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PETRA-UNDP Mangrove Regeneration Community-led Environment Project,

A Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
1 Foreword
4 Project Summary
5 What Is The Project
6 How The Project Started
7 Why And How Petra Perdana Participated In The Environment Project
8 Extent To Which The Project Integrated Into The Core Strategy Of Petra Perdana
9 Petra’s HSE Awards & Accolades
12 Project Details
13 Environment Project: The Proponents
14 Activities Undertaken
18 Next Phase Of Implementation Activities
19 How The Company Tackled Some Of The Challenges
And Difficulties In Implementing The Environment Project
21 How The Project Evolved And What Were The Motivations Behind It
22 What Were The Outcomes/Benefits
23 Why Petra Perdana’s Environment Project Is Different From Others
24 What Some Stakeholders Say
25 Conclusion
27 Appendices
• Fact Sheet
• Quality Policy Statement
• HSE Policy Statement
• Newspaper Clippings & Other Publications

I applaud Petra Perdana Bhd for its efforts in undertaking the Mangrove
Regeneration Community-led Environment project in Terengganu. This
effort showcases the strong commitment by a private sector in promoting
sustainable development practices in the State.

I am particularly pleased with this initiative, and also all the support
organizations namely the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) and Setiu District Office, for
a number of reasons.

First, the project itself is in line with the State’s objective to eradicate
poverty in that it provides opportunities for the local communities an
alternative in sustainable living. I believe that the proposed set-up of a cooperative at the site would
benefit the local communities in the long term.

Second, through the project, we are able to promote bio-diversity of the mangrove vegetation, thus
providing new opportunities in fisheries and eco-tourism. This is an important growth sector, which the
State Government feels very strongly about.

I am also very pleased by the commitment shown by the local communities, which is critical towards the
success of the project in the long term. Given this commitment, the State Government is progressing to
gazette the area to ensure uninterrupted development in the area, thus benefiting the people in the long

The State Government is also looking at ‘replicating’ the concept and approach of this project in other
sustainable coast and riverine locations in the State. This effort will fall within the ambit of the Terengganu
Riverine and Coastal Agency (TREVICOSTA) which has been tasked to take over the management of the

Lastly, syabas to Petra Perdana Bhd., UNDP, UMT for their involvement in the community project, and the
rakyat of Kg. Saujana, Kg. Fikri and Kg. Gong Batu for their continued support and dedication towards the
success of the project.



Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh

17th December, 2007


At the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg

2002, there were many commitments made to protect biodiversity and
improve ecosystem management. These included: reversing the current
trend in natural resources degradation; the commitment to reduce
biodiversity loss by 2010; and to restore fisheries to their maximum
sustainable yields by 2015.

The critical importance of mangrove forests in providing ecological and

socio-economic benefits is widely recognized, especially after the Tsunami
tragedy in December 2004. For people living along coastlines, fishing and
other community livelihood activities are highly dependent upon the
continued existence of a healthy mangrove ecosystem.

In early 2006, as part of its corporate social responsibility portfolio, Petra Perdana Berhad entered into
partnership with UNDP, with the technical support from University Malaysia Terengganu, to help preserve
Malaysia’s biodiversity through the conservation and protection of mangrove ecosystems. The partnership
project, scheduled to span a period of two years, will benefit the community of Setiu in northern

The project activities undertaken so far include training of the local community in awareness about the
mangrove ecosystem, establishing a nursery, replanting, conservation, and the formation of a community
Cooperative to promote sustainable livelihood. Women and children from the Setiu community have been
intimately involved in all the project activities. A Management Plan prepared by the Setiu community will
help ensure the long-term sustainability of the mangrove forest in this area. The State government of
Terengganu, which has also already provided generous financial support, will eventually take over the
management of the project.

Corporate social responsibility is a rapidly growing phenomenon worldwide. It is apparent that blending
environmental and social considerations into a business strategy not only makes good sense, but can
result in competitive advantage. UNDP is extremely encouraged by this exemplary commitment of Petra
Perdana Bhd to support Malaysia’s biodiversity conservation efforts, and at the same time contribute
towards the community development of low-income community, with appropriate gender sensitivity.

I would also like to thank the State Government of Terengganu, the Setiu District Office, University Malaysia
Terengganu, and in particular the communities of Kampung Fikri, Gong Batu and Saujana, for their
outstanding support.

Datuk Dr. Richard Leete

Resident Representative
Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam


The PETRA-UNDP Mangrove Regeneration Community-led Environment

Project is our first CSR initiative of its kind, and we are very pleased to have
worked with a number of organizations in making this project a key
sustainable initiative for the local communities in Kg Saujana, Fikri and
Gong Batu in Setiu, Terengganu.

I am extremely grateful for the support given by the UNDP, which has
been instrumental in the implementation of the project; Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu for providing the technical support; the Terengganu
State Government and, in particular, Menteri Besar YAB Dato’ Seri Idris
Jusoh for his support, encouragement and proposed infrastructure
development at the project site; the JawatanKuasa Kecil and Setiu District
Office in managing and expediting the activities at the ground level. To all, I wish to place on record my
sincere thanks and appreciation.

The project, which involves the replanting of mangrove saplings in the district of Pengkalan Gelap in the
Setiu district, is an environment project with focus on community development. The on-going activities at
the site, thanks to the commitment and support of the local communities, has made this project a ‘one-of
its kind’ not just in the state of Terengganu but in Malaysia as well.

In the course of implementation of the project, we were faced with various challenges. These were
constantly addressed through dialogue sessions and meetings with various stakeholders at the ground
level. However, I was heartened by the commitment and drive of the local communities in resolving issues
that arose occasionally. Needless to say, without their support, this project would not have been feasible.

Infrastructure development at the project site is now in its initial stages with the construction of the
information kiosk and extended boardwalk. We soon hope to establish a Cooperative to support the
business activities at the site.

I am confident that with the positive attitude shown by the various quarters, especially the local
communities, we can achieve a new benchmark in our drive to support CSR activities in the State of
Terengganu. I also take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the project, including our staff from
the Kemaman office, and encourage them to continue this initiative to ensure its long term success.

Tengku Dato’ Ibrahim Petra

Executive Chairman & CEO

Petra Perdana Berhad’s (“Petra Perdana” or economic activities. The Terengganu State
“company”) involvement in the ‘Mangrove Government has endorsed these initiatives and
Regeneration Community-led Environment Project’ approved funds for infrastructure development at
(“environment project”) together with the United the project site.
Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) is a
new achievement and step forward in enhancing The environment project was also not without
sustainable development practices outside the challenges. However, given the foresight, some of
company’s business environment. the potential issues were addressed at the onset of
the environment project. Challenges, such as the
Conceived in late 2005 and implemented in April community’s and State Government’s ‘buy-in’ were
2006, the environment project by Petra Perdana is addressed through interactive dialogue sessions,
the company’s ‘first’ corporate social responsibility discussions and awareness & education workshops.
(CSR) initiative, which integrates its core strategy on
Health Safety Environment (HSE) into the project. The ‘buy-ins’ were critical in ensuring the success of
the environment project. Through interactive
The CSR initiative is also the ‘first’ mangrove communications, the local communities were
regeneration community-led environment project focused and were able to understand as well as
of its type for the Terengganu State Government provide valuable insights on project logistics and
and UNDP Malaysia. implementation. Most importantly, they had
become supportive of the environment project.
Whilst serving to preserve the mangrove
ecosystem, promoting bio-diversity and sustaining As a result, the implementation activities (e.g.
fishing activity, the project also includes a new replanting exercises, nursery set-up, awareness
dimension on socio-economic development. campaigns at schools) saw strong support from the
local communities and other key stakeholders. The
This posed an interesting challenge in terms of Terengganu State Government, initiated eco-
introducing sustainable economic activities that tourism proponents (construction of information
would generate supplementary income and kiosk and boardwalk) and also gave its assurance to
eradicate poverty for the local communities. gazette the project site, based on recommendations
by Petra Perdana and UNDP.
In essence, the environment project enhances the
quality of life, improves livelihoods and eradicates As observed from the on-going implementation
poverty of identified communities (Kg. Fikri, Kg. activities, strong support and participation by the
Saujana and Kg. Gong Batu) located along the Kg. womenfolk was evident. Petra Perdana and UNDP
Pengkalan Gelap coastline in Setiu, Terengganu. are now exploring new opportunities to promote
this potential under the ‘Women Empowerment’
Given this, recommendations were made by Petra programme. With structured skills, management
Perdana and UNDP to include awareness training and guidance, the womenfolk would be
programmes at local schools, promote eco- tasked to manage the economic activities of the
tourism, develop information and business kiosks environment project through a Co-operative, to be
and establish a Co-operative to manage the set-up.

what is
the project
The project is called PETRA-UNDP Mangrove This would contribute positively towards the
Regeneration Community-led Environment Project National Biodiversity Policy, whilst ensuring
(“environment project”). environmental sustainability.

The environment project is designed to promote Equally important, the environment project will
sustainability of the local resources and conserve also have a positive impact on the livelihood of the
the mangrove ecosystem through the regeneration local communities, thus helping eradicate poverty.
of mangrove forests as well as help create
sustainable livelihoods for the community. The mangrove regeneration community-led
environment project was conceived in late 2005
and initiated in April 2006. It is expected to be
completed in mid 2008.






how the
project started

The Blueprint Environment Project: Site Selection

The Government of Malaysia has adopted After an in-depth study, it was decided that the
mangrove regeneration as a priority Environmental environment project be located at Kg. Pengkalan
Policy following the December 2004 tsunami Gelap, Setiu, a coastal estuary in Setiu, about 70km
tragedy. Most of the regeneration efforts are north of Kuala Terengganu.
undertaken by the government on a large scale,
through the Forestry Department, almost The site was selected for two (2) main reasons:
exclusively in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia
where the livelihood of the communities has been • The mangrove ecosystem was in a dilapidated
affected. state. When rehablitated, it would contribute
towards the livelihood of the local
The mangrove ecosystem is recognised as the communities through the supply of fish stock.
second most productive ecosystem in the world. It There would also be opportunities in eco-
provides a vital ecological function by trapping tourism to provide supplementary income for
sediments such as organic matters and the local communities.
transforming them into nutrients that are in turn
used by the different organisms living in the • The Setiu district in Terengganu has been
ecosystem. This supports the continued existence identified as one of the poorest in the State,
of the fisheries stock that is utilised by communities and sustainable development activities here
engaging in aquaculture activities. would benefit the communities.

The mangroves of Terengganu are mostly small and

fragmented and are found in the protected waters
of estuaries and lagoons. Total mangrove area is
about 2,400 ha, amounting 0.4% of the total
mangrove area of Malaysia.

The most extensive mangrove areas are in

Kemaman with total area of 938ha. The district of
Kuala Terengganu has the least amount of
mangroves, due to industrial and other
development projects.

why and how Petra Perdana
participated in the

To rationalise Petra Perdana’s involvement in the CSR initiative, it is

important to understand the role of Health Safety Environment (HSE) in
the company’s operating culture and core strategy

About Petra Perdana

Petra Perdana, which is listed on the Main Board of The success of the Group’s engagements with oil
Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd, spearheads the Petra and gas majors is attributed to the following:
Perdana Group of Companies (“Group”). Under the
stewardship of Tengku Dato’ Ibrahim Petra - Experienced & competent management team
(Executive Chairman & CEO), the Group provides - High standards of quality assurance & quality
offshore marine and integrated brown field services control (See Appendix -2, Quality Policy Statement)
for the upstream oil and gas industry. With - Health Safety & Environment practices which
experience spanning nearly two decades, the is benchmarked against international
Group has successfully undertaken and completed standards
various integrated brown field projects for oil majors - Established track record (since 1988)
like ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Malaysia - Close proximity of the Group’s service facilities
Inc., Talisman Malaysia Limited, Nippon Oil to oil and gas majors (Kemaman-East Coast,
Exploration (Malaysia) Limited, Sarawak & Sabah Peninsula Malaysia, Miri-East Malaysia and
Shell, PETRONAS Carigali and others. Labuan-East Malaysia)
(See Appendix -1, Fact Sheet)
extent to which the
project integrated
into the core strategy of
Petra Perdana
Health Safety Environment (HSE)

The environment project is premised on the core

components of HSE, which forms part of Petra
Perdana’s core business strategy.

HSE is an integral part of the Group’s operating

culture. It is a business process that has been
integrated into all operating levels to ensure the
safety of personnel, equipment and property.

The reason is:

• The Group operates in a high-risk, sometimes

hazardous work environment at onshore and
offshore oil & gas facilities (in Peninsula and
East Malaysia)

• The Group’s operations can impact its

stakeholders i.e. employees, clients, vendors,
local communities and other target groups

As part of its business process, the Group

continuously enhances all HSE practices to ensure
sustainability. Here, the Group’s HSE Policy serves as
a guide for all HSE practices in the following areas:
(See Appendix -3, HSE Policy Statement) • Based on Terms of References of the following
• Identifying and implementing new HSE
methodologies and technologies - Occupational Safety & Health Act, 1994
- Environmental Quality Act, 1974
• Promoting HSE culture amongst employees - Factories & Machinery Act, 1967
and 3rd parties (clients, vendors, local
communities) In essence, HSE is an important core
• Maintaining ‘zero’ incidents, injuries and strategy and business process that
accidents at all its work places. ensures sustainability and long-term
To further emphasise, the Group’s HSE practices are: growth to benefit stakeholders* in
the environment in which the Group
• Benchmarked against international standards,
and exceed regulatory requirements operates.
• Audited by oil majors, prior to award of * (Stakeholders include employees, shareholders, clients,
contracts and during project implementation financial & investment communities, vendors,
government, regulators, principals/partners and local

HSE awards
& accolades
For its role in and commitment to HSE, the Group has been accorded numerous awards dating back 2000.

Year Type of Award Awarded By Description

2007 Plaque PETRONAS MLNG Tiga Recognition of contribution in

achieving 10 million manhours without
‘Lost Time Injury”

2006 Certificate of Appreciation Sarawak Shell / For achieving four million manhours
Sabah Shell Petroleum without ‘Lost Time Incident’ for
Company TMMHuC Project

2006 Certificate of Appreciation Sarawak Shell / For achieving one year Free
Sabah Shell Petroleum ‘Lost Time Incident’

2006 Letter of Appreciation PETRONAS Carigali Early delivery & without compromising
quality standards in fabrication of
select components for the Ledang-
ANOA Dev Project

2006 Certificate of Appreciation PETRONAS LNG & MLNG In recognition of HSE achievement and
Dua contribution for zero ‘Lost Time Injury’
for 2005 / 2006

2006 Congratulatory Plaque Shell Exploration & For achieving One Year without ‘Lost
Production Time Incident’ for the TMMHuC

2005 Certificate of Appreciation PETRONAS Carigali For a successful and early Samarang
start-up without ‘Lost Time Incident’

2005 Congratulatory Plaque Shell Exploration & For achieving 1 Year & 4 million man
Production hours without ‘Lost Time Incident’

2005 Certificate of Appreciation Shell Exploration & Excellent Healthy, Safety & Environment
Production performance & achieving One Million
Exposure Man Hours without ‘Total
Reportable Case’ Incident for TMMHuC

2005 Certificate of Appreciation Shell Exploration & Excellent Health, Safety &
Production Environmental Performance & achieving
Two Million manhours without
‘Recordable Injurious Incident’ for
TMMHuC Project

2005 Contractors Safety ExxonMobil Contractors Safety Recognition “Grand

Recognition "Gold Award" Award” for Safety Excellence

2005 Award PETRONAS Carigali For achieving 2.3 million manhours

without ‘Lost Time Injury’ for the
Yetagun Phase III Project

Year Type of Award Awarded By Description

2004 Grand Award ExxonMobil Contractors Safety Recognition for

Safety Excellence in 2004

2004 Certificate of Appreciation PETRONAS Carigali Plant shutdown at PMO Offshore

Platforms & Onshore Terminal during
Shutdown without ‘Lost Time Incident’

2003 Congratulatory Plaque PETRONAS Penapisan For Achieving 7 Million Safe Manhours
Melaka without ‘Lost Time Injury’

2002 Gold Award PETRONAS Carigali In recognition of Excellent Health,

Safety & Environment achievement

2003 Gold Award ExxonMobil In recognition of Excellent Safety

Performance with zero ‘Lost Time
Injury’ & zero ‘Total Reportable
Incident’ in the Retrofits Project (2002)

2002 Congratulatory Plaque PETRONAS Penapisan For achieving 3 million manhours

Melaka & Malaysian without ‘Lost Time Injury’
Refining Company

2002 Appreciation Plaque PETRONAS Carigali & For successful completion of ANGSI
ExxonMobil Phases I & II Project

2001 Congratulatory Award PETRONAS Penapisan For achieving 2 million safe manhours
Melaka & Malaysian without ‘Lost Time Injury
Refining Company

2001 Letter of Appreciation Sarawak Shell Achieving one year without “Lost Time
Injury” for Bintulu Plant

2001 Letter of Appreciation Sarawak Shell Exceptional Healthy, Safety &

Environment performance & helping
achieve 16 years without ‘Lost Time
Incident’ (Bintulu project)

2001 Certificate ExxonMobil Free ‘Lost Time Injury’ for consolidated

engineering and construction services

2000 Award PETRONAS Penapisan For achieving Zero ‘Lost Time Accident’
Melaka in the PSR-2 Phase 3 Turnaround in
October 2000

2000 Award Malaysia LNG Sdn Bhd In commemoration of 10 Million

manhours worked without
‘Lost Time Injury’

Petra Perdana’s Criteria for Participation • Provide a Safety ‘net’ by absorbing the
onslaughts of the Northeast monsoon, thus
In essence, the Group’s core strategy in HSE was the minimising damage to property and
criteria used for Petra Perdana’s participation in the livelihood
environment project. All of the company’s CSR
initiatives shall display/promote one or more of the • Promote biodiversity, whilst eliminating soil
following criteria: erosion and providing an ecologically stable
and sustainable Environment
• Health
– Promote Health in a sustainable manner Whilst fulfilling Petra Perdana’s HSE Criteria, the
environment project will create a positive impact
• Safety on the wellfare and socio-economic aspects of the
– Promote Safety in a sustainable manner local communities. This includes:

• Environment • Opportunities to help generate

– Preserve the Environment in a supplementary income for the local
sustainable manner communities through a series of ‘pro-business’
(Note: Environment is universal. It may be represented in its
ecological or business perspectives) • Helping the womenfolk of the environment
project play a more proactive role through the
The environment project fulfils Petra’s HSE Criteria. introduction of a ‘Women Empowerment’
It will enhance the mangrove ecosystem in that it programme.

• Serve as natural trapping and purification

zone for water-borne pollution, thus removing
Health hazards


Project Partners & Support Organisations

The initiators and promoters of the environment

project are Petra Perdana and UNDP. The PETRA-
UNDP collaboration was conceived in an effort to
establish strong cooperation with the Terengganu
State Government and Setiu District Office in Site Assessment & Mangrove Species
expediting the bureaucratic processes involved
and facilitating ground level activities of the
After a thorough assessment of suitable sites for
environment project.
the environment project in Setiu, Terengganu by all
stakeholders involved i.e. UNDP, Petra Perdana,
UNDP is the United Nations' global development
Terengganu State Government, Setiu District Office,
network, advocating for change and connecting
representatives of the local communities and UMT,
countries to knowledge, experience and resources
an eight (8) hectre site in Kg Pengkalan Gelap, Setiu
to build a better life. UNDP has a presence and
in Terengganu was selected.
track-record in supporting national development
efforts in more than 160 countries. Its current
The environment project
priority is to help all countries achieve the
will entail the planting of
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.
the mangrove species
UNDP Malaysia is able to conceive a community
Rhizophora apiculata,
development project based on its knowledge and
commonly known as Bakau
expertise to build capacity in sustainable
Minyak and will involve
about 150 families from
three main villages: Kg. Fikri,
Today, the PETRA-UNDP collaboration enjoys the
Kg. Saujana and Kg. Gong
support of its other partners, namely the
Terengganu State Government and Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu (UMT, formerly known as Kolej
Universiti Sains & Teknologi Malaysia).
The Beneficiaries – Local Community
UMT, which was invited to provide consultancy and
About 150 families from three (3) main villages Kg.
technical support, is currently involved at the
Fikri, Kg. Saujana and Kg. Gong Batu are involved in
advisory capacity for all stages of project
the project and are expected to benefit from the
long-term development of the environment
Environment Project Funding
As the project is very much interactive and
community-driven, all dialogue and consultations
The environment project enjoys financial support
involved the representatives or Jawatankuasa Kecil
from various organisations. Apart from the initial
(JKK) of the three (3) main villages and the Setiu
funds (seed money) of RM200,000 from Petra
District Office.
Perdana, the UNDP also contributed USD25,000. As
the project progressed, the Terengganu State
Government had approved funds of RM500,000 for
12 infrastructure development at the site.
environment project:
the proponents

The environment project includes the sustainable use and

production of the mangrove ecosystem resources; preliminary
assessment; implementation of awareness and education
programmes; mangrove forest restoration and the
development of a management plan. As the environment
project progressed, there were also opportunities for ‘pro-
business’ initiatives to be explored.

Awareness and Education Programme Sustainable Utilisation and Production

The awareness and education programme was In addition to the restoration of the mangrove
drawn up to instill knowledge and enhance ecosystem, the environment project included
understanding of the mangrove ecosystem at all sustainable use and production of mangrove
levels of local government and local communities. ecosystem resources. The aim is to diversify income
This will in turn empower and enable the local sources and improve the financial security of local
government and local communities to contribute communities. In addition to the existing economic
towards the management of this ecosystem. activity of fishing, other economic activities can be
The programme will highlight the benefits and explored and developed, including eco-tourism
values of mangrove ecosystems, the services they and small cottage industries.
provide and the benefits of a sustainable approach
to development through seminars, workshop, field
visits, youth camps and the media. Development of a Management Plan

The environment project will indirectly seek to

Mangrove Forest Restoration (Replanting) provide the local communities, the Terengganu
State Government and the Setiu district office an
A programme was developed for mangrove avenue to dialogue and to participate in the
restoration based on the conditions of the management planning process of the mangrove
mangrove forests as identified in the preliminary ecosystem. Through this intervention, the local
study. The communities in the area will be included communities will be able to communicate with the
to restore the ecosystem and to monitor progress. local planning authorities, which will in turn
contribute to a sustainable management of the
mangrove ecosystem in the future.

undertaken • National Awareness

At the national level, the environment project

has been gaining the support and recognition
of the Economic Planning Unit, Securities
Commission (SC) and Institut Integriti Malaysia
(IIM). A presentation on the Petra-UNDP
environment project was made during a
seminar, “SC-UNDP Best Practices on CSR”, in
July 2006. The IIM also highlighted the
environment project in its recent publication,
“Corporate Social Responsibility – Our First
Look,” on 29 May 2007.

• Workshops and Training Sessions

A series of workshops and training sessions

were conducted involving more than 80
Launch of the Environment Project members of the local communities and the
JKK. The workshops were designed to create
The environment project was officially launched by better understanding on the importance and
YAB Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh, Menteri Besar of long-term benefits of sustainable
Terengganu on 9 April 2006. Following the launch, a development practices in the mangrove
tour of the mini exhibition was conducted. The mini ecosystem as well as building capacity to
exhibition displayed various mangrove produce implement nursery, replanting and
from ecosystem and handicraft items. The Menteri monitoring the integrity of ecosystem in the
Besar ‘planted’ the first mangrove sapling to signify area. The workshops also taught participants
the launch. on the techniques of planting mangrove

Awareness and Education Programme The representatives of the local communities

were also brought on study visits to Penang to
Apart from workshops and on-going dialogues, obtain a better understanding of the
presentations were also made to various mangrove regeneration activities undertaken
organisations to create greater awareness of the by the Penang Inshore Fishermen Welfare
environment project. Association.

• On-going Dialogue Sessions

On-going dialogue sessions between all the

stakeholders (UNDP, Petra Perdana,
Terengganu State Government, UMT and local
communities) were held to address issues as
well as streamline the direction on the ‘way
forward’. The dialogue sessions will be an on-
going initiative.

Mangrove Forest Restoration (Replanting)

Under mangrove forest restoration, nursery setup

and replanting exercises were undertaken. The mangrove saplings will also be sold to
other similar projects in the neighbouring
• Nursery Set-up states. The Terengganu Forest Department has
agreed to purchase saplings from the local
To ensure a constant supply of healthy communities for its replanting exercise
saplings for the on-going mangrove throughout the state.
replanting exercises, a nursery for the
mangrove saplings was set-up at the site.
Supervised by UMT, plans are also underway
to increase the capacity of the nursery, whilst
maintaining its financial feasibility.

• Boardwalk

The boardwalk, which was initially constructed

over the mangrove project site, will undergo
continuous expansion throughout the project
site. The main purpose of the boardwalk is to
enable tourist, visitors, school children and
other stakeholders to observe and appreciate
the mangrove ecosystem at ‘close range’. It
• Replanting Exercises also serves as a tool to promote eco-tourism
Since the launch, four (4) replanting activities
involving the local communities, Petra
Perdana staff, UNDP, State Government and
Setiu District Office were held. Approximately
5,000 mangrove saplings have been planted

‘Pro-business’ Activities

As part of Petra Perdana and UNDP’s efforts to

generate supplementary income for the local
communities, the following initiative have been
undertaken. They include:

• Information/Education Kiosk

The recently constructed information/

education kiosk will help create greater
awareness and promote eco-tourism at the
project site. The construction of the kiosk is
part of the infrastructure development by the
State Government.

Awareness Campaign at Schools

An awareness campaign involving school children As an incentive to promote environment

was conducted at the project site. The aim was to conversation and formation of Environmental
create greater awareness amongst school children, Clubs or Kelab Alam Sekitar, Petra Perdana
who would be the ultimate beneficiaries of the contributed RM3,000 to each school. This will
current sustainable development practices. encourage students to undertake various
environment related activities, such as drawing and
About 50 school children and teachers from art competitions, study tours, participate in
Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Fikri and Sekolah replanting activities, etc at the site.
Kebangsaan Kuala Setiu including Petra Perdana
staff, UNDP, JKK, Setiu District office participated in
the replanting exercise.

next phase of
Continued Mangrove Forest Restoration
More mangrove forest restoration activities will be
undertaken over the next couple of months. The
target is to re-plant approximately 10,000
mangrove saplings over the next 8 months at the 8
hectre project site.

Gazettement of Project Site

At the present moment, discussions are underway carry out the recommendations under the
with the Terengganu State Government to gazette business plan for the sustainable livelihood
the project site as a ‘protected area’ to ensure the activities, that is being developed, under the
livelihood and long-term success of the stewardship of the Setiu District Office. Some
environment project. The State Government has of the areas of focus would include: sale of
given its assurance. consumable fishery, products from the
mangrove ecosystem, sale of non-
consumable fishery by-products (e.g.
Management Plan handicrafts), sale of mangrove saplings from
the nursery, sale of educational and eco-
The stakeholders are also closely working with the tourism products and services.
State Forestry Department on the development of
a management plan for the mangrove ecosystem • Women Empowerment Programme
in the area. This will enable the local communities
and the government agencies to continuously Clearly evident, from the on-going initiatives, is
monitor and sustain the ecosystem, which will help the passion and commitment by the
to protect the productivity of the local’s fishing womenfolk towards the environment project.
farm as well as generate sustainable livelihood for More than 75% of the family members of the
the people. local community involved in the awareness and
education workshops, nursery and replanting
exercises were women.
‘Pro-business’ Activities
This is encouraging and a positive way
The next steps of ‘pro-business’ activities will cover forward towards gender equality. Both Petra
detailed and strategic approaches in eco-tourism Perdana and UNDP are of the view that this
opportunities, the set up of the cooperative shall form the basis to introduce a ‘Women
business plan and women empowerment Empowerment’ progamme. The programme
programme. will be skewed towards economic activities of
the environment project.
• Eco-tourism Opportunities
Under the ‘Women Empowerment’
The stakeholders are also in discussion with programme, womenfolk who display strong
major tour operators to bring foreign tourists commitment and desire in the environment
to the environment project site to promote project, and those representing the three
and contribute towards economic activites. villages shall be selected and provided with
The visit (by tourists) will also enable them to sufficient skills and management training. The
participate in the replanting exercises. This objective is to enable them to operate and
initiative would be undertaken by the Co- manage a Co-operative, to be set-up.
operative, to be set-up.
The Co-operative will manage the mangrove
• Co-operative and Business Plan nursery, market fishery produce, create
handicraft items and promote eco-tourism
The Terengganu State Government has activities.
agreed to the proposal for the set-up a local
Co-operative to continue the project It is envisaged that the State Government use
initiatives after the role of the project initiation the ‘model’ Co-operative and emulate its
and promoters ceases. The Co-operative will functions in other parts of the state.
how the company tackled
some of the challenges and
difficulties in implementing
the environment project
Some of the challenges faced during the Recognising its value and impact on the
preliminary and implementation stages of the environment and local community, the State
environment project included: Government endorsed the environment
project. The State Government pledged
RM30,000, and later increased its allocation for
At the Initial Phase infrastructure development for the
environment project. The Terengganu State
• Identifying a Suitable Site Government is now progressing to gazette the
Tests had to be conducted to ensure the right
soil composition that suited the Bakau Minyak • Local Community ‘Buy-in’
mangrove species. After consultations with
the representatives of the local communities, Getting the local community buy-in was
a suitable site was identified at Pengkalan critical to the success of the project. As this
Gelap, Setiu, Terengganu. was the ‘first’ mangrove regeneration project
in the state and the ‘first’ community-based
• Terengganu State Government ‘Buy-in’ environment project in the east coast of
peninsular Malaysia, there were no yardsticks
To secure the ‘buy-in’ from the Terengganu or benchmarks.
State Government, a series of discussions
including presentations (on benefits of the Following a series of awareness and education
environment conservation project, identifying programmes, the local communities and
districts for project implementation, funding representatives were not only convinced of
requirements, and so forth) were made to the the project but were also determined to
Steering Committee, which was specifically ensure its success. Today, the project is very
formed to review the environment project. much community-driven.

The Steering Committee, headed by the

Director of State Economic Planning Unit, At the Implementation Phase
comprised various state government
departments, government agencies, Petra • Destruction of Existing Mangrove
Perdana and UNDP. Currently, it is proposed Vegetation
that the Director of the newly set-up
Terengganu Riverine Coastal Authority, lead Due to the demand for Bakau Minyak in the
this committee. building sector, mature trees were often cut-
down by unsuspecting intruders, thus resulting
in the destruction of the mangrove vegetation
at certain sites within the project area.

With on-going awareness and education Although there is very little study on this
workshops, highlighting sustainability issues threat, every effort is being taken by Petra
and its long-term values, this destruction Perdana and UNDP and its co-partners of the
eventually diminished and finally ceased. environment project to ensure that
development does not harm the mangrove
• Destruction of Saplings by Animals ecosystem of the environment project. The
Terengganu State Government recognises this
During the implementation stage (after re- threat and is mindful of the development
planting activities) a vast number of saplings activities at the project site. Development
were devoured by animals. Since the project activities if at all, shall be implemented in a
site is easily accessible by road, animals are controlled manner and in strict compliance to
often found wondering into the vicinity of the safeguard the mangrove ecosystem.
project site.
• North-East Monsoon
This issue was highlighted during the series of
dialogues sessions and was resolved with the The periods between November and February
erection of fences at certain parts of the are most sensitive to the environment project
project site that was easily accessible. as the onslaughts of the North East Monsoon
could lead to destruction of the mangrove
ecosystem. This will be a constant threat until
Constant Threats such time the saplings are about four years
old when they will then be able to withstand
• Residential & Industrial Development the onslaughts of the drastic weather
Development activities pose a constant threat
to the mangrove ecosystem. Although the As such, efforts are underway to ensure that
mangrove ecosystem is intricately designed to there is sufficient stock of saplings for
withstand the onslaughts of pollution, mangrove re-planting activities and the re-
excessive effluents from soil erosion could planted saplings are thoroughly reinforced to
destroy its bio-diversity and cause the ecology withstand the adverse weather conditions.
of the ecosystem to be disrupted or

how the project evolved
and what were the
motivations behind it

Positive Mindsets In fact, the local communities consider the

environment project as a means of restoring the
Critical to the success of the environment project environment they depend on for their livelihoods,
was the participation of the local communities. It so that they could continue to use mangrove forest
was encouraging to note that the local communities products whilst benefiting from the ecological
took a very keen interest in the project, from the function of the mangrove forest. As such, most of
initial stages. This positive mindset is a strong the activities focus on how to increase the
motivating factor that would result in the overall sustainable livelihood activities of the local
success of the environment project. It also sets the community.
foundation for Petra Perdana and UNDP to introduce
new programmes (‘Pro-business’ activities). One of the elements in this environment project
that evolved from the initial idea was the gender
The participation by the representatives of the dimension. Given Petra Perdana’s belief in gender
three (3) villages at all dialogues and discussions on equality and UNDP’s efforts to promote gender
site selection, challenges faced, etc. and the equality and woman empowerment, the ‘Women
participation of the 150 families in the three (3) re- Empowerment’ programme was introduced under
planting exercises held to-date, were encouraging. the ‘next phase of implementation activities’.

Given the positive development, the Menteri Besar

of Terengganu has requested the project site be
declared a protected area and gazetted. The
process is underway.

The State Government is also using the

environment project as a potential tourist
attraction where all activities are implemented with
the involvement of the local community. This
initiative fits well with the poverty reduction policy
pursued by the Terengganu State Government.

what were the
The local communities will benefit as the project the mangrove ecosystem. This will enable the State
will enable them to participate actively in the Government to better manage these resources
conservation and management of the mangrove through greater participation from the local
ecosystem, which is an integral part of their communities.
In addition, the results from the restoration and
The benefits to the local communities include the community development outcomes can be
enchancement of their livelihood activities through considered a “best practice” that can be
fishing, mangrove product extraction and eco- incorporated into the State’s planning processes,
tourism. and be used as a tool for managing the mangrove
forests in Terengganu.
On eco-tourism, the local communities will work
with tour operators to create specialised tours on A major policy impact for the Terengganu State
mangrove regeneration and preservation. Government is that such projects can be used as a
poverty reduction strategy.
The Terengganu State Government will benefit
through the increased awareness of the local There was also a proposal by the Terengganu State
communities on the need to sustainably manage Government to set-up a ‘living laboratory’ by UMT
to undertake research & development activities at
the site.

Best Practices

National Level

Upon completion of all the outputs for the project, the local community will then be able to work
with the forestry department with the support of the Terengganu Riverine and Coastal Agency or
TREVICOSTA to provide best practices in mangrove ecosystem management for other similar
communities in Malaysia. This includes receiving visitors from other local communities as well as
developing a publication on the project.

International Level

The project was also used as best practices by UNDP’s Asia Pacific Regional office to promote
poverty reduction within environmental conservation initiatives. The project was featured in the
‘Compendium of Good Practices’ on achieving the Millennium Development goals and reducing
Human Poverty publication – Nov 2006. This compendium, which is used as a benchmark for
development projects, is widely distributed in countries within the Asia Pacific region.

See Appendix 5 – Compendium of Good Practices - UNDP

why Petra Perdana’s environment
project is different from others

The environment project involves targeted groups/stakeholders for
more tangible benefits

It provides a multi-dimensional perspective on development –
combining environment conservation and socio-economic

It creates sustainable long term benefits rather than a ‘one-off’
benefit or outcome

It will empower womenfolk of the local communities to undertake

socio-economic activities

what some
stakeholders say
“We congratulate Petra Perdana on its maiden CSR initiative. It is heartening to know that more local
corporations are realising the importance and benefits of corporate social responsibility and playing a
positive role in contributing to society.

Petra’s choice of project in conserving the mangrove ecosystem was aptly selected. What sets apart this
project from the rest is the involvement of womenfolk from the local community. We believe the success
of this Mangrove Regeneration Community-led Environment Project will spur more community-led
programmes to be implemented in the near future.”

Nik Affendi Jaafar

Senior Manager, Public Relations Dept, Employees Provident Fund

“It is always delightful to read about environment friendly projects with renewable themes. Delight turns
to pride when we become part of the project. As a stakeholder in the company, it is most encouraging to
know that in addition to the bottom line, communal priorities are as equally important.

The Petra Perdana – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Mangrove Regeneration
Community-led Environment Project is one such project. A lasting legacy for future generations.”

Steven Chou
Chief investment Officer, Commerce Life Assurance Bhd

“The PETRA-UNDP Mangrove Regeneration Community-led Environment Project is an excellent initiative to

improve the quality of life in the state of Terengganu. It provides manifold socio-economic opportunities
to develop skills and capacity, involve the local stakeholders in this state, and at the same time, conserve
the environment.

I am sure that the partnership between Petra Perdana and UNDP will benefit the local community in many

Irene M. Dorner
Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

“Petra Perdana’s Mangrove Regeneration Community-led Environment Project at Pengkalan Gelap is

progressing well, thanks to all the on-going support by all the parties and authorities concerned. The
project, through the support by Petra, UNDP, UMT and State Government, would serve to create and
provide economic opportunities for the communities, whilst promoting environment awareness.

To increase further visibility and showcase the successes of the project, the communities could also
organise roadshows in an effort to promote similar initiatives in other parts of the state and country.
Syabas to Everyone!"

Ahmad Faidhirhisham bin Abu Hashim

Manager, Petra Resources Sdn Bhd, Kemaman, Terengganu


In conclusion, the environment project Through participatory discussions, capacity

demonstrates how an environmental conservation building initiatives and direct involvement through
project coupled by socio-economic development the restoration activities, the local communities will
activities can contribute significantly towards be empowered to speak and influence the way the
poverty reduction. It should be noted that mangrove ecosystem is being managed. This will in
although the mangrove regeneration project is an turn provide the local community with a greater
environmental conservation project, the issue of sense of ownership through the active
poverty reduction had become a priority in the participation in the decision-making process as
project’s agenda. well as the activities that will be carried out on the
The entire work plan for the project was devised
with the participation of the local people and the In a nutshell, the PETRA-UNDP partnership has
outcome of the project is focused on what the provided a ‘solution’ to the Terengganu State
people would like to achieve in the long run. A Government to sustainably manage the mangrove
committee comprising of the local communities, ecosystem in the Setiu District, which could lead to
the Foresty Department and TREVICOSTA will be a major Policy impact on poverty reduction. This
entrusted to manage the project on both the has led to both the state and federal governments
conservation economic aspects. providing additional funding, especially for
infrastructure development at the project site.


fact sheet
Petra Perdana Group
of Companies
INTRODUCTION In 1995, Petra Perdana Bhd was incorporated as
part of a strategy to strengthen the Group’s
PETRA PERDANA BERHAD (“Petra Perdana”), which domestic and regional presence. In 2000, the
is listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia company acquired the equity stake of PRSB and
Securities Bhd (“Securities Exchange”), provides PFSB, and was listed on the 2nd Board of the
offshore marine services for the upstream oil & gas Securities Exchange. The company’s listing was
(O&G) industry. It spearheads the Petra Perdana transferred to the Main Board in January 2003.
Group of Companies (“Group”).
In 2004, and in line with the continuing growth and
PETRA ENERGY BERHAD (“Petra Energy”), which is expansion of the upstream oil and gas industry,
part of the Group and which was recently listed on Petra Perdana expanded its business profile to
the Main Board of the Securities Exchange, include offshore marine services.
provides integrated brown field services for the
upstream oil and gas industry. Petra Perdana owns In 2005, Petra Energy Bhd was incorporated and
64.62% equity in Petra Energy. subsequently assumed equity control of PRSB and
PFSB. The company was listed on the Main Board of
the Securities Exchange in July 2007.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The synergy of the Group’s business activities in
offshore marine, brown field capabilities and
Petra Resources Sdn Bhd (“PRSB”) was formed in fabrication work augurs well for the long term
1988 to provide a host of services for the upstream growth prospects and has positioned Petra
oil and gas industry. In the same year, PRSB became Perdana as one of the leading integrated service
a licensed vendor to PETRONAS. providers for the upstream oil and gas industry in
the country. This synergy would enable oil majors
Over the years, PRSB systematically developed its to benefit in terms of quicker turnaround,
resource capabilities in the brown field sector of improved efficiency and competitive pricing.
the industry, and successfully secured significant
contracts from ExxonMobil, Talisman Malaysia, Expansion into the upstream O&G industry will
Nippon Oil Malaysia, Sarawak Shell, Sabah Shell and undoubtedly be the mainstay of the Group’s
PETRONAS Carigali. activities, thus enabling the Group to realise its
aspirations as a preferred ‘One-stop’ Integrated
To support PRSB’s brown field work, Petra Service Provider for the upstream O&G industry.
Fabricators Sdn Bhd (“PFSB”) was incorporated in
April 1997. Petra Fabricators is primarily involved in
equipment packaging & fabrication work.

Petra Perdana Berhad Petra Energy Berhad

Offshore Marine Services Integrated Brown Field


Petra Perdana currently owns and operates 23 Petra Energy provides integrated brown field
marine vessels comprising anchor handling towing services in the following disciplines:
supply (AHTS) vessels, accommodation & work
barges, workboats, platform supply vessels and fast • Top-side Major Maintenance Hook-up
crew boats. The vessels are deployed in local, Commissioning & Construction
regional and international waters.
• Engineering, Maintenance & Manufacturing
Under the company’s Fleet Expansion & Renewal
programme, the company will continue to acquire • Equipment Packaging
and dispose vessels to meet its internal and market
requirements. The company also announced the • Fabrication of Process Equipment
acquisition of seventeen (17) new vessels, which
will be delivered over the next one to three years. • Oil Field Optimisation



Listing Transfer Main Board, Bursa Malaysia Listing Main Board,

(January 2003) Bursa Malaysia (July 2007)

Authorised Capital RM500 million Authorised Capital RM500 million

Issued & Paid-up RM148.8million Issued & Paid-up RM97.5million

Capital Capital

Incorporated Private Ltd. Co. Incorporated Private Ltd. Co.

(December 1995) (16 December 2005 as
Portfolio Hitech Sdn Bhd and
Converted Public Ltd. Co. (July 1997) changed its name to Petra
Energy Sdn Bhd on 1 June
Previous Listing 2nd Board, Bursa Malaysia 2006)
(August 2000)
Converted Public Ltd. Co. (24 July 2006)




It is the PETRA Perdana Group of Companies’ (“PETRA”) policy on Quality to maintain an
optimum quality system, planned and developed in relation to the management functions, to
ensure that facilities are available to sustain the quality of our products and services. In this
context, the Executive Management’s program for continuous improvement will enable
PETRA to regularly review its performance based on the policy objectives.

Our commitment to Quality is reflected in our objectives to:

• Supply quality parts, components and equipment at internationally competitive prices

• Provide all phases of mechanical engineering work meeting clients’ specifications
• Perform defect-free work at all times
• Understand the full specifications and intended requirements of our clients
• Comply with or exceed the requirements of our clients, if necessary

with particular emphasis on Quality Assurance Standard ISO 9001 Certifications.

PETRA is in the business of manufacturing parts and components for mechanical and
rotating equipment, maintenance, fabrication, construction, design engineering, installation,
testing and commissioning services for the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and related industries.
The nature of our business requires strong emphasis on expertise, capability, reliability,
safety and quality.

Thus, PETRA is committed to providing services that add value and contribute towards the
success of our clients and business performance.

As part of our commitment, the management shall ensure that the policy on Quality is
understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of business operations within PETRA.


The Petra Perdana Group of Companies is involved in the oil & gas industry, and spearheaded by Petra Perdana Berhad




It is the PETRA Perdana Group of Companies’ (“PETRA”) Health, Safety and Environment
(HSE) policy to perform work in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees,
contractors and the general public, preserves the quality of the environment, and prevents
damage to property. It is also the policy of Petra Resources Sdn Bhd to comply with the
applicable laws, regulations, industry codes, practices, and PETRA’s policy on HSE.

PETRA has established the following criteria in achieving the policy objectives:

• HSE is prioritised in all of PETRA’s business operations

• The health and safety of PETRA employees, its customers, the public including
environmental conservation issues are critical factors that are taken into consideration in
the planning and execution of all work activities undertaken by PETRA.

• Proactive implementation in identifying, eliminating or minimizing incident and

environmental exposures taking into account technical, practical, social, economic, and
public-policy considerations.

• Accomplishing efficient work processes by ensuring employees are medically fit and
competent through health and medical screening programs; providing adequate
supervision and awareness; training and skill development programs.

• Keeping abreast of developing technologies and processes as well as the statutory and
mandatory requirements on HSE in preventing untoward incidents and upholding the
preservation of the environment.

• HSE is a line management responsibility where all levels of management are


• Stewardship of HSE performance and Key Performance Indicators must ensure above
the line compliance.

• Conducting independent audits for verification HSE status and the level of compliance.

• Provide recognition of HSE achievement by employees.


The Petra Perdana Group of Companies is involved in the oil & gas industry, and spearheaded by Petra Perdana Berhad
APPENDIX 4 New Sunday Times – April 11, 2006

clippings &
Berita Harian – April 12, 2006 (Edisi Timur)

Hutan paya laut bakal

destinasi pelancongan
PERMAISURI: Kerajaan negeri memperuntukkan RM30,000 untuk membina kemudahan fizikal menjadikan hutan
paya laut di Kampung Pengkalan Gelap, dekat sini sebagai kawasan terpulihara untuk rekreasi, pendidikan dan

Malah kerajaan negeri turut mendapat sokongan daripada syarikat pembekal perkhidmatan minyak dan gas bersepadu,
Petra Perdana Bhd (Petra) yang memperuntukkan RM150,000 untuk tujuan itu.

Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, berharap penajaan Petra itu akan menjadi pemangkin kepada sokongan daripada
syarikat korporat dan badan bukan kerajaan.

Beliau berkata, matlamat program tidak akan tercapai dalam masa satu atau dua tahun kerana ia memerlukan usaha
berterusan dalam mendidik masyarakat sekitar serta menjalankan aktiviti penanaman semula spesies paya laut

Katanya, program pemuliharaan hutan paya laut di Setiu khususnya di Kampung Pengkalan Gelap turut mendapat
kerjasama Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia (Kustem) serta Program Pembangunan Pertubuhan Bangsa-
Bangsa Bersatu (UNDP).

"Larangan menjalankan aktiviti di kawasan pemuliharaan hutan paya laut akan dilakukan secara berperingkat bagi
memberi kesedaran kepada penduduk tempatan yang mungkin berasakan aktiviti harian mereka terganggu," katanya
selepas melancarkan projek pemuliharaan paya laut di Kampung Pengkalan Gelap, dekat sini, kelmarin.

Hadir sama Pengerusi dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petra, Tengku Datuk Ibrahim Petra; Rektor Kustem, Profesor Datuk
Dr Sulaiman Mohd Yassin dan Wakil Tetap UNDP di Malaysia, Dr Richard Leete.

Idris berkata program pemuliharaan alam sekitar berkait rapat dengan agenda pembangunan negeri dan ia adalah
sebahagian daripada komponen pengurusan sumber lestari.

Beliau berkata kecantikan alam sekitar juga adalah komponen penting dalam industri pelancongan Terengganu
berteraskan alam semula jadi, tradisi dan warisan.

Katanya, saiz hutan paya laut di Terengganu adalah kecil berbanding di Pantai Barat iaitu hanya berkeluasan 2,000

Manakala di Setiu, katanya keluasan hutan paya laut yang masih belum terusik adalah kira-kira 400 hektar dan tertumpu
di sekitar Pulai Che Him, Pulau Besar, Pulau Che Hamid, Pulau Wan Embong, Kampung Penarik, Kampung Pengkalan
Gelap, Kampung Telaga Pandan dan sekitar Lagun Gong Batu.

"Kepentingan hutan paya bakau dapat dilihat daripada terma baru yang digunakan kini iaitu paya laut kerana kehadiran
spesies pokok seperti bakau, api-api, nipah, buta-buta, gelam dan tengar.

"Ia juga menggambarkan hubung kait yang penting antara hutan paya ini sebagai sebahagian ekosistem marin yang

"Malah sistem hutan paya laut menjadi penyumbang kepada ekonomi masyarakat tempatan melalui aktiviti penangkapan
kerang dan lokan," katanya.

Bagaimanapun, Idris berkata, kawasan paya laut kini semakin susut akibat pembangunan berleluasa dan pembukaan
penempatan baru selain penebangan pokok bakau dan aktiviti ekonomi.

• Projek pemuliharan paya laut membabitkan penanaman spesies bakau `Rhizophora apiculata' atau lebih dikenali
sebagai bakau minyak.
• Keluasan projek - antara dua hingga tiga hektar di Pengkalan Gelap.
• Kampung terbabit - kampung Fikri, Saujana dan Gong Batu
• Fungsi hutan paya laut - turas semulajadi untuk pengaliran sedimen dan nurtien kepada hidupan marin.
Berita Terengganu Online – 12 April, 2006

Setiu Perintis Program

Pulihara Paya Laut
Oleh: Aida Abd Rahman

Menurut Dato’ Seri Idris lagi, kawasan paya laut yang gagal
dipulihara disebabkan pembangunan berleluasa dan
pembukaan tempat baru boleh mengakibatkan kesusutan dan
kemusnahan hidupan semula jadi.

Katanya, kita mungkin kehilangan kawasan pembiakaan ikan,

ketam nipah, lokan dan kerang serta kehilangan pokok nipah
yang boleh menghasilkan pelbagai produk seperti rokok
daun, gula manisan, atap nipah, bubu dan arang kayu.

Beliau berkata, sambutan penduduk dengan usaha murni ini

amat positif dan Kerajaan Negeri bekerjasama dengan
Kustem bagi merangka pelan tindakan sepatutnya bagi
mengelakkan penentangan penduduk apabila kawasan hutan
paya laut diwartakan daripada sebarang kegiatan dan sumber
Menteri Besar, Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh menanam anak pokok bakau minyak gimik pendapatan mereka.
pemuliharaan paya laut di Setiu.

“Terima kasih dengan usaha bersepadu semua pihak,

terutama Petra Perdana, UNDP dan Kustem, selain berharap
Setiu menjadi daerah perintis Program Kemasyarakatan penduduk kampung terus memberi sokongan bagi
Pemuliharaan Hutan Paya Laut bagi mengekalkan alam memperoleh manfaat atau pulangan jangka masa panjang
semula jadi untuk tujuan rekreasi, pendidikan dan daripada pengekalan hutan paya ini,” katanya.
pelancongan di negara ini.
Syarikat pembekal minyak dan gas bersepadu, Petra Perdana
dan United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Unit Komunikasi Negeri
menyediakan peruntukan RM150,000 bagi tujuan tersebut.

Sebagai penghargaan terhadap usaha usaha murni Petra

Perdana yang bekerjasama dengan UNDP dan Kolej Sains
dan Teknologi Malaysia (Kustem), memulihara kawasan itu,
Kerajaan Negeri memperuntukkan RM30,000 bagi
pembinaan fizikal dalam usaha menjadikan kawasan hutan
paya laut di Kampung Pengkalan Gelap, Setiu sebagai
kawasan yang terpelihara untuk tujuan rekreasi, pendidikan
dan pelancongan.

Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh, berkata program

pemuliharaan alam sekitar berkait rapat dengan agenda
pembangunan negeri dan memerlukan komitmen semua
pihak bagi menjayakannya. Penyampaian replika cek bernilai RM150,000 kepada UNDP oleh PETRA
Perdana Berhad

“Banyak program melibatkan alam sekitar yang tidak mampu

dilakukan Kerajaan Negeri jika tidak disertai sokongan pihak
swasta seperti Petra Perdana dan UNDP sebagaimana hari
ini,” katanya dalam sidang akhbar selepas Majlis Penyerahan
Cek dan Pelancaran Projek Pemuliharaan Paya Laut, di
Kampung Pengkalan Gelap, Setiu, semalam (9 April).
Khazanah bernilai yang ada di dalam kawaan paya
laut yang perlu dipuliharakan.
The Star – April 13, 2006

New Straits Times – April 22, 2007

Resource Magazine Volume 14.1 – 2006
The Edge Malaysia – June 5, 2006
The Edge Malaysia – September 18, 2006
Berita Harian – April 28, 2007
New Straits Times – May 26, 2007

It isn’t just a swamp thing
Along the way, the state government lent its support. It was not easy persuading them to accept the idea
but a surprising turnaround ensued after an
However, it was the locals who took the project to understanding had been forged.
heart by displaying keen interest and mobilising the
project with their highspirited commitment. UNDP’s resident representative for Malaysia,
Singapore and Brunei, Dr Richard Leete, lauded the
This year, turning up in droves to plant another batch locals’ passion and dedication.
of saplings, they showed their spirit had not waned
even the slightest. "The idea was to build partnership among the private
sector, state government and community.
Returning the sun’s beaming rays with a toothy grin,
The nursery where bakau minyak and bakau kurap saplings Che Minah chatted excitedly about the villagers’ Eventually, ownership and commitment from the
are nurtured is located in front of the mangrove swamp. fruits of labour dotting the vast expanse of swamp locals were born out of this partnership.
laid before her.
Never mind the mud-streaked face, aching back "This spells the recipe for success. Imagine, if we had
and a good two hours of baking under the "We started planting at 8am during low tide. It isn’t brought in contractors to do the project, it would have
scorching sun. Some east coast villagers have as hard as it seems. Actually, it’s a whole lot of fun. been a one-off job, with no progressive
never been happier trudging in mud to show Working with friends takes the chore out of the task. development," he said.
theirplant some faith in the future of mangroves.
Indeed, much has been achieved in the past year.
NANNY Che Minah Ambak normally cares for
schoolchildren but once a year, she goes to a different From having to import mangrove saplings from
kind of nursery where she wades through knee-high Kelantan to watching them being eaten up by
mud and dirties herself silly. wandering goats, the locals have initiated efforts to
collect saplings from local trees and build fencing
The last time she did this was on one fine Saturday around the site.
morning last month on the coast of Pengkalan Gelap,
Setiu, Terengganu. Next on the list are plans to sell saplings to the
Forestry Department, expand the project site to 12ha,
Together with some 50 villagers, she engaged in the gazette the area, set up an information centre nearby
backbreaking task of planting mangrove saplings on and a co-operative to manage the mangrove site.
an eight-hectare plot of swamp. Hundreds of bakau
minyak and bakau kurap saplings, transferred from Villagers in Setiu, Terengganu, not only engage in the This is not just any environment project where the
the mangrove nursery, were planted in holes dug a replanting of mangroves but will continue to monitor and locals are roped in to help, said Tengku Ibrahim Petra,
manage the project site. Petra executive chairman and chief executive officer.
metre apart in the swamp.

Through word of mouth, 51-year-old Che Minah had "It’s a project which ensures the long-term livelihood
grasped more than a hint of understanding on how "I’m glad to be involved in this meaningful project," of the community by incorporating sustainable
mangroves contribute to the livelihood of the local she said. development practices.
community, most of whom are fishermen.
Judging by the locals’ enthusiasm and technical "From day one, we have tried to engage the locals
She knew she and the others have been entrusted with know-how, it is hard to imagine that just a little more beyond a short-term partnership.
an important role. than a year ago, this same group was the biggest
The fishermen’s yield from the sea depends
considerably on the mangroves, which are breeding Calling the task absurd, futile and a total waste of
grounds for juvenile fishes, prawns and crabs, she time, the villagers laughed off UNDP’s proposal to
said. regenerate the mangroves nearby.

Another local, handyman Ahmad Abu Bakar, 49, "Mangroves of all plants! I’d never heard of people
added that mangroves prevent erosion of the planting mangroves," Ahmad recalled his first
shoreline and minimise the onslaught of tsunamis. reaction to the idea.
Tengku Ibrahim Petra is
Since last year, the villagers at Kampung Saujana, "Many of my neighbours and friends were equally happy with the villagers’
Kampung Fikri and Kampung Gong Batu in Setiu baffled why mangroves needed replanting." commitment to the project.

had been roped in to participate in a mangrove

regeneration community-led environment project. Weaving through this confusion and trying to
convince the locals to undertake the project were the "It’s important for them to take charge of the
UNDP and UMT. programme. I’m happy they have shown so much
Where fish and prawn farms used to sit on this stretch
of depleted mangrove forest, the area today bears
signs of a rebirth. The project’s technical adviser, Associate Professor
Sulong Ibrahim, from UMT, said in order to convince More than commitment, faith is what the Setiu
the locals, awareness programmes and nursery residents have displayed. After all, they will only see
More than 60 villagers planted around 2,000 saplings
management workshops were organised. the results of their efforts many years down the line.
in June last year and have been monitoring their
progress ever since.
They also sought the help of the head of the Gong Still, it is a comforting thought to know these swamp
Batu Village Safety and Development Committee "owners" will continue to replant, protect and
The project was mooted by the United Nations
(JKKK), Abdul Manaf Ahmad, to reach out to the monitor their charges — all for the betterment of their
Development Programme (UNDP), with funds from
villagers. future livelihood and, of course, nature.
oil and gas company Petra Perdana Bhd and technical
assistance from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
NST – 20 November, 2007

Schoolchildren take part in

mangrove forest project
By: Sean Augustin

SETIU: Clutching their mangrove saplings the primary Sixty pupils from Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Setiu and SK
schoolchildren raced into the knee-deep water, eager to plant Kampung Fikri Terengganu took part in Friday’s programme.
them along the shoreline. This is the point of yesterday’s
event under the UNDP and Petra Perdana Bhd ( Petra ) Some 2,000 saplings from two different species - the
Mangrove Regeneration Community Serving Project at Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata - were
Pengkalan Gelap - getting the children involved. planted in the second phase of the community project.

The United Nations Development Programme and Petra Petra Executive chairman and CEO Tengku Datuk Ibrahim
intend to turn the site into a statewide information centre for Petra said the community initiative launched last year, has
schools by next year, to create awareness of the importance of received an encouraging response from the residents from the
the mangrove forest. three villages taking part - Kampung Gong Batu, Kampung
Fikri and Kampung Saujana.
UNDP resident representative for Malaysia , Singapore and
Brunei Darussalam Dr Richard Lette said: "It's vital school "But that is not enough. We always speak of sustainability
children understand the importance of the mangrove and its and one of the ways to attain it is through the children," he
sustainability. Without them, we're finished. In a sense they said, after handing out donations of RM3,000 to each schools
are like the saplings we are planting here today (Friday) to to form environmental clubs.
ensure that the mangrove is not destroyed completely."
The mangrove replanting project is funded by Petra Perdana
He told reporters after launching the programme that lately Bhd, an oil and gas service provider, and supervised by
there has been an increased interest in the environment, UNDP with technical support from Universiti Malaysia
especially in schools, adding that primary school pupils from Terengganu. The project, also supported by the state
Kertih have visited the site to learn about the mangrove forest. government, seeks to replant an area of three hectares with
Berita Harian, 15 December 2007

Perah keringat tanam semula

"Kepentingan memastikan Wetland (tanah Katanya, apa yang dilaksanakan Petra dengan
lembap) terus dipelihara dalam memastikan kerjasama UNDP, Universiti Malaysia
keseimbangan ekosistem dan sebagai Terengganu (UMT) dan Kerajaan Terengganu
pertahanan semulajadi perlu terus diasuh dan dalam membabitkan masyarakat dalam
dididik. bersama memulihara hutan paya laut kini
berupaya menjadikan daerah Setiu sebagai
"Untuk itu, langkah memperkenalkan dan daerah yang cukup dikenali melalui
mendekatkan pelajar terhadap cara bagaimana pemuliharaan hutan paya laut.
memulihara sumber perlu senantiasa
dilaksanakan bagi memastikan ia berkesan," Sementara itu, Guru Penolong Kanan SK
katanya ketika ditemui di Kampung Pengkalan Fikri, Rawi Ismail, 45, berkata program yang
Gelap, dekat sini iaitu kawasan projek itu dianjurkan UNDP banyak memberikan
dilaksanakan. pendedahan kepada pelajar untuk lebih
IBRAHIM Petra (kiri) bersama sebahagian murid sekolah menghargai dan memulihara alam sekitar.
daerah Setiu menanam anak pokok bakau pada Projek
Kemasyarakatan Pemuliharaan Paya Laut Petra-UNDP di
kampung Pengkalan Gelap. "Dengan bantuan sebanyak RM3,000 yang
disumbangkan kepada sekolah bagi
Program pelihara khazanah hutan paya menubuhkan Kelab Cinta Alam, usaha itu
laut semai kesedaran di kalangan pelajar diharap akan meningkatkan lagi kesedaran
orang ramai terutama pelajar mengeni
PERMAISURI: Kepentingan dan kesedaran kepentingan alam sekitar dengan lebih awal,"
dalam memulihara khazanah hutan paya laut katanya.
terutama dalam menanam semula bakau
sebagai benteng hakisan, ribut dan ombak Bagi Guru Penolong Kanan SK Kuala Setiu,
serta sebagai kawalan pemuliharaan Ghazali Alias, 45, dengan adanya program
biodiversiti kini diperluaskan kepada murid TAPAK SEMAIAN pokok bakau yang telah siap ditanam di kemasyarakatan yang dilaksanakan, pelajar
sekolah di kawasan berhampiran laut. pesisir pantai kampung. lebih didedahkan dan diberi maklumat awal
mengenai kesan kemusnahan alam sekitar
Ia bagi memastikan kepentingan memulihara Kira-kira 50 pelajar dari dua sekolah iaitu sekiranya tidak dipelihara.
alam sekitar terutama dalam memastikan Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Kuala Setiu dan SK
khazanah hutan paya laut terutama bakau terus Fikri di sini menyertai program itu sebagai "Apa pun saya
disemai di kalangan pelajar. pendedahan awal memupuk kesedaran cukup gembira
memulihara khazanah sumber hutan paya laut. kerana aktiviti
Untuk itu Program Pembangunan Pertubuhan y a n g
Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (UNDP) kerajaan Sebanyak 2,000 pokok bakau ditanam di dilaksanakan
Terengganu, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu sepanjang pesisir pantai Kampung Pengkalan m a m p u
(UMT) dengan kerjasama syarikat pembekal Gelap, Kampung Gong Batu dan Kampung menyuntik
dan kegiatan minyak bersepadu tempatan, Fikri pada program itu minggu lalu. kesedaran
Petra Perdana Bhd melaksanakan Program kepada pelajar
Penanaman Semula Bakau melalui Projek Pengerusi Eksekutif Petra Perdana Bhd dengan lebih
Kemasyarakatan dan Pemuliharaan Paya Laut (Petra), Datuk Tengku Ibrahim Petra berkata, awal melalui
Petra-UNDP. pihaknya menyumbang sebanyak RM3,000 aktiviti `turun ANAK bakau yang sedang disemai
kepada dua sekolah terbabit bagi membantu padang' yang dan menunggu masa untuk matang.
Program itu sudah dimulakan sejak April tahun menubuhkan Kelab Cinta Alam untuk cukup menyeronokkan," katanya.
lalu membabitkan penyertaan masyarakat memupuk kesedaran kepada pelajar menyemai
tempatan dan pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi semangat cintakan alam sekitar. Bagi pelajar Tengku Anisa Tengku Azam,
kini diperluaskan kepada pelajar sekolah program kesedaran yang dijalankan banyak
rendah dalam usaha menerap kesedaran Katanya, melalui bantuan ini diharapkan pihak memberi pendedahan terhadap kepentingan
pemuliharaan alam sekitar bermula di sekolah akan dapat memperbanyakkan aktiviti menanam bakau sebagai benteng hakisan.
peringkat awal. terutama dalam mengadakan lawatan dan
terbabit secara langsung dalam aktiviti "Saya juga seronok kerana dapat bersama-
Wakil Tetap Program Pembangunan kemasyarakatan yang dijalankan. sama menanam semula bakau bagi sama-sama
Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (UNDP) menjaga alam sekitar," katanya.
bagi Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei, Dr "Dengan membabitkan diri dalam aktiviti
Richard Lette, berkata kesedaran terhadap sebegini, mereka secara tidak langsung boleh
pemuliharaan sumber dan kepentingan menimba pengalaman dan memahami FAKTA NOMBOR
biodiversiti perlu dipupuk di kalangan pelajar kepentingan ekosistem paya laut dengan lebih • 2,000 pokok bakau ditanam
dan generasi muda bagi memastikan ia dapat baik serta mampu meningkatkan kesedaran • 50 pelajar sekolah terbabit
dipertahankan dan berkekalan. dalam penjagaan alam sekitar," katanya. • RM3,000 bantuan untuk tubuhkan Kelab
Cinta Alam bagi setiap sekolah
Berita Harian, 15 December 2007

Nelayan dapat tambah pendapatan

Katanya, projek asuhan itu menjimatkan perbelanjaan apabila anak
pokok bakau tidak perlu dibeli daripada luar.

"Penanaman semula pokok bakau adalah penting bagi menjamin

keseimbangan ekologi kerana penebangan pokok bakau menyebabkan
kehidupan marin terjejas selain berlakunya perubahan keadaan
geofizikal pantai dan pesisiran sungai sekali gus memberi kesan
ekonomi dan sosial kepada masyarakat.

"Pengusaha akuakultur di
kawasan lagun Kampung Gong
POKOK bakau asuahan yang boleh ditanam di tapak semaian. Batu amat merasai kesan daripada
kegondolan kawasan bakau yang
menjejaskan kualiti air sehingga
SELAIN berperanan dalam memberi kesedaran terhadap pemuliharaan
menyebabkan kematian ternakan
hutan paya laut, projek komuniti Program Kemasyarakatan dan
ikan," katanya yang ditemui baru-
Pemuliharaan Paya Laut Petra-UNDP turut memberi manfaat berguna
baru ini.
penduduk setempat melalui penanaman benih asuhan bakau.
Antara kepentingan hutan paya
Program penanaman benih asuhan bakau ini secara tidak langsung
laut ialah melindungi pesisir
memberikan pendapatan tambahan kepada lebih 1,000 penduduk
daripada hakisan ombak dan
kampung berdekatan yang rata-rata bekerja sebagai nelayan.
angin pantai yang kencang, selain
menstabilkan kawasan pantai
Ia adalah projek dua dalam satu yang bukan saja memberikan manfaat
dengan bertindak sebagai
kepada kepada pemuliharaan biodoversiti kepada alam sekitar tetapi
penampan semula jadi
pada masa sama turut menyumbang pendapatan tambahan kepada SEBAHAGIAN penduduk kampung yang turut serta
terhadap ribut.
penduduk melalui tanaman asuhan bakau untuk pasaran. bersama murid dari SK Kuala Setiu dan SK Fikri.

Hutan paya laut juga mampu mengurangkan kesan tsunami di

Ketika ini bakau dari jenis bakau minyak atau nama saintifiknya
sepanjang pinggir pantai. Bagaimanapun hutan bakau amat sensitif
`Rhizophora apiculata' dibiakkan untuk dijadikan benih asuhan
terhadap projek penukaran tanah, penebangan hutan, penebusgunaan
sebelum boleh ditanam semula di kawasan yang sudah ditentukan.
dan pencemaran.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung
(JKKK), Kampung Kampung Gong Batu/Kampung Pengkalan Gelap,
Abdul Manaf Ahmad, 43, berkata projek asuhan anak pokok bakau
dijalankan sejak penghujung Disember tahun lalu dan kini hampir • Pusat asuhan anak pokok bakau
4,000 anak pokok sudah ditanam semula selepas pokok asuhan
• 15 peserta terbabit.
• Petra menyumbang RM150,000.
Katanya, ketika program ini mula diperkenalkan sebanyak RM150,000
• Penanaman spesies bakau `Rhizophora apiculata' atau bakau
peruntukan dikeluarkan Petra dan UNDP selain bantuan daripada
kerajaan negeri sebanyak RM30,000 bagi membina kemudahan fizikal
di kawasan itu. • Fungsi hutan paya laut - turas semula jadi untuk pengaliran
sedimen dan nutrien kepada hidupan marin.
Abdul Manaf berkata, menerusi tunjuk ajar dan panduan diberikan • Produk dihasilkan daripada hutan paya laut - rokok daun, gula
pensyarah UMT, peserta sudah mampu mengeluarkan benih bakau manisan, atap nipah, bubu, arang kayu serta anyaman.
minyak yang diusahakan sendiri di kawasan berhampiran.
• Saiz hutan paya laut di Terengganu - 2,000 hektar.
"Anak pokok dihasilkan daripada buah yang gugur dan dijangka • Keluasan hutan paya laut yang masih belum terusik di Setiu - 400
mengambil masa antara empat hingga lima bulan sebelum matang dan hektar.
sesuai ditanam.
• Spesies pokok hutan paya laut - bakau, api-api, nipah, butabuta,
"Dengan harga RM2 bagi setiap anak pokok bakau, kos projek dapat gelam dan tengar.
dijimatkan sekali gus mampu menjana pendapatan tambahan,
khususnya kepada peserta projek jika dijual kepada pihak luar,"
APPENDIX 5 Compendium of Good Practices – UNDP Regional Centre, Bangkok – November 2006

Creating Sustainable Livelihoods through Community-
Based Mangrove Regeneration Project
Compendium of Good Practices - November 2006
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
& Reducing Human Poverty1.3

Synopsis an area of eight hectares in Pengkalan Gelap. Around staff capacity on the mangrove ecosystem. This
150 families from three main villages Kampung project will also enhance private sector partnerships
UNDP Malaysia and Petra Perdana Bhd, a locally- Fikri, Saujana and Gong Batu are involved in the with UNDP on development in Malaysia, especially
owned company, in partnership with the Terengganu project. The project also includes the sustainable use linking environment and poverty in a poor state of
State Government, has implemented a community- and production of the mangrove ecosystem resources; Malaysia.
based mangrove regeneration project in the state of implementation of awareness and education
Terengganu. This project is a good example of how programmes to enhance awareness amongst the
state governments can embark on community-led communities regarding the importance of the Lessons Learnt and Replicability
mangrove regeneration which contributes to both mangrove ecosystem and the development of a
environmental conservation as well as the creation of management plan to enable the local government and This project demonstrates how an environmental
sustainable livelihoods. The Management Plan for the the community to proactively manage the planning conservation project can contribute significantly
project site was developed in collaboration with the processes. As a result of the project, the Chief towards poverty reduction. It should be noted that
local community, local authorities and UNDP. Minister has requested the project area to be declared although the mangrove regeneration project was
a protected area. initially conceived as an environmental conservation
project, the issue of poverty reduction had become a
Objective The State Government is also using the project area priority item on the project’s agenda. In fact, the local
as a potential tourist attraction where all activities are community considers this initiative as a means of
To create sustainable livelihoods and conserve the implemented with the involvement of the local restoring the environment they depend on for their
mangrove ecosystem through the regeneration of community. As one of the poorer states in Malaysia, livelihoods, so that they could continue to use
mangrove forests. this fits well with the poverty reduction policy mangrove forest products whilst benefiting from the
pursued by the State Government of Terengganu. The ecological function of the mangrove forest.
benefits to the community include the enhancement
Brief Description of their livelihood activities including fishing, Creative Partnership: It is important to forge close
mangrove forest product extraction, and eco-tourism. partnerships at all levels, with multiple stakeholders
The Government of Malaysia has adopted mangrove including the local community, local institutions,
regeneration as a priority environmental policy The Local Communities will benefit as the project local government and a private sector partner as
following the December 2004 tsunami tragedy. Most will enable them to participate actively in the sponsor. Due to the nature of governance of land in
of the regeneration efforts are undertaken by the conservation and management of the mangrove Malaysia, the state government has the power to
government on a large scale, through the Forestry ecosystem, which is an integral part of their decide on the use and development of land. UNDP
Department, almost exclusively in the west coast of community. Through participatory discussions, with a private sector partnership has provided a
peninsular Malaysia where the livelihood of the capacity building initiatives and direct involvement solution to the state government to sustainably use
communities has been affected. through the restoration activities, the communities the mangrove forest in Setiu District. This has led to
will be empowered to speak and to influence the way both the state and federal government providing
UNDP Malaysia and Petra Perdana Bhd, a locally- the mangrove ecosystem is being managed by the additional funding, especially for infrastructure.
owned company, in partnership with the State local authorities. This will in turn provide the local
Government of Terengganu, has implemented a community with a greater sense of ownership through The entire work plan for the project was devised with
community-based mangrove regeneration project in the active involvement in the decision-making the participation of the local people and the outcome
the state of Terengganu. This project is the first process as well as the activities that will be carried of the project is focused on what the people would
mangrove regeneration project in the state and the out on the ecosystem that sustains their livelihoods. like to achieve in the long run. As such, most of the
first community-based project in the east coast of activities focus on how to increase the sustainable
peninsular Malaysia. The local communities are expected to benefit from livelihood activities of the local community. A
eco-tourist activities by working together with tour committee comprising of the local community, the
The project outputs are: a) Training and capacity operators to create specialised tours on mangrove district office and the state government is entrusted
building of local communities on fostering and regeneration and preservation, as well as to view the to manage the project area on both the conservation
sustaining the growth of mangrove forests; b) ‘living laboratory’ that is being created by the College aspects as well as the economic activities.
Capacity building of local authorities to support of Science and Technology Malaysia.
mangrove forest protection; c) Support for mangrove Replicability: The state government of Terengganu
forest replanting and sustainable livelihood activities; The Terengganu State Government will benefit has requested KUSTEM (College of Science and
and d) Developing a conservation management plan through the increased awareness of the local Technology Malaysia) to work with the State
for replanted areas and the surrounding mangrove communities on the need to sustainably manage the Economic Planning Unit to implement a similar
ecosystem. mangrove ecosystem. This will enable the state project in at least two other districts in Terengganu in
government to better manage these resources through 2007 and the initial budget allocation has already
The mangrove ecosystem is recognized as the second greater participation from the local communities. In been made.
most productive ecosystem in the world. It provides addition, the results from the restoration and
a vital ecological function by trapping sediments such community development outcomes can be considered
as organic matters and transforming them into a “best practice” that can be incorporated into the Project Information
nutrients that are in turn used by the different State’s planning processes, and be used as a tool for
organisms living in the ecosystem. This supports the managing the mangrove forests in Terengganu. A Duration
continued existence of the fisheries stock that is major policy impact for the state government is that April 2006 – April 2007 (On-going)
utilized by communities engaging in aquaculture such projects can be used as a poverty reduction
activities. strategy. CO Focal Point
Hari Ramalu Ragavan, Senior Programme
The current threats to Terengganu’s mangrove forests Petra Perdana Bhd and UNDP Partnership: The Manager,UNDP
are primarily in the form of development for Petra Perdana Group of Companies is an integrated
residential and industrial purposes, followed by brown field and offshore marine services provider for
aquaculture and other related activities. Recent the upstream oil and gas industry. PETRA’s Partners
studies have shown negative impacts on the involvement in the environment project marks a new Petra Perdana Bhd
livelihoods of the local fishing communities due to milestone in its drive towards helping develop local College of Science and Technology Malaysia
these activities. The Setiu district has been chosen as communities, and in protecting the environment. One Terengganu State Government
the project area, as the mangrove ecosystem of PETRA’s primary objectives in fulfilling its
contributes significantly to the livelihoods of the local commitment to the oil and gas industry is to ensure MYFF Service Lines
communities who rely on the mangroves for their fish stringent Health, Safety and Environment practices Local Poverty Initiatives, Including Microfinance
stock. The environment project will entail the of the surroundings where it operates. The Conservation and Sustainable Use of
planting of the mangrove species Rhizophora involvement of staff within Petra Perdana Bhd in the BiodiversityCompendium
apiculata, commonly known as Bakau Minyak, over project activities will create opportunities for building
6-8, Jalan 3/3C, Batu 7 Jalan Ipoh,
68100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: + 60 3 6257 1111 Fax: + 60 3 6257 7708
Decemb er 2007

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