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Mantra explanations from Finding Your Flow

Learn more about the mantras for igniting your creativity and
overcoming your obstacles.

Day 1 - Lam [Luhm]

This mantra connects us to our source of stability and security in life. It

roots us securely and deeply to Mother Earth. When we are supported
by Mother Nature, we feel safe, relaxed, and peaceful.

Day 2 - Yam [Yuhm]

This mantra opens our awareness to that space of love in our

consciousness where we feel and know our connection to everyone.
This center of love in our spiritual heart reveals the shared reality we
live with all humanity.

Day 3 - Ram [Ruhm]

This mantra connects us to our source of strength and power – pure

consciousness. From this place of awareness we gain the confidence
and self-assurance that comes from knowing we are unlimited

Day 4 - Vam [Vuhm]

This mantra connects us to our inner place of contentment, happiness,

and wholeness. This state of awareness shows us that the present
moment is always complete.

Day 5 - Ham [Huhm]

This mantra connects us to the infinite creativity within our awareness.

When this center of consciousness is awake and open, our inspirations,
feelings, and insights find their full and complete expressions in our
thoughts, words, and actions.

Day 6 - Om [Ohm]

This mantra represents the wholeness of spiritual Being and

understanding. It is the primal sound of the creative and the sustaining
force of creation that reverberates at the base of our silent awareness.

Day 7 - Sahasrara Eem [Sah-hahs-rah-rah Eem]

This mantra opens our awareness to the pure energy of existence at the
core of our Being. Sahasrara indicates the infinite conscious energy
center at the top of the head where universal light and energy supports
our individuality. Eem is the seed sound for the cosmic current of
wisdom, creativity, and self-knowledge. Altogether, this mantra
activates a powerful flow of universal knowledge and inspiration into
our individual awareness.

Day 8 - Om Dakini Namaha [Ohm Dah-kee-nee Nah-ma-


Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

Dakini is the name for the divine energy of the first, or root chakra. This
mantra connects us to the source of security and grounded peace,
aligning us with the strength of the Earth as the foundation of our
natural state of flow. Namaha means the conscious opening of
awareness to the infinite, pure universal awareness within.

Day 9 - Om Rakini Namaha [Ohm Rah-kee-nee Nah-ma-


Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

Rakini embodies the qualities of the second, or sacral chakra. This
mantra activates the ever-present source of happiness, pleasure, and
joy inside us. Namaha means the conscious opening of awareness to
the infinite, pure universal consciousness within.

Day 10 - Om Lakini Namaha [Ohm Lah-kee-nee Nah-ma-


Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

Lakini embodies the qualities of the third, or solar plexus chakra. This
mantra allows us to tap into the power of the universe as we invite the
energy of inner strength, courage, and true power into our lives.
Namaha means the conscious opening of awareness to the infinite,
pure universal consciousness within.

Day 11 - Om Kakini Namaha [Ohm Kah-kee-nee Nah-ma-


Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

Kakini embodies the qualities of the fourth, or heart chakra. This mantra
opens our heart center, allowing the source of love within to flow
freely. Namaha means the conscious opening of awareness to the
infinite, pure universal consciousness within.

Day 12 - Om Shakini Namaha [Ohm Shah-kee-nee Nah-


Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

Shakini embodies the qualities of the fifth, or throat chakra. This mantra
activates our true voice so that we may freely express our unique gifts
and perspective with the world, accessing our creativity and opening to
the free flow of authentic expression. Namaha means the conscious
opening of awareness to the infinite, pure universal consciousness

Day 13 - Om Hakini Namaha [Ohm Hah-kee-nee Nah-


Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

Rakini embodies the qualities of the sixth, or third eye chakra. This
mantra awakens our intuition as we align with our natural inner
knowing and begin to flow with this inherent guidance, stepping closer
to the life we are here to live. Namaha means the conscious opening of
awareness to the infinite, pure universal consciousness within.

Day 14 - Om Katyayani Namaha [Ohm Kaht-yah-yah-nee


Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

Katyayani embodies the qualities of the seventh, or crown chakra. This
mantra activates our divine nature as we radiate our inherent light and
honor this light in others. Namaha means the conscious opening of
awareness to the infinite, pure universal consciousness within.

Day 15 - Om Bhu [Ohm Bhooh]

Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

The sound Bhu is that state of existence or consciousness that relates
to stability and security radiating into the universe.

Day 16 - Om Bhuvaha [Ohm Bhooh-vah-ha]

Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

The sound Bhuvaha is that state of existence or consciousness that
relates to happiness and contentment radiating into the universe.

Day 17 - Om Swaha [Ohm Swah-ha]

Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

The sound Swaha is that state of existence or consciousness that
relates to empowerment and self-confidence radiating into the

Day 18 - Om Maha [Ohm Mah-ha]

Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.
The sound Mah is that state of existence or consciousness that relates
to the transformative power of love radiating into the universe.

Day 19 - Om Janaha [Ohm Jah-nah-ha]

Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

The sound Janaha is that state of existence or consciousness that
relates to creativity and beauty radiating into the universe.

Day 20 - Om Tapaha [Ohm Tah-pah-ha]

Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

The sound Tapaha is that state of existence or consciousness that
relates to the light of wisdom and truth radiating into the universe.

Day 21 - Om Satyam [Ohm Saht-yuhm]

Om is the elemental sound of creation that connects us to all existence.

The sound Satyam is that state of existence or consciousness that
relates to pure Being radiating its self-awareness in the universe.

Day 22 - Shanti [Shahn-tee]

Shanti means the unshakable peace that is a state of Being to

consciousness. Shanti is the peace that can’t be lost or broken, because
it is your essential unchanging nature, your own true self.


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