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Model 1 9 :1 2 .

The ejector a is rn,ovided belovr with a socket b, anc1 at the

top with a tooth c, which pounces in front of the cartridge -rim.

a vertical position, its soclcet sliding on the flats of the

ejector-block; not until the ~ocket b pushes against the pro-

jection d, the ejector turns , e xpelling th G empty co.rtridge-cas e

Through this arrangement of th e ej e ction is gain e d greater

strength and stability in the first placo, and secondly that the

ejector moves 90 deg rees, that is to s a y, it travels from the

vertic a l IJus ition to th e hori z ontal one, so that the case , be -

fore the eje c t o r rele ases it, is broug ht so far out of the cham-
ber as to e nsure a f a ultless ej e ction even by high d e grees of
Mouel 1904.


In princ i p le ·the ·ejection was ef'fected as follows:-

The ejGct or a, during its baclnvard tra.v.el, s li d on the rail c,
and when its socket b pushed against the projection ~ on the rail,
the ejector turnt-;d '± rnhrt f!.vmy from i tc verttcD.l position . This
motion of the ej -e ctor was too s~or-t for securi11g that the case
was alvnlys· throvn1 en tj_rely out, . m:Hl mort."'! J)a.rticularly so when
the barrel was intennely heated ufter shoot in g for a l onger
The above c1ruvdng show s the component parts of the trigger-

mechanism the moment the shooting stops. The percussion-arm S

being kc~pt baclc by the t o oth ·T, the r e coil-arm i? out in its-

forernost position, that i s ··to say the ·mechanism is shut, and

there is a cartridge in the chamber~ By th~ alteration of the
trigger-m echanism now ef:f.'ectod , th o recoil-·o. rm, ancl so the whole

of the locl-c ~ i:-:: l;:cpt bact i:tl the sam e 'Nay a:::; t1:1e percussion-arm.
Model 191 2 .

The drawing shows the alteration, the trigger-mech~nism

being provided with a stop P, the tooth of which N enters a

on=:::&-R e Pe-e-e-i-±-arPm-R-;---t-fi-i-B-wge-"H'l.-e-r--w-:i::-t-h-t;h-e v-h-e-h;-<5-f-
the lock beine; thus kept back. Th e spontaneous ie;ni tion of the
cartridBe is thus prevented, as the cartridce, when the loc~

holds its rearmost position, is not inserted irito the chamber

and touching only the en U.rely cola. p~),pts of the lock. When thE
shootinr; is to be recommenced, the gunner· presses the triggex•,
thereby effec tine; trw iiuJertion of the c c:. rtridge in to the cham
ber as well as its i gn ition.

The above drawinE represents the cartridge-feeder. It was

composed of 9
J.o c•
~::> ' ~
.t\. t:111 Cl B, conn~:?ctecl by the pin a. Moreover
the piece B vms proviCi.ed with a pivot b sliding in a groove on
the breech-b lock.
The cartridge-feader thus consisted of 4 pieces in all, of
which B, a,. ancl b have now be:: en dropped..
Mod e l 1 912 .

At present the c a rtridge - feeder consists of only 1 piece,

rotating roun d the pin c .
·By thi s rec on s truction i s &ained a sim p ler and strong e r

way of inserting t he c ~ rtrid g e into the chambe r , and the c a r -

tridge-fe e der is not expo s ed to fractures.
Mocl 0 l 1904 .

At the top of the breech - block th.ere was a -groove a in

which slid a pivot on the top of the cartridge - feeder·. At the

front on the left there was a locking-linl<: b , guiding the motion

of the breech-block ih the frame. The groove for the pi v ot of

the cartridge - feeder as WGll as the locking - link b have now been
droppGd .
Model 1912 .

In adcli t:ion to th~ alterations indica tec1 on the preceding
page, the breech - block has been newmodel l ed as follows : -
The ejector- plane has bGGn taken more to the rear , so that

the.r e is now more r oom for the c artr i dge - case when thrown out of
the chamber.
The perfo1,a tion B o f the firing - pin h as been expanded, and
so it has become por;si ble OJn-u-re- ttm- s-al1r strongel' as well as

bigger .
Mor.'i.el 1;/0L.i:.

~ ---


The guiding-plate consists of 1 piece; the import of this

arrangement is e vident in that the pivot of the breech-block
now moves round the prismatic block without being actuated by
Mode l t912.

As it apiJ e by the ab ove dravring the undei•n arne d parts

belonged to the guid ing-p l ate :-
The l ev er a
The spring b
The spring c, and
The screw d.
These 4 p ieces have be en dro pp ed in the new mo de l 1912 .
The above photograph shows the duplicate - barrel belonging
to each weapon.

It was designed that the duplicate-barrel should not be used

until the action was over and the prime barrel worn out. Conse-
quently the duplicate-barrel was riot carried in the first line,

together with the weapons, but in the second line together with

the other reserve-stores.

At present belongs to each wer:~.pon not only a duplicate-

barrel but a duplicate - barrel vri th mechanism . Hereby the follo -

wing advantages are gained : -

1) In the com:se of 30 seconds the duplicate-mechanism can

be inserted by th e gm1ner .
2) The change may be performed by the gunner in lying posi-

tion, which means that it is not necessary to withdraw the weapon

from the line of fire, when the chan~e is to be done .
3) The duplicate - mechanism being always curried in the 1st
line together with the weapon, its efficiency i s more than doub-

led in that one barrol is cooled while the other is shooting.

If during very forced shooting it should occur that the

firing stops in consequence of the defectiveness of' either the

cartriclge Ol' the mechtmism, the gunner will now always bo able to

prevent the i gni tion of the cartr,idge c1.ue t o the heating of the
For ea ch so ldier c arr ies, as shown by the above dx>awj_ns, t1

rubber-b ag con t r..:Lning 1 li tor of water; he being thus always able

to cool th e barrel, the possibility of spontaneous ignition of the

cartrid~e by the heating of the barrel is entirely precluded.
Model 1904o

The component parts of the magazine are as follows:-

The mae;azine a
The cartridge-stop b
The lock e t of the cartridge-stop c

The cartridge - layer d, anc1

ihe mag az ine-sprin g o,

5 pi ece s in all then. At present this numb e r has been
reduced to 3,
Th a loc ket of the ca r tridr..;e - s to p c, and

Th o maGazine-sDring e

having been dropped.

The weigh£ of the magazine was· 410 g r.
Ivlo cle l 1 9 1 2 • .

. . ~


As shown by the drawing the shape of the magazine is now

straight, whereas heretofore curved; by this is gained that the

magazine can be loaded with greater ease, and the inserting of

Mod e l 1 90 4.


At the front the weap on vws provided with 2 support-legs,

the maxim um elevation of the barrel over the - ground being thus

about 35 m.
Mo d e l l 9 12.



The gunner in lying position.


The gunner in lying pos i tion.

Th e means o f moun tin g havo be e n altered a~ fol lows:-

I. The support-l ogs hav e been made t e lescopic, so as to aCI.rni t

shooting in ly ing as we ll as in sitting position.

II. Tho butt-and is provided with a telescopic support made of

indurated aluminium ( weight O, 5 leg.), v,rhich has consideru.bly

increased the accuracy of the weap on.

By way oj.: judging the accuracy of the weapon see appendic e s

Tho t e chnic a l corp:; of the u.rmy .
Copenhac en, 10th of Do c ombor 1 9 12 . Appr:;)ndi:x: 9 .
2 ~~p pendic o s.

!1 ansk Relcylrifff) l Syndilcat .


Conformab y to your> ·wiDh Tlw t o chnical corps has the honour

of forwarding lo tho Synd.i ka t tho result of some shooting

experiments rna e by our corps on tho 29th of September> last past.

These exp~riments took plnce on the shooting - ground of the

army, and WGl'e performed vv i th the rif l e-mi trailleuse system

Madsen, model 912, in order to compare the same with the rifle-

mitrailleuse md~e l 1903 which is regulatad for the army .

Academic rifle-corps.
Copenhagen 12th of December 1912. Ap LJGl1dix 10.


II Dansk Rekylriffel Syndikat.

Conformably to your vdsh I have the honour of forwarding to

the company tloansk Rekylriffel Syl1dikat 11 the annexed result of

the shooting experiments performed by our shootins-school with
the fifle-m~ trailleuse system Madsen, model 1912.
These ~ xperim ents were performed by the pl a toon of rifl e -
mitrailleuse gunners of our corps during the months of May and
June, and took place on the shooting-ground of the army.

(signed) E. With~

Captain of the staff,

Commander in chief of thel
academic rifle-corps.

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