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Student Name: Irma Nielsen

Date: 3/20/21
Artifact Description: Dream Home – Use basic drawing tools to design a 2-dimensional
floorplan of your dream home.
What you learned:
This being the third assignment of its kind, I can honestly say it has gotten easier to manipulate
the shapes to make them look like I want them to. I have discovered some shortcuts and ways
to save some time. Not knowing what it was going to look like when I began, made it a little
daunting. I decided to start with the garage because It seemed like the easiest room to create.
It became a process that, truthfully, sparked my creativity. I could probably keep working on it
for indefinitely. I had to finally finish it, but I really enjoyed this assignment.
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)•S Addressed:
Standard #4 Innovative Designer – 4b: Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage
a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:

I think the most valuable lesson to be learned is the problem-solving aspect of this assignment.
Using basic drawing tools makes it challenging. You must think creatively and innovatively. The
tools don’t always work like you expect them to. There is a lot of trial and error involved.
Patience and a determination to not give up. These are all great lessons to be learned. This
entire process would be a lesson in using basic tools and materials creatively to obtain a desired
outcome. They could pretend to be a builder planning to build a home. I would set some
minimum requirements, as well as some limits because this project has the potential of
becoming a never-ending project of editing and rearranging. Also, there are those students who
would not take the assignment seriously or put much effort into creating their design.

In the next step, they would build their design using the drawings as a guide. This could be done
with cardstock or construction paper. Craft sticks could be used to give the walls stability or
maybe even cardboard could be used. I really like the idea of making it a time and/or a money
management lesson. The students would have to stick to a schedule to “submit” their pans by
the “deadline”. In the building phase, I could give them a base “kit” or set of materials as well
as some money for any extra materials they may need due to mistakes or miscalculations. I’m
not sure what age group this idea would work best for. It would really depend on how many of
these learning aspects were added to the project. My original thought was 4 th or 5th grade.

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