Learning Activity 1 Evidence: English Idioms and Images

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Learning activity 1

Evidence: English Idioms and images

In this evidence, you have t o g o to the internet on this link:


You have to select at least 3 English idioms an then you have to create 3
mnemonic cards that will help to remember the meaning of three idioms in
English. You should include and image that representing the English idiom and
write two (2) sentences as an example for each idiom and the corresponding
translation in to Colombian Spanish (If it is possible) Take a guide the following

Idiom: Examples:
To bark up the wrong tree.
Definitions: 1. If he wants me to lend him some money, he is
 To look for something barking up the wrong tree. I know he never
in the wrong place. pays back.
 To ask the wrong
person. 2. She’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks
 To have he’s going to leave his wife for her.
misunderstood In Colombian Spanish translation:
 To take the wrong Mear fuera del tiesto.
course of action.

Idiom: Examples:
A piece ok cake 1.- Giving Maria a make-over was a piece of cake,
because she’s so naturally beautiful.
 very easy task
2.- Don’t think that this term’s work will be a
 something easily piece of cake – you’ll have to study hard to get
done good grades.
 very simple work
 effortlessly
prepared or done In Colombian Spanish translation:
 simple job that can
Eso es mogollo
straightforwardly be

Idiom: Examples:
kill two birds with one stone
1.- He dropped his kids to school while going to
Definitions: work, killing two birds with one stone.
- accomplish two
different things at the
same time 2.- Cycling to work kills two birds with one stone. It
- solve two problems saves money and gives you some exercise.
with one single action
- achieve two things
with a single action In Colombian Spanish translation:
- achieve two ends
with a single effort
Matar dos pájaros de un solo tiro

Idiom: Examples:

when pigs fly 1.- I think he’ll pay you back your money – when
pigs fly 
- something that will
never happen 2.- I’ll join your physics classes when pigs fly.
- imposible
- highly unlikely to In Colombian Spanish translation:

Se cayo una casa de bareque

Note: you have to create the examples and definitions. Do not plagiarize.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as
1. Click the title of this evidence. Evidence : English idioms and images

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer.
Make sure the file is attached . Evidence : English idioms and images
3. Then click on Contesta.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly

Criterios de evaluación
Aplica estrategias de estudio, haciendo uso del vocabulario y gramática

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