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Would you be shocked to find out all along marijuana could be the answer?

For many years I

suffered, until I did my own research. With this paper I will present to you some research, facts,

pros and cons, and my personal experience with marijuana.

In recent years 33 states have legalized medical marijuana and 11 have legalized recreational

use. This information alone, speaks volumes, consider that they are legalizing it obviously

because there are benefits, not only health wise, finance wise, and incarceration rates. I support

the use of marijuana because on November 12th, 2018 my life was changed. Growing up I had no

health issues, problems, hospitalizations anything. I was what you considered a healthy young

adult… On that day, I was shot with a nine-millimeter, alongside of somebody else. I suffered

one gunshot wound to the abdomen, in a spot called “The Devils Playground” or “Surgical

Soul”, it hit every single organ except my lungs and heart. The other individual was shot 8 times,

and each shot got luckier after the next. He walked away with a bruised lung, hit artery, and lost

his gallbladder, with some physical walking issues. I lost my right kidney, gallbladder, spline, 4

feet of intestine, half of my stomach, repaired pancreas and liver, I had a broken back with a

severed artery as well. One shot left me in the hospital four months, eight shots left him in the

hospital 4 weeks. While I was going through surgeries, ICU stays all the above, I have obviously

tried many meds. Taking opioids leaves you constipated, possibly addicted, drowsy, can cause

you more pain all the above. I was so sick and in pain from the drugs they had me on, I

brainstormed and thought, “If I ever make it out of this situation, I have to find an alternative. Or

it will ruin me…” Don’t get me wrong, I was a troubled teen, I tried marijuana before but I was

trying to “get high”, this time around I actually have many health issues I could positively gain

from the use of marijuana. I got out of the hospital and of course they sent me home with pain

pills, and to be honest they were helpful considering the tragedy and pain, but I noticed I would
be nodding out, or sick if I ran out, have me so backed up my stomach would physically hurt to

touch. That is when my thoughts reentered my brain, on finding something better but still

beneficial. I tried a few things out containing marijuana (THC) and (CBD), I found smoking

flower contributed to my nerve damage from my spine being struck. Relearning how to walk put

a strain on my long-term comfortability with my legs. Not only did I benefit in that way, but my

pain was leveled off, tolerable and I was not falling asleep everywhere I went, I was not

functioning. I found I could use marijuana and be able to still do daily tasks, without feeling such

pain and dependency. I will forever be an advocate for marijuana because I have felt and

witnessed marijuana being the answer. Prescription drugs have long term side effects and risks,

why risk your life when you have a better-quality life if you chose marijuana?

Now I will enlighten you all on what exactly marijuana (THC) is, its components, pros and

cons. Previously I mentioned both THC and CBD, a huge difference between the two is that the

former only has a trace quantity of the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol, or in simpler terms

THC. This specific compound is known for the hallucinogenic effects it can impose o the brain.

The cannabis plants itself can only contain up to 40 percent CBD. It is said to have anti-

inflammatory effects on your central nervous system. Which can provide many health benefits.

The compounds are called “cannabinoids”, and this is where the benefits come from. The two

compounds that get the most attention are of course CBD and THC. Cannabis itself is a plant that

makes a thick liquid filled with compounds called cannabinoids. With over 100 of those

chemicals in cannabis, and they could cause drug like responses in your body. Both compounds

are not only in marijuana but in hemp as well, which marijuana has way more THC than hemp,

but hemp contains a lot of CBD. Both compounds have the same chemical formula 21 carbon

atoms, two oxygen atoms, and 30 hydrogen atoms. The contrast lies in which way the atoms are
arranged. Which gives each different property, that affect the body differently. They work with

receptors that lets out neurotransmitters in the brain, in result they can affect things like pain,

mood, sleep, even memory and more.

Marijuana has a long and extensive history, here I will present some information I was able to

gather on it’s very long past and current. Recreational marijuana was not introduced to the U.S.

until the early 20th century by immigrants from Mexico. It was linked publicly in the 1930s in

many research studies and a famed film in 1936 named Reefer Madness. The hemp plant was

often used as a legal tender in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania in 1619. During that time,

the Virginia Assembly passed legislations requiring each farmer to grow hemp. After the civil

war there was a proliferation of hemp production, by the end of the 19th century, marijuana

became very popular as an ingredient in making medicinal products that were sold in public

pharmacies. The 1960s were very important because at this time there was a extensive use of

marijuana among middle class citizens and white upper. In 1985 the Anti-Drug Abuse Act which

increased the number of drug related crimes. This increased federal penalties for the possession

and dealing of marijuana. During this period, an amendment was created requiring life sentences

for repeat drug offenders, providing “drug kingpins” with a death penalty. These actions were

sought out by President Ronald Regan as well. It was not until 1996 that the legalizing of

medical use of marijuana came about, starting with California under Proposition 215. With

marijuana slowly being legalized all over the country, lets look at what recreational or legalized

states are doing with crime, incarceration rates, etc. New York officially legalized marijuana,

Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that is gong to regulate the sale of recreational

marijuana, and also help expunge records for people that were previously convicted of

possession. With this implemented, it rights the wrongs of the past because this will end harsh
prison sentences, felonies etc. Legalizing marijuana does not just help convicts either, by doing

so marijuana has created over 60,000 more jobs in New York alone. Also, with tax being applied

to marijuana the government should see a large increase in revenue, by legalizing marijuana. For

years, millions of dollars were being spent on marijuana and the government did not see a dime

of the money. Legalizing marijuana will give them a nice chunk of money they were not able to

see in previous years.

Let me give you an insight on some of the pros and cons of marijuana. We will start off with

the advantages of it, marijuana can offer useful effects on our body. It is said that marijuana can

heighten our sense, reportedly making food and music better. Relieves some chronic pain issues

and inflammation issues as well. Cannabis unlocks our creativity, certain strains make some feel

energized, creative, and artistic. It also makes users more open minded to new information.

Cannabis can help mask stress, negativity etc. A dopamine release makes a “feel-good or high

sensation, allowing other to enjoy life and wind down a bit. Marijuana can even contribute to

one’s social life, considering many others use it. Not only can it improve one’s induvial life, but

it is said to increase revenue in production etc. Which means the USA will be making more

money off it. With positives, come negatives, so let me give you an idea of what some of the

negatives are associated with marijuana. It was the most found drug in the bodies of drivers that

were involved in fatal car accidents. Marijuana can affect one’s short-term memory, using it at a

young age can cause the brain to develop differently. It has been said that marijuana can heighten

each fear, can cause anxiety and more. Which can even contribute to hallucinations. THC is one

of the chemicals that is found in Marijuana that is responsible for some of the psychological and

physical effects. Slow reaction times, weak coordination or balance can also be a side effect of

marijuana. Some short-term effects can include red eyes, dry mouth, slurred speech, and
increased heart rate. These symptoms are harmless but using marijuana long term can impose an

issue for the short-term side effects. Smoking marijuana can lead to lung issues, just as inhaling

any kind of plant, tobacco, etc. can impose on the lungs. With some positives and some

negatives, marijuana may be worth trying as each of us our different and effected in our own

way. For some people, the pros outweigh the cons and give it a try. After extensive research, I

was able to understand the benefits of marijuana, (as well as consuming it). And hope you

ponder that thought as you read this academic article on whether marijuana should be used

recreationally and if so, should it be throughout the entire U.S?

Marijuana is a very common psychotropic drug; it is the second most common consumed drug

besides alcohol! It is said that there are 219 million marijuana users in the world in 2017.

Marijuana is not only benefiting us, but like I mentioned above, the revenue. It is projected to

grow at a rate of 14% (CAGR) to eventually grow to $29.7 billion by 2025. By 2023, marijuana

sales could reach in-between $25 billion and $30 billion annually here in the United States. Also

adding that the legal cannabis trade in the U.S. has grew by 37% reaching $9.5 billion in net

worth. Legalizing marijuana can generate at least $8.7 billion in federal and state tax revenue

yearly. Marijuana is not only taking over with “flower”, but they’re starting to add THC to many

different products. As “flower” is still leading at 43.6%, vapor pens follow up with 16.6%,

concentrates (dabs etc.) 9.8%, pre-rolls 9.6% and lastly edibles which is also 9.6%. Marijuana

has a lot to offer us, other than just “weed.” With the consumption rates so high, it would only

make sense to legalize recreational marijuana, we see what happens when we do not. Billions of

dollars are spent, and unaccounted for because people are still willing to illegally buy it, even if

not legalized. After legalization, most millennials made most marijuana sales being 51.49%, Gen
X comes in at 25.74%, followed by baby boomers at 15.84%, Gen Z 5.94%, lastly the silent

generation rolling in at a whopping 0.99%.

I believe many people fear that marijuana will be glorified and take over. According to 2020,

not only will medical marijuana surpass, recreational will surpass the revenue created by the

NFL. This is just one example of what people can fear, in 2017 marijuana sales were nine times

higher than a popular cookie called “Oreos.” I believe “drug-dealers” are also worried about

marijuana becoming fully legalized and recreational, because that’s less money in their pocket

but more in the governments, which is going to leave a very large group of “bored” criminals.

Increasing the use of marijuana can of course leave to issues. Legalizing the drug has encouraged

those who have never smoked or tried marijuana before to try it. Many people who end up trying

marijuana typically end up going to the E.R. because the “feeling” worries them. Between 2012-

2016, 25.7% of E.R. visits in Denver were caused due to marijuana. 9.3% of the 25.7% were

caused due to edibles. This can impose many problems, if we have a bunch of people flooding

the E.R. because they feel funny from smoking marijuana how do we ensure people who truly

need help get it? Marijuana has been proved to be addictive to approximately 9% of users who

use marijuana. 4 million US citizens 12 and older had marijuana use disorder in the past year.

Let me share with you some of the benefits states are reaping that have legalized marijuana.

Just in Colorado alone in 2019 they collected more than $302 million in taxed and fees on

recreational and medical marijuana. Sales totaled somewhere around $1.7 billion dollars.

Imagine what marijuana could do for the country as a whole? That was just in one state. Taxes

on cannabis are between 10% to 37% higher than district sales taxes. Let us take a glimpse at

Washington they were able to gain $319 million in 2018. All this extra money the government is

now seeing from cannabis, it can be used for schools, road work, medical research, and so many
other things. Marijuana could be a game changer for lives and economically. Think about it,

whether its legalized people are going to consume, smoke, and buy it. So why not gain from all

the untaxable dollars that are floating around? Legalizing marijuana could contribute to opening

more jobs and economic opportunities. Legalizing marijuana opens many career fields and new

opportunities. Jobs such as trimmers, budtenders, cultivators, advocates, cannabis consultants

etc. To break things down a bit more in 2017 alone, precisely 250,000 people were employed

due to this industry. Shockingly, the normal pay rate for a cannabis worker is 11% high than

what the average US salary of $52,863. The cannabis industry is a 6-figure career, as it is clearly

a great job to have if we are looking at it just financially. Not only does legalizing cannabis

create careers in the cannabis field but think even bigger than that. There are going to be other

companies existing because of marijuana but not actually working with it. For example, The

Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, they earned $2.6 billion just by selling equipment that is needed to

cultivate marijuana. The government could also save a pretty penny by legalizing it, considering

all the law enforcement officials that have been dealing with these marijuana “cases”. By

legalizing marijuana could free up many people that enforce the law, and they can put those

skills and efforts into bigger crimes that are destroying communities. What I say next, I believe

speaks volumes on marijuana. Remember back in the day the D.A.R.E program that used to go to

schools, and they would you “tobacco pipes”, bongs much more. The D.A.R.E program took

marijuana off their list, and considering the program is one of the largest anti-drug groups in the

world, and still removed it from the list. Everybody calls marijuana a “gateway” drug, in which it

was proven that it does not always lead people to harder drugs. It has been proved that tobacco

and cigarettes are more addictive than marijuana even is or could be. So many things are being
done in the shadows that not many know, like clearing marijuana as a gateway drug, removing it

from the D.A.R.E program and so much more.

Let us look at the CBD industry a bit as well, since we are speaking on the benefits cannabis

imposes on the government. Even the economic benefits of legalizing marijuana help benefit the

CBD industry. By 2022, CBD sales are anticipated to reach $1.8 billion. The sales on CBD and

some hemp-based products increased by 57% in 2018, in comparison to 2017. One of the hottest

CBD products is CBD oil, it sells like hotcakes. The market for CBD edibles is huge as well,

infused gummies increased more than 53% in Colorado in 2018, in comparison to 2017. They

have even come out with CBD pet products, and this itself has been projected to reach $125

million in sales by 2022 itself. A lot of money is being made in states that have legalized

marijuana recreationally and medically.

Marijuana can be beneficial to not only someone who uses it but the whole community.

Keeping the world in the dark to some protentional benefits it could impose medically, which

could harm a lot of people. It does not just impose health benefits for adults either, peoples who

children suffer from Dravet and LGS (Lennox-Gastaut syndrome), let us not forget cancer and

epilepsy, the list goes on. Most people that are battling with deadly diseases, terminal diagnosis,

anything with a low survival rate, has been proven that cannabis has gave better statistics on

being more helpful. Studies confirm that the compounds in cannabis can aid our immune system,

the CDC states that they need more research, but each study that has been done has shown

improvement. Many people believe that if marijuana gets legalized crime rates will increase, but

that is not the case. Law enforcement data has shown that the legalization reduced some kinds of

crime. Court filings that are linked to marijuana possession, distribution, arrests, and cultivation

have dropped notably after legalization. In October 2018, a report from the Colorado Division
have shown the number of cannabis arrests has dropped by more than half during a five-year

period after the legalization from 2012 which had 12,709 arrests, and in 2017 had 6,153 arrests.

Another major concern the “people” have is public safety issues such as driving, believing it

would lead to more car accidents. With the research that has been done it has been found that

cannabis legalization has not increased car accidents. The Drug Policy Alliance study came up

with the legalization of marijuana did not have a negative affect on road safety in any states. It

has shown that DUI arrests went down in each Washington and Colorado. Also, they found no

connection connecting marijuana legalization and crash rates in their studies either. Findings in

the Journal of American Public Health Association found that there in fact was no increase in the

crash fatalities within the first three years after the legalization of cannabis in Washington and

Colorado. The Colorado Division of Criminal Justice report came up with similar results as well.

Drivers that ended up being involved in fatal crashed that were above the legal limit of THC

decreased by nearly 33% from 52% in 2016 to 35% in 2017. Lastly, even the number of citations

for marijuana impairment in Colorado managed to stay steady between 2014 and 2017, around

just 7% of all DUI arrests. Consider that to only be 350 citations out of almost 5,000 DUI arrests

each year.

To bring things to a closing I hope I gave you all some insight on the pros and cons of

legalizing marijuana and recreational marijuana. If each person did their own research on

cannabis more people would be able to reap the benefits from it. Also, with the research shown I

believe each person should investigate it themselves because most stigmas have been proved

otherwise. More research is available on cannabis than there was even a decade ago, let alone

almost two decades ago. I believe marijuana should be recreational in all 50 states, as it has

helped me tremendously with my health issues and disabilities. Not on that, but marijuana is
made out to be worse that what it is, the benefits outweigh the negatives, and all in all I think it

would be beneficial more than harmful, economically, personally, etc. You all will do what you

wish with the information, but give cannabis a chance, we would not regret it!


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