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Internship Training Report on

Greenbay Food Products Private Limited

- Mugasipudur

Summer training report submitted to the ANNA UNIVERSITY OF

For the award of the degree of


Submitted by

Reg.No: 098001610029
Under the Supervision and Guidance of
Dr.T.RAMESH, M.A, M.Phil, PGDCA., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor


RASIPURAM – 637 408
This is to certify that the summer training report, entitled
INTERNSHIP TRAINING, submitted to the Anna University of
Technology Coimbatore in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
a record of original research work done by G.Rajesh Kumar, during the
period June 2010 to July 2010 of his study in the DEPARTMENT OF
COLLEGE, RASIPURAM, under the supervision and guidance of
Dr.T.Ramesh and the training report has not formed the basis for the award
of any Degree / Diploma / Associate ship / Fellowship or other similar title
to any candidate of any University.

Faculty Guide Director / HOD

Vivavoce examination held on: ______________________.

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I, G.RAJESH KUMAR, hereby declare that the summer

training report, entitled INTERSHIP TRAINING, submitted to
the Anna University of Technology Coimbatore in Partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
original and independent research work done by me during June
2010 to July 2010 under the supervision and guidance of
Dr.T.Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Management
Studies, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram and it has
not formed the basis for the award of any Degree / Diploma /
Associateship / Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of
any University.

Date : Signature of the Student

Place: MEC, Rasipuram (G.RAJESH KUMAR)

A number of people have made significant contributions to the preparation

of this report. Their insights, advice and suggestions helped us a lot. Firstly, I am
very much thankful to our head of the department Prof. Dr.M.G.Saravanaraj,
MBA, M.Phil, PGDMM, Ph.D; for his encouragement and valuable suggestions
for incessant improvement of the report.
I would also like to thank Dr.T.Ramesh, M.A, M.Phil, PGDCA, PhD for
all necessary information delivery as well as for many help. I wish to extend my
regards to all staffs in the Department of Management Studies, (Ms. N.Velmathi,
Ms. P. Sudha, Mr. D.Ganesan, Mrs. R.FlorenceBharathi,
Mr.S.MuthuKumar, Mr. C.Prasanna Kumaran, Mr. R.Thirunavukkarasu)
Muthayammal Engineering College.

1.1 Introduction to the study 1
1.2 Industry Profile 2
1.3 Company Profile 8
2.1 Reception 15
2.2 Cream separator 15
2.3 Homogenizer 16
2.4 Pasteurization 17
2.5 Packing section 21
2.6 Milk test 24
3.1 Personnel Department
3.2 Recruitment
3.3 Labour welfare
3.4 Trainning
3.5 Provident fund scheme
4.1 Concept Of Marketing Consumer 30
4.2 Marketing management 30
4.3 Marketing objectives 30

Table No Table Title Page No

1.1 Total employees in the Greenbay food products Pvt 10

1.2 Handling of flip pack machine capacity of details of 22
Greenbay food products Pvt Ltd

1.3 Milk rate of Greenbay food products Pvt Ltd 23

Chart No Figure Title Page No

1.1 Organization chart of Greenbay food products Pvt 9

1.2 Production process of Greenbay food products Pvt 13

1.3 Pouch curd of Greenbay food products Pvt Ltd 14

1.4 Organization chart of personal department of 27

Greenbay food products Pvt Ltd

has established in the year 1956. The company is producing the milk products by using
the raw material of collected milk from their own societies.
First of all, the reception centers receiving the milk. Then the cream separator
operations are happening. Here the fat level is going to reduce. Next stage is
Pasteurization. Here the bacteria are going to removed with the different heat level of
72’c with 15 seconds and the 62’c with 30 minutes. The storage tank is the next stage.
Here the milk is stored and it will be packed. The milk is also having varieties. That’s
standardized milk, full cream milk, Butter milk, Tunned Milk. From this milk the curd is
producing. In the packing section different milk and curd packs are available. That’s are
1000 ml, 500 ml, 250 ml, and 200 ml. The testing is the important one for here. In all the
stages the testing is conducted for its best result.
The marketing is happening here in the form of collecting the milk from outside
and sending the milk to the company. After the final operations, the distribution is
happening in the way of sending the milk to the distributors of distribution channels. In
the retail store itself the board of advertisement is shown for availability of the product.
The workers are the main resource in the company. The recruitment, selection and
training are provided at the capability of the workers and employees. The allocating the
area for the worker is based on their area of interest. It is identified at the training period.
The salary increment, promotion and the bonus are provided to the workers.
The company turnover is around 40 crores per year. This is the great achieve for
the company’s history. This achievement is the great one for development of the


Dairying in India is as old as the Indian cultivation itself. The dairy industry in
India is playing a major role in bringing socio economic upliftment in the entire rural in
our country. The milk production is dominated by small and marginal land holding
farmers and landless laborers. 75% of 95.7 million farm families in India posse’s cattle
and buffalo.
There was no integration between milk production, processing and marketing as
the Indian dairying was in a unsatisfactory low level equilibrium. Government tried
different strategies to develop the infrastructural facilities to benefit the dairy farmers.
Further the government’s efforts to expand organized dairying in india did not meet with
requisite success. In 1991 the government introduced liberation policy and removed
restrictions leading to registrations of 678 dairy plant having total 26.37 metric tons
annual capacity. Out of this private and multinational has registered 10.36 metric tons
per year plant capacity.
With the growth of private dairy plants, market accessibility increased, especially
for dairy farmers who are not connected with cooperative system. Presently, producers’
milk reaches government/private processors directly and or through milkman /
contractors or producer’s associations. After processing and value addition reaches
consumers through market channels. As such the private dairy plants are contributing to
the economic growth of dairy farmers and also playing a major role in the dairy industry
in india.
GREENBAY food products private limited, company registered under the companies
act 1956 as a private limited company under the BRAND name of product is Akshaya
and the products are Toned milk, Standardized milk, curd, Butter milk, plant. They’re
selling their product in most of the districts in Tamilnadu such as erode, Salem, Kovai,
Ooty, Tirupur, Karur, Namakkal, Chennai, Kanchipuram, Vilupuram, Pondicherry,
Cuddalore and Kerala.


The dairy sector in the India has shown remarkable development in the past decade and
India has now become one of the largest producers of milk and value-added milk
products in the world. The dairy sector has developed through co-operatives in many
parts of the State. During 1997-98, the State had 60 milk processing plants with an
aggregate processing capacity of 5.8 million litres per day. In addition to these
processing plants, 123 Government and 33 co-operatives milk chilling centres operate in
the State.

With the increase in milk production. Maharashtra now regularly exports milk to
neighbouring states. It has also intiated a free school feeding scheme, benefiting more
than three million school children from over 19,000 schools all over the State.
Dairy Industry in India

More than 2,445 million people economically active in agriculture in the world,
probably 2/3 or even more ¾ of them are wholly or partly dependent on livestock
farming. India is endowed with rich flora & Fauna & continues to be vital avenue for
employment and income generation, especially in rural areas. India, which has 66% of
economically active population, engaged in agriculture, derives 31% of Gross Domestic
Product GDP from agriculture. The share of livestock product is estimated at 21% of
total agricultural sector.

Milk Production

• 1950 – 17 million tonnes

• 1996 – 70.8 million tonnes
• 1997 – 74.3 mT
• (Projected) 2020 – 240 mT
• Expected to reach- 220 to 250 mT – 2020
• India contributes to world milk production rise from 12-15 % & it will increase
upto 30-35% (year 2020)

leading most buffalo populated country

78 millions most of reverine

Milk production: About 95% of world buffalo milk (45.3 million tonnes) is produced in
Asia &Pacific, while 64.4% is produced in India (FAO.1992)

From 1950 to 1992 milk production in the world increased by 4.26%

The % of total bovines slaughtered;

Total bovine slaughtered (%)

World 17.1 to 17.4% or - 1.6% per annum

India 15% per annum

Asia 6.6%

Increasing trend of buffalo population in most of the Asian countries in Brazil and Italy

Buffaloes found in the north –eastern states and the eastern coastal region of India & in
China South east Asian countries e.g. Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam,
Srilanka, Burma, Laos, Kampuchea, Bangladesh etc. have been classified as swamp
buffaloes on the basis of their genetic constitution (2n=48) & natural habitat.The breeds
includes in these groups are Manda & Palakhemundi.

Types of Milk

There are many different types of milk. Some depend on the amount of milk fat present
in the finished product. Others depend on the type of processing involved. Still others
depend on the type of dairy cow that produced the milk.

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes standards for different
types of milk and milk products. Some states use these standards, while others have their
own standards. Prior to 1998, the federal standards required that fluid milk sold as whole
milk must have no less than 3.25% milk fat, low-fat milk must have 0.5-2.0% milk fat,
and skim milk must have less than 0.5% milk fat. Starting in 1998, the FDA required
that milk with 2% milk fat must be labeled as "reduced-fat" because it did not meet the
new definition of low-fat products as having less than 3 grams of fat per serving. Milk
with 1% milk fat could still be labeled as "low-fat" because it did meet the definition. As
a comparison, light cream has no less than 18% milk fat, and heavy cream has no less
than 36% milk fat.

Grade A milk refers to milk produced under sufficiently sanitary conditions to permit its
use as fluid milk. About 90% of the milk produced in the United States is Grade A milk.
Grade B milk is produced under conditions that make it acceptable only for
manufactured products such as certain cheeses, where it undergoes further processing.
Certified milk is produced under exceedingly high sanitary standards and is sold at a
higher price than Grade A milk.

Specialty milks include flavored milk, such as chocolate milk, which has had a flavoring
syrup added. Other specialty milks include Golden Guernsey milk, which is produced by
purebred Guernsey cows, and All-Jersey milk, which is produced by registered Jersey
cows. Both command a premium price because of their higher milk fat content and
creamier taste.

Raw Materials

The average composition of cow's milk is 87.2% water, 3.7% milk fat, 3.5% protein,
4.9% lactose, and 0.7% ash. This composition varies from cow to cow and breed to
breed. For example, Jersey cows have an average of 85.6% water and 5.15% milk fat.
These figures also vary by the season of the year, the animal feed content, and many
other factors. Vitamin D concentrate may be added to milk in the amount of 400
international units (IU) per quart. Most low fat and skim milk also has 2,000 IU of
Vitamin A added.
The Manufacturing Process

Milk is a perishable commodity. For this reason, it is usually processed locally within
Dairy cows are milked twice a day using mechanical vacuum milking machines. The
raw milk flows through stainless steel or glass pipes to a refrigerated bulk milk tank. A
few hours of being collected. In the United States, there are several hundred thousand
dairy farms and several thousand milk processing plants. Some plants produce only fluid
milk, while others also produce butter, cheese, and other milk products.


• 1 Dairy cows are milked twice a day using mechanical vacuum milking
machines. The raw milk flows through stainless steel or glass pipes to a refrigerated bulk
milk tank where it is cooled to about 40° F (4.4° C).
• 2 A refrigerated bulk tank truck makes collections from dairy farms in the area
within a few hours. Before pumping the milk from each farm's tank, the driver collects a
sample and checks the flavor and temperature and records the volume.


• 4 The cold raw milk passes through either a clarifier or a separator, which spins
the milk through a series of conical disks inside an enclosure. A clarifier removes debris,
some bacteria, and any sediment that may be present in the raw milk. A separator
performs the same task, but also separates the heavier milk fat from the lighter milk to
produce both cream and skim milk. Some processing plants use a standardizer-clarifier,
which regulates the amount of milk fat content in the milk by removing only the excess
fat. The excess milk fat is drawn off and processed into cream or butter.

• 5 Vitamins A and D may be added to the milk at this time by a peristaltic pump,

A clarifier removes debris, some bacteria, and any sediment that may be present
in the raw milk. The milk is then fortified and pasteurized. which automatically
dispenses the correct amount of vitamin concentrate into the flow of milk.


• 6 The milk—either whole milk, skim milk, or standardized milk—is piped into a
pasteurizer to kill any bacteria. There are several methods used to pasteurize milk. The
most common is called the high-temperature, short-time (HTST) process in which the
milk is heated as it flows through the pasteurizer continuously. Whole milk, skim milk,
and standardized milk must be heated to 161° F (72° C) for 15 seconds. Other milk
products have different time and temperature requirements. The hot milk passes through
a long pipe whose length and diameter are sized so that it takes the liquid exactly 15
seconds to pass from one end to the other.


• 7 Most milk is homogenized to reduce the size of the remaining milk fat
particles. This prevents the milk fat from separating and floating to the surface as cream.
It also ensures that the milk fat will be evenly distributed through the milk. The hot milk
from the pasteurizer is pressurized to 2,500-3,000 psi (17,200-20,700 kPa) by a
multiple-cylinder piston pump and is forced through very small passages in an
adjustable valve.
• 8 The milk is then quickly cooled to 40° F (4.4° C) to avoid harming its taste.

• 9 The milk is pumped into coated paper cartons or plastic bottles and is sealed. In
the United States most milk destined for retail sale in grocery stores is packaged in one-
gallon (3.8-liter) plastic bottles. The bottles or cartons are stamped with a "sell by" date
to ensure that the retailers do not allow the milk to stay on their shelves longer than it
can be safely stored.


• 11 To ensure sanitary conditions, the inner surfaces of the process equipment and
piping system are cleaned once a day. Almost all the equipment and piping used in the
processing plant and on the farm are made from stainless steel. Highly automated clean-
in-place systems are incorporated into this equipment that allows solvents to be run
through the system and then flushed clean. This is done at a time between the normal
influx of milk from the farms.

Quality Control

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publishes the Grade A Milk
Ordinance which sets sanitation standards for milk production in most states and for all
interstate milk shippers. The composition of milk and milk products is specified in
Agricultural Handbook 52 published by the United States Department of Agriculture. It
lists both federal and state standards. Testing of milk products includes tests for fat
content, total solids, pasteurization efficiency, presence of antibiotics used to control
cow disease, and many others.

The Future

The trend to low-fat dairy products over the last 20 years is expected to continue in the
future. Sales of butter are expected to decline, while sales of low-fat yogurt and low-or
reduced-fat milk are expected to increase. Overall consumption of liquid milk is
expected to increase as the population increases.

The board of directors consists of

Mr.K.Kandasamy one of the directors is PVC vast knowledge and experience in
the field of agricultural for the past 30 days.He is one of the trustees in kumutha higher
secondary school,c at nambiyur,gobichettipalayam taluk, Erode District.And he is
having 30 acres agricultural and situated neariy riverbed areas at kaliyankadu
,T.N.pallayam gobichettipalayam taluk.he knows the prolems of agricultural at to
procure the milk by way of supporting cattle loan from state bank of lndia to the
farmers to develop cattle population and increasing the milk quantity.guidance
Mr.K.K.sivachanthar, managing Director, the only son of thiru
K.R.Kandasamy ,who has graduated in business studies and adminiatration at Middlesex
university London, united Kingdom.He well manage the affaris of the Dairy plant with
the guidance of well experienced Dairy Technologist.
Mrs.K.Navamani another director is well experienced in the field of agricultural
she is having 15 Acroes agriculture land situated neariy riverbed areas at
kaliyankadau,T.N.pallayam, gobichettipalayam.And she is an trustee in gandthi
polytechnic college,teacher tranning institute and B.ED
college,vinnapalli,sathyamangalam Taluk.And she is having a petrol garage, weighing
Bridge at kalkadambur,sathyamangalam taluk.


S.No Name Age Qualificatio Relationship Designation Date of
n with joining
1 P.Bagavathy 27 B.Com Management General 05.04.2008
staff manager
2 C.Ramesh 43 BE.MBA Management Project 01.12.2009
staff manager
3 Parazad 40 D.M.E Management Plant 05.04.2008
staff manager
4 Dr.Muruganadham 42 B.V.Sc., Management Procuremen 05.04.2008
staff t manager
5 S.Palanisamy 31 B.Com Management Marketing 05.04.2008
staff manager
6 S.Balasubramani 35 B.Com Management Procuremen 05.04.2009
staff t officer
7 S.Ravishankar 39 M.Com Management Accounts 17.08.2009
staff manager

The unit is situated at Akshaya nagar, Muraripudur, and Bhavani taluk. Erode
district which is on the wat from Anthiyur to Ammapettei main road having a workers
capacity of 80 nos. having a two chilling centers at K.R.Thoppur and another one at
Mohanoor as leased based.
This factory had electric board power capacity of 300 KVA - HT lines. And it
had biomass plant to produce electricity for their plant usage and is capacity of 380
KVA and transformer capacity of 500 KVA and genet capacity of 250 KVA which is
sufficient for the proposed expansion activities.







First of all, the reception centres receiving the milk. Then the cream separator
operations are happening. Here the fat level is going to reduce. Next stage is
Pasteurization. Here the bacteria are going to removed with the different heat level of
72’c with 15 seconds and the 62’c with 30 minutes. The storage tank is the next stage.
Here the milk is stored and it will be packed. The milk is also having varieties. That’s
standardised milk, full cream milk, Butter milk, Tunned Milk. From this milk the curd is
producing. In the packing section different milk and curd packs are available. That’s are
1000 ml, 500 ml, 250 ml, and 200 ml. The testing is the important one for here. In all the
stages the testing is conducted for its best result.
Receiving of raw milk



(SMP, Cream) (Cream to store in cold room)

Pasteurization (85’C for 16 sec)

Storage tank (below 5’C)


(Milk from damaged pouches chilling + Storage)

Keeping in cold room

Preparation of standard milk, skim milk same as toned milk
Receiving of Pasteurized Toned milk
(3.0% fat, 8.7% SNF)

Heating (42 to 45’C)

Pumping in inoculation tank

Addition of starter culture (0.04 to 0.05%)

Agitating for 15 to 20 minutes


Shifting in incubation room (42 to 45’C for 5 to 6 hours)

Transferring in cold room (Below 5’C) for 18 hours


Reception section activities are below

AKSHAYA established the collection centers in surrounding area and also
appointed line supervisor to estimate fat % and SNF % with help of Gerber and entered
the data in collection document.
The milk sent to AKSHAYA Unit in this unit has 2 reception centers. The
reception chain has mechanical can washing and another one have automatic can
First open the lid and stirring with the help of plunger and smell it. Normal milk
sent to further step. Abnormal milk sent to lose milk collection. Normal milk is
weighing. In this step also take the sample for further tests.
The cans sent to washing. In mechanical washing, the rotate brush is there. It
clears the can and washed by manual and sent to centers. Automatic washing have
steam, caustic soda and finally hot water washing out and sent to center. The milk sent
to chiller by pumping.

AKSHAYA have 3 cream separators, operating by centrifugal force. It connected

from bactofuge. When milk enters the rapidly revolving bowl of the cream separator, it
is immediately subjected to a tremendous centrifugal force, which is 3000 to 6000 times
greater than gravitational force. Which both the fat and skim milk are subjected to
centrifugal force, the difference in density affects the heavier portion (skim milk)
intensely than the light portion (cream).
The skim milk is fixed to periphery while the fat portion moves towards the
center. The skim milk an cream both from vertical walls within the bowl and are
separated by being led through separate outlets.
1. Nix 1 liter liquid soap oil solution with 1 liter of water.

2. Remove the top bowl of cream separator and keep on rubber.

3. Remove all cream separator discs with the help of scanner

4. Remove slime and send to recovery of total solids.

5. Clean all disc with soap oil solution by mild brushing.

6. Wash all discs with soap oil solution by mild brushing.

7. All disc dipped in (30 ppm) lodophor solution for 10 minutes.

8. Assemble it


AKSHAYA have 3 homogenizer connected form cream separator and outlet

connected to pasteurizer the Pre-heated mild (60 c) is homogenized at 2500-3000 PSI
pressure in single stage water.
This machine which causes the sub-division of fat globules. It consists of high
pressure piston pump which forces the milk at high pressure through a narrow opening
between the homogenizing valve and its seat. The fat globules in milk are thereby sub-
divided into smaller particles of more uniform size.
1. Water is allowed to lubricate and cool these pistons.

2. Pressure controls are checked to see that they are in correct position.

3. A motor is started.

4. As soon as the machine is pumping at full capacity turn down the

pressure adjusting knob to adjust operation at desired pressure.

5. Product discharge from machine is divided until desired homogenizing

pressure is obtained.
6. Leaks are checked.


AKSHAYA have 3 pasteurizer. It is functioning 24 hours. Its capacity is 15,000

liter/hour. Pasteurizer temperature is 82c+4c. It is HTST method.
• Float – controlled balance tank

Maintain a constant head of milk for feeding the raw milk. It also receives any
sub-temperature milk diverted by flow diversion valve.
• Plates

The plate heat exchanger is a compact, simple, easily cleaned and inspected unit.
It’s plates may be used for heating, cooling, regeneration and holding. These plates are
supported in a press between a terminal block in each heating and cooling section. The
heat moves from warm to cold medium through stainless steel plates. A space of
approximately 3 mm is maintained between the plates by non absorbent rubber gasket or
seal which can be vulcanized to them. The plates are numbered and must be properly
assembled. Posts are provided in appropriate places, both and the top and bottom of
plates, to permit both the product and the heating / cooling medium to flow without
• Regenerator (Heating)

The raw cold incoming milk is partially and indirectly heated by hot outgoing
milk. This adds to economy of the HTST process as the incoming milk requires less
heating by hot water to raise its temperature for holding.
• Filter
In this unit, using 40-90 mesh cloth is usually cylinder in shape.usually two
filters are attached but they are used one at a time.This permits contionuious operation
the flow being switched from one to the other while replaching a filter.

• Holding

The holding tube or plate that the milk is held for not less than 15 seconds,at the
pasteurization temperature of 82°c
• Flow Diversification Value

The milk has been properly pasteurized, it flows forward through the unit
that which is unpasteurized is automatically diverted back to float controlled balance
tank for representing it is usually operated by air pressure working against a strong
spring.Temperature is fall, air pressure is released and the value snaps shut immediately,
when the temperature is up regained, air pressure builds the value open to forward flow.
• Regeneration (Cooling)

The pasteurized hot outgoing milk is partially and indirectly cooled by the
incoming cool milk.This again adds to the economy of the HTSTprocess.In fact,when
pre-cooled (raw)milk is received,the High degree of regeneration allows water cooling
to be to be dispensed with entirely.
• Automatic control device

1) Stream pressure controller

2) Water temperature controller

3) Milk temperature recorder and indicator

• Handling of pasteurizer

1. Open soft water in pasteurizer balance tank and switch on the product
pump and start circulation
2. Open steam value of hot water bottom and maintain stream pressure 3 to
5 kg/cm2

3. Switch on milk inlet pump to pasteurizer and raise the heating and
holding tem of pasteurizer 78°c to 86°c for 15 seconds

4. Open chilled water inlet and outlet valve to pasteurizer

5. Maintain outlet temperature of water at 4°c

6. Check the oil level of bactofuge and start the machine maintain 4500-

7. Check the oil level in separator and start it

8. Check the oil level, open the water valve in homogenizer and start

9. Circulate soft water in system and check following parameter’s

A. Outlet temperature 4°c

B. Heating temperature and holding 82+_ 4°c

C. Regeneration l  50-55°c

D. Oil pressure in pasteurized  2500 PSL

E. Chilled water inlet 0.5 to 1.5°c

F. Chilled water inlet 7 to 9°c

G. Check the inlet air pressure up to 6kg/cm2

H. Check the water pressure 4 to 5kg/cm2

• Cleaning of pasteurizer
1. Flush out Milk with soft water
2. Close chilled water inlet and outlet valve
3. Release pressure In Homogenizer
4. Blow down bactofuge once
5.Circulate with water and maintain temperature in pasteurizer inlet at 65
6. Add require amount of caustic soda 28% strength
7.Circulate solution throughout of system for 45 minutes at 70-75
8.Close steam valve and flush out caustic solution with soft water for 10 minutes
9. Open steam valve, Maintain temperature 60-65
10.Add required amount of Nitric acid in balance tank to Maintain strength 0.6%
11. Circulate solution for 20 minutes
12.Close steam valve, flush out acid solution with soft water for 10 Minutes
13 Open steam Valve and Maintain soft water temperature 75-80
14 Blow down bactofuge twice and switch off bactofuge
15 Stop cream separator and allow RPM to zero position
16 Stop the inlet pump to pasteurizer

• Storage

In processing section 7 silos’ there. 4 silo’s capacity is l, Lake Liter. 3 silo’s

capacity is 5000 liter and also vertical one
Silo no 8,9,10,11 is big silo’s it is used for storage processed Milk. Small
silo’s used for stored the skim Milk, cream, condensed Milk. It is used for
• Silo cleaning

 Flush out water and collect to reprocessing

 Inner and machine parts washed with soap oil and then water

 Circulate caustic soda (0.6%) for 15 minutes at 70-75°c

 Then washed with hot water

 Nitric acid 60-65°c/0.6% circulate for 15 minutes

 Then 80°c temperature hot water circulates for 15 minutes

 Then reduce the silo temperature

• Dry blender

This dry blender used to add skim milk power or whole milk power to milk for
standardization purpose.
• Handling of dry blender

1. Make the required quantity of SMP/WMP ready for reconstitution

2. Switch on the dry blends

3. Open milk outlet and inlet valve

4. Control the flow of milk, so milk doesn’t over flow from funnel

5. Add require quantities of SMP/WMP gradually

6. Close inlet and outlet valve

7. Switch off dry blender


These sections have 10 machines used to packing the fluid milk. These machines
have different grades like 5000ml, 2000ml, 1000ml, 500ml, 250mlm, 200ml and 10ml
respectively. The packages milk pickets counting done by computer in create wise and
kept in storage area.
Handling of Flipack Machine
• Fill the required film roll in each individual side.
• Clean the sealing rods (vertical and horizontal) and change Teflon tape and
sealing tape.
• Switch on brine chill water pump and air compressor.
• Pump the standardized milk from the silo through brine chiller to OHT
• Setup the volume of milk required to be packed.
• Start the M/C setup the optimum temperature for horizontal and vertical sealing.
• Keep first 5-10 Milk packets separately at the starting of M?c after cleaning and
cut it for reprocessing.
• Check the collection tray and tube at the bottom to collect spoilage Milk
• Check the following things and maintain continuously.


Variety Wt/Sachets (gm) Length (mm)
5000ml 5160 – 5165 410
2000ml 205- - 2065 230
1000ml 1022 – 1027 226
500ml 506 - 510 160
250ml 250 – 254 105
200ml 200 – 204 95
100ml 97 - 100 65

• Arrange the empty cleaned crates in front of every machine.

• Ensure the number of pockets while filling of creates as mentioned below:
• Arrange for shifting filled crates in milk cold storage.

Cleaning of Flipack
1) Collect remained milk in balance tank.
2) First fill OHT tank with clean water then sent to all machine cleaning for 10
3) Prepared caustic solution 2500 litre in 1% strength
4) Caustic solution sent to OHT tank from CIP tank.
5) Then sent all machines 800C temperature for 10 minutes.
6) Then drain out caustic solution.
7) OHT tank filled with hot water (80-850C), and sent to all machine for 10
8) Then 3000ml (30PPM) lodophor sent to machines.

Packing area floor cleaning

1) Collect and segregate the milk solid wastes from floor and put in respective
waste box and maintain Good Housekeeping.
2) Flush out the floor with necessary water or hot eater if required.
3) Clean the floor with soap oil solution and brush
4) Flush again with necessary water or hot water if required.
5) Wipe out the floor with the help of wiper.
This section have 10 machine used to packing the fluid milk. This machine has different
grads like 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml, and 200ml respectively. The packaged milk packets
counting done by computer in crate wise and kept in storage area.
Fcm Rate Dtm Rate

1000ml 31.00 1000ml 21.00

500ml 16.00 500ml 11.00


1000ml 27.00 500gm 17.00

500ml 14.00 200gm 7.00

200ml 6.50

Tm Butter milk
1000ml 24.00 200ml 4.00

500ml 12.50

250ml 7.00


COB Test
• Transfer 2ml of sample to test tube and smell.
• Heat if for 2 minutes.
• Smell again for any acidic flavor
• Examine the film of milk or side of test for precipitated particles.
• Formation of clot is indicative of positive test.
• Milk which gives COB positive is not suitable for distribution of
Estimation of SNF
• Milk sample warm it to 840F and mix thoroughly
• Fill the cylinder completely with the above prepared milk sample.
• Insert the lactometer in cylinder, allowing it to float freely.
• Allow the lactometer to come to constant level and take the lactometer
reading at 840F
• Calculate the SNF content of milk SNF% - CLR / 4+(0.36+0.2F)
• From Methylene blue tablet
Take one tablet and dissolve in 200ml of sterile distilled water keep in
refrigerator for overnight and then make up to 800ml in standard flask.
• From Powder
Weigh 33gms (or) 0.033gms of methylene blue powder and dissolve in
sterile distilled water and makeup to the mark of one liter SMF
• Take 10ml of sample milk in test and add 1ml of methylene blue solution and
cover the test tube by rubber cork.
• Place the test tube in a water bath at 370C and note, the initial time and watch the
test tube for every 15 minutes once for decolorized blue colour.
• Inspect the tube every 15 minutes record the milk as decolorized when the whole
column of the milk is completely decolorized or is completely decolorized up to with in
5mm of surface.
Platform Test
I) Determination of odor and colour
• Smell the milk in can immediately after removing the lid.
• In case of foul or abnormal smell, reject the milk or hold over for subjection to
confirmatory test.
• Observe colour of milk.
• If abnormal in, colour, it should be regarded with suspicion.
II) Determination of milk taste
• Take one teaspoon full milk from can and pour in mouth.
• Rotate tongue along with milk.
• If any abnormality observed, go for related confirmatory test.

III) Detection of salt, starch and sugar

1) Sugar
a. 1ml of milk is added 1 ml of Con Hcl and 0.1g of resorcinol
b. Red colour is from if cane sugar is presented.
2) Starch
a. 2 ml of milk and add few drops of 5% iodine solution
b. Formation of blue indicates presence of starch
3) Salt
a. Take 5ml of AgNo3 solution in test tube (dissolve 1.3415g of AgNo3 in
one liter of distilled water)
b. Formation of pale yellow indicates salt positive and if the color remains
brownish then salt is negative.


The main resources of the company no doubt that is human resources depending
upon the human resource only The business will stand the resource means the efficiency
of the person. Not a quantity of person.
HRD (Human Resource Development) in brief is changing of potential human
resources into kinetic human resources that is ptimization of the potential capacity of


It refers to the searching for the prospective employee of workers and stimulation
them to apply for our country.
No appointment by direct recruitment to the management or personnel and
technical personnel may namely by made without inviting applications by made without
inviting applications by advertisement is at feast on leading daily newspaper.
The recruitment sub-committee to the Akshaya will interview. The candidates
with result qualification and select of candidates The managing director of mills sent
appointment order for the candidates selector by the recruitment sub committee. The
important “Technical Personnel: like Dairy Manager, Electrical Supervisor Etc.,


The manpower is a most every company. The manager should not understanding,
motivate and effectives uses the available man power.
The work of personnel department deals specifically with reverting workers.
Training then put them in the plant and to extract work from them.
This Akshaya Milk is having once personal officer and chief time keeper,
assistant time keeper are assisting him.


Additional Managing Director

Personnel Officer

Assistant Personnel Officer

Time Keeping Office



The Company gives training both to the labours and administrative staffs. In case
of laborer, they are denoted as appendices. In case of administrative staff they were
given time to acquire knowledge about each and every aspect of the company.
When the workers are attend the training and get the knowledge of work means
the company given a certificate to the worker. That is called training certificate.
Some of the welfare measures to employees, which are provided by the
company, are:


As like provident fund scheme, the company contributes sum of money for the
employee state insurance scheme. When the employer or employee or his wife or his
children’s or father old mother all are apply for employee state insurance scheme.
When the worker is become to retirement or dismissed the ESI scheme in valid
for 90 days. If any one of worker is met with an accident in the factory means the
company given compensation for the accident.
Employer contribution = 4.75%
Employee contribution = 1.75%

The private employee runs to canteen and the management is supplying foods
shifts at subsidized rate with policy only profit. In the canteen all the food items ad
coffee, tea are provided n fair prices their workers.
The company gives bonus to their employees as or the provisions of the found
Act 1965. The employees pay bonus to the employees to stimulate extra effect by them
in production process. The mill bonus once the year Diwali festival. Employee bonus
minimum 8.33 as per acts a fixed every year according to the company.

Medical allowance are provided by this company to their employees and workers
by way or giving free medical treatment in their own hospital.


The company provides the first aid facilities to the employeed by the means of
providing the first aid boxes in all the sections.

The marketing is defined as the performance of business activities that direct the
flow of goods and services from procedures to consumers. This old concept of
marketing is considered in appropriate in modern business because it is based on the
assumption that whatever is produced is found to be sold. In the competitive
environment today, products have to be designed and developed keeping in the wants
and tastes of consumers.
4.1. The modern concept of marketing is consumer – oriented

Marketing is the business process by which products are matched with the
requirement to the consumers and through which transfers to ownership are affected.

Marketing management is one of the important operative functions of business. It

is that functional area of business management, which is concerned with the organizing,
directing and controlling the activities relating to the marketing of goods and services to
satisfy the needs of customers.
Marketing management is very important concept is action. It includes all
activities, which are necessary to determine and satisfy the needs if consumers.
This department is put under the change of a marketing who looks after all the
marketing activities of the enterprises in order to achieve the objectives of the business.

The objectives of marketing are derived from the overall objectives of business.
The overall objectives of business are profit making growth service and society.
In brief the objectives marketing management are as follows:
1) Creating Customers
2) Satisfying Customers

1) Creating Customers
A business firm is established to sell a product or service to customer creating
customers means exploring and identifying the needs and requirement of customers it
should analyze and understand their wants.
2) Satisfying Customers
Creating customers is not enough. Business should develop and distribute
products and services, which meet the requirements of customer to their satisfaction.
Satisfying does not simply mean matching products with customers needs. It also
requires regular supply of goods end services of reasonable quality at fair prices.


The maintenance of accounts, receipts, payments, bills, chegues, etc., is
computerized and no manual records are prepared.
The ledger of the company goes as general ledger and sub ledger it is also computerized.
The reports like statements of accounts, bank book, cash book, profit and loss
account, and trail balance are also maintained systematically. The statements of accounts
are maintained for each head or company.
The bank book is maintained for all the banks involved by the company, to name few,
 State bank of India

 Tamilnadu mercantile bank


The company also prepares cash book, I and II, in which income from banks and
deposits to bank are maintained in cash book I and all the expenses are maintained by
the cashier in cash book II, which is also the petty cash book of the company.
The records about the sundry debtors and creditors are maintained in the general
ledger and all details about it are seen in the sub ledger.
The company at present involves in consignment sales and the number of agents for
consignment sales is three and the commission is based on the agreement. This
agreement can be changed accordingly if they demand. The commission is at the rate of
7.5% of the sales value and the Del cruder commission is 1.5%
The agent is under the request to present the invoice to the Mill ti show the selling
price of the goods.
The company also maintains bank reconciliation statement to ensure that cash
balance and the bank balances are maintained properly.
The return filing date for central excise is from b 15th to 05th of every month and for
sales tax, it is 10th of every month.
The basic excise duty (B.E.D) and the additional excise duty (A.E.D) for every
month are calculated separately for centralized taxes sales tax, and the check for the
amount is sent to the bank.
The basic excise duty is 16% in accessible value and additional excise is 15% on
basic excise duty.
A special duty called CESS duty is paid to ministry of textiles under cental
government at a rate of 0.05% on accessible value.
The sales tax of the company does not include CESS duty it is calculated as follows:
(Assessable Value+ B.E.D+A.E.D)*4%
According to the receipt of the salary, the amount is handed over by the finance
manager to the cashier or the personal officer. The net salary paid to the employees after
deducting the ESI, PF and other personal benefits.
Vouchers are prepared for both receipts and payments. The receipts voucher are
prepared in case, if any cheque/cash is received and payment voucher is prepared if any
cheque/ cash are passed/paid.

 The company has good brand image

 Worker are very much eager to work

 100percent quality of milk product

 The research shows that most of the20-50 age group ladies are likely this

 Almost all the customer of akshaya do not want to change the brand

 It is very clear that due to attractive packet design and superior quality
akshaya has attracted
most of the customer

 Akshaya has attracted the young generation more effectively

 The TV, radio kinds of direct advertisement are not doing by the

 The company is not willing to do all the types of milk production in each
every plant

 Only few plants the company is producing the verities of milk production

 Compared then the competitors the greenbay earning the profit level
somewhat less

 The investment is not upto the mark

 Company will investment more capital level and can be do the plant
expanding operation the company can earn more profit level

 The company will do the TV, Radio, Newspaper advertisement the

company will achieve the no.1 position as very soon

 The company can complete with their competitors very easily with the
quality other its activities

 The competition is the big threat

 The capital level is not good then the competitors

 The company is not producing the verity of product in each plant

The consumer awareness and loyalty study of akshaya milk has revealed
intersection feature quality and packet design will determine the popularity of the
product. Continuous advertisement is essential for retail cloth business. Customary
measures such as effective sales man ship, eye catching front correct time distribute the
customers but nonstop flow of information from salesman to management will give
fruitful result.
Departmentation wide range of verities attractive exhibits and quality materials
with everlasting quality invites the mass.

“Marketing Management”, Philip Kotler, 5th Print, 2004, Pearson Edition
Human Resource:
“Human Resources And Personnel Management”, K.Aswathappa, 4th Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill
Web site:

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