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30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

 Monday - Friday : 8:30-16:30 

uirande torres

Dashboard / My courses / (New Courseware) Diploma of Hospitality Management (Commercial Cookery)

/ SITXGLC001 - Research and comply with regulatory requirements / SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment

/ SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment

Started on Friday, 30 April 2021, 1:07 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 30 April 2021, 2:40 PM
Time taken 1 hour 33 mins
Grade Not yet graded 1/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 1


Marked out of 1.00

Name 4 sources of information you may use in order to research legal information in your industry

reference book
industry sources and training
internet and online data
experience with customers & suppliers
legal experts
government and regulatory

Question 2


Marked out of 1.00

Nominate three (3) websites where you can get information for small business owners and
operators, particularly for legal compliance issues 2/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 3


Marked out of 1.00

Name two (2) types of licences a business may require in TH&E industry

1. gaming licensing
2. liquor licensing

Question 4


Marked out of 1.00

Contracts formalise the agreement between two parties. They are binding legal documents. List six
(6) types of contracts that you may need to enter into as part of running a business.

provision of products and services

arrangements with suppliers
service agreements
equipment hire
venue/site hire
joint ventures 3/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 5


Marked out of 1.00

Nominate (3) consequences of businesses not complying with legislation and regulatory

1. fines
2. jail times
3. loss of reputation

Question 6


Marked out of 1.00

Identify two (2) penalties for failing to comply with the Travel Agents Acts

1. jail times
2. fines 4/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 7


Marked out of 1.00

Name one (1) penalty for Australians who commit child sex offences while overseas

1. imprisonment of up to 25 years for individuals

2. fine of up $825,000 for corporate bodies

Question 8


Marked out of 1.00

List five (5) issues in your industry that you may need to seek specialist legal advice about

Music licensing
Thoroughbred racing broadcasting
Alcohol consumption
Gaming 5/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 9


Marked out of 1.00

Explain how standard operating procedures help ensure legal compliance

Standard Operating Procedures will help to use the right equipment technic to ensure WHS

Question 10


Marked out of 1.00

Discuss how including an approval step in the SOP can help you comply with WHS requirements

WHS compliance also relies on a systematic approach to hazard identification, risk assessment and
risk control 6/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 11


Marked out of 1.00

Identify six (6) duties of a Compliance Manager

1. Compliance Manager, whose responsibility it is to liaise with regulatory authorities and

legal advisors,
2. conduct internal audits,
3. stay up to date with changes,
4. implement changes.
5. make sure all levels of staff are aware of requirements and changes to procedures.
6. ensure that the business always complies with the regulatory requirements at all times.

Question 12


Marked out of 1.00

Nominate three (3) ways that you can notify staff of updates to policies and procedures

 Staff must regularly be provided with updates via:

1. email, memos,
2. newsletters
3. staff meetings 7/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 13


Marked out of 1.00

Identify three (3) methods to keep up to date with legislation changes that may affect your industry

1.  workshops
2. seminars
3. conferences

Question 14


Marked out of 1.00

Name two (2) regulatory bodies from your industry that you may consult for compliance advice

1. Australian Hotels Association

2.  Meetings and Events Australia 8/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 15


Marked out of 1.00

Explain why a business must make sure that any contractors employed by them hold the
appropriate licences

when you have contractors the business would need to make sure that all appropriate licenses and
paperwork have been obtained. There could be legal ramifications for the business if they engage a
contractor who does not have the correct licenses.

Question 16


Marked out of 1.00

List eight (8) documents you may need to keep up to date as proof that you are checking your
businesses compliance on a regular basis

Liquor licenses
Gaming licenses
Training certificates
RSA certificates
RCG (or equivalent) certificates

GST, BAS and other aspects of taxation

Staff payments, superannuation contributions, sick leave, contracts, etc.

WHS records, risk assessments, risk register, insurance, workers compensation 9/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 17


Marked out of 1.00

In a business with a partnership structure, who has the debt liability?

business partners

Question 18


Marked out of 1.00

In a business with a Company structure, can the shareholders have personal assets taken if the
business assets are not enough to pay the debt?

No, shareholders have limited liability for company debts. 10/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 19


Marked out of 1.00

Identify five (5) matters the Federal Department of the Environment oversees

1. marine conservation,
2. protection of wetlands,
3. fauna and flora,
4. ecological communities,
5. importation and hazardous waste.

Question 20


Marked out of 1.00

According to Australian law, everyone has an equal right to work and to be treated fairly while at
work. It is illegal to deny someone an opportunity to work on the basis of what? (List six (6) factors)

1. age
2. gender
3. culture
4. religion
5. desability
6. race 11/17
30/04/2021 SITXGLC001 - Theory Assessment: Attempt review

Question 21


Marked out of 1.00

Can your refund policy state ‘No refunds’? Why/Why not?

It is illegal for sellers to display signs or have return policies that state 'No Refunds'.

Question 22


Marked out of 1.00

Give eight (8) examples of local or by-laws you might need to comply with in your industry

Off-leash areas
Parking fees and zones
Operating hours
Environmental impacts
Planning and building codes
Noise restrictions

◄ SITXGLC001 - Short Answer Quiz

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