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Sensory Experience

Class average age (in months): 13-18 months

Primary Objective:
Physical development, continues to refine fine motor development, begin to develop

manipulative skills: Take apart, then put together large links or pop beads

Secondary Objective(s):
Physical development, continues to refine fine motor development, begin to develop

manipulative skills: Hold an object in one hand and do something to it with the other hand

Experience description: First stick the contact paper to the wall, then draw the sheep’s face in the

piece of paper with the marker. Show the child that they are going rip apart the cotton balls and

stick them in the contact paper. Encourage a child to rip apart the cotton balls and stick them in

the sticky contact paper. The caregiver would be there. with the child for any assistance. Talk

about what you and the child made. You made a sheep! Talk about what a sheep is, where it

lives, how it talks, etc.

Cotton balls
Sticky contact paper
(only for caregiver)

Scaffolding (child’s prior knowledge to build on): The child is most likely going to know what it

is you made. The child will also know how the sheep goes.

Plan for carrying out experience (what caregiver will do): The caregiver will. show the child

what they are doing and do the activity with them in a separate contact paper. The caregiver

would also be there if there is any assistance the child needs. The caregiver will also talk with the

child about the activity.

Outcome (was activity of interest to children – why/why not, Was outcome what was expected,

Did something happen that wasn’t expected, What might be changed/added to make experience

more interesting to children, or other): I will determine the success of this activity is if the child

is entertained in the activity. If the child is talks back to you when you ask them questions.

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