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NAME Arabela Abe
SECTION 12 Caregiving
GROUP LEADER Krizzha Celmar
DATE February 23,2021

 Download and edit the document given.
 Use the ENGLISH language in answering
 Explain elaboratively
 Answers must NOT BE LESSER THAN five ( 5 ) sentences.
 SUBMIT ON OR BEFORE 02 – 24 – 21 (Wednesday this week)

1. EXPLAIN, USING YOUR OWN WORDS, For me the focus of your study is you
THE FOCUS OF YOUR STUDY. are studying in the study. You are
focusing the information that you
gather and the things that u learn
about the study. This is very
important that we are focus in our
study so that we have the right
information. Understand your study
and make yourself focus. In make
study we need our mind and our self
focus and avoid some distraction.
2. GIVE ATLEASTFIVE ( 5 ) THINGS YOU’VE The thing I learn about practical
LEARNED IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH research is to learn how to listen to
SUBJECT THAT IS ESSENTIAL TO YOU A your leader because that is very
SONE OF THE SOCIETY’S YOUTH. important. Second its share your
knowledge in the study. Next the
teamwork being a member if we are
not the member, we don’t have a
leader too. Next you should have the
plan , we should have a plan so that if
we have a wrong plan we can change
it .Next believe to yourself and to your
members we should believe in our
members and self that we can make
that study .
3. FOR YOU, WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF For me teamwork is very importance
TEAMWORK IN PR2 SUBJECT AND IN THE in everytime.We should trust your
CONTEXT OF LIFE? member and your leader .Help them if
they need your help and do your best
to do that study or anything that your
leader give to you. Effort in every
thing and give your best for your
group. Teamwork is very important in
every group so we should maintain
the teamwork so we can achieve our
4. LIST AT LEAST FIVE ( 5 ) DIFFICULTIES The thins that feel me difficult in this
THAT YOU HAVE ENCOUTERED IN OUR subject is the misunderstanding
SUBJECT, AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU because some of our member did not
OVERCAME EACH. understand the subject or our study
and its very hard to us to say it to
them using social media. Next that we
are not unity being one in this study
its hard but we counter it. Next is that
we are not aware about the thing we
review about some study information.
The information that we give is not
same in eachother. Last is the
communication ,we know that
nowadays is very hard to everyone
communicate using social media but
still we give the best that we give for
the study.
5. AS WE THE CONCLUSION OF RP / PR 2 For me research is a information that
SUBJECT NEARS, KINDLY EXPLAIN WHAT we need to know not just we need to
IS RESEARCH FOR YOU? gather but we should need to know
too what is our research about. Thus
information help us to understand
what things or happening in or daily
life because of research we know that
answered. For me that is importance
so we can understand everything’s
around us. So I know that we should
gather some info or question to other
person. This can help us to be
educated to understand and learn .

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