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Programa de formación

Guianza Turística

Ficha 2250399

Evidence 6, Summary “read short stories and technical documents to write a text”


Alejandro Angarita


Paula Andrea Guzmán

23 de abril de 2021
Cowboys, Strategy 1
Someone: Who is the main character?

The main characters are the llaneros

Wanted: What does the character want?

They want to arrive home soon to avoid the goblin´s jokes

But: What is the problem?

The night, the appearance of ghosts

So: How does the character try to solve the problem?

Trying to go soon to their homes with the company of their horses, their only Friends.

Then: What is the resolution to the problem?

Telling stories about their trips.

The crane and the snake- Strategy 2

1. Who is the story about?

The crane and the snake

2. What is the conflict in the story?

The snake eats crane´s eggs.

3. When does the story take place?

It doesn´t say .

4. Where does the story take place?

In the river bank

5. Why does the story turn out this way?

Because when mongoose saw that there were no traces of food then it decided to climb
further where it found the crane´s food and it ate them.

6. How does everything get resolved?

Anything get resolved because they thought that if the snake died the eggs would be safe
but on the contrary they found other enemy.

The museum that was a prison

The National Museum is the oldest museum in Colombia, founded by the decree 117
of July 28, 1823, with the name of the Natural History Museum and School of Mines.
The Current collection has 20.000 pieces that symbolize Colombia´s national heritage.
From 1874 ro 1946 it´s was the most famous jailing in the country. In civil wars era was
known as “The Panopticon”.
Colombians consider that National Museum tells the history of the formation of the
nation and show the research of natural sciences.

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