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Name: Ali Mehdi Sangji



Title of the Study:

Industrial development in Pakistan

Author of the Study:

AR Kamal

Source of the Study:

The source of the study is Pakistan journal of applied economics, Volume 14


A mix of qualitative and quantitative methods are used. Use of surveys and studies already available
and primary data

Findings of the Study:

The finding of the study are as follows:

 As a nation we have never make consistent policies when it comes to the Industrial
development which cost us the lack Investment from locals as well as from foreigners

 The poor state of science and technology may also be attributed to the relative lack of
awareness of technological needs and capacity of domestic industries, the weak link
between industry, academia, and research institutions and lack of resources for scientific
research and technological development. To prepare the country to face emerging
challenges, the development of science and technology and its interface with industry must
be brought to the forefront of the industrial vision for the future. While some work has been
initiated recently, it is just the tip of the iceberg.

 Sustained competitive advantage can be produced by mutual support and coordinated

development. Clusters play an important role in improving competitiveness. Common
Facility Centres provide testing facilities and extend advisory services for higher productivity
with standardization to the sub-contractor. Incubators also help in improving the
technological levels of various industries. Similarly, certification would play an important role
in exports.

 Vocational training that provides skilled manpower according to the requirements of the
labour market in the country contributes significantly to the growth of manufacturing
industries. The private sector should be encouraged to expand its involvement in skills
Name: Ali Mehdi Sangji

 Whereas Pakistan has all along pursued the Import Substitution Industrialization Strategy, it
has failed to diversify the industrial structure because producers did not venture into new
import substitution industries and continued with the traditional imports substitution
industries. Domestic and foreign demand has been the major contributory factor to the
growth of the manufacturing sector. While credit for consumption can stimulate demand, it
may have serious implications for investible funds. It underscores the need for taking
suitable measures for the acceleration of the growth rate of exports.


To conclude I would say that we should manage our resources in a much better way and we are
pretty much backwards when it comes to the innovation and the implementation of the
technology.The development of an efficient vocational system at all levels is most urgent. The
system should aim at making the best use of limited resources and providing skilled manpower
according to the requirements of the labour market in the country. It is essential that the system has
a mechanism for regular built-in monitoring and feedback so that manpower planning can effectively
respond to the changing demands of the economy. It is also necessary that the private sector be fully
involved in determining manpower policies and the vocational training system, because ultimately it
is their needs that must be met. The private sector, therefore, must come forward and advise the
government on the requirements in the labour market and wherever possible, assist the public
sector in financing vocational training programs.



The development of Pakistan economy during seven distinct decades, from the late 1940s to the end
of the 2000s. Pakistan has progressed from a low income to a lower middle-income developing
economy ─ GDP per capita increased from US$294 in 1980 to US$1,017 in 2010. As economic growth
is mainly dependent on the effectiveness of the industries and consistent policies but in our scenario
we’ve never been able to do that because of many external reasons and conflicts which reside in our
country which create hurdle for our economic growth. There were number of factors

 We should not lack consistency and coherence in in our industrialization policy and our
objective should be mutually consistent and include export orientation
 There should not be frequent changes in the policies as it demotivates the investors which
results low levels of investment
 Our priority should be highly accorded with high tech, value added and export-oriented
industries as they provide maximum fiscal incentives
 We should promote and invest in our research and development and bringing our research
to the international standard
 Cluster approach should be adopted that is accumulation of key industries, infrastructure,
institution is interlinked because of shared technology which will be quite helpful in the
development of the vendors.



Name: Ali Mehdi Sangji

As technology is getting more dominant in the world the trends of buying clothes have been shifting
slowly and gradually people will prefer buying online rather than visiting actual markets. There are
various factors that affect the brand trust of online consumers. Purchasing via online has become
very common in literate areas where the consumer knows how technology works. If the data of
consumers personal information and privacy has been managed carefully then its going to be a win-
win situation but to manage the data is the most challenging task so that the trust can be developed
between consumers and sellers so that they become frequent buyers.

If we look from the management point of view the trust is the most important factor for the success
of online shopping. The one of the major issues of online shopping is the lack of consumer
confidence. Due to the frauds and lack of trust consumers are reluctant to buy clothes on websites.
major aspects that affect perceptions of the consumers towards online brand trust with respect to
clothing industry of Pakistan are as follows:

 Brand Trust: It is the combination of multiple perspectives which includes brand image,
familiarity, advertising, security and word of mouth. A satisfied costumer will turn into loyal
customer once he is satisfied with the products and service. Brand trust and privacy are
highly correlated with each other. Consumers are more concerned for the privacy of their
content such as personal information, and credit card details. They usually don’t like to be
cited in the lists of mass mailing and don’t want their personal information to be given out or
shared with the other organizations of marketing
 Word Of Mouth: As consumers buy they write reviews or tell their experience to their peers
and family which help the sellers to build a better image and also work on the their
loopholes through which they can improve the user experience.

For online experience, it is found that previous online experience significantly affects brand trust.
With respect to privacy concerns, it can be concluded that consumers trust the brands showing
importance to the privacy issues of their customers, protecting their personal information and
ensuring secure ways of payments. To build strong brands online, the flow of information from the
beginning to the end should be made valuable, fascinating and relevant.

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