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The effect of aeration TECHNICAL PAPER

through an internal gallery Journal of the South African

Institution of Civil Engineering

of a dam on the cavitation

ISSN 1021-2019
Vol 60 No 1, March 2018, Pages 31–43, Paper 1727

risk of Roberts splitters GERARD CALITZ obtained his MEng in Civil

Engineering cum laude from Stellenbosch
University in 2016. He currently works in
Aurecon’s Pretoria office as a graduate civil
G Calitz, G R Basson engineer specialising in the design and
detailing of hydraulic structures. His
research interests include dams, dam
spillways and open channel hydraulics.
Roberts splitters is an effective means of energy dissipation for dam spillways. Roberts’ (1943)
standard unaerated splitter design procedure is, however, limited to a spillway head (H) of 3.0 m Contact details:
Aurecon Centre
(q ≈ 12 m2/s). In order to avoid cavitation at higher design spillway heads, this study investigated Lynnwood Bridge Office Park
the artificial aeration of the flow by local air vents positioned on the splitters. A 1:20 scale 4 Daventry Street
hydraulic model of an ogee spillway equipped with Roberts splitters was constructed. Two Lynnwood Manor
Pretoria 0081
aerated models, with differently sized air vents, were compared to an unaerated control model
South Africa
in order to determine the effect that the proposed aeration system has on the cavitation risk of T: +27 12 427 2823
the splitters at prototype unit discharges (q) of up to 50 m2/s. E:
At the maximum tested spillway head of 7.6 m (q = 50 m2/s) the minimum pressures and air
concentration around the splitters of both aerated models increased considerably. It was further PROF GERRIT BASSON Pr Eng (FSAICE) is
Head of the Water Division in the
observed that the unaerated splitters were prone to drowning at high spillway heads, leading to
Department of Civil Engineering at
unfavourable hydraulic conditions. Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He
Based on the results of this study, the addition of aeration through an internal aeration gallery specialises in river hydraulics, sedimentation
can increase the unit discharge capacity of Roberts splitters to at least 50 m2/s, up by 43%, from and design of hydraulic structures. He has
30 years’ experience in the design of
the unaerated limit of 35 m2/s.
hydraulic structures and is well known
internationally as the recent past vice-president of ICOLD (International
Commission on Large Dams) and of WASER (World Association of
Introduction are typically used on high dams where the Sediment and Erosion Research). He has work experience from 21
countries and has been involved in several missions of the World Bank as
spillway flow velocities are too fast for a expert.
Roberts splitters as energy stilling basin, or the unit discharge too high
Contact details:
dissipator for a stepped spillway. The Roberts splitters Department of Civil Engineering
Roberts splitters are a type of energy-dissi- system consists of a series of projecting Stellenbosch University
pating measure located near the top of dam teeth or splitters immediately upstream of Private Bag X1
Matieland 7602
spillways, as can be seen on the Vanderkloof a continuous lip or step (Mason 1983). If
South Africa
Dam spillway in Figure 1, originally devel- designed correctly, two sets of jets created T: +27 21 808 4355
oped by Lt Col DF Roberts for the Loskop by the splitters and step will collide in mid- E:
Dam in 1936 (Roberts 1943). These splitters air, breaking up into spray, and dissipating

Keywords: Roberts splitters, dam spillway, energy dissipation,

Figure 1 R
 oberts splitters on the Vanderkloof Dam spillway ( 2014) artificial aeration, cavitation

Calitz G, Basson GR. The effect of aeration through an internal gallery of a dam on the cavitation risk of Roberts splitters.
J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2018:60(1), Art. #1727, 13 pages. 31
the energy through air resistance (Roberts
1980), as can be seen in Figure 2.
During operation, the intended goal of
the splitters is to split the sheet of water
flowing down the spillway. By doing this,
the direction of the flow is rapidly changed
and flow separation may exist around the
splitters, leading to sub-atmospheric pres-
sures. If the pressure in the fluid becomes
too low (approaches vapour pressure),
cavitation may occur, which could cause
serious damage to the spillway structure.
Cavitation in general can be mitigated
in two ways: firstly, by ensuring that the
fluid pressure remains above 3 m absolute
(Chadwick et al 2013), and secondly, by
introducing at least 8% air concentration
into the flow (Chanson 1992). On a dam
spillway with Roberts splitters, air can be
introduced to the water flow at atmos-
pheric pressure via air vents connected to Figure 2 R
 oberts splitters in operation on the Gariep Dam spillway (Calitz & Basson 2015)
an atmospheric air source. This is called
artificial aeration. This air flow to the
air vents needs not be pumped or pres-
Bridge pier
surised, if properly designed, because sub-
atmospheric pressures within the nappe Splitter aeration gallery
created by the separated flow over splitters Gallery Lateral air vent 00.3

will naturally suck air out of the vents. This 3.2 3.4
is true provided that the pressure of the air Air vent 00.6

in the cavity of the aforementioned nappe 8.54
is lower than the air in the air vent (which
should be atmospheric or higher). Although Air vent 00.9 6.71
aeration has previously been provided for 00.9
the Roberts splitters, for example on the

spillways of the Gariep and Vanderkloof
Dams (both on the Orange River in South
Africa), “the need or effectiveness of aera- Section through crest Front elevation
tion by internal ducts has, however, not
been proved conclusively” (Jordaan 1989). Figure 3 T ypical detail of Gariep Dam splitter aeration (Roberts 1977)

Objective of the study The study served mainly as an investi- of the crest and step configuration might
The main objective of the study was to gation into the improvement of the original be needed for a design head of 6.7 m
determine what effect the artificial aeration Roberts procedure for the design of crest (q = 40 m2/s, as used during the study). It
of Roberts splitters (through an internal splitters to dissipate the energy of a flood could therefore not be assumed that the dis-
gallery) has on the local negative pressures (Roberts 1943), with the goal to alleviate persive action of the splitters would stay the
around the splitters, with the goal of alle- cavitation risks. Roberts’ splitters did not same as for those with a lesser design head.
viating cavitation risks at prototype unit have any form of air vents or ducts, and During the study, the size of the air vents
discharges of up to 50 m2/s. thus, with the addition of such features, a was limited by the space available between
To achieve the objective, physical different optimisation might be needed. the pressure sensors on the downstream
hydraulic model tests were conducted in the The downstream effect of the aeration was end of the splitter. Thus, only two sizes were
hydraulic laboratory of the Civil Engineering not evaluated, including energy dissipation investigated. This limited a broad recom-
Department of Stellenbosch University. and apron pressures. As mentioned by mendation on the optimal air vent size.
Mason (1983), until a comprehensive study
Limitations of the study of these crest splitters is done to point
The maximum discharge that was evalu- towards a set of design guidelines, further Relevant literature
ated was limited by the model scale and optimisation of the splitter configuration
the laboratory’s pump capacity. The scale would be needed, especially at the high Limitations to Roberts splitters
had to be large enough to construct each spillway heads we see on modern dams. Roberts (1943) first introduced the limit of
splitter with the necessary detail to apply In lieu of Roberts’ spillway head limita- 3.0 m of spillway head. He stated that indi-
pressure-monitoring instruments. tion of 3 m (q = 12 m2/s), again, optimisation vidual model tests were required to validate

32 Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018  Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
as 1.2 times the design head. Further tests air vents on the splitters at high spillway
Flow at the Rhenosterkop Dam in Mpumalanga, heads and cause potential air flow blockage
gallery – not South Africa, confirmed Roberts’ initial within the system. Thus, this study was
open to suggestions (Jordaan 1989). further concerned with investigating an
atmosphere Air
aeration system whereby air would solely
Air Existing aeration of Roberts splitters be provided via the internal aeration gal-
Safety screen The splitters and aeration of the Gariep lery, with a separate option for draining
and Vanderkloof Dams were similarly any excess inflow water.
and simultaneously designed and tested
by the Société Grenobloise d’Etudes et
d’Applications Hydrauliques (Sogreah, now Hydraulic model
Figure 4 W
 orking of Gariep Dam splitter Artelia) in Grenoble, France (PJ Mason
aeration system 2016, personal communication, 24 July). Scope of the hydraulic model
It consists of two 0.6 m diameter air vents A 1:20 physical hydraulic model of an
his design if the design head (HD) of a given at the end of each splitter along with a ogee spillway with three configurations of
prototype was greater than 3.0 m. If using single 0.3 m diameter lateral air vent on Roberts splitters were constructed:
a conventional ogee spillway, this typically both sides of each splitter. A series of 1. A control model of unaerated Roberts
equates to a unit discharge of 12 m2/s. larger 0.9 m diameter vents are located splitters, intended to measure the pres-
This rule was followed for all subsequent below the continuous step downstream of sure and air concentration around a
dam designs until that of the Gariep and the splitters (see Figure 3). According to splitter and justify the ideal positioning
Vanderkloof Dams. Mason (2016, personal communication, 24 of air vents on the splitters
With the introduction of artificial July), the splitter air vents are fed by the 2. A first aerated model of Roberts split-
aeration and the dam type being a double larger intake vents set in the step below, ters, containing small air vents, intend-
curvature arch dam, the distance the jet hence circulating air locally for each split- ed to alleviate cavitation risks of the
had to travel away from the toe of the dam ter (Figure 4). The aeration gallery is not splitters and analyse the performance of
decreased considerably, and the allowable open to the atmosphere; therefore the air the proposed aeration gallery
spillway heads (considering future raising) needed to aerate the flow only comes from 3. A second aerated model of Roberts
were tripled to 9.1 m and 9.0 m respectively the intake vents in the step. The aeration splitters, containing larger air vents,
(Jordaan 1989). The splitters were, however, gallery rather serves to connect the step’s intended to further improve the flow
dimensioned for a spillway head of 7.3 m and, large air vents with the smaller vents of the conditions as stated above, and compare
while it was discovered that sub-atmospheric splitter, and for inspection and access to aeration performance with that of the
pressures existed on the spillway just down- the splitters. Roberts (1977) mentioned that first aerated model.
stream of the crest at heads greater than the aeration of the Gariep Dam’s splitters In each case, the spillway was placed with-
6.0 m, the cavitation coefficient of σ = 0.3 was improved the flow stability and reduced in a 24.5 m long and 1.2 m wide plastered
considered acceptable (Back et al 1973). vibration noise. brick flume. Figure 5 shows the general
Roberts (1943) further stated that a During previous studies at Stellenbosch layout of the hydraulic models and Figure 6
critical head (HC) exists at which the split- University (Calitz 2014; Langa 2015) it shows a photograph of the ogee spillway
ters become drowned. He designated this was found that water would flow into the with aerated Roberts splitters in operation.

0600 mm inlet pipe Water level needle

Baffle wall Plastered wall Perspex viewing


0.6 1.2 Qout

Drainage channel

Model layout: Longitudinal section

Figure 5 G
 eneral layout of the hydraulic models (illustration not to scale)

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018 33
Figure 7 shows a close-up of the centre
splitter of the model. This splitter was used
to measure the pressure and air concentra-
tion of the flow around it (all surfaces below
the horizontal top surface) and analyse
the performance of the proposed aeration Air intake
system. Note the definition of faces of the
splitter, as used for the entirety of this paper.

Model scale and laboratory limitations

The scale of the model was selected as
1:20. This was to allow a prototype design
unit discharge of 40 m2/s and a maximum
unit discharge of 50 m2/s within the limits
of the laboratory, whilst avoiding scale
effects due to viscosity and surface tension
(Robertson 2014). The model was scaled in
accordance with the Froude Law, as gravi- Aeration duct
tational and inertial forces were dominant
(Bosman & Basson 2012), and was built as Figure 6 P
 hotograph of the first aerated hydraulic model
small as possible to maximise the model
discharge that could be achieved from the
laboratory’s supply limit of 700 ℓ/s.
Side face
Design and construction

Ogee spillway and Roberts splitters

The hydraulic model consisted of an ogee
End face
spillway, Roberts splitters and an aeration
gallery. As mentioned above, the prototype
design unit discharge (q) was chosen as
40 m2/s, due to laboratory limitations, which
equated to a design head (HD) of 6.79 m.
The ogee spillway was designed accord- Side bottom Bottom face
ing to the USBR’s (United States Bureau face
of Reclamation) Design of Small Dams
(USBR 1987), which allows the design head
(H0) used to determine the ogee’s crest Figure 7 D
 efinition of splitter faces
shape to be 75% of the maximum head
(He) to pass over the spillway. This will the crest shape was calculated from HD The procedure’s main input variable to
produce sub-atmospheric pressures equal as 5.09 m. produce the splitter configuration is the
to about half the design head (p ≈ –H0/2) The model’s splitters were designed relevant design spillway head (HD) of 6.79 m.
on the crest. Accordingly, the prototype according to the original Roberts (1943) The control model’s splitters were unaer-
ogee design head (H0) used to determine procedure, as simplified by Roberts (1980). ated, whilst the first and second aerated
models contained air vents in the splitters.
Table 1 Model design parameters according to USBR (1987) The general design parameters of the ogee
Prototype Model spillway are summarised in Table 1, and the
Output parameter Symbol Unit
value value dimensions of the splitters in Table 2.
Design unit discharge q m2/s 40.0 0.447
Air vents and aeration gallery
Design discharge Q m3/s 960.0 0.537 Air vents were placed on the two side
Effective spillway length Leff m 24.0 1.2 faces and the downstream end face of the
splitters where the lowest pressures were
Spillway discharge coefficient Ce 2.262
measured during the unaerated model tests
Design head HD m 6.79 0.339 (see Figure 8). The existing aeration sys-
Ogee design head used to determine tems of the Gariep and Vanderkloof Dams
H0 m 5.09 0.255
the crest shape (= 0.75 × HD) were taken into consideration and the ratio
Dam height P m 20.8 1.039 of these dams’ design spillway head-to-vent
sizes was used in dimensioning the model’s
Downstream slope (H : V) 0.75 : 1 0.75 : 1
air vents. The design head (H0) used for the

34 Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018  Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Table 2 S plitter dimensions according to Table 3 Dimensions of splitter air vents
Roberts (1943)
First aerated model Second aerated model
Prototype Model Parameter
Splitter Model (mm) Prototype (m) Model (mm) Prototype (m)
value value
(m) (mm) Ømain 20.0 0.4 23.0 0.46
Height below
10.964 548.2 Øside 10.0 0.2 11.5 0.23
spillway crest

Splitter width 2.575 128.8

Splitter spacing 3.425 171.2

Side air vents
Splitter length 3.425 171.2

Step length 4.800 240.0

dimensioning of the Gariep Dam’s splitters

was 7.3 m, and the main air vent diameter
(Ømain) is 0.6 m. This gives Ømain/H0 equal
to 0.08. Using this ratio on the ogee design
head of the model (H0) of 5.09 m gives a
prototype main air vent diameter (Ømain)
of 0.41 m. This is equivalent to a model
diameter of 20.5 mm, but was rounded to
20 mm for ease of construction. The side
vents of the Gariep and Vanderkloof Dams
Main air vents
are half the size of the main vents, and
the model’s side vents were accordingly
dimensioned. Figure 8 P
 ositions of the air vents
The second aerated model’s larger air
vents were limited to 23 mm by the space
available between the pressure sensors on 15
64.38 25 25 14.38
the downstream face of the model splitters 30 30 30 30 23.49

(see Figure 9). This is equivalent to a pro-

12 18 18 12
12 18 18 12

A1 A2 A3 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1
totype diameter of 0.46 m, a 15% increase
B1 B2 B3 E6
from that of the first aerated model. If larger

C1 C2 C3 E7
air vents were to be tested, several pressure

D3 F3 F2 F1
sensors would have had to be removed, D1 D2
jeopardising the comparability of the results. F4 30
The dimensions of the air vents are 30
summarised in Table 3, where Ømain and 34.98 58.8 34.98
Øside are the diameters of the main and
side vents respectively. Front view Side view
All air vents were fed from one side by a
single aeration gallery. The aeration gallery Figure 9 S plitter pressure sensor positions
was not open on both sides due the layout
of the model’s flume. The model’s aeration entering the system through the air vents symmetrically placed on the central splitter
gallery was designed to be large enough to to be drained when needed. on the spillway, measuring the pressure on
allow the air vents to act as the control of four of its faces. This could be mirrored
the air flow, and to avoid any significant Measuring techniques to include all six downstream faces of the
variability in air flow to each splitter. This and equipment splitter. The locations of the sensors are
meant that the cross-sectional area of the shown in Figure 9. Readings were taken
duct had to be significantly more than the Pressure readings on splitters at all locations for a duration of three
accumulated area of all the air vents of the Fourteen Wika S-10 high-quality pressure minutes at a frequency of 100 Hz. Through
second aerated model. transmitters were used to measure the statistical analysis and recommendations
The required accumulated area of all dynamic fluid pressure at several positions by Calitz (2015), the minimum pressure
four splitters’ prototype air vents was cal- on the splitters. These were connected to from each data set was selected as the value
culated as 1.662 m2. The constructed aera- the two measuring splitters by Ø3 mm out- exceeded 99.85% of the time.
tion duct had a prototype cross-sectional side diameter plastic tubes. The transmit-
area of 3.801 m2, which included a safety ters had a range of ±100 mbar, an accuracy Air concentration around splitters
factor of 2.0. The aeration duct included a of ±0.2% and a reading repeatability of To analyse the cavitation risk of the splitters,
drainage port and end cap to allow water ±0.1%. The pressure sensors’ tubes were the air concentration (Air%) of the flow was

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018 35
The laboratory’s pump capa­city limited the
0 100 maximum unit discharge to q = 50 m2/s.
Four extra independent repeatability tests

Air concentration (%)

–6 80
were done: two each at qp = 30 m2/s and
–12 60 qp = 40 m2/s. This gave two sets of three tests
hp (m)

to analyse the repeatability of the tests.

–18 40

–24 20
Discussion of results
–30 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
All values are prototype values unless
Hp (m) ­otherwise indicated.
Minimum pressure Cavitation threshold (–7 m) Absolute zero (–10.2 m)
Air % Air % threshold (8%) Drowning of unaerated
Roberts splitters
Figure 10 P
 rototype pressure and air concentration of whole splitter – unaerated model A common theme with the results of the
unaerated model tests was the severe
measured at the positions where cavita- ■■ At the centre of the bottom face of change in conditions from spillway
tion was expected. This was compared to the splitter, 10 mm from the splitter’s heads less than the design head of 6.7 m
Chanson’s (1992) recommendation that at surface. (q = 40 m2/s), to spillway heads equal
least 8% air content within the flow would to and greater than 6.7 m. The pressure
mitigate the damaging potential of cavita- Air discharge of air vents on splitters around the entire splitter dropped consid-
tion. An intrusive conductive needle probe The air discharge of the air vents was calcu- erably to below the cavitation threshold of
was used to measure the air concentration lated from air velocity measurements taken –7 m atmospheric, and the air concentra-
of the flow. The diameter of the probe’s within the aeration gallery of both the aerated tion decreased to 0%. Figure 10 shows the
conductive tip is Ø0.1 mm. The probe oper- models. These velocity measurements were prototype pressure and air concentration of
ates by measuring the electric conductivity taken using a Lutron hot-wire anemometer the entire splitter. The probable minimum
of air and water, and returning the acquired with an accuracy of ±1%. Data was recorded pressure of all 25 pressure sensors and
voltage to a data logger. The data was by hand for 2 minutes at 5 second intervals, the average air concentration of all three
logged using Thermo Needle Probe (TNP) before the average air velocity per test was measured positions were calculated to
software. Both the probe and the software used to calculate the air discharge per split- provide this visual illustration of the drop
were supplied and calibrated by German- ter. The air discharge per air vent could not in performance of the splitters.
based HZDR Innovation. From Calitz’s be determined, as it was impossible to take From Figure 10 it is clear that the prob-
(2015) previous studies, a 1 minute duration measurements within the splitter itself. able minimum pressure of the entire splitter
at a frequency of 10 kHz was sufficient to drops to the assumed cavitation threshold
produce a representative data set. The air Test conditions of –7 m atmospheric (Chadwick et al 2013),
concentration was measured at three posi- The tests were divided between two measur- and that the air concentration drops to
tions close to the surface of the splitters in ing splitters to accommodate the number below the 8% needed to alleviate cavitation
order to determine a representative Air% of pressure sensors within the splitter, as (Chanson 1992). (It should be noted that
value. These three positions were: explained above. Thus, six rounds of tests the pressures recorded in the model and
■■ At the centre of the downstream end were done, one for each measuring splitter converted to prototype which are lower than
of the splitter, 5 mm from the splitter’s per model. In each round, ten tests were per- prototype cavitation pressure will remain
surface formed starting, at qp = 5 m2/s and ending at cavitation pressure in prototype.) It was
■■ At the centre of the side face of the at qp = 50 m2/s, increasing in steps of 5 m2/s concluded that at unit discharges greater
splitter, 5 mm from the splitter’s surface (where qp is the prototype unit discharge). than 35 m2/s, i.e. at spillway heads equal to

Air pocket

Air pocket
(a) Top view (b) Side view

 hotographs showing normal operation of Roberts splitters at H = 6.1 m (q = 35 m2/s)

Figure 11 P

36 Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018  Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
No air

No air
(a) Top view (b) Side view

 hotographs showing drowned operation of Roberts splitters at H = 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s)

Figure 12 P

1.2 3.0

1.0 2.5
d 0.8 2.0

H / Lproj
d / Lproj

0.6 1.5
θ L pro
0.4 1.0

0.2 0.5

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hp (m)
d/Lproj H/Lproj Drowned limit

Figure 13 D
 efinition of d and Lproj on a cross- Figure 14 Relationship of depth of flow and spillway head to the projected splitter height
section of a splitter
development of the splitter system, Roberts that the relationship between d and the
and higher than the design head of the ogee (1943) not only prescribed the critical head projected height of the splitters played a
spillway profile of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s), the limit of 1.2HD, but also limited the use role. This is also evident from Figure 12.
cavitation risk of unaerated Roberts splitters of unaerated Roberts splitters to spillway The projected height of the splitters was
is so high it can be deemed inevitable that heads of only 3.0 m. Figures 11(a) and (b), defined as Lproj and is related to the length
cavitation will occur. This was due to the and Figures 12(a) and (b) show photographs of the splitters L and the downstream
drowning of the splitters, meaning the air of unaerated model tests at prototype spill- slope of the spillway θ, and can be calcu-
pockets that form in the boil downstream of way heads (Hp) of 6.1 m (q = 35 m2/s) and lated using Equation 1 (see Figure 13).
the splitters were being washed downstream 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s) respectively – note that
by the flood over the spillway. It should be the design head of the ogee profile of the Lproj = L × sin (θ)(1)
explained that it was possible to measure spillway model was 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s).
100% air concentration due to the air pockets An air pocket can clearly be seen in In the case of the studied hydraulic model,
that formed downstream of the splitters. the boil downstream of the splitters in the prototype spillway slope was 0.75:1
Especially during low flows, no water would Figure 11. The results indicate that this air (H:V), equal to a slope of θ = 53.1°, and the
enter these air pockets at all. But, as the pocket greatly alleviated severe negative prototype length of the splitters was 3.425.
flow increased, water would occasionally pressures on the splitters. This was due to This gave a projected splitter height of
enter these pockets, up until the moment the compressibility of air in comparison to Lproj = 2.740 m.
the splitters became drowned at H = 6.7 m water. If air was present within the flow, it Using the Bernoulli energy equations,
(q = 40 m2/s), when the entire air pocket was absorbed the extreme pressure fluctuations the depth of flow was calculated from the
washed downstream by the strong current caused by the turbulent flow around the spillway head H, the spillway unit discharge
over the splitters. splitters by compressing and expanding q and the height of the splitters below the
Jordaan (1989) stated that the energy- accordingly. In contrast, if the air pocket spillway crest P (Equation 2).
dissipating performance of Roberts splitters was absent, as is the case with the drowned
drops when the splitters become drowned splitters, the extreme pressure fluctuations (q/d)2
H+P=d+ (2)
at the critical head of 1.2 times the design were transferred to the surface of the split- 2∙g
head. The unaerated model tests found that ters by the incompressible water.
this critical head was reached at exactly the The study found that the drowning of From the depth of flow, the relation-
design head of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s) and not the splitters commenced at a critical flow ship of d/Lproj was obtained and plotted
at 1.2 times the design head. During the depth d approaching the splitters, and in Figure 14 against the spillway head

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018 37
to determine when the splitters would
become drowned. The plot of Hp/Lproj
is included for convenience. Note that
the usage of the relationship of Hp/Lproj
to determine the point at which Roberts
splitters will start to drown is subject to
the discharge coefficient of the specific
spillway. Using the observation that the
splitter became drowned at the prototype
design spillway head of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s),
from Figure 14 it can be concluded that
for high-design spillway heads of around
6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s), Roberts splitters could
become drowned at a point where H/Lproj is
equal to 2.4, and d/Lproj is equal to 0.84.
Thus, if the flow was deep enough to
effectively flow over the splitters without Figure 15 P hotograph showing lack of air downstream of splitters of the unaerated model – H = 6.7 m
projecting away, it would flush the air
pocket downstream of the step, causing
severe pressure conditions around the step, 0
as no air is present to absorb the negative –2
pressures. Figure 15 shows a close-up pho-
tograph of the splitters at the design head
hp (m)

of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s), showing the lack of –6

an air pocket downstream of the splitters. –8

Comparison of local pressures
and air concentration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 16 contains the comparison of Hp (m)
prototype minimum pressures of the whole Unaerated First aerated Cavitation threshold
splitter, while Figure 17 shows the air Second aerated Absolute zero
concentration for each model. The models
behaved similarly for heads up to 6.1 m Figure 16 C
 omparison of splitter minimum pressures of all models
(q = 35 m2/s) in terms of pressure and air
concentration. However, at the design head
of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s) and above, the split- 100
ters became drowned (as discussed above)
Air concentration (%)

and the unaerated splitters showed a severe
drop in pressure and air concentration. 60
The normal air pocket found in the boil
immediately downstream of the splitters
was flushed downstream of the step, and 20
the characteristic air entrainment mecha-
nism of Robert splitters was not as effective 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
in this state as intended by Roberts (1943). Hp (m)
Pressures close to high vacuum conditions Unaerated air percentage First aerated air percentage
(–10.2 m) were measured at the side face, Second aerated air percentage Air percentage threshold (8%)
along with 0% air concentration, leading
to the conclusion that cavitation would Figure 17 C
 omparison of splitter average air concentration for all models
inevitably occur.
The air vents of the aerated models still decreased for the increasing spillway concentration of the second aerated model
provided much needed air supply to the head, but did not drop below 40%. In only decreased slightly compared to that of the
splitters in this drowned state. The air one location was a prototype pressure first aerated model. It was concluded that
pocket was continuously re-established and recorded that was less than the cavitation the air concentration was not necessarily
the pressure conditions improved consider- limit of –7 m, as prescribed by Chadwick as dependent on the size of the air vents,
ably, as evident from Figure 16. At spillway et al (2013), and, according to Chanson’s but rather on the presence of the air pocket
heads equal to and greater than the design (1992) findings, this is acceptable, given downstream of a splitter.
spillway head of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s), the that the air concentration in the flow at Figures 18 and 19 show 2D contour
change in prototype pressure is clearly evi- this point is greater than 8%. Referring to plots of the minimum measured prototype
dent and beneficial. The air concentration Figure 17, it should be noted that the air pressure on the side, end and bottom

38 Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018  Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Unaerated model First aerated model Second aerated model

Side face Side face Side face

60 60 60

40 40 40

y (mm)
y (mm)
y (mm)
20 20 20

Side face
No pressure sensors No pressure sensors No pressure sensors

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
x (mm) x (mm) x (mm) 0

End face End face End face

60 60 60 –5

40 40 40

y (mm)
y (mm)
y (mm)

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018
20 20 20

End face
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x (mm) x (mm) x (mm)
Prototype pressure head (m)

Bottom face Bottom face Bottom face

100 100 100 –25

80 80 80
60 60 60

y (mm)
y (mm)
y (mm)

40 40 40

Bottom face
20 20 20

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
x (mm) x (mm) x (mm)

Figure 18 P
 ressure distribution on the splitter for all models at Hp = 6.7 m
Unaerated model First aerated model Second aerated model

Side face Side face Side face

60 60 60

40 40 40

y (mm)
y (mm)
y (mm)
20 20 20

Side face
No pressure sensors No pressure sensors No pressure sensors

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
x (mm) x (mm) x (mm) 0

End face End face End face

60 60 60 –5

40 40 40

y (mm)
y (mm)
y (mm)
20 20 20

End face
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x (mm) x (mm) x (mm)
Prototype pressure head (m)

Bottom face Bottom face Bottom face

100 100 100 –25

80 80 80
60 60 60

y (mm)
y (mm)
y (mm)

40 40 40

Bottom face
20 20 20

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
x (mm) x (mm) x (mm)

Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018  Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Figure 19 P
 ressure distribution on the splitter for all models at Hp = 7.6 m
faces of the model splitter for the design
spillway head of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s) and 10 0.10
the maximum tested spillway head of 7.6 m
8 0.08
(q = 50 m2/s). For the definitions of the

Qinflow (m3/s)
faces of the splitter, refer to Figure 7. The

Qair (m3/s)
6 0.06
side bottom face was excluded from these
plots, as the four sensors F1 to F4 provided 4 0.04
too little data. The blank zone towards the
bottom right of the side face indicates that 2 0.02
no sensors were placed in that area, and
0 0
as such, no data existed to plot there. The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
dimensions of the splitter faces in Figures Hp (m)
18 and 19 are to model dimensions. Air discharge: First aerated model Air discharge: Second aerated model
The plots clearly indicate that the loca- Water inflow: First aerated model Water inflow: Second aerated model
tions of the most severe negative pressures
on the unaerated model were on the side Figure 20 P
 rototype air discharge and water inflow per splitter for both aerated models
face, near the top and close to the spillway
surface. The most severe negative pressure limit set by Chadwick et al (2013) (the red As the movement of air and water
on the end face was measured in the centre, areas on the contour plots). This is greatly through the air vents is caused by the
and the most severe negative pressure on reduced in the second aerated model to a pressure differential between the outside
the bottom face was measured near the top single zone on the bottom face. As men- and inside of the air vents, and the pres-
at the joint with the end face. This justifies tioned, this was acceptable, given that the sure on the inside of the vents was close to
the design and placement of the air vents. air concentration in the flow at this point is atmospheric, the measured pressure close
Regarding the pressure distributions greater than 8% (Chanson 1992). to the air vent positions was analysed to
of the design head of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s) investigate the flow of air (and possibly
in Figure 18, it was noted that the severe Discussion on the performance water) through the air vents.
pressure situation of the unaerated model of the aeration system The prototype pressures at the main air
was completely alleviated by both the The main considerations in estimating the vents were interpolated from the values of
aerated models. At the maximum head of performance of the proposed aeration system pressure sensors A2, A3, B2 and B3 (see
7.6 m (q = 50 m2/s), the absolute value of were air discharge and water inflow per Figure 9 for the positions of the sensors),
the minimum measured pressure on the splitter. Figure 20 shows the prototype air while the pressures of the side air vents
splitter is similar for the first and second discharge (Qair) and the water inflow (Qinflow) were interpolated from sensors E4, E5 and
aerated models, as evident from Figure 16. per splitter for all tested spillway heads. It E6. By taking the minimum, average and
However, the spread and distribution is evident that the decrease in air discharge maximum of these interpolated sets of
thereof are different. Regarding all splitter at heads greater than 5.0 m (q = 25 m2/s), data, Figures 21 and 22 were produced.
faces of the first aerated model in Figure 19, and more prominently at heads greater than In Figures 21 and 22 the negative pres-
note the large spread of prototype pressure 6.1 m (q = 35 m2/s), is linked to the increase sures relate to air being discharged from
equal to or less than the –7 m cavitation in water inflow at the same heads. the air vents, and the positive pressure

hp (m)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hp (m)
First aerated: Minimum First aerated: Average First aerated: Maximum
Second aerated: Minimum Second aerated: Average Second aerated: Maximum

Figure 21 Prototype pressure at the main air vents of both aerated models

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018 41


hp (m)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hp (m)
First aerated: Minimum First aerated: Average First aerated: Maximum
Second aerated: Minimum Second aerated: Average Second aerated: Maximum

Figure 22 Prototype pressure at the side air vents of both aerated models

relates to water that flowed into the vents. the air vents at spillway heads equal to and ■■ These drowned conditions would
It must be noted that the minimum and greater than 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s), the same inevitably lead to cavitation of unaer-
maximum pressure values in these figures head as when the splitters became drowned. ated splitters. The minimum pressure
represent pressure peaks. There were As mentioned, the inflow of water is due to was measured at –10.2 m and the air
several positive peaks and several negative peaks of positive pressure at the air vents. concentration was 0%.
peaks. Each of these peaks would induce From observations during the tests it was ■■ The introduction of artificial aeration
a burst of air discharge or a burst of water found that almost no water flowed into the through air vents greatly alleviated
inflow. Air and water never continuously side vents. This is partly due to the size of these cavitation risks.
or steadily flowed through the air vents. the side vents being half of that of the main ■■ The following favourable combinations
However, the average pressures (which vents, but mostly due to absence of notable of pressure and air concentration were
are negative in all cases) imply that, over positive pressure at the side vents, as can be measured for each model at the design
extended periods, air will be discharged seen in Figure 22. During the aerated tests, spillway head of 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s):
out of the vents rather than into them. the sides of the splitters produced surpris- ■■ First aerated model: –3.7 m pressure
The large increase in air discharge of ingly stable and predictable pressure results, and 66% air concentration
the second aerated model from that of the especially considering that during the ■■ Second aerated model: –2.3 m pres-
first aerated model at heads between 1.9 m unaerated model tests the pressures on the sure and 55% air concentration
(q = 5 m2/s) and 7.1 m (q = 45 m2/s) can be side were the most severe of all tests. In reply to Jordaan’s (1989) statement,
explained by the similarity of the pressure the need for aeration to Roberts split-
results between the two aerated models ters, especially at high spillway heads, is
at the locations of the air vents. If the Conclusions supported by these results.
pressures at the air vents were to be equal, The conclusions from the hydraulic model ■■ With the increase in air vent size of the
then the larger cross-sectional area of the study can be summarised as follows, where second aerated model, the severe nega-
Ø23 mm vents would produce a greater all values are prototype values, unless tive pressure conditions were signifi-
volume of air per given time. Referring to otherwise stated: cantly improved at the maximum tested
the higher heads of 7.1 m (q = 45 m2/s) and ■■ It was found that the splitters became spillway head of 7.6 m (q = 50 m2/s – see
7.6 m (q = 50 m2/s) within Figures 21 and drowned at the design spillway head of Figures 18 and 19).
22, the pressure at the air vents of the sec- 6.7 m (q = 40 m2/s). ■■ The observed decrease in air discharge
ond aerated model increased from that of ■■ A system of unaerated Roberts split- at unit discharges higher than 25 m2/s
the first aerated model, causing a decrease ters should not drown under these was due to higher pressure volatility
in air demand, and thus air discharge. circumstances: and more regular and higher positive
The larger air vents still resulted in an ■■ d/Lproj < 0.84 pressure peaks at the air vent positions.
increase in air discharge, as can be seen in ■■ H/Lproj < 2.4 This resulted in water inflow into the
Figure 20, but the decreased demand meant W here d is the depth of flow approach- air vents that needed to be continually
that the difference between the two aerated ing the splitters, H is the spillway head drained. This, however, did not influ-
models is not as great as is the case with and Lproj is the projected height of the ence the performance of the model’s
the heads less than 7.1 m (q = 45 m2/s). splitters in the direction of the flow aeration gallery. The peak water drain-
Referring to Figure 20, small amounts of (see section above titled “Discussion age per splitter was 0.092 m3/s (second
water only started sporadically flowing into of results”). aerated model tests).

42 Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018  Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
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is significantly more than the 12 m2/s structural and surface effects. Chanson, H 1992. Air entrainment in chutes and
(H = 3 m) limit set by Roberts (1943) ■■ With the focus on the air vents, a wider spillways. Report CE133, Brisbane, Australia:
(see section above titled “Limitations to range of air vents should be investigated University of Queensland, Department of Civil
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■■ Test and evaluate a broad spectrum of Course, Stellenbosch University, September 2015. Vanderkloof Dam 2014. About Vanderkloof Dam.
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Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  Volume 60  Number 1  March 2018 43

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