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10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

f you have tried a ketogenic diet, I’m pretty sure you’ll have suffered from the
dreaded keto flu. For some people, keto flu is not too much of an issue, but for
others it can be unpleasant enough to put them off keto diets for life!

Because I’ve had keto flu myself, I know that it’s not very nice, and I want to try
and ease your suffering. Here are the top ten supplements you can use to beat the
dreaded keto flu.

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

CWhen you switch to a low
carb diet, your body will start to
excrete excess water. With this
water, you’ll also lose minerals
called electrolytes. Electrolytes
are important for a number of
bodily functions, and this loss
of minerals is part of the reason
you’ll experience things like nau-
sea and muscle cramps.

Replace lost minerals by using

an electrolyte supplement. Avoid
supplements that contain sug-
ar as they will knock you out of

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

MCT is short for medium chain triglycerides, and are a very special type of fat. MCTs are
easily digested, can be used for energy in lieu of carbs, and have been shown to boost ath-
letic performance. They are also good for your brain and can cross the blood-brain barrier.
In addition, MCTs can prevent hunger and help eliminate brain fog – two common symp-
toms of the low carb flu.

MCTs can be found in coconut and palm oil, as well as camphor tree oil and raw butter.
You can also buy it in supplement form. (Link to your MCT oil products)

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

Lack of carbs can leave you feeling tired and lacking energy. You might even experi-
ence brain fog and difficulty concentrating. Don’t worry; help is at hand! Caffeine can cut
through fatigue and brain fog like a hot knife through MCT-rich butter. You can drink coffee
(minus any sugar of course) or use a caffeine supplement as preferred. Go easy on the
caffeine as bed time approaches to avoid a sleepless night.

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

Constipation is a common problem during keto flu. Cut-
ting carbs means eliminating many sources of dietary
fiber, and fiber is essential for proper digestive function.
You SHOULD be getting enough fiber from your in-
creased consumption of non-starchy veggies but, if you
are not, you might experience mild constipation.

Fix this issue by using a fiber supplement such as

psyllium husks. Make sure your chosen supplement
is carb-free as many contain sugar and high-carb


When you cut carbs from your diet, you should naturally
increase your consumption of leafy green vegetables.
This will significantly increase your nutrient intake.
However, by cutting carbs so dramatically, you still might
not be getting all the nutrients you need. Nutrient imba­
lances may be partially responsible for some of your
keto flu symptoms.

An easy way to fix this problem, without increasing your

food or carb intake, it to use a greens supplement. Green
supplements are made from concentrated, dried herbs
and veggies, so you get all their benefits with none of
the calories or carbs. Many also contain prebiotics and
probiotics which are great for digestive health.

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

Hard training exercisers often feel tired when they first start cutting carbs. This can affect
both workout intensity and duration, especially for people who lift weights or do other
anaerobic activities. Creatine supplementation, which has been shown to boost anaero-
bic exercise performance, can help prevent exercise fatigue and keep you training hard

through the keto flu.

Chromium and vanadium are two trace minerals that can help speed you through the keto
flu by getting you into ketosis quicker. They are both renowned glucose dispersal agents
which means they help get glucose out of your blood and into your muscle and liver cells,
where they can be used more easily for energy. The sooner this energy is “spent”, the
sooner your body will make the shift to producing and using ketones, and the sooner your
keto flu will be over and done.

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

Bone broth is one of nature’s cure-alls. It’s loaded with electrolytes which, as mentioned at
the beginning of this article, are crucial for overcoming the keto flu. Bone broth also con-
tains protein and, in particular, collagen which is a crucial nutrient for hair, nail, skin, liga-
ment, and tendon health.

You can buy bone broth supplements, but it’s also very easy to make. Just toss a pile of
washed, raw bones into a slow cooker or crock pot and cover them with water. Add some veg-
gies of your choice, low carb of course, and then cook on the lowest setting for 24-48 hours.
Then drain and drink it, or use as cooking stock. You can also freeze it for several months.

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

Do you feel anxious or
stressed? Are you experiencing
mood swings? Don’t worry; this
is perfectly normal and a com-
mon symptom of keto flu. And
while this mood changes are
normal, that doesn’t make them
(or you!) easier to live with!

Herbal adaptogens can help

improve your stress-coping
abilities, leaving you feeling
more relaxed and less moody.
You’ll feel more positive, and
better able to cope with the
demands of the day. Herbal
adaptogens are available in
easy-to-use supplement form,
and include:

◗ Panex ginseng
◗ Ashwaghanda
◗ Rhodiola
◗ Cordyceps
◗ Astragalus
◗ Holy basil
◗ Siberian ginseng
(Eleuthero root)
◗ Maca

10 Keto Supplements to Beat
the Dreaded Keto Flu

When you first start cutting carbs, you eliminate your body’s preferred source of energy –
glucose. In time, your body will make the switch to using ketones for energy but, until that
happens, your body will be short of fuel.

You can jump start the process of using ketones for fuel by taking an exogenous ketone
supplement. This will eliminate many of the symptoms of keto flu, including low energy
and brain fog. (Link to your exogenous ketone products)

Don’t let the keto flu put you off what is ultimately the best health and weight loss diet
around. And don’t feel you have to “tough it out” if you develop the dreaded keto flu. In-
stead, use these supplements to steer you through your symptoms, and help you reach the
health and weight loss nirvana that it ketosis!

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