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Campus Activities Programs:

An Informal Assessment of Fresno State’s USU Productions

Ariana Sanchez Alvarez, Lyssa Gomez, Nancy Rios, and Yazmin Colin

California State University, Fresno


Campus Activities Programs:

An Informal Assessment of Fresno State’s USU Productions


Student Involvement has been around for about fifteen years at Fresno state. Under the

Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Student Involvement offers a diverse

co-curricular opportunity to complement students’ college experience. The purpose of these

programs is to promote student engagement. For the purpose of this project, we will conduct a

review of USU Productions within Student Involvement at CSU, Fresno. USU Productions

programs being offered connect students to leadership experiences, real life experiences,

planning events including trips, service opportunities, peer to peer advising, volunteer leadership

opportunities, and club sports where students compete with other students and represent Fresno


Data Collection

Our team is comprised of four second year graduate students in the Higher Education

Administrative Leadership (HEAL) program. While looking into the different programs within

Student Involvement, we decided to take a look at the USU Productions as one of our team

members currently is employed within the department. Having a team member working in USU

Productions allowed for us to have an in-depth knowledge of the structure, day to day operations,

and functions for the program. As we prepared to complete an assessment of USU Productions

we researched online forms of the programs as well as interviewing our team member who

works in the department. We were also able to gather more specific information such as job

descriptions and financial information. For some research we expanded our scope to look at the

entire Student Involvement Division within Fresno State.


We engaged in a self- assessment of Fresno States’ USU Productions by utilizing the CAS

Professional Standards for Higher Education (2019) and the CAS Self-Assessment Guide (SAG).

While there are numerous of components within SAG we reviewed the following functional

areas: 1) Mission and Vision, 2) Program and Services, 3) Student Learning, Development, and

Success, 4) Assessment, 5) Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, 7) Human Resources, 8)

Collaboration and Communication, 9) Leadership, Management, and Supervision, 10) Financial

Resources, and 12) Facilities and Infrastructure.

Mission /Vision and Purpose of Program Services

The core purpose of Student Involvement is to promote engagement and cultivate student

growth through its values. Its values are support and teamwork, service, growth, leadership and

inclusion. Mission statements serve as an integral statement whose purpose is to support the

vision of an organization and/or department. As described in CAS Council for the Advancement

of Standards in Higher Education, one of its guiding principles indicates that mission statements

must reference student learning, development, and success. USU Productions aligns with CAS’s

principles because its mission is to “cultivate community and foster engagement to promote co-

curricular learning through our values of support and teamwork, service, growth leadership and

inclusion. Its mission statement reflects student learning and development. Student Involvement

is made up of programs and services such as Club Sports, Off-Campus Student Life, Fraternity

and Sorority Life, USU Productions, Vintage Days, & Esports. These programs help students

gain leadership practice that integrate classroom learning with real life experiences. Planning

events is included in the experience in student involvement. As described in the CAS, its

programming goal must provide resources for the successful implementation of student

organization and programs.


Human Resources

After a review of the CAS assessment guide, under the human resources area staffing and

support, we gave USU Productions a rating of one. The reason behind this was that USU

Productions is lacking the evidence in identifying the level of staffing necessary to achieve its

mission and goals. Though there is proof of professional staff as program coordinator, and

evidence proven in applications as seen in appendix (A): Job applications for student

coordinators, graduate assistants, and marketing interns, that there are graduate assistant and

student event coordinators, it is not explicitly stated anywhere that there is a total of two graduate

assistants and two student event coordinators. CAS standards specifically state for the program to

identify the level of staffing. We suggest that it should be explicitly stated how many staff are

needed to run the program somewhere. Whether that is in the application or even on the website

in order to meet CAS standards.

Though we did mark them for that specific area, it is pretty clear that USU Productions is

staffed by qualified individuals, has access to technical and support personnel, has administrative

personnel to support overall operations, and professional personnel with an earned degree in the

field as well as work experience. The professional staff program coordinator received bachelors

in recreation administration and a Master of Arts in higher education (Personal communication,

October 2, 2020). According to the graduate assistant and student event coordinator application

shown in Appendix A some required knowledge and abilities include:

“ability to work independently and as a member of a well-functioning team, desire to

develop or enhance large event planning skills a plus, interest in pursuing a career in

Student Union/Student Affairs/Event Planning a plus, and detail oriented, assist with the

planning, development and execution of USU Productions events including, but not

limited to, advising of the Student Event Coordinators, interns and volunteers, assist with

marketing and communication logistics, development of print, social media and website

content, and Homecoming promotion events, and to provide day-of logistics during USU

Productions events.”

The program as access to technical support and professional administrative support. The program

works closely with the Dean of Student Involvement and the Dean of Students to plan effective

and engaging events for students (Personal communication, October 2, 2020).

Under employment practices for human resources, the CAS rating we gave was also a

one. The reason behind this was because this area is lacking in CAP leaders regularly reviewing

position descriptions and maintaining copies of up-to-date resumes/curriculum vitae for all

currently employed personnel. Although both are done during the hiring process, there isn’t a

revisit unless the employee is either being disruptive and a one on one meeting of accountability

is needed, or the employee or student assistant is seeking a review of their resume/ cv. USU

Productions professional staff does have written performance goals, objectives, and outcomes for

each performance cycle (yearly), they are not used to plan, review, and evaluate work and

performance. Perhaps there should be a performance review at the beginning of the year and the

end of the year to show the student coordinators and graduate assistants how they have improved

their performance through the year, and what they should continue to work on for their

professional development.

The employment practices under USU Productions do, however, establish procedures and

expectations for personnel recruitment, selection, training, supervision, performance, and

evaluation. CAP leaders ensure that all personnel have written position descriptions. CAP leaders

implement recruitment and selection/hiring strategies that demonstrate a deliberate effort to


diversify the workforce and promote practices that are fair, inclusive, proactive, and non-

discriminatory. CAP leaders, in partnership with personnel and aligned with institutional

policies, establish work arrangements that achieve department objectives. Through a list of

expectations, contracts, and applications that were provided to us, seen in appendix (A): Job

applications for student coordinators, graduate assistants, and marketing interns, we were able to

conclude that there are established expectations for recruitment, selection, training, supervision,

and performance. There are written position descriptions with requirements and job duties for

student coordinators, graduate assistants, and marketing interns. In each application there is an

application process section that explains what the application process will look like. It also

explicitly states that applicants must have the ability to work effectively in a multicultural

environment. All of which all positions and leaders within each position are aligned with

institutional policies, establish work arrangements that achieve department objectives.

The two strengths of USU Productions in regards to human resources under CAS

standards are personal training and development and paraprofessional personal. Both these areas

scored a two during review. As previously stated, the professional personnel did receive training

and provided training to all employees when hired. Both the CAP personnel and employees

receive sexual harassment training and is listed in the student employee handbook that was

provided to us. FERPA training is also available to CAP personnel and employees. Although the

office of student involvement does not specifically offer training nor explicitly state it is a

necessity to be trained on technologies, diversity, and inclusion, CAP personnel and employees

are given opportunities and resources for workshops and training on these topics. Some training

provided in the past include anti bias training, campus website training, and leadership training.

The training all employees must attend every year at the beginning of semester encapsulates

almost all of these areas including emergency procedures and crisis management. All employees

are eligible to receive CPR and first aid training. Paraprofessionals working in CAP are enrolled

in an appropriate field of study and/or have relevant experience. As shown in job applications,

paraprofessionals working in CAP are carefully selected, trained, supervised, and evaluated by

personnel who possess applicable educational credentials, work experience, and have

supervisory experience. Both graduate assistants currently working for USU Productions are

enrolled in the HEAL program. CAP leaders accommodate the dual roles paraprofessionals may

have as both student and employee. All student employees work a minimum of 10 hours and a

maximum of 20 hours a week. All work hours accommodate around their class schedules

(Personal communication, October 2, 2020). CAP leaders adhere to parameters of

paraprofessionals’ job descriptions and articulate intended student learning and development

outcomes in student employee job descriptions and expectations.

Financial Resources

Under funding for financial resources, we decided to assess USU Productions with a

rating of two. USU Productions has the funding that is necessary to accomplish its mission and

goals. The program coordinator determines with administrative leadership what funding is

necessary. Each year, before the semester begins, the program coordinator meets with

administrative leadership such as the Dean of Student Involvement and the Dean of Students to

determine what funding from student fees will be used for the program (Personal

communication, October 2, 2020). The program coordinator is given an annual budget as seen in

appendix (B): Finances, to be used towards programming for students that fit both the mission

and goals of the program and the mission and goals of student involvement. As far as the other

two categories within financial resources, financial planning and financial management, I did not

have sufficient evidence to adequately assess those two categories.

Facilities and Infrastructure

After an analysis of the facilities and infrastructure, we concluded that the strong

categories were the design of the facilities and the work space. Campus Activities Programs

(CAP) facilities are located in suitable spaces designed to support USU Productions and Student

Involvements mission and goals, and facilities are intentionally designed to engage various

constituents, promote learning, and provide accessible and safe spaces. USU Productions

facilities are designed to protect the security and privacy of records and ensure the confidentiality

of sensitive information and conversations and incorporate universal design principles. With the

new student union being built it will meet the CAS standard of facilities that are designed and

constructed to be energy-efficient and sustainable. The Student Union website states:

"The University Student Union at California State University, Fresno strives to meet the

ever-changing needs of our diverse campus community by offering within our facilities a

multitude of services, programs, and events in an inviting and interactive atmosphere. In

harmony with the academic mission of the university, we are committed to fostering

student success by providing a positive learning environment. This is achieved through

volunteer leadership experiences, educational and entertaining events, recreation and

leisure activities, cultural programs, and student employment opportunities"

As seen in appendix (C): Facilities and Infrastructure, all programming coordinators under

student involvement have their own private offices. The student coordinators all share an office

with their own respective areas and computers. All graduate assistants within student

involvement share an office with their own areas and computers. The student coordinators and

graduate assistants all share offices for collaboration and to promote learning as a collective. The

workspaces are well-maintained workspaces designed to support their work and responsibilities.

There was an insufficient amount of evidence to accurately assess the equipment acquisition

portion of the CAS standards.

Student Learning, Development, and Success

When speaking with Lyssa (personal communication, October 9,2020) and looking at the

USU Productions websites it was clear that the program has not established any program

learning outcomes. Due to the lack of any information of student learning, the program does not

meet the criteria of Program Contribution to Student Learning, Development, and Success.

While USU Production provides enriching events for students they do not correlate their events

with any direct student development.

Within the USU Productions, they have a Marketing Internship in which they have

developed some learning outcomes for those that become interns. The contracts interns sign

allows for them to understand the expectations they will meet as they progress within the

experience. These expectations are clear and concise for interns to understand. The way the

expectations are written also provides a clear outline of what the interns will be able to learn (see

Appendix (D). For example, the contract indicates, “Promote USU Productions opportunities,

services, and programs. Attend and participate in weekly meetings and office hours (Monday at 5

pm and two office hours per week.) Be punctual and responsible.” These expectations clearly

state the tasks the marketing interns will be performing during their internship. Currently USU

Productions does not assess if their interns meet these learning objectives.

For the criteria of Student Learning and Development Domains and Dimensions we

indicate that USU Productions does not meet the criteria in this area. Events that USU

Productions develops do not connect with any institutional outcomes or any divisional learning

outcomes. They do not have any direct language regarding any learning outcomes. They do not

provide students a clear insight on what they will gain while engaging in their programs. The

USU Productions page does indicate the following regarding their abilities: “This programming

team is one of the most active student groups on campus. It strives to develop entertaining and

enriching events and programs throughout the year” (Fresno State, 2019). This wording

indicates students that are going to be receiving great events that will enrich their college

experience but fails to mention what those enrichments will be. While the USU productions does

not indicate learning outcomes directly for students attending their programs they do mention

some learning outcomes for their marketing interns.

When reviewing the criteria of Assessment of Student Learning and Development the

program partly meets this criterion. USU Productions engages in some assessment when

reviewing their events. They send students who have attended their events a quick five-minute

survey. The surveys focus on the number of students that are attending, student demographics,

and the attendees' satisfaction on the event(s) they participated in. In the survey, attendees are

asked to indicate how the event went, how it can be improved, and any other feedback that is

needed (L. Gomez, personal communication, October 29,2020). The results are then evaluated,

and the team determines if any improvements need to be made to the events to ensure students

are receiving the events they are wanting to participate and engage in.

USU Productions should be able to garner better learning outcomes for their events.

These learning outcomes should be created using language that clearly states. Bloom’s

Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain framework can be used to write the learning outcomes. This

framework allows for categorization of the learning outcomes from simply being able to

remember simple facts to being able to create new knowledge and understanding (Campus Lap,

2020). By creating a hierarchy of learning outcomes, USU Productions can develop events that

slowly ensure that students are able to reach the complex learning outcomes they develop. It

creates a connection between the learning outcomes of the events to the learning outcomes of

USU Productions which allows for a clearer picture of their role in the cognitive development of

students. As of now USU Productions does lack a way to track any learning outcomes. For the

most part, assessments that are being given to participants of their events are only asked to

provide feedback of how well an event went. While this is of great importance to ensure the

success of the event. It is also important to document to what extent do the events provide a

space to grow in students’ educational journey. Creation of new assessment is also recommended

after the establishment of new program learning outcomes. The assessments that are created

should be able not only gather information about the outcomes of the event but also ensure that

the team can gather information if the event was effective in accomplishing the program's


Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The USU Productions follows the federal, state, and the CSU guidelines. When it comes

to hiring staff, student staff, and interns. In the student handbook that was provided by Lyssa, it

has sections that include Equal Employment Opportunity, Harassment Policy, Required

Training, and Safety Procedures. Within these sections it mentions that “Fresno State is an

Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer” (Fresno State, 2017). Thus, USU Productions

meets the Inclusive and Equitable Educational and Work Environments criteria.

USU Productions does not indicate direct language within any of their social media

accounts or websites that indicate they ensure their programs are equipped with the facilities and

resources that are accessible for all their students’ needs. While searching for the inclusive

statements from the boarder student involvement division it had some language within their

mission statement that indicated the following: “We demonstrate inclusion by consciously

planning, designing, delivering programs, services, resources, policies, procedures and facilities

that are open, accessible to and appreciative of differences in background, ability, interest, and

identity” (See Appendix E). Even though USU Productions does not have any direct information

of advocating, implementation or organization of access, equity, diversity, and inclusion

USU Productions aims to ensure these items. However, there is a lack of clarity within their

websites. It would be recommended to have more visibility within USU Productions to ensure

these qualities are seen in their events, programming, learning outcomes. By being more visible

with these things it will allow for more visible advocacy. Programming they oversee needs to

meet any ADA regulations, it will be helpful to students to know prior to attending an event that

their needs will be met.


Assessment is a complex aspect of every organization or department. For USU

Productions, it has been somewhat difficult to directly access information regarding assessment

as their website does not offer much information regarding how they produce and analyze.

For establishing a culture of assessment, we determined a rating of one. This rating is justified by

information provided to us by Lyssa who is a current graduate assistant. According to her, after

each event that USU Productions hosts they are required to complete a report for the event (L.

Gomez, personal communication, Oct 28, 2020) However, it is unclear how exactly that report,

or assessment is utilized (L. Gomez, personal communication, Oct 28, 2020). Therefore, even

though they are developing those assessment plans and documenting we could not find directly

accessible data. Under program goals, outcomes, and objectives CAP was rated a one as they

only partially meet the standard. USU Productions does not directly state their goals and

objectives, however on the overall Student involvement webpage they list them (Fresno, 2020a).

Again however, through our search it is unclear whether they are met as the assessment data that

is garnered through their mandatory post-events reports and surveys are not publicly available

(L. Gomez, personal communications, Oct 28, 2020). For assessment plan and process CAP was

given an insufficient evidence rating as we were unable to find an explain assessment plan and

process on their webpage. The only information regarding assessment in relation to USU

Production is again what Lyssa provided us (personal communication, Oct 28, 2020). Therefore,

we are unable to determine if their process is culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable or if

they have been able to determine changes that need to be made. In the same fashion, the

gathering evidence section was also unable to rate due to insufficient evidence. The only

physical assessment type document our team had access to be a post-event survey as seen in

appendix (F) that was sent to students who attended to gather feedback on the events

effectiveness. Yet again, it is unclear how this data is used since we were unable to locate any

reports. This in turn signifies to our team that the reviewing and interpreting findings and

reporting results and implementing improvement standards section are also unable to rate since

we are lacking sufficient evidence that would help our team determine the effectiveness of their

assessment plans. A recommendation for this standard would be for CAP to make that data

publicly available as it will allow for transparency. This, however, requires them to consider

confidentiality measures that as there is potentially sensitive information.

Leadership, Management, and Supervision


Under leadership, management, and supervision USU Productions varied in its CAS

ratings. Under leadership USU Production was given a rating of one. The reason for this partial

rating is that although they do break down the different levels of staff on the team there were

only learning outcomes and expectations for only some of their staff. There was no direct,

publicly accessible information provided for current professional staff to determine if their

department is modeling alignment with the institution's missions and goals and providing

leadership that would satisfy the CAS standards. The CAS standard rating for management for

this CAP was also one. The reason why this section was given a one is due their planning,

allocating, and monitoring of resources which is apparent by the events they oversee and produce

for the institution. However, in order to determine if the CAP managers are effective, we wanted

to review the Associate Directors job description or that of other professional staff positions. The

job descriptions and expectations of positions of graduate assistants, interns, and student

assistants were easily accessible on the team section of their site (Fresno, 2020a). Additionally,

we were able to allocate the job description of the Coordinator of Programs, Events, and

Assessments, who is under the general supervision of the Assistant director, as shown in

appendix (G). However, we were unable to find the associate director which would have possibly

provided more insight to the supervision aspect of USU productions if we knew what the

expectations of their position were. Under supervision USU productions was granted a rating of

IE. This insufficient evidence was determined by the fact that the only performance evaluation

that was found in connection to USU Productions was the Auxiliary Services Performance

Evaluation as shown in appendix (G). However, it is unclear whether USU Productions

management uses that evaluation form at all and if they did in fact use it, we were not able to

determine who they used it with. Additionally, although the CSFU Association Employee

Handbook (Fresno, 2020c), is required to be provided to Fresno State employees upon hiring,

that does not ensure supervisors and employees will review or follow the institutional

expectations, policies, provisions, and procedures on how to manage workplace conflicts and

complaints. A recommendation for this can be difficult to measure, as performance evaluations

are confidential information.

USU productions received a rating of one under strategic planning. The justification of

this rating was their approach to adapting and improving services as a response changing

environment to properly serve their institutional constituents. This has been highlighted most

recently amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. CAP leaders and staff have had to adapt and change

the way they service the institution and deliver their events. According to Lyssa, a current

graduate assistant of USU Productions, prior to the pandemic, events were held in person and

used card swipe methods to gather data on who was being served through their events and

services (personal communication, Sep. 28, 2020). During the pandemic CAP had to shift to

virtual events as seen in appendix (H). Another aspect of strategic planning that grants them only

partial rating is the assessment surveys they send out to individuals who attend USU Production

events. These follow up surveys, as seen on (Appendix I), allow CAP to gauge the effectiveness

of the event and as well as allow for future changes if used effectively. However, since we could

not access data from those reports or surveys, and we do not know how they are used, therefore it

was difficult to grant them a complete rating (L. Gomez, personal communication, Sep. 28,


Collaboration and Communication


Within the social media outcomes USU Productions allows for students to be more well

informed about events that are taking place. With the move to remote learning and interaction

due to the global pandemic, the program has used more of its social media platforms to

communicate with students on the events they are putting together for them. They are thinking of

creative ways to continue to interact with students. When reviewing their Twitter and Instagram

accounts, USU Productions it is clear that the team provides all the information students need to

be informed about the events taking place. USU Productions has implemented marketing

strategies for outreach and promotion of events through social media. Within their posts, students

will find the date, time, location and where to register for each event. Follow-up emails will be

sent once registered with more information needed to attend the event. USU Productions

emphasizes the importance of collaboration by stating that in their job applications (see

Appendix A) and by the use of promotional graphics for other campus programs and

departments. It is essential that USU Productions creates good relationships with on and off

campus entities for participation, collaboration, and sponsorship of events (see Appendix I). One

example of collaboration was with the Deaf Studies department when bringing Nyle DiMarco to

campus. Nyle DiMarco is a Deaf activist and winner of Dancing with the Stars. In collaboration

with the Deaf Studies department and community, USU Productions was able to meet the needs

of students within the Deaf community and provide access to interpreters and closed captioning

(L. Gomez, personal communication, October 9, 2020). USU Productions also maintains contact

with constituents throughout the year and sends thank you cards and follow up emails to show

appreciation and gratitude (L. Gomez, personal communication, October 9, 2020).


In moving forward, the recommendation areas we have for the program include human

resources, assessment, access, equity, diversity, inclusion, student learning development and

success. The recommendations we have specifically for these programs are divided into the CAS

standard subsections. For human resources, the recommendations we have given USU

Productions is to explicitly state how many staff are needed to run the program whether that is on

the website or documented somewhere, it is important to do this in order to meet CAS standards.

We also recommend that CAP leaders regularly review position descriptions and maintain copies

of up-to-date resumes/curriculum vitae for all currently employed personnel. Our

recommendation under access, equity, diversion, and inclusion USU Production site does not

indicate any statements of advocacy in regard to access, equity, diversity, and inclusion. It would

be recommended to have more visibility within USU Productions to ensure these qualities are

seen in their events, programming, and learning outcomes so that students are better equipped

with what to expect in terms of access to events.

Learning outcomes and language is also essential in student learning development and

success. It is recommended that USU Productions develop ways in which learning outcomes are

able to be reached in the events they plan. This creates a connection between the learning

outcomes of the events to the learning outcomes of USU Productions which allows for a clearer

picture of their role in the cognitive development of students. The program also needs to identify

a way in ensuring these outcomes are met by ways of assessment.



Campus Lap. (2020). Writing Learning Outcomes Worksheet. Retrieved from


Fresno State. (2017). Student Assistant Employment Handbook. Retrieved from

Fresno State. (2018.). History. Retrieved from

Fresno State. (2019). USU Productions. Retrieve from

Fresno State. (n.d.). Lynda and Stewart Resnick Student Union. Retrieved from

Fresno State. (2020a). Our Team. Retrieved from

Fresno State. (2020b). Mission and Values. Retrieved from

Fresno State. (2020c). Employee Resources. Retrieved from

Appendix A

Job Applications for Student Coordinators, Graduate Assistants, and Marketing Interns

Appendix B


Appendix C Facilities and Infrastructure


Appendix D Marketing Internship Contract


Appendix E

Fresno State’s Student Involvement Mission Statement


Appendix F

Assessment Follow Up Survey


Appendix G

Leadership, Management, and Supervision


Appendix H

Performance Evaluations

Appendix I

USU Productions Events Flyer


Appendix J

CAS Self-Assessment Guide


CAS Self-Assessment Guide
1.1 Program and Services Mission
● The mission of Campus Activities Programs (CAP) is to enhance the overall student educational
experience through providing activities and events to facilitate students' sense of belonging
and connection to the institution and the overall academic mission.
● The CAP mission emphasizes student involvement in meaningful activities that facilitate
connection, involvement, leadership skill development, citizenship and social responsibility,
and that supplement the overall academic experience.
● CAP develops and defines its mission.
● The CAP mission is consistent with the mission of the department, college, division, institution,
and applicable professional standards.
● The CAP mission is appropriate for the institution’s students, designated clients, and other
● CAP advances its mission.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 1.1 Rating:

1.2 Mission Statement

● CAP implements, disseminates, regularly reviews, and updates its mission statement.
● The mission statement references student learning, development, and success.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 1.2 Rating:

Overview Questions:
1. How does the mission embrace student learning and development? The mission fosters
development and engagement through students hands-on learning experiences. Student
involvement cultivates their community for students and fosters engagement to promote co-
curricular learning. Students grow through their core values: teamwork, service, growth,
leadership, inclusion.

2. In what ways does the CAP mission complement the mission of the institution? CAP’s mission is to
“enhance the overall student education experience through providing activities and events to
facilitate students' sense of belonging.” CSU, Fresno mission is to “boldy educate and empower
students for success” It is very easy to articulate CAP’s mission and its goal. CAP mission
supports CSU Fresno’s mission because it is student success driven.

3. To what extent is the mission used to guide practice? Student Involvement mission is used
entirely through its values. Its values of service, growth, leadership and inclusion is what
cultivates student growth. It connects students with other college students to connect in
various capacities while providing opportunities to serve and represent the institution.

2.1 Program and Services Goals

● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) is guided by a set of written goals and objectives that are
directly related to the stated mission.
● The CAP goals are aligned with institutional priorities and expectations of the functional
● CAP regularly develops, reviews, evaluates, and revises its goals.
● CAP communicates goals and progress toward achievement to appropriate constituents.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 2.1 Rating:

2.2 Program Information and Services

● CAP provides relevant information, services, and resources consistent with its mission and
● CAP fundamental functions include implementing campus programs and events that add
vibrancy to the campus.
● CAP fundamental functions include advising student organizations that implement programs
or services.
● CAP fundamental functions include advising student governance organizations.
● CAP fundamental functions include ensuring the proper and efficient stewardship of funds
including the student activity fee and institutional allocation.
● CAP fundamental functions include providing resources for the successful implementation of
student organization events and programs.
● CAP fundamental functions include implementing training, development, and educational
● CAP fundamental functions include supporting enrollment, retention and persistence of

2.2a Implementing Campus Programs and Events

● CAP provides opportunities to create an environment for students to participate in co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities and events that complement their academic
experience and increase student value of different disciplines.
● CAP provides opportunities to create an environment for students to participate in co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities and events that connect students to each other
and the campus community.
● CAP provides opportunities to create an environment for students to participate in co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities and events that provide opportunities to enhance
their leadership abilities develop skills to aid their career readiness.
● CAP provides opportunities to create an environment for students to participate in co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities and events that promote understanding,
appreciation of, and interaction with people of one’s own cultures as well as other cultures
and create healthy interpersonal relationships.
● CAP provides opportunities to create an environment for students to participate in co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities and events that use leisure time purposefully.
● CAP provides opportunities to create an environment for students to participate in co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities and events that enhance critical thinking skills
and develop ethical decision-making skills.
● CAP provides opportunities to create an environment for students to participate in co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities and events that create a sense of place for
students in the campus community allow students to identify and explore new interests and
increase their self-understanding and self-efficacy.
● CAP provides campus activities that appeal to the broad campus population.
● CAP is comprehensive and reflects and promotes a broad range of student interests and needs.

● CAP offers and encourages student participation in student-led campus activities that are
consistent with the educational mission of the institution and its strategic plan.
● CAP facilitates learning through involving students in the planning, execution, and assessment
of its programs and services.
● Programs sponsored by CAP are produced and promoted according to professional and
institutional practices and protocols.

2.2b Advising Student Organizations

● CAP provides effective advising support for student organizations.
● CAP defines the role and responsibilities of advisors outside of department personnel.
● CAP advisors help student organizations understand and comply with governmental laws and
institutional policies.
● CAP provides information and training opportunities for advisors whose primary role is
outside of CAP.
● CAP provides advisors with training on legal issues and institutional policies, especially
regarding risk management.

2.2c Student Governance

● CAP clearly defines the relationship among its program, the institution, and student
governance groups.
● CAP ensures that student governance groups have a written mission, purpose, and process for
continuity of leadership that is regularly reviewed.
● CAP encourages student governance groups to operate in accordance with institutional
values, mission, and policies, and be informed of possible consequences for failure to do so.
● CAP follows and facilitates student awareness of institutional policies and procedures for the
registration and recognition of student organizations.
● CAP ensures that criteria for student involvement are clear, widely publicized, easily
accessible, and consistently followed.
● CAP, in partnership with student organizations, develops clearly defined grievance procedures
to settle disagreements regarding continuity of leadership, budgeting procedures, and ethics
violations by student leaders.

2.2d Stewardship of Student Activity Fees

● CAP facilitates fiscal responsibility in student governance, such that budgeting and fiscal
procedures are clearly defined, and students are encouraged to follow all applicable laws.
● Students who have fiscal responsibility relative to CAP programs and services are provided
with information and training regarding institutional regulations and policies that govern
accounting and the appropriate handling of funds.

2.2e Providing Resources to Implement Student Organization Events and Programs

● CAP establishes clear policies and procedures for funding and managing major campus events
and entertainment programs necessitating large financial commitments.

2.2f Training, Education, and Development

● CAP ensures that there are training, education, and development opportunities for students
involved in student organizations.
● CAP training, education, and development opportunities take into account differing student
developmental levels.
● In the development of training, education and development activities, CAP ensures that diverse
pedagogies and delivery methods are tailored to the audience at hand.

● CAP develops and implements strategies for outreach and promotion.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 2.2 Rating:


2.3 Program Structure and Framework

● CAP has clearly stated, current, relevant, and documented goals and outcomes; policies and
procedures; responsibilities and performance expectations for personnel; and organizational
charts demonstrating clear channels of authority.
● CAP is purposefully structured and resourced to balance efficiency and effectiveness.
● CAP is purposefully structured and resourced to achieve programmatic and student learning
and development outcomes.
● CAP works in close consultation and collaboration with others with expertise and resources
to meet the needs and interests of students and designated clients.
● CAP collaborates with colleagues and departments across the institution to promote student
learning, development, and success.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 2.3 Rating:

2.4 Program Design

● CAP is intentionally designed to achieve predetermined student learning and development
● CAP is intentionally designed to incorporate research and theories on student learning,
development, and success.
● CAP is intentionally designed to respond to the needs of individuals, constituents, and
populations with distinct needs.
● CAP is intentionally designed to ensure access for students and designated clients.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 2.4 Rating:

Overview Questions:
1. What are the goals and objectives of CAP?
2. To what extent does the CAP structure allow it to be effective?
3. What are the key programs, services, and resources offered by CAP?
4. How does CAP contribute to the student experience?


3.1 Program Contribution to Student Learning, Development, and Success
● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) contributes to students’ formal education, which includes
both curricular and co-curricular experiences.
● CAP contributes to students’ progression and timely completion of educational goals.
● CAP helps students and designated clients prepare for their careers and meaningful
contributions to society.
● CAP works with the institution to identify relevant and desirable student success outcomes.
● CAP identifies relevant and desirable student learning and development outcomes.
● CAP implements strategies and tactics to achieve the student learning, development, and
success outcomes.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 0
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 3.1 Rating:

When speaking with Lyssa and looking at the USU Productions websites it was clear that the program does not have
any program learning outcomes. Due to the lack of any information of student learning, the program does not meet
the criteria. The program wants to provide enriching events for students but do not elaborate this in their websites.

3.2 Student Learning and Development Domains and Dimensions

● CAP aligns predetermined student learning and development outcomes with the CAS learning
outcomes model or other recognized student learning and development models.
● CAP aligns predetermined student learning and development outcomes with the institutional
framework for student outcomes.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 0
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 3.2 Rating:

When looking at the USU Production website and the interview with Lyssa, there were no clear program learning
outcomes for students participating in events that USU Productions develops and puts on for Fresno State students.
They do not have any direct language on the different learning outcomes students will gain while engaging in their
programs. The page does indicate the following regarding their abilities: “This programming team is one of the
most active student groups on campus. It strives to develop entertaining and enriching events and programs
throughout the year” (website). The wording indicates students that are going to be receiving great events that will
enrich their college experience but fails to mention what those enrichments will be. While the USU productions
does not indicate learning outcomes directly for students attending their programs they do mention some learning
outcomes for their marketing interns.

3.3 Assessment of Student Learning and Development

● CAP assesses the student learning and development outcome domains and dimensions relevant
to the functional area.
● CAP provides evidence of the extent to which student learning and development outcomes are
● CAP provides evidence of the extent to which student success outcomes are achieved.
● CAP uses evidence to create strategies for improving student learning, development, and

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 3.3 Rating:

USU Productions provides assessment to students that attend their events. The assessments focus on the number of
students that are attending, student demographics, and the attendees prospective on the event(s) they participated in.
For the most part attendees follow up using a survey that takes no more than 5 minutes to complete in which they
are ask to indicate how the event went, how it can be improved, and any other feedback that is needed (L. Gomez,
personal communication, October 29,2020). The results are then evaluated and are looked at to determine if any
improvements need to be made to the events to ensure students are receiving the events they are wanting to
participate and engage in.
As mentioned before, the USU Productions Program does not have any program learning outcomes and thus when
creating assessments, it is not connected to any outcomes as there are not any direct links to them.

Overview Questions:
1. What are the most significant student learning, development, and success outcomes of CAP?

Within the USU Productions Marketing Internship they have developed some learning outcomes for those
that become interns. The contracts that the interns sign allows for them to understand the expectation they
are expected to meet as they progress within the experience. The expectations are clear and concise for
interns to understand. The way the expectations are written also provides a clear outline of what the interns
will be able to learn. For example, “Promote USU Productions opportunities, services, and programs.
Attend and participate in weekly meetings and office hours (Monday at 5 pm and two office hours per
week.) Be punctual and responsible.” These expectations clearly state the tasks that they will be performing
during their internship.

2. What is the demonstrated impact of CAP on student learning, development, and success?

Currently there is no way of knowing the student learning, development, and success for USU Productions
as they currently only have clear learning outcomes for their marketing intern program.

4.1 Establishing a Culture of Assessment
● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) develops assessment plans and processes that document
progress toward achievement of mission, goals, outcomes, and objectives.
● CAP designs assessment plans that incorporate an ongoing cycle of assessment activities.
● CAP has fiscal, human, professional development, and technological resources to develop and
implement assessment plans.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 4.1 Rating:

USU Productions was rated a 1 on this section because according to a current graduate assistant
although they do have assessments reports that must be completed after each event they host; it is
unclear how that data is used. We were not able to access any publicly available information from
these reports to determine their effectiveness.

4.2 Program Goals, Outcomes, and Objectives

● CAP identifies goals, outcomes, and objectives to guide its work.
● CAP identifies assessment methods that will allow for the collection of relevant data on its
goals, outcomes, and objectives.
● When collaborating with other departments on assessment activities, the activities are
consistent with the CAP mission and assessment plan.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 4.2 Rating:

This standard was given a partial rating because CAP does not directly state their own goals and
outcomes that guide their work, rather they fall under the Student Involvement webpage and do not
explicitly state how they are determining and assessing their work to achieve said goals and outcomes.

4.3 Assessment Plan and Process

● CAP sets program goals, outcomes, and objectives.
● CAP develops and implements an assessment plan.
● CAP reviews and interprets findings of assessment initiatives.
● CAP develops a plan for data use, continuous improvement, and reassessment.
● CAP implements an improvement.
● CAP reviews and monitors changes that have been made based on assessment results.

● CAP implements the assessment process with methods that reflect universal design principles.
● CAP employs ethical practices in the assessment process.
● CAP implements assessment processes in a way that is culturally responsive, inclusive, and
● CAP engages students, faculty, staff, administrators, and other relevant constituents in
assessment activities.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 4.3 Rating:

Similar to the 4.2 rating justification, the goals and outcomes are stated yet the plan and the process is
unclear, and we are unable to determine how effective their assessment is.

4.4 Gathering Evidence

● CAP identifies priorities for assessment, including both formative and summative approaches.
● CAP employs multiple methods and measures of data collection.
● CAP develops manageable processes for gathering, interpreting, and evaluating data.
● CAP adheres to institutional policies related to data access and management.
● CAP ensures measures and methods are rigorous and reflect characteristics of validity,
reliability, and trustworthiness.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 4.4 Rating:

This standard was unable to rate due to insufficient evidence. The only assessment type document that
we are able to collect was a post attendance survey Google form used to gather feedback from
students who attend the events. Unable to determine if method of gathering data and processing in a
reality ad trustworthy manner according to institutional policies.

4.5 Review and Interpret Findings

● CAP uses methods to analyze and interpret data that correspond with objectives and questions
considered within overall assessment goals.
● CAP disaggregates data to address the objectives and questions considered in the assessment

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 4.5 Rating:

We were unable to determine how the data analyzed or interpreted as it was not accessible through
the USU Productions site or those related to them.

4.6 Reporting Results and Implementing Improvement

● CAP uses assessment results to demonstrate learning, development, and success.
● CAP uses assessment results to demonstrate effectiveness and continuous improvement.
● CAP uses evidence from assessment activities to inform decision-making and planning for
continuous improvement.
● CAP monitors improvements implemented based on assessment results.
● CAP applies results for future planning.
● CAP informs constituents of assessment results and how data have been used for continuous

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1E
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 4.6 Rating:

This standard was unable to rate due to insufficient evidence since we were not able to access any
results to determine where CAP stands on effectiveness and needs for improvement.

Overview Questions:
1. What is the comprehensive assessment strategy for CAP?
The comprehensive assessment strategies for CAP is unclear. We were unable to find any publicly
accessible evidence or results from their strategy.
2. What are priorities for assessment of CAP and how are those developed?
There is insufficient evidence of what CAP assessment priorities are as we could not locate any
data relating to assessment.
3. How are tangible, measurable learning, development, success, and program outcomes
determined to ensure achievement of mission and goals?
We do not have sufficient data to determine this.
4. How does CAP use assessment results to inform improvement? What changes, adjustments, or
improvements have been made as a result of assessment activities?
With no accessible, concrete results from assessments we are not able to determine what
improvements need to be made. we can only recommend CAP to reevaluate their assessment
result accessibility to allow more transparency from them.
5. How does CAP share assessment results with relevant constituencies?
Not applicable since we were unable to access and assessment results.
6. How does CAP support ongoing development of assessment competencies for personnel?
Based on information provided by the GA who is currently employed for them, CAP has the
intention to support the ongoing developments, but it is unclear how they are achieving that
since we were unable to find any assessment results.


5.1 Inclusive and Equitable Educational and Work Environments.
● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) creates and maintains educational and work environments
that are welcoming, accessible, inclusive, equitable, and free from bias or harassment.
● CAP does not discriminate on the basis of race; color; national origin; sex; disability; age;
cultural identity; ethnicity; nationality; citizenship; family educational history; political
affiliation; religious affiliation; sexual orientation; gender identity and expression; marital,
family, social, economic, place of residence, or veteran status; or any other basis included in
codes, laws, and institutional policies.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 5.1 Rating:

The USU Productions follows the federal, state, and the CSU guidelines. When it comes to hiring staff, student staff,
and interns. In the student handbook that was provided by Lyssa have sections that include Equal Employment
Opportunity, Harassment Policy, Required Trainings, and Safety Procedures. Within these sections it mentions that
“Fresno State is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer” ()

5.2 Organizational Aspects of Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

● CAP provides equitable access to facilities and resources for all constituents.
● CAP responds to the needs of all constituents when establishing hours of operation and
developing methods for delivering programs, services, and resources.
● CAP identifies and addresses actions, policies, and structures within its operation that
perpetuate systems of privilege and oppression.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:

Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1

Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 5.2 Rating:

USU Productions does not indicate direct language within any of their social media accounts or websites that
indicate they ensure their programs are equipped with the facilities and resources that are accessible for all their
students’ needs. While searching for the inclusive statements from the boarder student involvement division it had
some language within their mission statement that indicated the following: “We demonstrate inclusion by
consciously planning, designing, delivering programs, services, resources, policies, procedures and facilities that are
open, accessible to and appreciative of differences in background, ability, interest, and identity” (). Although USU
Productions did not have anything directly linked within the sites, there is language in the division ensuring
accessibility to events for all student needs.

5.3 Advocating for Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

● CAP advocates for accessible facilities and resources and addresses issues that impede access.
● CAP advocates for inclusion, multiculturalism, and social justice within the institution.
● CAP enacts culturally responsive, inclusive, respectful, and equitable practices in the
provision of services.
● CAP develops plans for ongoing professional development on cultural competence and
workplace inclusion.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 5.3 Rating:

As mentioned before the USU Production site does not indicate any statements of advocacy in regard to access,
equity, diversity, and inclusion. *

5.4 Implementing Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

● CAP establishes goals for access, equity, diversity, and inclusion.
● CAP addresses the characteristics and needs of diverse constituents when establishing and
implementing culturally relevant and inclusive programs, services, policies, procedures, and
● CAP personnel design and implement strategies for involving and engaging diverse student
populations in the planning, implementation, and assessment of programs and services.
● CAP provides educational programs that emphasize self-assessment and personal responsibility
for creating and improving relationships across differences.
● CAP ensures that personnel are trained in diversity, equity, access, and inclusion and are held
accountable for applying the training to its work.
● CAP has an established protocol for, and fosters expectations of, bias incident reporting.
● Personnel within CAP cultivate understanding of identity, culture, self-expression, and
● Personnel within CAP promote respect for commonalities and differences among people within
their historical and cultural contexts.
● When educational and/or workplace accommodations are requested, CAP provides individuals
with an interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 5.4 Rating:

Overview Questions:

1. How does CAP ensure constituents experience a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive
environment that is equitable and free from harassment?
There was not a lot of information within regards to how the program ensures this; however
within the Student Involvement page indicated that as a whole, they are ensuring that
students’ needs are met.
2. How does CAP identify barriers to and advocate for access, equity, diversity, and inclusion?
USU Productions engages with students’ satisfaction surveys in which the team can provide a
better understanding if they are meeting students’ needs.
3. How does CAP address imbalances in participation among selected populations of students?
There was not a lot of information regarding how they engage different student populations.
4. How does CAP address imbalances in staffing patterns among selected populations of program
There was not a lot of information regarding how they engage different student populations.
5. How does CAP ensure cultural competence of its personnel to foster inclusion in the program?
Fresno State employees are required to engage in trainings that are put in placed by the Human
resources department.


Suggested Evidence and Documentation for Part 6:
1. Periodic reports, contracts, and personnel memos
2. Annual reports by program leaders
3. Program leader resumes, including additional professional involvement
4. Strategic and operating plans
5. Needs assessment of program constituents

6.1 Leadership
● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) leaders model ethical behavior and demonstrate alignment
with institutional mission, goals, and ethical practices.
● CAP leaders provide management and supervision as well as lead strategic planning and
program advancement.
● CAP leaders create a vision for the functional area.
● CAP leaders communicate goals.
● CAP leaders model and expect commitment.
● CAP leaders build teams, coalitions, and alliances.
● CAP leaders influence others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the unit.
● CAP leaders advance diversity, equity, access, and inclusion goals in the workplace.
● CAP leaders incorporate data and information in decision making.
● CAP leaders develop a risk management plan for the organization.
● CAP leaders incorporate sustainable practices in the design of programs, services, and
● CAP leaders develop and empower new leaders from within the organization.
● CAP leaders collaborate with colleagues and departments across the institution.
● CAP leaders adhere to organizational constraints.
● CAP leaders create an environment in which CAP personnel and students value and respect
individual differences.
● CAP leaders advocate for and actively promote the functional area’s mission and goals.
● CAP leaders communicate with constituents about current issues affecting the profession.
● CAP leaders identify and address individual, organizational, and environmental conditions
that foster or inhibit mission achievement.
● CAP leaders facilitate discussion and decisions regarding program advancement.
● CAP leaders advocate for representation in strategic planning processes at departmental,
divisional, and institutional levels.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 6.1 Rating:


The partial rating was determined by the lack of publicly accessible information on expectation for
professional staff, meanwhile they are explicitly provided for the student staff and interns.

6.2 Management
● CAP managers are empowered to demonstrate effective management.
● CAP managers plan, allocate, and monitor the use of fiscal, physical, human, intellectual, and
technological resources
● CAP managers develop plans for scholarship, leadership, and service to the institution and the
● CAP managers engage diverse perspectives from within and outside the unit to inform decision

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 6.2 Rating:

The rating for this section was only partial due to being unable to locate professional staff job
descriptions to determine what is expected of them and review if they are meeting the expectations and
being effective. The only professional staff member job that we were able to locate was that of the
Coordinator of Programs, Events, and Assessments which is not telling enough to determine for the
entire management team.

6.3 Supervision
● CAP supervisors incorporate institutional policies and procedures in the development of
strategies for recruitment, selection, professional development, supervision, performance
planning, succession planning, evaluation, recognition, and reward of personnel.
● CAP supervisors consult with institutional HR personnel to access and receive education and
training that influence successful performance of personnel.
● CAP supervisors provide feedback on personnel performance.
● CAP supervisors identify and resolve workplace conflict.
● CAP supervisors follow institutional policies for addressing complaints.
● CAP supervisors provide reports and activity updates to management.
● CAP supervisors work with personnel to develop plans for scholarship, leadership, and service
to the profession and institution.
● CAP supervisors provide supervision and support so that personnel may complete assigned tasks.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 6.3 Rating:

The justification for this insufficient evidence rating was that although we were able to locate the
Performance Evaluation form provided by Auxiliary Services, it is unclear whether management used
this form at all and if they did then with who. Additionally, even though the institution’s Employee
handbook is required to be provided to all employees, that does not guarantee that they will be
informed by it and use it to meet expectations, policies, provisions and procedures on how to effectively
manage and supervise.

6.4 Strategic Planning

● Strategic planning processes facilitate continuous development, implementation, assessment,
and evaluation of program effectiveness and goal attainment congruent with institutional
mission and ongoing planning effort.
● Strategic planning processes support ongoing assessment activities that improve student
learning, development, and success.
● Strategic planning processes utilize philosophies, principles, and values that guide the work of
● Strategic planning processes promote environments that provide opportunities for student
learning, development, and success.

● Strategic planning processes develop, adapt, and improve programs and services in response to
the needs of changing environments, populations served, and evolving institutional priorities.
● Strategic planning processes engage many diverse constituents and perspectives from within and
outside the unit to inform the development and implementation of the planning process.
● Strategic planning processes result in a vision and mission that drive short- and long-term
● Strategic planning processes set goals and objectives based on the needs of the population
served, intended student learning and development outcomes, and program outcomes.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 6.4 Rating:

The justification for this rating comes from USU ability to adapt in response to needs of changing
environments. This has been evident in their transition to virtual events is the lieu of COVID 19. As a
department who is responsible for arranging events and services for students the sudden shift of not
being able to hold in person events was a hindrance for them. Therefore their ability to transition to
virtual events and plan strategically to still be able to serve students was enough to grant them
partial credit. Additionally they do have post event surveys and reports that must be completed out
but that hindered their rating since we do not have access to how that data is used or if the events
prove to be effective.

Overview Questions:
1. To what extent are CAP leader(s) viewed as and held responsible for advancing the
departmental mission?
As CAP leaders and management there is a significant expectation that they are responsible for
advancing the departmental mission however as seen in the with the rating and the evidence
above it is difficult to determine how much accountability they should be holding without
access to physical job descriptions and expectations.
2. What opportunities and barriers are present for CAP leader(s) as they seek to fulfill the
functional area mission?
There is insufficient evidence to answer this question.
3. How do CAP leaders advance the organization?
Our hope would be that by CAP leaders ensuring they are maintaining communication across
the institution and maintaining a staff that is diverse, inclusive and equitable. would be enough
to advance the organization however we were unable to determine that with the lack of
evidence we came across.
4. How do CAP leaders encourage collaboration across the institution?
One way they are encouraging collaboration across campus is by inviting and collaborating
with different departments and individuals on campus as seen in the appendices.
5. How are CAP leaders accountable for their performance?
As CAP leaders they are accountable for performing in alignment with the mission and values
that is stated by the overall umbrella of Student Involvement but insufficient evidence it is
unclear of how they truly held accountable.
6. How have CAP leaders empowered personnel and engaged stakeholders?
Based on evidence that we have it unclear if personnel and stakeholder feel empowered since
we were unable to find any explicit evidence by personally or stakeholders.


7.1 Staffing and Support

● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) identifies the level of staffing necessary to achieve its mission
and goals.
● CAP is staffed by individuals qualified to accomplish its mission and goals.
● CAP has access to technical and support personnel to accomplish its mission.
● CAP has administrative personnel to support its overall operations.
● CAP professional personnel either hold an earned graduate or professional degree in a field
relevant to their position or possess an appropriate combination of educational credentials
and related work experience.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 7.1 Rating:

Is staffed by qualified individuals, has access to technical and support personnel, has administrative
personnel to support overall operations, and professional personnel with an earned degree in the field
as well as work experience. Is lacking the evidence in identifying the level of staffing necessary to
achieve its mission and goals.

7.2 Employment Practices

● CAP establishes procedures and expectations for personnel recruitment, selection, training,
supervision, performance, and evaluation.
● CAP leaders ensure that all personnel have written position descriptions.
● CAP leaders regularly review position descriptions.
● CAP leaders maintain copies of up-to-date resumes/curriculum vitae for all currently
employed personnel.
● CAP leaders implement recruitment and selection/hiring strategies that demonstrate a
deliberate effort to diversify the workforce.
● CAP leaders develop promotion practices that are fair, inclusive, proactive, and non-
● CAP leaders, in partnership with personnel and aligned with institutional policies, establish
work arrangements that achieve department objectives.
● Personnel have written performance goals, objectives, and outcomes for each performance
cycle and are used to plan, review, and evaluate work and performance.
● Performance plans are updated regularly and reflect changes during the performance cycle.
● Results of individual personnel evaluations are used to recognize personnel performance,
address performance issues, implement individual and/or collective personnel development and
training programs, and inform the assessment of CAP.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 1
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 7.2 Rating:

Established procedures and expectations for personnel recruitment, selection, training, supervision,
performance, and evaluation. CAP leaders ensure that all personnel have written position
descriptions. CAP leaders implement recruitment and selection/hiring strategies that demonstrate a
deliberate effort to diversify the workforce and promote practices that are fair, inclusive, proactive,
and non-discriminatory. CAP leaders, in partnership with personnel and aligned with institutional
policies, establish work arrangements that achieve department objectives. Performance plans are
updated regularly and reflect changes during the performance cycle. This area is lacking in CAP
leaders regularly reviewing position descriptions and maintaining copies of up-to-date
resumes/curriculum vitae for all currently employed personnel. Although both are done during the
hiring process, there isn’t a revisit unless the employee is showing disruption. Personnel have written
performance goals, objectives, and outcomes for each performance cycle and are used to plan, review,
and evaluate work and performance. Although results of individual personnel evaluations are used
to recognize personnel performance, address performance issues, implement individual and/or
collective personnel development and training programs, and inform the assessment I am unsure if this
data is used.

7.3 Personnel Training and Development

● CAP personnel receive training when hired and professional development throughout their
● CAP personnel engage in continuing professional development activities.
● CAP provides personnel with appropriate professional development opportunities or resources.

● CAP personnel have access to resources and receive specific training on policies, procedures, and
laws related to the programs and services they support.
● CAP personnel have access to resources and receive specific training on policies, procedures, and
laws related to privacy and confidentiality.
● CAP personnel have access to resources and receive specific training on policies, procedures, and
laws related to student records and sensitive institutional information.
● CAP personnel have access to resources and receive specific training on policies, procedures, and
laws related to systems and technologies necessary to perform their assigned responsibilities.
● CAP personnel have access to resources and receive specific training on policies, procedures, and
laws related to sexual misconduct, harassment, and workplace violence.
● CAP personnel are trained on how to recognize and address systems of oppression in the
workplace and facilitate a welcoming, inclusive work environment.
● CAP personnel are trained on how and when to refer those in need of additional assistance to
qualified personnel and have access to a supervisor for assistance in making these judgments.
● CAP leaders ensure that personnel are knowledgeable about and trained in safety, emergency
procedures, identifying threatening conduct or behavior, crisis prevention, response, and

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 7.3 Rating:

CAP personnel receive training and provide training to all employees when hired. Both the CAP
personnel and employees receive sexual harassment training and is listed in employee handbook. FERPA
training is also available to CAP personnel and employees. Although the office of student involvement
does not specifically offer training nor explicitly state it is a necessity to be trained on technologies,
diversity, and inclusion, CAP personnel and employees are given opportunities and resources for
workshops and training on these topics. The training all employees must attend every year at the
beginning of semester encapsulates almost all of these areas including emergency procedures and crisis
management. All employees are eligible to receive CPR and first aid training.

7.4 Paraprofessional Personnel

● Paraprofessionals working in CAP are enrolled in an appropriate field of study and/or have
relevant experience.
● Paraprofessionals working in CAP are carefully selected, trained, supervised, and evaluated
by personnel who possess applicable educational credentials, work experience, and have
supervisory experience.
● CAP leaders accommodate the dual roles paraprofessionals may have as both student and
● CAP leaders adhere to parameters of paraprofessionals’ job descriptions.
● CAP leaders articulate intended student learning and development outcomes in student
employee job descriptions.
● CAP leaders adhere to agree-upon work hours and schedules.
● CAP leaders offer flexible scheduling options as needed by the student employee.
● CAP leaders work with paraprofessionals to determine suitable compensation if circumstances
necessitate additional hours.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 7.4 Rating:

CAP leaders meet all and evidence is shown in applications.

Overview Questions:
1. In what ways are personnel qualifications examined, performance evaluated, and recognition
provided for exemplary performance? Personnel qualifications are examined by the personnel
being educated in higher education and student affairs. Performance is evaluated not only by

creating reports, but also by attending monthly one on one check ins with the dean of student
involvement. I am unaware of how exemplary performance is recognized for the CAP personnel,
but their employees are rewarded with praise, recognition, and sometimes gifts.
2. How are professional development efforts designed, how do they support achievement of the
CAP mission, and how do they prepare and educate staff on relevant information? Professional
development efforts are designed by thinking of the CAP personnel, their graduate assistants,
their student assistants, and their interns. Start by asking what these leaders in these
positions should/ would need to know about campus activities and programs and what would
they like to gain. Can offer or host training, workshops, and other resources.
3. How has the staffing model been developed to ensure successful functional area operations? I
am not sure. This is something that I marked as not having evidence of the staffing model. I work
for this organization and although I know there is a staffing model, it is not explicitly shown
4. How does CAP engage graduate interns and assistants, student employees, and volunteers? CAP
engages graduate assistants, student coordinators, and interns by providing them learning
opportunities within the field of student affairs. Employees and interns are given the
opportunity to not only learn about campus activities and programs, but also plan these
activities from start to finish. Everything from logistics to contracts and everything in
between, these students are learning. They are also given the opportunity to grow and take on
new responsibilities within the organization.


8.1 Collaboration
● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) personnel collaborate and consult with institutional
leaders, faculty, individuals, and departments essential to the success of the program.
● CAP collaborates with individuals, groups, communities, and organizations.
● CAP collaborates to garner support and resources.
● CAP collaborates to meet the needs of students, designated clients, and other constituents.
● CAP collaborates to achieve program and student outcomes.
● CAP collaborates to engage diverse populations to enrich the educational environment.
● CAP collaborates to disseminate information about programs and services.
● CAP collaborates to solve problems pertinent to the student population, designated clients,
or the organization.
● CAP maintains relationships with vendors whose functions and services serve students.
● CAP refers students, designated clients, and other constituents to appropriate resources when
assistance is needed beyond the functional area’s scope.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 8.1 Rating:

As stated in personal interviews and through job applications, it is extremely important that this
program collaborates with institutional leaders, faculty, individuals, and departments essential to
the success of the program. Collaboration is extremely important to garner support and resources
from outside organizations, departments, and members of the Fresno State community. Examples of
collaborations include CCGC to bring Drag bingo and the Deaf Studies department to meet the needs of
students and provide support and access to the student population.

8.2 Communication
● CAP provides relevant information, services, and resources that explain its mission and goals.
● CAP develops and implements strategies for outreach and promotion.
● CAP promotional and descriptive information is accurate and free of deception and

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 8.2 Rating:

Within the social media outcomes USU Productions allows for students to be more well informed about
events that are taking place. With the move to remote learning and interaction due to the global
pandemic, the program has used more of its social media platforms to communicate with students on
the events they are putting together for them. They are thinking of creative ways to continue to talk
about the ability to

8.3 Procedures and Guidelines

● CAP has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for
communicating with the media.
● CAP has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for
distributing information through print, broadcast, and online sources
● CAP has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for the use
of social media.
● CAP has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for
contracting with external organizations for delivery of programs and services.
● CAP has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for
developing relationships with donors.
● CAP has and follows procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for
dissemination of relevant information in a timely manner to all constituents.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 8.3 Rating:

Overview Questions:
1. With which relevant individuals, campus offices, and external agencies must CAP maintain
effective relationships? Why are these relationships important, and how are they mutually
beneficial? It is important to maintain good relationships with on campus and off campus entities
to better serve the students. You are able to collaborate with these entities for events and
2. How does CAP maintain effective relationships with program constituents? CAP will always
send thank you cards to those who helped collaborate and participate in events. CAP maintains
communication with constituents throughout the year. CAP creates a friendly, respectful,
and welcoming environment.
How does CAP assess the effectiveness of its relations with individuals, campus offices, and external
agencies? There is insufficient evidence to accurately answer this question.


10.1 Funding
● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) has the funding that is necessary to accomplish its mission
and goals.
● CAP determines with administrative leadership what funding is necessary.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 10.1 Rating:

Campus Activities Programs (CAP) has the funding that is necessary to accomplish its mission and goals.
CAP determines with administrative leadership what funding is necessary

10.2 Financial Planning


● In establishing and prioritizing funding resources, CAP conducts comprehensive analyses to

determine unmet needs of the unit; relevant expenditures; external and internal resources;
and impact on students and the institution.
● CAP uses the budget as a planning tool to reflect commitment to the mission and goals of the
functional area and of the institution.
● CAP financial reports provide an accurate financial overview of the organization and provide
clear, understandable, and timely data upon which personnel can plan and make informed

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 10.2 Rating:

No evidence provided to properly determine if financial planning meets CAS standards.

10.3 Financial Management

● CAP manages funds in accordance with established governmental laws and institutional
policies, procedures, and guidelines.
● CAP demonstrates responsible stewardship and use of fiscal resources.
● CAP uses clear and equitable methods for establishing, collecting, and allocating student and
user fees.
● The authority and processes for decisions relevant to campus activities fees are clearly
established and funds are spent consistent with established priorities.
● CAP has procedures and guidelines consistent with institutional policy for applying to and
managing funds from external resources.
● CAP is provided with the institutional and financial resources to assist with professional
development of personnel.
● CAP procurement procedures are consistent with institutional policies.
● CAP procurement procedures ensure that purchases comply with laws and codes for usability
and access.
● CAP procurement procedures ensure that the institution receives value for the funds spent.
● CAP procurement procedures consider information available for comparing the ethical and
environmental impact of products and services purchased.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 10.3 Rating:

No evidence provided to properly determine if financial management meets CAS standards.

Overview Questions:
1. What is the funding strategy for CAP, and why is this the most appropriate approach? I did not
have sufficient evidence to accurately answer this question.
2. How does CAP ensure fiscal responsibility, responsible stewardship, and cost-effectiveness? I did
not have sufficient evidence to accurately answer this question.
3. If applicable, how does CAP go about increasing financial resources? I did not have sufficient
evidence to accurately answer this question.
4. What structures exist to ensure compliance and responsible stewardship, management, and use
of fiscal resources? How are limitations or gaps in these structures mitigated? I did not have
sufficient evidence to accurately answer this question.


12.1 Design of Facilities
● Campus Activities Programs (CAP) facilities are located in suitable spaces designed to support
the CAP mission and goals.

● CAP facilities are intentionally designed to engage various constituents, promote learning, and
provide accessible and safe spaces.
● CAP facilities are designed to protect the security and privacy of records and ensure the
confidentiality of sensitive information and conversations.
● CAP incorporates universal design principles.
● CAP facilities are designed and constructed to be energy-efficient and sustainable.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 12.1 Rating:

Campus Activities Programs (CAP) facilities are located in suitable spaces designed to support the CAP
mission and goals and facilities are intentionally designed to engage various constituents, promote
learning, and provide accessible and safe spaces.
CAP facilities are designed to protect the security and privacy of records and ensure the
confidentiality of sensitive information and conversations and incorporate universal design principles.
With the new student union being built it will meet the CAS standard of facilities that are designed
and constructed to be energy-efficient and sustainable.

"The University Student Union at California State University, Fresno strives to meet the ever-changing
needs of our diverse campus community by offering within our facilities a multitude of services,
programs, and events in an inviting and interactive atmosphere. In harmony with the academic mission
of the university, we are committed to fostering student success by providing a positive learning
environment. This is achieved through volunteer leadership experiences, educational and entertaining
events, recreation and leisure activities, cultural programs, and student employment opportunities"

12.2 Work Space

● CAP personnel have equipped and well-maintained workspaces designed to support their work
and responsibilities.
● CAP personnel are able to safeguard the privacy of their work.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets 2
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 12.2 Rating:

With the new student union being built it will meet the CAS standard of the workspace requirements as

12.3 Equipment Acquisition

● When acquiring capital equipment, CAP takes into account expenses related to regular
maintenance and life cycle costs.
● CAP incorporates sustainable practices when purchasing equipment.
● CAP secures and tracks potential high-theft items.

DNA IE 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 12.3 Rating:

No evidence provided to properly determine if equipment acquisition meets CAS standards.

12.4 Facilities and Equipment Use

● CAP facilities and equipment is inspected on an established cycle and is in compliance with codes,
laws, and established practices for accessibility, health, safety, and security.

● CAP promptly reports broken, malfunctioning, defective, unusable, or faulty facilities and
equipment to the entity responsible for maintenance.
● CAP develops sustainable practices for facilities use.
● CAP assesses the effectiveness of its facilities to ensure they are meeting facilities and equipment
● CAP personnel advocate for appropriate, consistent, and fair assignment of facilities and

DNA 0 1 2 Rating:
Does Not Apply Insufficient Does Not Partly Meets Meets IE
Evidence/ Meet
Unable to Rate

Justification for 12.4 Rating:

No evidence provided to properly determine if facilities and equipment use meets CAS standards.

Overview Questions:
1. How are facilities inventoried and maintained? I am unsure of the inventory process because
that was an area with insufficient evidence. The facilities are maintained by staff who work 24
hours cleaning the facilities and fixing things if needed.
2. How does CAP integrate sustainable practices? The current student union has refillable water
stations throughout the building to reduce the use of plastics as well as recycling
throughout the facility. The new student union will be Gold LEED equivalent and the
building will include many sustainable practices. The Resnick Student Union will be partially
solar powered, and the landscaping will include components from the amphitheater.
3. How does CAP ensure that facilities, workspaces, and equipment are considered in decision-
making? CAP ensures facilities, workspaces, and equipment are considered in decision-making. In
order for an event to happen you need to first think about the facility, what the capacity is, is
there enough power outlets for the amount you need, is lighting good. Figure out what the
structure is like and if that is the correct fit for your event. Event location and structure
can vary. Also, in event planning, you need to create a supply list and in that you will consider
what equipment is needed.
4. How is CAP intentional about space allocation and usage? CAP is intentional about space
allocation and the use of space by figuring out logistics of what is best or that space usage. For
example, in the lower level of the University Student Union there are computer stations with
dividers so students can have privacy and complete their work. Usage can vary depending on
how you plan to use that space in which it best fits the program you are planning and the
students of which you serve.

Work Form B – Good Practices

This work form should be completed following a review of the individual ratings of the team
members. Examine the ratings of each criterion measure by the team members, and record the
following in the form below:
● Good Practices: Item number(s) for which all participants have given a rating of 2,
indicating agreement that the criterion meets the standard.

Part Standards of Good Practice

1. Mission 1.2 Mission Statement
● The mission statement references student learning, development, and

2. Program and Program and Services Mission

Services ● The mission of Campus Activities Programs (CAP) is to enhance the overall
student educational experience through providing activities and events
to facilitate students' sense of belonging and connection to the
institution and the overall academic mission.

3. Student Learning, N/A

Development, and
4. Assessment N/A

5. Access, Equity, 5.1 Inclusive and Equitable Educational and Work Environments
Diversity, and
6. Leadership, N/A
Management, and
7. Human Resources 7.3 Personnel Training and Development
7.4 Paraprofessional Personnel

8. Collaboration and

9. Ethics, Law, and


10. Financial 10.1 Funding Campus Activities Programs


11. Technology

12. Facilities and 12.1 Design of Facilities

Infrastructure 12.2 Work Space

Work Form C –Areas for Improvement and Recommended Action

This work form should be completed following a review of the individual ratings of the team
members. Examine the ratings of each criterion measure by the team members, and record the
following in the form below:
● Areas for Improvement: Item number(s) for which all participants have given a rating
of 0 or 1, indicating agreement that the criterion does not meet or partly meets the
standard. Items rated IE for insufficient evidence/unable to rate should be listed here as
● Recommendations: List the items needing follow-up action for improvement and
indicate what requires attention. The team or coordinator should consider including
any criterion measure rated as being not met by the reviewers, as well as those with
significant discrepancies that are not resolved by team discussion.

Areas for Improvement:

Items that do not meet or partly meet the Recommendations for Functional
Part standard (consensus ratings = 0, 1) Area Action:
1. Mission N/A

2. Program and N/A


3. Student 3.1 Program Contribution to Student USU Productions should be able to

Learning, Learning, Development, and Success garner better learning outcomes
Development, and 3.2 Student Learning and for their events. These learning
Success Development Domains and outcomes should be created using
Dimensions language that clearly states.
3.3 Assessment of Student Learning Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain
and Development framework can be used to write the
learning outcomes. This framework
allows for categorization of the
learning outcomes from simply being
able to remember simple facts to
being able to create new knowledge
and understanding (). By creating a
hierarchy of learning outcomes, USU
Productions can develop events
that slowly ensure that students
are able to reach the complex
learning outcomes they develop. It
creates a connection between the
learning outcomes of the events to
the learning outcomes of USU
Productions which allows for a
clearer picture of their role in the
cognitive development of students.
As of now USU Productions does lack
a way to track any learning
outcomes. For the most part,
assessments that are being given to
participate of their events are only
asked to provide feedback of how
well an event went. While this is of
great importance to ensure the
success of the event. It is also

important to document to what

extent do the events provide a space
to grow in students’ educational
journey. Creation of new assessment
is also recommended after the
establishment of new program
learning outcomes. The assessments
that are created should be able not
only gather information about the
outcomes of the event but also
ensure that the team can gather
information if the event was
effective in accomplishing the
program's outcomes.

4. Assessment 4.1 Establishing a Culture of Assessment Though USU Productions displays

4.2 Program Goals, Outcomes, and their missions and values and how
Objectives they hope to serve the institution,
4.3 Assessment Plan and Process it is unclear how they are assessing
4.4 Gathering Evidence their work to ensure that is
4.5 Review and Interpret Findings
4.6 Reporting Results and Implementing happening. The recommendation for
Improvement assessment is to provide more
transparency to their entire
personnel as well as to their
institutional constituents. To
ensure that, our recommendation is
for CAP to release data they have
gathered through assessment in a
safe and confidential manner.

5. Access, Equity, 5.2 Organizational Aspects of Access, While USU Productions aims to
Diversity, and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion ensure access, equity, diversity, and
Inclusion 5.3 Advocating for Access, Equity, inclusion; however, there is a lack
Diversity, and Inclusion of clarity within their websites. It
would be recommended to have more
visibility within USU Productions to
ensure these qualities are seen in
their events, programming, learning
outcomes. By being more visible with
these things it will allow for more
visible advocacy. Programming they
oversee needs to meet any ADA
regulations, it will be helpful to
students to know prior to attending
an event that their needs will be
6. Leadership, 6.1 Leadership Our recommendation for this
Management, and 6.2 Management component is for job descriptions and
Supervision 6.3 Supervision expectations of professional
6.4 Strategic planning management to be explicitly stated
as are those of student staff to

ensure institutional constituents

are aware of what is expected of
CAP management and determine if
they are effectively managing.
7. Human Staffing and support and employment USU Productions should identify the
Resources practices. level of staffing that is needed to
support that program. Identify how
many people in total. How many
graduate assistants and student
assistants are needed? USU
Productions personnel should also
keep track of employees' resumes for
their professional development.
Personnel should also use findings of
program performance to improve
8. Collaboration
9. Ethics, Law,
and Policy

10. Financial N/A N/A


11. Technology

12. Facilities and N/A N/A


Work Form D – Beginning the Action Plan

This work form is for use by the staff of the functional area being reviewed and is the first
step in identifying the actions to be taken as a consequence of study results. Using the Items
Requiring Attention listed in Work Form C, write a brief action plan that identifies the focus
and intended outcomes of the next steps to be taken in each area.

Part 1. Mission

Part 2. Program and Services

Part 3. Student Learning, Development, and Success

USU Productions should be able to garner better learning outcomes for their events. These
learning outcomes should be created using language that clearly states. Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Cognitive Domain framework can be used to write the learning outcomes. Creation of new
assessment is also recommended after the establishment of new program learning outcomes. The
assessments that are created should be able not only gather information about the outcomes of
the event but also ensure that the team can gather information if the event was effective in
accomplishing the program's outcomes.

Part 4. Assessment
Based on information shared by a current graduate assistant, there is no clarity as to how
assessment data and reports are used. Therefore, transparency should begin within the
department and if possible, with proper confidential measures make data accessible to
institutional constituents as it will allow others to determine the effectiveness of the service of
CAP and serve as a learning tool for programs such as HEAL.

Part 5. Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

It would be recommended to have more visibility within USU Productions to ensure these
qualities are seen in their events, programming, learning outcomes. By being more visible with
these things it will allow for more visible advocacy

Part 6. Leadership, Management, and Supervision

Providing access to job descriptions of professional staff, will allow CAP personnel and
institution constituents to understand what is expected of them therefore allowing them to be
held accountable and determine whether their leadership, management, and supervision is

Part 7. Human Resources

CAP personnel will be able to accurately identify how many staff is needed in total to run that
specific program. CAP personnel will track employees' resumes for their professional development
by asking for yearly updates. CAP personnel will use findings of program performance to improve

Part 8. Collaboration and Communication

Part 9. Ethics, Law, and Policy


Part 10. Financial Resources

Part 11. Technology

Part 12. Facilities and Infrastructure

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