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According to research by the University of Scranton, 92% of

goal-setters fail.

That's 92% of people ​who aspire to achieve something and end up feeling ​frustrated​.

Why does this happen?

Most people think it's because they lack qualities like:

● Passion or purpose
● Motivation
● Discipline
● Perseverance & Grit
● Focus

And that's true. But it's ​only 50% of the puzzle.

The simple fact is:

➢ Goal-setting when you lack the personality traits like focus, motivation,
perseverance etc. will almost always lead to failure.


Because those characteristics have *nothing* to do with goal-setting and everything to

do with Mindset.

The good news:

Thanks to the magic of your brain's ability to change itself (also called: neuroplasticity):

You have the ability to acquire the mindset you need to ​become the type of person
who regularly achieves your goals.

In other words, you can adopt the ​mental 'blueprint'​ of the 8% of people who succeed.


The answer comes in​ 2 simple steps on the next page​…
Step 1: Become Aware of your Mindset
Put simply, your mindset is a system of thought patterns that contribute to what you
think of as “who you are.” This includes:

● Your beliefs, values, your identity, your frame of reference.

● Your inborn traits (both physical and emotional).
● Your repetitive thoughts.
● Your habits & routines.
● Your rules in life.

All of which contribute to your feelings, behaviors, reactions and over the long term,
what you will look back on as... your life!

If you take one thing away from this report​...

Please understand that ​your mindset is one of the most fundamental, foundational and
essential aspects of who you are and whether or not you achieve your goals in life.

Before you can set goals​, you must be sure to 'edit' these aspects of your mindset so
that you're set up for the best possible chance of success and you do not self-sabotage.

Once you've made your mindset a conscious endeavor, it's time to:

Step 2: Set Better Goals (Outcomes & Key


The most common goals are:

● Lose Weight / Achieve Better Physical Fitness

● Become More Organized & More Productive
● Spend Less, Save More & Achieve Financial Freedom
● Enjoy Life More & Find A Passion
● Learn Something New
● Quit A Bad Habit
● Help Others Achieve Their Dreams
● Fall In Love & Have a Great Relationship
This may come as a shock, but the 'wishes' most people call
‘goals’ are ​not even real goals.

No wonder so many people fail in their pursuit!

In addition to lacking a framework for establishing an achiever's mindset, they're also

setting goals that make it impossible to succeed!

Here’s how to set *achievable goals*

You must turn your goals into ​Outcomes & Key Results (OKRs)!

That means:

1. Due dates (goals without deadlines are just dreams)

2. What exactly do you want? Write it down.
3. Make sure you know what your priorities are *in order*.
4. Journal & reflect on your progress regularly.

Outcomes & Key Results is a simple framework for goal-setting.

Start by asking yourself: "What is my main objective?"

Your objective is what you want to accomplish.

Your key results are the items which must be true in order for you to have achieved your

An example of what not to do & what to do:

‘Lose Weight’ is ​not an outcome.

Think about it. When you say “lose weight” there is too much left to chance.

How much weight will you lose? 1 pound? By when? And how are you going to do it?

So instead of saying your objective is to: “Lose Weight”, you're better off saying:
“I want to lose 32 pounds over the next 90 days and then maintain a BMI of 15%.”

Taken further, you should ​write down​ *how* you’re going to achieve that outcome.
(When you write down 'how' you're going to do it, these are your key results).


“I will lose 32 pounds over the next 90 days and then maintain a BMI of 15% **by
tracking what I eat in a food journal on a meal-by-meal basis.** I will also do 30 minutes
of cardiovascular exercise (running, hiking, jogging) three times a week.”

Do you see how powerful this can be?

Let's recap:
1. Before you can hope to *achieve* your goals, you've gotta be sure your mindset
is right. This is your beliefs, habits, routines, identity, thoughts, values, etc. All of
which make up your conscious awareness of who "you" are.

2. As you get you develop your achiever's mindset, you will always want to make
sure *any goals you set* are **actually achievable** One of the best systems for
doing this is formatting your goals into a framework of Outcomes & Key Results.

Feel free to review this sheet every time before you endeavor to set (and achieve) new

Keep in mind: goal-setting is a skill-set just like any other.

It’s a skill that takes practice, but once you get it, it contributes to the acquisition of other
skills and can help you to drastically transform your life in amazing ways.

You’ve taken the first step and started to do the work. Now take the next step and join
Impact Theory University where you’ll get instant access to all of my best content that
I’ve created to help you accomplish your goals. In addition you’ll get constant support on
your journey to transformation from our community. Join now at:

Keep going, never give up and as always... ​be legendary!

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