is doing; you risked your life saving her.” 

He tried to smile. “Don’t get in trouble asking questions because of me.” 

“No trouble at all. You’re all ready for your appointment with Respiratory Therapy. 

So you know, Millie is only working a half-day and Gabrielle King will be covering 

her patients the rest of the day.” 

“I wouldn’t mind being left off Millie’s list today. She is brutal and I hate the drugs 

administered with those breathing tests.” 

“You aren’t the only one that doesn’t like Millie, but she’s part of a team of great 

Respiratory and Pulmonary Specialists this hospital employs. You should be happy 

she is working with you. She’s your ticket out of here.” 

He raised his brow. “I didn’t say that. I don’t know Millie well enough to not like 

her; but, she does not give a good first impression with the way she barks orders.” 

Pam wheeled him into the waiting room and parked him facing the large 

television mounted on the wall. “Maybe you will get lucky and get Gabrielle. She’s 

an excellent Respiratory and Pulmonary Specialist, but a little on the quiet side. 

She’s really a nice person once you break through her shell.” 

“I’d whether deal with a quiet person who’ll go about doing her job whether than 

Millie the drill sergeant.” 

Pam shook her head with a small laugh. “Well, you’re free of me for now. Take 

care, Jonathan.” 

“Thanks again, Pam,” he said waving as she walked away. 

He relaxed in the wheelchair removing the oxygen from his nose. He sniffed the air 

and got a faint scent of ammonia along with the lingering scent of soot that 
seemed to be permanently etched in his sinuses. The fire had not only damaged 

his lungs, but had temporarily caused him to lose the ability to taste and smell— 

both were returning slowly but the smell of the burning house would always exist 

in his memory. 

The morning news playing on the television caught his attention. A blurb men- 

tioning the two-alarm house fire his unit responded to was coming up. He leaned 

forward impatiently waiting for the commercials to be done. He wanted to see the 

piece before the Orderly arrived to take him back to his room. 

He stomped his foot on the metal plate of the wheelchair in disgust. It seemed like 

a hundred commercials were going to show before the news returned. A stocky 

young man wearing dark green scrubs and carrying a clipboard walked quickly to- 

wards him. 

“Mr. Jonathan DeMinico?” He asked before checking the white plastic 

identification tag attached to his wrist. 

The shortened breath that came from his baritone voice was raspy. “That would be 

me. Can you give me a second to catch this news segment?” 

The young man shook his head in a negative response. “Sorry, but we are crazy 

busy today. I gotta get a patient to surgery after I drop you off.” 

Propping his elbow on the arm rest of the wheelchair, Jonathan rested his head on 

his fingertips to massage his left temple. “Okay, let’s roll.” 


Jonathan arrived to his room greeted by the floor nurse squaring the ends of his 

freshly made bed. He noticed another large flower arrangement and a fruit basket 

sitting next to the balloons and get-well cards lining the window sill. He was lucky 

he didn’t share a room with another patient because his tokens from well-wishers 

had taken all the available shelf space in the room. 

The older nurse folded a blanket across the foot of the bed saying, “Let me help 
you into bed, Mr. DeMinico.” 

“I can do it.” 

“I know you can do it, but let me help anyway,” she said not taking any of his flack. 

He didn’t respond but let the nurse do her job. She appeared to be close to retire- 

ment age and a tad on the frail side. How she expected to lift his 6 foot 4 inch, 185 

pounds was puzzling him. He lifted himself from the wheelchair not letting any of 

his weight rest on her tiny frame. 

“I can make it from here. I need to use the restroom while I’m up anyway.” 

She sighed. “I will be back in a few minutes with your medications.” 

“I’ll be here; not like I’m going anywhere soon.” 

After using the restroom, he brushed his teeth and looked at his reflection in the 

mirror. The wound from the fall above his left eyebrow was long and required two 

butterfly Steri-strips to hold it together. His helmet and mask had fallen off during 

the fall leaving his head and face unprotected and exposed. The few minor cuts on 

his neck were peeling and blending in with his skin tone. The burns he sustained to 

his hands were second-degree burns and were bandaged to protect against infec- 


His mind flashed back to the night of the fire. It was past midnight when Engine 30 

and Ladder 30 got the job to respond to a triple two alarm fire on Cleveland’s 

eastside. They were the first responders to arrive on scene of the fully engulfed 

structure. Additional responding units could be heard blaring in the distance and 

soon were pulling up to assist. 

The Battalion 6 Chief shouted at a group of men to move away from the two and a 

half story frame. They were attempting to douse the fire with garden hoses. 

Lieutenant Murad went into command mode yelling for his men to bring in lines 

and setting the perimeters to get the fire under control before spreading to the 

houses on either side of it. 

Firefighter Gordon grabbed the tip from Ladder 30, while Firefighter Otto hooked 

the hose to the Pumper to charge the lines. Firefighter Jenkins pulled a hose racing 
to the back of the house to work the fire with Jonathan. 

Jonathan readying to attack the working blaze from the rear of the house overheard 

the hysterical cries of a woman. She was hysterically conveying to the Captain of 

Engine 26, that her daughter was trapped in a third floor bedroom. 

Bursting into action before firefighters could charge the lines to fight the raging in- 

ferno from the back side of the house; Jonathan dropped his end of the hose and 

ran around to the side of the house kicking in a door. The heavy black smoke rolled 

upward into the night air giving an indication how intense the flames were inside. 

With no hose to fight the flames inside, Jonathan began the search and rescue for 

the trapped child on the third-floor using his instinct and skill. 

He located the room on the third floor. The door was locked when he turned the 

knob. Breaking the door open with his shoulder, he heard soft muffled cries. The 

child was crying and shaking underneath a bed. Hoping to ease the child’s fear 

with his presence, he knelt down and lifted his face mask saying, “Hi, I’m Jonathan. 

I’m going to get you out of here, but we have to hurry, OK?” 

The frightened girl’s eyes were the size of saucers as tears pooled and ran down 

her face in big drops. She managed to nod her head taking his outstretched hand 

as he led her from her hiding place. 

Removing his SCBA, he placed it on her face and instructed her to breathe nor- 

mally. “We’ll need to share, so save some for me.” 

Again she nodded but did not speak. “I gonna put my gloves on you to protect 

your hands and then cover you with a blanket; do you understand what I’m say- 


Her eyes never left his giving him confirmation she understood. He remained calm 

knowing if she started to freak it would slow the rescue operation, possibly trap- 

ping them on the third floor with a limited air supply to share. “Good. I want you to 

do me one last favor and close your eyes. When you open them again, I promise 

you’ll be with your family.” Folding the blanket around her small body, he tucked 
her close to his body and moved quickly to get them to safety. 

They made it to the second floor of the house before thick smoke began to affect 

him. Without his SCBA, he was in direct exposure with the smoke and other com- 

pounds burning inside the home. Coughing heavily, he felt his chest tightening but 

did not want to remove the oxygen from the child’s face. Exposing her to the toxins 

burning inside the home could be more harmful to her tender lungs, than his. 

Barely able to see through the dense smoke, he pressed forward. Dodging flaming 

material falling from the ceiling in the living room, he was forced into a hallway that 

had two doors. 

The Battalion Chief came over the fire ground channel instructing his crew to 

switch to Tac 6 to cut the surrounding radio traffic. He let Jonathan know help was 

inside and looking for him. Jonathan threw the high beam of the flashlight around 

the room shouting his name in case firefighters were closing in on his location.

Balancing the child in his arms, Jonathan felt for heat on the first door before open- 

ing it; it was a half-bathroom with no windows to escape. Closing the door he felt 

on the second door. The door led to an enclosed porch. He used his helmet to 

break the glass to ventilate the area after heavy smoke began to filter in rapidly. 

Checking his air tank, it was low and only a few more minutes remained before it 

was completely empty. Sitting the child in front of the broken window he reached 

for the radio attached to his shoulder. “Chief, I’m at the rear of the house on a sec- 

ond floor porch. I need a ladder ASAP!” 

The chief replied, “Help is at your location, Jon—hang on.” 

Firefighter Anthony Jenkins hurried up the ladder breaking the remaining glass and 

tearing an opening in the wall to widen the narrow window frame. Suddenly, 

Jonathan felt a spray of water hit him from behind. He kneeled using his body to 

shield the child from the high water pressure shooting from the hose. 

Anthony leaned through the window, “Hand me the kid.” 

Picking the child from the floor, he handed her to Anthony who rushed her down 

the ladder to Firefighter Nick Barona who waited below. Retrieving his SCBA, it was 
empty. Jonathan’s throat and chest were burning fiercely as he tried to squeeze his 

body through the window opening to go down the ladder. Hearing a cracking 

noise, he looked up to see the ceiling of the porch ignite with flames. Before 

Jonathan could clear the window, the porch caved in taking him down. 

Anthony sustained minor injuries when he fell into the thick bushes lining the 

backyard of the house. He was on his way up the ladder when the porch broke 

away from the house. Jonathan took the brunt of the fall by crashing two-stories to 

the ground with burning debris burying him. Suspended between consciousness 

and unconsciousness, he felt his body being dragged from underneath the flaming 

material and voices yelling for him to hold on. 

A day later, Jonathan awoke in the Intensive Care Unit of MetroHealth Medical Cen- 

ter. His vision blurred as he scanned the room. IV lines dripped fluids from several 

bags into the thick veins of his right arm. Shooting pain radiated from every part of 

his body when he tried to move. His best friends and fellow firefighters Nick and 

Anthony were at his bedside, but he could not talk because of the tube inserted 

down his throat. 

They were both quick to inform him doctors were optimistic about his recovery and 

the tube down his throat was only temporary. The incident marked the first he’d 

been hurt in the line of duty in his ten-years as a firefighter. 

Shaking his head to clear the images of that night, he ran a bandaged hand through 

his wavy chestnut hair desperately wanting to take in a deep breath. He didn’t be- 

cause of the painful coughing that would follow. It had only been a few days since 

the tube had been removed and he was allowed to get out of bed for short periods 

of time. He pretty much followed doctor’s orders and limited his time on his feet, 

since he didn’t want to do anything that would extend his hospital stay. 

Jonathan scratched the stubby beard that filled his normally clean-shaven face. 

Unknown hazel brown eyes stared back at him from the mirror. The white of his 

eyes remained red from the irritants of the smoke, giving him an eerie appearance. 
“Mr. DeMinico? Are you here?” 

Surprised, Jonathan turned his head to make sure it was his name being called 

softly from the other side of the door. Millie’s voice was gruff and far from friendly. 

He answered, “I’ll be out in a second.” Recapping the toothpaste and pulling a 

comb from the pocket of his robe, stands of singed hair fell into the basin of the 

white sink. 

The nurse was not able to wash all the char from his hair with a washcloth. He 

checked his reflection one last time before leaving the bathroom. He felt like shit 

and looked exactly how he felt. 

“Okay, I’m with Respiratory therapy and here to administer your breathing treat- 


He came from the bathroom closing the door behind him. “Sorry to keep you wait- 

ing. I’m not moving too fast and working with two bandaged hands is becoming a 

bit of a challenge,” he said holding up his hands. 

The woman had her back to him assembling tubing to the oxygen flow valve on the 

wall. “Take your time and get comfortable. I have to finish setting up my equipment 

and get your information before we do anything.” 

He sat on the edge of the bed just as the nurse returned with his medication. 

“Here you go, Mr. DeMinico. After your treatment, I’ll be back to get your vitals and 

give you a sponge bath, if you want.” 

“Nurse Naomi, just point me in the direction of the shower; I don’t need to be 

sponge bathed anymore.” 

She pointed a long thin finger at him. “If I was a pretty young nurse you wouldn’t 

be fretting about getting that sponge bath; but I’m not offended you don’t want me 

to bathe you anymore. Oh, for a bit of good news, I heard you might be leaving 


His spirits lifted slightly. “Really—when?” 

“Maybe in a day or two,” she said shrugging her frail shoulders under the thick 
white sweater. “The doctor will talk you to about it.” 

“A day or two; I’m ready to go now,” he protested. 

She patted Jonathan on the shoulder directing her attention to the therapist busy 

doing her own thing. “Gabrielle, good luck with this antsy man; he’s a handful. If 

you need anything just hit the call button.” 

His eyes traveled in the direction of the woman now stooping down behind a cart. 

The long white lab coat and the way she was positioned hid her from his view. 

“Naomi, I don’t give you a hard time,” he said angling his head for a better view. 

Gabrielle’s voice was soft when she spoke to the nurse. “I’m sure we’ll be okay, 


A slight grin crossed his face elated he had gotten the more gentle replacement 

therapist instead of the hard-nosed drill sergeant. Gabrielle stood up capturing the 

look on his face and quickly switched on her bedside charm. “Good afternoon, Mr. 

DeMinico. I’m Gabrielle King and will be administering your treatment instead of 

Millie today.” 

She was now in full view and he was very pleased with what he saw. The 

woman was gorgeous. Gabrielle was tall with smooth brown skin. Her silky black 

hair was pulled into a short curly ponytail. Beautiful big dark brown eyes matched 

her sensual full lips and slender nose. Her cheeks gave deep dimples when she 

smiled to reveal perfectly aligned white teeth. 

“Mr. DeMinico? Is there anything wrong?” She asked when he didn’t respond to 


“Uh, no. I heard you introduced yourself,” he said suppressing a nasty cough. 

Coughing up phlegm covered with soot from his lungs was not the impression he 

was trying to open with. 

She pulled a chair next to his bed. “Suppressing your cough is not good. You 

should clear as much mucus as you can.” 

“I do when I’m alone but never in front of lady.” 

“You shouldn’t think of me that way, since I’m getting ready to make you cough up 

a lot of that nasty stuff.” 

He cocked his head to one side. “Will you be gentler than Millie? She tends to jam 

that thing in my mouth and horsewhip me if I don’t follow her orders.” 

The wheezing mixed in with his baritone voice made him sound sinister. “I will try 

my best not to hurt you. We can get started once I check your identification and 

make sure I have the right patient.” 

The touch of her cool fingers seared his skin when she rolled back the sleeve of his 

robe. With the oxygen running through his nose he couldn’t get a scent of how she 

smelled but imagined she smelled pretty. Perfectly short manicured nails polished 

in a deep dark maroon, gently held his wrist to match the information written in her 

chart to that on his wristband. 

Jonathan smiled inwardly, noting that other parts of his body were functioning as 

should be, and had not been affected by his injuries. He was getting an erection 

from the woman just touching his wrist. The only arousal Millie gave him was nau- 

sea. With his free bandaged hand, he inched the blanket over his lap and tried to 

stop imagining what Gabrielle King smelled like. 

She released his wrist. “You match my information so we can get to work. Mr. 


He interrupted her. “Jonathan, my name is Jonathan but my close friends call me 


“Okay, Jonathan. If at any time you feel discomfort or dizzy, let me know and we’ll 

stop for a break.” 

He put his hand to his forehead in dramatic fashion. “I’m feeling a little discomfort 


Gabrielle held a straight face. “Excuse me? We haven’t even begun yet.” 

“Hmm, that’s funny since my heart is pounding and my palms are sweating 

under these bandages. Those are the side effects I usually get with my treatment.” 
Gabrielle’s dark eyes locked with his. He was not the first male patient to hit on 

her, but the majority of them were discreet with their flirting, he was being down- 

right open. “Mr. DeMinico—“ 

“Jonathan and I won’t answer or obey any of your commands unless you call me 


She crossed her arms forcing the lab coat to close off his view of her body. 

“Millie failed to warm me about you.” 

He smiled raising a brow. “Millie has never seen this side of me. But, I have been 

told about you?” 

She curled her lips, intrigued. “What is being said about my work if I may ask?” 

“Definitely nothing bad is being said about your work. Pam mentioned your quiet- 

ness and how nice you are once your shell is pulled away. But, what she didn’t say 

is how gorgeous you are.” 

“Thanks for the compliment, Jonathan, but don’t believe everything Pam says 

about me.” 

He penetrated her stare. “So you are not quiet or nice?” 

Gabrielle took in his features for the first time. For a Caucasian, he was ruggedly 

handsome with a full head of wavy chestnut hair. His face featured a strong 

squared jawline, a sleek nose that came to a small point and sexy full lips. The 

slight discoloration of the whites of his eyes did not stop the golden-flecks sur- 

rounding the deep hazel color. 

She let her eyes travel down his body. The hospital robe fit tightly around his arms 

and broad upper body showing how extremely muscular he was. His height was 

obviously tall, because his feet were touching the floor and the hospital bed re- 

mained elevated after Naomi remade it. The thickness of his thighs bulged beneath 

the thin fabric of the hospital pajama pants. 

Gabrielle licked her lips lightly after realizing she was ogling. “Pam is not wrong 

about me being quiet in the workplace; what she’s wrong about is the shell. There 
is no shell to crack in order to get to know me.” 

Jonathan’s breaths were short and not due to his illness but from the sound of her 

sultry voice echoing in his ears. “Are you going to give me hints on what I need to 

do to get to know you? I’m a firefighter not a mind-reader.” 

“I like how you threw that in the conversation, but I know you are a fireman. 

And, no, I’m not going to give you any hints. Any man confident in his game 

wouldn’t need a woman to give hints.” She returned her attention to warming the 

end of her stethoscope between the palms of her hands. “We should begin your 

treatment; I have other patients to see this afternoon.” 

Jonathan didn’t return the banter but sat forward on the bed to begin the normal 

routine check-up before receiving the treatment. He couldn’t help but think the per- 

sona displayed by Gabrielle was definitely not of a shy person but of woman he 

wanted to get to know. 

Gabrielle helped him remove his robe and let it fall to his waist on the bed. He was 

wearing a sleeveless tank shirt instead of a hospital gown over the top of his pa- 

jama pants. The large tattoo of the Firefighting Cross covered the majority of his 

right shoulder and bicep. 

“Do you want me to take off my shirt?” He asked; removing it before she could an- 


Letting her eyes linger over his broad back, it showed how he survived the hard fall. 

His body was cut to perfection. Pronounced muscles stacked against one another 

when he flexed his back suppressing another cough. “Stop doing that; I need to 

hear that cough. Nice tattoo by the way,” she said placing the stethoscope to his 


“I wear it proudly,” he rasped. Do you have any visible tattoos I can check out?” 

“Maybe,” she replied not expanding but carrying on with the task at hand. 

“Take a breath and release slowly.” 

He did as told but continued to nag her about the tattoo. “You saw mine, now 
show me yours; it’s only fair.” 

She moved the instrument lower down his back mistakenly hitting a bruise. He 

winced. “Ouch! I was kidding—you don’t have to get rough.” 

“I’m sorry, that was an accident.” She moved the stethoscope carefully over his 

back after spotting other bruises. “You have quite a few bruises on your lower 


“When I fell, I landed on my back. My turnout doesn’t protect me against falls.” 

She pursed her lips. “You are lucky no other bones were broken.” 

“Lucky? I have four broken ribs.” 

“I see why you’re suppressing your cough—that has to hurt. Anyhow, my tattoo is 

only visible during bikini season.” She moved in front of him. “I have to listen to 

your chest.” 

He leaned back on the pillows giving her better access. “How is this or do you 

need me to lay flat?” 

Gabrielle tried not to stare at his magnificent upper body. Placing her hand on his 

chest, his skin was warm but his muscles were rock hard. The way he was laying re- 

vealed the deep definition of his six-pack abs and firm flat stomach. After listening 

to his chest and needing a little space, she tucked the stethoscope around her neck 

and stepped away to take items from the cart sitting nearby. “Open your mouth for 

me please,” she said holding the mouthpiece inches from his face.

Jonathan’s eyes narrowed flirtatiously. “Do you know how many directions I could 

take that? But I know you’re only referring to me blowing in that demon machine.” 

Gabrielle couldn’t reframe from laughing. “Why are you giving me a hard time?” 

His eyes twinkled when he said, “To get that sexy laugh from you—I guess my 

game is good enough after all.” He clamped his lips around the mouthpiece and 

waited for her to get the test going. 


After the breathing treatment, Jonathan lay spent on the bed. As usual, the treat- 
ment left him sick to the stomach and his ribs and lungs ached from the deep 

breathing and coughing. Naomi had given him a dose of Morphine to ease the 


Gabrielle worked quietly unhooking the equipment to leave him alone to rest. 

Putting the equipment on the cart, she rolled it into the hallway and returned to his 

room to stand by his bed. Obviously in extreme pain, he was no longer joking but 

lay still with his eyes closed. Softly, she removed damp hair from his forehead 

making sure not to touch the scar over his brow. “Jonathan, I hope you feel better 

soon. It was a pleasure meeting you.” 

He opened his eyes but couldn’t speak. He hated such a beautiful woman had 

seen the worst of him. Bronchospasms led to heavy reflex coughing during the 


She had to collect samples of the dark sputum for the lab to analyze which embar- 

rassed him further. 

Gabrielle retrieved the oxygen tube lying on the sheet next to his head. “Let me put 

this on for you.” Her breasts brushed against his face as she lifted his head to se- 

cure the tubing around his ears. The v-neckline of the baby blue scrubs revealed a 

sample of her cleavage as his eyes came in close contact with her chest. The deli- 

cate gold chain with the heart pendant dangled against his nose. He closed his 

eyes thanking God he was too out of sorts to do what his evil mind was sug- 


“Is that better?” She asked after straightening his blanket and pulling the railing of 

the bed up. 

Jonathan only nodded because if he spoke, he would vomit. He lifted his bandaged 

hand to touch her hand that rested on the railing of the bed to convey his gratitude 

for what she’d done. 

Her smile was warm as she looked down at him. “You’re welcome and I can’t be- 
lieve you’re still trying to flirt in your condition. I have to go.” She turned to leave 

but her steps stopped suddenly. She normally didn’t allow herself to get personal 

with the patients she treated because once they left the hospital, she never saw 

them again. 

Something about Jonathan DeMinico was making her want to get personal with 


Returning to his bedside, she spoke softly. “My shift ends at 7:00 tonight. I’ll be 

back to check on you before I go home.” 

Weakly he replied, “I can’t wait.” 

“See you then.” 

She left the room almost being knocked over by two large men wearing navy blue 

jackets with the Cleveland Fire Department insignia imprinted on the upper chest. 

One of the men whistled lowly. “Damn, DeMinico; who was that?” 

He waved his hand signaling he needed a minute to recover. Pushing the lever to 

raise the head of the bed higher, he tried to talk. His voice was hoarse and his 

breathing noisy when he said, “That was my therapist.” 

Nick bucked his eyes dropping a duffel bag at the foot of Jonathan’s bed. “Damn, I 

need to swallow more smoke so I can get help from her.” 

Anthony stuffing his face with chocolate covered fruit from one of the gift baskets, 

laughed. “Neither one of you got a shot with her. She’s a sistah and wants a brotha 

like me to rock her world; not some pasty ass white boys sniffing after her.” 

“Shut the hell up, Anthony. The only reason you get play from any woman is be- 

cause of the uniform,” Nick teased. 

Licking chocolate from his fingers, Anthony continued laughing. “Whatever playa, 

don’t hate because I reel in women like fish—and not just the sistahs. 

Jonathan recovered enough to talk with his friends. “Both of you are nuts. She 

would fall for me because I got the injured hero working in my favor.” 

“The lady is definitely easy on the eyes,” Anthony commented. “Do you know if 
girly is married or involved?” 

Jonathan held his aching ribs as he scooted around for a comfortable spot on the 

hard bed. “I don’t know but I plan to find out when she stops by after her shift. 

Guys, she could be the one.” 

Nick rolled his eyes and started to count on his fingers. “Man, you said that about 

Callie, Lisa, Tasha, Marie and I could go on but visiting hours ain’t that long.” 

“Okay, okay, I admit I might have been struck a few times but never just by looking 

at a chick. This woman had me in a state of arousal and had not said a word to me. 

She’s powerful and I gotta know what is behind her power.” 

Anthony folded his arms across his chest. “You could invite her to your awards 

ceremony. Word has it Mayor White is honoring you for bravery for saving the kid.” 

Jonathan relaxed his head on the pillow. “I’ve been wondering how she’s doing and 

can’t get any answers.” 

Nick scanned the channels on the television, saying, “She had no injuries and was 

released from the hospital the next day.” 

“That makes me feel a lot better. Are you and Nick being honored also? I mean you 

guys were part of the rescue operation.” 

Anthony snickered. “They don’t honor firefighters for falling in bushes—had I fell 

on my ass like you did, then maybe.” 

Nick changed the subject to lighten the mood that turned sullen. “None of that 

matters since it doesn’t happen until Fireman’s Week. So, Jon, when are they 

springing you from this place? The St. Patty’s Day parade is on schedule and we 

are off that day.” 

Jonathan shook his head. “Ugh, even if they released me tomorrow, I don’t wanna 

do that. Hanging out downtown with a bunch of drunken idiots is not my idea of a 

good time.” 

“The parade is symbolic to the city; we have to celebrate,” Nick said sitting on the 

empty bed across from Jonathan. 

Jonathan twisted his lip. “I’m not Irish and Anthony sure as hell ain’t Irish.” 

Nick rubbed his hands together seedily. “So what—I’m Italian and look forward to 

resuscitating a few drunken red-headed Irish women. I don’t discriminate against 

any woman offering her goodies to me.” 

Anthony tossed a grape in his direction. “Nick, you give men in uniform a bad 

reputation, but I hear what you’re saying, dude.” 

Nick threw imaginary punches to Jonathan’s arm. “C’mon, Jon—your hero 

status will have women bowing at your feet. You’ll have so much play you’ll need a 

professional organizer to keep your social life together.” 

He began to cough slightly. “Man, I can’t walk from here to the door without losing 

my breath. Which one of you is going to willingly push my wheelchair around the 

bar while I huff oxygen and drink green beer?” 

Anthony groaned. “Damn, man, that is not a sexy image.” 

“Hell no, it’s not! I will skip the parties; thank you.” 

Nick made himself more comfortable on the bed. “You gotta few weeks to think it 

over and, maybe get the nerve to ask that sexy nurse to be your date.” 

“Nick, she’s not a nurse.” Jonathan propped his upper body on his elbow. “If I 

could get a shot with her, I would stop dating different women. I’m telling y’all, she 

has put a spell on my ass.” 

Gabrielle stood outside Jonathan’s room after treating another patient. She over- 

heard the men talking and continued to eavesdrop while writing in the chart. 

Something told her a man like Jonathan DeMinico would not be without the com- 

pany of a woman and his flirting was a lure into his trap; a trap she refused to fall 


Anthony stood up adjusting his pants after eating most to the chocolate and all of 

the grapes from the fruit basket. “Well, I would be mad at you for going after her, 

but since you date black women on a norm, I say give it a shot. What do you have 

to lose?” 

“I didn’t know I needed your permission, Anthony; but thanks. Anyhow, she isn’t 

my regular therapist and with my luck, I won’t be here long enough to get her inter- 

ested in wanting to know me better.” 

“You said she was coming back to visit you. You gotta work fast, bruh, or lose the 


“Would you throw play at a woman looking like this? I’m not trying to get her to fall 

for me because she pities me.” 

“Jon, look around; you’re in a freaking hospital and can’t change that. When she 

comes back tonight, just be you—you’re a good guy. Your only problem is you’re 

too direct. You gotta have some mystery about yourself. I got an idea; let me talk 

you up to her; get her a little interested in wanting to know you.” 

“Anthony, I’d appreciate you wanting to help—but please don’t. You’ll have her 

thinking I’m a freaking dog.” 

“Suit yourself, but we gotta get moving; our shift starts in an hour. Another thing, 

get your lazy ass back to the fire station—you’re going to go soft lying in that bed.” 

He threw the covers from over him. “Hell, I can go now!” The smile left his face 

momentarily. “Thanks for coming and bringing me clothes, knuckle-heads. You 

know I think of you two as brothers. We stick together like glue,” he said holding 

two fingers closely together. 

Nick held out his fist to pump. “Yeah, we are bothers and we’re lucky we didn’t 

lose you. All joking aside, do you need anything else?” 

“I could use a decent meal, a hot shower and a shave; all in that order.” 

“I got you covered with food. I’ll have mom make her famous lasagna and bring it 

by tomorrow,” Nick said sincerely. 

“And, Gwen baked you an apple pie,” Anthony said. “You will be eating like royalty 


“I feel special. Nick, tell your mom thanks and Anthony, let Gwen know how much 
I love her apple pies, and love her for making them especially for me.” 

“You got it, bro. Before I forget, she’s expecting you to recuperate at her place.” 

Feeling drowsy from the pain medication, he closed his eyes responding with 

slurred words. “I won’t impose on her. She has a husband and kids to look after.” 

Gabrielle ducked into the empty room next door to avoid being seen by 

Jonathan’s friends leaving. She waited until she heard their footsteps trail down the 

long hallway and from earshot. 

Peeking inside Jonathan’s room she listened to the crackling coming from his 

lungs as he slept. Slowly she walked over to the bed, admiring his large body filling 

the bed made for a standard sized person. He gave the appearance of the big brave 

fireman on the outside yet in his current condition, seemed so helpless. 

Voices heard in the hallway entered the room startling her and awakening Jonathan. 

Unable to turn on her heels and scoot without being noticed, she stood frozen with 

Jonathan’s red eyes staring blankly at her. 

He coughed to clear the mucus lining throat. “What’s going on?” 

“You have visitors. I’ll leave you to your company,” Gabrielle said trying to hurry 


He shook his head grabbing her by the hand. “Stay. You came back for another rea- 

son since the time is nowhere near 7:00. I’m itching to find out what it is.” 

Standing in the room with the two adults, a young African-American girl 

dressed nicely in tan slacks and a crisp white blouse holding a brightly wrapped 

gift box stood at the foot of Jonathan’s bed. 

Jonathan felt an overwhelming rush of relief as he recognized the girl from the fire.

It always gave him a good feeling to hear from people grateful for the services pro- 

vided by the fire department. 

With the nudging of her mother, the girl moved shyly over handing him the gift. 

“Thank you for saving me from the fire. I hope you get better soon,” she said in al- 

most a whisper. 
The female hospital representative placed her hand on the child’s small 

shoulders. “Firefighter DeMinico, this is Amira. She has been asking her mother 

when it would be okay to visit you. I hope we aren’t intruding.” 

“No you aren’t intruding. Hey, Amira; I’ve been wondering how you’ve been.” 

“My Mom said you were hurt because you gave me your safety equipment.” 

Her eyes were still the size of saucers but not full of fear. She also didn’t appear to 

have any visible injuries which confirmed Nick’s story. “Well, my first priority was 

getting you to safety and now that you are here visiting me, I feel a lot better.” 

“Will you open your gift? My mom helped me choose it for you.” 

He took the gift but fumbled getting the wrapping paper off the box with only his 

fingertips dangling free of the gauze bandages. Gabrielle helped by reaching over 

and pulling an end of the wrapping paper free, so he could rip it the rest of the way. 

Inside the box was a card, which he handed to Gabrielle to hold while he unfolded 

the tissue paper covering the soft cashmere sweater. 

“Wow, this is really nice. I don’t know what to say.” 

The mother of the child finally spoke. “Mr. DeMinico, I might have lost my material 

belongings in that fire but you saved my most precious possession, my daughter. 

The sweater is not enough to show how much I appreciate you risking your life to 

save her.” 

His emotions surfaced. “It’s moments like this that make me love what I do. Are 

you getting help from the Red Cross or Salvation Army? If not, I can give you 

names of organizations that can help you find temporary housing.” 

She put her hand up stopping him. “No, we’re fine. We’re staying with relatives for 

now. I was insured, thank God. But thank you again. May I ask how you are doing?” 

Jonathan hadn’t taken notice of the mother until she spoke directly to him. Her 

thick curvy figure filled in every space of the tight red dress she wore. Her large 

breasts strained and spilled over the scoop neck instantly drawing him in. “I’m 

doing great. I hope to be out of here in a few days if this beautiful and talented ther- 
apist can whip me into shape,” he said throwing a glance in Gabrielle’s direction.

The woman casually browsed Gabrielle from the corner of her eye. The scrubs and 

lab coat did nothing for her figure but she had to admit the woman was attractive. 

“That is excellent news. By the way, I’m Sandra Rhodes,” she said sticking her hand 

forward for him to shake. 

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Rhodes,” he replied taking her hand. “This is Gabrielle 


Ignoring Gabrielle, she kept her focus on Jonathan. “Please call me Sandra and its 

Miss,” she said deepening her voice to a sexy alto and tossing long black hair with 

light golden streaks blended throughout, over her shoulders. 

Gabrielle placed her hands inside the pockets of her lab coat and remained silent. 

She knew a phony when she saw one and this woman had phony written all over 


The strong scent of her perfume was enough to choke an elephant and the length 

of her fake hair could swing monkeys from tree to tree, spaced miles apart. But, 

most of all, she observed Jonathan’s body reactions. He was obviously enjoying 

the gratitude the smelly woman with the velvety mocha skin, was showering over 


“I’m Jonathan but I’m sure Amira remembers my name.” 

The hospital representative witnessed the strange vibrations settling in the room 

and said. “Well, we should get going and let Mr. DeMinico and Ms. King go back 

to what they were doing.” 

“Of course,” Sandra said reaching inside her purse. “Jonathan, I would love to take 

you to dinner once you’re feeling able and if you are available—I wouldn’t want to 

step on a Mrs. DeMinico’s toes.” 

He stammered before answering with Gabrielle standing so close. He had flirted 

with her earlier and it was obvious Sandra was doing the same to him. If he played 

into the temptations of Sandra, he would come off as the womanizer he’d been 
tagged by his friends. “Um, no I’m not married and the sweater is enough. You 

don’t have to do a dinner,” he managed to squeak from his parched lips. 

She handed him a business card running her tongue across her heavily painted red 

lips. “If you change your mind about dinner let me know. Either way, Amira and I 

would love to keep in touch with you. My information is on the card.” 

He took the card between his fingertips, holding it like it was contaminated. 

“Sure, Amira can have a tour of the fire station if she wants; just call my Lieutenant 

and he’ll set aside time for you to come by.” 

The girl’s eyes lit up instantly. “Mom, can we go today!” 

“Amira, wouldn’t it be more fun to do it when Jonathan is back at work? Why don’t 

we wait for him to return to the fire station before we do the tour?” 

Gabrielle rolled her eyes wishing the woman with the wide hips and big breasts 

would take her cute little kid and exit the room. She could not understand the 

aggravation she was having with their presence considering she’d only met 

Jonathan a few hours earlier. 

Sandra reveled in the displeasure plastered on the therapist’s face and decided to 

work her dander even more. “Okay, honey, give Jonathan a hug. We should go and 

let him rest; we’ll come back tomorrow and visit with him for a while.” 

Jonathan braced for the pain, but was surprised Amira’s hug was gentle and did 

not hurt when she squeezed her arms around his neck. “Thank you for the sweater, 

Amira; I love it.” 

Next Sandra came over to him. The fleshy portion of her double-D breasts shook 

like jelly and spilled further over the top of her dress when she bent down to hug 


Even though he had the oxygen nose tube inserted, her strong perfume penetrated 

his nasal passages sending a searing burn down his sensitive throat; forcing him 

to wheeze severely. 

Gabrielle moved the woman away as she came from the side of the bed to help 
him. “Please move away from him. Your perfume is causing this to happen.” 

The hospital representative ushered the visitors from the room, saying, “I’ll send in 

the nurse.” 

“Just get her out of here!” She said filling a syringe with heparin.” 

Chapter Two 

Jonathan flipped through the limited channels on the television. He was tired of 

watching food shows, talk shows and health shows dealing with acute and chronic 

illnesses. Clicking it off, he opened the Men’s fitness magazine lying on the tray 

table next to his plate of uneaten food. Five days of hospital confinement had driv- 

en him stir crazy. The doctor was supposed to be making a decision on releasing 

him but his apparent no-show was giving him reason to believe he would not be 

sleeping in his own bed. 

Frustrated, he hit the tray table with the palm of his bandaged hand knocking over 

a can of ginger ale. “Dammit!” He cursed grabbing a towel to stop the liquid from 


“Are we having a bad day?” 

“You wouldn’t believe how fucking bad!” He barked before looking to see whom he 

was talking too. He raised his head to see Gabrielle standing at the side of his bed. 

“Excuse my language. I’m just—“ 

“Don’t apologize to me. I would be frustrated too if I were confined to bed.” 

“Five days of this crap is enough,” he grumbled, wiping wet soda from his robe. 

“Then to make it worse, you take advantage of me and then dump Millie on me 


I thought we were friends?” 

“I know I will hate myself for asking, but how did I take advantage of you?” 

“Millie never warms her stethoscope before touching me.” 

“Millie and I use different techniques and it doesn’t mean I only do that for you.” 

Her sultry eyes had him swirling. “I beg to differ; I know you like me. So where 

have you been? You get me all hot and bothered the other day and drop me.” 

“You’re part of Millie’s caseload and I’ve been too busy with my own patients to 

take on hers.” 

“How do I go about getting you permanently?” 

“You can’t. Millie is over me and practically runs the department.” 

Taking the fork from his tray he pounded lightly on the table. “I demand that be 

changed; who do I call?” 

“You are so silly and I’m flattered,” she said sitting at the foot of the bed to keep a 

safe distance between them. “I only stopped by to see if you were still here since I 

was on the floor. You look a lot better than the last time I saw you.” 

“You think so?” Jonathan opened his robe. “Do you wanna listen to my chest and 

make sure everything’s in working order?” 

Gabrielle noticed the redness in his eyes was lessening, giving the hazel color of 

his irises prominence. She took her stethoscope from around her neck and placed 

the ends in her ears. Holding it in the air, she joked. “I hear the heavy gurgling 

from here. 

My advice would be you stay a few more days.” 

Jonathan rolled the tray table aside moving his legs to the side of the bed to sit up- 

right. With nothing separating them, he lowered his baritone voice saying, “Is that 

your diagnoses or your wish, Ms. King?” 

Mesmerized by his closeness, Gabrielle’s mouth went dry. She could not 

pinpoint what was causing the strong attraction to this stranger. She’d been in the 

company of handsome White, Asian, Latino and even some Arab men and never 

been affected by them. Besides, she’d never been asked out by a White man nor 

had any openly flirted with her. The occasional sideways glance would be all she 

would get when she would walk by a few, but nothing verbal like Jonathan DeMi- 

nico was doing. 

Jonathan nudged her with his shoulder. “Well?” 

She blinked clearing her head. “I should be going. I have to drop off samples to the 

lab and get to some other stuff on my list.” She checked her watch. “Wow, time 

sure flies when you’re goofing off.” 

He grabbed hold of her wrist. “Not this time. You keep making excuses to leave 

just as we’re getting to know each other.” 

“Jonathan, this is unethical. You’re a patient in a hospital where I’m employed; I 

have to keep our relationship professional.” 

“You only treated me once, so technically, I’m not your patient.” 

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter if I treated you or not. I can’t get involved 

with a patient.” 

A loud knock on the door interrupted them. The physician tending to his care en- 

tered the room. 

“Mr. DeMinico,” the doctor said loudly. 

Jonathan released Gabrielle’s wrist and watched her ease off the bed to stand by 

the window. “Dr. Goldberg, I hope this is the visit I’ve been waiting for all day.” 

“Indeed it is. Are you ready to go home?” 

“Is the sky blue; c’mon—don’t play with me, Doc.” 

“Yeah, okay, I won’t. You’re being released today but there are restrictions.” 

“Restrictions—like what?” He frowned. 

“You have to do outpatient therapy to get rid of the remaining soot in your lungs. I 

want you to make an appointment with respiratory therapy before you leave today; 

they will decide how often you should come in for treatments.” 

“No problem, I can do that. When can I return to work?” 

“In about four to six weeks. You have four broken ribs that gotta heal. How do you 

expect to haul heavy gear with broken ribs?” 

“Damn, I forgot about those. What am I gonna do for six weeks?” 

“You can start by relaxing and getting your lungs healthy. I’m sending you home 

with a portable oxygen tank. If you do okay without it during the day, that’s fine, but 
I want you wear it night. Do you have anyone at home or, anyone that can check on 

you daily?” 

“Doc, I’m a firefighter and don’t need a babysitter.” 

“I’m not saying you do, but you live in an apartment with a lot of stairs; you’ll get 

winded easily and might need assistance, Mr. Firefighter.” 

Nick and Anthony entered the room and stood by the door not wanting to 

interrupt what the doctor was saying to Jonathan. Anthony assumed from the tone 

of the conversation Jonathan was being released from the hospital. 

Jonathan shook his head. “No, I don’t have anyone to check on me during the day, 

but I know how to call for help if I need it.” 

Anthony spoke out of turn answering for Jonathan. “Doc, my sister will be more 

than happy to keep an eye on Jon. She has a big house with a bedroom on the first 

floor just waitin’ on him.” 

The doctor turned around to give Anthony the thumbs-up. “Great! Good luck, Mr. 

DeMinico. The nurse will be in with instructions on follow-up care and your dis- 

charge papers.” He shook Jonathan’s hand. “I’ll see you in my office next week.” 

Excited, he got off the bed ripping off his robe until he remembered Gabrielle was 

in the room. “Guys, I want you to meet Gabrielle King. She’s the best damn respi- 

ratory therapist in this place and hopefully, since I’m no longer a patient, she will 

become a personal friend.” 

“Finally we get to meet the famous Gabrielle he talks so much about. I’m Anthony, 

also a firefighter, and that big dude standing by the bathroom door is Nick.” 

Gabrielle lowered her shoulders when Anthony raised her hand to kiss the back of 

it. “It’s a pleasure meeting both of you.” Removing her hand from Anthony’s, she 

walked to the door. “I will leave you all to chat. Congrats, on your release, Jonathan. 

Take care of yourself.” 

Jonathan stood dumbfounded by her sudden departure. “What the hell was 

that? Before you guys interrupted we were getting down to real business.” 
Nick laughed. “Yeah, the real business of her flipping you off; we saved you the 

embarrassment of that happening.” 

Anthony strutted to the door. “I’ll be right back. I gotta take care of a lil’ 


“Where the hell is he going?” Jonathan asked throwing his robe on the bed. 

“Seriously—you wanna pretend you don’t know what he’s going to do?” 

“He wouldn’t do that knowing how I feel about her.” 

“We’re talking about Anthony! I gotta say she’s a hot little number but a little on the 

cold side.” 

“Nick, she’s not like that at all. She’s feeling me, but she’s letting something else 

block our flow.” 

“Well flow or no flow, she high-tailed it out that door not giving a damn about you. 

Suck it up, bro; not all women are into firefighters, or, maybe she has a man.” 

“I wasn’t getting that vibe from her. She got real irritated when Sandra Rhodes vis- 

ited me. She was acting all jealous. It’s something else, Nick.” 

“Who is Sandra Rhodes?” 

“The mother of the victim I rescued.” 

Nick’s evil eyes lit up. “Oh yeah, what was the momma like?” 

“She was OK; she did have a banging body but she’s not my type.” 

“Why—cause she ain’t the therapist chick?” 

“No because there is a father for her kid somewhere, and I ain’t trying to be part of 

any drama. I need a woman with no kids or exes in the picture.” 

“Good luck finding that if you continue to pursue those types of women.” 

Jonathan frowned. “Nick, what the hell do you mean by that?” 

“I’m being real, Jon. If you want to mess with women of other races, you should ex- 

pect them to have a bunch of kids with different daddies. Shit, most of the time the 

whole damn family will be living under the same roof with the ex in the basement. 

The facts speak for themselves.” 

“You need to get off that, Nick. Not all black women fall in that category. I happen 

to love Black women and prefer to be with them. If you gotta a problem with that— 

tough shit! And, who are you to make dumbass comments about absent fathers! 

You forget you got a kid you don’t see often.” 

“I’m divorced and my situation is totally different!” 

“It doesn’t change the fact that Dana is a white woman with a kid you don’t see, but 

you’re not putting her in some stupid ass category.” 

“Whatever. Don’t take it out on me because Gabrielle ain’t throwing you any play.” 

The anger resonated in Jonathan’s voice. “Nick, lately you’ve voiced some nasty 

comments about the women I’ve dated. Do you remember some of the shit you 

said about Kimi when we were dating?” 

“Come on, man that was eons ago, and I still don’t believe she was born in Japan; 

her English was better than mine.” 

“Yeah it was a long time ago, and it still bothers me. I’m surprised Anthony stays 

friends with you because of the shit you say. A lot of it is downright racist and it 

makes me look bad.” 

“How am I making you look bad?” 

Jonathan poked a finger in Nick’s shoulder saying, “Because I’m usually around 

when the stupid comments fall from your big mouth. I’m tired of getting guilt by 

association looks.” 

“Sorry I stepped on a sore-spot. And, just so you know, I don’t have a problem with 

black women or you banging them; now those other ones, I might have had a prob- 

lem with.” Nick placed a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder. “Think about this—just 

maybe the pretty therapist doesn’t dig white dudes. I say let it go and move on to a 

woman that will appreciate what you have to offer; it ain’t like you will see her 


Jonathan shook his head. “She is the one I want. Gabrielle King is the woman I 

have been waiting to meet my whole life.” 

“Sorry it didn’t formulate the way you wanted, man. Get dressed so we can get out 
of this depressing place.” 

Anthony returned to the room bouncing on his heels. “You were right, Jon. 

Gabrielle is one fine honey. She is smart, makes her own money and does not have 

a man or any kids.” 

“Damn, Anthony, you found all that out in the few minutes you were gone and this 

jug-head couldn’t get shit from her the whole five days he was here? 

Unbelievable,” Nick said laughing. 

Dismissing Nick’s comment, Jonathan turned his attention to Anthony. “Did you 

ask her out?” 

“Yeah, but she turned me down flat. I’ll have to keep working on her; I’ll wear her 

down eventually.” 

Nick raised his hands upward, laughing. “This is some funny shit! Anthony, I’m 

gonna sit here and make sure you don’t get your ass kicked, and Jon, remember 

you got broken ribs before you tear into Anthony’s ass.” 

Anthony asked. “What are you talking about, Nick?” 

He pointed a finger at Anthony. “You’re hitting on Jon’s woman. You know the 


“Whoa, hold the phone—Jon, are there sparks happening between you and 


“I guess not if she didn’t say anything to you—can we go now?” He snatched his 

bag from the bed tossing it by the door. 

Nick turned on the television. “You haven’t been formally discharged; we can’t just 


“Fuck,” he grumbled under his breath. Stomping into the bathroom, he 

slammed the door. 

Anthony’s mouth dropped open. “What the hell happened while I was gone?” 

“Nothing he won’t get over. Did you get her number for real?” 

“Yeah but she was hesitant. I think she is a little interested in Jon but I didn’t see it 
till now.” 

“She already told him they can’t date; so if I were you, I’d go for it.” 

“Nah, I want to discuss it with Jon further. I think he’s really feeling her and I don’t 

want to come between them.” 

“Anthony, quit being a big ass pussy! The woman told him she didn’t want to date 

him; what more do you need?” 

“I need approval from Jon. Unlike you, I respect his feelings and know it would hurt 

him if I showed up at an event with Gabrielle. I’m a true friend, Nick; maybe you 

should try being one for a change.” 

Nick twitched his lip. “You’re both firefighting pussies if you ask me, and need to 

grow a set of balls.”

With a scowl, Anthony replied, “Well no one asked you so shut the fuck up!”

Chapter Three 

“Are you comfy, Jonathan? Do want more pillows to put under your arms to help 

your ribs?” 

“Gwen, stop fussing over me; I’m good.” He tried shooing her away from the 

room. “Go be with the family. I’m gonna watch a little TV and take a nap; the pain 

pills make me drowsy.” 

“Okay, I will wake you for dinner. If you need anything, ring the bell and me or one 

of the kids will get whatever you want.” 

“Gwen, come here,” he summoned with open arms. She sat close to him on the 

queen-sized bed. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her forehead. “Thank you for 

taking care of me. I owe Kevin for letting me stay here.” 

“You are family, Jonathan. Regardless of what anyone says, you’re as much my 

brother as Anthony. I can’t stand this new Nick, but tolerate him because you both 

like him.” 

He removed a soft curl from her tiny face. She was younger than Anthony but car- 

ried the burden of holding the family together after their father died. Gwen married 

her high school sweetheart and had twin seven-year old girls, a dog and a large 
five-bedroom house located in Bedford; a suburb located on the southeast side of 


A former elementary school teacher, she quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom 

while Kevin supported his family on his salary as a Research Chemical Engineer. 

“Why can’t more people have a heart like yours?” He asked looking into her dark 


“It sounds as if you need to talk; I’m all ears.” 

He shook his head. “Nah, I’m cool. I just wish more people were like you.” 

“There are plenty people like me; we just aren’t easy to find in a crowd.” She stood 

from the bed tucking the blankets around him. “When it’s time to change your ban- 

dages, I’ll let you bathe before rewrapping your hands. I have the perfect shampoo 

to take the smoky smell from your hair too.” 

Anthony appeared in the bedroom chomping on a sandwich. “Gwen, Kevin is on 

the phone for you.” 

“Oh, thanks. I need him to stop by the store on his way home from work.” 

Anthony raised his arm as Gwen passed under it leaving the room. He closed the 

door. “I didn’t want to ask earlier; but what happened between you and Nick?” 

“You know how Nick is. He just keeps pushing buttons until he hits the one to 

make me explode and go off on him.” 

“Yeah, lately he’s been a handful but we’ve been cool for a long time. I don’t get 

why he’s annoyed with me or you pursuing women of color.” 

“Nick is being a freaking bigot and I’m about ready to cut his ass loose. I don’t 

need the excess stress when he’s acting an ass.” 


“Just forget I said that. I’m being petty and saying stupid shit that should be ig- 


“You don’t mince words, Jon. Does Nick have a problem with me? I noticed it 

when I was dating Melanie, he got distant, and when we split he came around 

And, since you’ve been hurt, he’s been hanging around the firehouse with Sawyer 

and Reiss. I didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but now it makes sense.” 

“Don’t let him sweat you. As long as we got his back in the field, there is no law 

written we have to hang with him on our days off.” 

“Speaking of work, I gotta go. I did a trade with Fuller and won’t have an off day 

until Friday.” 

“I’m in good hands with Gwen. 

“Yup, she will take good care of you.” He started to leave and stopped. “Hey, I 

need to know about Gabrielle. Jon, I won’t pursue her if you’re really into her?” 

“It doesn’t matter; I don’t think she’s interested in me. Anyway, if you do get with 

her; I know you will treat her like the class act she is.” 

“Well, the number she gave me could be to a pizza place. Women have been 

known to do that. I’ll catch you later.” 

Jonathan laid his head against the high headboard. The side effects from the 

painkillers were taking effect and causing his eyelids to become heavy and laden 

with sleep. Nodding off he could hear his own breathing ringing in his ears. The 

soft comfortable bed conformed to his large body allowing him to drift into a 

peaceful sleep for a change. 

Jonathan awoke from a sound sleep and a dark room. The savory aroma of food 

drifted lightly inside the room. Easing himself into a sitting position the automatic 

reaction to inhale the mouth-watering scent caught in his gut. A sharp pang 

stopped him from completing the normal body function.

Easing off the bed he limped to the small private bathroom. He felt along the wall 

for the light switch flicking it on to illuminate the charming bathroom done in 

dusty rose colors. Gwen’s knack for decorating showed in every room of the large 

house. She did not leave one room plain or without character. 

Jonathan lowered the lid on the toilet and moved the basket of flowers over on the 

counter. Undoing the gauze from one hand and then the other, he looked at the 

burns on the back of both hands showing signs of healing normally. 

After a quick shave to restore his clean shaven appearance, he got into the shower 

letting the warm water soothe his sore body. The stale smell from his hair filled his 

nose while the thick steam quieted the rattle in his chest. Squirting shampoo in his 

hands he scrubbed away the singe hair. It pooled at it feet before circling and going 

down the drain. 

Emerging from the shower revived, he went into the bedroom and dressed to have 

dinner with the rest of the family. Gwen ran into him coming around the corner 

with a tray of food. “Hey, where are you going? And, you shouldn’t be out of bed. 

Jon, don’t rush your recovery.” 

“You know what they say, the first steps to recovery is helping yourself first. I’ll take 

that,” he said taking the tray. “I want to eat with the rest of the family.” 

“Are you sure you can sit up that long?” 

“Gwen, I’ve been confined to a bed for a week. I can’t lie in that bed and listen to 

you all having fun out here. I just want to be a part of the family for a few hours, if 

that’s okay?” 

“Yeah, come on. We’d love to have you join us.” 

Chapter Four 

Three Weeks Later 

Gabrielle took her coat and purse from the closet and grabbed her lunch from the 

fridge. “See you later, Midnight,” she said stroking the head of the black cat. 

Throwing her coat in the backseat of the 2005 black Chevy Trailblazer she hated 

working the 3:00pm to 11:00pm shift but traded with Laura who wanted to attend 

her son’s dance recital. 

Her cellphone rang inside her purse. She fished it out to answer it before leaving 

the driveway. “Hello.” 

“What’s up, Gabrielle?” 

“Who is this?” She asked. 

“Anthony. You remember; I’m Jonathan DeMinico’s friend—he was released from 

Metro about three weeks ago.” 

“I remember now. What can I do for you, Anthony?” 

“I thought I’d give you a call to check if the number was real, and to see how you’re 

doing with your fine self.” 

“You caught me at a bad time. I’m on my way to work and can’t really talk.” 

“My bad; I’ll make this quick. My sister is having an anniversary party this weekend; 

how would you like to be my date?” 

She nested the phone between her ear and shoulder. “Kind of short notice being 

it’s already Thursday.” 

“My fault, since I run on a different schedule than most people. So, do you think you 

can make it? It would give me an excuse to see you again.” 

Taking in a breath she exhaled slowly. “Um, I’ll think about and it. I’ll call you back 

at this number when I go on break tonight to discuss it further. But, I really have to 


“Cool, I’ll wait for you to call later. Have a great day, sweet thang.” 

Already feeling the mistake of implying she’d accept the date, Gabrielle dropped 

the phone in her purse and pulled from the driveway heading for the highway. Her 

mind wandered to Jonathan. He’d been coming in as an outpatient once a week 

and had managed not to run into him once. She wasn’t sure if that was a good sign 

or a bad sign, but seeing him again would not be terrible. 


Jonathan waited for the elevator in the lobby. Checking his watch he was 

running late for what he prayed would be his last appointment with the respiratory 

therapist. Two weeks recovering at Gwen’s home and finally returning to his apart- 
ment last week proved his strength was returning. His last x-ray revealed all but 

two ribs had healed significantly and his lungs were healthier and almost void of 

the mucus. 

The elevator opened. He stepped inside the empty compartment when he heard a 

woman calling for the elevator. “Hold the elevator, please! I’m coming.” Running 

inside breathless Gabrielle did not look at the person holding the door, but 

pressed the button for the lower level keeping her face forward. 

Jonathan relaxed his shoulders smiling when he saw who the woman was. 

“What are the odds of me running into you today?” 

Gabrielle turned to the face the man standing behind her. Not recognizing him at 

first, her heart did a double take. “Yeah, I agree, what are the odds? How are you, 


“My day just got brighter now that I’ve run into you.” 

“I-I didn’t recognize you at first; the beard is gone. Are you here for your normal ap- 

pointment?” Gabrielle asked not able to take her eyes off him. His hunched-over 

posture was gone and he was standing erect to reach his full 6 foot 4 inch height. 

The black t-shirt hugged his muscular upper body to tuck inside the narrow waist 

of his blue jeans that tapered to tight squeezable buttocks. 

He didn’t want to break the trance he obviously held over her but answered, 

“Yup and hopefully to return this damn oxygen tank. Um, my day is free afterwards; 

I would love to take you to lunch if you are free.” 

Gabrielle’s did not hear any wheezing or crackles and his voice was much clearer 

when he spoke. She assumed this would probably be the last treatment he would 

need as an outpatient. “That would be nice but my shift is just starting. I won’t get 

a dinner break until 7:00 tonight and only if I’m not busy.” 

“I’ll wait.” 

Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “What? You’re going to sit around the hospital for hours 

just to have dinner with me?” 

He shrugged his shoulders. “When you say it, it does sound stupid. How about I 

give you a buzz and come back?” 

“Has anyone told you, you’re very persistent?” 

He nodded. “Maybe once or twice I’ve been told that. Why are we playing this 

game, Gabrielle? I like you and as hard as you are trying to hide it, you like me.” 

She pursed her full lips together. “Please, you have no clue what’s going on in my 

head and besides, I can’t do anything with you because of Anthony.” 

He raised his eyebrows. “You’re dating Anthony? He didn’t tell me you were dat- 


“We aren’t dating, but he asked me to his sister’s anniversary party Saturday night.” 

He nodded. Okay, that’s Saturday—I’m asking you to have a friendly dinner with 

me tonight?” 

“I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am, but I do not date two men at the 

same time especially best friends—that’s just tacky.” 

“Simple solution, don’t go out with Anthony. Look we have an attraction to one an- 

other, right?” The elevator doors opened but he hit the close door button not 

allowing her to exit. “Answer me please.” 

“You should not have done that; this car is very temperamental.” 

“I’m a fireman. If we get stuck, I’ll rescue you; now back to my question.” 

“Alright, there might be a slight attraction between us,” she said making air quotes 

with her fingers. “It doesn’t change the fact that Anthony is your best friend and I 

already sort of agreed to go with him to his sister’s anniversary party.” 

“Why would you accept a date with him knowing I’m attracted to you? I 

recuperated at his sister’s house; you had to know I would be at the party.” 

“Actually it didn’t cross my mind until after I accepted the date, and to be clear, you 

were only flirting with me. Being attracted to someone and flirting are two different 

things. And, from what I have heard; you like to flirt a lot.” 

“Flirting is innocent action. But, I think you are trying to make me jealous by dating 
Anthony? Confess that’s what you’re doing and we can move on from there.” 

She shook her head. “Jonathan, you have one huge ego and no matter what I say, it 

won’t penetrate that thick skull of yours. I’m really late for my shift thanks to you. 

So, if you don’t mind, I’ll be getting off this elevator and forgetting this conver- 

sation ever took place.” She hit the open door button hoping the elevators doors 

would open. 

“What about dinner? You never answered me.” 

She turned to face him tilting her head to one side, aghast. “Oh—my—gosh really;

did we just not cover this?” 

“Um, no we didn’t,” he said folding his arms across his broad chest. “You really 

should answer me since you’re already late and I have all day to stand here and de- 


Gabrielle realized they were blocking the elevator and sighed. “Call the department 

and ask for me around 6:00 tonight. I will let you know if I will be able to do a din- 

ner break.” 

“See, how hard was that? I’ll walk with you since I’m going that way,” he said taking 

her by the elbow. 


Jonathan left the hospital not receiving a final treatment but with a clean bill of 

health from the Respiratory Therapist. Mille didn’t see a need to administer the test 

since she heard no airway obstructions. Returning the oxygen tank he bid her adieu 

and looked around the department for Gabrielle who was nowhere in sight. 

On his way home he made a detour by the fire station. He had not been to the fire 

station since his accident. Walking in the station he interrupted his fellow 

firefighters cleaning house. “Hey! What’s up homies! He announced loudly. 

“Hey, Jon!” Nick greeted stopping his mopping. “You’re in time to help us clean 

for inspection.” 

“I don’t think so; I’m still on leave for a few more weeks; broken ribs gotta heal; he 

said holding his side. 

Lieutenant Murad came from the office to see what was going on. “Jon, good to 

see you…when are you returning for good?” 

“I should be able to return for light duty in a few weeks.” 

“Great, I have plenty of paperwork to keep you busy.” 

“Pile it on; I’m anxious to get back to work,” he said walking with Murad to his of- 


“It’s funny you stopped by today. The little girl you rescued and her mother are 

coming in for a tour in about an hour. You should stick around.” 

He checked his watch; it was past 4:30 in the afternoon. “Lieutenant, ain’t it a little 

late in the day for giving tours.” 

“Yeah, but, the mother writes a column for the Plain Dealer and is doing a piece on 

the fire station. Won’t she be surprised to find the real hero here today?” 

A shudder ran through his body. “Sorry, but I won’t be around that long.” 

“You can make an exception this once.” 

“Guess I don’t have a choice,” he said to lowly. He spotted Anthony coming 

around the corner carrying a trash bag. “Yo, Anthony; can I talk to you for a sec- 


“Jon, what’cha doing around these parts?” 

“I stopped by to chat with the fella’s but I want to talk to you in private.” 

Anthony caught the seriousness in his voice. “Okay, follow me to the dumpster out 


The March day was warmer than normal and sunny. Sprouts of green leaves 

were popping on several trees in the backyard of the firehouse. Taking a seat at the 

picnic table, Jonathan motioned for Anthony to sit. “Anthony, you my boy, we grew 
up together and have been friends a long time.” 

“Yeah, so what’s up?” 

“I’m not gonna sugar coat this. I saw Gabrielle at the hospital today. She told me 

you asked her to Gwen’s party Saturday. Why would you do that, man?” 

“Because you said it was okay for me to ask her out.” 

“I didn’t expect you to do it! You knew I would be there. Did you even consider how 

that shit would bother me?” 

“No I didn’t and you know why? I waited before calling her to see if you were just 

taking shit, and after three weeks passed and you said nothing; so I called her.” 

“Well, I’m not over her. I went to my appointments hoping to run into her and 

today I did. She is more beautiful than I remembered.” 

“Damn, man, do you hear yourself? You sound whipped and she ain’t even into 

you all like that.” 

“Thanks to you, she’ll never be. Did you know she has this thing about dating best 


“No, but she hasn’t actually agree to be my date yet; maybe that’s why.” 

“Anthony, I’m asking you as my friend, to back off her. I have a chance to have 

happiness with one woman finally and you’re blocking me.” 

Anthony rubbed his bald head. “If she turns me down then I will. It ain’t personal; 

Jon, but I gotta see where this goes.” 

Nick called from the door with a snide grin on his face. “Yo, Jon, you gotta vis- 

itor—Ms. Rhodes.” 

He dropped his head doing a slow shake. “I see this day nose-diving straight to 


“Why don’t you give Ms. Rhodes a chance? She’s throwing you play and you’re de- 

flecting it. She might just be what you need instead of Gabrielle.” 

Jonathan was not amused and rolled his eyes. “I’m not a rebound guy and won’t 

use Sandra. But you’re right, what’s happening between us is not personal, but I 
will have Gabrielle and I hope we will remain friends after that happens.” 

Anthony shrugged his shoulders. “Bring your game, bro, and let the chips fly. 

And, if she chooses you in the end, there won’t be any animosity coming from 


He bumped a fist with Anthony sealing the deal and making a suggesting. “You 

should meet Sandra. I know you like ‘em thick and she is thick in all the right 


“I don’t have a choice but to meet her since she’s here. For the record, I’m bringing 

Gabrielle to the party Saturday regardless of the deal we just made.” 

“That’s cool; if she accepts. I can suck it up for the one night you get to be with 

her. But, you better believe I’m gonna be all up in your face blocking your flow.” 


Amira ran over to hug Jonathan soon as he entered the fire station. “Jonathan! 

You’re here!” 

He kneeled down hugging the child. “I heard you were coming so I decided to stick 

around and wait for you. Are you ready for that tour?” 

She nodded her head excited. “Yeah—c’mon, Mom” 

“Give me a minute with your Mom, Amira,” he said looking up to lock eyes with 

the woman freaking him out with her lascivious smile. 

Sandra had dressed more professionally in a slimming gray A-line skirt that 

touched her knee and a matching suit jacket with a plain white blouse underneath. 

Black pumps graced her feet and her hair was pulled into a long ponytail to the 

back of her head. As hard as she tried, there was no hiding her large breasts strain- 

ing the single button holding the jacket together. 

Jonathan extended his hand in a friendly manner. “Sandra, how are you?” 

She pushed his hand away. “I don’t want a handshake; give me a big hug.” 
He complied hesitantly. “Okay, but not too tight. My ribs are still sore.” 

Her arm wrapped around him. His eyes watered from the strong scent of her per- 

fume. Jonathan felt her hands caressing his back and broke the hug moving her 

away from him. “I want you to meet a good friend of mine.” He motioned for An- 

thony to come from hiding behind the ladder truck. “This is Anthony Jenkins; he 

was part of the rescue that night along with Nick who seems to have disappeared.” 

Sandra’s eyes roamed over Anthony. Anthony was also tall with a very 

muscular build. His dark chocolate skin was void of blemishes and had a perfect 

bald head that fit his handsome face. She bit her lower lip as she extended her 

hand. “Hello, Anthony; I guess I owe you thanks for saving my daughter, also.” 

Anthony stifled a sneeze as the perfume cut through the cavities of his sinuses 

penetrating his brain. “We’re here to serve. I gotta go; I left the hose running in the 

yard. Enjoy your tour.” 

Jonathan reached hold of Anthony’s sleeve. “Hold on, Ant. You turned the water off 

before we came inside, remember,” he said raising his eyebrow. 

Anthony cringed clinching his jaw tightly. “Geez, Jon, thanks for reminding me.” 

He slapped Anthony on the arm, smiling. “I got your back. Um, you don’t mind 

showing Sandra around while I let Amira sit inside the fire truck do you? I’m sure 

you two will get along fine without me.” 

“No problem, we can start the tour outside.” He hit the lever to lift the bay doors 

and let in fresh air. 

Sandra sauntered next to Anthony slipping her arm through his. “I would love to 

have you show me around outside.” 

Anthony looked over his shoulder at Jonathan, mouthing, “I will get you.” 

Chapter Five 

Gabrielle gave a squint to the clock on the wall. It was almost 6:30 and so far she 

had not heard a word from Jonathan. Her dinner break began at 7:00pm and de- 

pending on where he was in the area, he probably would not make it before her 
one-hour break was over. 

With a deep sigh, she began restocking the shelves with supplies. Slamming items 

into place she didn’t understand her frustration. Jonathan was not the type of man 

she would become involved with after overhearing the conversation with his 

friends. The only reason she agreed to share her free hour with him was to stop his 

begging. But, obviously a better deal came along and he didn’t have the courtesy to 

call and cancel. 

Gathering the magazines patients had left lying in the treatment rooms, she went to 

the waiting area to return them. She stopped when she saw a shadow brush by the 

slither of glass the double doors provided. Another reason she hated working the 

late shift. The departments located on the lower level of the hospital were always 

the first to clear of people when closing for the night, leaving only a scattering of 

medical personnel around to staff the departments open twenty-four hours a day. 

Respiratory therapy was one of those departments. Even though the outpatient por- 

tion of the department was closed, a small staff was always on duty for emer- 


Gabrielle went to the desk to call for security to do a sweep, but hung up the tele- 

phone when she saw a nurse pushing a patient in a wheelchair pass the door not 

appearing concerned. She decided to lock the double doors since the cleaning staff 

wouldn’t make another round for a few hours. They had keys and could let them- 

selves in. 

Gabrielle opened the doors to latch the first door. She started to close the second 

door when a hand grabbed it. Her heart pounded wildly until the man came into 


Pinching the nerve between her eyes, she huffed. “You scared the hell out of me!” 

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” 

“Jonathan, why didn’t you knock?” 

“I just arrived and decided to see if you were still down here since it not time for 
your break. Why so spooked? Is the morgue on this floor?” 

“No it’s not. And, I’m spooked because people don’t normally linger in hallways of 

a hospital after hours, unless they are waiting to be treated.” 

He laughed. “Well I can see you not a fan of horror movies, especially those that 

take place in hospitals.” 

“No I’m not.” She locked the door and returned to the waiting room. “You took a 

chance just showing up. You were supposed to have me paged.” 

He followed her inside. “I know but I wasn’t at home and decided to drop by. So 

can you get away?” 

“Yes. Let me wash my hands then we can go to the cafeteria for some of that great 

cuisine they serve.” 

He frowned. “Seriously, we have to eat here? Are you the only one working tonight 

and can’t leave the premises?” 

“I’m the only specialist working tonight. If an emergency comes up and I’m needed 

to assist in OR, or to approve a procedure for a tech to do, I have to be here.” 

He reached over lifting her name tag dangling from the pocket of her lab coat. 

“Wow, you carry a lot of letters after your name. I didn’t see those on your name 

tag before.” 

She raised her eyebrow. “Perhaps if you had been looking at my name tag 

instead of other things you would have noticed all those little letters.” 

“You got me. I’m guilty as charged.” 

Walking past him to the sink she got a whiff of a familiar scent. “What kind of 

cologne are you wearing?” 

Jonathan lifted his shirt to his nose to sniff. “That is not my cologne—“ 

The smell came back to her and she cut him off. “That smells like that god-awful 

perfume that woman was wearing that came to visit you. Were you with her before 

coming to here?” 

He detected her tone and jumped to defend himself. “I swear I was not with her. 
She is a columnist for the Plain Dealer and came by the station to do a story. I had 

no idea she was going to be there when I stopped by. She had Amira with her and 

she gave me a hug.” 

“Whoa, stop! You don’t owe me any explanations. She didn’t make it a secret she 

found you attractive and you seemed interested in her—“ 

“First of all I am not attracted to her. I’m attracted to you but you’re giving me 

mixed signals. Gabrielle, be honest, do you see yourself dating a guy like me?” 

She shrugged her shoulders. “What do you mean when you say a guy like you?

I overheard what you said to your friends about women. So, if you mean you’re that 

kind of guy then, no. I won’t date a man that can’t commit to one woman.” 

“I’m not a womanizer. I’m a 36-year old single man that loves women. I do date 

often, but that’s because I haven’t found the right woman to settle down with. I’m 

thinking I might have found her, but she won’t give me the time of day.” 

Gabrielle wrinkled her nose. “You’re 36 years old?” 

“You say that like I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I 

know it’s not polite to ask a woman her age, but how old are you?” 

She shied away. “I’m a little younger?” 

“Exactly how much younger are we talking? Do you get carded buying liquor? 

Are you a genius and graduated from college at age 15 and started your career at 


Gabrielle hated to look him in the eye. His eyes held the depth that drew her in. 

She didn’t want to be drawn to him in a romantic way but his closeness was mak- 

ing her tingle and her body react unnaturally. “I’m not a genius but I am smart, and 

I do get carded even though I’m 29.” 

“Seven years isn’t bad. It just means you’ll still be young enough to enjoy my 

pension when I’m dead and gone.” 

She laughed. “Aren’t you jumping the gun? We haven’t had a first date yet.” 

“It’s all hypothetical. Now that we have established I’m not a womanizer; what else 
is holding you back from liking me?” 

Placing her hands inside the pockets of her lab coat she looked down at the floor. 

“Jonathan, you are a nice guy and have a great personality but—“ 

“But what—am I really too old for you or too white?” 

“That sounds bad when you say it but I’ve never dated outside of my race before. I 

don’t know what to expect.” 

“What’s to expect? I’m a man and you’re a woman. The only difference in our sce- 

nario is the color of our skin. Gabrielle, I’ve dated African-American women so I’m 

not experimenting.” 

“Society has a way of keeping that rip between races open, Jonathan. I would hate 

to hurt a person for saying something dumb.” 

“Narrowed-minded people keep the rip open. Interracial dating is not like it used to 

be back in the day; no one gawks like we’re aliens anymore. But, if you don’t like 

me just say that and don’t use the race card.” 

She smoothed her hair with her hands. “That’s the thing; I do like you and I can’t 

for the life of me figure out why! You’re annoying and pushy—” 

He held up a finger stopping her. “You forgot charming, good-looking, and one 

hell of a sexy ass fireman.” 

She burst out laughing. “Can you sell yourself any harder? Anyhow, can we concen- 

trate on being friends and work our way from there?” 

He smiled. “Being friends is far better than being acquaintances. Are you ready for 


“Yeah, let’s go.” Her pager went off. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she huffed 

looking at the number. 

“Don’t tell me you got an emergency.” 

“I’m needed in ER. Can we try this again another day?” 

“How about I take you out for a real dinner when you get off tonight.” 

“That won’t be until eleven and I have to be back here in the morning at ten. But, 
we’ll be at the same party on Saturday; we can chat then. But, I have to go.” 

“Yeah you better get going—again.” 

She felt the sting in his reply. It did seem whenever she was in his company she 

would make an excuse to leave. “On second thought, how about I call you tonight 

when I get home?” 

“I would like that.” He wrote his phone number on the white board with a blue 

marker and left through the rear exit door. 

Her pager beeped again only flashing the code canceling the emergency. She con- 

templated going after Jonathan but her cellphone rang. Looking at the number it 

was Anthony calling. He would be the most obvious choice for her to pursue if she 

were pursuing a man, but she wasn’t drawn to him the same way she was to 


Sending the call to voicemail, she copied the phone number from the board into 

her cellphone and wiped the board clean. 

Taking her lunch bag from the fridge, she sat at the table to unwrap the neatly 

made turkey sandwich on wheat bread. A long blank stare brought Jonathan’s 

image to view as she chewed. He was engaging, handsome and sexy as all hell; 

there was no denying him that. And, race was not a factor as she led him to believe. 

The problem she was facing was within her—she’d vowed never to be in another 

relationship after what happened almost a year ago.

Chapter Six 

The cars lining the street showed the party was in full bloom by the time Jonathan 

arrived. Dressed in a black suit with all the necessary accessories, he was uncom- 

fortable with the tie around his thick neck and his arms confined inside the long- 

sleeved shirt. He preferred jeans and t-shirts as opposed to dressing up. He exited 

his Chevy Silverado taking the nicely wrapped gift from the passenger’s seat. With 

a looming dread, he walked to the door adjusting a smile to his face. Gwen was like 

a sister and he owed it to her to attend her anniversary party. But tonight, he was 
not in a partying mood knowing Anthony would be with Gabrielle. The thought of 

them together was tearing him up inside. 

Wading through the crowd of people filling the home, he found Gwen and Kevin in 

the living room. Hugging Gwen, he said, “Happy anniversary, sweetheart.” 

Gwen’s eyes widened. “Jonathan, if I weren’t happily married I would have to marry 

you. Damn you look good in a suit!” 

He blushed. “The salesman assured me Hugo Boss could make any man look 

good; I guess he didn’t lie.” 

“The suit adds to the whole package of your fineness….mmm,” she said licking her 


“Okay, I think Kevin is getting a complex. I’m gonna grab a plate of food before it’s 

all gone.” 

“Help yourself to the bar too. If you drink too much, you have a room waiting on 


“Good to know,” he responded. In the dining room he looked around for 

Anthony and Gabrielle. It was too many people filtering from room to room to spot 

them on first sight. He put a few meatballs on a plate and continued down the line 

of the buffet table thinking maybe it was better if he didn’t run into them. 

“It’s about time you made an appearance. I was starting to think you weren’t com- 

ing,” Anthony said slapping Jonathan on the back. 

“I wouldn’t do Gwen and Kevin that way.” When he faced Anthony he noticed he 

was alone. “Where is Gabrielle?” 

“She’s on her way. She got called to work for a few hours. Uh, you know I should 

beat your ass for what you did to me the other day at the station, but I’m over it.” 

He chuckled. “You have to admit that was funny, but Sandra took an instant liking 

to you.” 

“Tell me about it. I couldn’t get rid of her and since you didn’t get to spend any 

time with her at the fire station, I invited her to the party so you two could get bet- 

ter acquainted.” 
Jonathan’s face hit the floor. “Why the hell would you do that stupid shit, An- 


“Watch your mouth, man. The minister of my church is here.” 

His voice deepened. “I don’t give a damn who hears me! You did that so I wouldn’t 

be able to talk to Gabrielle; that was low even for you. You know Sandra is gonna 

be hanging all over me!” 

“Nick is bringing a date and I have one; I didn’t want you to be the only straggler 

looking lonely.” 

“I could have sworn I asked you not to do me any favors! I’m fuckin’ outta here,” 

he said putting the plate on the table. 

“Jon, you’re blowing shit overboard. C’mon, man, chill. You can be nice to Sandra 

for few hours.” 

His mood changed instantly. “You know what I can be nice to her for a few hours.” 

“What’s with the face?” 

“I’m not making a face. I’m just wondering how you are going to handle two 

women tonight?” 


“You invited Sandra right?” 

“Yeah and your point?” 

He looped his arm around Anthony’s shoulder. “Did you tell her I would be her 

date or is she assuming you’re going to be her date?” 

A slow hiss left Anthony’s lips. “Dammit!” 

“You gotta pay attention to details when setting a person up.” A wide grin crossed 

his face as he straightened Anthony’s tie. “Looks like one of your women have ar- 

rived. She looks hot too; go get ‘em, tiger,” he said shoving him forward. 

“I’m really starting not to like you.” 

“Don’t hate the player, hate the way you screwed the game.” Laughing he retrieved 

his plate and scooted away before Sandra cornered him, and Anthony weaseled 
from her grasp. 

At the bar Jonathan ordered a beer from the bartender and heard Nick’s familiar 

bellow. “Yo, Jon.” 

“Over here, Nick,” he waived. Whenever the three of them went out, Nick was al- 

ways sure to have a beautiful woman on his arm. This night was no different. The 

tall, slender red-head with fair skin clung to Nick like a second skin and had been 

accompanying Nick to most social events lately. 

“Jon, I ran into Anthony with the Plain Dealer lady; what gives? I thought he was 

bringing Gabrielle and she was supposed to be your date.” 

“His little plan backfired and now he has two dates to entertain if Gabrielle decides 

to come.” 

“He wouldn’t listen when I said that was a dumb idea. I was going to fix you up 

with Kate’s sister Sarah, but you don’t swing that way.” 

Kate put her hand to her mouth. “Nick you never told me Jon was gay?” 

Jonathan almost choked on his beer. “I’m not gay! Nick, set your girl straight!” 

“Kate, baby, don’t talk; just stand and be beautiful, okay?” 

Jonathan cleared his throat. “Ahem!” 

“Oh and what I meant is Jon ain’t into our kind.” 

“What other kind is there? I thought he just liked black women.” 

Jonathan rolled his eyes getting up from the barstool. “I haven’t had enough to 

drink to deal with this conversation. I’ll catch you two later.” 

Jonathan wandered into the backyard where people occupied several of the patio 

chairs to chat and enjoy the unusual warm night. The house was over-capacitated, 

and being a fireman he knew the dangers of having too many people gathered in 

one spot, but overlooked it since these were his friends. 

Strolling down the driveway his breath was taken away. Gabrielle looked lost mak- 

ing her way up the driveway carrying a tiny gift bag. A smile crossed her face when 

she saw him in the distance. He walked down the short driveway to meet her. 
“You look lost.” 

“I am. I’m glad I ran into you. I’ve been calling Anthony but his phone goes straight 

to voicemail.” 

Jonathan looked around. “The house is packed and loud; he probably can’t hear it.” 

He scanned her over. He’d never seen her without hospital scrubs or a lab coat be- 

fore. The strapless black mini cocktail dress showed just the right amount of thigh 

and the stiletto pumps gave her long legs extra sex appeal. She had chosen to wear 

her hair curly on top with bangs sweeping over her left brow. “You look beautiful, 


She adjusted the silky lace wrap over her shoulders. “Thank you. I gotta say you 

look pretty darn tasty yourself.” Diverting her eyes away from his handsome face 

she glazed over his tall frame lowering her head. “I wish Anthony would answer his 

phone. I don’t know anyone here and feel weird walking inside the house by my- 


“Not true you know me and I’ll go with you inside.” 

“You didn’t bring a date?” 

“Nope; I’m all alone.” 

“What a waste,” she whispered under her breath.” 

“Sorry, I didn’t hear that.” 

Gabrielle cleared her throat. “I didn’t say anything.” 

He bent his elbow to allow her to slip her arm through. “Shall we go find your 


“Might as well get this over with,” she answered taking his arm. 

Inside the crowed house again, it took a while to locate Anthony. When they finally 

located him in the basement, he and Sandra were tangled together slow dancing 

provocatively. Gabrielle shook her head. “Well, I wasted hours getting dressed for 


Jonathan, would you please give my gift to Anthony’s sister? I’m going home.” 
He clutched her arm tighter. “Don’t go—I’m here alone. How would you like to be 

my date for the evening?” 

“How can I say no with you looking the way you do,” she smiled. 

Jonathan took the bag from her and set it on a table. “Shall we dance?” 

Moving close to where Anthony and Sandra were dancing, Jonathan pulled 

Gabrielle into his arms; she fit perfectly. Sliding his arm around her slender waist 

he felt her body relax and her head rest on his shoulder. He was not a dancer but 

could keep a beat to the tempo of slow music. He felt her arm circle around his 

neck as their bodies moved to the sensual music. 

He whispered in her ear. “You know you’re killing me, right?” 

“How am I doing that?” She asked inhaling the light scent of his cologne; it was 

just the right amount to arouse the senses. And, the feel of his arms around her 

made her knees wobble slightly as she kept in step with the music. 

“Your sweet sensual smell, your sexy body next to mine; I’m dying inside.” 

“Maybe we should stop dancing before you’ll need resuscitation by one of your 

fellow firefighters.” 

He caressed his cheek next to hers, saying, “I don’t want anyone’s lips on mine but 


She moved her head to be aligned close to his. Looking into his eyes, she said, 

“You’re a smooth talker, Mr. DeMinico; keep that up and you might get your wish.” 

“How many wishes are you granting me?” 

“I haven’t decided yet, but I will before the night is over,” she replied laying her 

head on his shoulder again. 

Anthony opened his eyes and saw Jonathan and Gabrielle not far from him. He 

broke the tight embrace with Sandra. “I need a drink.” 

Glaring at the back or Gabrielle’s head resting on Jonathan’s shoulder, Sandra drew 

one hand into a tight fist. Regaining her composure, she said, “I could use a drink 

also.” Leaving without saying anything to Jonathan, Anthony took Sandra’s hand to 
go upstairs to the bar. 

Gwen was standing on the basement landing watching Jonathan and the young 

woman enjoying their dance. “Don’t even say it,” he said to her as he let Sandra go 

ahead of him up the stairs. 

“I’m not saying anything. But, Anthony, you did right by stepping aside and letting 

him have a chance with her.” 

“Jon is my boy and I couldn’t do him like that. Plus Gabrielle is feeling him.” 

“I haven’t had a chance to talk to her, but they look great together. Don’t get me 

wrong, you and Sandra make a striking couple.” 

“Gwen, don’t push Sandra on me. I ain’t trying to be in love. I’m a playa and gotta 

have my freedom to choose.” 

She pointed a finger in his chest. “You know what, Anthony; I’m not pushing San- 

dra on you because she seems to be in her own world at times, and I haven’t fig- 

ured out what world that is.” 

“You think Sandra is weird?” 

“I don’t want to say weird just strange.” 

“Gwen, those words have the same meaning.” 

“Alright, then she is weird! But what I’m talking about is how you’re doing 

Melanie—its’ wrong. You keep her dangling on the end of a rope while you play 

around. If you’re going to be single the rest of your life, then let Melanie go so she 

can have a life.” 

His eyes rolled upward. “Ugh, Gwen; you have to stop spending so much time 

watching those relationship shows. Admit you don’t want me with Sandra because 

you and Melanie are friends.” 

“Yes we are friends.” 

“Then ask her why she can’t decide what she wants? It ain’t just me stringing her 

along, but her not knowing if she wants to be with me, or listen to her damn family. 

I gotta find Sandra.” 

Gwen shook her head letting him leave without pushing the issue. Returning her 

attention to Jonathan, she sighed and said, “God, you never said it would be this hard 

raising these two boys.” 


Jonathan and Gabrielle went outside for fresh air. Guests were beginning to leave 

the party as time ticked away. Gabrielle tightened the wrap around her arms to keep 

warm. The weather had turned chilly and felt more like a normal March evening 

should feel instead of the balmy 70-degree day it had reached. 

Jonathan removed his suit jacket slipping it around her shoulders. “Are you warmer 


“Yes, but now you’re going to freeze.” 

“Nah, this is perfect weather. I keep my apartment this cold.” 

“Where do you live, Jonathan?” 

“On the Westside of Cleveland not far from the fire station.” 

“What is your place like?” 

“Why describe it when I can show it to you. Wanna take a ride?” 

Gabrielle did want to take ride and see his apartment. She was having fun and did 

not want it to end so soon, but, she didn’t want to seem easy or eager to be with 

him, either. She thought if the two of them were to go to his place at this hour of 

night, he would expect more than just a tour, and after months with no sexual con- 

tact, she couldn’t trust herself to be alone with him. 

“I’m closer to home if I leave from here; maybe some other time.” 

He licked his lips “Fine. How about I take you to breakfast in the morning? I’ll even 

come get you.” 

“Mm, I have church.” 

“I’ll go with you.” 

“You would come to church with me?” 

“I admit I have sinned but I do believe in God. The big guy answered my prayers 


She laughed. “How—did you pray Anthony would get stuck with the smelly 


Jonathan removed every expression from his face and leaned down closer to her. 

Tilting her chin with the tips of his fingers, he touched his lips to hers. When she 

didn’t pull away, he pressed the kiss tighter. Passing his tongue into her warm 

mouth, she allowed him to play with her tongue. The tasting, teasing and mingling 

of their tongues activated her launch system as well as his. 

Her arms went around his neck drawing him closer. Their noses bumped before 

finding a comfortable position. With eager lips, Jonathan kissed, her chin, cheeks 

the side of her sweet mouth before returning to devour her lips. Weaving her fin- 

gers through his soft hair, Gabrielle sucked in a breath, diving back into the pas- 

sionate kiss; forgetting where they were. 

Their bodies were close. Jonathan could not stop the surge of passion ripping 

through him, awakening every membrane in his body. Gabrielle felt him growing 

against her abdomen and pulled away from the kiss. She didn’t want to start any- 

thing she wasn’t willing to finish. 

“Jonathan, we have to stop,” she said pulling away adjusting the jacket around her 


Still feeling the sting from the kiss, he wiped away any lipstick residue from his 

mouth. In a deep husky voice said, “Yeah, this is not the place to get cozy.” 

“It’s late. I’m going home and take a nice cool shower and go to bed.” 

“Why do that when there is a Marriott around the corner?” Her body stance made 

him retract his words. “Too soon to make that kind of joke; I’ll walk you to your 


Crossing the street, she opened the car door using it as a partition between them. 

“I had fun tonight.” 

“Thanks for hanging with me for the evening. I promise when I take you on a date, I 

will do it right. I’ll pick you up and make sure you get home safe.” 

Her index finger outlined his strong jaw. “I’ll call when I’m home to let you know 

I’m safe.” 

“Don’t forget.” He leaned over the door placing a light kiss on her lips.

Gabrielle smiled returning his jacket before getting in the car and starting the igni- 

tion. He stepped on the curb and watched her drive off. Unloosening his tie, he 

walked to his truck parked a few feet away digging in his pockets for the keys. An- 

thony was leaning against the hood with his arms folded. 

“Congratulations, you won this round,” he said clapping his hands lightly. 

“Go to hell, Anthony. I told you this ain’t a game.” 

“I’m joking with you, quit being so sensitive. I’m not blind and can see she wants 


“She’s being cautious for some reason. The kiss was sweet and I could tell she 

wanted more.” 

“She just met you; give her a minute to get used to you.” 

“You might be right. We haven’t really spent any time alone to talk to get to know 

each other.” 

“It’s a damn good thing you weren’t alone. I thought I was going to have to turn the 

hose on y’all to break up that kiss.” 

“We just got caught in a moment. I’m not planning on sleeping with her on the 

first few dates.” 

“I’m just saying—“ 

Jonathan turned angry. “I know what you’re saying and I’m putting it on record, I’m 

not like that anymore! Gabrielle is the only woman that will have everything I own; 

which includes my faithfulness.” 

“Be careful, Jon. She hasn’t proven to you she deserves it. Don’t wear your heart on 

your sleeve and get it broken.” 

“I get what you’re saying. So, um, how was your evening with Sandra?” 

“I don’t know where it’s going. She is looking for a relationship and I don’t know if 

I’m the one to handle it.” 

“Is it because of Amira? Be glad she only has the one kid and she is a good kid.” 

“Nah, it’s not because of her kid.” 

“Then what’s holding you back, playa?” 

Anthony shook his head. “That stinking ass perfume she wears. The shit is killing 

me, man!” 

Jonathan laughed. “Ask Gwen to buy a bottle of good stuff and give it to her as a 

gift. If she wears what you like at least you can be near her.” 

“I’m gonna have to wait a month to even do that.”

Getting in his truck Jonathan asked. “Should I even ask why?” 

“You can but you already know the answer. I can’t smell anything but that stinking 

shit! Hell, it will take a month for my damn nose to be able to smell anything dif- 


“Anthony, would you give her a shot if she changed her smelly ways?” 

He nodded. “I might. Lord knows she has the assets to keep me interested.” He 

banged his hand on the hood of the truck. “Get home, bro. Are you playing basket- 

ball tomorrow with Nick and me?” 

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to play but I’ll be there.” 

“Good, cuz you know I’m gonna bust his chops about his honey again.” 

“She is different. She had the nerve to think I was gay.” 

“Get the hell outta here! Serious, Jon, where does he find them? Is there a store 

that sells women short of a full stack?” 

“In her defense, to date Nick, she would have to be short of a full stack. I’m outta 

here,” he said as his cellphone rang.

Chapter Seven 

Jonathan hung his gym bag in the locker after changing. He decided it wouldn’t be 
a good idea to play basketball with his ribs still aching, but would walk the tread- 

mill to get in a light workout and try to run a few laps around the track to see if he 

would get winded or stir up any coughing. 

Nick popped from behind the locker door handing him an envelope. “Here and 

keep it on the down low.” 

“What is it?” He asked putting it on the shelf in the locker. 

“I’m throwing a poker party and it’s going to be off the hook!” 

“Nick, since when is playing poker hot?” 

“I got strippers coming to entertain, baby! So bring extra dollars.” 

“Strippers at a poker game—you are getting odder by the day. Why are you whis- 

pering about it? “ 

“I didn’t give Anthony an invite to the party.” 

“We’re supposed to be boys, Nick. Why are you excluding him from stuff?” 

“I’m evolving and moving in different directions; Anthony is still on the silly shit.” 

“Do you hear yourself? You’re having strippers at a poker game—how much sillier 

can you get than that? And, I’m not coming if you don’t invite Anthony.” 

“See, I knew you were closer to him than me! That’s why you’re doing the shit 

you’re doing now.” 

“We are closer because I’ve known him longer. Damn, man, grow up, and quit act- 

ing like this is high school!” 

“Grow up! That’s your answer for everything. I bet if you didn’t hang out with his 

family so much you wouldn’t be switching races.” 

Jonathan’s eyes blazed as he grabbed Nick around the neck. “I told you not to say 

that shit to me! Nobody influences what I do!” 

Nick grabbed Jonathan’s wrist. “Let go of me!” 

He removed his hand from around his throat. “You need to stop hanging out with 

whatever racist ass people are influencing you! Open your eyes to what’s hap- 

pening to you!” 
“They are wide open. You didn’t start your dark escapades until you got tight with 

Anthony. I would hook us up with women all the time and now my women ain’t 

good enough for you.” 

“What the fuck are you talking about? This ain’t new for me. It took me a while to 

go after what I wanted because of the fear of rejection.” 

“Fear of rejection? You had a fear of rejection from a woman….yeah right.” 

“Yeah I did—just like you fear being rejected by a woman with a brain. But, to reit- 

erate an old topic, I don’t have problems with women of any kind; I love them all, 

but I have my preferences.” 

“I have preferences too!” Nick snorted. “And, I don’t fear smart women.” 

Slamming the locker door shut, he frowned. “Prove it, Nick. I dare you to date a 

woman that can count past three.” 

“This ain’t about me but you!” 

“Wrong again, it’s about you and your bigoted way of thinking lately, and until you 

change, there is no need for us to talk anymore unless it has to do with work.” 

Exiting the locker room, hot air filled Jonathan’s cheeks as he took the stairs to the 

weight room. His cellphone rang in the pocket of his basketball shorts. “Yeah,” he 

snapped meanly. 

“Hey, did I catch you at a bad time?” 

The sultry and desirable tone of Gabrielle’s voice filled his ear. “No, I just had a few 

words with an idiot but I’m cool. I thought you would be in church this morning.” 

“I overslept and didn’t make it. What are you doing?” 

He rested against the railing of the stairs to talk on the phone. “I’m at the gym right 


”Jonathan, has your doctor released you to exercise?” 

“I’m not lifting weights or anything—I’m walking the treadmill and maybe going for 

a jog around the track. I gotta keep in shape.” The long pause on the line height- 

ened his interest. “If you aren’t in church, what are your plans for today?” 
“I was thinking I would make brunch for us at my place, and you could bring a movie 

and a nice bottle of wine for us to enjoy.” 

A smile broke across his face taking his anger for Nick away. “Let me make sure 

I’m talking to the right Gabrielle King before I accept the invitation.” 

“I’m the one and only. Well, why don’t you think it over and call me back after you’re 

done at the gym.” 

“The gym can wait; where do you live?” He asked returning to the locker room. 

“Got it; I’ll see you shortly.” He clicked off the phone and hurriedly dressed. 

“Where you going, man?” Anthony came through the door bouncing a 


“Gabrielle called and invited me to brunch at her place.” 

“Sweet—she’s warming up to you.” 

“The fact she made the first move could mean she is. Anthony, I owe you for being 

the better man and letting me pursue this.” 

“Who am I to stand in the way of true love? Are you packing?” 

Jonathan narrowed his brow. “What?” 

“You know! Do you have packing, shields—condoms, man!” 

“Not here but we’re only having brunch; I don’t want to rush things with her.” 

Anthony went to his locker pulling out a box. “Take these just in case. You might 

be taking things slow but she might have other ideas on her mind.” 

Jonathan took two off the strip handing Anthony the box. “I’ll take two just in case.” 

Anthony shook his head giving him the rest of the strip. “You gotta learn to be pre- 

pared. What if she gets feisty after the first two times, then what?” 

Hesitantly he took the strip tucking it in his gym bag. “I won’t ask why you keep 

these in your gym locker, but thanks.” 

“Have you seen the women that come in this place?” 

“Yeah and you have to stop looking at them; you have a woman now,” he joked. 

“What I have is a headache whenever she’s around. Have fun at brunch and do 

everything I would do.” 

“Yeah—I’ll make sure to eat all the grapes from the fruit bowl.” 


Gabrielle placed the fresh vase of flowers on the table and removed the case con- 

taining her grandmother’s silverware from the cabinet to set the table carefully. 

Happy with the outcome she lowered the oven temperature and went to the bath- 

room to finish curling her hair. 

Her reflection in the mirror showed a happy person. She hadn’t entertained a man 

in months and couldn’t wait for Jonathan to arrive. He had broken her will. He had 

managed to cut through her wall and bring her back to life with one kiss. She could 

only imagine what else he could do if they actually had sex. She felt herself moisten 

at the mere thought and shook the image from her head. 

Going into the bedroom, she threw off her robe and slipped into a cream-colored 

silk camisole that showed off her perky breast. Taking a lacy black thong from the 

drawer, she pulled them up her freshly waxed legs adjusting them in place. A pair 

of denim blue skinny jeans finished her look. She admired her look in the mirror. 

She wasn’t rail thin but shapely thin. She stood 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighed 130 

pounds. Her hips were her best asset with the sexy plumpness that had men doing 

a double take. While her breasts were her weakest feature, they were perky, but 

weren’t as big as she would like. Blessed with her mother’s genes, she filled a 32C- 

cup and would never fill anything larger without implants. 

Satisfied with the casual look, she straightened the bed, fixed her makeup and 

slipped on a long sweater to cover her body; she didn’t want to expose too much of 

herself to him before they ate. She slipped into the black fuzzy slippers she nor- 

mally wore around the house. The slippers didn’t match her attire but she didn’t 

want to wear heels and her pedicure was too fresh to hide with socks. 
She patted her chest to ease the racing. “Slow it down, girl. He’s just a man, don’t get 

carried away.” The timer on the oven went off indicating the cinnamon buns were 

ready. The sweet aroma filled the kitchen making it smell like a holiday. Spreading 

the icing on each bun, she set the platter on the table and got the pre-cut bags of 

fruit and a carton of eggs from the fridge. She would make the eggs when Jonathan 


Midnight scurried between her legs. She shooed him away with her foot. “I can’t 

play at the moment, Midnight, we have company coming and I want you to be- 

have,” she said dumping the fruit in a decorative bowl. Feeling confident about 

possibly jumpstarting her love life again, she clicked on the small CD player sitting 

on the kitchen counter to fill the room with Beyonce singing Love On Top. 

Gabrielle danced and sang along with the song placing four sausage links in a skil- 

let. She put the remaining eight in the pan not sure how much Jonathan ate. He 

was a big man and probably ate more than one or two sausages for breakfast. With 

the breakfast meat going she went to the pantry to get the ingredients to make the 

French toast casserole. 

She passed the backdoor to get to the pantry. Pulling the curtain aside, she looked 

outside; it was snowing. She sighed heavily. “Why! Dang it! It was seventy-degrees 

yesterday and today it wants to snow! I hate Cleveland weather,” she grumbled 

gathering her items. 


Jonathan shifted to 4-wheel drive and slowed his speed as the snow fell heavier.

It was mid-morning on a Sunday and not many cars were on the road to help melt 

the snow and no snowplows were around either. The eastside of Cleveland was al- 

ways hit hardest in the winter and Gabrielle lived in the snowbelt area of Mayfield 

Heights. He exited 271 East at Mayfield Road to come to a crawl. The traffic was 

lined bumper to bumper on the off ramp. 

He took his cellphone from the holster and dialed Gabrielle’s number drumming 
his fingers on the steering wheel waiting for her to answer. Finally she did on the 

third ring. “Hi, I’m stuck in traffic not far from you. I think there is an accident up 


“I was getting worried you wouldn’t be able to make it. I can’t believe how hard the 

snow is falling.” 

“A little snow ain’t about to keep me away. But, I think I will take a walk to see if 

there is anything I can do to help.” 

“You are a fireman and I wouldn’t expect you to sit in your car and not do something. 

I’ll keep the food warm until you get here.” 

“I won’t be long. I can’t wait to see you.” 

“Me either. Jonathan, be careful. You’re lungs are still healing and the cold can cause 

them to collapse very easily.” 

“Stop worrying. I’m only going to make sure no one is hurt.” Pulling over to the 

curb, he got out of the truck and went to the back unlocking the compartment that 

held emergency supplies. Taking a few tools and a small extinguisher he walked up 

the ramp to investigate. 

As he suspected there was a two-car accident blocking the intersection. No police 

were on scene and both cars had been heavily damaged. An older man pulling on a 

door fell to the ground. Jonathan ran over to assist. 

“Are you okay?” The Asian man’s English was broken and he barely understood 

what he was saying. “Slow down. I’m a fireman and here to help.” 

The man’s voice was high with excitement. “My wife, she stuck in car.” 

Jonathan went to the passenger’s side of the car that was damaged the worst. 

The older woman was awake but trapped in the backseat of the car. “I’m going to 

get you out, so relax.” 

Other civilians rushed over to help. He asked they check on the ETA of police and 

rescue squads while he worked to free the woman from the wreckage. Using a 

crowbar, he was able to wrench the door ajar slightly. “Do you speak English?” 
“Yes,” the woman nodded. 

“Good, are you hurt?” 

“No,” she shook her head. 

“Okay, you’re wedged in there pretty tight and I can’t get the door open any further. 

I’m going to bring you out through the rear window.” He removed his coat cov- 

ering her head. “Bend over on the seat to avoid the breaking glass.” 

Police arrived on the scene yelling at Jonathan to get off the rear of the car. “Get 

down! Rescue is on the way.” 

Jonathan continued to work yelling back. “I’m a Cleveland firefighter and know 

what I’m doing! One of you could give me a hand getting her out.” 

Together they were able to free the woman who appeared unharmed and 

grateful for the rescue. She bowed thanking Jonathan and handing him his coat. 

Slipping it on, he collected his tools from the ground when the Chief of the May- 

field Fire Department handed him a piece of paper. 

“I need you to read this over and sign it.” 

“I didn’t see the accident. I’m actually parked down the ramp.” 

“You were in the right place at the right time. Thanks for your help. What 

department are you with?” 

“Company 30,” he said feeling the stiffness settle in his side. 

“Ah the infamous Superman station of all the Cleveland fire houses. You think fast 

on your feet.” 

Jonathan chuckled. “I didn’t realize we were known outside of our district. Are the 

occupants of the other vehicle okay?” 

“Yeah; the old man spun out of control hitting them. Thank goodness neither car 

was moving at a high rate of speed” 

“Chief, this might be a busy day for you. I gotta get going; I’m late for a very impor- 

tant date.” 


An hour later, Jonathan rang the doorbell to the small brick ranch-style home. 

He figured Gabrielle would live in an apartment since she was single and worked 

different hours. He could hear music streaming through the closed door as he 


Gabrielle opened the door with her beautiful smile. His heart thumped a little 

harder at the sight of her. She unlatched the screen door allowing him access in- 

side her home. “Come in, its’ freezing out there.” 

“I didn’t think I would ever get here. That accident took over an hour to clear.” 

“Did you have to magically rescue anyone?” She asked taking his coat. 

“Indeed I did. I extracted a woman from a badly mangled car.” 

Her face dropped. “Oh my god, is she okay?” 

“She wasn’t hurt, just shaken a bit. Damn, I forgot the wine in the truck.” 

“Come to the kitchen when you come back in.” 

He returned in seconds taking his shoes off in the small alcove, he followed his 

nose to the kitchen. “You have a nice place. I expected you to live in an apartment 

not a house.” 

“I have a cat and I like to play music loud sometimes; so I figured a house would 

work better for me.” 

He came behind her. The visual of her plump buttocks and slim waistline had him 

wanting to reach out and touch her. “Did I mention you look delicious and the 

food smells good, too?” 

With a slight turn of her head over her shoulder, she said, “No you didn’t but thank 

you. Are you hungry?” 

“I’m starving. I worked up a good appetite freeing that civilian, and I don’t even get 

paid for doing it,” he said with a chuckle. 

“Your payments are shown by the gratitude showered on you by those you’ve 
helped. Have a set and I will fix you a man-sized plate to fill your appetite.” 

“Gratitude doesn’t pay the bills but it’s all good. You cooked a lot of food. You 

aren’t going to fix yourself a saucer-sized plate to keep from eating in front of me, 

are you?” 

“Heck no! I like to eat and have no shame in getting my grub on,” she sniggled. 

He unfolded the napkin placing it on his lap. “A real woman I can relate too. 

You’re beautiful, smart, sexy, and can cook. Why aren’t you married or at least in a 

steady relationship?” 

Sipping the orange juice, she looked over the rim of the glass. “I could ask you the 

same. But in my case, I haven’t found the right man and I guess I’m a little difficult 

to be with when it comes to long-term relationships.” 

“How are you difficult? Do you turn into a raging she-devil after the initial phase of 

getting to know each other is over?” 

“Hardly. I tend to work a lot and it kills the romance. I’ve been told I put work be- 

fore the relationship. I’m going to be honest with you, Jonathan. I’ve haven’t been 

in a relationship in a long time and the longest relationship I’ve ever been in only 

lasted six months.” 

“Gabrielle, don’t try an’ scare me away before we get started. I’m not asking you to 

run down your history to me. I work a lot too. Since I’m single, I do trades to take 

on extra shifts for guys that have families—so I know how it is to work a lot. As it 

is, my hours are different. It seems I’m at the fire station more than I am at home.” 

“How have you been dealing with being on medical leave the last few weeks?” 

“I’m dealing with it better than I thought. I didn’t realize I was exhausted physically. 

The time off has recharged my batteries and given me time to catch up on stuff just 

sitting around the apartment collecting dust.” 

“My vacation is coming this Spring and I can’t wait.” 

“What are you going to do on your time off?” 

“I have brochures stashed in my drawer at work of Jamaica and Montego Bay. I 

want to go lie on the beach of either of those places and do nothing for seven 

whole days.” 

“Are you alone basking on either one these beaches?” 

“I am alone since I never make it past my probation period for dating.” 

“Your problem is you’re not dating the right type of man.” 

She propped her chin on the backs of her hands. “Here we go—you’re going to 

say, you are the man I should be dating.” 

He raised his eyebrow and clicked his tongue to say, “In a nutshell—yup.” 

“How do you know that? We could be different as night and day, Jonathan. I won’t 

dispute the attraction is strong, but once that has lifted what if there is nothing left 


He scooted the chair away from the table throwing the napkin on the plate. 

Taking the few steps to where she sat, he reached a hand out to her. Gabrielle took 

it not knowing what to expect. Her pulse kicked into high gear when he drew her 


She could smell his scent; feel his breath on her forehead. She wanted him more 

than any man she’d ever encountered in her adult life. 

“Do you trust being alone with me?” 

Her mouth was dry with anticipation. “Yes.” 

“I’m opening myself up to you. Do what you want with me, Gabrielle.” 


“I want you to do whatever is on your mind to me. If you want to throw juice in my 

face—then do it.” 

“I’ve never heard of doing anything like this. Is this a test of some sort?” 

“You’re being apprehensive. You have already warned me about your failed rela- 

tionships so I’m giving you the opportunity to do whatever you want to me and 

walk away. But, if you come back, then, I know there is more lying underneath to be 

“You’re crazy and I’m not doing this,” she said huffing. 

“Admit you’re scared there might be more and you don’t want to face it.” 

“I’m not scared of anything. I didn’t get where I am by being scared to take 


The glaze of his hazel eyes never left hers. He concentrated on the actions running 

through her head. He could almost hear her thinking. Gabrielle stood frozen to the 

floor. She’d gone tit-for-tat from day one with him, and now she had him on her 

territory and at her mercy. 

Frowning, she bit her bottom lip. “I’m not apprehensive. You want to know what I 

really want to do to—well I’m about to show you!” 

She shoved him against the counter lifting his t-shirt. Kissing his stomach, her fin- 

gernails clawed at his hard chest. Her tongue traced a line from the middle of his 

chest to veer over and tease a flat nipple. She could hear him sucking in a breath as 

she flicked and suckled his nipple with her tongue. 

Jonathan gritted his teeth balling his fingers in her hair. Her light biting at his body 

was driving him insane. Pulling her to stand straight, his lips descended on hers. 

Parting her lips with his tongue, he sought hers to play. His hands roamed over her 

back and down lower to squeeze her plump derriere. 

She moaned deep in her throat when his hands instantly came up to her breasts 

twirling her nipples with his thumb through the silky fabric. In one swift move he 

pushed the sweater down to expose her shoulder kissing the softness of her skin, 

moving his lips up to her neck and biting her earlobe gently. 

Jonathan moved the both of them over towards the table. Her butt touched the 

edge of it when she stopped him. “Un-um—I eat on this table. Let’s go to my bed- 


In her bedroom he kicked the door shut with his foot resuming his actions. 

Lifting her arms over her head, he removed her sweater and camisole. He had to 

stare at her. She was just as he imagined. Her smooth skin glistened with a light 

Her breasts were perky with round succulent, dark nipples. 

He dove in with both hands anxious to taste the morsels already aroused. 

Gabrielle’s head went back with the first stroke of his tongue. Hot breathing was all 

that was heard echoing in the bedroom. She grabbed the sides of his head drag- 

ging her tongue across his lower lip. Lifting his arms, she removed his shirt toss- 

ing it on the floor. 

Her hands worked eagerly to unbuckle the belt to his jeans. Jonathan pushed her 

hands away pushing her gently backward to lie on the bed and dropping to his 


Undoing her jeans she lifted and wiggled her hips to help him remove them. 

Jonathan thought he would explode from the sight of her swollen womanhood 

through the lacy underwear. He parted her thighs, spreading her open to devour 

her forbidden fruit. 

Gabrielle’s body soared from the bed when Jonathan mouth locked on the 

throbbing nub of flesh. Thrashing her head from side to side, she couldn’t catch a 

breath; his tongue was holding her hostage with pleasure. Her knees closed 

around his head and her hands threaded through his thick hair. At one point the 

sensations were too strong for her to take and forced his head away. Jonathan re- 

fused to comply and licked lower plunging his tongue deep inside her moist 


Her body sprung forward with a sharp intake of breath. He placed a hand on her 

chest holding her down. His fingers closed around her breasts to manipulate the 

swollen mounds; rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. Coupled with what he was 

doing with his tongue, the sensation sent her body into a hard quiver and uncon- 

trollable shake. She closed her eyes grasping the comforter and arching her back 

when the first explosion erupted. 

Gabrielle lay on the bed spent and whispering, “That was freaking amazing.” 

Jonathan stood up watching her recover. A glow outlined her sweat-dripped face. 
“I’m not done yet.” He shoved his jeans down his slim hips to rest around his an- 


She sat up to help him. She wanted to see him, feel and taste him. Pushing down 

his boxers she swallowed hard. His rigid length was more than she expected. 

Stroking him with her hand, he was hot and extremely ready for the next phase. Her 

lips teased the head of his manhood, kissing lightly before letting her tongue trail 

underneath his shaft and back to the top. She wanted to pleasure him like he’d 

done her. 

He watched Gabrielle open her mouth to accept him but couldn’t take more than a 

few inches. The image shot heat to the center of his toes. Jonathan moaned deeply 

from the feel of her soft tongue caressing his thick rigid manhood. He knew too 

much foreplay would not be good and would stop her after a few more minutes. 

Pushing her in a flat position on the bed, he removed a condom from his wallet 

tearing an end from the wrapper. Expertly he slipped it on without taking his eyes 

off her. Hovering over her, he dipped his head to place feather-like kisses to her 

lips; letting his tongue stroked her lower lip. He whispered, “You’re beautiful.” 

He lifted her legs over his broad shoulders prepping her for his entry by rubbing 

his member against her swollen opening. He lowered his head to suck in a stiff 


Popping it from his mouth and alternating to the other nipple to do the same. “Are 

you ready for me?” He whispered tonguing the morsel. She nodded her head be- 

fore hungrily taking him in a deep kiss. 

“Oh God,” Gabrielle moaned loudly when Jonathan tried to push into her all at 

once. He eased off to let the natural stretch of her womanhood give him entry. She 

gyrated and rotated her hips until she was able to accept all nine inches of him. 

The feel of him buried deep inside her was indescribable. 

He lowered his body on top of her, resting the majority of his weight on his fore- 

arms. The footboard of the bed acted as leverage for his feet as he thrust deeper in- 
side her. “Oh baby,” he purred. “You feel so damn good.” 

Her eyes rolled upward as he mercilessly drove into her soliciting sounds from her 

throat she didn’t know she could make. Gabrielle lowered and locked her legs 

around his hips drawing him in deeper. His body was smothering but Gabrielle 

didn’t care. She had never been made love to like this. She raised her arms over her 

head giving him better access to feast on her breasts. Feeling the rumblings of an- 

other orgasm she moved her hips faster. 

Without warning Jonathan withdrew, flipping her over and drawing her to her 

knees. He placed her hands on the edge of the headboard kissing her neck and 

down her back. Spotting the tattoo of a small yellow rose, he kissed it first, then 

each of her plump cheeks before spreading her legs to enter her from behind. 

Gabrielle dropped her head biting her lip bracing for the first stroke to penetrate 

the very core of her. 

Jonathan paced with precision and a steady rhythm. She felt his body stiffen and 

his hands move to hold onto her hips. Moving faster, he growled, grunted, and re- 

lease deep inside of her. Leaning his weight against her, he carried her down to the 

bed wrapping his arms around her, kissing her cheeks, eyes and brows. 

Gabrielle could feel his heart beating hard against her chest. Moments passed be- 

fore either said a word. Jonathan released her and rolled on his back throwing an 

arm across his head. She pulled the afghan from the foot of the bed to cover her 

nakedness and cuddled against him. 

His other arm circled around her shoulder. Wincing he said, “I was wrong. 

When are you gonna say it?” 

“I don’t need to say it. The proof is in the pudding.” 

“You definitely proved me wrong. You whipped my ass, girl.” 

“I think we should call it a tie.” Her hand caressed his bare chest and stomach. 

She heard it growling. “Are you hungry again?” 

“Did we even eat?” 

She sat up on the side of the bed. “Let me take a quick shower and I’ll reheat the 

food for us.” 

Jonathan groaned sitting up. “You should have warned me that getting physical 

with you would be painful.” 

She looked over her shoulder. “All you had to do was say ‘no’ and you wouldn’t be 

in pain.” 

“You didn’t make that an option.” 

“You didn’t allow me to cover the minor details. I’ll make sure to save some hot 

water for you.” 


After cleaning the kitchen and packing away the leftovers, Gabrielle and 

Jonathan settled in to watch a movie in the living room. Jonathan sat on the sofa 

not paying attention to the movie playing, but watching Gabrielle. She’d made sure 

to sit curled in a blanket on the overstuffed chair instead of on the sofa with him. 

Her eye contact had become lessen also. 

Sitting up resting his arms on his knees, he leaned over to talk to her. “Gabrielle, 

talk to me.” 

She took her eyes off the television to look at him saying, “What about?” 

“About us and what happened. You haven’t had much to say to me since we ate.” 

Midnight leaped into her lap. Stroking the cat’s small head, she said, “Jonathan, 

don’t read anything into me being quiet.” 

“Okay, I get that you’re quiet, but where do we go from here? Do you regret what 

we did?” 

“Yeah, I guess I do regret it a little. I don’t want to give the impression I jump into 

bed with a man so quickly.” 

“First, I don’t have that impression about you and second, I could tell you don’t 
sleep around. But, I don’t regret it, Gabrielle. Anthony warned me about wearing 

my heart on my sleeve but I’m gonna do it anyway. I want us to explore the possi- 

bility of a relationship. I’m just asking you to be open.” 

Her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean be open? Do you want to see other women 

during the process?” 

“No, nothing like that. This is new for you. You’ve never dated outside of your race 

so you may need to get used to a few things. I don’t want you to be scared off by 

looks or comments people might make.” 

“Jonathan, I haven’t had to share my privacy with a man for close to a year.” 

Placing the cat on the floor she walked to the window. “The thought of opening 

myself to being hurt or disappointment again is not something I’m sure I want to 


Jonathan came up behind her placing his hands gently on her shoulders. 

Smelling the scent of her hair, he spoke softly. “I won’t hurt you. I can’t promise 

every day will be good but it won’t be because I didn’t try. Gabrielle, please don’t 

shut me out.” 

Gabrielle turned to free her shoulders of his hold. “What is the reason for you 

pushing so hard for a relationship with me, Jonathan? I hear you can have any 

woman you want and probably have. What is stopping you from saying ‘ okay she 

isn’t budging let me move to the next one’?” 

Jonathan couldn’t help but stare into her wondering eyes. He was hearing what she 

was saying but the words weren’t striking any chords. All he wanted to do was kiss 

her full lips, and fold her into his arms again. Blinking he focused on her. “From 

the day I saw you, I knew you were special. The way you walk, your talk; the way you 

carried yourself period. Now that I’ve made love to you—” 

She held her hand up. “No! We had sex, Jonathan. That is all it was. There is no 

love between us only a strong attraction that led to spontaneous sex. And, I will go 

far enough to say it was the best sex I’ve had.” 

He scratched his head. “I’m a little confused by your statement. Should my ego be 

inflated or deflated?” 

“You have to decide that. But, and this is big coming from me—I would take it as 

one hell of a compliment when a woman confesses that.” 

“Well, I guess I should be flattered since I’m the only man that’s been able to lure 

you to have sex in almost a year! I get it loud and clear, Gabrielle; you aren’t inter- 

ested and I’m wasting my time.” 

“Oh my God, you are taking this in too many directions,” she said moving past 


“Hold on a second! If the shoe was on the other foot, you would be blasting me for 

using you for my own pleasure! Gabrielle, you just used me!” 

“No I did not!” 

“Yeah, you did, sweetheart. But, I forgive you because we’re human and 

humans need to relieve sexual tension any way they can get it. How lucky for you I 

was here.” 

Gabrielle’s lips formed a thin slit as her anger rose. “Jonathan, you’re starting this 

argument in the wrong direction! Things were going fine until you inquired about a 

relationship. I asked that we be friends first!” 

He threw his hands in the air. “Excuse me for wanting more! Okay, you want to be 

friends? Tell me, Gabrielle, how many of your friends do you have sex with because 

I don’t have sex with any of my friends; or was this just a one-time fantasy thing for 


She swallowed hard searching for an answer. 

“What’s wrong, did Midnight take your tongue?” His eyes glared into hers. 

“While you’re in there looking for answers, ask yourself if you think we would never 

have sex again? Can we seriously hang out as friends and not have urges or 

remember what we did in that bedroom and not foam at the mouth?” 

Her face remained blank and void of words as he continued his rant. Clapping his 
hands together he said, “I applaud your willpower cuz mine sure as hell ain’t that 


She closed her eyes shaking her head. “Why are you making this complicated?” 

“I’m not making it complicated; you are by trying to find a way not to make shit 

happen between us. I will make it easier for you. I will call today a mistake. I won’t 

call or pursue you anymore.” 


“No, don’t say anything else about it. Just know I can’t be your friend with the way I 

feel about you. I don’t want to hear about your dates or the man you might hook up 

with in the future. I’m too much of a man to handle girlfriend crap.” He went to the 

hall to put on his boots. 

“You don’t understand what I’ve been through and you’re not giving me the oppor- 

tunity to explain.” 

“Explain what? You haven’t said one damn thing that makes sense! So you’ve had a 

few failed relationships—big freaking deal….who hasn’t?” 

“Lower your voice. I don’t need the neighbors hearing our argument and you being 

mean!” She said taking his coat from the closet shoving it at him. 

“I’m not being mean—I’m pissed! I don’t play games or intentionally hurt people.” 

Her eyes softened from his words. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 

“You did, because I thought there would be more, Gabrielle. The fun we had at the 

party the other night, and then inviting me over today. If you wanted a booty call 

you should have just said so! Take care,” he said slamming the door behind him. 

Gabrielle locked the door and turned off the lights in the room. Going into the bed- 

room, she looked at the rumpled bed reminiscing before stripping the bed. A rising 

heat filled her body as she balled the sheets together tossing them in a corner. He 

was on point with his rant; there would be no way they could be friends and dis- 

miss what they did today. 

Sitting on the bed she noticed a shiny object on the night table; Jonathan left his 
wristwatch. She sighed, “Great, now I have no choice but to see him again.” 

Chapter Eight 

Jonathan returned to work after completing a four week medical leave. His doctor 

restricted him to light duty to test his limits and if he felt comfortable, he could re- 

turn to full duty without restrictions. Cleaning his equipment in the yard, Anthony 

came over to him. “Good to have you back, man. The place wasn’t the same with- 

out you.” 

“I’m glad to be back,” he stated testing the pressure on his air tank. “My equipment 

hasn’t been cleaned or checked since I’ve been gone; glad you had my back, 


“I was gonna do it but you’re here. I know how much you like doing it.” He took a 

seat on the chair across from Jonathan. “So, you haven’t said how Gabrielle is 

doing; what’s going on?” 

“That’s because I don’t know. I haven’t seen or talked to her in about two weeks.” 

“What? Wait, what happened with the breakfast you were rushing to that day?” 

“We ate, had a disagreement and that’s the last time I’ve seen or talked to her,” 

he said continuing to clean the equipment. 

Anthony moved the air tank from his grasp. “Jon, what the hell happened? 

You’re just now telling me you two ain’t seeing each other, why?” 

Jonathan scrubbed his hand over his face. “It didn’t work out, Anthony. She was in 

a different place and we couldn’t agree to meet in the middle.” 

“Shocking news. Gwen knew you two would be together for a long time. Hell, she 

was pre-arranging the wedding,” he laughed. 

“She can do it for you and Sandra. How is that going by the way?” 

“Eh, we see each other on and off; nothing really serious yet. But, if you’re serious 

about not seeing Gabrielle anymore; do you mind if I give her a call?” 

Jonathan rolled his eyes in an unfriendly manner then changed to shake his head. 

“I can’t tell you not to call her. Good luck if she does agree to go out with you.” 
Anthony smoothed his goatee. “Um-hum; your mouth is saying that but your body 

language is saying something else. I’m about to get real personal because I think 

we have that type of relationship.” 

Jonathan stood up relaxing his weight on one foot and placing his hands on his 

hips. “I already know what you’re gonna ask. We had sex, she regretted it after- 

wards, and doesn’t want more than a friendship with me. Was that personal 

enough for you?” 

“Whoa—did she throw the friendship line before or after the sex?” 

“Anthony, does it matter when she threw it on me? I’m done, man. Nick is right. 

Settling down is for suckers. Why settle for one woman when I can have a different 

one every night of the damn week?” 

“Damn, Jon; her shit must have been paved with gold,” he said shaking his head. 

“Don’t try that backhanded shit with me.” 

“You’re full of it, man. If you’re really okay about how you two split, why are you 

strung? You hit it already, so it’s not like she dumped you before you got the good- 

ies. So it only means you are feeling more for Gabrielle, and you’re fretting over 

losing her.” 

“I’m not fretting.” 

“Like hell you ain’t! Remember who you’re talking to. I’ve seen you score with 

women and not mention them ever again. We’ve sat outside the station on warm 

days and women flocked to you like birds to seeds and you don’t break a sweat 

when one would come back giving you hell for not calling her again. But, Ms. 

Gabrielle has your nose open and you need to admit it. That’s the only way you’re 

going to get over her.” 

“Anthony!” Nick shouted angrily. “Why are you filling his head with that shit? 

Jon, all you gotta do is get another girl, and I got the girl just for you.” 

“Fine, Nick, what is she like and can she count without using her fingers and 

toes?” He saw the look on Anthony’s face and ignored him. 

“I swear this girl is smart and pretty. She works for Walgreen’s as a pharmacist.” 

“How would you know a woman like that, Nick?” 

“I told ya she’s Kate’s sister Sarah. Sarah has long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes 

and a body that will knock you off your feet! Trust me, you will forget all about that 

therapist broad after one night with Sarah.” 

“If that’s the case, why are you dating the dingy sister?” Jonathan asked. 

“I met Kate first. Why don’t the four of us go out Friday night? “I’ll call Kate and 

have her ask her sister,” he said grabbing his cellphone. 

“I’ll do it if Anthony and a date come along.” 

“No thanks,” Anthony said before Nick could answer. “I’m busy.” 

“What do you have planned already?” Jonathan asked with a skeptical voice. 

“I’m doing anything that doesn’t involve me being a part of Nick’s dumb ass 

scheme; I got work to do,” he said going inside the fire station.

Jonathan turned to go after Anthony but the alarm dispatched. Getting into his 

turnout gear, he climbed on the fire truck shutting off his personal life to concen- 

trate on the emergency at hand. 


Ladder 30 returned to the fire station two hours later. The fire at the tire warehouse 

yielded no casualties or injuries but took a while to extinguish the rubber material 

that kept smoldering in hot spots and reigniting. 

Jonathan hung his turnout and helmet on the hook. His face was covered in black 

residue, and he reeked of burned rubber, he headed to the dorm to take a shower 

before going home. 

His cellphone vibrated on the bed when he dumped his pockets. Looking at it, 

three missed calls registered and all the calls were from Gabrielle. Sitting on the 

bed he thumbed over the send button contemplating on returning her call or let- 

ting it go. 
She’d made her decision and he didn’t want to hear any more of her excuses or 


“Glad I caught you before you left. It’s all set for Friday night, Jon. Kate says her 

sister can’t wait to meet you. I’ll bet you two will hit it off,” Nick said grinning with 

smeared soot and dirt on his face. 

His head popped up at the sound of Nick’s voice. “I’ve been having second 

thoughts about that. I don’t wanna hurt this girl and you know why.” 

“You can’t drop out now! Look, Jon, why won’t you give her a shot? Are you scared 

you might like her and realize what you’ve been missing all these years?” 

“I haven’t been missing anything; women are women no matter what color the 


“Okay, then go with the skin that matches yours for a change. Dammit, man, you 

could have of crop of cute blonde-haired, blue-eyed babies with a beautiful wife 

that won’t give you smack, but help with the bills.” 

Jonathan got off the bed to go into the shower room saying, “I forgot how big an 

idiot you are. Gabrielle is a professional woman that owns her own home; I don’t 

even have that.” 

“Okay, she’s an exception but she doesn’t want you—Sarah does.” 

“How do you know that? Nick, I’m sticking with the date because you made it 

already but don’t expect anything to go further than Friday. I know what I want and 

what you’re pushing on me is not what I want.” 

“Sarah might change what you want. I’m just asking you to give her a chance to 

prove she can make you happy. Let me find you the right woman for a change.” 

Jonathan frowned. “Nick, are you trying to upstage Anthony? Because, if that’s what 

you’re doing you might as well stop now; Anthony doesn’t fix me up with women. 

He never has, and has never offered.” 

The incoming shift change filtered into the dormitory halting their conversation. 

Nick remained silent as Jonathan went to shower and Anthony crossed the room to 
sit on a bed to finish dressing; staring him down.

Chapter Nine 

“Gabby, mind if I eat lunch with you?” Pam asked sliding her tray on the round 


Gabrielle looked up and smiled moving her stack of paperwork. “No not at all. 

I’m just getting some work done while I eat.” 

“You got stuck with a late shift again?” 

“I’m being too nice letting Laura con me into taking her shifts so she can attend 

her kid’s activities.” 

“I’m covering for Bill tonight. I’m just glad it has been quiet so far,” Pam said tak- 

ing a forkful of salad in her mouth. 

“Yeah but it also makes for a long night.” Gabrielle tapped the end of the ink pen to 

her chin, asking, “Pam, remember firefighter Jonathan DeMinico that was a patient 

maybe a month ago?” 

Pam lifted her brow cheerfully. “Oh I remember him! God he was cute! Why are 

you bringing him up?” 

“He mentioned you talked to him about me; I’m just curious what you said.” 

“You did treat him the day Mille left early. Anyways, I mentioned how nice and 

quiet you are, and that you are very efficient. What did he say I said?” 

She twitched her lip. “Pretty much the same, but he added I had a hard shell to 


“Oh I did say that. What’s going on, Gabby? Has he asked you on a date?” 

“He’s a big flirt, Pam.” 

Pam looked sideways at Gabrielle. “Avoiding the question; won’t make eye contact 

and, I think I see a little sweat above your brow. That means he got under your skin 

in a good way,” she laughed. 

“I agree he is cute and has a body to drool over, but he is a big flirt. He probably 

flirted with every female nurse and tech he came in contact with while in the hos- 

Pam chewed slowly shaking her head. “He didn’t mention other nurses or techs to 

me, and he was not shy about not liking Millie. As a matter of fact, he seemed too 

normal to be as good-looking as he is. He didn’t come off as arrogant, but then 

again he was in a lot of pain.” 

Gabrielle nodded with a chuckle. “Extreme pain can curb or kill the mojo.” 

Pam shoved her half-eaten bowl of salad aside. “Gabby, if Jonathan has asked you 

for a date, why not go for him? I know Dr. Damien Hawke pulled a fast one on you, 

but you gotta let it go.” 

Gabrielle covered her face with her hands. “He made a complete fool of me, Pam.” 

“Only a handful of people know about that and those are people you can trust not 

to talk about what happened. Gabby, you handled it like a trooper and kept your 

head high.” 

“That may be so, but I’m not over it. It’s been almost a year and I’m still kicking 


“Dr. Hawke had us all fooled. He lived up to the reputation of being the best anes- 

thesiologist in Ohio but hid the rest of his lifestyle very well. I feel bad for intro- 

ducing him to you.” 

“You shouldn’t. You didn’t make me fall head over heels for him. I should have fol- 

lowed my instinct when it came to Damien. The biggest clue should have been the 

Village People’s YMCA and The Weather Girl’s Raining Men CDs I found in his car. 

Those were dead giveaways he was living a lie.” 

“Yeah, I kinda wondered what straight man in his thirties listened to that type of 

music, but hey, people have different tastes these days,” Pam said choking in the 


Gabrielle threw her head back laughing. “True, but when his boyfriend 

confronted me in the parking lot wearing neon pink skinny jeans and with a glittery 

fuchsia tank top—that was the glue to seal deal.” 

“Honey, you’re young and will make mistakes, but don’t let other men pay for 

Damien’s decision to live a lie. Jonathan DeMinico is very much a man. And trust 

me, he won’t be unattached long. Some woman will dig her claws into him and you 

will not be able to wrest him away.” 

Gabrielle tossed the ink pen on the table. “Confession time; I did spend a day with 

him, Pam. I invited him over to my place for a Sunday brunch.” 

“And, what happened?” 

“We had a great time together. I enjoyed his company a lot.” 

“What happened after you had sex with him?” 

Gabrielle peered at Pam asking, “What makes you think we had sex?” 

“I may be older than you, but not so far ahead that I don’t know what would hap- 

pen between two pretty people alone in a house together. Now what did you do to 

mess up a possible good thing?” 

“Pam, it was amazing and I sent him away.” 

“Why in heaven’s name would you do that?” 

“Stupid! I was stupid and being freaking cautious! I spent six months with Damien 

for it to end with him wanting to know where I buy my shoes.” 

“Ugh! I cannot believe a man that fine idolized RuPaul. Is there any way to reverse 

the damage with Jonathan before it’s too late?” 

“I tried calling Jonathan three times today. He wouldn’t or won’t answer his phone 

if my number pops up. Plus, he returned to work and I don’t know what his sched- 

ule is like.” 

“You gotta car and you know the fire station he deploys from, so take a little road 

trip to the fire station and see if he is around.” 

Gabrielle bit on the tip of her fingernail. “That’s a little impulsive don’t you think?” 

“Yeah it is, but, to your knowledge, is there or could there be another woman wait- 

ing in the wings to get with Mr. Hottie?” 

The remembrance of Sandra’s obnoxious perfume permeated Gabrielle’s nose be- 

fore her vivacious image. Although she was supposedly dating Anthony, nothing 

was etched in stone. “Pam, there could be a troublesome woman waiting in the 

distance if word got around Jonathan is available.” 

Pam loaded the tray with her trash. “Honey, you do a lot of research to keep cur- 

rent with your career. I suggest you do a little research on how to be aggressive in 

getting the man you want. My dinner hour is almost over and I need a smoke.” 

“Pam, I’ll consider taking your advice if you come along with me. I don’t know if I 

can stalk Jonathan on my own.” 

“I would love to tag along. Just let me know when,” Pam said leaving the cafeteria. 

Gabrielle slouched her back against the hard chair. “I can’t believe I’m doing this! 

Damn you Jonathan for using sex to turn me into a crazy person.” 


Jonathan drank a cup of coffee and read the newspaper while waiting on his shift to 

begin. Anthony plopped in the chair across from him. “I messed up big time, Jon. I 

don’t know what’s wrong with me.” 

Jonathan lowered the paper. “What’d you do now?” 

“I hooked up with Melanie last night. I don’t know why I can’t stay away from that 


“Nothing wrong with seeing an old friend, if that’s all you did.” The smirk on 

Anthony’s face told it all. “You slept with her didn’t you?” 

“I had one too many tequila shots and I woke up in her bed this morning. I can’t 

say if we did or didn’t do something. There is no way I could have brought my best 

to the table, seeing how I can’t remember any of it.” 

“Hmm, that’s jacked up. Melanie could have done all the work while you were in a 

drunken stupor.” 

“I think she drugged me. I don’t ever pass out like that.” 
“What would be her purpose of drugging you?” Jonathan asked chuckling. 

“She’s been nagging me about marriage and having babies. That’s the main reason 

we broke up in the first place. Damn, Jon! What if she raped me and gets pregnant 

behind it….Oh hell nah!” 

“Wow, you really got the wheels rolling at a fast pace. I don’t think she would have 

to drug you to achieve that. She would simply poke holes in your condoms and 

pretend everything was normal until bam—she hits you with the paternity test.” 

“You’re not making this any better. How am I gonna tell Sandra? Not that she 

would care; she’s got it bad for you. All she talks about is you.” 

“It’s all one-sided. I’m not interested in Sandra Rhodes.” 

“You’re still refusing to call Gabrielle and try working it out, huh?” 

“There is nothing to work out. Although I would like my watch back; my 

granddad gave me that watch.” 

“That’s a legitimate reason to call her. You get your watch and say your final good- 

byes and leave on a clean slate.” 

“I suppose. Damn, I bet that’s why she was calling; she wanted to let me know she 

had my watch.” 

“This is sad” 

“What is sad?” 

“You were the big time playa in the group. Nick and I did okay with the women but 

you would make women lose their minds over you.” 

“I’m growing older and want a more stable relationship.” 

“Gwen says I need the same but I’m not ready either. Who knows, maybe Nick’s 

girl will be the one for you.” 

“She won’t because I have no intention on keeping the date and, I won’t settle be- 

cause Gabrielle refuses to remove the blinders from her eyes.” 

Anthony shook his head. “I’ve only talked to Gabrielle a few times on the telephone 

and I’m hesitant to believe race is her issue. The first time we chatted, we talked 
about you and her conservation did not lead me to believe race was an issue. 

Now that I think about it, it was what she said that convinced me she was into you 

more than me.” 

“Are you going to tell me what she said?” 

“She asked a lot of questions women ask before getting involved with a man. 

Then she said she was looking forward to getting to know you since we are boys. 

Why would she need to know you because we’re friends?” 

Jonathan shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Could be you told her we spend a 

lot of time together.” 

“She’s acting like Gwen when she and Kevin split before they got married. Gwen 

worked really hard to keep her distance from Kevin knowing good and well she 

wanted him back.” 

A grin crossed his face. “So you think she wants me?” 

“Would I be trying to get you back with her if I didn’t? She probably had a similar 

situation in the past burn her.” 

“I know she’s had a few failed relationships. But, she doesn’t know me well enough 

to lump me in with those guys.” 

“Think about it, Jon. A broken heart can make a person do dumb shit. We don’t 

know what happened in her life to make her iffy about men, but you have to show 

her you’re different.” 

“I’m sure I blew any credibility by sleeping with her on the first date.” He pointed a 

finger at Anthony. “She heard you and Nick call me a womanizer.” 

“She had to realize the source it was coming from. Look, man, I know you’re going 

to find a way to be with Gabrielle; I hear it in your voice. When you make up in your 

mind how you’re going to do that, don’t let her head-snapping or lip-smacking atti- 

tude block your efforts.” 

“I can’t see her doing that.” 

Anthony nodded his head, bucking his eyes. “Oh but she will! All black women 
have that trait and it’s what makes them unique and so damn sexy. But when you 

tame that trait, you know you have a woman that will love you forever.” 

Jonathan grinned straightening his back against the wooden chair. “You almost 

had me fooled for a minute. Anthony, I’m not in love with Gabrielle and I’m not

thinking of ways to be with her. Anyhow, what do you know about taming a 


You can’t even remember sleeping with Melanie.” 

Pouring a mug of coffee Anthony gulped down the hot liquid. “I’m serious. I’d bet 

my paycheck when you meet with Gabrielle, you will find a reason to have to keep 

her around longer than to do a simple watch exchange. And, when you two get 

back together, I want to know your secret.” 

“Obviously you’re still under the influence of the tequila.” Jonathan’s cellphone 

rang. Before answering it, he gave Anthony a jovial smirk, “Anthony, my secret 

wouldn’t work for you anyway.” 

“Why wouldn’t it?” 

“You can’t imitate me and all this,” he smirked. 

Anthony got up from the table taking his coffee and slapping Jonathan on the back. 

“Evidently I can’t, partner.” 

Jonathan shook his head returning to his call. “Hello.” 

“Hi Jonathan, it’s me, Amira.” 

“Hey, Amira; how are you, darling’?” 

“I’m okay. I got your number from my mom; I hope I’m not bothering you.” 

“No you’re not. Is everything all right or did you just want to talk to your favorite 


“I had a question to ask and mom said it should come from me and not her.” 

He leaned his elbows on the table. “Well I’ll try my best to answer it. What do you 

want to ask me?” 

“Um, my school is having career day and I want you to be the person I bring.” 
“Wow, I’m flattered. But, your mom has a great job, wouldn’t you rather use her?” 

“I wanted my friends to meet a real hero. Some of them don’t believe you rescued me 

and we are friends.” 

Jonathan’s head dropped from the disappointment filling the little girl’s voice. 

“We’ll have to prove them wrong. What day do you need me?” 

“Friday morning at 10:00 and in the gym when it’s over, we will have snacks for all the 


“I will be there and thank you, Amira. Your classmates will see I’m not just a fire- 

man but also your friend.” 

“Thank you, Jonathan.” 

“Not a problem, sweetheart; I’ll see you Friday morning,” he said clicking off the 


“Jon boy, here you go.” Nick slid a piece of paper across the table to him. 

“What is this?” 

“Sarah’s number. I thought you might want to call her before Friday. Ya know, get 

to know her a little instead of jumping in with cold feet.” 

He folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to 

make it, Nick. I got another commitment on Friday.” 

Nick’s jaws filled with air as his eyes narrowed. “You dump out on this and we’re 

done, Jon. I’ve had enough of your bullshit and you treating me like a second-class 


“Then I guess we’re done.” Leaving the table, Jonathan placed his coffee cup in the 


“So it’s like that! You can drop a friendship just like that?” 

“I can when I don’t like how the friendship is going. We’ve been over this more 

than once, Nick, and I’m not in the mood to do it again. Man, if keeping our friend- 

ship was contingent on me getting with your girl’s sister and dumping Anthony, 

then we don’t have reason to continue talking about this because you know the 

Nick slammed his hands on the table. “There’s an opening at station 26; I think I’ll 

ask for a transfer. This way both you and Anthony can kiss my ass as I’m walking 


“Good luck with that. Station 26 is a solid unit and if you go there with your atti- 

tude and bullshit, I guarantee you won’t be a Cleveland Firefighter long.” 


Tired and exhausted, Gabrielle grabbed her backpack and headed to the parking 

lot. She promised herself this would be the last shift she would take for Laura un- 

less it was a medical emergency involving her son. She smiled and waved to the 

security guard sitting at the desk reading the newspaper. “Goodnight, Kyle.” 

“Goodnight, Gabrielle. Do you need an escort to your car?” 

“I think I’ll be okay walking by myself.” 

“Where are you parked?” 

“I’m in the garage on the roof. I couldn’t find a closer spot when I got in this 


He picked up his radio. “I can’t with good conscious let you walk that far alone this 

late. Let me call you an escort.” 

She slung her backpack on the bench flopping down next to it. “Alright, just tell 

him to hurry; I’m tired.” 

Waiting on Kyle to wake a guard to walk her to her car, she pulled Jonathan’s watch 

from her backpack. The gold and silver jeweled watch appeared to be an antique. 

Turning it over, she read the inscription written and signed by his grandfather. 

She removed her purse digging inside for the cellphone. Tapping a short text mes- 

sage she hit send and put the phone away. The ball was in Jonathan’s court now. If 

he wanted the watch he could let her know. 

Kyle zipped his jacket walking over to her. “I’ll walk you to your car, Gabrielle. I 
can’t seem to wake anyone.” 

“I’m ready,” she replied getting her stuff. 

The thirty minute drive to Mayfield Heights seemed to take forever. When she fi- 

nally got home, Midnight circled her legs letting her know dinner was late. “I know; 

you’re hungry.” Feeding the chubby tabby that hadn’t missed a meal since she was 

a kitten, Gabrielle peeled an orange to starve off her own hunger. 

Sitting at the table she tore sections of the orange apart placing them in her mouth 

one at a time. The house was quiet and lonely. She looked around the room think- 

ing there was no one to greet her in the evenings or wait up for her when she 

worked late. No one would know if she had an accident on the way home from 

work or if she got abducted traveling between home and work. No one would know 

anything about her demise until the neighbors noticed the mail piling outside or 

the smell of rotting flesh coming from the house. 

She went to the sink to drop the orange rinds down the garbage disposal. 

Looking across the yard to her neighbor’s house, it showed how a real family lived. 

The toys, outdoor furniture and cute matching doghouse; painted a cozy family 

portrait. Next door neighbors Marcy and Greg Steven’s were around the same age 

as she. They had two small children and played in the yard with them every week- 

end and on warm evenings, Greg would fire up the grill and the family would eat 

dinner outdoors together at the picnic table. 

Gabrielle scanner her backyard; it was immaculate. The backyard consisted of a 

simple patio set with a simple barbecue pit, covered by a custom-made tarp to 

protect it from the weather. There were no toys or cute doghouses or anything to 

exhibit a person under the age of thirty occupied the home. She hardly entertained 

or had people over after the fiasco with Damien. 

Gabrielle wiped down the granite countertop and cleaned around the numerous 

small appliances sitting atop it, before putting the sponge away. She was fantastic 

cook and thought about becoming a chef before going into the medical field. Every 
night she came home to feed herself; not a family or a man to eat the delicious 

meals she concocted; only herself. Jonathan was the first man she’d prepared food 

for since Damien, and would give anything to cook for him again. She stretched 

her arms against the sink dropping her head. “Dammit, Damien—thanks to your 

lies, I can’t look at any man and not think he isn’t living on the down low. 

Turning off the kitchen light Midnight nearly tripped her racing into the next room. 

A quick shower and change into her pajamas, Gabrielle set the alarm clock and 

turned the volume high as it would go on her cellphone. She had to hear it ringing 

in case of an emergency at the hospital. A few fluffs of her pillow, she settled in for 

another restless sleep. 

The cellphone ringing broke Gabrielle’s dream of happier times. Turning over in 

bed she fumbled for the phone to stop the annoying ring. In a raspy voice she an- 

swered, “Hello.” Sitting up quickly, she turned on the light. “I’m on my way.” 


The emergency room was electrified with activity. Doctors and nurses were 

tending to injured patients in the hallways because treatment rooms were filled to 

treat critically injured patients first. Gabrielle rushed to the desk where Millie was 

standing to check in. “Where do you need me?” 

Millie grabbed her by the arm. “Come with me. I have two patients to intubate and 

need you to assist the anesthesiologist in OR 1. I have a call in for all techs and 

specialist to get here.” 

“Millie, what happened?” She asked hurrying along to keep up with her 


Millie grabbed a clipboard handing it to her. “There’s a fire at the steel mill in the 


Gabrielle’s blood ran cold and she didn’t want to know the answer but had to ask. 
“Millie, do we have any fatalities?” 

“Yes, Gabrielle, but I don’t know how many; now get to OR and stop asking ques- 

tions I don’t have the answers too.” 

Entering the OR, Gabrielle waited for the anesthesiologist. A surgical nurse entered 

making sure the instruments the surgeon would need were in order. “Hi Gabrielle, 

I guess we’re in for a long night,” she said. 

“Yes. Do you know who the patient is?” 

“Yes, a firefighter. I hear it’s pretty bad too.” 

Gabrielle’s legs instantly went weak and sweat beaded under the mesh surgical cap 

covering her head. Unable to stop her hands from shaking she prayed for strength. 

When the doors opened bringing the patient inside, she snapped from her fog to 

assist the anesthesiologist. 

Going over to the patient lying on the table she didn’t want to see his face. She so 

desperately didn’t want Jonathan to be lying on the table fighting for his life once 

again. Intentionally keeping her eyes away from his face as long as possible, she 

swallowed. Lowering her eyes, a low sigh escaped her lips. It wasn’t Jonathan but 

nonetheless a loved one with family waiting on word of his condition. She went to 

work on helping to save his life and hopefully to bring good news to his family.” 

Chapter Ten 

Three hours later Gabrielle exited the OR followed by the anesthesiologist. He pat- 

ted her on the back. “You were excellent in there, Gabrielle.” 

“Doctor Greene, I’m sorry I got a little queasy, but I don’t help often with surg- 


“I understand. Why don’t you take a break and calm your stomach.” 

Stripping off the gown and cap, Gabrielle went to the stainless steel basin to wash 

up. Jonathan came to mind. She wondered if his unit was helping fight the indus- 

trial blaze mushrooming out of control according to the chat during surgery. She 

pushed thoughts from her mind of him lying hurt or possibly on the way to one of 

the other local hospitals treating the injured. 

She shook her head; she’d dismissed any prospects of having a relationship with 

him and therefore did not have a right to worry about him. Her pager went off. “You 

gotta be kidding me.” Drying off, she went to the emergency room for her next as- 



Jonathan and Anthony surged further inside the plant. The flames bounced 

around them as they searched for trapped firefighters. The fire was being fought 

with water and foam but continued to spread rapidly across the acres of the steel 

mill. He tapped Anthony on the shoulder. “I see something on the top of that high 

platform,” he shouted. 

“Right, I see it too!” Antony shouted back. 

The closer they got to the firefighter dangling from the platform; they recognized 

who he was. “Damn!” Jonathan shouted running towards the structure. He fol- 

lowed Anthony up the metal steps reaching the platform that was connected to sev- 

eral other platforms that allowed workers to walk between the furnaces. 

“I’m stuck,” Nick shouted. 

“Hold on; let me see how bad you’re wedged in,” Anthony shouted as he 

crossed over him to see if he could free his body wedged between the metal grates. 

Looking to his left he noticed a door marked in bold red lettering DANGER 


Stooping down he worked to free Nick. “He’s in tight, Jon. We’re gonna need a K-6, 

a patient drag and a few more hands on deck.” 

“I’ll radio the Chief.” 

“While you got him on the wire have him send a crew to check on those 

acetylene tanks stored in that room—they could be trouble.” 

“Dammit! Can you hack through the grate, Anthony?” 

“I might but the heat is buckling the beams holding my end of the platform. 
More stress might make it collapse and takes all of us down.” 

Nick moaned, “I can’t feel my legs; get me out of here!” 

“Relax, Nick, we’ll get you out,” Jonathan relayed. “It’s your call, Anthony; what 

should we do?” 

“I’m gonna get him out. He might be a pain in my ass but I got his back in the 

field.” Anthony worked on cutting the grate apart. He had to be careful not to re- 

move too much or Nick would fall through to his death a hundred feet below. 

A large beam to the left of Anthony buckled and fell causing the platform to lean 

drastically. “Hurry up, Anthony,” Jonathan yelled holding onto Nick’s arms. “This 

damn thing is gonna fall!” 

“I almost got him loose; on three pull with all you got!” 

“Don’t let me go, Jon. Don’t let me die here,” Nick panted. His eyes opened wide 

and he appeared scared. 

“We’re not gonna let you die.” 

Other firefighters arrived to help with Nick’s rescue. Anthony raised his hand wav- 

ing wildly. “Go! Go! Pull him out!” 

Jonathan pulled hard; bringing Nick from the grate and passing him to the fire- 

fighters behind him; hearing a loud crash he whipped around. The portion of plat- 

form that trapped Nick had fallen into the fire below. “Anthony!” He yelled. 

“I’m down here! Throw me a line,” Anthony yelled, looking down and seeing noth- 

ing but a sea of flames balling and growing larger. “Hurry, man, this thing ain’t 

gonna hold my weight much longer!” 

Jonathan looped the rope around his waist and lowered it to Anthony who was 

holding onto the swaying platform attached by the remaining two beams. Anthony 

latched the rope through his carabiner securing it, and signaled for Jonathan to pull 

him up. With the help of other firemen, they were able to bring Anthony to the sur- 


“You okay?” Jonathan asked out of breath. 

“Yeah,” Anthony nodded unlatching the rope. But we gotta run like hell; I don’t 

think we have much time before this section with those damn tanks stored over 

there blow.” 

Running and warning firefighters in their path, they were almost to the mouth of 

the plant before the strength from the acetylene tanks exploding tossed them out- 


Hitting the wet pavement face first, Jonathan curled to protect his body from the 

hot debris falling over him. 

The impact of the debris hitting his body eased. Jonathan turned his head to see 

Anthony lying next to him. “Man, we’re a couple of lucky sons-of-bitches.” 

Anthony sat up removing his helmet and fire hood letting the hard rain from the 

thunderstorm shower over him. “That was too fuckin’ close.” 

“We ain’t done yet.” Jonathan got off the ground reaching a hand to Anthony to 

pull him to his feet. “We gotta go back in.” 

“I need a break. I’m tired, hungry and don’t have any energy left to fight, Jon.” 

“Yeah, me either, but we might have more firefighters trapped after that last explo- 

sion,” he said cleaning dirt and mud from his face shield. 

Lieutenant Murad rounded his men together. “We’ve been working ten hours 

straight and fresh units are coming. We’ve been cleared to return to base. I want 

you guys to get some rest and then go home. You all did a great job.” 

“Lieutenant, I’m gonna head over to the hospital to check on Nick,” Jonathan said. 

“I’ll go with you,” Anthony echoed. 

“Good idea to have someone there from our house. Have Sweeney drop you off 

and I’ll be there soon as I can to relieve you.” 


Jonathan and Anthony entered the emergency room, dirty and smelling of a hard 
battled fire. Going to the desk Jonathan asked the receptionist, “Could you tell me 

what room Nick Barona is in? He’s a fireman brought in a few hours ago. ” 

The receptionist looked at both men who obviously sleep deprived. “I’ll get the 

doctor treating him. You can have a seat over there and the coffee is free; you look 

as if you could use a few cups.” 

“Yeah I could,” Jonathan said walking toward the coffee station. 

Anthony nudged Jonathan with his arm. “Jon, I didn’t like the look she gave; do you 

think Nick is okay?” 

“Yeah I’m sure he’s okay. Hell, he’s too stuck on himself to be anything but okay.” 

“Nick said he couldn’t feel his legs. He could be paralyzed and I didn’t help by 

rough-handling him—damn.” Anthony sat down on the chair dropping his head in 

his hands. 

Jonathan remained silent as the doctor approached them. “Are you the 

gentlemen here about Mr. Barona?” 

“Yes, sir,” Jonathan said standing. “How is he?” 

“Mr. Barona is in recovery and will be transferred to the critical care unit shortly. 

Extensive bleeding from a deep vein artery caused Mr. Barona to lose a lot of 

blood. We couldn’t stop it before he went into cardiac arrest. We were able to re- 

vive him but it will be touch and go for the next few days.” 

“Oh fuck,” Anthony mumbled. 

“Doctor, he said he couldn’t feel his legs; is he paralyzed also?” Jonathan asked. 

“As of right now; I’m afraid so. We won’t know more until he is stable enough to 

go through more testing.” 

Jonathan heard the words but could not respond. “Nick won’t be able to deal with 

this, Anthony.” 

Anthony ran his hands over his bald head. “I’ll call Murad.” 

Jonathan paced the waiting area. Firefighters filtered in as word spread about other 

firemen that perished fighting the steel mill inferno or checking on other comrades. 
He noticed the doctor still standing near the doors leading to the trauma rooms 

and went over to him. “Can I see Nick?” 

The doctor wavered at first. “I’m not supposed to let anyone see him but family.” 

“Listen, Doc, me and the other firefighter, are the only family Nick has in Cleve- 

land. We saved him from burning alive. I promised Nick, he would not die.” 

“Son, the fire didn’t kill him—so stop blaming yourself for his current 


“I made him a promise I might not be able to keep.” 

“Alright,” the doctor said taking Jonathan by the arm. “I’ll give you a few minutes 

with him.” 


Jonathan walked slowly towards the bed. The clicking of the machines worked to- 

gether rhythmically. Looking down at Nick, he couldn’t remember him ever being 

so quiet. Curling his fingers around the railing he leaned in close. “I only got a few 

minutes, so I’ll make this quick. I know we’ve had our differences lately, but, I

never wanted our friendship to end this way. Nick, fight to live for your kid if noth- 

ing else; he needs you. I’ll check on you tomorrow.” 

Going to the elevator he pressed the button. Dropping his head, he took a few 

deeps breaths collecting the raw emotions enveloping him. The major nag cutting 

his gut was the silly argument with Nick. If Nick died, those hate-filled words 

would be their last conversation before the fire. 

The doors to the elevator opened. Gabrielle eyes gleamed at his sight. Her words 

rolled from her tongue barely above a whisper. “Jonathan, thank God you’re okay.” 

It took all her energy not to jump into his arms. 

He nodded. “Yeah, I’m one of the lucky ones to be standing after fighting that dis- 


“I was wondering if your unit was on scene.” She stepped off the elevator realizing 
what floor she was on. “What are you doing on the critical care floor? Is An- 


“Anthony was not hurt; Nick was. Doctors are not sure if he will survive.” 

“I’m so sorry, Jonathan. But, you know he is getting the best medical care this hos- 

pital has to offer.” 

“I know he’s in good hands; I was here not too long ago.” 

The awkwardness fell over her causing a lag. Plus she was not getting the ‘ I’m so 

glad to see you’ vibe from him. “We really have to stop meeting in elevators; people 

are going to start to talk.” 

“Yup, we do seem to run into each at elevators a lot.” 

She studied his face. Shallow lines creased his forehead and bags formed under 

his eyes. “When’s the last time you’ve slept?” 

He ran his hands through his oily hair. “I don’t know; probably a day ago.” 

“I’m my way home—I can drive you home if you’re too tired to drive yourself.” 

“Home…a place I want to be, but I think I’ll stick around and see how Nick does 

through the night.” 

“Jonathan, it’s almost noon. You’re too exhausted to sit around a hospital all day. 

Come on, I’m taking you home with me. You can soak in a hot bath and get some 


I’ll take you home later.” 

He staggered on his feet before regaining his balance. “I don’t think that is a good 

idea, Gabrielle; we aren’t exactly on speaking terms.” 

His anger remained and she felt the bite with each word. “I-I want to apologize for 

the way I acted,” she stuttered. “I blew what happened between us out of propor- 

tion, and was too embarrassed to tell you the real reason for it.” 

He threw up his hands. “Gabrielle, I can’t do this right now! I’m tired as hell and 

my brain is trying to process the shit I’ve been through in the last 24-hours. Please 

excuse my language, because I don’t mean to be rude, but I can’t deal with your 
drama on top of everything else.” 

She caressed his strong jaw. “There won’t be any drama, Jonathan; I just want to be 

a friend and comfort you in your time of need.” 

“Here we go with that FRIEND word again. Thanks, but we’ve already established 

that’s not possible. If you’ll excuse me, I gotta find Anthony.” 

“I’ll help you look,” she said stepping on the elevator bringing him with her. 

“I’m capable of doing it myself.” 

She pressed the button closing the doors. “Jonathan, I’m going to overlook the fact 

you’re acting an ass because of the circumstances surrounding Nick and you’re 


His mouth dropped open. “I’m being an ass?” 

She kept her eyes straight ahead as the doors closed saying, “Yes, and I’m glad you 

agree with me.” 


Jonathan shook Anthony on the knee. He was fast asleep in a chair with his head 

resting against the wall. Stirring slowly he cleared his throat. “Well, how is Nick?” 

“It’s not good, Ant. He’s heavily sedated and doesn’t know what’s going on and its’ 

probably best he doesn’t.” 

Yawning, Anthony stood up stretching his back. “There’s not much we can do for 

him now. I’m going home to crash. I don’t know if I’ll come back later; it’s not like 

he wants me here.” 

“Don’t be like that, Anthony. We have to put that part of Nick aside until he gets 

better. Like it or not he’s going to be indebted to you; you saved his life.” 

“I did what I was trained to do.” 

Gabrielle rubbed Anthony on the shoulder. “Wow, Anthony, you’re a real hero. 

You saved Jonathan and now Nick. You must feel some kind of wonderful inside.” 
“Nah, Gabrielle, I don’t. Jon has pulled my butt from the fire many of times, and us 

three have worked together as a team for many years. Nick just recently wanted me 

off as part of the team.” 

A rapid clicking of heels on the hard surface of the hospital floor caught their atten- 

tion. Sandra bounced around the corner stopping in front of them. “Oh thank 

goodness you’re both okay. I went to the fire station and they said you might be 

here but did not elaborate why. I didn’t know what to think.” Clutching Anthony 

she hugged him close to her big breasts. “I was so worried. And, Jonathan, I was 

especially worried about you.” She went to hug him but Gabrielle threw her a look 

making her retreat. 

Gabrielle looped her arms through Anthony’s while holding onto Jonathan, saying, 

“We were just leaving. I’m taking these guys home to feed them a hot meal and put 

to bed for a few hours.” 

Sandra crossed her arms. “Gabrielle—is your name right? You appear to be a little 

worn yourself. How are you going to take care of anyone when it’s apparent you’ve 

had very little sleep yourself?” 

“Ms. Rhodes, don’t bother worrying with what I can handle,” Gabrielle said refus- 

ing to be intimidated. “I’m more versatile than I look.” 

Sandra took hold of Jonathan’s arm. “Jonathan is better off coming with me. 

He’s speaking at my daughter’s school tomorrow morning for career day. And, 

since I’m a Westside he’ll be closer.” 

Gabrielle would not engage in an argument with the woman. Her brows formed a 

frowned, saying, “Jonathan, you decide what you want to do and let me know. 

Anthony, feel free to go with your girlfriend.” She released her hold of both men 

and proceeded to the revolving doors to leave the hospital. 

The cold rain flickered off her face cooling her temper. Jonathan appeared beside 

her. “Is your offer is still open?” 

Her lips curled into a smile. “Of course it is. Is Anthony coming?” 

“Anthony’s got his hands full at the moment. After you stormed out his side chick 

came in. I didn’t wanna stick around to witness what was about to go down.” 

Chapter Eleven 

Gabrielle refilled Jonathan’s coffee mug. He’d eaten double the portions of break- 

fast food leaving nothing to be thrown away. Placing his fork on the plate he slowly 

drank some of the fresh coffee before pushing everything away. “I’m stuffed to the 

gills. You should be a chef on television or at least own a restaurant.” 

She smiled from the compliment. The majority of their meal had been eaten in si- 

lence since neither one wanted to touch the subject that caused the huge tear in 

the first place. “Thank you. I actually considered being a chef at one time but didn’t 

want the headaches of listening to people complain.” 

“You don’t get that from unhappy patients?” 

“I’m the good therapist remember,” she said clearing the table. 

When she removed the plate from in front of him, her arm brushed against his 

forearm. The brief feel of her soft skin sent a vibration down his spine. Suddenly 

and without words he pulled her down to his lap and into his arms. Her warm 

body soothed the chill icing him. 

Stroking his back, Gabrielle didn’t squirm from the pressure of his arms squeezing 

tightly around her. “Jonathan, what’s wrong.” 

“I just need to hold you,” he said burying his head in her chest. 

Resting her cheek on his head, she understood him wanting to hold her and would 

allow him to do so for as long as needed. The embrace wasn’t meant to be a sexual 

embrace but an embrace to relieve pain. Jonathan was hurting and this was his way 

of emoting it. 

“It’s okay, I’m here for you,” she whispered close to his ear. 


Jonathan groaned turning over in bed. The popping of his bones signified how 
long he’d been sleeping in one position. Putting his size twelve feet on the soft car- 

peted floor, he walked over to the window. It was dark outside and raining heavily. 

Flexing his shoulders to relieve the stiffness, he also needed to use the bathroom. 

Clad only in his jockey briefs, the tight fitting underwear revealed what all men suf- 

fered from when waking up; the dreaded wood syndrome. 

Searching the bedroom for his pants, they were nowhere in sight. “Shit,” he hissed. 

He didn’t know where in the house Gabrielle was, but if she were in the living room 

he could sneak to the bathroom without being seen. 

Gabrielle opened the bedroom door. Clad in a yellow t-shirt and black biker shorts,

she carried an armful of folded laundry. “You’re awake.” Her eyes immediately shot 

to what his hands were trying to cover. “Um, I washed and ironed your clothes. I 

left your others pants hanging in the hall.” She handed him his pants and turned 

her back to give him privacy. 

“It was enough you fed me; you didn’t have to do my laundry too; and thanks for 

hanging my bunkers. Have you had any sleep?” 

“Yes, I slept on the couch. Dinner will be ready shortly. I hope you like short ribs 

with roasted vegetables and Cheddar Cheese Polenta; and for dessert I have a deli- 

cate chocolate fudge bread pudding in the oven and a homemade whipped cream 

chilling in the fridge.” 

“Dinner sounds great but I should be getting home. I gotta get my truck from the 

station, plus I want to stop by the hospital and check on Nick,” he answered 

pulling the freshly washed t-shirt over his head. 

Gabrielle dropped her arms to her side. “Oh okay. I’ll turn the food off and take you 


He took her by the elbow. “Gabrielle, wait a minute.” 

“I can’t. I have to take the pudding out the oven before it burns. It will only take a 

second then we can go.” 

“Gabrielle, I called a cab. I didn’t feel right asking you drive me home in this weath- 
er, and it being late.” 

She stopped in the doorway half mad and half hurt. “Wow, you took care of every- 

thing. If I wasn’t awake already, you probably would’ve snuck from the house not 

saying a word.” 

He shook his head. “I should not have come home with you; it was too soon and 

this is what I wanted to avoid.” 

“Yup, Jonathan; maybe you should have taken Ms. Rhodes offer.” She went to the 

dresser opening the top drawer. “Don’t forget your watch. I would have mailed it 

but I didn’t have an address.” 

His fingers lingered on hers as he took the watch. “Gabrielle, the last person in the 

world I want to hurt is you. My feelings for you have not changed and knowing how 

you feel about me—I don’t want you to end up hating me. I have to stay away from 

you until I can be in your company and not feel anything for you.” 

She grabbed her hair in frustration. “I was a fool Jonathan. I pretended it was noth- 

ing when it was. I’ve been kicking myself hard in the ass for letting you walk out 

that door and not explaining why I was being a bitch.” 

A horn blowing outside indicated Jonathan’s taxi had arrived. She stepped in his 

path. “Don’t leave, Jonathan. If I don’t get this out, I never will.” 

“I’m listening.” 

“Okay.” She sat on the bed. “About a year ago, I got involved with a doctor at the 

hospital. He swept me off my feet. Dr. Hawke took me to the best restaurants. We 

sat in first-class when we took trips and he treated me like I was a queen.” 

“Was he married and showered you with all that to keep you quiet?” He asked plac- 

ing his hands on his hips. 

“He wasn’t married; at least not to a woman.” 

He raised his eyebrow tilting his head slightly. “Excuse me?” 

“Jonathan, he was gay and using me as a safeguard. I was good for his image. 

He would take me to dinner with his colleagues or to parties; anywhere he needed 

to have a woman on his arm.” 

The honking horn intensified and then stopped with the headlights fading from the 

window as the taxi pulled from the driveway. Jonathan didn’t budge from his posi- 

tion. “How did you find out?” 

“Six months together and he never wanted to have sex with me and when he kissed 

me, he acted as if it repulsed him. I would snoop around his house but he never 

left me alone long enough to find any evidence but, in his car I saw a few ques- 

tionable items that raised the alternative lifestyle flags.” 

His jaw went slack. “Please tell me, I do not give you those flag feelings?” 

“Oh heck no! I guess I switched from protecting myself from men on the down low 

to women like Sandra Rhodes, when it came to you. She wants you and I can see 

her becoming a problem.” 

“What about what I want?” 

Her eyes scanned his body. The way the dark workpants hugged his fit athletic 

waist and the t-shirt spanned across his broad chest making her water at the 


“What do you want?” 

Sitting on the bed next to her, he cupped her face between his large hands. “I want 

this.” Lowering his head, his lips brushed against hers. He gave little pleasurable 

nips to her nose and eyelids. Closing his mouth over hers, he thrust his tongue 

deep inside her mouth.

Gabrielle moaned, lying back on the bed with Jonathan’s body covering her and not 

breaking the intimate lip lock. Her hands roamed his muscled-back and down to 

his tight buttocks, squeezing them gently. She felt his erection pressing hard into 

her belly; the sensation driving her wild. 

An alarm blaring tore them apart. Jonathan jump off her running into the kitchen. 

White smoked poured from the vents of the oven. Opening the oven door he 

grabbed the oven mitts taking the smoking baking dish holding the pudding and 
dumped it into the sink. He grinned wiping his forehead. “Did you know food left 

on the stove is the number one cause of house fires?” 

She sauntered over to him circling her arm around his neck. “Good for me I have 

my own personal fireman at my disposal.” 

“Um-hum, good for you,” he said smothering her mouth with his. 

Picking her up in his arms he carried her into the bedroom and laid her gently on 

the bed. Lifting her t-shirt and bra, he caressed her breasts. The plump flesh filled 

his hands nicely as he massaged them with increased pressure causing the nipples 

to harden. She sighed and he knew she was enjoying the pleasure from the expres- 

sion on her face. Finally, he replaced his hands with his mouth and suckled a hard 


Gabrielle’s back arched as he moved lower, tonguing her navel, kissing her firm 

belly and savoring the taste and feel of her body sliding along his face. Taking hold 

of her shorts at the waist, he shrugged them around her hips taking her panties. 

Resting back on his legs, he admired the vision before him. Then he slid his hand 

between her thighs slowly moving upward to ground his palm against her wet heat. 

He crouched on his knees removing his shirt and pants but not letting Gabrielle 

move from her position. Once he was naked, he came on top of her, covering her 

neck with hot kisses. 

His weight was heavy and familiar against her. Gabrielle did not feel any guilt or re- 

grets but hungered for the man she could not get out of her mind, to make love to 


He crushed his mouth to hers with a passion she never thought she’d feel again. 

His mouth was hot over hers, his tongue wild as it parted her lips and plunged in- 

side drawing a deep growl from her throat. 

“I want you so bad,” he said sliding his finger inside of her moist folds then he 

joined it with a second.

Her breath caught in her throat. “More,” she begged. “Please, I want more.” 
He bit the space between her neck and shoulder and whispered, “I ready to give 

you more.” Deeply and at the same moment he plunged into her, they both 

groaned in tandem, on the edge of a precipice neither could describe. “You’re so 

tight its driving me crazy.” He moved out and pushed back in slowly and watching 

as her eyes dilated in pleasure. 

Her lips covered his throat with kisses. She braced and paused when he began to 

thrust harder. She swallowed the cry as she tightened around his thickness, her 

body wracked with tremors, pulsing from the friction. 

“Gabrielle,” he said, grabbing her plump hips bringing them up to meet his thrust- 


Gabrielle took the brunt of his weight as he collapsed on top of her. Too exhausted 

to care she didn’t move him but listened to his shallow breathing and wondering if 

he had fallen asleep. 

He lifted his head to look into her dark eyes, saying, “Baby, what did we do?” 

“We made love.” 

“I told you we can’t be in the same room together without this happening. This 

friend thing is not going to work for me.” 

“Good because I don’t want to be your friend. Jonathan, I want more. I want to be 

your lover, your confident. I want my picture to hang in your locker at work and at 

the gym. I want to be the first phone number in your contacts.” 

He pinched her lips together. “Can I get a word in?” She nodded her head. “I need 

you, Gabrielle, I need you like I need fresh air, water and food.” 

“You got me, Jonathan; you have all of me.” 

He kissed her cheek. “Now that the smoke and fire has settled, we can get down to 


She threaded her fingers through his. “Yes. We get to know each other and learn 

our likes and dislikes.” 

He turned on his side leaning his weight on his elbow. His hazel eyes locked with 
her. Running a finger down the tip of her nose to her chin, he said, “I want to make 

love to you again—strike that; I need to make love to you again.” 

“Where are you finding the energy; I’m exhausted.” 

Kissing her shoulder and neck, he said, “You energize me.” 

Chapter Twelve 

Jonathan had just made it on time to Amira’s career day program. After it was over 

he went to the gym to have refreshments with the rest of the attendees and an- 

swered a few more questions kids had about becoming a fireman. Saying goodbye 

to Amira, he gathered the gear and tools he’d used to give his presentation and left 

the elementary school. 

His gait had a snappier flow as he answered his cellphone. “Hey, babe, what’s up?” 

“I’m on a break and thought I would call and check on my man.” 

“Missing me already; I like that,” he grinned leaning against the truck. 

“Of course, I am. Will you be coming over tonight? I took a few steaks out to thaw this 


“Babe, you’re gonna have me at the gym seven days a week if you keep feeding me 

this way, but, I will be over tonight. I might see you sooner; I’m on my way to the 

hospital to see Nick.” 

“Have me paged or call me. I could use a hug to get me through the rest of the day.” 

“I’ll make it a priority; ciao, babe,” he said clicking off the phone. 

“Well look at you all happy and smiling?” 

The smell of the perfume smacked him from all sides. He didn’t have to stop 

securing his gear in the bed of the truck to know who it was. “Hey, Sandra.” 

“Hello handsome. Is career day over already?” she asked posing sexily against the 


He jumped from the bed of the truck ignoring her pose but noticing the skin-tight 

outfit that was clearly inappropriate for a child’s school. “Yup and I’m on my way to 
hospital so if you’ll excuse me.” 

“Oh, right your other friend Nick. How is he doing?” 

“He’s still in a coma and on life support. You could ask Anthony; he’s been to visit 


“Anthony and I aren’t together anymore. Apparently he prefers the company of a 

white woman named Melanie.” 

“Don’t take it personal, Sandra. Anthony and Melanie have been dating on and off 

for years. They just fail to stay connected; maybe this time it will work for them.” 

“I’m glad I found this out before I got too attached to Anthony. It would have been 

bad for Amira, also. She likes him and they get along but, she really adores you.” 

“Amira is a real sweetheart. I hate to cut this short; I gotta get to the hospital.” 

“Are you on duty tonight?” 

“Nope; I’m off for the next three days.” 

“Wonderful! Then you’re available to have dinner with me tonight,” she said. 

Seductively, she slid her hands down the front of the tight pants hugging her full- 

figured body. “Amira will be at a sleepover at her friend’s house for the weekend 

and I’m all alone.” 

“I’m sorry, I have plans tonight.” He couldn’t help but to look at her after she 

stood in front of him drawing a long manicured finger down the front of his t-shirt. 

“Okay, how about tomorrow? I’m not much of a cook but I will buy dinner at Lo- 

la’s.” Her tongue ran across her lips. 

He took hold of her hand removing it from his chest. “Sandra, you’re a very nice 

person, but I’m dating Gabrielle. I hope you won’t let that disrupt my friendship 

with Amira—or you,” he added quickly. 

Sandra pursed her lips shaking her head. “Of course not, silly. She’s a very beau- 

tiful girl and employed. Although she appears young and that could prove difficult 

for you.” 

“How will her age be difficult for me?” 

“Please don’t get defensive or offended, but you and I seem to be around the same 

age and more settled. A young single woman like Gabrielle usually isn’t settled in 

life yet. She might have her career together but as far as relationships goes, she 

hasn’t experienced it fully.” 

“OK and since I’m not being defensive or want to offend you, how do you know 

where Gabrielle is in her personal life? You don’t know her.” 

“No, but I know people like her; I have people like her working under me. These 

young girls like to live it up and party hard. They love bouncing from one man to 

the next not worrying about settling down or caring who they are spreading their 

legs open for. Then she will come to you crying for forgiveness but only you won’t 

be able to overlook she is pregnant.” 

His muscles flexed when he crossed his arms over his chest. Not quit wrapping 

his head around Sandra’s babble he, said, “That was an interesting insight— 

almost like a promo for one of those bad reality shows. Is that what happened to 

you, Sandra? Is Amira’s dad some random guy you had sex with?” 

“Heavens no; Amira’s dad is a highly respected person in the community. Our 

marriage didn’t work but we remain friends. I’m only forewarning you about 

younger women, Jonathan; not trying to taint Gabrielle’s image.” 

“You wouldn’t be able to do that no matter what you say about her. But, you’re a 

columnist and write factual accounts. I wouldn’t think you would guess on a per- 

son’s character without having any facts.” 

She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I think I hit a sore spot and I’m sorry I mis- 

spoke about your girlfriend.” 

He shook his head. “You did hit an issue I have with people making 

assumptions. I’m sure if you found out you were being talked about, and not in a 

positive way, you wouldn’t be happy about it.” 

Sandra watched his eyes change and backed off. “I better let you get on your way. 

Thank you for coming and being Amira’s guest today.” 

“No problem,” Jonathan said giving a slight nod of his head. Getting inside his 

truck he drove off without looking back. Sandra folded her arms across her chest. 

“You think this is over Jonathan? This is only the beginning my friend. I will not be 

upstaged by some prissy ass therapist.” 


Gabrielle scooted in the booth across from Pam who was busy working a puzzle 

book. “Hiya, Pam. Do you mind sharing your booth?” 

Pam shifted her eyes to her friend. “Please do because I have to know what is caus- 

ing the glow and big grin on your face.” 

“I’m not glowing and the smile is because I’m happy. It’s a beautiful day and the 

birds are singing and we are alive to enjoy it.” 

“I’m all for your testimony but it ain’t the weather that got you smiling from ear to 

ear. Somehow, I believe that smile is from a certain fireman named Jonathan.” 

Gabrielle could not bring the smile down. Salting her fries, she ate a few not releas- 

ing any details to Pam who was staring her down. “The fries are fresh today; the 

grease must have been changed.” 

“I’m sure your arteries are happy to hear that. But stop stuffing your face and talk!” 

“Alright!” she said pushing the food away. “Pam, I have a new boyfriend and he’s a 

handsome, strong fireman.” 

“I knew it! When did this all happen?” 

“Two days ago. He left my house this morning and is coming over tonight.” 

“Wow, you’re practically living together. Wait, that big fire was two days ago. 

Weren’t you working?” 

“I ran into him checking on a member of his team that was hurt. I opened myself to 

him, Pam. At first he resisted and then he came around.” 

“You told him about Dr. Hawke?” 

“I told him everything. It felt good to get it off my chest and it feels good to go to 

bed with a real man holding me. A man that doesn’t want to wear my perfume or 

care where I buy my clothes,” she chuckled. 

“That’s great, Gabby, but don’t move too fast. Find what his faults are before you 

go falling all gaga over him and get hurt again.” 

She frowned. “Hold on a second! You told me to pursue him and now you want 

me to slow it down? Pam?” 

Pam held her hands. “No, no, no, sweets. I’m saying don’t jump in will all your 

eggs in the basket; leave a little wiggle room.” 

Gabrielle’s shoulders slouched. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” 

Pam rolled her eyes. “Jonathan has faults because no man is perfect. Find out what 

they are before you get too tangled into him.” 

“I do notice he is a little short tempered and seems to pout if he doesn’t get his 


“See, you have two traits. You need to know at least five to make sure you want to 

be with him, and if out of those five, three of them are bad; girl, send him packing.” 

“That is good advice but every person has more than one or two bad traits. Can’t 

we up the trait count to eight?” 

“Fine do eight, but the good traits should outnumber the bad; he might be a stal- 

lion in bed but you can’t live off sex alone.” 

Sticking another fry in her mouth she winked. “Pam, if only you knew; if only you 


Pam raised her eyebrow. “It’s that good huh?” 

“The sex is freaking amazing but it goes beyond that. When I met Jonathan the first 

time, I knew he was different. I thought he was going to be silly and annoying, but 

he dared me to take him on. He knew once he got me to spend time with him, I 

would be addicted.” 

“Gabby, are you addicted to him already?” 

She nodded her head slowly. “Yes. All I do is think about him. I’m like a kid in a

store full of toys and candy when it comes to him. Pam, what am I going to do if 

things don’t work? If I let a cross-dressing anesthesiologist drive me into hiding, 

Jonathan’s deception will probably turn me into a nun.” 

“Traits; it all boils down to his traits. Watch him around other women and how he 

treats you in an atmosphere full of them. If he doesn’t pay them any attention, then 

you know he is into you.” 

“What if he’s not interested in the other woman, but she is persistent?” 

“Then you defend your territory. Let Jonathan see you won’t take any crap—“ 

“Who am I not taking any crap from, Pam?” Jonathan said approaching the table. 

Gabrielle twisted her neck to see Jonathan standing behind her. “What are you 

doing here?” 

Bending his head down he placed a kiss her on the lips. “Mmm, French fries with 


Pam gathered her puzzle book and purse and stood from the table. “That is my cue 

to go. But, before I depart you lovebirds, how about coming to my house for dinner 

Saturday night? I’m having a few friends over and would love to have you.” 

Jonathan shrugged his shoulders. “I’m cool with it if Gabrielle doesn’t have 

anything planned for us.” 

“I have nothing planned,” she said squeezing his hand. 

“Great. Gabby, I’ll drop by the lab with the invitation—its’ casual by the way,” 

Pam said leaving them alone. 

Gabrielle folded her arms leaning on the table. “Have you visited Nick already?” 

“No. His girlfriend was sitting with him and I don’t have the stamina to deal with 

her for more than five minutes.” 

“I don’t know Nick at all. When he gets better we’ll have to hang out and get to 

know each other.” 

He took her can of Coke and sipped it. “Trust me you don’t want to know this new 

and unimproved Nick. A few years ago I wouldn’t have a problem with us hanging 

out together.” 

“Did you have a falling out with him?” 

“Babe, Nick has been separating himself from me and Anthony for his own 

reasons. I don’t agree why he’s doing it but he doesn’t pay my bills so if he choos- 

es not to be friends any longer; oh well.” 

“In other words he doesn’t approve of me being with you.” 

“It’s not just you, but the one before you and now Anthony.” 

“See, Jonathan. I’m already causing problems for some of your friends. I tend to 

say what is on my mind. He’d better hope I don’t hear him say anything bad or I 

will let him have it no holds bar.” 

“Who am I to withhold your freedom of speech, but he won’t say anything to you; 

he keeps all his comments to voice to me.” 

“Why are you putting up with that mess? People kill me believing we should all 

think alike.” 

“I visit him because I’m not like him and can look past his denseness while he 

unconscious, but once he’s on his feet again, I’m out.” 

“Are you sure you won’t be uncomfortable around Pam and her friends? I don’t 

know all her friends but I don’t want to put you on the spot.” 

“Nope, I won’t. Gabrielle, I’m not going to cause you any embarrassment when 

around your friends or family; I’m myself all the time. I don’t pretend to be black 

because I’m around black people and I don’t expect you to pretend to be white 

when you’re around my family or friends. If anything, I will embarrass you because 

I act silly sometimes, but I’ll never pretend to be someone I’m not.” 

She folded her slender hand around his, making them into a large fist. Caressing 

his hard knuckles Gabrielle moved in closer. “Jonathan, I don’t have a problem 

with any of that. I’m ready to embrace this new and exciting relationship I know 
we’re going to have. I miss the pampering on special days and I can’t wait to do the 

unexpected for the man in my life.” 

“I’m gonna love being on the receiving end of being your man,” he grinned snidely. 

“We’ll see who receives the most fun. I’m going to make you work for every inch of 

me,” she said tracing his chin with the tip of her finger. 

Jonathan took her hand kissing the tip of each finger. “Babe, I’m gonna lay it on the 

table and let you decide how fast we move.” 

“What do you mean?” 

“I’m not going to get rich doing what I do for a living, Gabrielle. I work twenty-four 

on and the pay sucks but the benefits are good. On my days off I work with trou- 

bled kids. I have to add that a lot of relationships have failed because women have 

a hard time dealing with what we do.” 

She nodded her head slowly. “Jonathan, I appreciate you want to prepare me. 

We’ll be together when we have time and I’ve worked hard to get what I have. I’m 

not expecting you to take care of me or drench me with riches. Damn, I almost 

married a man that had no interest in women, so I’m not looking to rush into any- 


“He should have seen you naked; that would have turned him straight,” he 


“Well thank the holy heavens it didn’t get that far. Anyways, the invention of the 

telephone was made for people to communicate and keep in touch; we’ll have to 

learn to use it.” 

“Don’t forget you can drop by the fire station and say hello thanks to the invention 

of the car.” 

“Yeah, I could do that, but the dorm is not private and dropping by the station to 

say hello or wave as I drive by won’t be the same as…you know.” 

He teased her by touching the tip of her nose, “Your mind is going places I didn’t 

imagine you went.” 

“Oh, baby, you don’t know half of where my imagination can go. Anyhow, I have to 

get to work. What are your plans for the rest of the day?” She asked sliding from 

the booth. 

Standing with her, he said, “I’ll probably meet with Anthony to play a little ball then 

go home and wait for you get off work.” 

“Have fun and I will see you later.” 

Seated at table out of view of the new couple, Sandra lowered the newspaper to wit- 

ness the kiss between Jonathan and Gabrielle. Her hands crumpled the ends of the 

newspaper frowning. “You bitch! Jonathan DeMinico will be mine and you will not 

ruin it,” she hissed watching Gabrielle and Jonathan exit the cafeteria holding 


Chapter Thirteen 

Jonathan took a long swig of water from the bottle and wiped dripping sweat from 

his face. “Damn, I’m getting too old for this shit,” he said out of breath. 

Anthony threw the towel over his face stretching his long legs. “Those young boys 

kicked our asses. We looked a hot mess out there.” 

“I hate to admit it but we need Nick; at least he could keep up with these kids.” 

Snatching the towel from his face Anthony threw him a look. “Man, we’re letting ju- 

nior high school boys take us to school in basketball. We can’t go out like this; 

we’re fireman.” 

“We could challenge them in putting out a fire to even the score.” 

“Hell, if I had to climb a flight of stairs right now, they would beat me in that too.” 

Jonathan laughed. “This is fucking sad, man. I got a date tonight; I can’t go all 

broke down and sore.” 

“Yeah, who is she?” 

“Gabrielle. We decided to give it a shot.” 

“You da man! You said you would be with her and dammit you did it. So what’s up 

for tonight?” 

“She’s cooking dinner for me or, shall I say she’s cooking dinner for me again.” 
“Go on with your bad self, playa. Melanie and I are together again. It ain’t no fight- 

ing it anymore; we belong together.” 

“I had the pleasure of hearing that from Sandra Rhodes.” 

“Why would she call you about that?” 

“She didn’t call me. She came to the school after career day this morning. It’s 

something about her I don’t trust, Anthony.” 

“I agree with you on that. She cursed my ass out the other day. Never tell a black 

woman you choose another woman over her.” 

“She gotta get over it. She wasn’t happy when I turned down her dinner 

invitation for tonight. When I told her I was with Gabrielle, she got this look on her 

face that scared the shit out of me.” 

“Amira is who I’m worried about. Jon, I think that little girl might be abused.” 

Jon turned his neck to stare at Anthony. “What?” 

“I’m serious. I think she is being mentally abused by Sandra.” 

“That’s bullshit, Anthony. I’ve talked to Amira and she doesn’t seem like a child 

that isn’t cared for. She’s clean, healthy and gets good grades in school.” 

“Man, you can be mentally abused and not show it on the outside. My father beat 

me down mentally every damn day of my life, but I carried on like nothing was 

wrong when I was around my friends.” 

“Get out! You never said anything and we hung out every day after school.” 

“See what I’m saying! Jon, my dad never through I would amount to anything. 

Even though I got good grades and made every sport I tried out for, none of that 

was good enough for him. He would berate me every chance he got. Going to the 

fire academy with you was my only escape other than joining the service.” 

“Your old man was always nice to me. I was pissed at you for not showing more 

grief at his funeral.” 

“That’s kind of hard to do when you’re not feeling the grief. I’m telling you, Amira 
is being mentally abused by Sandra. I wanted to stick it out for her, but I had to 

make a choice between Sandra and Melanie.” 

“What do we do? Without proof we can’t go to any agency and ask they 

investigate. Plus, Sandra works for a major newspaper as one of their star colum- 

nist; if no abuse is found, her reputation will be ruined.” 

“Jon, I don’t know what to do. Somehow we gotta get Amira to tell us what is going 

on behind closed doors; without her, there won’t be anything we can do.” 

Jonathan shook his head. “Has Amira mentioned her father to you?” 

“Nope and Sandra never talked about him either. I don’t believe he’s in Amira’s 


“Why did you drop this in my lap, man? Now I have to find a way to help her.” 

“Jon, don’t go shaking the weave from Sandra’s head trying to get her to confess 

she’s abusing her daughter; you gotta do this with coolness. We’re involved with a 

couple of youth groups; we’ll start inviting Amira to come hang out. The more time 

we spend with her the more she will open up.” 

“Seriously, Anthony—Sandra will want to come along. She doesn’t hide she’s inter- 

ested in me again since you dumped her. I’m not trying to ruin what I can have 

with Gabrielle.” 

“My advice would be to tell Gabrielle everything if you plan on helping Amira. I told 

Melanie about it and she agrees with me. She wants to help.” 

Jonathan leaned over dropping his head down. “How do I tell my new 

girlfriend I want to spend time with another woman and her kid?” 

“Gabrielle will probably offer to help. I’m hitting the showers.” 

“Yeah, I’m right behind you.” 


Sandra waved to Amira as she exited the school. Inside the car she buckled her 

seat belt and waited for Amira to do the same. “So how was your day?” 

The young girl’s head never lifted as she started at the floor of the car. “It was 


“Amira, I’m talking to you and it is not polite to look away when someone is talking 

to you.” 

Amira’s big brown eyes lifted towards her mother and in a small voice she said, 

“I’m sorry, Mom.” 

“It’s okay, baby; next time remember to make eye contact. How did Jonathan do at 

career day?” 

“He did good; all the kids had questions for him.” 

“That’s great, baby. Did you let your friends know he was going to be your daddy?” 

“No,” she said as her eyes filled with confusion. 

“Would you like Jonathan to be your father? I think he would be a great father for 

you; more so than that lying Anthony.” 

Amira didn’t answer but saw the change in her mother’s eyes as she peered at her 

through the rearview mirror. 

Upset the child didn’t respond, Sandra yelled. “I asked you a question! Do you 

want Jonathan to be your father?” 

“Yes, Mom, I do,” she answered cowering closer to the door of the car. 

“I’m not going to hit you in front of people; how stupid do you think I am! But, 

when we get home, I want you to call him. Amira, you better get him to our house 

somehow or you will regret it.” Sandra’s eyes shrunk to narrow slits. 

“Mom, I have a sleepover tonight, remember.” 

“Dammit! Alright, I have to think of another plan. Not one word of our 

conversation is to be said to your friend; do you understand me?” 

“Yes, ma’am.” 

Banging on the steering wheel Sandra threw the car into reverse and backed from 

the space driving recklessly. 



After dinner Gabrielle and Jonathan retreated to the living room to watch 

television. Jonathan stroked Gabrielle’s shoulder as she lay across his lap. He’d 

managed to keep his composure lively when his mind often drifted to Amira. He 

remembered the sleepover and for a few minutes, was relieved to know the child 

was safe somewhere else until he could figure out what to do. 

He checked his watch after realizing Gabrielle had fallen asleep; it was close to 

eleven. Taking his feet off the coffee table, he shook her shoulders. “Babe, wake up. 

I’m getting ready to go home.” 

Gabrielle stirred, turning over on his lap. “Why are you leaving?” 

“So you can get to bed and I’m beat too. Those young boys put a hurting on me 

and Anthony playing basketball today.” 

She sat up folding the afghan over the arm of the sofa. “We can go to bed, if you 


“Is that an invitation to stay the night?” 

“Jonathan, are we going backwards and pretending we haven’t slept together al- 

ready? We can actually go to bed and not have sex,” she said stretching the kinks 

from her back. 

He stood up. “Okay, let’s retire for the night.” 

A few minutes later Gabrielle appeared from the bathroom dressed in a soft orange 

silk nightie. She slid beside him fluffing her pillow to get comfortable. “This has 

been a long week. I was assigned Nick to my caseload. When he is able, I will be 

treating him.” 

Jonathan folded his arms behind his head. “Has he come out of the coma?” 

“Yes. He’s being kept medically sedated and still on a ventilator but he can re- 

spond to commands. Baby, he was at the hospital for you; why aren’t you or An- 
thony there for him?” 

“Gabrielle, this whole thing with Nick is complicated. I swear I will try to explain it 

to you one day.” 

“Okay, but what else is bothering you. You have been distant all evening. Have I 

done something?” 

“You noticed. I thought I was doing a pretty good job keeping it from you.” 

“You haven’t; so tell me what’s wrong.” 

He turned on his side putting his arm around her. “How did you know orange was 

my favorite color?” 

“I guess I’m psychic. Tell me what happened, Jonathan. I don’t want to start our 

relationship with secrets between us.” 

“What’s on my mind doesn’t have to do with us. Anthony laid some 

information on me today that took me by surprise.” 

“Whatever it is it must be serious.” 

“It is. He thinks Amira is being abused by her mother. I thought he was talking 

nonsense but he said he’s noticing a pattern in Amira that he used to have when he 

was abused by his dad.” 

She sat up. “What kind of abuse? Is she beating her child?” 

“He thinks its verbal abuse. He wants me to get Amira to talk about it.” 

“Do it, Jonathan. If that child is being abused, maybe her father should know what 

is going on.” 

“We’re not sure if the father is in the picture. Amira doesn’t mention him and An- 

thony said Sandra never talked about him either.” 

“That little girl lights up every time she is around you. It’s obvious you are offering 

her a missing element in her life. Is there anything I can do to help?” 

“I want you to be patient with me. We’re just getting to know one another and al- 

ready I’m asking you to let me spend time with another woman in order to help a 


The cringing nag in her head had gone dormant for nearly a day, suddenly sprung 

forward. “How can I say no when so much rides on Amira’s well-being; she is 

more important at the moment.” 

“Don’t say it like I’m not gonna be around. Gabrielle, you come first and I will 

make time for you—for our relationship.” 

“Um-hum,” she said turning over. 

He kissed her shoulder caressing her arm with his hand; she moved away. 

“Gabrielle, c’mon are you mad?” 

Pulling the comforter over her shoulder she closed her eyes. “No, I’m just tired. 

Goodnight, Jonathan.” 

“Are you too tired for me to do this?” His hand cuddled around her waist to caress 

her belly moving upward to cup her breast tweaking the nipple until it hardened. 

He could feel her body tremor through the fabric of her nightie but she made no ef- 

fort to give into his seduction.

Gabrielle remained still not giving him the satisfaction of letting him know the 

arousal was getting the better of her. He pressed his nude body in close to her 

backside; rubbing his hardness against her behind. She moved over closer to the 

edge of the bed, only he moved with her not releasing his hold. 

Turning her on her back, he slipped the thin straps of the nightie around her shoul- 

ders blades pushing it down to her waist. He trapped her upper body beneath him 

so she couldn’t move away from. He licked around her nipple, taking it in his 

mouth to suck gently before switching to the other to do the same. 

Gabrielle refused to return his seduction. She wasn’t mad with him for wanting to 

help a child in need, but the thought of him spending time with Sandra Rhodes 

was unsettling her nerves. The woman could not be trusted and with their rela- 

tionship being new she was liable to do anything she could to get her claws into 


Jonathan continued to manipulate her nipples with his lips and tongue. Using his 
hands to wander beneath her panties, her attitude was not responding physically 

but her body was. He parted her clamped thighs enough to slip a finger inside her 

moist folds. A sharp breath escaped her lips allowing him to slide his tongue 

insider her mouth when he kissed her. Her body relaxed allowing him to slip an- 

other finger inside to join the first. 

Gabrielle new it was pointless to fight and gave into his temptation. The man was a 

master at seduction and she wasn’t fooling herself into believing she wasn’t inter- 

ested in making love to him. 

Jonathan felt the current shift in his favor as she kissed him back. Moving on top 

of her, he entered her in on swift motion causing her to bite lightly on his shoulder. 

He growled as she closed tightly around him sucking him in deeper. He grinded 

his hips against her pelvis in a slow rhythm making love to the woman he already 

knew he would not be able to live without. 

Gabrielle pushed at his shoulders. “Jonathan, you have to stop now,” she rasped. 

“I can’t,” he grunted putting his hands under her hips pumping harder. “You feel 

so damn good.” 

An orgasm blindsided her; rocking her body in unison with his. Resting on top of 

her, Jonathan closed his eyes then opened them wide. “Holy shit!” He exclaimed 

looking down at her. 

“I tried to stop you.” 

He rubbed his forehead with his fingers disgusted with himself. “How close are 


“I should be safe this time.” 

“See what you do to me, woman! I lose control when I’m around you.” 

“Is this all we will do, Jonathan?” She asked pulling her nightgown over her head. “I 

just want to make sure I have it correct so there won’t be any misconceptions.” 

“Is this our first fight?” 

“No this is not a fight but a clarification.” 

“What do we need to clarify, Gabrielle; just tell me what I’ve done wrong so I can 

apologize and we can move past it?” 

“A lot of this is me talking. I know I wanted us to get to know each other and move 

slow but, all we’re doing is having sex when we’re together.” 

“Before I put my foot in my mouth, is this a good or bad thing for you?” 

“Jonathan, I’m saying I don’t know anything about you. Our time together is limited 

and if we spend all of it in bed, where will we find the time to see if we’re compat- 

ible outside of the bedroom?” 

“Wait, our time is limited? Why is our time limited?” 

She paced the bedroom. “You said you want to spend time with Sandra Rhodes in 

order to help Amira. How are you going to do that unless you use your time off 

work to spend with them?” 

“First off I don’t want to spend my days off with Sandra. I’ll have to be around her 

in order to get close to Amira.” 

She ran her hand through her short hair saying, “Same difference, Jonathan. She 

will be with you and Amira.” 

“What happened to you looking forward to embracing our relationship?” 

“I obviously spoke out of turn. Sandra is interested in you, and for my own piece of 

mind, I have to end this before my heart gets caught in the middle of a tug of war 

that I have no chance in winning.” 

“Gabrielle, what the hell happened? I can help Amira and not have a damn thing to 

do with her mother. As far as the sex, yeah it does seem we hit the bedroom a lot, 

but I have every intention in getting to know you. I’ve already learned the intimate 

and fun sides of you and, now I’m seeing more of an insecure side you’ve never 


“I’m learning more about you. You are very sincere when it comes to kids and I

applaud you for that. You also stand your ground when you make a decision. I have 

to do the same.” 
“Dammit! I also know what I want and Sandra ain’t it—you are. I’m okay if you 

want us to stop having sex until you’re more comfortable with me; I can do that. I 

will do whatever you want me to do, Gabrielle—but don’t end it. What we have is 


She rubbed the cold chill running down her arms. “I wanted what we were starting 

to be special, too.” 

“Pulling on his boxers, he went over to her. “Then what’s the problem?” 

“The problem is I think we should stop with everything until you figure out what is 

going on with Amira.” 

The deep scowl on his face darkened his color. “Are you freaking kidding me?” 

She took a step back for space. “You lean a lot about a person after you’ve spent 

time with them. Sandra Rhodes might not be the woman we think she is, but very 

intriguing and with Amira already tugging at your heart strings, this ready-made 

family might be hard for you to walk away from. I’m going to take a bath.” 

Jonathan felt the weight of her words crashing over him. What she said held truth, 

but not for him. Reaching for her arm, he stopped her from leave. “Gabrielle, that 

won’t happen. If you have a better way for me to handle this, by all means, tell me.” 

“I don’t because without proof of the abuse, there is only speculation. I’m sure you 

will get to the bottom of what is going on with Amira and I pray she isn’t being 

abused—no child deserves that treatment.” She wiggled her arm from his grasp 

and took her robe from the chair saying, “You know, it is mighty funny how An- 

thony didn’t volunteer to stay with Sandra to help Amira. He is perfectly happy 

making sure his rekindled relationship with Melanie stays secure while letting you 

risk losing yours.” 

Jonathan flopped down on the bed, covering his head with this hand. Gabrielle 

might have been young in age but wiser beyond her twenty-nine years. She was 

protecting herself from possibly being hurt and he couldn’t blame her. 


Jonathan opened the bedroom door. Gabrielle was sleeping peacefully and he 

hated to wake her. Sitting the tray on the dresser, he lit the single candle and placed 

the one yellow rose in the vase. He chose the yellow rose because of her tattoo and 

figured it held a symbolism for her.

Quietly he picked through the stack of CD’s sitting next to the small portable player 

on the dresser. According to the selection, she favored R&B singers like Toni Brax- 

ton, Beyoncé and other singers that sang the best of soulful love songs. 

Choosing a Brian McKnight CD, he turned the music down to a soft level after 

Gabrielle stirred on the bed. Carrying the tray over to the bed, he leaned down to 

place a tender kiss on her forehead. “Wake up sleeping beauty.” 

Gabrielle squeezed her eyes tighter together blocking the sunlight filtering the 

room. “What time is it?” She asked in a sleepy voice. 

“Almost 10:00 in the morning. Sit up; I made breakfast for you.” 

She pulled her body to rest against the headboard. “You made breakfast for me?” 

“Yup; I intend to pamper my lady for the next two days. The weather is 

supposed to be nice outside. How about we go for a walk in the park today?” 

She sipped the weakly made coffee forcing it to go down her throat without gag- 

ging. “Jonathan—“ 

“Gabrielle, I’m not taking no for an answer. I have two days left to spend with you; 

can I at least enjoy them before you kick me out of your life again?” 

“I’m not kicking you from my life. I’m sure I’ll run into you at the hospital or we 

can call to say hello; remember we are friends.” 

His cellphone rang on the night table. “Who would be calling me this early?” 

Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders. “Better answer it; it might be important.” 

He picked up the phone, saying, “Hello, Lieutenant Murad.” 

Gabrielle buttered her toast as Jonathan left the room to talk. The music playing 

caught her attention and brought forefront the events from the night before. They 
had stayed up most of the night talking and came to the conclusion that putting a 

halt to the budding relationship until further notice was a good idea. He’d told her 

about the chat with Sandra in the parking lot after career day, and how she might 

have been expressing events of her life using Gabrielle as an example. 

Removing the tray table from her lap, she got out of bed and turned off the music. 

She wasn’t feeling very romantic and pretty much wanted Jonathan to leave so she 

could be alone to sulk. Looking in the mirror the puffy eyes staring back at her 

proved once and for all she was destined to be alone forever no matter what 

changes she made to her life. 

Her two sisters were outgoing and popular and both married wealthy men and 

moved to other states. Her mother who’d married late in life was living abroad with 

her new husband in Africa. And, then there was her; stuck in Cleveland alone with a 

few relatives scattered around the area. 

Opening the drawer of the dresser she removed a letter she needed to make a deci- 

sion on soon. It was from a hospital in Chicago that had been pursuing her for 

months. She never really thought about moving out of state, but since the majority 

of her family was gone, she didn’t have a real reason to stay in Ohio. 

She sighed tapping the letter on the edge of the dresser. The depression looming 

over her worsened. The moment she laid eyes on Sandra Rhodes, she wondered 

why the woman irked her nerves, and now she knew. 

Jonathan entered the bedroom breaking her trance. “Sorry about that,” he said. 

“My lieutenant got the report on the fire at Sandra’s house.” 

She turned to face him. “Oh, what caused it?” 

“The fire was deliberately set. He’s turning it over to the arson unit to investigate.” 

“Wow. Jonathan, what kind of column does she write? Could she have ticked off 

someone bad enough to make them burn her house down?” 

“I don’t know, but if there is a clue left in the ruble, the arson unit will find it.” 

He noticed the paper in her hand. “Were you writing me a letter—a Dear John to be 


She smiled. “You are silly. This is a letter from a hospital in Chicago for a job offer. 

I’ve been mulling it over a few weeks and have to make a decision soon.” 

He placed his hands on his hips. “I guess I helped you make your decision. 

When do you have to be in Chicago?” 

“Jonathan, accepting the job offer has nothing to do with you. But, I have decided 

to accept their offer and they want me in Chicago the first of May. I’m a young 

woman with a promising career; starting over in a major city like Chicago, will be 


“I bet it will be exciting, and far enough away from me.” The sarcasm dripped heav- 

ily from his tone. “Do you know anyone in Chicago?” 

She shook her head. “No I don’t, and mostly the reason why I hadn’t replied until 

now. My immediate family has moved on to bigger and better adventures, but I 

stayed behind when I can do my job in any city.” 

“You never talk about your family. I wondered if you had family in the area.” 

“That’s because we never talk, Jonathan.” 

“I’m talking now.” 

Gabrielle placed the letter in the drawer. “Yeah, but it’s a little late to start now. I 

should feed Midnight; I’m surprised she hasn’t come to remind me I haven’t fed 


“I fed her.” 

“You will be her friend for life. Did she give you purrs and slither her tail around 

your leg?” 

“Yeah, but I want her mother to give me purrs and slither around my legs. 

Gabrielle,” he said walking over to her and embracing her. “Please reconsider that 

job offer.” 

Having his arms around her made her wobbly. Sucking in his scent she closed her 

eyes to take it all in mentally and store it forever. “Jonathan, I’m going to miss you. 
Promise me you will take care of yourself and not make so many heroic rescues.” 

“I can’t believe you’re doing this. I swear I am not the type to fall for phony seduc- 


She cupped his handsome face between her hands. “You’re too smart for that and I 

know you don’t want to be with Sandra. I guess you could say this is a preventive 

move, Jonathan. Being a fireman is stressful. Now you’re about to go digging 

around in a person’s life that could cause repercussions that you will be directly in- 

volved with.” 

He gazed deeply into her eyes seeing the hidden pain. “What am I going to do 

without you?” 

“A month ago you had no idea I existed. When the storm settles, you’ll dust off the 

bunker pants and carry on with your life, Mr. DeMinico.” 

“And, up until you leave what am I supposed to do—pretend you never existed? 

Pretend you haven’t broken my heart. I might be able to pretend all that, Gabrielle, 

but I can’t pretend I don’t care about you.” 

“I care about you, but we don’t have a choice. Take my advice and stay away from 

any women until you have the goods on Sandra. You will have to pretend you’re 

into her or she will yank Amira away from you so fast it will make your head spin. A 

mother will protect her child even if she is abusing her.” 

He sucked his lips. “I should mind my own business. Anthony didn’t spend that 

much time with them to know all their business.” 

“Once you get them alone you can make that judgment call and slide out with an 

excuse if you don’t see anything wrong.” 

“Yeah, but you’ll be gone. Are we still on for Pam’s party tonight?” 

She smiled, planting a sensual kisses to his lips. “Yes. It will be our final night to- 

gether as a couple. Wow, I never thought my relationship with Damien Hawke 

would beat this; I broke a record with this one only lasting two days.” 

Jonathan savored the flavor of her lips. She might think all is over, but he had news 
for her; he was not letting her go or move to Chicago.

Chapter Fourteen 

Three weeks after ending his relationship with Gabrielle, Jonathan’s mood re- 

mained sullen. He’d been using one day a week to spend with Amira and so far he 

had witnessed a difference in the girl’s behavior. When she was around him, she 

seemed relaxed but when Sandra came in the room she tended to become tense 

and withdrawn. 

Jonathan polished the chrome on the Ladder 30. Washing the trucks took a lot of 

time and, thus far, the day had been slow and he took his time shining the bright 

red and white truck. Anthony came around to the front of the truck to help polish. 

“What’s going on, Jon?” 

Putting full muscle into the circular motion his hands made with the cloth, he con- 

tinued to churn away at the chrome making it sparkle in the sunlight. “Nothing,” he 


“Why are you being distant? All I’m getting from you lately is one-word answers or 

head nods. What’s up?” 

He stopped polishing and tossed the rag in the bucket with the rest of the cleaning 

products. “Nothing is up, Anthony. How are you and Melanie getting along these 


“We’re great. We spent Saturday cleaning out my place, because I’m moving in 

with her next month. Did you hang out with Amira and Sandra again?” 

“Yup. That seems to be my life of late.” 

“Are you making any progress with Amira?” 

“The only progress I’m making, is getting better at coming up with lies on why I 

can’t stick around after Amira is sent to bed. I’m tired of fighting off Sandra’s ad- 


I’m sorry I let you talk me into this shit!” 

“Me, what I got to do with any of this? I did not tell you to take on Sandra.” 
“You told me about Amira. You knew damn well I wouldn’t turn my back on her. 

We work with troubled kids, Anthony; where have you been while I’m busting my 

ass helping Amira and the other kids?” 

Anthony flipped his hand. “I’m trying to work it out with Melanie.” 

“Anthony, why didn’t you offer to stick around and help Amira, if you were con- 

cerned about her welfare? I was trying to start something with Gabrielle just like 

you were with Melanie.”

“I told you Sandra didn’t appreciate me calling it quits with her.” 

“I’m starting to think you planned this as pay-back.” 

“Really—cause I’m not that childish.” 

“Either way, thanks a lot, buddy, while you’re all snuggled up with Melanie on your 

days off; I’m right back where I was before Gabrielle came into my life—fucking 


“You can’t blame me for Gabrielle dumping you.” 

“I do because we were supposed to be helping Amira together. You hung me out to 


“I don’t get why Gabrielle stopped seeing you. Amira is part of the youth group, not 


“Sandra is always there, Anthony! Every time I turn around the woman is there; 

Gabrielle knew that would happen and didn’t want to deal with her.” 

“Sandra is stalking you? Wow that is crazy!” 

“I’m glad you find the shit funny. I almost have enough information to turn over to 

child services to investigate Sandra, but with Gabrielle moving to Chicago next 

month; I still come out on the losing end.” 

Damn, man, why is she moving to Chicago?” 

“She got a job offer and decided to take it.” 

“Jon, look at me, man,” Anthony said lowering his voice. 

“Just leave me alone,” he said bending down to clean the tires on the truck. 
“Jon, I said look at me!” 

“What are looking for—tears? I will get over it.” 

“You son of a bitch—you’re in love with Gabrielle.” 

“And you’re an idiot!” 

“I’m an idiot that knows the truth you refuse to accept.” 

Jonathan banged his head lightly against the door of the fire truck. “What am I 

gonna do if she leaves Cleveland. All I do is think about her. I drove by her house 

and just sat there hoping she would come outside.” 

“Stop her from going. Dude, have you ever experienced real love?” 

“You know I haven’t. Tasha probably was the closest I ever came to telling a 

woman I loved her.” 

“Yeah but you didn’t let those three words escape your lips. Hell, you wouldn’t 

even give her the Valentines card with the words I love you written on it.” 

He snorted. “Yeah I remember that. I didn’t want to leap too soon and I now I’ve 

waited too late to leap at all with Gabrielle.” 

Anthony raised his brow. “Tell me the truth, Jon; do you love Gabrielle?” 

Reiss interrupted them. “Jon, you gotta phone call inside.” 

“I gotta take this call; we’ll finish talking later,” Jonathan said leaving. 


Gabrielle flipped through Nick’s chart updating the information after removing him 

from the ventilator a few days ago. Standing by his bedside she adjusted the rail- 

ing. “Mr. Barona, your throat will be sore for few days so try not to talk too much or 

eat any foods that might irritate your throat. Can I get you anything before I go?” 

His voice was raspy and low. “You’re Jon’s girl right?” 

“I’m a friend of Jonathan’s.” 

“I see why he liked having you treat him; you’re good.” 

“I’m glad I didn’t hurt you. Take care.” 

Nick took notice of the young woman for the first time. She had the gentlest hands 

he’d ever felt, and her nature was comforting. “Wait a sec.” 

“Yes, do you need a nurse?” 

“Nah, I want to apologize to you.” 

“Um, may I ask for what?” 

“I busted Jon’s ass about you. But, I see for myself I was wrong; I should have got 

to know you before judging you.” 

“Thank you, although you don’t owe me any apologies.” 

“Nah, I mean it. Jon smiles more since he got with you.” 

“He’s a very nice person and I like him a lot. You should get some rest.” 

“So, are you guys serious?” 

“Mr. Barona; we’re not. I wish Jonathan the best, but I will be moving from Cleve- 

land next month.” 

“He must be devastated. All he did was rave about you.” 

Her ears perked. “Is that right?” 

“Yeah you really threw him for loop. No woman could hold a candle to you accord- 

ing to him.” 

“The timing wasn’t right. I’m sure he’ll find another woman to occupy his time.” 

“I doubt it; he can be stubborn as a damn ox. Can I ask you for a favor?” 

“Sure if I can do it.” 

“They won’t let me have a phone and I don’t blame Jon and Anthony for not com- 

ing to visit; will you go by the station and let them know I need to see both of 


“I-I don’t—“ 

“Please, Gabrielle. I have a lot of redeeming to do and it begins with them.” 

“Alright; I’ll call Jonathan for you,” she said calming Nick down. 

“Thank you—thank you. You’re a real angle for doing this for me.” 


Ladder 30 returned to the station after the job was canceled halfway to the location. 

Jonathan leaped from the truck going into the kitchen for a drink. Gordon caught 

him before entering. 

“You gotta visitor waiting outside. I asked her if she wanted to wait inside and she 

said no.” 

“Thanks,” he said heading outside his stomach churned, hoping it wasn’t 

Sandra. Going to the parking lot he noticed Gabrielle’s Trailblazer parked against 

the fence. His stomach eased. 

She got out when she saw him approaching. Weeks had passed since she’d last 

seen or spoken to him. She couldn’t stop the smile crossing her lips. “Hi, 

Jonathan; it’s been a long time.” 

He returned her smile with one of his own. Her dimples deepened the wider her 

smile became. “I’m glad to see you. How have you been?” He asked kissing the 

deep dimple on her cheek. 

“Working hard and trying to rent my house. I also haven’t found a place to live in 

Chicago. I don’t have a lot of time to get all what I need done before May. But 

enough about me; how about you? You look great.” 

“I’m hanging in. So what brings you by the fire house?” 

“Oh, right. Nick asked me to come by. I guess I could have called but I wanted to 

see how you doing and say hello to Anthony. I’m getting off track. He would like 

for you and Anthony to come by the hospital when you get a chance.” 

“I’m glad you stopped by instead of calling. Is Nick okay?” 

“Surprisingly, he is doing great. He’s regained a little motion in his legs and is off 

the ventilator. He said he had some redeeming to do and wanted to start with you 
and Anthony.” 

“Wow, if Nick is redeeming, his accident must have scared the shit out of him.” 

“Being close to death has a way of changing a person.” She adjusted the strap of 

her purse on her shoulder. “I won’t hold you since you’re on the clock.” 

He took her hands. “Gabrielle, I’ve missed you. Will you have dinner with me 

tomorrow night?” 

“Jonathan, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea.” 

“It’s only dinner and not at your place but a restaurant; hell we can go to Burger 

King. Just say you’ll have dinner with me.” 

She laughed. “Okay, I’ll have dinner with you. I know you don’t like wearing suits 

so how about Olive Garden? I’m in the mood for Italian.” 

“Aha, Nick rubbed off on you.” 

“I’m wondering where he got the New York accent and lives in Cleveland; but he 

seems like a nice man.” 

“That’s just Nick. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at 7:00?” He asked gazing into 

her eyes. 

“Fantastic—I’m looking forward to it.” 

Standing in silence, neither one spoke as Jonathan continued to hold her hands. 

The radio blasted inside the station alerting all hands to report to a working triple- 

two fire. Jonathan dropped her hands. “That’s me.” 

“Jonathan, be careful, please,” she said concerned. 

He kissed her quickly on the lips. “Don’t worry; we’re supermen at this station.” 

She covered her ears from the sirens blaring as the trucks rolled from the station 

and down the street. Walking to her car a figure stepped in front of her. “What in 

the hell are you doing here!” The angry voice of the woman spewed at her. 

Gabrielle’s heart beat hard against her chest. It took a minute to focus on the 

woman standing in front of her; it was Sandra Rhodes. “I don’t think that’s any of 

your business,” she said walking past her. 

“It is my business! Jonathan is happy with me and Amira! Drop any thoughts of try- 

ing to lure him back.” 

“Huh, really,” Gabrielle said placing her fist flush on her hip. Funny he didn’t men- 

tion you when he asked me for a date a minute ago.” 

Sandra stretched her neck, tossing her hair aside. “Don’t make this get ugly, little 

girl. You have no clue what you’re dealing with.”

Gabrielle lowered her perfectly arched brow, frowning. “Too late for the ugly and 

don’t underestimate what you’re dealing with.” She got in the car turning on the 


Sandra stood in front of the vehicle with her hands spread flat on the hood. “I’m 

warning you! Stay away from Jonathan; do you understand me!” 

Gabrielle pressed down on the brake and tapped the accelerator jerking the SUV 

forward forcing Sandra to move. Lowering the window she rolled her eyes meanly. 

“What do you think?” 

Steam heated Sandra’s ears as she burned inside. “That bitch thinks I’m playing; 

she will regret messing with me!” Getting into her car, she sped from the parking 

lot going in the opposite direction of Gabrielle. 

Twenty minutes later, Sandra stormed through the front door of her rental home. 

Tossing her keys and purse on a nearby table; she looked around the empty room. 

“Amira, where are you! Get your butt downstairs pronto!” 

The child quickly ascended down the stairs holding onto the railing. “You called 

me, Mom.” 

“Get on the phone and call Jonathan!” 

“Mom, he already called me today,” she said nervously. 

“I don’t care he called you already!” Sandra shouted. Shoving the cellphone in the 

chest of the small child, she demanded harshly. “Call him; tell him you need him 

for tomorrow. Amira, you better not fail or else.” 

Tears puddled in Amira eyes. She couldn’t take another beating like last night when 
Jonathan couldn’t make it because he was working. Pushing the numbers on the 

phone, drops of tears covered the screen. 

“Stop crying! I don’t want him thinking anything is wrong. Just do like I told you 

and say you’re having nightmares about the fire.” Sandra paced back and forth un- 


Amira kept her eyes on her mother’s irrational behavior praying Jonathan would an- 

swer. The call went into voicemail. She pulled the phone from her ear, holding it 

for her mother to take. “He didn’t answer. Maybe he’s at a fire.” 

Slapping the phone from Amira’s hand, Sandra smashed the picture hanging on 

the wall. “Dammit! She got to him. I know she got to him. That bitch; I swear I’ll kill 

her ass if she stands in my way.” 

Amira sat on the step wrapping her arms around her knees waiting for the blows to 

begin. When Sandra stormed past without touching her, she released her breath 

running up the stairs to her bedroom locking herself inside the closet.

Chapter Fifteen 

Stepping from the shower, Jonathan picked up his ringing cellphone. “Hey, Amira, 

what’s up?” 

“Can you come over today?” 

“I’ve got a lot to do today, but I’ll see you tomorrow at the basketball court.” 


The pause on the end of the phone sent a chill down his spine. “Amira, is every- 

thing okay? Sweetie, talk to me? Where is your mom?” 

“Hi, Jonathan; I told Amira not to bother you on your day off. I reminded her, she would 

see you tomorrow.” 

“Its’ okay she can call me whenever she wants, Sandra. What’s going on with her; 

she sounded weird.” 

“I think she is a little disappointed you aren’t coming today. I made the mistake of 

telling her I have the loge for the Cavs game tonight and she wanted you to come.” 
“Aw, I have a date tonight but tell her thanks for thinking about me. Wait are you 

sure the game is tonight? I don’t think the Cavs play until tomorrow.” 

“You’re right. I read the date wrong. Aren’t you dating too soon after the break with 

that cute little therapist?” 

“Actually, I have a date with her, but first I’m visiting a friend in the hospital. In 

fact, I’m running behind schedule. Can we talk later?” 

“Sure, don’t let me hold you. Amira and I will see you tomorrow at the rec center and 

the basketball game, if you can make it.” 

“I’ll be there and maybe I’ll drag Anthony along.” 

“She would love to see Anthony; see you later.” 

Jonathan finished getting dressed deciding to let his hair dry naturally instead of 

blow drying it. Calling Anthony to make sure he was on schedule, he left his apart- 

ment not thinking much about the conversation with Sandra. 


Anthony was at the hospital by the time Jonathan arrived. He found him 

standing in the hallway chatting with a nurse. “What gives? Why are you standing 

in the hall?” 

“I’m waiting on you,” Anthony said, motioning for Jonathan to go in the room first. 

“This shouldn’t be awkward; we used to be good friends at one time.” 

“Used to be is the key word. Nick doesn’t have issues with you remember.” 

“Anthony, give him a chance. Gabrielle said he wanted to redeem himself so maybe 

we’ll be getting the original Nick back.” 

“We can only hope. Let’s go in and get it over with.” 

Nick was sitting propped up in bed. He’d been in the hospital nearly a month and 

was now residing in the rehabilitation section of the hospital. “I’m you guys made 

it!” His face lit up when the two men entered the room. 
Jonathan shook his hand before replacing it in the pocket of his jeans. “You look 

good, man. How much longer are you gonna be here?” 

“Eh, a couple more weeks if things keep progressing like they are. I can’t believe 

Gabrielle got my message to you. You were right, Jon, she’s one classy chick—I 

mean lady.” 

“Yeah she is. What did you want to see us about?” 

“Okay, where do I start? This has been a long road to recovery for me and I still got 

a long way to go before I’m actually on my feet.” 

“You have to take it one day at a time, Nick,” Jonathan said taking a seat in the 

chair. Anthony remained standing by the window not saying anything 

“I’m prepared for that journey because I’m determined to walk again. I can’t sway 

the ladies if I’m in a wheelchair.” 

“You got the right attitude.” 

“Anyhow, I’m not gonna keep you guys. Anthony, I’m sorry I’ve been such a dick. I 

owe you my life, man. If you had not risked your life cutting me from that hole, I 

would be worm. You guys stuck with me after all the shit I said to you. When I 

woke up, the big guy upstairs slapped me upside the head and showed me who my 

real friends are and how would always have my back.” 

Anthony shrugged his shoulders. “I did what I’m trained to do, Nick. We weren’t 

going to leave you to die.” 

“Don’t try and candy coat it, Anthony. When I was being dragged away, I saw you 

fall. I knew then what an ass I’d been, and prayed if I lived, I would make it up to 

the both of you.” 

Anthony moved by the bed. “Nick, there is nothing to make up to me. Really all I 

want is for you to get better and go back to being the Nick we used to be good 

friends with.” 

“You got it, buddy. All that dumb shit I used to say and do is over. I’m not even 
seeing Kate anymore.” 

“Why did you stop seeing Kate?” Jonathan asked. 

“She let me loose. She didn’t want a man confined to a wheelchair.” 

“That sucks. Keep your chin up; someone better will come along and help with 

your journey,” Jonathan said cheerfully. 

The door opened and a pretty blonde woman sauntered in. “Nick, is this a bad 


“Give me five minutes with my boys, then I’m all yours,” Nick said to her smiling. 

Anthony nudged him with his finger. “Who is the honey?” 

“That’s Sara; Kate’s sister. Jon; told ya I wasn’t scared to date a woman with a 


“Yeah you did. I’ma steal a line from Anthony and say play on playa.” 

Nick wiped his eyes. “Jon, I’m sorry for everything I put you through. I couldn’t ask 

for a better friend. You’re forgiving me without hesitation when I wouldn’t forgive 

myself for the shit I did. I know I won’t be part of the Superman team at Station 30 

anymore, but I will always be a firefighter and you both will always be my brothers.” 

Anthony beat on his chest. “Enough of this mushy stuff; we are firemen and I’m for 

damn sure ain’t gonna cry. Let’s all agree this shit is part of the past and move for- 

ward—deal?” He asked putting his fist out. 

Jonathan gave a sideways grin touching his fist next to Anthony’s; with Nick’s fol- 

lowing. “I think we have a deal.” 

Anthony headed for the door. “Come on, Jon; Nick got better curves to 


“Yeah, you don’t want to keep her waiting in the hall. We’ll come again soon.” 

“Send Sara in when y’all leave,” he said smoothing down his hair. 


“That was interesting,” Jonathan said to Anthony as they walked down the hall. 

“Yeah, took me by surprise. He seems to be dealing with his injuries fairly well.” 

“He does, but I think we should keep an eye on him just in case he does a relapse. 

You wanna go to a Cavs game tomorrow night?” 

“You got tickets?” 

“I don’t have tickets but Sandra and Amira have the loge. I have a date with 

Gabrielle and can’t make it.”

“Jon, the woman hates my guts. I don’t think she wants to sit at game with me for 

three or four hours.” 

“She said Amira would love to see you. Come on, Ant; you haven’t spent any time 

with Amira and it’s your turn to babysit.” 

“Since when are you on again with Gabrielle?” 

“We’re just having a final dinner together. She’s on track for her big move.” 

“Tell her how you feel, Jon. Women melt in your arms when they hear those words 

for the first time.” 

“Too soon,” he replied shaking his head. “I might be having false feeling and gotta 

be sure I’m telling her because my feelings are real, and not saying it just to keep 

her here.” 

“You need to throw caution to the wind and go for it. Gabrielle will go to Chicago, 

marry some other dude and you’ll be kicking yourself in the ass because you want 

to play it cool.” 

“Okay, Dr. Phil; I hear what’cha saying.” 


Gabrielle broke down the last box squeezing it between the wall and shelf in the 

garage. Taking the handle of the barbeque grill, she rolled it back in its place on the 

patio and covered it with the drop cloth. She then replaced the cushions on the 

lawn chairs and pushed them under the table. The yard was finally returned to the 
way it was before she spent hours taking it apart. 

Flopping on one of the chairs she relaxed. The sky threatened rain with the darker 

clouds taking over the blue sky and moving to cover the bright sun. Too exhausted 

to move, she didn’t care if the sky burst open dumping a thunderstorm on top of 

her. Her plan to move to Chicago fell through after the job offer was rescinded; the 

therapist decided to keep his job. 

Gabrielle closed her eyes as the first raindrops hit her forehead. The cool droplets 

of water felt good against her hot sweaty skin. As the rain started to fall harder, she 

got up to go inside the house; there was significant unpacking yet to do there. 

The kitchen was an array of boxes stacked neatly on the counters and table. 

Digging into the first box, she removed the newspaper wrapped dishes, stacking 

them in the dishwasher. The doorbell rang breaking her roll. “Who could that be?” 

She wondered as she filled the soap dispenser and started the cycle before 

answering the door. 

The doorbell rang again before she reached it. “I’m coming.” Opening the door 

Jonathan stood on the other side smiling for it to fade quickly. 

Gabrielle’s cheeks heated from embarrassment. Unlocking the screen door she 

cracked it open. “Jonathan what are you doing here?” 

“Did I catch you at bad time?” He asked looking her over. 

She pulled the bandana off her head trying to fluff her hair. She had to look a wreck 

with her dirt stained t-shirt and cut-up blue jean shorts, bare feet and no makeup. 

“Um, yes you did; but, come on in,” she said stepping aside. 

He entered the house noticing all the boxes, tape and packing materials scattered 

around. “I took a chance and came by; I saw your car in the driveway. If you needed 

help packing, why didn’t you call me?” 

“I was doing a little at a time but now I’m unpacking and that’s taking me forever.” 

“Why are you unpacking?” 

“The job fell through. I’m not moving after all.” 

His heart thumped extra beats as he reveled from her news. Listening to Anthony, 

he was ready to profess his love and beg her to stay but, with her news, he could 

hold off rushing into it. “Really?” His voice elevated with excitement. 

“You don’t have to sound so happy about it,” she said moving a box so he could 

sit down. “Have a seat.” 

“I’m not going to lie, I am happy you aren’t moving. But what happened?” 

“What always happens in my life; I get opportunities and before I can act on them 

they are gone,” she said crossing her long legs. “Oh well, glad I hadn’t given notice 

at the hospital.” 

“I am sorry it didn’t work out; I hate seeing you bummed out.” 

“I’m more tired than bummed. I’ve been working all morning and you’re sitting 

across me looking fresh and handsome and I look a freaking mess.” 

“You could be covered with tar and feathers and still be beautiful to me.” 

“You can stop lying; but thank you for the compliment.” She sat forward. “I would 

offer you a drink, only I don’t have any glasses unpacked.” 

“I’m cool; I don’t need anything. But, I have plenty of time to help you put the 

house back in order.” 

“Jonathan, you don’t have to help, but thanks for the offer.” 

“I want to help. I can rehang your pictures and put items on shelves for you,” he 


She released a smile. “Yeah, you are tall and I could use those muscles to push 

furniture around.” 

He pumped his guns making them bulge. “Bring it on!” 

She winked her eye playfully. “Alrighty— who am I to turn down free labor.” 

The hours passed as they worked unpacking boxes, rearranging furniture and hang- 

ing pictures. Taking a lunch break, they ate the pizza they’d ordered earlier. 

Jonathan wiped his mouth of the greasy residue. “Are we on for dinner tonight?” 

She nodded. “Yeah but I don’t want Italian food since we’re eating pizza. 

Jonathan, I wasn’t going to say anything but I feel you should know what happed at 

the station yesterday.” 

“What happened at the station,” he mumbled searching his brain. “Did 

something happen—we talked and my unit got called on a job is all I remember.” 

“Sandra was hiding in the darkness and gave me a stern warning to stay away from 

you. Is there anything going on between you two?” 

Crossing his heart, his complexion darkened. “I swear nothing will ever happen be- 

tween me and Sandra. I had no idea she was even there. Here’s what happened; 

Amira called me this morning asking about a Cavs game. Amira is aware of the 

days we hang out together, and would not call me unless Sandra is putting her up 

to it.” 

“She’s using her child to get to you. Baby, she is off her rocker. If you could have 

seen the look in her eyes—she is a freaking psycho. I will knock the crap out of her 

if she confronts me like that again.” 

“I can’t imagine you fighting,” he chuckled. 

“I will beat her ass. Don’t let my quietness fool you,” she said wiggling her finger. 

“Hmm, violent tendencies,” he said pretending to write in the palm of his hand. 

Pushing his hand down, she laughed. “Cut it out! I’m serious; I have a right to pro- 

tect myself.” 

“Yeah you do, and I know she’s not right upstairs; but I need a little more time to 

get proof. Amira won’t come clean and without proof from her, I can’t go to child 

services with what I have.” 

“What if child welfare decides Sandra is an unfit mother—what happens to Amira?” 

“She would go to a relative; wouldn’t she?” 

“Baby, I don’t know. That would be my guess but if a relative isn’t willing to take

her, I assume she would go into the system. Have you seen any signs of actual 

physical abuse?” 
“Not physical. She wears pants and long sleeve shirts so if she has any bruises on 

her body, they are covered.” 

“That poor kid,” she said shaking her head. “I can only imagine what she’s going 

through daily with Sandra. Baby, you have to dig deeper and come up something 

before Sandra is onto you.” 

“You know that’s the third time you called me baby,” he said raising a manly brow. 

“No I didn’t.” 

“Yes you did. Gabrielle, we are meant to be together. I agree we seemed to land in 

bed a lot in the beginning, but I want you in my life and I believe you want me.” 

“Jonathan, we’ve been over this.” 

“Gabrielle, let go of the fear. I’m not your ex-boyfriend living on the down-low. 

I even looked up the Village People on Wikipedia and not one was a fireman.” 

She laughed out loud. “You really are crazy under all that muscle and brawn.” 

He took hold of hand across the table. “I am crazy; I’m crazy in love with you, 


The lump in her throat stuck midway making it hard for her to talk. “What?” 

His eyes widened “What?” 

“What did you say?” 

“Did you hear me say something?” 

“Jonathan, don’t make me hurt you—what did you say.” 

He vacated his chair to kneel in front of her. Placing his hands around her waist he 

repeated, “I said I love you, Gabrielle. It scared me when I first said it because I’ve 

never been in love before and never told a woman I loved her and not be under the 

influence of alcohol.” 

“How do you know you know you love me?” 

“I cannot see my life going forward without you being a part of it. I think about you 

all the time and I was devastated when I thought you were leaving Cleveland.” 

She cradled his head in her arms stroking her face against his hair. “I love you too. 
I didn’t want that job in Chicago but I was scared to confess my love for you and 

hear you said you loved Sandra. Watching you walk into her arms would be a situ- 

ation I couldn’t handle.” 

He lifted his head looking into her eyes. “In my worst nightmare, that would never 


“Jonathan, can we make this work?” 

“I’m willing to put in more than hundred-percent if you give me the chance.” 

“It is official,” she said stroking his face. “I belong to you and you belong to me; no 

more parting ways over stupid stuff.” 

He kissed her lips slipping his tongue inside her mouth. The warmth spread 

through his body as he got reacquainted with the taste of her. Pulling her on the 

kitchen floor he removed his shirt and then hers…. 

Sandra drove slowly down the street in the pouring rain looking for Jonathan’s 

truck. She had followed him to Gabrielle’s house once before but he didn’t go in- 


When Amira could not reach him by phone after several hours of trying, she had a 

sneaky suspicion he was spending the whole day with Gabrielle and not just having 

dinner with her later as he stated. 

Spotting his truck in the driveway of the brick one-story ranch-styled home, she 

parked her car a few houses away and walked in the pouring rain to Gabrielle’s 


The neighbors on either side of her house were outside when she entered the front 


The picture window surrounded by low shrubs, had heavy paneled curtains that 

were closed. 

Sandra went to the side of the house but the dining room windows were too tall for 

her to see inside. A clap of thunder ran across the sky making her jump. 

Continuing to the rear of the house, she saw the back door was open but the glass 

screen door was shut. Easing on the handle downward, the door opened. Stepping 

inside the house, she slowed after hearing a noise. 

Tiptoeing up the two stairs that led to the kitchen, Sandra stopped, sucking in her 

breath. Anger flooded her rain-streaked face at the sight of Jonathan and Gabrielle 

going at it like animals on the kitchen floor. Retreating from the house she ran 

down driveway. Resting against the Silverado, Sandra’s chest heaved as the pain 

tore through her. Reaching into her purse, she removed the small pocketknife hold- 

ing it tightly in her hand. Tossing her wet hair aside she kneeled down stabbing the 

knife into the thick rubber tires of Jonathan’s truck; not stopping until she had 

assaulted all four tires. 

Running to her car she banged on the steering wheel not able to shake the image of 

Jonathan’s naked body lying on top of Gabrielle and her legs wrapped around his 

waist. Pulling from the curb, a loud horn sounded causing her to slam on brakes. 

“Fuck you!” she yelled through the closed driver’s window. 

Tears ran down her face as she drove wildly. She upped the volume of DMX’s 

angry lyrics playing on the radio and mumbled incoherently. “Jonathan, you want to 

fuck that bitch! You want her instead of me—I hope it was worth it, because you 

just signed her death warrant.” She bit down on her lip causing it to bleed. “I hate 

men! I hate all you lying, double-crossing, mother-fucking bastards!” She screamed 

to the top of her lungs. 


Gabrielle finished applying her makeup and left the bathroom. “I’m ready for din- 

ner and a movie, baby.” 

Jonathan took his keys from the dresser. “Me too; date night here we come,” he 

said opening the front door. 

“What the hell!” Jonathan exclaimed. His truck sat atop four flat tires. 

Gabrielle covered her mouth. Neither one of them had to think too hard on who 

would do this. “Jonathan, you have to call the police.” 

“Not yet. She wants to play; we can play.” 

“She knows where I live. I don’t want to be a part of her games.” 

He sighed. “Pack a bag; you’re staying at my place until I think of something.” 

Chapter Sixteen 

Jonathan rang the doorbell waiting for Amira to come running from the house as 

usual. She opened the door with a smile and a warm hug. “Hi, Jonathan; I’m ready 

to go.” 

“Okay, why don’t wait for me in the truck while I talk to your mom.” 

“Okay.” She skipped past him and down the driveway. 

He peeked inside the house. The house remained scantly furnished but 

otherwise clean. Going inside his foot stepped on an object causing it to leave a 

scratch on the hardwood floor. He bent his leg across his knee to dig it from his 

shoe; it was a piece of gravel. 

Sandra came down the stair not in her usual breezy mood and no scent of heavy 

perfume surrounded her. He put the rock in his pocket and looked up saying, 

“Hey, Sandra; I’ll have Amira back in time for the Cavs game tonight.” 

“Yeah—whenever is fine with me,” she said lighting a cigarette. 

“Excuse me?” 

“Don’t mind me. I had a late night dead-line to meet and I’m exhausted. Are you 

sure you can’t make the game tonight or, do you have another mystery date?” She 

flopped in the recliner swiveling it to face him. 

“I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about? What mystery date did I 


She took a long drag on the cigarette smashing it in the ashtray on the table. 

Blowing smoke though her nose, she grinned. “My column is about internet dating 

and the perils women face when they meet dangerous men pretending to be some- 
one they’re not; I guess it’s still fresh on my mind.” 

“That’s a hot topic but not only men can be dangerous; there are women who hunt 

for victims online as well as in the real world.” 

“True. Jonathan, do you hunt for women online?” She smacked herself on the fore- 

head. “Of course you don’t! A man like you can get women to drop their panties 

with no effort at all. Hell, they’ll drop them just about anywhere for you; won’t 


“What point are you trying to make, Sandra? I’m lost in knowing where this is 


“I’m just saying, Jonathan. You’re one damn handsome man that doesn’t have to 

beg a woman to sleep with you. Take that little tramp Gabrielle, is proof. She 

probably couldn’t wait to give you her goodies when she thought I might have you 


“I know what you did last night, Sandra. It cost me a lot of money to replace the 

four tires you sliced.” 

“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” 

“Okay, forget last night; I know you confronted Gabrielle and you need to stop 

bothering her. She is my girlfriend and you have to realize nothing will change 


“How many times do I have to hear that, Jonathan? I know you don’t want me. 

God forbid you’re the last man on earth and every woman has to fight over you— 

well get over yourself! I don’t want you!” 

“What the hell is going on with you?” He asked stunned. 

“Nothing is going on with me. In fact, I don’t think I want you around my daughter 


“Why are you punishing her, Sandra? She enjoys being with the other kids at the 

rec center.” 

Her eyes narrowed to slits. “How do I know that’s where you really take her?” 
“You’ve been where I’ve taken her on more than one occasion. People have seen 

you at the rec center. And, don’t forget Anthony is a youth director.” 

“So what; I’m a parent that isn’t comfortable with my 10-year old daughter spend- 

ing so much time with a grown ass man; especially a man that’s not related to her.” 

“Okay, then give me her father’s name; I call and ask him if he’s comfortable with 

his daughter living with an unstable mother. Let me tell him how his daughter’s 

mother is stalking me and vandalizing my car because I won’t give her the time of 


“Don’t you have a vivid imagination; I’m not stalking you or vandalizing your pre- 

cious car! What proof do you have, Jonathan!” 

“I have proof on tape, Sandra. There are cameras installed at the fire station. 

Why were you at the fire station the other night?” 

“I wanted to talk to you about Amira but your girlfriend beat me to you,” she said 

snarling her lip. 

“Why would you need to talk to me about Amira every single day? You always know 

where I am, Sandra?” 

“My daughter keeps in touch with you; I have never called you personally.” 

“You’re forcing Amira to call. You have that child checking to see if I’m with 

Gabrielle or actually working?” 

“Now who is calling whom crazy? Why would I do that?” 

“You knew I had other plans yesterday, yet Amira called me asking me to come 

over. When I asked her why she needed me, she couldn’t say. Why didn’t you finish 

feeding her the lines to say to me, Sandra?” 

“She didn’t talk to you yesterday.” 

“Yes she did. I told her not to tell you because I knew you would keep hounding 

me to come over.” 

She rose slowly from the recliner, clinching her teeth. “Get out of my house! Get 

“I’m going, but I’m taking Amira with me; there is no way in HELL I’m leaving her 

with you,” he said walking backwards and not turning his back on her. 

“You will not take my child anywhere! I will call the police if you drive off with her.” 

“You do that. Tell them I’m taking her to the fire station and they can meet me 


“I’m not playing with you! If you take my kid I will call the police.” 

“I want you to call them, Sandra! The fire house is a safe haven and Amira will be 

safe from you. I will not let you hurt her anymore.” 

“Get out! Get out of my house!” She picked up the glass ashtray throwing it at him. 

He was able to deflect the blow with his arm. “Go! Take her to that bitch therapist 

you were fucking yesterday! I don’t need you or Amira; that damn kid is weighing 

me down. She’s just like her no-good father! She doesn’t appreciate me or what I 

do for her, so good riddance!” 

Jonathan left the house quickly walking to his truck. “Buckle your seatbelt, Amira.” 

“Why was my mom yelling,” she asked softly. 

“Don’t worry about it, sweetie; just know you will be safe from now on,” he said 

backing from the driveway. 


“Jonathan, I have to call the police. She can’t stay here and you can’t take her home 

with you.” 

“I know, Lieutenant. I couldn’t in good faith leave her with that woman. The shit 

she was saying was enough to make my blood run cold; can you imagine how that 

little girl feels?” 

“I agree you did the right thing and with Ms. Rhodes house fire under 

investigation; you probably saved the kid’s life again.” 

“I don’t want Amira put in the system to get lost.” 

“What about relatives; does she know anyone?” 

Jonathan shook his head. “She doesn’t know her father or grandparents. I can’t go 

to Sandra’s job expecting to get any personal information either; it’s going to be up 

to child welfare to get answers about her background.” 

Mr. DeMinico?” A woman dressed in a black suit carrying a briefcase entered the 

command room with another man dressed equally the same. 

“Yeah, that’s me,” he replied raising his hand. 

“We’re with Child and Family services; can we chat?” 

“Yeah, sure.” 

Chapter Seventeen 

Gwen began to clear the table after having dinner with Gabrielle and Melanie. 

“Ladies, you don’t have to help me.” 

“Nonsense, Gwen,” Gabrielle said filling the dishwasher. “You cooked a lovely 

meal, the least I can do is help you clean.” 

“Jonathan raves about your cooking; maybe we can exchange recipes.” 

“I would love too. Um, Melanie, do you cook,” Gabrielle asked not wanting to leave 

her from the conversation. 

“Not like Gwen. I do okay with simple dishes.” 

Gwen dropped the sponge in the sink and grabbed a bottle of white wine from the 

fridge. “Come on ladies, sit. Melanie, we go way back but Gabrielle is new to the 

group. So, tell me, Gabrielle, are you and Jonathan in love? Anthony won’t part with 

any gossip.” 

Sipping the wine she could feel the warmth flowing in her veins. “Yes we are. I love 

him so much and never dreamed I would ever meet a man like him; not after the 

nut cases I’ve been with.” 

“Jonathan is a sweetheart and I’ve prayed so long for him to find the right woman 

to settle down with; much like Anthony and Melanie.” 

“We haven’t had much time to relax and be together like a real couple should. 
He has so much on his mind with Amira and now with Sandra missing; he’s really 


“I can’t imagine the last couple of weeks being easy for either of you. Sandra sur- 

prised me. She seemed a little odd but very outgoing. I actually liked her after I got 

to know her better, but deep down I knew she wasn’t right for Anthony.” 

“Geez, thanks, Gwen,” Melanie said twitching her lip. 

“Oh, girl, you know I wanted you with my brother and I’m glad you’re together fi- 


Gabrielle swirled the wine in the glass. “Sandra fooled a lot of people. I thought 

Jonathan would have an aneurysm when he found out she wasn’t a columnist but 

worked in the copy room.” 

Melanie asked. “Gabrielle, aren’t you scared going home alone knowing she is on 

the loose. She knows where you live.” 

“Jonathan installed alarms on the doors and windows, and my neighbors keep an 

eye on the house when I’m not home. But, honestly, I don’t think she would show 

her face around my place; she knows the cops are looking for her.” 

“It can’t be easy living like that,” Gwen said draining the last of her wine. 

She sighed. “It’s been hell, Gwen. But Jonathan is at ease knowing Amira is safe 

with you and Kevin and not with strangers.” 

“We love having her and the girls adore her. Gabrielle, when I saw the bruises on 

her body, I cried so hard. She is an innocent child that only wants to be love.” 

“She seems to be adjusting well to her new family.” 

“She cried for her mom few times, but I held her until she fell asleep.” 

Melanie chimed in on the conversation. “I read about that happening. There are a 

lot of abused kids that hold a soft spot for their abusing parents.” 

“Kevin and I are going to love her so hard; she’ll forget all about that skank and the 

hell she put her through.” 

Gabrielle got up the table. “Well, I should be going home. I have to work tomorrow 

and I want to be home when Jonathan calls tonight.” 

Melanie folded her hand under her chin batting her amber eyes. “I remember when 

I couldn’t wait for Anthony to call before I went to sleep at night. Now, I’m lucky if 

he even remembers to call while the sun is shining.” 

“Thank you both for making me feel so welcome. I had a great time, and the next 

girls night will be at my house. I’ll invite my friend Pam; she will have you all in 

stitches with her stories.” 

Walking Gabrielle to the door, Gwen hugged her. “Great! We can make this a mid- 

week ritual.” 


Jonathan and Anthony sat outside the fire house chilling. The night was calm and 

warm and it was too early to turn in. Anthony leaned back in the plastic chair bal- 

ancing it against the brick wall. “I think I’m gonna do it, Jon.” 

“Do what?” 

“I’m gonna ask Melanie to marry me. Will you be my best man?” 

Jonathan nodded his head smiling. “Seriously! Hell yeah, I’ll be your best man; 

congratulations, man!” 

“She might say no but I’m ready to settle down and have a family.” 

“She’s good for you. You’ve been together a long time and I can’t see you with any- 

one else but her.” 

“I’m 37-years old, Jon. I have to be a man and stop pretending to married. We are 

living together I might as well make it legal, right?” 

“Are you asking me or looking for validation? Anthony, if she’s not pressuring you 

to get married, then I wouldn’t; but if you are ready, then do it.” 

“I’m ready. I want a kid maybe two.” 

“That’s great, man. The playa is hanging up his gloves. Can you hear the hearts of 
millions of women breaking?” Jonathan joked. 

“Well it’s not like I can send them your way now that you’re taken. Can you imagine 

the stories that Gwen is probably filling Gabrielle’s head with?” 

“Nope because Gwen likes me.” He paused then looked at Anthony with a 

worried face. “You don’t think she would tell her everything do you?” 

“You know when Gwen gets on a role, she holds nothing back.” 

He pulled his cellphone from his pocket. “I think I’ll call Gabrielle and make sure 

she made it home.” 

“Bullshit, you’re checking to see what Gwen had to say; but I don’t blame you.” 

He clicked off the phone. “She didn’t answer.” 

“They’re probably still yapping away or she’s driving home. Give it few minutes and 

call back.” 

“Yeah, maybe,” he said with worry. 

“Jon, did you tell her yet? Gwen asked me but I didn’t know the answer.” 


“Did you say those magical words to Gabrielle, yet?” 

He nodded his head grinning. “Yeah and she returned them. It was the best feeling 

in the world, Anthony. It came out so easily.” 

“My dawg! Anthony said slapping him on the knee. “What will the women do?” 

“Move on to bigger and better, I suppose.” He fiddled with the cellphone in his 

hand. “I wish she would call me back.” 

“You have that look and sound of worry. She’s okay, Jon. Sandra is on the run; she 

would be stupid to stick around Cleveland.” 

“She’s crazy, Ant. She won’t think like a rational person.” 

“You have to remember her beef is with you! If Sandra wants revenge, she got you 

where you can’t run; trapped at the firehouse.” 

“You’re right. She’s knows where I am and what days I work.” He walked a few feet 

into the open space of the driveway. “Why isn’t she coming after me?” 
“A sick mind has to have a devious plan. If she’s looking for revenge; she has to 

plan it first.” 

“She is sick, but whoever got her pregnant had to see it and didn’t think about the 

danger he was leaving his kid with. For ten years Amira had to suffer at the hands 

of a mentally ill woman.” 

“There is help for Amira. She won’t suffer the same fate as Sandra; she has a 

chance for a normal life.” 

“I would love to adopt her, Anthony.” 

“Phew…might be hard, dude. You’re a single man, working a dangerous job, with 

complicated hours. If you had a wife it would make it a lot easier.” 

Jonathan turned his lip. “Don’t get any ideas in that head of yours. Just because 

cupid has bit you in the ass to get married; don’t push that idea on me.” 

“You already dropped the ‘ I love you’—isn’t marriage the next step?” 

“Not a next step we have to take right away. I want to give it some time.” 

“Time has a way of passing quicker than we think. I’m going to bed. I have a feeling 

the alarms will go off late tonight.” 

“I’m coming after I call Gabrielle again.”

Chapter Eighteen 

Millie went to the Radiology department in search of Pam. She heard her voice 

coming from behind the closed door and decided to wait for her to finish with the 

patient instead of intruding. 

A few minutes later, Pam exited the room rolling the patient’s gurney into the hall. 

“Okay, Mrs. Crump; an Orderly will be to get you shortly.” She turned to see Millie 

standing against the wall. “Good morning, Millie.” 

“Good morning, Pam. I have to talk to you,” She said non-emotionally. 

“Okay, come on in, I have a minute before my next patient arrives.” 

“Pam, have you heard from Gabrielle?” 

“I haven’t talked to her this morning. Millie, what is going on?” Pam saw the un- 
easiness in Millie’s face. “Is she okay?” 

“I don’t know,” she said shrugging her shoulders. “She hasn’t shown for work and 

won’t answer her cellphone.” 

“What time is she scheduled to start? She might be running late?” 

“Gabrielle is always on time. I’m worried, Pam; this is unlike her.” 

“She has a new boyfriend; she could be a little distracted.” She said wiggling her 


“Can you call him?” 

When Millie failed to follow the humor, Pam realized the seriousness of the situ- 

ation. “I don’t have his information—oh but I know who does! Keep an eye on the 

department for me,” she said racing to the elevator. 

Nick used the bar across his bed to lift his body up and down. He used this as a 

method of exercise to regain strength in his arms and upper body and to keep from 

getting bedsores. A light knock on the door interrupted him. “Come in.” 

“Excuse me, Mr. Barona. My name is Pam; I work in the radiology department.” 

“I didn’t know I had to take x-rays or I wouldn’t have got all sweaty exercising.” 

“You don’t. I’m a friend of Gabrielle King’s and she mentioned you were friends 

with Jonathan DeMinico.” 

“Yeah we work together.” 

“Well, we can’t seem to reach Gabrielle. I was wondering if you could call Jonathan 

and ask if he’s talked to her.” 

Nick wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Yeah, I’ll call him,” he said reaching for 

the phone.” 


Jonathan put the mop in the bucket to answer his phone. “Nick, what’s up?” 

“I’m not sure, Jon. Pam asked me to call you.” 

“Pam? Oh Gabrielle’s friend. Okay, what does she want?” 

“She’s concerned about Gabrielle; she can’t get in touch with her and want to know if 

you’ve heard from her.” 

His blood curdled in his veins. “Put her on the phone.” 

“Hi, Jonathan, please tell me you are with Gabrielle.” 

“I’m at work and haven’t talked to her today at all. Pam, can you go to her house? 

I’ll call the police and ask them to meet you there.” 

“Jonathan, you’re scaring me; is Gabrielle in any trouble?” 

“Pam, please get to her house and call me soon as you get there.” 

“Okay, I’m on my way.” 

Jonathan’s heart pounded against the walls of his chest and sweat beaded across 

his forehead from the anxiety attack striking him suddenly. He sat on the rear of 

the ladder truck fidgeting. 

Anthony and Gordon came in to the garage laughing and talking. Anthony saw the 

distress on Jonathan’s face and went to apply first aid. Gordon immediately called 

for Lieutenant Murad to come and assist. 

“Jon, breathe,” Anthony said pulling the oxygen and triage kit from the truck. 

Connecting the oxygen, he strapped the mask across Jonathan’s face. Are you hav- 

ing chest pains?” 

Jonathan shook his head, removing the mask from his face. “I’m okay! Leave me 


Lieutenant Murad sat beside him. “Jon, calm down.” 

“I’m not having a fucking heart attack!” His voice boomed loudly throughout the 

garage. “Gabrielle is missing! She didn’t show up for work this morning. An- 


she got her.” 

“Jon, are you sure?” 

“Pam called wanting to know if she was with me. She’s on her way to her house.” 

“I’ll call police,” Murad said rushing to the command room. 

Anthony called Gwen. He wanted them out of the house and somewhere safe until 

Gabrielle was located. “I called Gwen and told them to leave. Jon, we’ll find 


Jonathan’s eyes shifted with worry. “What is Pam going to find at her house, An- 

thony? What if she’s dead and I wasn’t there to stop it.” 

“No, she’s not dead! The police will find her and she will be okay; you’ll see.” 

He covered his face with his hands to hide the despair and praying Pam would call 

with good news.” 


Pam drove up to the house as a Mayfield Heights patrol officer got out of his car. 

“Ma’am did you call for a wellness check?” 

“Yes. Her name is Gabrielle King and she was supposed to be at work this morning 

but she hasn’t been heard from since about 9:00pm last night.” 

“Is she an older woman?” 

“No, she’s 29. Can you please go check; her boyfriend is very concerned and wait- 

ing to hear from me.” 

“Where is he? Does he stay with her?” 

Getting irritated Pam raised her voice. “He’s a Cleveland fireman, I don’t know 

where he works, but he is at work, and no he doesn’t live here! Now can you do 

your job and check the house or do I have to go in there alone!” 

“Stay here,” he said. Testing the front door, it was locked. He went to the rear of 

the house. Looking through the window of the garage, he saw a car. “Does Ms. 

King drive a black trailblazer or is this a second vehicle?” 

“That’s her car!” Pam’s hands sweated as she rubbed them together. The officer 

disappeared from her view around the house. 

Pam waited from him to resurface and when he didn’t she went to the back of the 

house. The backdoor was open and Midnight sat on the step as she walked inside. 

The kitchen showed signs of a struggle. Smears of blood stained the coffee-colored 

ceramic floor. 

Tears clouded Pam’s eyes as she moved through the kitchen and into the dining 

room. The glass table had been broken, the large china cabinet smashed. More 

blood splattered the beige walls. She saw the officer rush from the living room talk- 

ing in his radio. “Dispatch, this is 157, send homicide to my location stat.” 

“What is it?” Pam asked grabbing him by the arm. “Is Gabrielle in the bedroom?

Is she in there! Please, tell me,” she said crying. 

“I need you to wait outside and get the boyfriend on the phone.” 


Jonathan sat stone-faced at the kitchen table with his teeth clinched so tight; he 

thought his jawbone would break if he didn’t release the pressure. His phone rang. 

“Pam, was she there?” 

Murad and Anthony watched the many reactions his body went through as he 

talked to Pam on the telephone. He hung up the phone shaking his head. 

“Jon, what did she say?” Anthony asked. 

He swallowed hard. “The house was destroyed. She said blood was 

everywhere but no body. Homicide detectives are combing the scene for evidence.” 

Anthony covered his face falling into a chair from the shock. “This shit can’t be 

happening; this is a fucking dream!” 

“If this is a dream, will somebody wake me the fuck up; cuz I ain’t feeling it!” 

Jonathan said slamming the chair to the floor as he left the room. 

A car pulled into the driveway as Jonathan paced the sidewalk. A burly man exited 

the car with another man exiting the passenger’s side. Jonathan assumed they were 
Detectives from Mayfield Heights. 

“I’m Detective Wells and this is my partner Detective Abrahams; we’re with the 

Mayfield Heights Homicide unit, is there a Jonathan DeMinico working here 


“Yeah, I’m Jonathan. What did you find at Gabrielle’s house?” 

The Detective raised a skeptical brow. “You’re Jonathan DeMinico—the current 

boyfriend of Gabrielle King?” 

Jonathan crossed his arms over his chest. “Yeah, I am! Is that a problem for you?” 

“I wasn’t expecting—“ 

Jonathan’s quick temper surfaced. “You weren’t expecting me to be white! The dark 

ages have lifted, Detective; perhaps you should join the real world where races mix, 

get together, and live in harmony these days. But, I don’t have time to school you 

on that; can you tell me what you found at Gabrielle’s house?” 

“Yeah, we found it to be a violent crime scene but no bodies. There was blood 

splattered throughout the house but not enough to indicate death. We believe Ms. 

King and her abductor are alive and still in the Cleveland area. Mr. DeMinico, were 

you here all night?” 

Jonathan held out his hands looking around. “Are you not at a fire station? I’m sure 

you’re aware we work 24-hour shifts and this being Cleveland; we make tons of 

runs all day and night. You can check with my superiors and the other firemen, I’ve 

been with them since Gabrielle went missing.” 

“You can cut the sarcasm; we’re here to help find your girlfriend.” 

“Then do that and stop looking at me as a suspect and start looking for Sandra 

Rhodes. She will be your lead to finding Gabrielle.” 

“Sandra Rhodes, who is she?” 

“She’s a deranged woman under investigation for child abuse and possibly starting 

a fire at her home two months ago. The fire almost killed her kid.” 

“Do you have an address or any contact information for this woman?” 

“She’s been on the run since the investigation and turned off the cellphone I had a 
number for, but I have the Detective’s name at CPD assigned to her case, he can 

probably help you,” he said digging the card from his wallet. 

Detective Abrahams said, “We did find hair at the scene that didn’t match the hair 

found in items belonging to Ms. King. We’ll be in touch, Mr. DeMinico.” 

“You know where to find me.” 

The two Detectives returned to their car. Wells started the car watching Jonathan. 

“He’s a cocky son-of-a-bitch and he stays on the list as a suspect, despite his 

declaration of racial unity.” 


Sandra pointed to the blood dripping from the long cuts on her face. “Look what 

you did! How do you expect Jonathan to admire me with my face all sliced up! Look 

at me!” 

Gabrielle twisted the ropes holding her wrists together; she almost had one hand 

freed. “Sandra, I asked you to summon the personality of reason, but you didn’t lis- 


You forced me to knock all of them to attention.” 

“You think you’re a comic? It wasn’t funny when I clocked you upside the head 

with my bat, and you won’t think it’s funny when your ass is burning in the pits of 


“You got a lucky shot. Why don’t you untie me and give me a rematch.” 

She pointed a bloody finger in Gabrielle’s face. “I’m not stupid!” 

“If you’re not stupid; why are you doing this? If you want your daughter, you have 

to give yourself up, Sandra. Don’t you want to get help and be with Amira? 

Don’t you want to watch her grow into a young woman?” 

“How many times do I have to tell you people—I don’t want her! She was a mis- 

take that cost me everything. Just like you are standing in my way of getting every- 

thing I want with Jonathan.” 

“I had no control over him not wanting to be with you; he’s a grown man and 

makes his own decisions.” 

“He did want me!” She yelled wielding the bat in the air. “You saw how he looked 

at me at the hospital. But you kept creeping around; just could not keep your ass 

away from him! Well if I can’t have him, bitch, neither will you!” 

“Jonathan loves me, and will never be with you no matter what you do to me,” 

Gabrielle said, finally working her hand free of the rope but keeping her hands out 

of Sandra’s sight. 

“He will be in love with your memory, because that’s all he will have left of you,” 

Sandra mumbled walking away. 

Rushing Sandra from behind, Gabrielle grabbed the few remaining pieces of long 

hair hanging from Sandra’s head. Those pieces ripped causing Sandra to yowl. 

Swinging the bat, Sandra landed a hit to Gabrielle shoulder. 

Gabrielle released her grip falling to the floor. Sandra came at her again with the 

bat but Gabrielle kicked with her legs and twisted her body to deflect the hard 

blows mostly hitting the floor. Taking hold of Gabrielle’s shirt, Sandra tried to 

choke her by knotting the material under her neck but Gabrielle stomped on her 

foot causing Sandra to release her. 

Gabrielle kicked Sandra in the stomach making her drop the bat. “Had enough 

yet?” Gabrielle asked breathing hard. 

“Bitch, I’m just getting started.” Sandra charged her, but Gabrielle moved aside. 

Sandra fell backwards on the floor after running into a workbench; Gabrielle 

jumped on top of her pinning her down. Gabrielle balled her fist striking Sandra re- 

peatedly in the face; blood spewed from Sandra’s nose running across her face. 

Sandra planted her feet on the floor bucking her back, throwing Gabrielle off her. 

Using her shirt, she wiped the blood from her face. “It’s time for you to die, bitch!” 

Gabrielle rolled across the floor when Sandra charged her again. Staggering to her 

feet, she put her arm around Sandra’s throat, squeezing tight to block air from her 
getting into her lungs. Sandra bit down on Gabrielle’s arm, sinking her teeth deep 

enough to break the skin. 

Gabrielle screamed taking hold of her bleeding arm. Gabrielle made the mistake 

and took her eyes off Sandra which enabled Sandra to scramble from the room 

closing and locking the door behind her. 

Gabrielle sat on the floor trying to catch her breath and focus on her 

surroundings. The pain from both altercations wrecked her body and, the hit to her 

head, made her dizzy and nauseous. Looking up, the warehouse windows were 

painted black and too high to reach. The room also smelled of strong chemicals. 

Looking around for other windows or doors, she cursed, “Damn, there has to be a 

way out.” 

Closing her eyes, she waited for the waves of nausea to settle on her stomach be- 

fore climbing the stairs that led to windowless door. Pulling on it with all her 

strength it wouldn’t open, it was locked or sealed shut. A loud crash came from be- 

hind the door Sandra escaped through. 

Climbing down the stairs Gabrielle went to the door. Hearing Sandra rambling on 

other side of it, she put her ear to the door to hear what she was doing. The smell 

of gasoline filled her nose. Looking down the liquid pooled and soaked the bot- 

toms of her canvas tennis shoes. 

Pulling hard on the door it wouldn’t open. “Sandra,” she yelled banging on the 

door with the palm of her hands. “Sandra, open the damn door!” 

A flash of blue flame flushed under the door. “Oh my God, she’s setting the place on 

fire! ” Gabrielle panicked. Kicking the shoes off so she wouldn’t leave a flammable 

trail, she ran to the opposite end of the warehouse to find a way out. 

Not finding a way out, Gabrielle took refuge under a metal workbench. Taking off 

her t-shirt, she wrapped it around her face. The smoke was cutting off what little 

oxygen was circulating under the workbench. Hunkering down low she covered her 

head and face and prayed for help to arrive soon. 



“Jonathan, get out of here,” Murad said. “You can’t concentrate on work with every- 

thing going on.” 

“Thanks, Lieutenant; I can’t sit around here and do nothing. I have to go look for 

Gabrielle.” He got ready to leave when the alarm sounded summoning them to a

triple-three at a former chemical warehouse. His gut told him to go on job. “I’m 

coming along for this one.” 


The Battalion Chief and Lieutenant assessed the situation and got the orders going. 

“A five story abandoned with smoke pouring from the roof. Get the aerial up and 

start cutting the roof to vent the structure. Get those ladders erected and break 

those windows; let’s move,” Murad ordered. “Chief, get police to evacuate the 


The Battalion Chief instructed Engine 26 to bring lines to the front of the structure 

while directing other companies to assist from the rear and have men help with 

battling the blaze inside. 

Jonathan grabbed the tip with Anthony, Otto and Steve picking up the line behind 

him. “You smell that?” Jonathan shouted to Anthony. 

“Yeah, it’s gasoline. I’ll get the foam rolling. Dropping the line he saw a car in the 

lot. “Fuck!” he shouted. 

“What’s the matter,” Jonathan asked. 

“Jon, that’s Sandra’s car in the lot. What if she and Gabrielle are inside?” 

Jonathan dropped the tip rushing to the structure with Anthony in tow. A loud 

explosion and shower of glass and brick stopped them in their tracks. “Jon, we 

can’t go any further until Hazmat can get the chemicals stabilized. We don’t know 

what chemicals are in there.” 

Jonathan’s voice was strong and sure. “I’m going in; you can stay and wait for Haz- 

mat if you want.” 

Anthony lowered his shield over his face. “Let’s go. I’m starting to think we really 

are Supermen the way we rush into situations.” 

Once inside Anthony surveyed the drums burning. Getting on the radio he relayed 

his findings. “Murad, we might have victims trapped somewhere in here and these 

drums are burning like hell. I don’t know what’s in them and water is making it 

flash like mercury.” 

“Copy, Jenkins, I got foam lines coming your way.” 

“We got a body over here.” Jonathan heard the disturbing traffic come over the radio, 

but it didn’t it deter him from searching for Gabrielle; he knew in his gut it wasn’t 

her. Using the poker to bring down burning material in his path, he moved quickly.

Firefighter’s Gordon and Reiss reached him location with a hose and dumped 

foam on the flaming drums. 

Jonathan found a door. Breaking it in with an ax, he poked along the stacks of 

smoking material. Another small explosion rocked a portion of the building top- 

pling more drums and emptying their content on the floor. The Battalion Chief 

called for the men to retreat before the whole building blew. 

Jonathan ignored the command when he saw movement out the corner of his 



Firemen took a circular saw to the hard concrete of the roof, cutting vents to allow 

the smoke to filter outside. They stuck a line inside the hole dropping more foam 

on the chemicals burning out of control. 

Jonathan cleared the debris from his mask as it fell on him. Reaching under the 

long metal workbench, he grabbed the body folded in the hurricane position. 

Gabrielle opened her eyes as Jonathan picked her up. Closing her arms around his 
neck, she held on as he dashed from the building. 

Paramedics met him with a gurney placing Gabrielle on it. “We got this,” the EMT 

said stopping him from coming inside the ambulance. 

He pulled his mask off watching them work on her. Anthony came up behind him. 

“Sandra didn’t make it. How is Gabrielle?” 

“She’s alive, Anthony; she’s beaten up but alive,” he said with his voice cracking. 

Jonathan turned around when he saw the gurney carrying the body bag. He went 

over before workers could load the body into the coroner’s van. “Wait, I have to see 


“We can’t do that.” 

“She tried to kill the woman I love! I want to see her!” 

The man unzipped the bag lowing it to reveal Sandra’s face. Her face was bloodied 

but not from the fire. Her ragged spiked hair was charred and crisp. A light trickle 

of smoke rose from inside the thick plastic and even with the strong smell of 

smoke; Jonathan got the hint of her hideous perfume. 

“Good God, Sandra, what made you so evil; what happened in your life to turn you 

into a monster? Whatever it was, I hope it has died with you and now you can rest 

in peace,” he said zipping the bag.

“DeMinico,” the EMT called. “Somebody wants to talk to you.” 

Jonathan stepped inside the chamber of the ambulance holding Gabrielle’s hand. 

Gauze wrapped in several layers covered the wound to her head. Other than the 

surface cuts and scrapes, she appeared to be OK. “Hey, beautiful,” he smiled. 

“How are you feeling?” 

“I have a massive headache and probably rabies, but other than that, I’m fine 

thanks to you and your crew. What about Sandra—did she escape or is she in cus- 


“She didn’t make it, babe. I don’t want to talk about her. You’re my only concern 

right now.” 

“I never doubted you wouldn’t find me, Jonathan. I can’t say I was afraid. Even with 
the fire blazing around me, I knew in my heart you would be the one to rescue me. 

I just had to relax and wait for you to come.” 

“I’m Superman in a turnout and bunkers, and you’re my Lois Lane,” he laughed. 

“But all kidding aside, it’s the connection we have, Gabrielle. When that alarm 

sounded I knew it was you calling me. I wasn’t going to disappoint you.” 

The rope still dangled around her wrist when she reached up to touch his face. 

“There is nothing you can do to disappoint me.” 

He leaned over to kiss her, bumping her head with his helmet, he tossed it on the 

gurney. Cupping her face, he covered her mouth with his, savoring the taste of her 

smoke tinged lips. The EMT slapped his hand against the back door. “I hate to 

break this up, be we gotta roll, DeMinico.” 

“Alright,” he said releasing her. “I’ll get to the hospital as soon as I can.” 

He jumped down from the rear of the ambulance watching it drive away. 

Anthony came to stand next to him. “She’s lucky to be alive, Jon. That damn ware- 

house stored all types of lethal chemicals. This whole block was a ticking time 

bomb. If Sandra had not started the fire it’s no telling when this place would have 

gone up.” 

“How would Sandra know about this place, Anthony?” 

“She worked at the Plain Dealer, maybe this warehouse was going to be exposed by 

a reporter but she pretended to be a reporter in order to get info from us first.” 

“Yeah, and we gave her all the information she needed. Some good it did her; she 

trapped her own self in the fire.” 

Anthony slapped him on the back. “Her plan might have failed but we saved the 

people on this block from a possible disaster, and we got Gabrielle. Let’s get out of 

here; I’m hungry.”


Four Months Later 

“Babe, the fire is ready for the hot dogs and burgers,” Jonathan said entering the 

“Here you go, and don’t burn them. I have to make the potato salad and prep the 

steaks and I think that will be it.” Gabrielle said raising the wooden spoon. 

It took weeks to repair the damage to her house but with the help of Jonathan, An- 

thony and the rest of the men at Station 30; the house was back to normal with 

nothing to show a crime had taken place. 

He placed a kiss on her forehead. “I promise not to burn the food for our first 

Fourth of July cook-out. What time is everyone supposed to be here?” 

She checked her watch. “Oh shoot, in less than an hour. Will you send Amira in to 

help me?” 

“She’s playing next door with Marcy and Greg’s kids; I’ll help you. I am really dig- 

ging how well she adjusted to living with us and how you two hit it off.” 

Standing on her tiptoes, Gabrielle gave him a peck on the lips. “She is a sweet little 

girl and I adore her.” 

“I think she can tell you love her.” 

Gabrielle nodded. “We love each other, and we both love her; she knows we will al- 

ways be here for her no matter what.” 

Jonathan placed his hands on the small bulge of her stomach. “Yup and when our 

baby is born, she will have a brother or sister to love also.” 

“Who would have imagined I was pregnant. I fought Sandra like a man and took 

some hard blows and falls.” 

“It just shows, when the big guy places an order, nothing can cancel it out. You 

fought to resist me but he knew better.” 

“How do I dispute that?” 

“You can’t,” he winked. 

Nick’s voice drifted through the screen door. “Knock, knock, anybody home?” 

“Come on in, Nick.” Jonathan went to the steps to assist Nick. “Hey look at you! 

You’re walking.” 
“Yeah, I wanted to surprise you and Anthony by walking instead of using my wheel- 

chair. Where is he by the way?” 

“He and Melanie are on the way. Gabrielle is in the kitchen.” 

Using his cane, Nick greeted Gabrielle with a kiss and a hug. “Gabby, thanks for 

inviting me and Sarah. How’s my godchild doing in there?” He asked patting her 


“Baby is getting hungry and Jonathan won’t get the food going on the grill. 

Nick, would you like a beer?” 

“Alright, I’m going,” Jonathan said scampering out the back door with Midnight be- 

hind him. 

Nick cleared his throat. “Gabby, I’m sincerely happy for you and Jon. I didn’t think 

that clown would ever get married much less have TWO kids.” 

She handed him the beer. “Thank you, Nick. Amira isn’t officially ours yet, but it 

looks promising.” 

“Salute, I know everything will work out, and I hope you and I will become friends 

as well.” 

“Nick, we are friends. Whatever happened with the three of you is in the past. 

We can’t live for the past only the future.” 


The yard filled with family and friends. The laughter and sounds of children run- 

ning between the adults was a dream Gabrielle never saw coming true for her. 

Gwen, Kevin, Anthony and Melanie sat at the picnic table laughing and sharing sto- 

ries with Nick and Sarah. 

Pam listened to the stories Otto and Gordon were telling and laughing 

hysterically. Jonathan put his arm around her shoulder. “Do you believe this?” 

“I have to keep pinching myself to make sure it’s real. I love you, Jonathan.” 
“I love you too, Mrs. DeMinico. Shall we join our guests?” 

“Yes we shall, and remember you promised to clean all this when the party is over 

and give me a foot rub.” 

“It would be my pleasure to rub your feet,” he said kissing her.

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