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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
Mercedes, Camarines Norte



Name: _________________________________________________________ Rating: ___________________

DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

______1. The business name must describe the product. It represents the features of the product.
a. Easy to Recall or Remember c. Easy to Pronounce
b. Related to the product d. Easy to spell
______2. The business name must be simple. Words that are used in everyday communication will be an advantage.
a. Easy to Recall or Remember c. Easy to Pronounce
b. Related to the product d. Easy to spell
______3. The business name must be cited as freely as it can be.
a. Easy to Recall or Remember c. Easy to Pronounce
b. Related to the product d. Easy to spell
______4. It describes a product’s sales, profits, customers, competitors, and marketing emphasis from its beginning until
it is removed from the market.
a. Product Design c. Product Life Cycle
b. Product Development d. Production Cycle
______5. The first step in the new product planning process is?
a. Idea Screening b. Concept Testing c. Business Analysis d. Idea Generation
______6. The following are the stages of product life cycle, EXCEPT for
a. Growth b. Introduction c. Product Development d. Idea Screening
______7. Is a marketing strategy that focuses on a product’s special feature, one that is not carried by any other product or
on special offerings to entice consumer interest and attention?
a. Selling Proposition c. Value Proposition
b. Unique Selling Proposition d. Value Focused Enterprise
______8. It requires a fundamental rethink of the way things are organized and managed.
a. Selling Proposition c. Value Proposition
b. Unique Selling Proposition d. Value Focused Enterprise
______9. The first stages for the value cycle is?
a. Value Creation b. Value Renewal c. Value Transfer d. Value Status
______10. The value can be created from this through adding more benefits and features to the product or service when it
is renewed.
a. Value Creation b. Value Renewal c. Value Transfer d. Value Status
______11. Which of the following are the step by step customer-focused business strategy?
I. Listening to the various customer complaints
II. Learn how to identify customer segments.
III. Develop customer-focused business strategy
IV. Present findings to participants
______12. The most successful services providers will typically be?
a. Understands how the customer is using the equipment
b. Speaking the same language as their customer.
c. Knowing the appropriate individual to deal with respect to fostering long-term customer relationships.
d. All of the above.
______13. The following are the tools to identify and agree customer requirements, EXCEPT for.
a. Cross b. Forums c. Interviews d. Timely
______14. It is the number of individuals in a certain market who are potential buyers and/or sellers of a product or
a. Market Research b. Target Market c. Market Size d. Market Potential
______15. The first steps to help estimate the total market potential for a product is?
a. Define the target customer
b. Calculate the potential market size
c. Determine the penetration rate
d. Estimate the number of target customers.
______16. It is the process or sets of multiple activities that link marketing organization with its customers through
information gathering and analysis.
a. Market Research b. Target Market c. Market Size d. Market Potential
______17. Is the mode of research is not based on precise measurement and quantitative claims?
a. Casual research b. Experimental c. Qualitative d. Quantitative
______18. It is employed on data that have been assigned numerical value.
a. Casual research b. Experimental c. Qualitative d. Quantitative
______19. It answers questions about the past, use historical approaches in collecting and interpreting data.
a. Historical Design b. Exploratory c. Casual Research d. Descriptive
______20. It seeks to describe issues related to future demands of a particular product.
a. Historical Design b. Exploratory c. Casual Research d. Descriptive
______21. It seeks to find cause and effect between one or more variables affecting the market conditions.
a. Historical Design b. Exploratory c. Casual Research d. Descriptive
______22. It can be performed using literature search, survey of people about their experiences about the product and
some case studies.
a. Historical Design b. Exploratory c. Casual Research d. Descriptive
______23. It is defined as a purposeful face to face relationship between two persons.
a. Interviewee b. Interviewer c. Interview d. Communication
______24. The one who asks questions to gather information.
a. Interviewee b. Interviewer c. Interview d. Communication
______25. In which the applicant is presented with a question or task or challenge, and asked to resolve the situation.
a. Screening Interview c. Job Interview
b. Case Interview d. Actual Interview
______26. It describes a formal consultation for the purpose of evaluating the qualifications of the interviewee for a
specific position.
a. Screening Interview c. Job Interview
b. Case Interview d. Actual Interview
______27. Is a good way to gather people common backgrounds or experiences to discuss a specific topic of interest?
a. Focused Group Discussion c. Research Study
b. Survey d. Marketing Research
______28. It is the one focus group watches another focus group and discusses the observed interactions and conclusion.
a. Dual Moderator Focus Group c. Dueling Moderator Focus Group
b. Two-way Focus Group d. Client Participant Focus Group
______29. The two moderators deliberately take opposite sides on the issue under discussion.
a. Dual Moderator Focus Group c. Dueling Moderator Focus Group
b. Two-way Focus Group d. Client Participant Focus Group
______30. The group maximizes the use of telephone network.
a. Creativity Group c. Teleconference Focus Group
b. Online Focus Group d. Mini Focus Group
______31. The on moderator ensures the session progresses smoothly, while another ensures that al the topics are
a. Dual Moderator Focus Group c. Dueling Moderator Focus Group
b. Two-way Focus Group d. Client Participant Focus Group
______32. The group used computers connected via the internet.
a. Creativity Group c. Teleconference Focus Group
b. Online Focus Group d. Mini Focus Group
______33. To find a good leader with the following criteria, EXCEPT for.
a. Has experience in facilitating groups
b. Knows something about the topic
c. Can relate well to the focus group participants
d. None of the above.
______34. It is the methodology focuses on the sampling of individual data from a population and the associated survey
data collection techniques.
a. Focused Group Discussion c. Research Study
b. Survey d. Marketing Research
______35. The method of asking questions done in the internet, using technology or any gadget to received responses for
the desired output.
a. Focused Group Discussion c. Online Survey
b. Survey d. Marketing Research



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