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Hooke’s Law Lab Report


“Hooke’s law can be investigated by measuring how much a string stretches from a known

applied force. The force can easily be calculated by hanging it at the end of an attached string

then, using the equation weight = mass x gravity (F = mg)”.


“In the seventeenth century, physicist Robert Hooke considered the direct locale of stress in

contrast to strain diagrams for various materials. Thusly, he made Hooke's law. Hooke's law can

be characterized as 'the force expected to extend an item, for instance, a string, is

straightforwardly relative to the augmentation of the article from its normal length. At the point

when we apply force to a spring, it will misshape to an all-inclusive length. At the point when the

force is eliminated, given the spring doesn't surpass its flexible cutoff, the spring will get back to

its normal length hence, showing that its length is straightforwardly relative to the force applied”.

Hooke’s law: F = k x

Figure [1]

 F = Force / N

 K = Spring constant

 x = Extended length / m (also known as ∆x)

The spring constant is different for all materials.


 Clamp and ring stand

 Meter rule

 30cm ruler

 Set of known masses

 Various springs (of different stiffness)

 Safety goggles
Figure [2]


“Set the apparatus up as shown in the diagram above, making sure the meter rule is parallel to

the spring attached to the clamp. Next, measure the natural length of the spring with no force

applied to it. With a known mass, apply to the end of the spring and measure the new length.

Record the data in a table of results (shown in the diagram below). Repeat the procedure by

increasing the known mass to obtain enough results to formulate a graph. Once around 9 masses

are used, remove all mass from the spring and check to see if the spring has exceeded its elastic

limit by remeasuring its natural length. Repeat the experiment with a new spring of different

stiffness. Once all data is collected, use the raw data to create various graphs (examples can be

seen below) to compare the materials and prove Hooke’s law”.

Safety procedures

 “Wear safety goggles when applying masses to the spring as the spring may break if a

large enough force is applied which could damage the eyes if it snaps towards the face”.

 “Keep feet away from beneath the area the masses are applied. Again, if the spring snaps,

the masses will fall”.


“The data was given to produce a graph for material X1 (values F and X1 in the table of results as

shown below). The equation of the line X1 is: X1 = 1.5583F + 1.375 (as shown in Figure [3])

where the equation of the line follows the formula Y = aF + b. This explains that a is the gradient

of the line, at 1.5583 and b is the y-intercept at, 1.375. Values for X2 were calculated from the

formula X2 = (a + 0.5) x + c, where c was given at a value of 0.2. The values and graphs (Figures

[3], [4] and [5]) were produced in excel to enable a far more accurate result and reduce time

when calculating each point”.  

Force / N Deformation of material / mm

F ΔX1 ΔX2 difference

1 3 2.2583 0.7417
2 4.5 4.3166 0.1834
3 6 6.3749 -0.3749
4 7.5 8.4332 -0.9332
5 9 10.4915 -1.4915
6 10.5 12.5498 -2.0498
7 13 14.6081 -1.6081
8 14 16.6664 -2.6664
9 15 18.7247 -3.7247
Figure [3]

Figure [4]

“When the raw data was formulated into a graph, both materials follow Hooke’s law. The

extension of the materials is directly proportional to the force that was applied. This means that

both sets of data produce a linear regression. Further explaining that, both materials were within

their elastic limit. Comparing the gradients shows that X 2 is more elastic than X1. This is due to
X2 displacing further while carrying the same mass as X 1. This explains that X2 will need a

smaller force to displace the same distance as X 1. Upon estimation, the two gradients intercept

with an x-coordinate of 2.3. We can calculate the true experimental intersection of the two lines

by simultaneously equating them”:

X1 = 1.5583F + 1.375       X2 = 2.0583F + 0.2

1.5583F + 1.375 = 2.0583F + 0.2

1.375 – 0.2 = 2.0583F – 1.5583F

1.175 = 0.5F

F = 1.175/0.5

F = 2.35N

“Data for a third material, z, was also calculated. Z was given by the equation: z = x 3 + b. This

used the initial x values and the y-intercept from the equation of the line of Y1.”

Force / N Z

1.000 2.375

2.000 9.375

3.000 28.375

4.000 65.375

5.000 126.375

6.000 217.375

7.000 344.375

8.000 513.375

9.000 730.375
Figure [5]

“As shown in the graph above, the points increase exponentially indicating the material has

undergone plastic deformation. Plastic deformation happens when a substantial force is applied

to a material causing it to permanently change its size/shape when the force is unloaded. This

material has exceeded its elastic limit, it will not go back to its original length”.


 “Inaccurate scale of meter rule. To reduce the error of the scale being inaccurate, use the

same ruler throughout the experiment, including all the different materials being used”.
 “Inaccurate mass. Some masses used in experiments have its amount stated on them. This

however, may not be correct. To resolve this, each mass could be reweighed using a


 “Parallax error. When reading the extended length of the spring when masses are

attached, make sure the spring is stationary and not slightly swinging from side to side.

Also, make sure when reading off the scale, you are directly opposite the apparatus to

reduce the error of parallax”.

 “To make the whole experiment more accurate, repeat the steps of increasing the masses

for each material 3 times to produce an average extended length for each result. This will

mean that the risk of including anomalous results will be minimized due to being able to

remove them before creating various graphs”.


“To conclude, the experiment proves Hooke’s law. When masses are applied to materials X 1 and

X2 , they stretch within their elastic limit showing that the force applied is directly proportional to

the extension of the material. Material z however, does not follow Hooke’s law. This is due to

the material exceeding its elastic limit when a force is applied. The exponential trend line gives

indication that when the force is removed from material z, it will not go back to its original

shape/size. If this experiment was to be completed again, each material would be stretched

multiple times to create an average extension result for each mass, making sure all anomalous

results were removed before a graph was produced”.


Encyclopedia Britannica. Hooke’s law | Description & Equation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2018].

Corrosionpedia. What is a Plastic Deformation? – Definition from Corrosionpedia. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 13

Nov. 2018]. Dynamics – Hooke’s Law Experiment. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 13 Nov. 2018]. Hooke’s Law. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2018].

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