Setting Up The Integration Setting Between The Catalog and Curriculog

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Created by UC Merced Office of the Registrar

I Setting up the Integration Setting from Acalog to Curriculog

Setting up a new catalog
I. Setting up Integration Map

1. Go to the “Settings Module” and click Integration.

2. On the fly out click on “Map External Systems”
3. A popup window will appear, click “Create New Map”
4. Select “Acalog” as the External System
5. Choose the Catalog name you wish to add to Curriculog
6. Select ‘Map Fields Automatically’ and Curriculog will identify
all fields associated with your Programs and Courses
template from Acalog.
7. Once the fields are mapped, specify the
unique item identifier. In the drop down menu choose “Item Id”
8. Click “Save Map” once done

II Setting up a task
9. A task must be created and run to move the information from the external system and
cache it within the DataStore. To create a new task, select sync external systems.
10. Click on “Create a New Task”
11. Setup the Task, select “Acalog” as
the External System and choose
the catalog you just mapped.
12. Legend name select “No Legend”
13. Setup how frequent you would like
the system to run the task.
14. Save the Task
15. Once the task has been created, it
will run at the scheduled time - or
if you need that data to be ready
for use sooner, you can manually run it now by selecting run task. Hover over the task and
click to run the task manually.
*This could take some time, depending on how much new information is being retrieved.
III. Setting up the Legends for each Approval Process Form (Please note the following
steps are applicable for all approval process forms.)
16. Navigate to the “Approval Process” module
17. Hover over the Approval Process form you want to setup
the legend for and click “Edit Process”
Created by UC Merced Office of the Registrar

18. Once in the approval process you will need to enter to edit mode to setup the appreciate
legends. To do this click on “Edit Process” button on
the top of the page.
19. A pop up window will appear, click on “Enter edit
20. Once in edit mode navigate to the Approval Process
Toolbox and click on
21. Once here click “Add Legends”
22. A pop up window will appear, select “Create
New Legend”
23. Choose Acalog as the system and map the
desired catalog.
24. After choosing the catalog the system will
attempt to map fields automatically (It will do this for fields that have the same name in
both Curriculog and Acalog.
25. For fields that aren’t mapped automatically you will
need to go in and map them manually. To do so,
navigate to the fields you wish to map
26. Using the drop down menu for each field to map the
field name in Acalog.
27. Fields that are mapped will be indicated in bold
28. Once done, navigate to the bottom of the screen and
“Save the Legend”
29. After creating the Legend, relaunch the approval process form. Click on the top left
corner of the form. A pop up window will appear, click “Re-Launch Approval Process”
30. Users will now be able to import catalog data into the approval process forms.

Setting up the Integration Setting from Curriculog to Acalog

Setting up a new map from Curriculog to Acalog

I. Marking proposals ready for export

Before moving information from Curriculog into Acalog, you will need to mark the completed
Proposals you wish Ready for Export.

1. Navigate to the Proposals Module from the

Administration Dashboard and click the Approved
2. Click the “Mark Ready for Export " button for the
completed Proposal you wish to export
Created by UC Merced Office of the Registrar

You will need to create a Map for the Approval Process you wish to pull data from, a Task to pull
the data into the Integration Manager cache and sync the data, and a Legend to pull the
information into Acalog.

II. Creating a Map

1. In Curriculog, from the Administration page, select the Settings Tab,

and the "Integration" module from the list of
available modules.
2. In the Integration Settings fly out, select the Map
External Systems button, which should produce a popup window.
3. Click “Create New Map” from the popup window.
4. Select "Curriculog" from the System drop down, select the desired
Approval Process in the Name drop down
5. Select the “Map Fields Automatically button”. This will create a map to
all of the fields in the Approval Process.
6. In the Unique Item Identifiers section below the mapped fields, select
"Id" and "Save Map"

III. Creating a Task

1. In Curriculog, from the Administration page, select the Settings tab, and the "Integration"
module from the list of available modules.
2. Select the “Sync External Systems” button
3. In the popup, select the “Create New Task” option to
4. Select "Curriculog" from the System field drop down, select
the name of the Approval Process from which you want to
pull data in the Name field
5. Set a schedule for the Task (once per day should be
sufficient) and Save Task
a. Once the task has been created, it will run at the
scheduled time - or if you need that data to be ready
for use sooner, you can manually run it now by selecting run task. Hover over the
catalog and click to run the task manually. This will pull all the Proposals marked
“Ready For Export” that were created from the Approval Process from the Map.

IV. Creating Legends

1. From the Acalog Publisher, select your Catalog, then navigate to the Remote Services Module
> Integration Manager Tab.
Created by UC Merced Office of the Registrar

2. Click the "Legends" link.

3. In the popup, select the “Create New Legend” button.
4. On the Reference column side, select Curriculog from the System drop down and select the
desired Map.
5. On the Destination column side, select "Acalog" from the System dropdown and your Catalog
from the Template drop down. Then select "Program" or "Course" from the Type drop down,
depending on what you're importing.
6. Below, you can edit your fields and determine what data can be imported into the fields in
a. Please note, we recommend matching on the "Name" field for existing Programs, unless the
name has been modified. For new Programs, since there is no prior record in Acalog, you can
ignore the Match checkboxes. For Courses, we recommend matching on the “Prefix” and
“Code” fields.
7. Click “Save Legend” at the bottom of the popup window.

Importing data from Curriculog into Acalog

1. Once complete, this Legend will be available for importing into Acalog. To import the data into
Acalog, click the "Import"
2. Select the Programs or Courses you wish to import by click on
3. Click the “Search” button to search for all proposals that were marked “ready to export”
4. Select the proposals you want to import into the current catalog. The proposals that you have
selected will be highlighted in yellow.
5. Ensure the following is selected before clicking the “Validate” button
a. Hierarchy
i. Default Hierarchy: University of California, Merced
ii. Update Options: If row in data file contains inaccurate or no data, use the
default parent division.
b. Course Type
i. Default Course Type: No Type
ii. Update Options: If row in data file contains inaccurate or no data, use the
default course type.
c. Item Active Status
i. Default Item Active Status: Active, however mark Inactive for the “Single
Course- Discontinue” form
ii. Update Options: For active courses select, “If row in data file contains
inaccurate or no data, use the default active status.”
iii. Update Options: For the “Single Course- Discontinue” form select, “If row in
data file contains inaccurate or no data, do not modify active status”.
6. Click “Validate” button at the bottom of the page. Then click “Ok” to the pop-up box. This will
place an import lock on the catalog.
7. If no errors, click the “Finalize Import” button
Created by UC Merced Office of the Registrar

Changes that will break maps, tasks, and legends

Both Curriculog and Acalog will let you know that a map, task, or legend broke by displaying an
exclamation mark next to the item as so.

I. Changes to the Course Templet

o If you make changes to the course templet in Acalog, this will break the maps, tasks, and
legends in both Curriculog and Acalog.
o To fix the broke maps in Curriculog,
 Remap
1. Go to the “Settings Module” and click Integration.
2. On the fly out click on “Map External Systems”
3. Hover over the map you wish to remap and click to make edits.
4. Click “Map Fields Automatically,” once the system has mapped the fields
click “Save Map” at the bottom of the popup window.
5. Select sync external systems
 Re-save and re-run task
1. Select sync external systems
2. Hover over the catalog task and click .
3. Click “Save Task” This will re-save the task.
4. Once the task has been created, it will run at the scheduled time - or if you
need that data to be ready for use sooner, you can manually run it now by
selecting run task. Hover over the task and click to run the task
 Save the Legends within each Approval Process forms
1. Navigate to the “Approval Process” module
2. Hover over the Approval Process form you want to edit the legend for and
click “Edit Process”
3. Once in the approval process you will need to enter to edit mode to setup
the appreciate legends. To do this click on “Edit Process” button on the top
of the page.
4. A pop up window will appear, click on “Enter edit mode”
5. Once in edit mode navigate to the Approval Process Toolbox and click on
6. Click “Edit” button next to the legend
7. This open a popup window, here you will need to double check that all the
fields that need to be mapped are mapped correctly.
8. After verifying fields are mapped correctly then click “ Save Legend”
9. You will need to do this for all approval process forms that have legends.
o To fix the broke maps in Curriculog and Acalog,
 Re-map in Curriculog
1. Go to the “Settings Module” and click Integration.
2. On the fly out click on “Map External Systems”
Created by UC Merced Office of the Registrar

3. Hover over the approval process map you wish to remap and click to
make edits.
4. Click “Map Fields Automatically,” once the system has mapped the fields
click “Save Map” at the bottom of the popup window.
5. You will need to do this for all approval process
 Re-save and re-run tasks in Curriculog
1. Select sync external systems
2. Hover over the catalog task and click .
3. Click “Save Task” This will re-save the task.
4. Once the task has been created, it will run at the scheduled time - or if you
need that data to be ready for use sooner, you can manually run it now by
selecting run task. Hover over the task and click to run the task
 Save the Legends for each Approval Process forms in Acalog
1. From the Acalog Publisher, select your Catalog, then navigate to the Remote
Services Module > Integration Manager Tab.
2. Click the "Legends" link.
3. Hover over the legend you wish to save the legend.
4. Click and review that the fields are correct and click on "Save Legend".
II. Changes to the Course data
o If you make changes to any course data in Acalog all you will need to re-run the task for that
specific catalog.
 Re-save and re-run task

1. Select sync external systems

2. Hover over the catalog task and click .
3. Click “Save Task” This will re-save the task.
4. Once the task has been created, it will run at the scheduled time - or if you
need that data to be ready for use sooner, you can manually run it now by
selecting run task. Hover over the task and click to run the task

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