Unit 8 - Quiz I. Written Quiz: How Many Meetings Does Bill Have in The Morning?

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Unit 8 – Quiz

I. Written Quiz
A. Listen to the conversation in people’s homes. Mark (x) the correct answers.

1. What does Katie have to do? 3. How many meetings does Bill have in the
__ Meet a friend __ One
__Go to the library __ Two
__ Read a book __ Three

2. What’s Jane going to do? 4. When is Rita going to call the doctor’s office?
__ Stay at home. __ Right away
__ Study with a friend __ Between eight-thirty and nine
__ Get a book from the library __ After nine.

B. Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.

1. A: Which sofa do you like? Do you like the green one / ones?
B: No, I like the brown large / large brown one.
2. A: I love the big square / square big clocks.
B: I don’t. I prefer those round one / ones.
3. A: I want to buy a beautiful silk / silk beautiful rug.
B: But you already have to nice one / ones.
4. A: Look at those lamps. Which one / ones do you like?
B: I like that cool Russian / Russian cool lamp.

C. Complete the conversations with mine, yours, hers, his, ours, or theirs.

1. A: This is really a nice apartment. Wow! Is this your TV?

B: No. Everything in the living room is Ken’s
A: What about the CD player? Is that _______________________, too?
B: Yeah, I have __________________ in the kitchen. I like to listen to music while I cook
A: Really? We keep _____________________ in the kitchen too…

2. A: I’ve got my tickets. Do you have __________________?

B: yes, I do. Do you have Karen’s, too?
A: No, she has _____________________. Are we taking Mom and Dad’s car to the theater?
B: No, we can’t take ___________________. They’re going to need it. Let’s go in my car.

D: Add two items to each group. Use each work in the box only once.

Bathtub coffee table dishwasher dresser

nightstand sofa stove toilet

1. Bathroom: sink, mirror, ____________________, ___________________

2. Bedroom: bed, clock, ______________________, __________________
3. Living room: armchair, lamp, __________________, __________________
4. Kitchen: cabinets, oven, ___________________, __________________
E. Read each situation. Complete the request. Select the polite response.
Example: You need a ride to school tomorrow , so you ask a friend.
A: Can you give me a ride to school tomorrow?
B: Sure, no problem. / No.

1. You’re at a friend’s house. You would like to listen to the radio

A: Do you mind ____________________________________________________________?
B: Sure. / No, not at all.
2. You ask a friend to water your plants while you’re away for a few days.
A: Could you _______________________________________________________, please?
B: No, go ahead. / No problem.
3. A friend is visiting you in your home. You need help in the kitchen.
A: Would you mind ________________________________________________________?
B: no, not at all. / Yes.
4. You are in a friend’s apartment. The window is open and you feel cold.
A: Can I __________________________________________________________________?
B: No, you can’t / Sure, go ahead.

II. Oral Quiz

Ask these questions. Answer your partner’s questions. Discuss the topics.

1. Where do you keep your CD?

2. Is there a coffee table in your living room?
3. Do you take a shower before dinner?
4. What’s your bedtime routine?
5. What do you do with your old books?
6. What furniture do you have in your bedroom?
7. What do you do in the evening before dinner?
8. Do you eat a snack before you go to bed?

Strategy: When answering, use expressions with “no” to show agreement, such as “No, go ahead”
or “No, not at all.”

9. Would you mind opening the window?

10. Do you mind if I use your phone?
11. Would you mind making some coffee?
12. Do you mind if I read your newspaper?

Unit 1 Quiz - Answers

A B: No, not at all

4. A: close the window
1. Read a book B: Sure, go ahead
2. Study with a friend
3. Two.
4. After nine.

1. A: one
B: large brown
2. A: Big square
B: ones
3. A: beautiful silk
B: ones
4. A: one
B: cool Russian

1. His
2. Mine
3. Ours
4. Yours
5. Hers
6. Theirs

1. Bathtub, toilet
2. Dresser, nightstand
3. Coffee table, sofa
4. Dishwasher, stove

1. A: if I listen to the radio / if I turn on

the radio
B: no, not at all
2. A: water my plants while I’m away
B: No problem
3. A: helping me in the kitchen
II Oral Quiz Sample Responses
1. I keep them in a box in my bedroom…
2. Yes, there is. But it isn’t mine. It belongs to my roommate…
3. No, I don’t . I usually shower in the morning…
4. Well, I eat a snack. Then I brush my teeth…
5. I usually keep them. I can’t stand to getting rid of things…
6. Well, there’s a bed, of course. And a dresser, and a couple of nightstands…
7. I usually read the newspaper…
8. Yes, I do. I often get hungry around ten…
9. No, I don’t mind. Do you need to know the time?...
10. Not at all. What do you need help with?...
11. I’m sorry, I don’t have any coffee…
12. Not at all. Here you are…

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