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Task 3

Write a Lesson Reflection using this Form for Every Lesson that you Teach (CLOs 1-6)
You are expected to use support from the academic literature to enhance your reflections.
(N.B. 10 lessons – 3 peer reviewed and 10 MST/MCT are recommended in total)
English – Long E Mahra Albloushi
Lesson (unit/page) Student teacher

MST Mouza Alhassani School Alataa School

Class Grade 3 Date 28-2


What standards or LOs were being addressed in the lesson?

- Listening: listen to words with long and short e sound

- Reading: Read a poem and answer questions

- Speaking: identify long and short e sound

- Writing: write words with long and short e sound

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? There is no SEN,
I was creating differentiation activities for each level group.

How did you use positive reinforcement? Methods? For what? I was using the spinning tool
for names, Classdojo and oral feedback.

How did you sequence or scaffold activities so that they built gradually towards the learning
Before the students start working on the activities. I try to ask some questions according to
the lesson that is taught so then, I start explaining the activity and show them how to do it
then they start by themselves.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (that is, describe the lesson’s place in the unit of work.
What did students need to know before today’s LOs were addressed? What topic comes
next and how did today’s lesson prepare students for that?)

Describe (D):
Who is the lesson for? Grade 3 students

Where did the lesson take place? In Microsoft teams

What were you trying to achieve in your lesson? Teach the students what is long e and to
have 70% of the students end up the lesson with knowing the different between the long and
short e.

What did the students do? Students was responding with me and whenever I ask a student
a question, they answer me. But some of the low-level students are not getting the question
or what I exactly want so I try to give them chance and repeat the question again to them
but if she can't solve the question that I ask I ask a student to help her .
Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson?
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? The students were
responding with me and the lesson goes smoothly at the same time it was my first time to
teach the students and they were smart with me.
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding? I showed the
students some of the vowels that they learn and I ask them to give me the sound of the
letters ( I O U A E ) and some students didn't know and some of the sounds.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective.
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Use your students’ performance on the end of
lesson assessment as support (Give proof in your portfolio) Yes. Because in the formative
assessment I asked the students an activity and they answered it correctly.

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future? I will try to foucus
more in the time because now the class changes to 30m and my activities was too long for
the students.
What are the implications for your professional practice of helping students to enhance
their learning in this particular way? (i.e. what skill will you have to develop or learn?
What professional development will you have to undertake?) Last observation my MST
asked me to let the students read because their school is focusing so much on reading so
today, I asked more than two students to read and participate on reading.

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