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Course US History 7:
Who Won the American Revolution?
1. The British strategy for the war was to capture all of the what?
capture all of the cities and force the colonist to surrender

2. Where did Washington & his men have to spend a miserable winter?
Valley Forge

3. Where was the most important battle in the North?


4. What was the key battle in the South in 1781?


5. What group were pacifists (meaning that they would not fight) and would lose their property?


6. By 1823 the British Empire had abolished what in all of its territories (without a civil war)?


7. On what side did the Oneida branch of the Iroquois fight for?

the British

8. What groups were the ‘losers’ of the war for independence (HINT: NOT the British)?

the Indians

9. How would you describe Deism?

believing that god created the world

10.What innovation “invigorated” the practice of slavery in the south?

cotton gin

11.Who is the author of the “MYSTERY DOCUMENT” that Green jokingly refers to as being a
‘socialist’ or a ‘hippie’?

Noah Webster

12.On the eve of the Civil War, how many slaves were still held in New Jersey? 18 slaves

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