Comparisons About The Idea of The Afterlife in Catholic and INC. at Santiago City, Isabela

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Comparisons about the Idea of the Afterlife in Catholic and INC.

at Santiago City,


Irah Giselle C. Supnet

Daren M. Alambay

Rosel S. Sanchez



Research has been mystified as difficult over the past years as the different

beliefs about afterlife. Heaven is one of the most common names for a positive location

or situation for humans in the afterlife. Different religions use different names for such

an other worldly circumstances, but few fail to minister to the human impulse and need

to imagine and realize some sort of continuation or transformation of life after physical

death. Until recent times life expectancy was very brief. People had to see their parents

die young and, healthcare being what it was, they often saw their children die as well. In

the face of this sense of loss, it was only natural that human yearning for meaning and

reward focused on some sort of heaven. Participants in various faith communities like

religion have often borrowed details of heaven envisioned by other faith communities. At

other times, visionaries within one religious tradition might reject in heaven in other

traditions, as they look for supremacy. These competing visions of heaven were both

natural and useful; natural because human life took on more value with the promise that

it would be extended or transformed, because claims about afterlife attracted new

adherents and could not be disproved by rival claims. Seers, prophets, revealers, and

authors of holy books could claim to have come from or visited other realms, but in

normal human experience, people did not have neighbors or fellow worshippers who

had returned to earth or comeback from the dead to report on the place that was their

reward and destiny.

Background of the Study

Life after death has been discovered consciousness continues even once a

person died. In large scale of people, confirmed that thoughts do carry on after the heart


Lead researcher Dr. Sam Parnia (2018) said: Contrary to perception, death is not

specific moment but potentially reversible process that occurs after any severe illness or

accident. The man was able to recall with eerie accuracy what was going on around

after ‘died’ temporarily.

This is significant, since it has often assumed that experiences in relation to

death are likely hallucinations or illusions occurring before the heart stops or after the

heart has been successfully restarted but not an experience corresponding with real

events when the heart is not beating.

In the case, consciousness and awareness appeared to occur during a three-

minute period when there was no heartbeat. Since, there are different beliefs in afterlife,

the researchers’ intent to conduct a research at Catholic and Iglesia ni Cristo at

Santiago City, Isabela. This study will not only help them know about afterlife but they

can also develop what to do.

Conceptual Framework

This study aims to research and to have a study on comparisons about the idea

of the afterlife in Catholic and Iglesia ni Cristo at Santiago City, Isabela. The input of this
study pertains to the things we are going to use to conduct the research such as the

profile of the respondents, if there is life after death and the different beliefs about

afterlife in dealing religions and interviews.

The process of this study focus on the respondents from the two churches the

Catholic and Iglesia ni Cristo. The output is to give more information and exploration of

what can be the comparison of the beliefs in afterlife of two churches.


I.Profile of the
about the idea In order to
of the afterlife; collect detailed
The goal of this
and factual
>Is there life study is to give
after death? more
about the
>Have you ever comparisons
and exploration
had a religious about the idea of
of what can be
or spiritual the Afterlife in
the comparison
experience? Catholic and
of the beliefs in
Iglesia ni Cristo
afterlife of two
>Do you believe at Santiago City,
in after death? Isabela. The
>Are you researchers used
frightened of qualitative.
>If we all have
to die why we
are living?
>When is the
right time to

Statement of the Problem

This study is designed to know and determine the different beliefs of the Catholic

Church and Iglesia ni Cristo Church at Santiago City, Isabela.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1.Profile of the Respondents:

a. Name

b. Age

c. Gender

2.Is there life after death? Why?

a. Have you ever had a religious a spiritual experience?

b. Do you believe in life after death? Why?

c. Are you frightened of death? Why?

d. If we all have to die, why we are living?

e. When is the right time to die?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main focus of the study discussed about the comparisons about the Idea of

the Afterlife in Catholic Church and Iglesia ni Cristo at Santiago City, Isabela.The study

will examine the two churches of their different beliefs about afterlife.


To comply the needs of this study, the review of related literature and studies

have been made just to ensure that this research paper has a basis and has a common

goal to other perspectives.

Related Literature

According to Meghan Henning (2019), when we think of the afterlife we usually

think of binary concepts of heaven and hell. Saint Peter at the heavenly gates, or Satan

holding a pitchfork, and the fiery tortures of hell. Also tend to imagine and immediate

arrival at either of these destinations after death.

In the first century, very few of these ideas about the afterlife were operative, but

we begin to see the origins of our present concepts in the beliefs of early Christians.

In the time of Jesus and the decades that followed, the binary understanding of

the afterlife was emerging influenced by Jewish apocalyptic thought and Greek

philosophy. We already see a fusion occurring between these Jewish and Greek

concepts in the New Testament Gospels. These new concepts of the afterlife would be

later be harmonized into the early Christian ideas of heaven and hell that are more

familiar today.
Related Studies

One of the most revolutionary ideas ever conceived is that we are more than our

Bodies and that our true home lies beyond our planet. This idea, that we are or have our

souls that do not die at death, is found in all earth’s religions. Under attack since the

enlightenment, it is the emerging in our own days as a revolutionary idea for a

materialistic culture. But the idea has an entirely different face today. Evidence for it is

not based on traditional religious teaching, but on secular research into the mysterious

depths of human consciousness. Researchers as diverse as physicians studying the

near-death experience and engineers setting up electronic equipment through which the

deceased can communicate are the new high priests telling us about what to expect

when we die. Missing, happily, are those primitive theologies of eternal damnation for

some and divinely favored fates for others.

According to Huff (2019), we would see that life doesn’t end at death, that those

cut off early in life would not be denied their share, and that ancestors and their

descendants would be reunited. We can picture afterlife in a new way. Most religious

people live with notions of a heaven that is static, even boring, with nothing more left to

achieve; or vague, with nothing concrete and colorful and beautiful to recommend it.

The heavens would be reconceived as a challenging, stimulating, dynamic environment.

We would be able to deal better with our grief over the death of young child, or a son

lost I combat. We would rise above the crippling melancholy that fear of personal

extinction presently brings to billions of us.

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