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By Marian Tee 


The tension in the bedroom was palpable, the silence draining Luca of strength. But at 

least this was different from how he and his ex-wife quarreled, the Italian billionaire 

thought dully. At least this time, he and Vivi were capable of being civil. At least this 

time, he knew both of them genuinely cared about Eula, which meant that shouting 

and fighting in front of his daughter were absolutely off-limits. 

That was the one and only thing he could be happy about, in the wake of their ongo- 

ing struggles. 

“Luca.” Vivi suddenly spoke his name in a jerky tone, making him lift his head 

sharply. She had always looked like a fragile little thing, but in the past she had coun- 

tered this with a constantly cheerful expression. Then, her gaze had always sparkled 

with optimism. 

But now--- 

Dark circles underlined her eyes, and the way her floral dress hung so loosely around 

her body emphasized the amount of weight she had lost. She looked like she was 

about to break any second---

Because of him. 

Looking at his wife, he worked hard to keep his tone even as he said, “I know we’ve 

been having problems, cara.” He saw Vivi bite her lip hard, visibly struggling not to 

cry, and his fists tightened at the sight. “We can still fix it if---” 

“I’m sorry, Luca,” Vivi whispered. “But I just can’t take this anymore.” 

Ah. It hurt to hear the way Vivi choked the words out with tears clogging her throat, 

but what tore at Luca even more was the way she looked at him. 

Those eyes – those dull green eyes were saying his wife no longer loved him. 

How did this happen? 

Why did this always happen? 

Why couldn’t he seem to hold on to the woman he loved? 

When he didn’t reply, Vivi slowly crossed their bedroom, but when she tried to reach 
for his hands, he couldn’t help stepping away, and she whitened. “I’m sorry,” she 

choked out. “I didn’t want it to be like this. I thought---” She looked at him plead- 

ingly. “I really thought this was what I wanted---” 

“Then what changed?” he interrupted hoarsely. “What did I do that---” 

Vivi cut him off with a slow shake of her head. “You already know the answer to that, 

Luca,” she whispered. “Don’t pretend that you don’t.” She hugged herself, saying halt- 

ingly, “I’m not cut out for this kind of life. You knew that from the start, and yet---” 

Her voice shook in the end, forcing her to stop speaking. Looking away from him, she 

whispered, “If you had really loved me---” 

“Don’t you dare question my love,” he charged bitterly. 

“But I am questioning it!” She whirled around to face him again, a stricken look on 

her face. “Because the way I love you means I place you above all else, and that you’re 

free to do to make you happy---” 

“Was it so damn bad?” Luca couldn’t help snarling. “I stopped you from going to 

school because I knew you didn’t really want to do it. It was a fucking mistake – you 

were committing the same mistakes Maria did---” 

“Oh, Luca.” Vivi gazed at him despairingly. “You don’t get it, do you? I get why you 

were concerned. I get why you were worried. But it still didn’t give you the right to con- 

trol me. To cage me. I’m your wife, not your prisoner---” 

“Everything I did---” Frustration seethed in him, making Luca raise his voice.

“Everything I did was for us to stay together---” 

“I wanted that, too,” she cried back at him. “Or at least I did want it until you made 

me feel it wasn’t even my choice to stay with you.” And this time, tears slowly fell on 

Vivi’s cheeks like an endless, transparent trail of pain. “That’s when you stopped being 

the man I fell in love with.” 


Vivian whispered, “Wake up, caro. You’re having a bad dream---” She shook him 

again, and this time her husband shot up to a sitting position. Hearing him des- 

perately suck his breath, she quickly pushed herself up as well and twisted 

around to flick the light switch on. 

The pair of bedside lamps flared into life, and when she looked back at Luca, she 

saw the stream of golden light illuminating her husband, who was still breathing 

hard. The covers had fallen to his waist, and his powerful, naked body was en- 

veloped with cold sweat. When she lifted her gaze to his, Vivi saw that his light 

blue eyes had a haunted look to them, and a twinge of pain pinched her heart. 

Moving to him, she laid her hand on his arm, whispering, “It’s just a dream, 


He slowly reached for her, almost as if he was afraid that she would disappear 

any moment, and instinct made Vivian keep herself still. Her husband’s fingers 

grazed her cheek, and when he still didn’t say a word, she whispered uncertainly, 


He said abruptly, “I dreamt you left me.” 

Oh. That such a thing could cause him to have so much darkness in his gaze--- 

It pinched her heart again, but the pain was a sweet agony because the darkness 

was also proof of how much he loved her. 

This man who had once turned his back completely on love, this man who had 

once pushed her away in order to harden his heart against her--- 

Giving Luca a tentative smile, she tried to lighten his mood, saying, “That was the 

bad part, right? You’re not telling me that the nightmare was the fact that you 

woke up and realized I’m still your wife---” 

In a blink of an eye, her beautiful husband had her pinned under him.


“I’m not joking,” her husband snarled under his breath, and clasped tightly to 

him, Vivian could feel the way his heart beat hard and fast against his chest. This 

suggested that he was seriously worried she could leave him, and she blinked up 

at him in bemused shock. “Oh, Luca.” Vivian shyly clasped her husband’s face, 

mumbling, “How can you even think it’s possible for me to leave you? I love 


“And I love you, too, cara.” He took her hands, kissing her knuckles gently, and in 

spite of the simplicity of the gesture, it was still enough to make Vivi’s body shiv- 

er in sensual awareness. 

“But even so---” The tautness of his tone drew her gaze back to his face. “I still 
made you cry. I still make you cry---” 

“That’s normal,” she dismissed lightly. “And besides, we always make up---” 

Her husband’s expression remained hard. “All your troubles now are because I 

made you my wife.” 

These last words finally clued her in to where he was coming from, and she 

sighed. “This is about me being turned down a chair in St. Francis’ board, isn’t 


When her husband’s lips tightened, she thought with a mental wince, Bingo. 

Looking at her husband, she said carefully, “They were right to turn me down, 

and I was stupid to even have tried applying without consulting you.” 

Luca absently threaded his fingers through his wife’s silky dark locks, asking, 

“Why did you try applying?” Because this was the part he still didn’t get. Although 

Vivi was the type who liked to help, it wasn’t like her to want a title along with it. 

Vivi bit her lip at his question, and he stiffened slightly at the way the sight re- 

minded him too much of the way she had looked in his dream--- 

Stop being foolish, he ordered himself. A dream was a dream, and it could only 

influence reality if he allowed it to. 

Looking down, he prodded gently, “Vivi?” 

“All the wives of billionaires are board members of charities,” Vivian confessed 


Comprehension dawned, making Luca ask incredulously, “And so you thought 

you had to be one as well?” 

A tiny nod. 

“And I suppose that’s also the reason you recently started wearing suits like those 

women in CSI?” 

A tinier nod. 

“And your stubborn insistence on attending college again?” 

She gave him a mortified smile. 

The billionaire sighed. “Cara. Do you not understand yet?” Fastening his gaze 

with hers, he enunciated slowly, “I love you as you are.” 

His wife’s eyes widened. 

“And so it is pointless for you to compare yourself to other billionaires’ wives.” 

If only it could be so easy, Vivian thought miserably. “I want to be an ideal wife for 

you, Luca. I want to meet people’s expectations---” 

“Are you saying their expectations mean to you more than mine does?” The Ital- 

ian billionaire raised one aristocratic brow at her, and the sight momentarily dis- 

tracted Vivian. It was stupid of her, but she had always found his arrogance a 

huge turn on, and now was no exception. 

“Are they?” 

“Y-you already know the answer to that.” Toes curling hard at the way her hus- 

band’s gleamed in sexy satisfaction at her reply, she managed to wrench her gaze 

away from his, mumbling, “Sei tutto per me---” You’re everything to me. Vivian 

wanted to say more, but there wasn’t a chance to do so because Luca had already 

claimed her mouth in a rough, hard kiss. 


Her response was immediate, her surrender without question, with Vivian’s arms 

wrapping around his neck as she succumbed to his hungry kiss. Thank God for 

Italian lessons, she thought dazedly. Ever since Luca had admitted to finding Vi- 

vian speaking in his native language a huge turn-on, she had done her best to im- 

prove her fluency and had come to rely on it as her way of initiating sex. 

As Luca’s mouth ran down her neck, she thought vaguely, Maybe one day I can 

even talk dirty in Italian. 

“I can feel you thinking, cara.” Giving her neck one last lick, Luca lifted his head 

and eyed her heated cheeks with keen interest. 

“I’m n-not thinking anything.” But Vivian’s stammered protest only had her hus- 

band releasing a low, sexy laugh, the sound of which made her toes curl even 


“We both know you’re bad at keeping secrets,” he told her with a smirk. 

“It’s really nothing---” Her words ended in a gasp, her back arching as he sud- 

denly moved down to suck one lace-covered nipple. Her back arched even more, 

pushing her nipple deeper into his mouth as he sucked harder and harder. 

“Lucaaaaaa.” She couldn’t help moaning his name as he moved on to the other 

nipple. A moment later, and her husband impatiently undid the front clasp of her 

bra and tossed it away. His hands moved down, working just as fast in pulling 
her panties down her legs. 

“You’re so damn hot,” he growled, his hands running over her naked body. 

“S-so are you,” she gasped back unthinkingly, making her husband chuckle. 

A shiver ran across her entire body as Luca squeezed her breasts, but then his 

hands moved back down, and her breath caught. His fingers found her folds, and 

Vivian’s eyes squeezed shut as he stroked her already wet and throbbing core--- 

“L-Luca, oh God--” 

His arousal peaking at her breathy whimper, Luca dug his fingers into the plump 

cheeks of her bottom. “I can’t wait any longer---” As her clouded eyes clashed 

with his, Luca plunged his rigid erection into her with a growl. 

She moaned at his penetration, her hands wildly moving over the smooth, mus- 

cular panes of her husband’s back. He pulled out a moment later before sinking 

back into her, harder and deeper, and her nails dug into his back. 

He started to move, slowly at first but gaining speed with every succeeding 

thrust, and her breathing became choppy. Her head tossed and turned on the pil- 

low while she instinctively met his thrusts, her hips lifting off the bed. 

He was so good, so good. 

What had she done to deserve a man this sexy--- 

Luca’s mouth found her ear, and he whispered, “I love you, Vivi---” His manhood 

plunged deep into her at the same time. 


“I love you, Luca!” The words were torn out of her throat in a moan, her inner 

muscles tightening around his length. 

His words echoed in her mind, and her body tightened even more. 

Perfect, he was so perfect. 

Her nails raked his back. “I love you.” She couldn’t stop saying it. “Ti amo---” 

The Italian words of ‘I love you’ seemed to do it for her husband, and he jerked 

above her, a powerful shudder racking his body. 

“Ti amo,” he rasped back at her. 

And then he was moving almost wildly, his thrusts fast and furious, and Vivian 

could only cling helplessly to his hard frame, completely lost in his power. 

“Open your eyes, cara,” Luca growled. 

She was unable to resist his command, and her eyes fluttered open. 

“Look at how our bodies are connected.” 

His command had her looking down, all the way to where his engorged erection 

disappeared into the swollen folds of her core--- 

The sight was excruciatingly arousing, and she whimpered. 

With Vivian still staring, the billionaire withdrew his erection almost all the way 

out before slowly and firmly shoving back in. 


“Oh God,” she sobbed out. “Luca.” The sight was addictive, and she could no 

longer stop staring as he pumped into her again and again. 

“Swear to me, Vivi.” Clasping her hips tightly, he gritted out, “This connection will 

only be for the two of us.” 

Her lips parted, but she couldn’t get herself to be coherent, was too consumed 

by the feeling of having him penetrate her all the way to her womb. 

“Swear to me, cara.” Her husband pushed harder into her. “Now and always---” 

And when she still didn’t answer, her husband’s movements came to a punishing 



“Then swear it,” he gritted out. 

“I swear---” As soon as she cried the words out, Luca pounded back into her, the 

force of his thrusts beautifully savage, and she screamed. He pounded into her 

over and over, and oh, how she loved it, craved for it, her body tightening more 

and more with every forceful plunge until the pressure inside of her burst. 

Vivian came with a cry, and the Italian billionaire followed soon after, his back 

arching as he hoarsely gritted out her name. 

She clung to him, wave after wave of ecstasy beating over their bodies, their or- 

gasm lasting so long that by the time the pleasure started to ebb, even Luca was 

without breath while Vivian didn’t even have enough strength to open her eyes. 

When he swept her up in his arms, she could only lay her head against his chest 

in utter exhaustion. He took her to the tub for a quick soak, and when he was 

done cleaning her, Vivian rubbed her head against the wall of his chest, curling 

up in his lap like a kitten. 

Luca began to speak in a soft, accented murmur, the sound lulling her into sleep. 

“I am always supportive of the decisions you make, cara. I hope you know that. 

But I must at least express my reservations about the course you’ve enrolled in. 

Are you truly sure business management is what you’d like to take up?” 


“I am not saying it’s impossible. You’re strong, smart, and hardworking. I believe 

you can accomplish whatever you want, but cara, it is ideal that you take up what 

you are most passionate about. So is this truly what you want?” 

When his wife still didn’t answer, he looked down, and the billionaire’s lips slow- 

ly curved at the sight of his sleeping wife. 


It was yet another first, to have a woman sleep on him after sex. 

When they were back in bed, both of them still naked but dry, he gently pulled the 

covers over them before taking his sleeping wife into his arms. Staring at her, he 

could only think of one thing. 

Ti amo, cara. 

When his ex-wife had left him, the billionaire had thought that he would never 

love again. He had decided then that his baby girl Eula would be the only reason 

for his existence, and he had thought that would be enough. 

He had thought he could play it safe for the rest of his life…until Vivian chatted 

her way into his heart.

He remembered the way Vivian had mistaken him for an ordinary pencil pusher 

the first day they met, and his lips curved. She had the most beautiful smile and 

her sunny nature had drawn him in like bee to honey. 

Her love made him invincible, but if she ever left him--- 

Luca gently pressed his lips to the bare slope of her shoulder. 

Ti amo, Vivi. 

If only he could lock her in a tower that he alone had the key to. 

If only he could possess every second of her time. 

If only. 

But because he loved and trusted her, he fought to crush all such urges every day 

of his life. 
The billionaire had already doubted her once, and he had almost lost Vivian be- 

cause of it. 

He would not make the same mistake again.

Chapter One 

Two weeks later 

“Congratulations on your first week back in university!” The words came from 

Arianna Palazzo, who was Vivian’s date for lunch. A lovely green-eyed brunette, 

Arianna was married to Rafael Palazzo, another Italian billionaire who also hap- 

pened to be good friends with Vivian’s husband. 

Vivian’s cheeks turned pink when the older woman presented her with a beauti- 

fully wrapped gift. “Thank you, Ari. But you really didn’t have to---” 

“It’s nothing extravagant,” Ari assured her friend with a grin, “just a little thing I 

picked up at a bookstore when Rafe and I were in London.” 

“Tell me more about your trip,” Vivian invited eagerly. Arianna and her husband 

were pretty much the definition of relationship goals, and she loved hearing every 

little thing about their fairytale romance. “It was Rafe’s birthday gift for you, 

wasn’t it?” 

Arianna nodded. “My trip to London had been scheduled long ago because I was 

invited to be a guest lecturer at Oxford. I wanted him to come with me, but he 

said he was busy. That bummed me out, but when I arrived at Heathrow, well---” 

The brunette blushed. “There he was, and it was one of the happiest days of my 


“That’s so sweet!” Vivian was sincere thrilled for her friend, but at the back of her 

mind, she couldn’t help wondering if St. Francis would have accepted her if she 

had been a little more like Ari. 

Unlike her, Arianna Palazzo hadn’t only a college degree under her belt but the 

other woman had also graduated with honors from Stanford. In the short amount 

of time that she had been teaching, Arianna had also managed to carve a re- 
spectable name for herself in her chosen field. 

If she were as accomplished as Arianna, Vivian pondered glumly, maybe fewer people 

would question Luca’s decision to marry her. 

Vivian’s thoughts were interrupted when the restaurant’s redheaded receptionist, 

Coral, stepped forward, saying, “Your room’s ready, Mrs. Valencia. This way, 


As Coral led the way for the two billionaire’s wives, the receptionist made every 

effort to entertain her most important guests. She described the restaurant’s Art 

Nouveau interior in great detail, and when they reached the function room Coral 

quickly summoned waiting attendants to pull out chairs for their guests. 

“A special menu has been prepared by the chef, Mrs. Valencia, Mrs. Palazzo, and 

we’ll be serving it in ten minutes.” Coral then added with a wink, “If there’s any- 

thing else you’d like, please just let me know.” Her two VIPs nodded and smiled, 

and Coral thought appreciatively, How wonderfully discreet. 

She winked one last time at her guests, saying meaningfully, “Anything and every- 

thing, just let me know.” 

Vivian waited for the door to the private function room they had reserved before 

glancing at Ari in completely bafflement. “W-what was that about?” 

“You’ll get used to it,” Ari sighed. “She was basically offering us special services, 

the kind that’s not on the menu.” 

Vivian still couldn’t get it. “What kind of special service?” 

“Drugs, male escorts---” 

Vivian’s jaw dropped. 

“Basically anything and everything we’d like and be willing to pay for,” Ari finished. 

“I was stunned speechless the first time someone offered me that, but now I just 

shrug it off.” Ari wrinkled her nose, adding, “It’s all part of the package that 

comes with being married to men like Rafe and Luca, I’m afraid.” 

“I s-see.” Or rather, Vivian should see and understand that these offers would in- 

deed be a normal part of her life for as long as she was married to Luca – but she 

didn’t. Over half a year had already passed since she married Luca, and yet the 

feeling that she wasn’t suitable to be his wife still hadn’t completely left her. 

And maybe it never would, she worried uneasily. 

“Is everything okay, Viv?” Ari asked, noticing the look of dismay that had crossed 

her friend’s face. 

“I was just thinking I wish I could be more like you,” Vivian confessed. 

Ari made a face. “Is this about the St. Francis thing?” At her friend’s nod, she said 

firmly, “You should stop wasting your time and emotions on that issue. It’s made 

you think too little of yourself---” 

“But maybe they’re right, you know? I’m literally nothing compared to Luca. If I 

were more like you---” 

“I’m also the same woman Rafe considered only worthy of being his mistress at 

the start, Viv,” Ari reminded her friend ruefully. “Let’s not forget that.” 

“I think how you and Rafe fell in love makes a great love story,” Vivian avowed in 

a rare instance of tact. 

Ari laughed. “No need to whitewash it. We both know Rafe had been a jerk in the 


Vivian couldn’t help grinning back. “Well, if we both have to be honest, so was 

Luca. He hired me to be his wife, remember?” 

The door to the function room opened, servers walking back in with their appe- 

tizers and both Arianna and Vivian automatically avoided speaking of anything 

too personal in nature. Even so, the rest of the meal was enjoyable as the two 

caught up with each other’s lives. 

When they walked out of the restaurant’s function room, still laughing and chat- 

ting, the other patrons marveled at the sight, thinking that it was rare for two 

beautiful and wealthy women to get along so well. 

While waiting for their rides outside the restaurant, paparazzi swarmed towards 

them, eagerly taking photos even as they shouted one intrusive question after an- 


How was it being married to a billionaire? 

Was it true that Italian men were like insatiable stallions in the bedroom? 

What would they do if the rumors about their husbands having mistresses were true? 

“Have you heard, Mrs. Valencia? Your husband’s been seen playing hooky with 

his ex-wife.” 

When Vivian paled, Ari hurriedly said under her breath, “They’re lying, Viv. This is 
what they do for a living, and they’re just baiting you to give them something 

juicy for tonight’s news.” 

Vivian managed a smile. “I know.” 

Ari’s chauffeur-driven limousine arrived first, but the other woman hesitated to 

leave, seeing her friend’s still-troubled expression. “Are you sure you’ll be okay, 


“Yep,” she said brightly. Too brightly, Vivian thought with an inner wince, seeing 

Ari’s frown. “Seriously, Ari, don’t worry about me.” She kissed her friend on the 

cheek goodbye, promising to return the favor and visit San Francisco soon. 

Vivian’s own ride came up a minute later, and her worries momentarily faded at 

its sight. When Luca had explicitly forbidden her to use any mode of public trans- 

portation for her daily commute to university, she had pleaded with her husband 

to at least let her use his most “ordinary” car, all in hopes of reducing unwanted 

attention from the other students. 

Vivian’s driver opened the door for her, and she got inside the Rolls Royce, which 

her husband had considered commonplace since it wasn’t the latest model. 

Her husband might be one of the smartest men in the world, Vivian thought in 

amusement, but there were just some things he was completely clueless about. 

“Shall we go straight to the university, Mrs. Valencia?” 

“Yes, please.” As she leaned back against the seat, the thought that she had for- 

gotten something nagged at her. She tried to remember what it was, but nothing 

came to her and she was forced to set the thought aside by the time she reached 

the university. 

In Vivian’s quest to be an ideal wife, she had decided to take up a business 

course, and so far--- 

She hated every minute of it, Vivian acknowledged with an inner grimace as she 

entered the classroom. 

Talks about profit margins bored her and the mechanics for conducting SWOT 

analyses confused her. But even so, Vivian was determined to see this to the end. 

Come hell or high water, she would be the kind of wife that her billionaire would 

be proud of. 

“You made it to TMZ again,” Kay Norton sang out gleefully as Vivian claimed the 
seat beside her. A perky twenty-year-old sorority blonde, Kay was the only girl in 

university who seemed indifferent to Vivian’s instant notoriety as a billionaire’s 


“And how cool is that?” Kay’s boyfriend Donald appeared at Vivian’s other side 

and threw a casual arm around her shoulders. “Gossip blogs are how you mea- 

sure where you are on the list, you know?” 

“Riiiiight.” She did her best to laugh at Donald’s quip while casually shrugging 

his arm off. Kay’s boyfriend was every inch the quintessential quarterback: tall, 

muscular, good-looking, and possessing an overabundance of ego. 

When Donald tried to put an arm around her shoulder again, she jumped to her 

feet, unable to bear his touchy-feely attitude. “I, err, need to go out for a minute.” 

Maybe most other girls thought nothing about Donald’s actions, but every time 

they came into contact her skin crawled. 

“I’ll sign your attendance for you,” Kay called after her as she walked away. 

“Thanks, Kay.” She flashed her friend an awkward smile over her shoulder, think- 

ing that Kay deserved better than an excessive flirt as a boyfriend. 

Inside the restroom, Vivian turned the tap on and splashed cold water on her 

face. When she was done, she caught her reflection on the mirror, and only one 

question came to mind. 

What am I doing here? 

Vivian hurriedly shook the thought away. 

Of course she knew what she was doing here.

She was going to be the kind of wife that no other charity board would turn down, 

the kind of wife that Luca would have every reason to be proud of. 

She scowled at her reflection. “Got that?” 

Turning away, she left the restroom, and the thought that she had forgotten 

something once again nagged at her. 

Vivian’s brows furrowed as she tried to recall what it was. 

Could it be something Luca had asked her to do? Nope. 

Could it be something she had promised Maggie, her friend and former room- 

mate? Nope. 

Could it be--- 
Vivian stopped dead in her tracks. 


Oh my God, Eula!
Chapter Two 

“Did you have fun playing the princess?” Luca asked as he shampooed his 

daughter’s hair. 

“It was easy.” Eula’s voice was matter-of-fact. “Because I’m really a princess.” 

He laughed. “And so you are.” Lack of self-esteem was definitely not something 

his princess suffered from. After rinsing her hair, Luca allowed his daughter to 

spend a few more minutes playing in her pink marble tub while he went back to 

her bedroom to fetch a change of clothes. 

“Do you want the pink princess pajamas or the Sponge Bob thing with a skirt?” 

he called out as he pushed the sliding doors of her walk-in closet open. 

“Pink princess pajamas,” his daughter yelled back from the bathroom. 

Luca shook his head in wry amusement, thinking that it was a miracle he had 

been able to raise Eula to be girly despite lacking any significant feminine influ- 

ence in her life. Luca’s own mother tried her best of course, but there was only so 

much she could do when she lived in a different continent from her grand- 


Since it was still pretty early in the evening, Luca gave his permission for Eula to 

play games on her iPad while he took out her textbooks to see if there were any 

homework or lessons they had to work on. 

It was at this moment that the door to Eula’s bedroom burst open, and father and 

daughter looked up. 

Vivian stood framed by the doorway, her dark hair a messy riot of waves around 

her face. She had a frantic look on her face and she was panting loudly, like she 

had run all the way home. 

“Vivi,” Eula exclaimed excitedly upon the sight of her stepmother. 

The Italian billionaire’s lips curved in a warm smile. “Welcome home, cara. Did 

you miss us?” 

“Yes.” And as soon as his wife choked the word out, she promptly burst into 



It was already ten in the evening by the time Luca stepped out of his office at 

home, and upon reaching the second floor he was surprised to still hear his 

wife’s soothing voice, reading a bedtime story. 

When he made it to Eula’s room, he saw his daughter snuggled up next to Vivian, 

fast asleep. Upon meeting his gaze, Vivian signaled to him to keep quiet even as 

she continued with the story. 

“And so the princess lived happily ever after with the king and queen, happy and 

secure in the knowledge that a new adventure awaited her.” Vivian closed the 

book and whispered, “The End.” She placed a kiss on the top of Eula’s head be- 

fore gently and carefully easing herself out of the little girl’s bed. 

Upon reaching her husband, Vivian almost let out a shriek when Luca suddenly 

swept her up in his arms. “Hold on to me,” he whispered into her ear, and she 

obliged, arms and legs tightening around him, as Luca pulled the door shut. 

Out in the hallway, he pushed her against the wall and crushed her mouth under 

his without warning. Vivian kissed him back eagerly, her body easily turned on 

like it always was. 

When the billionaire lifted his head, she moaned softly in protest, the sound 

making his lips curve in amusement. “Does that mean you want more?” he 

teased under his breath. 

Her eyes flew wide open at Luca’s words, and her cheeks flushed pink at the way 

his startlingly blue eyes gleamed down at her. 

“Ah, cara. Whatever happened to your promise to be less, err---” A thoughtful 

look crossed Luca’s handsome face. “What was that word you made up again? 


Oh, fudge. “Stop reminding me of that,” Vivian cried out. 

Chuckling at the way his wife had turned even redder, he stole a quick hard kiss 

from her lips before carrying her down the stairs. Seeing her bemused look, he 

asked wickedly, “Disappointed?” 

“No!” But she was, actually, since she had thought he was taking her to their bed- 


A devilish grin slashed on the Italian billionaire’s lips at her oh-so-obvious lie, 
and he purred, “Anticipation makes all things better.” 

Even as her heart skipped a beat, she managed to insist weakly, “I really don’t 

know what you’re talking about.” But the way her voice quivered in the end com- 

pletely betrayed Vivian, and she could only hide her hot face at the crook of his 

neck as Luca’s powerful body rocked in silent mirth. 

When he lowered Vivian back to her feet, she was stunned to realize he had taken 

her to the kitchen. She spun around to face him, puzzled. “Are you hungry?” 

“No, cara, but I bet you are.” 

The truth in his words dawned the moment he spoke, and her stomach further 

compounded the fact by releasing an embarrassing growl. 

She let a mortified squeak, but Luca only said, “There’s no guessing about it.” 

Normally, her husband’s gently reproving tone would have made Vivi feel bad. 


But right now her husband, who was dressed elegantly in a long-sleeved V-neck 

shirt and slacks, was putting on an apron--- 

An apron! 

“What are you doing?” she gasped. 

“What do you think?” Her beautiful Italian billionaire smirked, and Vivian 

couldn’t help pinching herself as she watched him loosely tie the apron around 

his waist. 

This couldn’t be happening. 

But it was. 

Her mind whirled. 

Luca. Apron. Luca. Apron. 

At that moment, there was nothing sexier in the world than the black apron Luca 

had on, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she stared at the way the apron 

strangely served to accentuate the billionaire’s lethally perfect form. 

Too sexy, she thought dreamily. Too, too--- 

Luca bent down to take out a foil-wrapped from the fridge, and she hurriedly 

pinched herself again, thinking that if this was a dream then she just wanted to 

keep on dreaming. 

She watched Luca switch the induction cooktop on, and Vivian rubbed her eyes. 
When Luca started to expertly toss pasta with his pan, she gasped, “Are you 


Luca couldn’t help grinning. “And you’re only realizing that now?” 


Her toes curled hard, and she could only stare at him in a completely besotted 

fashion. How had life become this amazing again? Sometimes, it just seemed like 

yesterday that she had been alone and ridden with debts she had incurred be- 

cause of her father’s death. But there were also times when she could barely 

remember what was life before Luca. 

Her husband and Eula had become her world now. They made her so, so happy. 

Vivian just wished she could be sure she made them as happy, too. 

A soft chuckle escaped the billionaire when he saw the way Vivian was gazing at 

him. Most other women would have given him such a look only if he had bought 

them something fancy, but with his wife--- 

It was always the little things that got to her, and it was one of the many reasons 

why she had managed to steal his heart. 

Luca pointed to the stools around the kitchen’s center island. “Sit there, cara,” he 

ordered. When he was done cooking, he placed a plate of aglio olio in front of her,

and she inhaled deeply as if wanting to savor the scent of the pasta. 

When she looked at him again, it was as if she was about to swoon, and a grin 

tugged at Luca’s lips. “Eat up,” he urged. 

“What about you?” 


Vivian wondered what that meant even as she started to dig in. The pasta tasted 

as good as it smelled, and she couldn’t help closing her eyes again, savoring 

every bite. When she was halfway done, she saw that Luca still hadn’t eaten, and 

she asked, “Aren’t you going to join me?” 

“I want something else.” Reading the question in her green eyes, he said silkily, “I 

want you, mia moglie. I plan to eat every inch of you---” 

Vivian choked on her pasta. 

“Would you like some water?” Luca asked politely, straight-faced. She glared at 
him even as she nodded, and he had a harder time keeping himself from smiling 

as he offered her a glass of water. 

“You only said that to shock me,” she accused him as soon as she put the glass 


“True.” Luca reached behind his back to unknot his apron. “But I also meant it so 

hurry and finish that up.” 


“You’re not the only one hungry here so do as I say, capisce?” 

The Italian phrase, which one often heard from Mafia movies, made her lips 

quirk, and Vivian said with exaggerated meekness, “Yes, boss.” 

It was an impish response few people would dare give to the Italian billionaire, 

and it had him throwing his head back with an appreciative laugh. 

Upon emptying her plate, she told him earnestly, “That was perfect.” And it was, 

it really was, so much so that a second later, she was no longer able to help it. Vi- 

vian threw herself at her husband. 

Even though her impulsive reaction caught him off guard, Luca managed to stay 

on his feet and his arms automatically tightened around his wife’s slight frame. 


She hugged him as tightly as she could, mumbling, “Ti amo.” 

Ah. Luca pressed a kiss on her hair, murmuring, “Ti amo anch’io.” 

Pulling away, she said in a rush, “I can’t say sorry enough for missing Eula’s 


He shook his head. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, cara.” Settling her on the 

kitchen island this time, Luca stepped between her legs and looked into her eyes. 

“Both Eula and I understand that you’ve had a lot of your mind lately---” His 

wife’s smile wobbled, and he frowned. “C’e un problema?” Is there a problem? 

Vivian gave her husband a shamefaced look. “That’s the thing. There isn’t a prob- 

lem, and I don’t think that’s right. You should hate me---” 

“But I don’t.” 

“And Eula should hate me even more---” 

“But she doesn’t either. I explained why you missed her performance---” 

“I know. In fact, you did such a good job at explaining, I felt like a total fraud with 
her tonight,” Vivian admitted. “I should have remembered today was her school 

play. I should have---” 

“There is no one to blame for this,” he said firmly, “and it’s not as if you’re going 

to make a habit out of it.” Luca raised a brow. “Or are you?” 

“Of course not,” she answered, horrified. 

“Then I don’t see any reason why we simply can’t put this behind us.” He tipped 

her chin up. “So no more feeling guilty…capisce?” The last word drew a reluctant 

smile from his wife, as it was meant to, but he could see that Vivian being Vivian, 

she was still fretting inside for being unable to do something in atonement. 

Ah, Vivi. If that was what she truly wanted, then far be it for him to disappoint his 


“How do you feel about enjoying some fresh air in the terrace?” 

The invitation took her by surprise, but Vivian nodded nevertheless. “Okay.” Any- 

thing that allowed her to spend more time with her often-busy husband was al- 

ways a good idea. 

When they were out on the balcony, Vivian blinked when Luca took one of the 

patio chairs without offering her one. The lack of chivalry wasn’t like him at all, 

and she wondered anxiously if it was because he was more furious with her than 

he cared to admit.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to ask, “Are you mad with me?” 

“On the contrary---” Her husband gazed at her with hooded lids, murmuring, 

“I’m going to give you what you want.” 

His words left her in a greater state of confusion, and she could only blink at him. 

The billionaire crooked a finger at Vivian. “Come closer, cara.” 

The sudden huskiness in her husband’s voice made Vivian shiver despite the 

city’s humid air. She was nervous and excited all at once, and when she saw the 

way his light blue eyes smoldered, her breath caught--- 

Vivian took one small step closer, and oh, how the simple act was more than 

enough to set her body on fire. Her breasts swelled behind the cups of her bra, 

and when Luca ordered her to come even closer, her nipples reacted to the com- 

mand like the words were a caress, the pink buds painfully tightening with 

“Closer, cara.” His voice was sharp this time, but her body instinctively knew that 

it wasn’t anger it heard. That sharp hard voice was the sound of a sensual prom- 

ise, a command that guaranteed pleasure if she obeyed--- 

And she did, of course. 

Her knees knocked against each other as she made her way to her husband, 

threatening to give out entirely as Luca stared at her like he was already undress- 

ing her in his mind. 

Oh God. 

When she finally stepped between his sprawled legs, a dangerously indolent 

smile curved on her husband’s lips. “What did I promise you earlier, cara?” 

“T-that you’d give me what I want,” she stammered. 

“And do you trust me to know what you want?” 

She could only nod, feeling like she would only end up whimpering her words out 

if she tried to speak. 


When he said nothing else, she slowly lifted her gaze to his, and it was as if he 

had been waiting for that moment--- 

Capturing her eyes with his, her husband commanded, “Get on your knees.” 

“E-excuse me?” she choked out.

Darkness that promised something exquisitely forbidden glittered in his eyes as 

he purred, “You know you want to, cara. Ever since you came back home, your 

eyes have been begging me to punish you---” 


Her body trembled hard at the realization that what he was saying was true. 

Oh God, it was so, so true. 

“And so I’ll give you what you want.” His hard tone made Vivian wet her lips, and 

the sight had her husband sucking his breath. 

“You want me that bad in your mouth, do you?” 

His words embarrassed and aroused her, and all she could do was stare at him, 

her breasts aching harder and harder. 

“Answer me.” 

That he would force her to say such a thing out loud made her want him so, so 

much more, and she choked out, “Yes.” 

“Then get on your knees.” 

Vivian slowly fell to her knees. 

“Unzip me.” 

Her fingers shook as she reached for his zipper, and when she was finally able to 

free his erection from its confines, Vivian couldn’t help drawing her breath. Even 

now, the impressive length of his manhood still intimidated her, and the thought 

that she would soon have it inside her mouth--- 

Wetness flooded her throbbing core, drenching her lace panties. 

Luca’s fingers threaded through her hair, and Vivian’s heart slammed hard 

against her chest. 

He started to push her head down, and her heartbeat sped faster and faster. 

The head of his erection knocked against her mouth, and slowly her lips parted. 

His erection slowly and steadily slipped into her mouth inch by inch, forcing her 

lips to part wider. 

“More,” her husband commanded in a guttural growl. “Take all of me in.” 

And even though it felt impossible, she fought to keep her throat relaxed as Luca 

continued to push deeper into her mouth.

When he was all the way in, Luca said tightly, “Start sucking.” His wife obeyed, 

and his body shuddered in agonized pleasure as the warmth of her mouth closed 

over his erection. 


His fingers tightened around her hair, and he began to guide the movements of 

her head. “Exactly like that.” He closed his eyes. “Yes, cara. Suck it hard…” As Vi- 

vian continued to pleasure him with her mouth, Luca managed to look down--- 

Big mistake. 

The sight of his wife’s dark head bobbing up and down on his erection was too 

much, and he could feel himself tightening. 

“I’m going to come,” he gritted out. 

But Vivian’s mouth didn’t let go of his erection. 

At his groan, his wife sucked even harder. 


It was too damn much, and with his grip on her hair tightening, the billionaire 

came with a rough, harsh growl, the movements of his hips becoming feral and 

uncontrolled as he plunged his erection in her mouth fast and hard. 

When the last of his release faded, Luca pulled out of his wife’s mouth and ignor- 

ing her soft mewl of protest, he hauled her up and kissed her hard. “Was that 

punishment enough?” he demanded against his lips. 

Eyes clouded with love and sexual satisfaction stared back at him as she whis- 

pered, “Y-yes.” 

“Then it’s my turn.” And without any other warning, Luca ripped the panties 

under her dress and even as she cried out in shock, he was already pulling her 

down on him, his still-aroused manhood plunging deep inside of her. 

Vivian threw her head back with a cry, her hands clutching his shoulders hard as 

she started to ride him. By the time she came in his arms, she was limp with ex- 

haustion and she could only think longingly of sleep. 

But her husband had other plans. 

Bringing her back inside the house, the billionaire made love to her once more by 

the staircase and made her come again when they made it to the upper hallway

By the time his lovemaking came to an end, they had just made it to his bedroom, 

and dawn was already breaking outside their windows. 

“Sleep in today,” he urged softly as he pulled the covers over her. “I can take Eula 

to school.” 

She shook her head sleepily at him. “You’re too busy---” 

“While you’re barely able to keep your eyes open.” Luca placed a soft kiss on one 

naked shoulder. “If you truly wish to please me then do as I say, cara, and just 

sleep in.” 

And so she did. 

The house was quiet when Vivian woke up, and a quick check around the place 

told her that both Luca and Eula were indeed gone. Remembering last night’s 

marathon lovemaking made Vivian blush, but even so, she couldn’t stop happi- 

ness from unfurling inside of her. 

How wonderfully cunning her husband was, to “punish” her in such a way. 

But it was also uncanny, the way he had known she wouldn’t be able to feel right 

until she had done something to atone for her mistake. 

After taking a shower and changing into a floral blouse and black skirt, Vivian 

looked at herself in the mirror, thinking, Forget about yesterday. Forget about the 

past. Today is the start of a new chapter in your life, Vivian Day-Valencia. From here 

on, your life will be a mistake-free zone, and you will work hard and succeed at 

becoming the ideal wife to Luca and mother to Eula. 

She nodded determinedly. “Got that?” 

Satisfied with her private pep talk, Vivian turned away and left the bathroom with 

her spirits fully restored. Disconnecting her phone from the charger, she checked 

it for messages but the first thing that caught her eye was the email from Google 

Alerts, telling her that there were about a hundred of articles suddenly posted 

about Luca’s ex-wife Maria. 

Vivian chewed on her lip, torn with indecision. 

Did this qualify as stalking? Yes. 

Did this mean she was insecure about Maria? Yes. 

So what was the best thing to do? 

Delete the email without looking, obviously, Vivian thought.

That was the best thing to do, which was why she ended up doing the worst thing 

she could do. 

Curiosity killed the cat, Vivian couldn’t help thinking as she clicked the message 


Multiple headlines from different websites greeted her, but they all amounted to 

the same thing, and they all shared the same photo. 

Vivian whitened. 

It was a photo from Maria’s Instagram account, and it showed the older woman 

attending Eula’s school play. 

The hashtag: #happyfamily

Chapter Three 

Vivian flashed Eula a smile, and the little girl smiled back at her. With classes 

starting late, she had just enough time to pick Eula up at school and drop her 

home before heading to class. Which was a good thing, she thought numbly, con- 

sidering what she had found out this morning. 

Vivian cleared her throat. “So…” How should she bring up Maria without sound- 

ing like she was an intrusive, jealous, insecure, and paranoid stepmother? 

Eula looked at her expectantly. “So…” The little girl mimicked her voice perfectly, 

and despite everything Vivian couldn’t help grinning. 

“You’re too cute.” 

“You’re too cute also.” 

Vivian wriggled her brows. 

Eula wriggled her brows back at her. 

“Why are you copying me?” Vivian asked laughingly. 

She expected Eula to say something funny, but instead Eula said with quiet seri- 

ousness, “Because I want to be like you.”

Oh! Vivian’s eyes smarted at the unexpected words, and she drew the little girl 

close, hugging Eula tightly to her. “I love you, principesa.” 

“I love you, Vivi.” Eula hugged her back just as tightly. 

For a few moments, they stayed like that, with only the gentle hum of the air- 

conditioning breaking the silence within the Rolls Royce’s luxurious interior. Vi- 

vian absently watched the shadows play on the leather seats of the car as she 

struggled to keep all her worries at bay. 

So what if Maria had come yesterday? 

Maria was Eula’s birth mother, and she had every right to attend her daughter’s 

event if she wanted to. As a stepmother, Vivian had to understand--- 

“Mummy was at school yesterday,” Eula suddenly said. 

Vivian nearly jumped in her seat. “Really?” The word came out a croak. 

Eula pulled away, looking up at Vivian as she continued in a noticeably wary tone, 

“She talked to me.” 

“O-oh?” Vivian forced a smile. “That’s a great thing, isn’t it?” But the little girl 
didn’t answer, a withdrawn look crossing Eula’s face, and Vivian’s forehead 

creased. “Eula?” 

Eula snuggled back to Vivian wordlessly, and when she looked down, the little girl 

had her eyes squeezed shut tightly, obviously pretending to sleep. 

By the time they made it back home, Eula had truly fallen asleep, and although 

the nanny offered to carry the girl up to her room, Vivian insisted on doing it her- 


Laying the little girl down on her bed, she pressed a kiss on the forehead, mur- 

muring, “Ti amo, principesa.” 

Turning away, she could feel her eyes smarting again, and for no seeming reason 

at all this time. 

Eula was precious to her as much as Luca was. 

What would she do if Maria came to take both of them away? 

Even by the time classes had ended, the thought continued to stalk her, and when 

she made it back home she had half-convinced herself that Luca was going to 

leave her for Maria. 

Entering the bedroom she shared with the billionaire, the first thing she saw was 

her husband in the act of undressing himself. 

Luca lifted a brow when he caught his wife gaping at him. “Why are you looking 

at me like I’m not supposed to be here?” 

“Umm.” It was hard to be coherent with every inch of his pure, bronzed, mus- 

cular perfection completely bared to her eyes. 

“I’m about to take a shower---” 

“Oh?” The sound came out strangled. 

He crossed his arms over his chest, asking, “Do you want to join me?” 

“Er.” She wished she could say something that could classify as an actual word 

but how could she when she had just noticed that her husband also happened to 

be fully aroused? 

Even now the sight of it left her throat dry. It was just so impossibly large, so 

wonderfully thick--- 

Seeing what his wife was staring at, Luca’s lips twitched, and he drawled, “You 

know you can do much more than stare, si?” 

Sheer horror over being caught ogling finally made Vivian find her voice, and she 

choked out, ‘I d-don’t know what you’re talking---ah!” 

Luca had come to her side and hauled her up, placing Vivian over his shoulder 

caveman style. 

“Oh my God, Luca!” 

Her husband didn’t pay her any heed as he walked back to the direction of their 


“P-put me down!” But even so she couldn’t help laughing, couldn’t keep her heart 

from beating faster and faster. 

This, she thought deliriously, this was the Luca Valencia that only she knew. 

To the rest of the world, the Italian billionaire was infamous for being aloof and 

ruthless, with not a second to spare on anything outside business. 

But for Vivian, he was the most imaginative and tender lover a woman could ever 

ask for…and she wanted that to be just her secret alone. 

Was that so bad? 

The billionaire turned the shower on, and hot water gushed down at both of 

them, making Vivian shriek as she found her clothes completely drenched in 

seconds. “Luca!” 

Her husband let her back to her feet with a grin, saying mockingly, “Vivian!” And 

then he started unbuttoning her blouse. 

“You’re crazy,” she half-gasped, half-giggled. 

“And you still have too many clothes on.” His tone was impatient, but the gleam 

in his eyes was wicked and tender, and oh, how she melted at the sight of it. 

Soon, all her clothes had been kicked to the edge of the shower, leaving Vivian 

naked as he was. 

“Aaaah!” Luca hauled her to him and whirled her around to have her back 

pressed against the wall. Jets of water continued to slosh down at them as Luca 

bent his head, and her breath caught as his fingers cupped one swollen breast. 

“L-Lucaaaaa.” She moaned his name out loud as he took one nipple in, his fin- 

gers squeezing her breast hard. His other hand roamed down her body, teasing 

the already moist folds under the curls, and she moaned his name again. 

Luca lifted his head, his blue eyes capturing hers. “I’ve been dreaming about this 
all day,” he groaned. “The whole time I was stuck in a boring meeting, I was 

thinking about how I’d make you scream as I did this---” His head bent, his teeth 

clamping around her nipple. And then he was biting hard, and she let out a little 

scream, the intense mix of pain and pleasure making her body shudder hard 

against him. 

“Vivi…” His breath tickled her ear, and she shuddered anew. “Fatti penetrare.” 

Oh God. 

His thick accent, combined with the sexy timber of his voice, and the meaning of 

those words--- 

Let me inside you. 

She would give him anything with the way he was talking, with the way he was 

looking at her, and she choked out, “Yes.” 

At Vivian’s words, Luca spun her around, and this time she found herself facing 

the wall, arms and breasts flattened against the cold marble tiles. 

“Luca---aaaaaah!” Her husband had suddenly thrust his length into her, and her 

eyes shut closed as she felt him filling her, inch by massive inch. 

Oh God, she felt so stuffed…and it was so, so good.

When Luca pulled her closer to him, she found herself bent from the waist, her 

aching breasts swinging in the air while his erection slid deeper into her. The new 

position left her feeling more vulnerable and a thousand times more aroused. 

But then Luca started to pound into her, his force and speed almost that of an 

animal, one that only sought to consume--- 

Agonizing need rippled into her, and she lost all sense of self. From that mo- 

ment, she existed for his pleasure, and words that he needed to hear were torn 

out of her. 

“Piu duro,” Vivian whimpered. Harder. 

With a groan, Luca slammed harder into her, his hands moving back to dig his 

fingers into the cheeks of her wiggling bottom. 

Again and again, he hammered into her, and though it was perfect, she also knew 

there could be so much more, and so she begged him, “Piu veloce.” 

It meant faster--- 

And since her husband always gave her everything she wanted--- 
Barely a second had passed when Luca’s hips were indeed pumping faster 

against hers, and this time, all she could do was gasp--- 

Water beat down at them, accentuating the sound of their slapping bodies. 

“Luca, Luca, Luca.” She could only sob his name out as his thrusts threatened to 

rip her apart in the most exquisite way--- 

Vivian felt one of his hands going around her, and she moaned, “Noooo----” She 

just knew what he was planning would drive her out of her mind. “Luca, no, 


But it was too late, and his thumb had already found her clit, grinding it down, 

and oh, combined with the agonizing pleasure of his uncontrolled thrusts, there 

was just no stopping it. 

Her orgasm took over, a spontaneous combustion that incinerated every cell in 

her body and leaving her with nothing to do but scream. She screamed and 

screamed, feeling like there was no end to her release, and just when the waves of 

pleasure started to fade, that was when Luca started driving into her, coming with 

a harsh growl even as his penetrating strokes went on and on and on. 

His cum filled her, and all she could do was close her eyes and surrender, her 

body his to do with in any way he wanted. Seconds or minutes might have trick- 

led by. She wasn’t really certain. Time had lost all its meaning, and all she could 

think about was Luca. 




Her eyes drifted open as she felt her husband pulling away, his erection making a 

popping sound as he withdrew from her. 

“Vivi…” Pulling his wife up, the billionaire brushed his lips against hers, and 

when he lifted his head, he couldn’t prevent satisfaction from heating inside of 


She looked like a woman who had been expertly made love with to the point of 


He carried her to the whirlpool tub and joined her inside it as the water started to 

fill. Positioning her between his legs, he took one of the scrubs and began to 
soap her back. 

“Mmmm.” Vivi practically hummed in contentment, and when he laughed at the 

sound, she twisted around to look at him over her shoulder, mumbling, “You’re 

spoiling me rotten.” 

He bent close to nibble on her lip, murmuring, “Impossible.” 

She quickly turned away at his answer, mortified at how easy it was for her hus- 

band to make her heart skip a beat. 

Smiling at her bout of shyness, he said softly, “Tell me about your day, cara.” 

“N-nothing special really happens.” Vivian’s voice became strained as her hus- 

band started caressing her breasts. 

“How can that be,” Luca asked solemnly, “when you are hanging out with the 

cool kids now?” 

“Shut up.” Vivian couldn’t help laughing. “Also, the way you say that makes them 

seem anything but cool---” She ended up gasping the last word out as his hand 

left a soapy trail down her body before delving between her legs. 

“Has Kay stopped pressuring you about clubbing?” 


A lie, the billionaire thought, but for now he let it be. “And her boyfriend Craig?” 

She giggled. “You know it’s Donald Crane.” 

“Mi dispiace.” And yet the billionaire sounded completely unapologetic. “But you 

know what I mean. Has he started treating his girlfriend any better?” 

Vivian slowly shook her head. “Not really. I really think she deserves better…” Her 

voice trailed off as his fingers started to move. 

“Go on.” 

“Umm…” It was hard to recall what she was about to say with the way her hus- 

band’s fingers continued to do its magic and caused pleasure to tingle along her 

veins. “I w-wish I could tell her that, but I don’t think it’s my place---” His fingers 

dipped a fraction into her, and she couldn’t help arching against Luca, shame- 

lessly trying to get more of his fingers to slip inside her. 

“And what about you, cara?” The billionaire’s voice possessed a grim edge, but 

Vivian failed to notice it. She was too busy lifting her hips up, hoping to entice 

him, but Luca’s fingers still remained evasive, and she bit back a moan. 
“Do you not think you deserve better friends?” 

This time, the serious note in her husband’s voice didn’t escape her notice, and 

she stilled. “Luca?” She turned around to face him, confused and concerned. Yes, 

Kay and Donald were rather wild in their ways, but she was older than the two. 

She wouldn’t let them influence her to do anything. Surely he knew that? 

The billionaire looked straight into her eyes, saying softly, “Just because they be- 

friended you first does not mean they are nice people, cara.” 


Seeing her distress, he placed a soft, soothing kiss on her lips, murmuring, “Mi 

dispiace. I did not mean to upset you. I am only concerned because you still insist 

on seeing the world with rose colored glasses.” 

“That’s h-how it’s supposed to be---” But her words were weak as Luca began to 

suck on her neck. 

“They take advantage of you, and we know that,” the billionaire murmured against 

her skin. 

“They’re young---” 

The billionaire lifted his head, saying succinctly, “Kay Norton has been using your 

name all over the city---” 

“I don’t mind---” 

“And what about the way she keeps saying she’ll make you feel younger if you 

hang out with her---” 

“I will never ever let you read my texts again,” she groaned. 

Her husband only smiled. “Even if you don’t, do you think that will keep me from 

knowing everything about you?” He bit her ear almost as if punishing her for 

even considering such a thing, and she shuddered against him. 

“I only have to look at your face, and I already know what you’re thinking, how 

you’re feeling.” He licked her ear, and she strained against him. “And when you 

tell me about your day, I can read between the lines. Which is why when you talk 

about Kay, I already know she’s a shallow, social-climbing---” 

“Luca, shush!” 

“And when you talk about her boyfriend, I also know he’s been hitting on you, 

and you’re too nice to tell him off.” 

Vivian stilled. How had he known about Donald? She had been so careful not to 

utter a word about her concerns, and yet he had still known. “Are you mad?” she 


“No.” He was swift to reassure her, not wanting his wife to think he suspected 

her of anything. “I love you, I trust you, but I also know you. All I want is that you 

try to be more careful around him. That’s all…mi prometti?” 

Vivian nodded jerkily. “I promise.” 

“Then this is the last time we will speak about that person whose name I no 

longer remember.” 

A laugh escaped her at the billionaire’s mocking words, but the sound quickly 

turned into a whimper when he hauled her hard towards him, and the heated con- 

tact had her forgetting all thoughts about that boy whose name she couldn’t 

remember either. 

Luca placed the scrub in her hands. “Your turn, mia moglie.” 

“L-like this?” she gasped. 

Her husband smiled lazily. “I prefer watching you serve me.” 

She made a face at his choice of words, knowing he had done so because he was 

aware of how she loved it when he went all alpha on her. Vivian’s fingers shook 

as she started to scrub him, and when his eyes lingered on her swaying breasts, 

she could feel her body turning pink all over. “Stop staring,” she begged. 


And so she was forced to scrub him while his eyes roamed all over her body. 

When it was time to scrub his back, she asked him to turn around, but he pulled 

her closer instead, forcing Vivian to straddle him. 

“You can reach my back this way, si?” 

Vivian sputtered. “But---” 

“Is this better?” Luca asked politely as he pulled her even closer. 

Her breasts were now flat against his chest, and her nipples puckered into life. 

A moan escaped her, and Luca released a low, sexy chuckle. 

“Does this arouse you?” he purred. 

“M-meanie!” But oh, how her breasts ached so hard now. 

“Shall I enter you again, cara?” 

Her eyes flew wide open. “L-Luca?” But his fully aroused length had already 

started to slip into her folds, and she moaned. “Oh God, Luca.” 

“We’ll take it easy,” he promised raggedly, driving into her slowly and gently, 

allowing her body to gradually adjust and her heartbeat to regulate. 

After a few minutes, she was even able to start scrubbing his back again, and she 

did so diligently as soon as she realized that every move she made would cause 

her body to rock against his in the most delicious way. 

“You’re getting good at this, mia moglie,” Luca groaned. 

“Mmm.” Her vocabulary had once again been reduced into one-syllable expres- 

sions, her mind completely consumed by the pleasure of his languid strokes. 

When they finally climaxed together, it was a sweet steady sensation that had her 

inner muscles tightening around him while Luca threatened to crush her ribs with 

his embrace. 

Back in their bedroom, the billionaire pulled his wife close, her back against his 



His wife’s tone was sleepy, worried, and hesitant at the same time, and the 

billionaire frowned, his arm tightening around her waist. “Mm?” 

“Maria was at Eula’s school yesterday…wasn’t she?” 

Ah. He had wondered when she would find out and if she would bring it up with 

him. “Yes,” he said after a beat. “She was.” When she didn’t say anything else, he 

said finally, “I didn’t consider it important.” 

Vivian didn’t know what to say. His ex-wife from Italy had suddenly shown up out 

of the blue, and he didn’t think it was important? 

Unable to help it, she heard herself ask, “Did you guys have fun with Maria?” 

“If you’re asking what I think you’re asking,” Luca drawled from behind her, “then 

I might strangle you.” 

“I d-don’t know what you mean.” She made her tone sound brisk, adding, “And 

honestly, I think it’s great.” 

“Maria showing up is great?” Disbelief colored her husband’s tone. 

“Yup. It’s also great timing, especially since I’ll be busier with school.” Every 

word was a lie, but she just couldn’t stop herself, and when she felt Luca go still 
at her words, her heart thumped painfully hard. 

“Exactly how busy?” Luca asked finally. 

“I won’t be able to go to Italy with you tomorrow.” She held her breath as soon as 

the words slipped past her lips, knowing that Luca had every right to be angry. 

The trip to Tuscany had been planned ages ago, as soon as they had learned of 

Eula’s special one-week holiday from school. 

When Luca remained silent, she started to babble. “The a-amount of homework 

they give to college students these days is insane, and I just didn’t expect it to be 

so hard.” 

“I see.” 

“I don’t want to bail on you, but since you’re all so happy getting along with 

Maria---” She paused, hoping Luca would deny this. 

But he didn’t. 

“I think your trip to Italy should be a good way for you guys to bond more,” she 

finished tremulously. 

They gazed into each other, and Vivian bit her lip, wishing she had the courage to 

tell him things like she was jealous, she was insecure, she didn’t want him and 

Eula to be too happy with Maria--- 

Vivian chewed hard on her bottom lip. Stop it, Vivian. Luca didn’t deserve to have 

his wife act so paranoid. 

Luca suddenly lifted himself on his elbow to switch the bedside lamps on, and 

Vivian shielded her gaze, squinting at the sudden brightness. 

When she lowered her hands, she found Luca gazing at her thoughtfully. 

“Are you certain you’re not coming with us tomorrow, cara?” 

She forced herself to nod, praying that he would try to change her mind. 

But instead, her husband only murmured, “It’s regretful that you will not be able 

to join Eula and me in Italy.” 

Vivian paled. Did that mean--- 

“We will miss you, but I’ll make sure she understands it can’t be helped.” 

---he wasn’t going to insist she change her mind? 

Fudge. Fudge, oh, fudge. 

Why had she let pride get the better of her? 

“I can reschedule,” she stammered. “I mean, it’s just the start of the semester so 

I can afford to---” 

Luca stopped her words with a sweet, brief kiss on the lips. “There is no need for 

you to miss any of your classes,” he soothed. 


“Eula and I will never stand in the way of your studies.” 

“O-oh?” She tried not to sound miserable. “How, umm, nice of you.” And how 

dreadfully stupid of her, to even start this game that she didn’t know how to play. 

“I aim to please, mia moglie.” 

Fudge, fudge, fudge! 

He pulled her into his arms, murmuring, “Let’s go to sleep, mm? Eula and I have 

an early flight.” 

And just like that, she found herself fighting back tears the next morning as she 

waved Eula and Luca off. A part of her wanted to wail out, Take me with you. But 

pride kept her mouth shut, just as pride was also the reason she only allowed 

herself to burst into tears when she reached the privacy of their room. 

Horrible man!

Why couldn’t he have just begged her to go with him? 


It was a question she didn’t even hope to have an answer to, but the answer prac- 

tically came knocking on her inbox’s door, with another Google alert email reach- 

ing her. And again, all the articles pointed to one source. 

A new photo had been uploaded to Maria’s Instagram account, and this time it 

showed Luca’s ex-wife…in Tuscany. 

Vivian’s phone slipped from her hold. 

Was this why Luca hadn’t tried hard, she wondered sickly. 

Had he known Maria was coming and he preferred his ex-wife’s company to 

Chapter Four 

It was almost midnight by the time Luca finally had Eula settled in her bed, fol- 

lowing an enjoyable but tiring reunion with her grandparents. Stepping out to the 

balcony, the familiar scent of Tuscan air greeted him, and the billionaire allowed 

himself a moment to enjoy the picturesque beauty of his family’s land. With their 

chateau seated atop a small hill, every room in the house enjoyed the most spec- 

tacular views of the winery, and beyond it, the azure waters of Mar Tirreno. 

Taking his phone out, he pressed the speed dial button for Vivian’s number, and 

his wife picked up after only one ring. 

“Come va?” How are you? 

Instead of answering, she said brightly, “I saw on Instagram that Maria’s in Tus- 

cany as well.” 

Ah. The note of jealousy in her voice was impossible to miss, and Luca perched 

himself on the edge of the balcony’s balustrade. “That shouldn’t be a surprise. 

This is her hometown, too.” 

“And that’s all there is to it?”

At Vivian’s shrill tone, he drawled, “Do you think I’m lying?” 

“What I think---” And this time, his wife’s voice was too bright, and Luca frowned, 

knowing that it meant she was fighting back tears. 


“---is that you guys should have lots of fun there playing house.” Vivi’s voice 

cracked. “Because I’m going to have fun here, too.” 

The call was disconnected before Luca could get a word edgewise, and a grim ex- 

pression settled on his face. He called his head of security the next moment and 

asked that the number of bodyguards following his wife incognito to be doubled. 

He had a feeling that Vivian was about to do something…inadvisable. 

When he returned to Eula’s side, his little girl stirred. “Vivi?” she asked sleepily. 

“Not here, principesa,” he said gently. 

“I miss Mama.” 


“No. Mama.” 
Luca stilled. “Do you mean Vivi?” 

Eula nodded, snuggling closer to her father. 

Ah. It was her first time to call Vivi ‘Mama’, and his arms tightened around his 

daughter. “I miss Mama, too,” he said softly. And he did, more than anyone – 

even Vivi herself – realized. 

“Why didn’t she come with us?” 

“Because,” he said slowly, “she needs more time to find the treasure.” 

Eula sat up. “Treasure?” And as if she couldn’t believe what she had heard, she 

repeated the word again, this time in Italian. 

He nodded solemnly. “Si, un tesoro.” 

“And what is the treasure?” Eula asked eagerly. 

“It’s something that Vivian wants the most, more than anything in the world.” Lu- 

ca’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. And whatever that was, only Vivian could answer it. 

Luca lied awake for the rest of the night, his mind consumed by thoughts of his 


The desire to cage her would never go away. It was like a wound that would never 

heal, but its pain was made bearable by the knowledge that for as long as he 

found the strength to let Vivian spread her own wings--- 

It meant he loved Vivian the way she deserved to be loved. 

Early next day, Luca’s mother threw a party in Luca and Eula’s honor, and friends 

and relatives from all over Europe came jetting in to the Tuscan countryside to 

join in the festivities. Although the guests numbered by the hundreds, Luca’s 

security was able to keep a tight leash, which allowed the Italian billionaire to be 

informed within seconds when someone attempted to gatecrash the celebration. 

Ordering his guards to show Maria to the private receiving room at the back of 

the chateau, Luca waited impatiently for his ex-wife to arrive. 

As usual, she made a grand entrance, entering the room with her head held high, 

her dark hair flowing freely behind her. Her dress, what was there of it, was so 

tight it forced her breasts practically up to her neck, and her studded heels looked 

as if they were designed with hookers in mind. 

Maria looked absolutely cheap, and his lips tightened at the thought that this was 

a woman he had once loved to the point of madness. 

“Hello, Luca.” 

The Italian billionaire slowly lifted his gaze to his ex-wife’s. 

“I hope you don’t mind I dropped by,” she said throatily. 

“Actually…” He gave her a polite smile. “I do mind.” 

“Because of your wife?” Maria inquired with a little laugh. “I know she’s been 

stalking me online.” 

“Is that so?” The billionaire’s face remained inscrutable. 

“She liked then un-liked my photo,” Maria derided. “Che patetico!” How pathetic. 

Luca lowered his head at her words. 

Maria smiled in triumph, thinking that she had revealed something displeasing to 

her ex-husband. “ 

But she was wrong. 

The billionaire knew exactly what his ex-wife talking about. When Vivian insisted 

that he open an Instagram account, he had reluctantly done so and had been be- 

mused and somewhat appalled that over a million people had immediately fol- 

lowed him. Even so, he had only followed one person, and that was his wife, 

which was also why he readily remembered that one time he had received a

notification of his wife liking Maria’s photo. 

At that time, it had struck him as odd, but now the billionaire realized what had 

happened. He could imagine it now, Vivian silently freaking out, jumping and 

shrieking at accidentally liking Maria’s photo and then un-liking it in panic, which 

of course made everything even more obvious. 

Ah, cara. 

Only Vivian could get rid of his black mood so easily, without even being here. 

When the billionaire looked back at her, Maria expected him to thank her for 

exposing the truth about his second wife, but instead his tone was even more dis- 

tant as he asked, “What brings you here, Maria?” 

Her lips formed a seductive smile, Maria thinking that her ex-husband was only 

playing hard to get. “What a loaded question.” But Luca didn’t smile back or react 

in any way, and flustered, Maria hastily changed tactics, adding, “Eula invited 


“Is that so?” 

“She misses me, she says.” 

Luca’s gaze became veiled. “I’ll call her then.” 

“Thank you.” Maria’s smile was charming. “You’ll see. She’ll tell you herself. She 

misses me a lot.” 

Maria leaned back against the seat as the door closed behind Luca. Looking 

around her, she saw that nothing had changed in the Valencias’ ancestral 

chateau. Everything was still elegant and luxurious, everything picture perfect in 

the way that her life had never been. 

If only she hadn’t panicked at Luca going bankrupt, Maria thought bitterly. That had 

been her greatest mistake. If she had just been a little more patient and trusted in 

Luca’s ability to turn everything into gold--- 

She took a deep breath, telling herself that the past didn’t matter now. What was 

crucial was learning from those mistakes so she could get back to being Mrs. 

Valencia. And if that wasn’t possible, then there was always Plan B--- 

The door opened once more, this time revealing Luca and their daughter as they 

entered the living room. 

Speak of the devil, Maria thought just before she rose to her feet, a mask of 

motherly affection slipping into place. “Eula, mia amore,” she gushed as Luca 

came forward with their daughter in tow. 

Maria hugged the little girl tightly. “Oh, sweet beautiful girl, I missed you so 

much!” When she pulled away, she asked brightly, “Did you miss me, too?” 

Eula nodded. 

Maria glanced at her ex-husband with an I-told-you-so look, to which the billion- 

aire smiled briefly. He needed more convincing then, Maria decided. Well, that 

could be easily taken care of. 

Taking hold of her daughter’s hand, Maria had Eula sit beside her on the sofa. “I 

have a gift for you…” She drew out a tiny book from her purse. “It’s a fairy tale 

book I bought in Paris. Would you like to read it?” 

Eula nodded again. 

Still standing by the door, Luca quietly observed the scenario for a few more mo- 

ments before murmuring, “I need to attend to my guests. Will you two be alright 

if I leave you alone for a while?” 

“Of course,” Maria answered immediately. Turning to her daughter, she said, 

“You don’t mind spending more time with Mummy, do you, my dear?” 

Eula shook her head. 

Luca smiled at his daughter. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, principesa.” 

Even with the billionaire gone, Maria continued to pretend she was listening 

attentively to Eula. This was going to be a long day, Maria thought, fighting back a 


After thirty minutes, Eula closed the book, saying, “The End.” 

“That was great.” Maria patted the girl’s head carelessly. “How do you feel about 

shopping tomorrow?” 

Eula didn’t answer. 

“You have to spend more time with me,” she said meaningfully. “Because you’re 

a good little girl, remember?” 

Slowly, Eula said, “Yes, Mummy.” 

Maria smiled in satisfaction. “I’ll make sure to let your papa know how obedient 

you are.” When Luca returned to them, Maria quickly informed him of her plans 

to take their daughter out shopping.

“A good idea,” he agreed. “I’ll be happy to accompany you two as well, if you’ll 

have me.” It would be a cold day in hell before he left his child alone in his ex- 

wife’s care. 

Maria clapped her hands in delight. “We would love to have you with us. It would 

be like we’re all together again!” 

When his ex-wife finally left, Luca crouched down in front of his daughter, asking 

quietly, “Is there anything you wish to say to me?” 

Eula shook her head. 

He looked at her for a long while, and when she still refused to reveal anything, 

he said quietly, “You know I love you, don’t you?” 

“Yes, Papa.” 

“And you know Vivi loves you, too?” 

There was a moment’s hesitation, and then Eula said, “Yes, Papa.” 

Once all guests had left and he had Eula tucked in bed, Luca reviewed the CCTV 

footage from the moment Maria arrived. Unfortunately, none of the recordings 
showed Maria saying or doing anything untoward during the time she had alone 

with Maria. 

Even so, Luca still didn’t trust her one bit. 

Once a gold-digging bitch, always a gold-digging bitch. 

Maria might be playing it smart now, but he knew he only had to bide his time 

and she would reveal her true colors soon enough. Once he found out what her 

real motives were and what leverage she believed she had – that was when Luca 

intended to make his move. 


Eula was having a nightmare, and it was about that day again. 

In the little girl’s dream, the scene played out exactly the way it had in reality, with 

her teacher informing Eula about her mother coming to a visit. 

She had rushed out of the backstage, thinking it was Vivi waiting for her. 

But instead, it had been her other mother, Maria. 

It was rare for Eula to see her birth mother, and every time she saw Maria, she 

couldn’t help marveling at how her mother looked so beautiful and 

mysterious…like a witch. 

The thought always made her shiver, and in her dream, Eula shivered in fear, too. 

Falling deeper into the terrifying rabbit hole of her nightmare, Eula’s worst day in 

her life continued. Maria had started to speak, her Italian uttered in a voice so 

coldly, beautifully mysterious that it also reminded the little girl of a witch. 

Your papa and his new wife had visited me, Eula. They told me that they wanted to 

have another baby but they were afraid you would hurt it. 

The words had left Eula confused, and she had asked Maria why would she ever 

want to hurt the baby? 

Because you’ll be jealous, of course! It’s a new baby, Eula. They’ll love the baby more 

than they’ll love you, and that’s why they’ve decided to give you to me. I’ll be taking 

care of you soon, and you need to prove to me that you’re a good girl. If you always do 

everything I ask, I’ll tell your papa that you won’t hurt the baby and you can return to 

Maria had then wagged a finger at Eula warningly. Don’t talk about this to your 

Papa or his new wife. If you tell them, they’ll realize you’re already jealous. They’ll 

think you’re a bad girl and they’ll give you away. 

Eula’s nightmare version of Maria started to transform, and the little girl began to 


The contortions continued, turning Maria into something so hideous that in the 

end Eula could see nothing of her mother anymore. 

All she saw was the most horrible-looking witch. 

A witch who ate bad girls whose parents didn’t love them. 

Bad girls like her. 

Eula’s tears tracked down her sleeping face. 

The witch in her dream started to laugh, taunting her, playing with her. 

Your papa doesn’t love you. 

Vivi doesn’t love you. 

No one loves you. 

Eula woke up screaming and sobbing, and the first thing she saw was her father. 


Luca hugged his daughter tightly to him. “E solo un sogno, principesa.” It’s only a

dream, princess. 

She shook her head, whispering, “It was real.” 

“What did you dream about?” 

The witch’s words blazed in the little girl’s mind. 

Don’t talk about this to your Papa or his new wife. If you tell them, they’ll realize 

you’re already jealous. They’ll think you’re a bad girl and they’ll give you away. 

And so Eula whispered her first great lie to her father. “Non mi ricordo.” I don’t 

Chapter Five 

This was such a bad idea, Vivian thought. 

It was already three in the morning, and all she wanted was to go home and 

sleep. Her head was pounding, and her feet were killing her because of the stupid 

five-inch heels that she had forced herself to wear. 

If not for impulsively telling her husband she was going to have fun, Vivian 

wouldn’t have agreed to come here at all. The beachside villa Donald’s frat had 

rented for the night was amazing – boasting of a viewing deck and an infinity pool 

– but there was no way to appreciate it, with every inch crammed with college stu- 

dents gyrating against each other, and the air reeking strongly of alcohol and 


It left her feeling nauseated and claustrophobic but wherever she looked, every- 

one else appeared to be having fun. They were either drinking or dancing, making 

out or throwing up--- 

Either I’m too old for this, Vivian thought, or I’m just heartbroken. 

Kay and Donald had assured her that this was one of the hottest parties of the 

year, and so far that was all she had been feeling: hot. The sticky, irritating kind, 

caused largely by Florida’s warm air and the constant need to defend her space. 

She glanced at her watch and almost groaned, seeing that only five minutes had 

passed since the last time she checked. Maybe it was time to look for Kay and 


“What’s up, Vivi?” a slurred voice yelled from behind. 


Vivian pasted a smile on her face before turning to Donald, yelling back, “I’m 

good!” Even now, it still felt rude and weird having to shout every word, but it 

wasn’t as if she had a choice. Speakers seemed to have been installed every- 

where, and all of them were designed to burst people’s eardrums. 

She took several steps back from Donald, hoping that it would politely end the 

conversation but instead Kay’s boyfriend followed suit. He half-swaggered, half- 

danced his way towards her, shaking his arms and hips like he was Ricky Martin’s 

long-lost brother. Even worse was his clothes, a black wife-beater that was 
skimpier than most and exposed his nipples. 

Vivi was torn between laughing out loud and grimacing. 

Did the younger man seriously think he was being sexy? 

When he tried to kiss her on the cheek in greeting, Vivian pretended to check her 

phone at the same time. 

When Donald stepped back, she looked up with an innocent smile to look like 

she hadn’t noticed what he had tried to do. 

Donald forced a smile back. “You still look too sober!” 

Her smile turned into a helpless grin at his words. “That’s because I am!” 

It was rare for Kay’s standoffish friend to grin so naturally at him, and Donald 

knew then that this night wouldn’t be over until he had a taste of those lips. Vi- 

vian was his biggest challenge yet, and the fact that she was married to an Italian 

billionaire considered as one of the sexiest men in the world only made Donald 

more determined to get Vivian in bed. 

If he made Vivian hers, didn’t that mean Luca Valencia was a lesser man than 

Donald was? 

A new song started then, its hyper-fast tempo pumping everyone up. People 

started to shout and jump, and he decided to use the same trick Vivian did, pre- 

tending to accidentally stumble. 

Vivian’s eyes widened when she saw Donald falling forward. “Hey---” 

He fell into her, and Donald’s perfectly positioned hand allowed his fingers to 

graze one sweet nipple. 

But the contact was gone all too soon, with Vivian jumping back like she had 

been burned. 

Vivian’s skin was crawling, but she did her best to keep her smile in place, telling 

herself that it was an accident. He wasn’t really copping a feel. Right? 

Donald’s chest puffed up at the sight of Vivian’s smile. Oh yeah, this chick totally 

had the hots for him. She was just playing hard to get, was probably dying to know 

the feel of a younger man in her bed. For all the world knew, Luca Valencia wasn’t 

as great as he was reputed to be. Maybe the Italian billionaire only paid women to 

sing him praises. 

When Donald started dancing towards her, Vivian tried not to be so obvious as 
she countered his every move with a step back. 

“You should loosen up some more, you know?” Donald licked his lips as he spoke, 

and Vivian strove not to think about the way his gaze lingered too long on her 

cleavage. He was just too drunk to realize what he was doing. Right? 

That Donald’s actions already showed marks of sexual harassment didn’t occur 

to her at all. Beside the fact that Vivian had led a fairly sheltered life, the stub- 

bornly optimistic part of her refused to believe that a man supposedly in love 

with her friend would even think of hitting on her. 

But then she heard Donald yell “How about a dance?” and Vivian had to struggle 

to hide her appall. 

She was married, and Donald was Kay’s boyfriend! 

Maybe she was being too much of a prude about it, but she didn’t care. It just 

didn’t feel right. 

“Well? How about it?” Donald started to reach for her. 

Her phone vibrated at the same time, and Vivian almost expired in relief. “Sorry, 

my husband’s calling me!” She eagerly showed her iPhone to Donald so he would 

know she wasn’t lying, and it was really Luca’s name on the screen. “I need to take 


Swinging away, Vivian missed the look of annoyance that crossed Donald’s face. 

Leaving the viewing deck, she hurried back into the villa and got into the first 

empty room that could afford her a semblance of quiet. 

This turned out to be the third-floor powder room, and she winced at the way its 

black-and-white tiled beauty had been marred by the empty beer cans, cigarette 

butts, and used condoms littering the floor. 

Ugh didn’t even cover it, and Vivian tried not to gag at the mixed smell of sex and 

sweat. That was a combination she only liked when it involved Luca, but anyone 

else made her want to pinch her nose and breathe through her mouth. 

Locking the door, she struggled to open the window, and when fresh air was fi- 

nally able to circulate inside, she quickly swiped on her screen to answer Luca’s 

call, hoping her husband hadn’t yet thought to hang up. “H-hello?” This is it, this 

is it, Vivian thought as butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Luca would tell her he 

missed her, and she would tell him she missed him, too, and--- 
“Buona sera, Vivi!” 

It was Eula, and Vivian experienced a pang of disappointment for one moment 

before she made herself shrug it off and allowed genuine pleasure at hearing the 

little girl’s voice. 

If Luca didn’t want to talk to her, then…then she didn’t want to talk to him either! 

“Ciao, principesa. I miss you so much!” And as she said the words, she realized 

just how true it was. “Come va?” 

“Sto bene,” the little girl answered before adding, “Papa showed me your picture.” 

“O-oh?” She wondered what picture that was. 

“You looked like a princess,” Eula exclaimed. “I love your dress.” 

“What dress?” She listened to the little girl’s description – a gauzy blue top, flow- 

ing sleeves, and a black skirt – and realized it was the exact dress she had on. Did 

that mean Luca knew she went out? And that she was still out? 

Eula was still happily talking her ear off, and Vivian struggled to listen to the little 


“And then Nonna threw a party…” 

Did one of those photographs also showed that she was with Kay and Donald,

who were his least favorite persons in the world? Did he care? Did he--- 

“We’re on our way to Mummy now…” 

Vivian jerked. “W-what was that again, Eula?” Had she heard the little girl cor- 


“You heard her right.” Luca’s dulcet tone slid in without missing a beat, and Vi- 

vian realized Eula had been talking to her on loudspeaker the whole while. 


Vivian backtracked on her conversation with Eula in her mind, frantically trying to 

recall if she had said anything embarrassing. 

“Are you still there, cara?” 

Vivian glared at the phone, but she managed to say cheerfully, “Still here.” It was 

important Eula didn’t think she was upset about the little girl spending time with 

her birth mother. 

The sound of Luca’s chuckle traveled down the line, caressing her ear, and she 

couldn’t help shivering. It was just no use, Vivian thought helplessly. Even when 
she was upset with him, she still found every little thing he said or did too sexy by 


“Did you miss me?” 

“Of course!” 

“And will that answer change if I tell you Eula’s no longer listening to our conver- 



“She’s on her headset now.” The billionaire’s smirk was more than evident in his 

tone, and Vivian’s teeth gnashed. Fudge, fudge, fudge. 

“About Maria…” 

Hearing Luca utter his ex-wife’s name made her chest tighten, and Vivian cut him 

off rashly, “I don’t need to hear it.” She was startled and devastated by how much 

it hurt just thinking about her husband spending time with Maria, hated how it 

made her feel so weak and insecure. 


Afraid that he would insist on talking about how much fun he was having with his 

original family, she changed the subject, saying the first thing that came to her 

mind. “You s-shouldn’t put me on loudspeaker without telling me.” 

There was a pause, and then Luca asked mockingly, “Why are you mad about it? 

It’s not as if you have something to hide – do you?” 

She found herself glaring at her phone again, snapping, “Maybe you’re the one 

with something to hide.” 

“About what?” 

“About that woman, who else?” 

“Ah.” Her husband’s tone became silky. “Jealous?” 

Yes! But since she couldn’t say that, she simply kicked an empty beer can out of 

the way out of sheer frustration. Unfortunately, the can struck the wall with a loud 

clanging sound--- 


“Are you by chance throwing a tantrum, cara?” 

The amusement in Luca’s tone made her feel childish and pathetic, and she 

snarled, “Not at all. I’m having lots of fun, actually.” And unable to help herself, 
she said with exaggerated cheer, “So you have fun there, too. Let’s all have fun. 

You’ve got Maria there, and I’ve got…I’ve got other boys---” 

“The hell you do---” 

“So go have fun,” she yelled, “because I’m going to have fun, too!” Furiously end- 

ing the call, she stalked out of the bathroom, breathing hard. Vivian didn’t actu- 

ally mean a word she had said, but Luca didn’t have to know that. Right now, she 

just wanted him to hurt the way she was hurting. 

Her phone started ringing soon after, but she stubbornly ignored it while looking 

for Donald. The way she was feeling, she was liable to do something stupid if she 

didn’t leave. 

Her phone vibrated again, but this time it was a text message, and Vivian couldn’t 

stop herself from reading it. 

Luca: Answer your phone. 

Vivian furiously finger-punched her screen in response. 

Vivian: Don’t mind me. Just have fun with your ex. 

Luca: I’m only with them because I don’t trust Eula with her. 

Vivian: Oh sure. I think it’s the other way around. You don’t trust ME. You didn’t even 

tell me about Maria attending Eula’s school play. 

Luca: She was already there when I arrived, and I didn’t tell you right away because 

you were too upset that night. 

Vivian: So it’s my fault you lied to me? CLASSIC. And what about Maria being in 

Tuscany the same guys you are? Why didn’t you tell me right away about it? Because 

I’ll be upset again? 

Luca: This is also her hometown. Have you forgotten? 

Vivian: EXCUSES. 

She was about to type another text message when arms went around her from be- 

hind, and a familiar voice slurred in her ear, “Found ya, babe.” 


Slipping her phone back in her dress’ pocket, she tried getting out of Donald’s 

hold without making too much of a fuss. “Let go, please.” She managed to twist 

around to look at him and grimaced. If he had been just a little drunk earlier, he 

was completely wasted now. His shirt was undone halfway, and several fresh lip- 
stick smudges marked the side of his neck. 

This time, she didn’t even bother to ask him to let go, simply shoving him away 

and then pretending to stumble when his arms slackened in release. “Sorry,” she 

yelled. “Someone pushed me from behind!” And in an effort to distract him, she 

asked, “Where’s Kay?” 

“She already left!” Donald shouted something else, but when she only looked at 

him dumbly, unable to hear what he was saying, his hands made a cupping ges- 

ture over his chest, his face contorting in an expression of pain. 

Oh. Right. Vivian remembered Kay telling her about her breast implants and how 

they tended to cause her pain once in a while. “Is she okay?” 

Donald frowned. “What?” 

“Is she okay?” she shouted more loudly. 

Donald gestured towards the kitchen. “Let’s talk there!” At Vivian’s nod, he quick- 

ly turned around before she could catch a glimpse of the excitement he was sure 

was written all over his face. 

Now was the time, Donald crowed in his mind, to prove the world that Luca Valen- 

cia was nothing in the bedroom compared to him. He was younger and he knew 

how to have fun. Intoxication had made Donald’s already oversized ego even big- 

ger, and he was convinced he only needed five minutes to make Vivian moan his 


Vivian frowned when she saw Donald insert a key to unlock the kitchen door. Fol- 

lowing him inside, she asked, “Why is it locked?” 

Pulling the door close, he pointed towards the kitchen table with a grin. “Because 

of that.” 

Her eyes widened as she took in the packets of pills. Drugs, she realized dumbly. 

“Donald---” She whirled around, about to ask him what was he planning, only to 

find out that he was standing right behind her. 

The hairs on Vivian’s neck stood up at the look on Donald’s face, and when he 

wetted his lips, her stomach twisted into knots. He started to reach for her, and 

in his eyes she saw that he wouldn’t care about whether she wanted this or not. 

Desperation slashed at her, and instinct took over. 

Vivian shoved Donald away, taking him by surprise, enough to force him to fall 
back. As she made a run for the door, she saw Donald scramble to his feet in the 

corner of her eye. 

Her heart smashed against her chest, and she thought, Please God. Please--- 

But just as Vivian reached for the knob, Donald managed to grab hold of her hair 

and yanked her back forcefully. 

She screamed.
Chapter Six 

“Mi dispiace, signore.” Mario, the head of Vivian’s security, spoke in a grave voice. 

“Mr. Donald Crane has been arrested. We did get to the signora in time, but the 

paramedic believes she’s suffering from mild shock.” 

“And the situation there?” 

The bodyguard reversed the video chat’s feed, activating his cellphone’s rear 

camera to show what was happening around him. 

Luca saw his bodyguards still on alert, thrusting reporters away every time they 

tried to get nearer to his wife, who sat at the back of an ambulance with a blanket 

draped over her shoulders. “Has my wife been cleared to go home yet?” 

“Un momento, signore.” After speaking to the paramedic, Luca’s head of security 

gave the affirmative. “Shall we take her back to the house, signore?” 

Luca nodded curtly. “But make sure that a physician is on standby, just in case. 

And as soon as you have her in the car, I’d like to speak with her.” 

“Si, signore.” 

As soon as the call was terminated, the older man moved to assist his employer’s 

wife. “Signora? We have been asked to take you back to the house.” 

“T-thank you.” Vivian swayed slightly as she came to her feet, but she shook her 

head when Luca’s men immediately lunged to help her. “I’m okay,” she insisted, 

doing her best to ignore the way her lower lip continued to tremble in the after- 

math of her ordeal. 

Her head of security fell into step with her, walking just a step behind. 

Looking at him over her shoulder, she whispered, “Mario?” 

“Si, signora?” 

For a moment, all she could see was Donald’s crazy, leering face looming over 

her as she felt herself falling to the floor, and her chest tightened, remembering 

the way despair had strangled her. 

For just one second, she had thought that was it. 

But then the door had burst open, Luca’s men coming in to throw Donald off her. 

She looked at Mario, saying fiercely, “Thank you for coming to save me.” Vivian 

swallowed hard. “I don’t know what would happen to me if he---” 

“We should have come sooner to your aid, signora,” Mario admitted heavily. “We 

had beefed up our numbers at il signore’s command. All new faces that you would 

not recognize and would be able to work undercover.” A grave look crossed the 

older man’s face. “Unfortunately, those who had been able to make it to the 

premises were unforgivably complacent. One of my new recruits had seen you 

enter the kitchen alone with Mr. Crane, but he chose not to call it in.” 

The way the bodyguard avoided looking directly at her spoke volumes, and she 

realized with shame that some of them had probably seen Vivian allowing Donald 

improper advances towards her – and misinterpreted her actions. 

Luca had warned her about Donald, but she had refused to listen to him. 

And now--- 

More police cars arriving at the scene with sirens blaring momentarily distracted 

Vivian, and she looked at Mario in dismay. “Is this all because of me?” 

“No, signora.” When she turned to him in confusion, he elaborated quietly, 

“Numerous students apprehended in the vicinity were underage – and found in 

possession of either alcohol or illegal substances.” 

And as if to emphasize the bodyguard’s point, police officers walked past them, 

dragging sobbing and struggling university students whose hands were cuffed 

behind their backs. When they noticed her looking at them, one of the girls spit at 


“This is all your fault,” the girl snarled. “We’re all in this mess because you played 

around and you couldn’t handle your shit!” 

“If I get kicked out of varsity, I swear to God I’ll kill you,” a red-faced boy slurred. 

As more invectives were hurled her way, Mario hastened to usher Vivian inside 

the Rolls Royce, and as the car sped away, she could only stare blindly outside 

the windows, unable to count the number of arrests being made. 

There were so, so many – and were they all because of her? 

“Signora?” It took Mario several times of calling out to his employer’s wife before 

she turned to him with haunted green eyes. “Signor Valencia wishes to speak with 


She took the phone with shaking hands. “H-Hello?” 

“Are you okay?” Despite the tautness of her husband’s tone, the worry that 
threaded through it was unmistakable, and she choked back an involuntary sob,

feeling like she didn’t deserve to have Luca worry about her. 

He had warned her, but she hadn’t listened to him. 

“Luca---” Her voice caught, as her eyes stung with tears that burned with the need 

to be shed. 

“Tell me you’re okay,” her husband gritted out. 

“I’m sorry.” 

Luca exhaled sharply. “Just tell me if you’re okay first, per favore.” 

Realizing she was only making it harder for him, she struggled to get her compo- 

sure back and worked hard to keep her voice from shaking as she answered him. 

“I’m fine n-now. They c-came just in time.” 

“Bene. It’s what I needed to hear.” 

“Luca, I---” 

“We’ll talk when I get back.” His tone was still taut, but it was also cold now, and 

it hurt. 

Did he blame her for what happened? 

She would understand if he did. 

“Eula and I will leave for the airport---” 

Unable to help it, she cut him off, asking tremulously, “Luca, are you mad at 



Vivian bit her lip hard. 

Finally, her husband said, “No, cara. I’m not. I love you, and I’m thankful that 

you’re safe.” 

A tear slipped down her cheek. She knew in her heart he wasn’t lying, but some- 

how hearing the words still hurt, and she didn’t know why. 

When she arrived back home, the silence in the house felt too eerie and oppres- 

sive at the same time, causing her to toss and turn in her bed. It was almost eight 

in the morning by the time exhaustion forced Vivian to sleep. 

Vivian had vaguely wished that she would feel somewhat better the next day but 

upon waking up in the afternoon it was the opposite that happened, with her 

mood swinging from lethargy to anxiety, self-pity and terror. 

Like anyone else, she heard of stories of sexual attacks from the news every day 

but even so she had foolishly believed it was something she would ever suffer 


Until last night. 

The sensible part of her knew what happened wasn’t her fault, but the irrational 

part of her couldn’t help pointing inwards in self-blame. 

Luca had warned her, but she had ignored it. 

She had seen the signs herself, but she had ignored it. 

Didn’t that mean she was to blame for Donald’s attack? 

Even knowing it would be read as an act of cowardice, Vivian decided on the last 

minute not to attend her classes that evening. She just wasn’t ready to face the 

world yet, and she didn’t at all look forward to the prospect of having to confront 

Kay about what her boyfriend did. 

In an effort to distract herself, Vivian decided to check on her email while praying 

silently in her mind that she wouldn’t see her inbox flooded with hate mail. 

When she opened her eyes, she realized that reality was worse. 

One of the new unopened messages in her inbox was from Maria. 

I’ve made mistakes but I’ve learned from them. I would have stayed away if I thought 

you deserved them. I only wanted a chance with Eula. But after what happened last 

night, I knew it wouldn’t be right for me to simply stand and watch and do nothing. 

If you really love Luca and Eula, then please do what’s best for them. 

Below the message was a download link for a folder of videos. 

She clicked the first one, and Vivian paled when she saw that it was a recording of 

Luca and his ex-wife when they were still in high school. They looked young and 

innocent, happy, and completely besotted with each other. 

The second video was of Luca and Maria’s wedding day, and Vivian could feel 

more blood leeching off her face as she watched her husband--- 

Her husband! 

He was her husband, so why was he kissing another woman? 

And the kiss was so damn passionate, so painfully torrid--- 

The force of his kiss had his ex-wife bent backwards by the waist, and even with 

Maria trying to shove him off, Luca wouldn’t let her up. 

Luca just didn’t want to stop kissing Maria!

And like a sick fool, Vivian couldn’t stop watching it. 

She replayed it over and over, unable to care even knowing that it made her 

masochistic and pathetic. 




But no matter how many times she cried his name out in her mind, it no longer 

Chapter Seven 

Vivian tried to get a handle of her nerves as she watched the limousine bearing 

Luca and Eula roll down the driveway. She had hoped to surprise them by waiting 

for the two at the airport, but security had prohibited her from even making it to 

the front door. 

Il signore had requested that she rest for today, Mario had explained to her. 

It had left her no choice but to acquiesce, Vivian not wanting to cause trouble to 

the very men who had come to her rescue the night before. 

Eula was the first to step out of the car, and the little girl hurtled herself into Vi- 

vian’s arms the moment she saw her stepmother. 

“Vivi, I missed you.” 

“I missed you so much, too, principesa.” Vivian hefted the little girl up in his 

arms, hugging her back just as tightly. As she placed a tender kiss on the girl’s 

hair, she watched Luca’s powerful form emerge, her heart thundering against her 


He looked magnificent as always – beautiful, elegant, and out of her league, even 

when he was married to her. 

His light blue eyes captured her gaze, and she wondered numbly what those eyes 

saw when they looked at her. Did Luca still see her as the woman he wished to 

spend the rest of his life with? Or had she become his biggest mistake? 

“H-hi.” Her greeting came out choked. 

Luca’s veiled gaze swept over hers. “Are you feeling alright?” 

She nodded. 

“I am glad to hear that, cara. But still, you must not push yourself.” As he spoke, 

he took Eula from her and when the little girl’s head drooped, Vivian realized that 

Eula had already fallen asleep in her arms. 

“She must be exhausted,” Vivian worried. 

“Nothing that uninterrupted sleep won’t take care of. You know how she is when 


A tentative smile touched her lips. “She thinks every flight is an adventure.” 

“Exactly.” His glance moved to the doors behind her. “Shall we go in, cara?” 
“Oh, y-yes,” she stammered, flushing. 

Vivian followed him up the stairs, knowing that she should say something about 

the other night but unable to. She also knew she should bring up Maria, but she 

didn’t have the courage for that either. 

She was practically burying her head in the sand with her silence, but right now 

she didn’t care. As long as it meant she could stay with Luca, she might just be 

willing to do anything. 

Upon reaching Eula’s room, Vivian offered to tuck the little girl in bed so that 

Luca could change and freshen up. 

Luca gave her a gracious nod, murmuring, “I’ll take you up on that if you don’t 

mind.” As he turned away, he continued smoothly, “We can talk after my show- 


She forced a smile. “Sure.” 

When Luca left, she took her time drawing the covers up to Eula’s neck and un- 

packing her bag, doing her best to kill time. Eula started to stir a moment later, 

and Vivian stilled. 

The little girl’s eyes fluttered open slowly. “Vivi?” 

“H-hey.” She sat down carefully, perched on the edge of the bed. “Sleep some 

more, principesa.” 

Eula shook her head. “I don’t want to.” 

Her eyes widened. “Why?” 

“I have bad dreams.” 

Stroking Luca’s daughter head comfortingly, she asked Eula what those dreams 

were about but the little girl only shook her head, asking, “What if Mummy will 

take me away?” 

Vivian’s hand on Eula’s hair stilled, and she wondered painfully if that was what 

Eula’s dreams were about. Did they terrify Eula because in her dreams Vivian had 

forced her to choose? 

Forcing herself to smile, she asked, “Don’t you want to spend more time with 


Something flickered in the child’s eyes before Eula slowly nodded. 

“Then there’s nothing to worry about.” Vivian had a hard time keeping her smile. 
“You’re a good girl---” 

Eula looked stricken. 

Vivian frowned. “Eula?” 

“Am I a good girl,” Eula asked shakily, “because I’ll go away with Mummy?” 

“I…I…yes.” Eula’s eyes filled up, leaving Vivian at a loss. “Eula, what’s wrong? Che 


But the little girl refused to answer and squeezed her eyes shut instead, pre- 

tending to fall asleep. 

Vivian did her best to cajole Eula into answering her questions, but she eventually 

gave up, seeing that Eula still needed time. 

Placing a kiss on the little girl’s forehead, she whispered, “Just remember I’m on 

your side, principesa, always.” 

After closing the door behind her, Vivian leaned tiredly against the wall as her 

eyes shut closed. 

God, she was so stupid. 

Had she really thought she stood a chance against Eula’s own birth mother? 


Her head jerked up, and she blinked when she saw Luca coming out of their bed- 

room. His dark hair was still wet, his broad chest accentuated by his thin, V-neck 

undershirt and his long legs encased in a loose pair of pants. 

Before she could think of what to say, Luca was already striding towards her, and 

by the time her lips parted he had already hauled her into his arms, crushing her 

mouth under his. 


Vivian surrendered into the kiss, her arms curling around his neck tightly. She 

craved for the euphoria his touch always offered, needing it to forget--- 

His tongue pushed inside her mouth, and she eagerly sucked it, making her hus- 

band groan. Without breaking their kiss, the billionaire pushed her against the 

wall as he lifted her up, and her legs immediately wrapped around his waist. 

He ground his cock against her throbbing mound, and she whimpered. 

At the sound, Luca managed to tear his mouth away from his wife’s, and even as 

she mewled in protest, he demanded hoarsely, “I need to know you’re okay.” 

She moaned, her soft, sensual green eyes pleading unconsciously with him. “Just 

make love to me, Luca.” It was a rare instance for his wife to ask him for sex, and 

his control snapped. 

He unbuckled his belt and unzipped himself with uncool haste, and when she 

began to pant as if she couldn’t bear to wait for him, his arousal heightened, rip- 

ping a harsh growl out of his throat. 

Their eyes locked just as his manhood sprung free, thick and engorged, pulsing 

powerfully against her wet underwear--- 

“I love you.” His voice was fierce. 


The words were completely unexpected, and coming from a man who had once 

pushed her away because he had been terrified in taking the risk of falling in love 

with her--- 


His hand went under her skirt, and she stopped speaking, her throat tightening at 

the exciting feel of his hand on the bare curve of her hip. 

“I’m glad you’re over those CSI suits, and you’re back to wearing skirts.” His light 

blue eyes smirked down at her. “It makes things more convenient.” And as if to 

demonstrate, the words was followed by the telltale sound of her lace panties 

tearing, and Vivian bit hard into her lower lip to keep herself from moaning. 

And then he was thrusting hard into her, so damn deep that every inch of her in- 

sides felt stuffed full of him. 

Her fingers dug into the panes of his back. “Oh, Luca.” 

She had missed this so, so much, and as he withdrew and shoved his erection 

back into her, it seemed like he did, too, and her legs tightened around his waist, 

relief flooding her. 

Didn’t this mean he hadn’t spent any of his time in Italy cheating on her with his 


Their lovemaking was fast and furious, and she might have made a joke about it if 

she wasn’t so busy trying to hold on to him as he slammed into her again and 

again. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she started to scream, but her hus- 

band covered her mouth in time. 

“Quiet, cara,” he muttered under his breath, “or we’ll wake Eula up.” 


She was horrified to hear his words. The possibility hadn’t even occurred to her 

at all, and she would have drowned in shame if she just weren’t so taken over by 

the way her husband kept pounding into her. The erotic sounds of their bodies 

slapping against each other echoed all over the vast second-floor hallway. She 

was certain the sound could have spilled over to the living room below, and the 

thought that the servants could hear them and know what they were doing--- 

It shamed and excited her at the same time, every cell of her body throbbing at 

the knowledge that people knew Luca Valencia was making love to her. 

Because Luca was her husband. 


And this mattered to her so, so much that in a moment of weakness and abandon 

she blindly reached for his head, her tongue swirling around his ear. 

Luca’s powerful body shuddered against her. 

She whispered, “You’re mine, a-aren’t you, Luca?” 

He answered her with a deep, forceful shove of his manhood, and the strength of 

his thrust caused her to arch against him as her head fell back. 

The billionaire fisted her hair, his hand serving to protect the back of her head be- 

fore it could hit the wall behind Vivian. 

And then he was retaliating, biting her ear as he said savagely, “Always.” 

The answer rocked her world, and before she knew it, her body was tensing up, 

and her pleasure had reached the point of no return. 

She came with a gasp, her eyes squeezing shut at the force of her orgasm. 

Her husband followed soon after, his hips pumping nonstop against her as he 

ejaculated inside of her. 

Afterwards, Luca carried her to their bedroom but instead of taking her straight to 

the shower as she had expected, he laid her out on their bed instead. 

Bemused green eyes lifted to his. “Luca?” 

He divested of their clothes, and when they were both naked he returned to her, 

and she sighed softly as the familiar weight of him pressed down on her. 

Luca’s head lowered, and her eyes closed as he started nibbling on her lips. 
“I love you.” 


Vivian squeezed her eyes shut more tightly, tried to convince herself that as long 

as she pretended this was all a dream--- 

She wouldn’t need to remember that she had done nothing to make her deserv- 

ing of his love. 

This time, her husband’s lovemaking was painstakingly slow, the billionaire tak- 

ing his time savoring every inch of her body. Every part of her burned at the heat 

of his kisses – her mouth, the side of her neck, her breasts, and oh, when he went 

down on her--- 

Her husband firmly parted her legs wide open before his mouth claimed the 

moist, throbbing core of her. 

Her fingers drove through his hair. “Luca.” She cried her name out as his tongue 

pushed inside her, driving Vivian out of her mind. 

By the time he finally claimed her with his erection, she was a sobbing, writhing 

mess, her nails clawing down his back as she urged him with incoherent mewls. 

Faster, harder, deeper.

She begged him in a mix of Italian and English, but her husband refused to be 


He took his sweet time with his strokes, pulling almost all the way out before 

plunging back in, so deep that the head of his manhood actually grazed her 


“This time,” he whispered, “I want you to get loud.” 

And so she did, because he made it so easy for Vivian to lose her mind. 

She cried out when he rose to his knees and threw her legs over his shoulders to 

thrust deeper into her, cried out when after plunging into her several times in this 

position he flipped her over, placing Vivian on her fours before ramming into her 

from behind. 

She cried out when it was all too much, imploring for him to stop and let her at 

least catch her breath. 

But the billionaire said rawly, “No.” He rammed into her again, and she saw 

stars. “I need this. We need this.” 

When she finally came, it felt like her orgasm ripped her apart, and she arched 

against him with a cry as he squeezed her aching breasts hard from behind and 

causing Vivian to come harder and longer. She sobbed anew when he came soon 

after her, shooting his load inside of her, filling her to the brim until she felt his 

cum literally leaking out of her and trailing down her legs. 

By the time she could muster enough strength to open her eyes, he had finished 

cleaning both of them up and they were back in bed, lying on their sides and fac- 

ing each other. 

His beautiful face filled her vision. 

She loved this man so, so much. 

“Why are you looking at me like that?” the billionaire asked gently, and she could 

have wept at his tone. He still sounded like he loved her, and she didn’t under- 

stand how it could be so. Did he not remember the way she had shamed him 

over and over? 

Her rejected application for a chair in St. Francis’ board--- 

Vivian forgetting about Eula’s school play--- 

And of course there was that party, which had forced his bodyguards to come to 

her rescue because she had been foolish and stupid. She had read this morning’s 

news, and everything had been horrendously bad. The gossip rags had gleefully 

painted her as a wild party girl whose life was ruled by booze, drugs, and younger 

men. The business news predicted the fall of stock price for Luca’s company, be- 

lieving that investors would lose confidence in a CEO who would allow his wife 

to make a fool out of him. 

Remembering all the damning headlines about her was too much, and she 

choked out, “I’m not fit to be your wife.” 

Ah. The billionaire fought against the urge to haul his wife close. “You must stop 

this, cara.” 

“S-stop what?” Tears clogged her throat, making her words nearly incoherent. 

“Punishing yourself.” 

Oh. Her lower lip trembled harder, and she bit into it, hating the way she had be- 

come so weak. “I need to punish myself,” she whispered in a stricken tone, “be- 

cause you won’t do it.” 

“I’m not punishing you because there is no need. Ti amo, cara---” 

She shook her head jerkily. “You can’t. You shouldn’t. After everything that’s hap- 

pened---” She stared at him, and the defeat in her green eyes made the billionaire 

go white. 


He already knew what she was going to say before her lips even started to move, 

already knew that no matter what he did she wouldn’t change her mind now. 

But even so--- 

He said savagely, “Don’t say it.” 

But it was as if she hadn’t heard him, the words still tumbling past his wife’s 

trembling lips. 

“Maybe Maria deserves another chance with you and Eula?” 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 

The billionaire knew his wife inside and out. He knew her better than she knew 

herself because he loved her, and he knew that Vivian probably had the most mis- 

guided reasons for saying something so damn stupid. 

But even so, it didn’t keep her words from slashing at him.

She owned his heart after all, and so it was hers to break and tear into pieces, 

even without knowing so. 

Vivian was looking at him as if she was waiting for him to speak, but Luca only 

stared at her stoically. 

When the silence continued to stretch painfully between them, Vivian heard her- 

self say, “I g-guess this is it?” But in her mind, she was begging and screaming. 

Stop me! Stop me! Stop me just once and--- 

“I’ve always told you, cara.” Her husband’s voice was even. “I will never keep you 

from doing what you want.” 

Her heart broke. 

He wasn’t going to stop her. 

“You don’t love me, do you?” she choked out. She knew she was being stupid 

and contradictory. She had practically ordered him to consider getting back to- 

gether with his ex, and now she was acting like he had betrayed her from the start. 

But even so she couldn’t help it. 

She loved him, and it devastated her, knowing that no matter how hard she tried, 

she could never be someone fit to be his wife. 

“D-did you stay with me all this time just because of Eula?” Her voice started to 

shake. “Did you?” 

When all he did was gaze impassively at her, Vivian could feel herself being 

drained of strength. How foolish, how so very foolish – but it was just like that 

old song. Love had been keeping her alive all this time, and yet now--- 

How had it come down to this? 


She had thought they were happy. 

She had thought they were in love. 

So how--- 

“If you really loved me,” she whispered painfully, “you would---” 

Luca asked quietly, “I would what?” He knew what she wanted to say, but he also 

knew he couldn’t – shouldn’t – say the words for her. She had to realize on her 

own that a happy-ever-after ending was something they had to fight for every 

damn day of their lives.

She had to believe he would always love her – the same way she had made Luca 

believe she would always love him. 

When his wife still didn’t say anything, the billionaire repeated grimly, “I would 

what, cara?” He looked into her eyes, willing her to claim what was hers and 

would always be her. “If I loved you, what do you think am I supposed to say or 


Her lips slowly started to part, and his chest tightened. For one moment, the bil- 

lionaire allowed himself to hope that this was it. That she finally understood. 

But then his wife suddenly turned away, and he watched her slim shoulders start 

to shake. 


He wanted to reach for her across the bed, knowing that just one touch was all it 

would take, one word from him, and she would realize that there hadn’t ever been 

a need to worry. 

But he couldn’t. 
Even when her soundless sobs tore at him, he just couldn’t, and he cursed fate 

savagely in his mind. 

Love was such a goddamn bitch. 

He loved Vivian more than his life, but it was also because he loved her--- 

He also knew he had no other choice but to stand by and watch her hurt. 

And she had to hurt, she had to hurt so badly until she was forced to decide 

whether their love was worth fighting for, against all odds.
Chapter Eight 

Luca strolled into the kitchen looking every inch the powerful, gorgeous billion- 

aire he was, dressed in a handmade suit and oozing with sex appeal and sophis- 

tication. It had been a week since Luca and Eula’s return from Italy, and yet--- 

“Good morning, cara.” Curling one strong arm around her waist, her husband 

pulled her close for a long, passionate kiss that had Eula giggling from the table. 

When he released her, Vivian was red-faced and flustered, but more embarrassing 

than that was the way her nipples had started to poke alarmingly against the thin 

fabric of her floral dress. 

“G-good morning.” Awkwardness colored her voice, and she pulled away as soon 

as she could without drawing attention from Eula, who had risen on her seat on 

her knees. It was too mortifying that she still wanted Luca so much even though 

she knew his show of affection was only for Eula’s sake. 

As she took a seat across Eula, she found herself feeling a bit envious at the way 

the little girl was able to be openly affectionate, quickly rising on her knees on her 

seat to throw her arms around her father’s neck. 

The night of Luca’s return from Italy was the last night her husband had spent in 

her bed. Since then, he had moved to one of the guest bedrooms, and every night 

she would cry her to sleep, wishing she was brave and selfish enough to beg him 

to come back. 

A week, she thought restlessly as she forced herself to take a small bite of her 

omelet. It had been a week since they had started sleeping apart, and she already 

felt like she had been damned to eternal condemnation. How worse would it be 

when Luca decided to kick her out of the house because he wanted to get back to 


In front of her, Luca was helping the little girl back to her seat. “Are you excited 

about later, principesa?” As he spoke, he pulled the chair next to Eula and took a 

seat as well, and Vivian tried not to look stricken. 

His usual seat was at the head of the table, placing him between Eula and Vivian. 

So not only did he not want to share a bed with her now, Vivian thought shakily, but 

now he couldn’t bear being too close to her either? 

Was this how their marriage going to be from here on?

“If you receive an A on your manners,” Luca was saying, “I’ll give you a reward, 


A dark frown crossed Eula’s face. “It’s hard to be a good girl.” 

Luca laughed, and Vivian’s chest squeezed painfully at the sound. What would 

happen if today were the last time she’d hear that laugh again? 

Her husband suddenly turned to her, catching Vivian staring at him. 


“Is there a problem, cara?” Luca asked pleasantly. 

Her mouth opened and closed, but she couldn’t think of anything to say except 

the one thing she was forbidden to ask. Do you still love me? 


“You haven’t forgotten, have you, Vivi?” Eula looked suddenly fearful, and al- 

though Vivian was thankful to have a distraction, she was concerned about the 

expression on the little girl’s face. 

“Are you talking about the PTC this afternoon?” she asked gently. 

Eula nodded. “You will come, won’t you?” 

“Of course I will---” 

Eula interrupted her, adding, “Mummy said she’ll be coming, too.” 

“Oh.” Vivian forced herself to smile. “Will she?” 

“She called Eula yesterday at school.” Luca’s voice remained pleasant and frus- 

tratingly unreadable. “As I didn’t see any problem with this, I hadn’t voiced any 

objections.” He paused. “Unless you have a problem with it?” 

In the corner of her eye, she watched Eula suddenly hold her breath. 


Vivian swallowed hard. I mustn’t get in the way of Eula and Maria. They were moth- 

er and child, tied to each other by blood. Looking at the little girl, she said gently, “I 

will do my very best to be there.” 

Eula paled. “You mean…you’re not sure?” 

“I might be busy---” 

“I’d love to know with what, cara. Mario’s informed me that you’ve already filed a 

leave of absence with the university.” 

Vivian’s eyes widened at the realization that her husband already knew she had 

stopped attending her classes. “Have you been keeping tabs on me through my 


“I don’t have to.” Luca’s tone was casual. “A glance at gossip websites is all I 

need to know what you’re up to.” 

At his words, Vivian realized she had another reason not to attend Eula’s PTC, 

and she lowered her fork back to the table, having lost her appetite completely. 

The university had handed out suspensions to most of the students caught at the 

party, and in retaliation those same students had been granting interviews to 

everyone who cared to ask. 

They all said the same thing, too, painting themselves as victims of a miserable 

billionaire’s wife who was jealous of their youth and beauty. It was the most ludi- 

crous argument, but the media had shockingly lapped it all up and Vivian was 

now the millennial generation’s favorite practice target for online bashing. 

When Eula left the table to go back upstairs to her room, Vivian cleared her 

throat, saying, “About the PTC---” 

“Shall I say it for you?” Luca’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “You don’t intend to 

come at all.” 

“I only want what’s best for Eula,” she defended herself. “You read the news, too. 

You’ve seen how much they hate me. What if they show up---” 

“Then they’ll be arrested for causing a disturbance in public,” Luca said flatly. 

“It’s not your fault they went against the law, cara.” 

“I know that.” And she did, but neither did it prevent her from feeling just a little 

guilty. “If I weren’t there, no one would have a need to call the police and no one 

would have to find out---” 

“It was still their choice to take the risk of getting caught,” Luca said curtly. “If 

they cared so much about not having their academic records blemished before 

graduating then they should have thought about it before getting drunk and 


She cut him off, mumbling, “And what about those who believe in Donald’s side 

of the story?” She looked away, not wanting to see his expression as she forced 

herself to speak out. “They think I came on to him because I was drunk and b- 
bored and that I wanted someone---” 

“Younger and more exciting?” Luca finished silkily. When she only nodded, he 

asked, “Do you want him because he’s younger and more exciting?” 

Horrified, she turned to look back at him, gasping, “No!” She shook her head 

vehemently. “You know how I’ve always thought about him, and he’s the least 

exciting person I’ve ever met---” 

“Then I see no reason why we must bother about him at all,” Luca dismissed. 

“What is essential is how much Eula wants you to be there---” 

“But if Maria’s there---” 


Vivian jumped in her seat at the billionaire’s suddenly savage tone and the way he 

sharply came to his feet. 

Their eyes clashed, his light blue gaze seething with fury and frustration, and her 

green eyes filled with unconscious plea. 

The billionaire breathed hard, willing himself to calm down. His wife looked terri- 

fied, and he didn’t like that. But there were a whole host of other things he didn’t 

like either, and although he had tried to give Vivian as much time as she needed 

to realize that she was wrong--- 

They had come to the end of the line. 

Vivian stiffened when her husband crouched in front of her. 


The billionaire reached for her hands, covering them with his. 

He looked up at her, and her heart ached painfully at how beautiful he was. 

“I’m sorry,” she said brokenly. 

Luca inhaled deeply. “Do you even know what you’re apologizing for?” 

His wife slowly shook her head. “But I made you angry, didn’t I?” 

“Yes.” She flinched, but he still didn’t allow himself to lie. “You did. And that you 

don’t even know why I’m furious makes me even angrier.” Her eyes widened, and 

she started to speak, but he shook his head. “There is something I must say, 


The finality in his voice terrified her. 

“Luca?” When he only looked at her, Vivian’s terror grew and she realized that 
this was it. “Luca, please---” 

“Do you see me and Eula as your family, Vivi?” 

“Yes,” she cried out passionately. “Luca, yes---” 

“And yet…you keep pushing us towards Maria. You keep holding yourself back 

from us. You keep hiding things to yourself and you keep acting based on what 

other people think while seemingly not caring about what Eula and I feel.” 

Vivian was pale. She had never, never thought of looking at it from that perspec- 

tive and now that she did--- 

Desperation struck her, and she whispered, “Luca, I---” 

“You probably think you were being nice all this time, but the truth is…it only 

makes you seem like you do not care to fight for Eula and me.” 

Luca released her hands. 


“If you are so bent on giving us away then I shall make it easy for you.” 

And slowly, the billionaire slid to his feet. 


This couldn’t be happening. 

This couldn’t be the end. 

This couldn’t be. 

“We’ll choose Maria then.” 

A soundless cry broke out of her parted lips. 

The billionaire’s jaw clenched. “That is what you were thinking we would even- 

tually do, did you not, cara? Then so be it. We will choose her. We choose her.” 

And he started walking away. 

“Luca,” she whispered. 

But the billionaire didn’t look back. 

The door closed behind him, and she was alone. 

She might always be alone, and the thought left her numb in shock. 

For several minutes, Vivian remained frozen in her seat, unable to grasp the real- 

ity of having her husband walk out on her. 

She had imagined this happening a painfully countless number of times ever 

since Maria had walked back into their lives. She had imagined how agonizing the 
pain would be of losing Luca and Eula and yet none of it compared to reality.

A sob escaped her, the rawness scratching her throat, the sound echoing in the 

empty room. 

Luca was right. 

All this time she had been too caught up at with what other people were going to 

think or say about her that she had forgotten to care for those who mattered most 

to her. 



Her family. 

All this time she had allowed herself to drown in self-pity, not realizing that her 

family was suffering because of her. 

All this time she had allowed people like Maria to create a gap between her and 

her family, a gap that wasn’t there in the first place and should never have ex- 


Until she had allowed her own insecurities to get in the way. 

Vivian scrambled to her feet. 

It wasn’t too late, she told herself feverishly as she hurried up the stairs. 

It couldn’t be too late. 

Luca loved her, and because he did he had to forgive her for being stupid from 

time to time. He had to. 

Because he loved her, and he and Eula were…family.

Chapter Nine 

It was a warm sunny afternoon when parents started to arrive at the prestigious 

school that Eula’s kindergarten class was a part of. It was a parade of one expen- 

sive car after another rolling up the driveway, but the Italian billionaire was still 

the one to turn all heads when he finally stepped out of his limousine with his lit- 

tle girl in tow. 

The other fathers straightened self-consciously with a mixture of envy and disbe- 

lief at the dashing appearance Luca Valencia made. He was only a few years 

younger than most of them were, and yet he looked completely different from the 

rest of them. While most of the fathers sported thinning hair and beer bellies, 

every inch of the Italian billionaire was of prime, physical perfection. 

In the end, the only way the other fathers were able to console themselves was 

with a reminder that Luca Valencia’s life was far from perfect. If the Internet ru- 

mors were to be true, his wife was nothing but a social-climbing party girl who 

liked to play with younger boys. 

The thought had the other fathers sniggering among themselves, and none of 

them made an effort to befriend the billionaire. Unfortunately, doing so gave 

them little pleasure since it didn’t appear like Luca Valencia cared or even noticed 

that he was being deliberately snubbed. 

With the parent-teacher conference still an hour away from officially starting, 

cocktails and canapés were served at the school’s expansive lawns. White picnic 

tables had also been rented for the school’s esteemed guests, their surfaces cov- 

ered by silk tablecloths overlaid with red-and-white checkered table runners. 

Luca was alone at his table, surrounded by his bodyguards, when Eula came run- 

ning back to him with an expectant look, arms wrapped tightly around her favorite 

doll. “Is Vivi coming?” 

He smiled down at her while wiping the smudges of dirt on her face. “Not yet.” 

“Are you really, really, really, really sure she’s coming?” 

“Absolutely.” And he was, because despite appearances being on the contrary 

and no doubt even with his wife thinking he had left her – the Italian billionaire 

was banking on the fact that he and Eula meant the world to Vivian. 
They were her life, just as she was theirs.

So she would come, as soon as she realized the truth. 

An air of heavy perfume reached him, and Luca didn’t need to look up to know 

that it was his ex-wife. When he saw his daughter’s face fall, the billionaire 

thought, This one has also come to the end of its line. He had only humored Maria’s 

sudden interest in their daughter to see if something would come out of it. For 

Eula’s sake, he had hoped that Maria had indeed turned over a new leaf. But if all 

his ex-wife could do was make his little girl unhappy--- 

Since courtesy demanded it of him, Luca stood up, murmuring politely, “It is 

good that you made it on time, Maria.” 

“Naturalmente,” his wife returned throatily. She turned to their daughter, bestow- 

ing upon the little girl a loving look. “I am eager to know how my lovely Eula is 

doing at school.” Turning her back on the billionaire to face Eula, she asked with 

a smile, “Did you miss me, darling?” While her voice was affectionate, her eyes 

held a steely glint of warning for the little girl. 

Eula’s grip on her doll tightened. “I missed you.” 

Maria glanced at Luca over her shoulder, saying sadly, “I have spent too much 

time away from our baby.” 

“You are welcome to visit her anytime.” Luca managed to keep his tone level de- 

spite seeing the distress that his daughter was working hard to hide. After helping 

Maria to one of the chairs, Luca said gently to Eula, “Go along and play with your 

friends, principesa. I will keep your mother company.” 

The way Eula’s eyes brightened with relief told him he had done the right thing. 

“Si, Papa. Grazie.” And then she was running away without looking back at Maria. 

“How time flies, no?” Maria remarked with a sigh. “I was thinking I’d like to have 

Eula with me back in Tuscany next Saturday,” she murmured. “When we are 

alone, she tells me how much she misses me and that she badly wants a mother 

like the other children.” 

“Is that so?” As the billionaire spoke, he glanced absently behind Maria, where 

the school’s back entrance was located, and his eyes widened. Everyone else’s 

reaction was the same, and the fathers who had earlier sported disparaging 

thoughts about the billionaire’s wife couldn’t believe their eyes. 

Walking into the lawn was Vivian, looking casually elegant in jeans and a loose 

peach silk blouse that fell to her knees. Her face was beautifully made up with 

just the right touch of makeup, dark eye shadow to make her eyes smoky and the 

palest hint of blush on her cheeks. 

She didn’t look like a social-climbing party girl at all, the other men thought un- 

easily. They looked at their wives, and it was obvious the women thought the 

same thing, too. Then they glanced furtively at the Italian billionaire, who despite 

sharing a table with his equally infamous ex-wife, only had eyes for the other 

woman heading his way. 

The way Luca Valencia was looking at his second wife, and the way she was look- 

ing at him--- 

It became rather shamefully clear to all the parents and faculty members that the 

marriage between the two was a love match. 

Luca didn’t allow himself to even smile as he stared at his wife. He would bet his 

entire fortune his wife had gone to a salon and had a makeover, thinking she 

needed to look stand out next to his exotic Italian ex-wife. And so she had 

succeeded, and his lips compressed to a thinner line at the thought. 

She stood out perfectly, with her tri-colored hair. 

Vivian came to a stop just a foot away from his table, and it was testament to just 

how thick-skinned Maria was that she didn’t even seem to sense Vivian’s pres- 

ence. The way she tossed her hair about while gushing over her so-called bond- 

ing with Eula told the billionaire that while she did notice more people staring at 

them, Maria’s vanity had convinced her that she was the reason for it. 

He looked back at his Vivi, and she stared back at him, everything he wanted to 

see and hear written in her eyes. 

This, he thought, staring at the way her hair started out with the shade of carrots 

from the roots, turned midnight blue in the middle while the last few inches were 

the shade of neon green. 

This was the Vivian he had fallen in love with. 

An adorably imperfect girl…who only had eyes for him. 

Ants in her pants, ants in her pants, Vivian thought dazedly as she stared at her 

husband. She should stop acting like she had them, but she just couldn’t. Every- 
one was staring at her and although most of the parents seemed able to tolerate 

her presence, there were still a few who openly sneered and snubbed her. It made 

Vivian want to crawl under a rock, but she valiantly fought against the urge to 

hide herself. 

She was done being a pushover, done letting public opinion dictate her life. 

She loved Luca and Eula. 

She loved her family. 

And she was willing to fight for them. 

Armed with these intentions, Vivian was about to take a step forward when she 

heard Luca’s ex-wife announce dramatically, “I have a confession to make.” 

Vivian froze. Confession? She suddenly remembered Maria’s email and the hairs at 

the back of her neck stood. Was Maria about to ask Luca to take her back? And if 

Maria did, would he--- 

Her eyes flew back to her husband, but the Italian billionaire was no longer gaz- 

ing at Vivian. Instead, his smoldering blue eyes rested on his ex-wife, and Vivian 

had an appalling urge to run forward yelling and beating her chest like a caveman 

about to defend her property. 


Even as Vivian remembered the videos and photos that Maria had sent her--- 

The way a younger Luca and Maria had smiled into each other’s eyes as they had 

their wedding dance--- 

The torrid kiss he had given his first bride--- 

She didn’t care. 

She loved Luca now, and--- 

Vivian saw the billionaire’s ex-wife reach for Luca’s hand, and she gasped. 

Maria heard the gasp coming from behind her but pretended not to notice even 

as satisfaction filled her. Thinking that she had shocked another parent with her 

forwardness, Maria kept her hand on her ex-husband’s in hopes of giving people 

enough time to take lots and lots of photos. 

She wanted Vivian slapped with evidence of Luca’s interest in her. The American 

nobody Luca married was so ludicrously easy to read, and one look at her told 

Maria that Vivian was the type to suffer in silence, a mouse that would run away 
crying at the first sign of her husband’s betrayal. She was exactly the type of 

woman that was easy to get rid of, and Maria was all for that. 

When Luca started to retrieve his hand, Maria’s grip tightened, and Luca raised a 

brow at her. 

“I still haven’t made my confession,” Maria reminded him. 

“And you need to hold my hand because---” 

“This might come as a shock,” she uttered in a low voice, “but Eula told me she’s 

been suffering verbal abuse from your wife.” Maria waited for an explosion that 

didn’t come, and frustration ate at her. Why wasn’t he reacting the way he was 

supposed to? 

Luca had always been deadly serious when it came to Eula, and it had even been 

one of the constant reasons behind their frequent quarrels. The billionaire had 

wanted her to care more for their daughter while she believed he cared too much. 

He must be in shock then, Maria decided. And that was all the better. Hopefully, 

everything would fall according to plan, and Luca would send Eula to her way for 

the little girl’s so-called safety. 

She only needed just a bit of time alone with Eula, and Maria was convinced that 

she could get her daughter to say everything she wanted. 

And after that, all her worries would be over. 

Maria’s normally cold heart actually skipped at the thought. 

“What kind of abuse?” the billionaire asked unexpectedly. 

“That she wanted Eula out of the way because she wanted to have her own baby,” 

Maria rushed to lie. “She wants our baby girl to think she won’t be a part of your 

family for long.” Maria allowed her voice to tremble, and raising her voice, she 

finished dramatically, “Do you know that Vivian went as far as saying that she 

wished Eula was dead?” 

The words easily reached Vivian, and she stared at Luca’s ex-wife, dumbstruck at 

the woman’s gall to utter such lies. 

But then anger kicked in a moment later, and she began to bristle. 

To heck with playing nice! 

To heck with keeping things civil! 

How dare Maria say something so vile about her? 

Vivian charged without thought, but before she could reach for Maria’s hair,

hoping to drag the other woman to the ground so she could bitch-slap the truth 

out of her, Luca had already moved with lightning speed, blocking her way to 


Startled at Luca’s sudden movement, Maria turned around and then it was her 

turn to gasp at seeing Vivian standing behind her. But then Maria noticed the 

other woman’s hair, and a scathing laugh escaped her. “Dios mio, you really are a 

twelve-year-old trapped in an adult’s body!” 

Even as she felt her face heating up at the somewhat apt description, Vivian 

forced herself to lift her chin, saying defiantly, “S-shut up…you…you…” But now 

that she was no longer blinded with anger, Vivian couldn’t make herself call the 

other woman any names, and in the end all she could do was say, “You…you 


But Maria had already turned her back on her, and Vivian gasped when she saw 

the other woman heading her way to Eula. 

“I can no longer bear it,” Maria cried out, seeing the opportunity to make a dra- 

matic exit that would portray Vivian in a bad light at the same time. “You are 

obviously crazy! You come here accusing me of such things when you are the 

one who Eula cannot depend on! I can no longer trust my daughter with the likes 

of you!” 

Maria rushed to where Eula was, hoping to get to her daughter before anyone else 

did, but she had forgotten just how annoyingly cunning her ex-husband was. 

Luca was already with Eula, having left the two women while they had been ex- 

changing words. 

Maria forced her to a stop. Shit. She had planned to carry Eula away to make it 

seem as if she was protecting her daughter from an unstable-looking Vivian. 

Quickly regrouping, she appealed to Eula, saying, “Eula, you must come with me. 

I want you to stay with me. Don’t you want to stay with me, too?” 

When Eula only stared at her mutely, Maria said very, very softly, “Be a good girl, 

Eula. Come with me.” 

Vivian stiffened. 

Something about the words made alarm bells ring in her head. 
Luca stiffened when he felt his daughter jerk in his arms. “Principesa?” Looking 

down, he saw that Eula’s eyes were filled with tears. “Che cos’e?” 

“Come, Eula,” Maria cajoled. “Come---” 

“Shut up,” Luca hissed. 

“I won’t shut up when it’s my daughter’s safety at stake,” Maria snapped. “Your 

wife is deranged.” 

“Watch your words,” Luca warned in a hard voice. “I’ll sue you for slander if you 

say another thing about her.” 

Vivian knew she should defend herself, but right now she only had eyes for Eula, 

whose tears were running down her cheek. She had a feeling she already knew 

what was wrong, that all the puzzle pieces were there and she just had to make 

sense of them. 

Maria had turned her attention back to Eula and stretched her arms towards her 

daughter. “Tell your papa you want to come with me, Eula. You want to be a good 

girl, don’t you?” 

“No, Eula.” Luca’s harsh tone made his daughter jerk in his arms, and he im- 

mediately regretted speaking to her in a fashion. 

Maria kept her eyes on her daughter. “Come, my dear little girl.” In contrast, her 

tone was soft and cajoling, but the look in her eyes held a steely warning. “Be a 

good girl and come to Mummy.” 

Luca was shocked when Eula’s body started to lean towards Maria even as she 

kept crying. “Principesa…” 

“That’s a good girl…” 

The words echoed in Vivian’s mind. 

Be a good girl. 

Be a good girl. 

She remembered how Eula had looked when Vivian used the same words. 

Eula had looked hurt and alone, petrified and betrayed. 

It was the exact look the little girl was wearing now. 

Instinct took over, and before she could even figure out what to do, Vivian was al- 

ready moving, crying out, “No!” She snatched Eula away from both Luca and 

“Give me my daughter back,” Maria screamed.

“No!” Vivian moved further away, holding on to Eula. “Not until Eula tells me it’s 


“You bitch!” Maria was about to yank Eula out of the other woman’s hold when 

Luca’s bodyguards suddenly held her back. Her head snapped up, and she de- 

manded shrilly at Luca, “What do you think are you doing? Eula is my daughter!” 

Luca gazed at her with hard eyes. “Esattamente, Maria. She is your daughter, and 

yet look at how hard she is holding on to my wife.” 

Vivian hugged Eula to her tightly, and the way the little girl’s body shook with her 

tears wrenching her heart. “Hush, principesa. I’m here. Papa and I are here for 


“I want to be with Mama,” the little girl whispered to her. 

Vivian’s eyes stung. “I s-see.” She had made the most appalling mistake then. 

Hearing Eula’s words, Maria covered her mouth with both hands as she tried to 

look overwhelmed by her emotions. “Oh, Eula, I want to be with you---” 

“No!” Eula had shouted the word out, and she hugged Vivian fiercely. “I want 


The words repeatedly stabbed Vivian, and her arms around the little girl started to 


“Noooooo!” Eula, who correctly guessed that Vivian was about to give her up to 

Maria, let out a loud, hoarse sob. She looked at her stepmother pleadingly. “I 

want Mama. I don’t want to be with Mummy. I want to be with you, Mama.” 

Vivian paled. 




Vivian wiped the tears off Eula’s cheeks. “Don’t cry.” 

Eula whispered, “But you’re crying, too, M-Mama.” 

“I’m not,” she sniffed. 

“You are.” 

A pair of strong hands settled on their backs, and the two looked up at the billion- 

aire’s handsome face, its aloof, aristocratic edges softened by a look of tender- 

“There’s no need to argue.” He pressed a kiss on Eula’s cheek and touched Vi- 

vian’s lips. “You both are crying.” 

Not wanting to be forgotten, Maria tried to struggle away from Luca’s bodyguards 

but when they didn’t let go, she called out desperately to her daughter, “Eula, my 

little baby, why did you cry? You gave me such a fright---” 

Even though she was still in Vivian’s arms, Eula couldn’t help shrinking back at 

hearing Maria’s voice. Her arms once again tightened around Vivian’s neck. “I 

want to stay with Mama---” 

“Eula!” Fury had Maria’s face contorting into something unrecognizable and ugly, 

and the sight of it had the little girl shrinking back further. “Think about what you 

are saying.” Maria managed to keep her voice steady even though she was itching 

to yell at the brat and discipline her with a good hard slap to the face. “Think 

about what Vivian and your papa want to hear you say.” 

Maria’s words reminded Eula of her nightmare. 

Your papa doesn’t love you. 

Vivi doesn’t love you. 

No one loves you. 

She turned to Vivian, saying brokenly, “I want to be with you, Mama---” 

Vivian couldn’t understand the way Eula was staring at her. It was as if she had 

broken the little girl’s heart, and she said fiercely, “And I want to be with you, 


But it was as if Eula hadn’t heard her, and the girl continued haltingly, “Maria 

says you won’t want me when you have a new baby.” 

Vivian’s eyes widened. 

“She says papa won’t want me, too---” 

Luca cursed. 

Eula choked out, “Because Mummy said you’re giving me away---” 

The penny dropped, and Vivian and Luca turned to Maria in unison. 

Luca’s ex-wife shook her head, panic written all over her face. “Eula must be 


Luca took a threatening step towards her. 

“I mean, she must have misunderstood,” Maria anxiously corrected herself.

“She’s a child. She makes up things.” She forced herself to laugh and looked at 

the people around her. “That’s normal for a child, right?” But the crowd of par- 

ents and teachers that had formed around them stared back at her stonily. 

Luca had enough of Maria’s antics. “Take her out,” he ordered his bodyguards. 

He looked at Vivian. “Will you two be alright if I leave you alone for a few min- 


She could only nod, still shaken at discovering the Maria had the gall to psycho- 

logically torture her own daughter in such a way. 

When Luca left, the crowd slowly dispersed, and in an effort to get things back on 

track the principal announced the official start of the conference. Left alone with 

Eula, Vivian told the little girl tremulously, “You’ve been my little girl from the 

start, you know.” 

Eula shook her head. “No, I’m not.” 

“Yes,” Vivian said fiercely, “you are. I’m a princess, and you’re a princess, and 

you are my daughter because you came from here.” She touched her heart. 

“That’s how you became my baby.” Her voice caught. “That’s w-why you’ll 

always, always be my baby---” 

“But what if you have another baby?” Eula asked haltingly, not meeting her eyes. 

“When your papa and I have a baby, you will have a l-little brother or sister. The 

baby will live here---” Vivian touched her heart. “And in your papa’s heart, and 

lastly…here.” She touched Eula’s heart. “This is how we stay connected to each 

other. This is what makes us a family, and why---” She paused meaningfully, will- 

ing her daughter – her lovely, wonderful daughter of her heart – to connect the 


A smile slowly broke over Eula’s lips. “We’ll live happily ever after?” 

Her throat tightened. “Yes.” Vivian’s lips curved into a wobbly smile of her own. 

“That’s exactly right.” And because she could no longer help it, she hugged the 

child tightly. 

Eula hugged her back just as tightly. “I love you, Mama.” 

Vivian’s arms tightened around her little girl’s. “And I love you, too. I love you so, 

so much, my princess.” It was a bittersweet moment, knowing how much Eula 

loved her, but also knowing that Eula and even Luca had suffered so much pain 

without her knowing it. 

The crowd around them, long forgotten by the two, wiped their eyes at the 

poignant scene, and so caught up were they that they weren’t aware of the way 

Luca Valencia’s bodyguards had stealthily escorted Maria out of the premises. 

A bodyguard opened the backseat door of the billionaire’s limousine, and know- 

ing she had no choice, Maria forced herself to join her husband inside. 

The door closed with a strong thud, and she flinched. 

“This is the last time we shall talk, Maria.” 

Terror crawled all over her at the chilling sound of her ex-husband’s voice, and 

when she turned to face him, she leaned back against her seat involuntarily, Lu- 

ca’s ruthless expression spelling out her worst fears. 

“I only gave you a chance for Eula’s sake, but I know now it is my greatest mis- 

take. You have gone too far, Maria.” 

“I’m sorry!” Maria didn’t even think of lying this time, knowing that he would 

catch her if she did and he would be even less inclined to forgive her. “I was des- 

perate. I’m broke, Luca. I knew I needed her as leverage---” 

Luca’s expletive shut her up, and when cracked his fist, she flinched, thinking he 

would strike her. 

The billionaire stared at his ex-wife, knowing that he had it in his power to do 

whatever he wanted with her. And right now, the way rage still coursed through 

his veins--- 

He wanted to kill her, or even just cause her any kind of pain, to avenge his 


And the old Luca – the one who didn’t believe in love – would have. 

But fortunately for Maria, he was no longer the same man he had been before. 

Luca’s fist slowly dropped to his side, and he said under his breath, “You could 

have just asked.” 

Maria couldn’t believe what she was hearing. 

His head jerking up sharply, he said tautly, “You should have just asked.” 

And that was when Maria realized just how much Vivian had changed her ex- 

husband. She had thought that telling him the truth wasn’t even an option. The 
old Luca would never have cared to help her. The old Luca would forever despise 

her for betraying him and abandoning Eula--- 

But this new Luca was different. 

And yet, it was too late. 

“Please.” The word came out choking, and this time Maria didn’t even need to 

pretend she was crying. She was frightened, deeply frightened, of what the future 

held, and it was nothing. 

In the back of her mind, Maria had always thought that when all hope was lost, 

she could either lie and seduce her way back into Luca’s life or use Eula as lever- 


But now--- 

“I have no one to turn to, Luca.” 

“You’ll survive. People like you always do.” 

“I’m Eula’s mother,” she cried out. “That must still mean something---” The bil- 

lionaire abruptly leaned forward, and her voice broke off. 

“It does,” he snapped. “And what it means is that I am letting you walk away un- 

scathed one last time. It is more than you deserve for hurting my daughter, but it 

is also for her sake that I am letting you leave with the smallest dignity intact.” 

Luca knocked on the window, and the door was immediately opened by one of 

his bodyguards. Before stepping out, he cast one last look at his ex-wife. “Eula 

and I are never to see you again, Maria.” His voice was deadly soft. “Do you 


When Luca walked back inside the school, Vivian was already seated inside one 

of the classrooms and deep in conversation with his daughter’s homeroom ad- 


After giving the other woman a polite nod of greeting, he bent down to kiss the 

top of his wife’s head before taking his sleeping daughter from Vivian. The tender 

act had the other mothers in the classroom mentally swooning, but when they 

turned to look at the billionaire’s wife, the women were unanimously undecided. 

Should they hate her for being married to Luca Valencia or should they cheer her 

for being an incredible stepmother to Eula? 

As the billionaire slid into the vacant seat next to his wife, the homeroom adviser 
cleared her throat, mumbling, “Excuse me for a moment,” she said with a polite 

cough. “I must attend to…something.” She hurried away, knowing that she need- 

ed to find something to do for at least half an hour. It was clear the billionaire de- 

sired privacy with his wife, and since Luca Valencia was one of their school’s top 


Luca’s gaze met his wife’s over the top of Eula’s head. “Hello.” 

“H-hello,” she stammered, and her crazy heart started to race like it was their first 


His gaze strayed to her hair. “Lovely hairstyle.” 

She choked back a laugh. “T-thanks.” 

“Do I even want to know why you have three shades of hair?” 


He smirked. “Should I take a guess?” Before she could answer, he continued 

smoothly, “Rush appointment. New salon a block away from our house. French 

stylist. Miscommunication.” 

Her eyes widened. “How did you know?” 

“I know everything, remember?” A pause. “Because I love you.” 

Oh. She swallowed, mumbling almost inaudibly, “I l-love you, too.” 

“I know.” 

Vivian asked uncertainly, “Maria?” 

“Gone for good.” 


“You seem disappointed,” he noted mildly. 

“Well, I kinda needed her,” she mumbled. 

This should be interesting, Luca thought. “And why is that?” When she didn’t an- 

swer right away, he murmured, “Cara?” 

“Because,” she admitted awkwardly, “I wanted you to know I was willing to fight 

her f-for…you.” 

And this time, it was the billionaire’s turn not to say a word. 

Vivian fidgeted in her seat. 

The last words he had spoken to her at home drifted in her mind--- 

If you are so bent on giving us away then I shall make it easy for you. 
Her head lowered as she said fiercely, “I’m never going to give you away, Luca.” 

Ah. A sweet, piercing pain struck the billionaire at his wife’s words. 

“I was such a fool,” Vivian confessed painfully, “wasting my time trying to win 

everyone’s approval that I failed to realize how much you and Eula were hurting.” 

She choked back a sob. “I’m sorry, Luca. I’m so sorry I f-failed you and---” 

Through her tear-blurred gaze, she saw her husband offer her a hand. 

She took it, and he hauled her close in the next second. 

She half-tumbled out of her seat just as her husband leaned towards him. 

Their mouths met, and as she gasped against his lips, so did the other adults, 

along with a chorus of ews from children, right before their respective parents 

hastily covered their eyes. 

“Luca---mm!” Her eyes squeezed shut involuntarily as the billionaire kissed her 


When he pulled away, he looked into her soft, clouded green eyes and said qui- 

etly, “I love you.” 

She shook her head mutely. 

A smile curved on his beautiful lips, and he asked mockingly, “You don’t want me 

to love you?” 

“Y-you m-misunderstand.” Tears clogged her voice. “I don’t w-want you to for- 

give me so easily. You’re not supposed to. You’ve been telling Eula stories all this 

time, so you should know it, s-shouldn’t you? I did something bad. I hurt you. 

When all you did was love me---” 

And her voice broke as she remembered all the times he had tried to reach out to 

her, all the times her powerful billionaire husband strove to make it clear to her 

how much she meant to him--- 

“You’re supposed to punish me. To leave me---” 

“You are the one who do not understand, cara. We are past that chapter of the 

story. We are already living in the ever after, and it means we don’t waste a pre- 

cious second holding on to the pain.” 

He leaned close, murmuring, “Instead, we let it go and just…” He seemed to be 

waiting for something, and she hesitantly leaned closer, her heart beating hard 

because she didn’t know what at all to expect. 

What should they just do?

The billionaire whispered into her ear, “We just…” 

Vivian held her breath. 


Kay Norton sashayed into the airport like she owned it, and in the past few weeks 

it had appeared that way. Her faithful posse followed her from behind, all of them 

trying to look like they were channeling Taylor Swift and her squad with their long, 

tanned bodies displayed in cropped tops and tight skirts. 

Having caught sight of their arrival, reporters in the area flocked towards them 

and began shouting questions that Kay and her girls were more than happy to an- 

swer. Throughout it, they posed obligingly with other passengers wanting to have 

photos with them. 

Being a celebrity is amazing, Kay marveled silently while pouting and throwing 

kisses in the air. It felt so incredible, having the world’s attention on her, and all 

she had to do was badmouth Vivian Valencia. 

“How’s Donald doing behind bars?” 

It hurt her conscience, but being in the limelight meant practically everything to 

Kay, and so she blinked several times as if trying to keep her tears back, and her 

voice was just a little hoarse as she answered, “He’s doing his best to cope, and 

I’m just so proud of him. Even though we both know he’s done nothing wrong, 

and everything’s been blown out of proportion, he’s just been a rock all this 


“And what about Mrs. Vivian Valencia? Have you spoken to her yet?” 

Kay shook her head. “Whenever I’m interviewed, I always say that I’m open to 

hearing her side. Like you guys, I want to know why she set my boyfriend up to be 

her fall guy. He’s been nothing but nice to her, you know? If not for Donald and 

me, she wouldn’t have had any friends.” She released a sigh, making sure her 

surgically enlarged breasts rose prominently. “My friends had her number from 

the start, you know? They told us to stay away from Vivian. That even though 

she’s married to a billionaire, she’s still so crass and evil---” Kay feigned a shud- 

der. “I didn’t listen to them, and now I just really regret it.” She pretended to wipe 

a tear from her eye. “And now my poor Donald’s behind bars.” 

“So you still believe your boyfriend is innocent of all wrongdoing?” 

“Of course.” Kay lifted her chin. “The truth is very simple. Vivian tried playing 
with fire, but when she got caught and stood to lose billions in the divorce 

courts, she decided to act like Donald was about to rape her when she’s had the 

hots for him from the very start.” 

“Why do you believe Vivian came on to your boyfriend? She’s married to Luca Valen- 


“Money isn’t everything,” Kay countered breezily. “Her husband’s really old, you 


“He’s thirty-one,” another reporter pointed out. 

“And your point is?” Kay’s eyes bored through him. “That’s so old, and Vivian 

must have compared her husband to Donald, and I don’t know…I guess she got 

tired being with a man who’s so old. She sees Donald and me make out all the 

time. But you know most times I see them on TV or online, her husband only 

kisses her on the cheek or something. Maybe his tongue is too tired to French 


Everyone laughed, and encouraged by the sound, Kay continued brazenly, “Let’s 

be all honest here. They’re just one f---” 

The crowd gasped in a mixture of shock and amusement.

“---away from the nursing home, you know what you mean?” 

The interview lasted for over thirty minutes, but Kay and her friends would have 

gladly spent the entire day talking if not for hearing the boarding announcement 

on their flight. 

“Do you think we’ll show up on TMZ?” one of Kay’s friends asked eagerly as they 

headed down the hallway connecting the terminal to their plane. 

“Abso-effing-lutely,” Kay affirmed. “We’re today’s It girls, you know? People can’t 

just stop talking about us, and that’s why we have these for free.” She waved their 

air tickets and hotel vouchers for emphasis. She and her friends had received 

their travel packets this morning, which included an invitation to a Caribbean re- 


Aboard the airplane, Kay and her friends were further surprised to meet other stu- 

dents in their school. Every face was familiar, too familiar, and amidst the excited 

screams and roars coming from the jocks--- 

It was almost like the entire cast at the party that night had been reassembled, Kay 
thought with a frisson of unease. 

But that wasn’t a bad thing, was it? 

“Welcome on board, passengers,” the captain greeted them over the PA system. 

“Thank you for flying with us. Our cabin crew is at your beck and call, and we’d 

like you to know that we’ve prepared food and free-flowing beverages on board 

for your enjoyment. We will be taking off shortly.” 

More cheers erupted as the captain sounded off. 

“Yeah, baby! This is the life! We’re being paid to party!” 

“We’re going to be the next Jersey Shore!” 

A champagne bottle was popped, and everyone burst into wild applause. 

By the time the plane finally took off, Kay and everyone else were more than a lit- 

tle sloshed, and when the headrest monitors in front of them suddenly showed a 

familiar-looking Italian guy on the screen. He was dark-haired and golden 

skinned, and his eyes were a mysterious shade that seemed to change colors. 

Yummy, Kay thought distractedly. The guy looked familiar, but she couldn’t quite 

place him. Although she made it seem like she was well connected and moved in 

the highest social circles in her interviews, the truth was that the only famous 

people she knew were from Hollywood’s who’s who list. 

Names like Astor and Vanderbilt didn’t even mean anything to Kay--- 

“Good afternoon. I’m Rafaello Palazzo, and this is a pre-recorded message.” 

---and European families with billion-dollar fortunes meant even less than noth- 

ing to her. 

Kay frowned on the monitor. “Are we supposed to know who he is?” 

Jenny, the girl seated beside her, gaped at Kay. “You of all people should know 

him, Kay.” 


“He’s best friends with Luca Valencia. He’s a billionaire, too.” 


Jenny rolled her eyes. “Jeez, Kay. You seriously don’t know him?” 

Kay couldn’t answer. Her stomach had started having cramps, and all she could 

think was that this wasn’t a good thing. She couldn’t exactly say why, but she 

knew things would only go downhill from here. 

And it did. 

“I hope you are enjoying your flight so far,” the Italian billionaire on the screen 

continued, “and if you’d like to know whose generosity you owe this to then it’s 

none other than my good friend Luca Valencia.” 

Silence abruptly fell, and Kay had a sudden urge to throw up. When she looked at 

the people around her, she knew their tense expressions mirrored her own. 

“Speaking of Luca, my friend and I have been relatively entertained watching all of 

you go around town acting like you’re, err, popular. We found it amusing to let all 

of you act like fools, but…that ends now.” 

The billionaire disappeared from the screen, and Kay fell back in her seat in utter 

shock when she saw her father appear on the monitor, red-faced and furious. 

Her father started blustering, but she had a hard time paying attention. Gasps 

had echoed throughout the plane, and when Kay looked at everyone else’s moni- 

tors, everyone seemed to be receiving a personal message from their own par- 


She forced herself to look back at her monitor and tried pressing the Rewind but- 

ton on the screen. Her father reappeared from the screen, and this time Kay really 

listened…and was white-faced by the end of her father’s speech. 

Her allowance was being completely cut off? 

Her car, her cellphone, her credit cards were being confiscated? 

She was being asked to leave the university and transfer to some obscure place like 

Wisconsin? Was that even in the United States? 

The greatest surprise for everyone was the final message delivered by their par- 


This flight they had boarded wasn’t heading to the Caribbean like they thought. 

Instead, they were being flown to Wisconsin and from there they would have to 

find a way to get to their host’s farm, where they were expected to work for their 

board and lodging. 

“Since you’re nineteen, you have the legal right to refuse what I’m asking you to 

do,” Kay’s father said grimly. “But if I were you, I’ll take it. I received a letter from 

Luca Valencia’s lawyer, and if you don’t take up my offer they’ll go after you for 

slander and everything else they can pin on you. They won’t rest until you’re be- 
hind bars with that idiot you’re going out with, so if I were you, just suck it up, 

and try not to mess up next time.” 

Everyone had started crying around her, and Kay knew she would have started 

bawling as well if she could just get over her shock. 

Her life was ruined. 


And it was all because of that bitch! 

The Italian billionaire came back on the screen. “If it still isn’t obvious by now, 

each and every one of you who has a seat on this flight has spoken to the press 

one way or another about your rather uninformed views of my friend’s marriage, 

and some of you have even resorted to outright slander and spreading malicious 

lies about Donald Crane’s sexual attack on Vivian.” 

Kay whitened. 

“I am, of course, talking about you, Ms. Norton.” As the Italian billionaire spoke, 

a cabin attendant provided her with a set of documents, and Kay forced her 

hands to unclench so she could receive the papers. 

“For everyone’s reference, Ms. Norton is receiving a copy of Donald Crane’s 

sworn affidavit. He has promised never to see Kay Norton in this lifetime in ex- 

change of one million dollars.” 

Kay started tearing the documents without even looking at it. “Lies,” she said 

shakily. “These are all lies!” Because if there was anything that Kay loved more 

than she loved herself and her newfound popularity, then it would be Donald 


And now this stranger was telling her boyfriend had sold her out? 

“This is the kind of man you have lied to defend and protect, Ms. Norton. I’d like 

you to know that Vivian always thought you deserved someone better than Mr. 

Crane, which is why the way things have turned out now is a great pity. If you had 

stood by her, if you hadn’t believed in Donald Crane’s lies, and a break up would 

have resulted, Vivian would have made a wonderful shoulder to cry on. She 

would have been a supportive friend to you. She would have flown you to any 

part of the world to help you get over your heartbreak. She would have gotten you 

invites to all those parties you’re obsessively enamored with. Most of all, she 
would have been genuinely loyal to you, for life, and her friendship would be 

without price. Unlike Donald Crane, Vivian’s friendship would never be on sale.” 

Kay started to cry. 

Rafe stood up, and the camera panned up and zoomed out to allow them a full- 

length glimpse of the Italian billionaire, who was sleekly handsome in his black 

suit and appeared to have been shooting the video from his executive office, 

which boasted of spectacular views of San Francisco. “Thank you for your time, 

and in the event that you still have any lingering doubts about how happy my 

friends are in their marriage – a live feed to the couple’s private jet will follow 

shortly.” Rafaello smirked. “Enjoy.” 


Luca knew the exact moment when the CCTV camera on the private lounge of his 

jet started recording and transmitting. Mounted on top of the back door leading 

to the bedroom, it would show Luca seated on one of the luxurious recliners, but 

with only the back of his head visible. 

Vivian, however, would have her face completely exposed as she was facing the 

camera. She sat atop her husband, straddling him, fully clothed but with her skirt 

inched up because she had just impaled herself on Luca’s erection. The delicious 

fullness of his penetration made her throw her head back with a long helpless 

moan, and when he clutched her hips so he could have her bouncing on his 

length over and over, she moaned anew, her eyes rolling back. 

“Say something dirty,” he urged her wickedly as his fingers lazily trailed down be- 

tween their fingers. 

“I c-can’t---ooooooh.” Vivian cried out at the agonizing pleasure of his fingers find- 

ing the tiny nub of flesh above her folds. 

“Do it,” he urged thickly, “if you want to keep on doing this…” And he began to 

rub her tiny, aroused nub exactly the way she wanted it even as the deep thrusts 

of his manhood continued. 


His fingers stilled. 

“No!” She shook her head in protest, but when his movements remained ar- 

rested, she choked out, “Do me. I want you to do me again and again---ah!” 

He had started rubbing on her nub again, but he had also started pumping into 

her at a more savage pace, and oh, it was glorious. 

Holding on to him, she cried out for her husband to do her harder. 

She sobbed about how big he was, how good he was--- 

Her husband fisted her hair, yanking her down to whisper into her ear, “Do you 

want to hear something that will make you come right this moment?” 


His hand crept up, shaping her breast, and just as he started to squeeze it hard, 

Luca whispered, “We’re on live camera.” 

Vivian pulled back with a horrified gasp, but before she could scramble off his 

lap, he hauled her back to him, and thrust hard and deep into her, the head of his 

manhood reaching all the way to her womb. 

“Lucaaaaaaaa.” The combination of his forceful thrust and the knowledge that 

they were being watched was too much, and with one last whimper, she started to 

come, her body shaking hard as she came and came like there was no end to it. 

Throughout her release, Luca’s thrusts didn’t cease, and when he yanked her 

head back down for a kiss, all she could do was moan and kiss him back. 

“Don’t worry,” he said gutturally against her lips. “All they can see is your face.” 

“B-but---” That wasn’t the point and the damn man knew it. She could see it in 

the way his eyes smirked at her, and thinking that two could play this game, she 

whispered into his ear, “Whatever you say, mio marito. Sono la tua puttanella---” 

She ended gasping the last word out, the explicitness of her message doing its 

job as her husband growled and, sucking on her neck hard, he ripped into her 

one last time, shoving all the way in that she started to see stars again. 



Bitterness marked with tears and invectives tainted the air in the flight that was 

originally meant to fly to the Caribbean but had been rerouted to take its passen- 
gers to Wisconsin. The prospect of their social ruin was terrifying, and they knew 

the moment they stepped off the plane the prospect would turn into reality. 

Everyone back home would laugh at them, would take pleasure in seeing them 


They would be forced to work while everyone back home would have nothing on 

their minds but what to do the next day for fun. 

The monitors in front of them suddenly lit up, and everyone straightened, won- 

dering if this was the live feed that Rafaello Palazzo had promised. A live feed to 

the Valencias’ private jet, they recalled bitterly. Wasn’t that the Italian billionaire 

had said--- 


Everyone stared and listened in stunned silence as Vivian threw her head back 

with a moan, her face a picture of blissful ecstasy. 

Even though her face was all they could see, it was more than obvious that she 

was having the best time of her life. 

A second later, and the positions were reversed, and this time it was the billion- 

aire they saw. He was bare-chested, and the way his muscular body moved so 

fast and furiously made the girls want to weep even as they were filled with envy 

and longing.

If Kay really believed that Vivian and her billionaire had a boring marriage, then 

she was the biggest idiot in the planet. 

Everyone was forced to endure the live feed until the very end of the flight, and by 

the time their plane landed all the young passengers were eager to get out, and 

Kay more so than anyone else. 

It was hell, pure hell, to see and listen how Luca Valencia made Vivian come 

again and again, knowing that the couple had all the things that mattered – 

money and power, and to add a cherry on the top, the damn couple had fantastic 

sex, too. 

Vivian and her Italian billionaire had everything while she, Kay Norton, had noth- 


They all had nothing! 

The injustice of it was just too much, and in the middle of the tarmac, Kay 
dropped to the ground and began kicking and screaming like an escaped lunatic. 

The End

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