From The Micromanagement of Your Diet.: The End of Tracking: How To Graduate Away

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13 The end of tracking: how to graduate away

from the micromanagement of your diet.

By Alan Aragon

16 Is vitamin D supplementation a legitimate

preventive measure against COVID-19?
By Alan Aragon
Copyright © April 1st, 2021 by Alan Aragon

2 Psychology, food, and coaching.

By Jay Ashman

5 Relationship between energy availability,

energy conservation and cognitive restraint
with performance measures in male
endurance athletes.
Jurov I, Keay N, Hadžić V, Spudić D, Rauter S. J Int Soc
Sports Nutr. 2021 Mar 18;18(1):24. [PubMed]

7 Metabolic adaptations to weight loss: a brief

Martínez-Gómez MG, Roberts BM. JSCR. 2021 Mar
3. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003991. Online ahead
of print. [PubMed]

10 Essential amino acid-enriched whey enhances

post-exercise whole-body protein balance
during energy deficit more than iso-
nitrogenous whey or a mixed-macronutrient
meal: a randomized, crossover study.
Gwin JA, Church DD, Hatch-McChesney A, Allen JT,
Wilson MA, Varanoske AN, Carrigan CT, Murphy
NE, Margolis LM, Carbone JW, Wolfe RR, Ferrando
AA, Pasiakos SM.. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2021 Jan
7;18(1):4. [PubMed]

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 1

Determining what your client needs at a specific time in
their journey requires a base understanding of how their
Psychology, food, and coaching. social groupings work, communicating with them to
By Jay Ashman evaluate their needs, and the level of accountability they
need to maintain a plan, loosen the reigns, or target in on a
___________________________________________ specific goal.

In the evidence-based world of nutrition, there are Following social norms is an adaptive behavior, which is a
established norms that hold up to the weight of the behavior that enables a person to get along in their
evidence presented. By this time, we all know what they environment with success and the least conflict with others
are, and if you are a frequent reader of the AARR, you (Higgs 2015). Food pressure is real in social situations,
should have first-hand knowledge of what those norms are: family events, and even hobbies. It is the coach's job to
help the client navigate those situations effectively as
1. Calories are king determined by the phase of their nutrition plan.
2. Protein matters heavily
3. Carbs are not bad Types of eater
4. Compliance is key
One of the significant roadblocks with nutrition coaching
You can look at social media and see countless memes, is putting a square peg into a round hole. Would you give a
infographics, and posts about the four points above, along working mother of four the same type of coaching you
with comparisons of seemingly healthy organic food to give to a Powerlifting competitor? This is highly
their non-organic counterparts, but what you don't often dependent on what type of eater they are and what is
see is the psychology of food. coachable for them.

Why do people choose to eat the way they do? We are aware enough to know not every client needs to
barbell back squat, so that it would stand to reason not
Social norms and pressure every client needs to track macros for success if they react
viscerally to the idea of quantifying food in that manner.
Each culture and social group has a normative style of
eating. The fitness world's peer pressure is wrapped around There are four major types of eaters, according to
buzzwords like macros, Paleo, keto, intermittent fasting, Associate Professor of Psychology Leslie Frazier of FIU. I
and more. In other cultural groups, this is not the case. add a fifth type based upon what we see in our clients.

A person can belong to more than one cultural/social Internal eaters live and thrive off of the pleasure principle
group. For example: when it comes to food. Stress eating, celebration eating,
sad eaters, or emotional eaters. They don't completely pay
• African American/Figure Competitor/Hiking Club attention to when hunger signals strike and often opt to eat
when their minds say, "eat." These people are prone to
Which group dynamic holds the most power over their binge eating or even eating disorders. Using their emotions
decisions? That depends on what they value at the moment as a guide to eating removes the logic from the equation
according to their current goals, stressors, and priorities. and relies excessively on what feels good. There is a time
As a coach, it is your job to navigate these waters to help and a place for internal eating, but if this defines your
them achieve dietary homeostasis within the parameters of client's main eating habits, your coaching has to follow
their current life situation. suit to help them remove feelings from food.

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 2

External eaters are more liable to fall into the section assisting rather than diagnostic and treatment. I cannot
above with social norms. They tend to eat according to reiterate this strongly enough if you are working with a
peer pressure or marketing. These are the types who would client who exhibits chronic binge eating disorder or an
be prone to buying that Soylent drink because they saw an eating disorder, you need to refer them to a licensed
ad for it on Facebook and fell into the marketing hype. If professional to seek the help they need.
they are at a dinner with friends, they would be more
tempted to follow the crowd's eating style rather than stick Binge-eating disorder is a severe eating disorder in which
to their plan. you frequently consume substantial amounts of food and
feel unable to stop eating.
Restrained eaters are the keto types, Paleo dieters,
Carnivore cult, vegans, or any eating pattern that seeks to Almost everyone overeats on occasion, such as having
remove rather than moderate. These types could be seconds or thirds of a holiday meal. But for some people,
classified as orthorexic by some due to the severe excessive overeating that feels out of control and becomes
restrictions they place on their eating habits. Habitual a regular occurrence crosses the line to binge-eating
macro trackers can also fall into restrained eaters, but only disorder.
if they exhibit signs of anxiety when they are in a situation
where tracking food intake is not possible. When you have a binge-eating disorder, you may be
embarrassed about overeating and vow to stop. But you
Intuitive eating is using hunger cues to determine when feel such a compulsion that you can't resist the urges and
and what you want to eat. It is common to see the Intuitive continue binge eating (Staff 2018).
eating crowd parrot the superiority of this lifestyle, but
much like any eating plan, it takes time to learn correctly, Binge eating is not the occasional splurge, holiday meal
so your hunger signals aren't directing you to the chocolate gluttony, or overeating at the BBQ joint. It is chronic
cake for four meals a day (Valencia 2020). overeating in specific contexts like:

The fifth one, as defined by me, and I am confident many • Eating enormous amounts of food in a specific
of you, is Industrious eating. Industrious means diligent, amount of time, such as over a two-hour period.
and these people are goal-oriented with eating plans in • Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control.
such a way where they are "easy" clients to work with. • Eating even when you're full or not hungry.
You give them the plan, and they implement it. • Eating rapidly during binge episodes.
• Eating until you're uncomfortably full.
As a coach, you will have clients who fall into one or more • Frequently eating alone or in secret.
of the categories above. It is entirely possible to be an • Feeling depressed, disgusted, ashamed, guilty, or
Industrious Intuitive eater or an Internal Restrained eater. upset about your eating.
This makes your job dynamic where if your only tool is • Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss.
dishing out macros, you will be ill-equipped to handle a
person who rebels against the thought of weighing and Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are also
measuring food to the gram. critical needs for professional help. We are not equipped to
handle situations like that and can cause more damage to
Telling someone to plan better without offering advice or
the client with our unqualified intervention.
help to assist them with planning isn't coaching. That is
called berating.
Aside from clinical needs, how can you use basic
Psychological techniques without playing Therapist?
How to use basic psychology to help

Chances are very few of you reading this are Licensed Food Journaling: why did they choose to eat that food?
Therapists; therefore, your scope of practice is limited to How did that meal make them feel? Did they choose it

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 3

because they wanted to or because you felt a compulsion The psychology of food is arguably the most critical part
to eat it? Having the client practice journaling feelings of the coaching experience. Yes, calories matter, protein is
during the initial process will help them understand why important, and compliance is crucial to success, but
they choose to eat as they do. This is ideal for clients who without your professional guidance as they navigate ups
are not familiar with nutrition coaching to help them form and downs, eating styles, weight shifts, vacations, social
a relationship with food based upon conscious choices events, family dinners, holidays, and more; they might as
rather than emotional ones. well pay 9.99 for a monthly macro app with no coaching
than waste their money paying you for canned feedback
Triggers: what events trigger unhealthy habits? How can and a cookie-cutter approach to a growing issue with how
they reframe trigger events into a positive outcome with the population consumes food.
patterns? We all have these triggers. A bad day can trigger _______________________________________________
diving into a bottle of bourbon for a few extra drinks or
Jay is the Owner and Operator
ordering GrubHub burgers to go instead of eating the meal of Kansas City Barbell in
you have prepped. Kansas City Missouri. A
seasoned veteran in training,
Positive affirmations: the science behind positive Psychology major, and PPSC
affirmations is growing. As cheesy as it sounds to some, Coach, Ashman has navigated
there is immense validity in positive self-talk. building brands and
developing trainers from 5th
avenue in Manhattan to his
A study published in Social Cognitive and Affective
current location where people
Neuroscience used functional magnetic resonance imaging travel from all over the state
to discover that self-affirmation activates well-known to train with Jay.
reward centers in the brain. This is similar to eating your
favorite meal or winning an award (Cascio et al., 2016).
Positive affirmations and positive coping include:
1. I know I need to change my habits, and I can do _______________________________________________
2. Am I hungry or craving this? References
3. I had a bad day eating today, but I will do better Cascio, C. N., O'Donnell, M. B., Tinney, F. J., Lieberman,
for myself. M. D., Taylor, S. E., Strecher, V. J., & Falk, E. B. (2016).
4. I am going to succeed. Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with
self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by
Using positive affirmations and coping is critical with your future orientation. Social cognitive and affective
coaching, as tough love only works for a certain neuroscience, 11(4), 621–629. [PubMed]
percentage of the population, and shaming is frowned
upon. Higgs S. (2015). Social norms and their influence on
eating behaviors. Appetite, 86, 38–44. [PubMed]
Reframing your coaching skills to assist someone who is
Staff, M. C. (2018, May 5). Binge-eating Disorder. Mayo
struggling with creating new habits is critical to their Clinic. [Mayo Clinic]
success. "Macro harder," "plan better," or shaming
feedback only serves to stroke your own needs without Valencia, G. (2020, February 5). Psychology of Food.
helping them. [FIU]

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 4

SOURCE: The study was funded by the Slovenian
Research Agency (research grant: P5–0147). The funder
Relationship between energy availability, energy had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
conservation and cognitive restraint with decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
performance measures in male endurance
athletes. Strengths
Jurov I, Keay N, Hadžić V, Spudić D, Rauter S. J Int Soc Sports Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) is a cascade
Nutr. 2021 Mar 18;18(1):24. [PubMed] of physiological problems associated with low energy
BACKGROUND: Low energy availability in male availability in athletes, typically as a result of under-eating
athletes has gained a lot of attention in recent years, but and/or over-training.1 Low energy availability is a causal
direct evidence of its effects on health and performance is factor in the female athlete triad, characterized by
lacking. The aim of this research was to objectively disordered eating, menstrual disruption, and eventually
measure energy availability (EA) in healthy male bone loss.2 The present study breaks new ground by
endurance athletes without pre-existing relative energy objectively examining RED-S, in male athletes. A nice
deficiency signs during pre-race season. METHODS: touch was the assessment of psychological parameters,
Twelve trained endurance athletes (performance level 3, 4, with a special focus on cognitive restraint, which is
and 5) participated in the cross-sectional controlled correlated with reductions in energy intake.
laboratory study. Fat-free mass, exercise energy
expenditure, and energy intake were measured to calculate Limitations
EA. Resting energy expenditure was measured and The authors conceded that a more homogenous sample of
estimated to assess energy conservation. Three specific only one endurance discipline would be more optimal.
performance tests were used to assess endurance, agility, However, they disclaim this potential shortcoming by
and explosive strength performance. For psychological mentioning that, “this is one of the largest sample sizes of
evaluation, the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire and a trained endurance athletes when measured with objective
short Well-being questionnaire were completed. EA methodology.’ Ultimately they acknowledge that
RESULTS: Mean EA was 29.5 kcal/kg FFM/day. The future research should compare different degrees of energy
majority (66.6%) had EA under the threshold for low EA availability in the same individuals, as opposed to the
in females. Critical cognitive restraint (≥13) was reported cross-sectional design of the present study, which is
by 75% of participants. There were no differences in incapable of showing potential directions of causality. A
performance, blood values, or psychological evaluation limitation I would add is that the results of the present
when subjects were divided into two groups divided by EA study could be limited to the subject profile (endurance
= 30 kcal/kg FFM/day. Cognitive restraint was negatively athletes), so generalizations to other populations warrant
associated with measured resting energy expenditure and caution.
energy conservation (r = -.578, p = .025 and r = -.549, p =
.032, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The mean EA
measured in this study supports the theory that the
threshold for low EA in endurance male athletes might be Mean energy availability (EA, defined as energy intake
under the threshold for females. In addition, we confirmed minus expenditure, divided by per kilogram of fat-free
cognitive restraint could be useful for early detection of mass) among the athletes was 29.5 kcal/kg FFM, 66% of
energy conservation. The high cognitive restraint as whose energy availability was below the threshold of what
measured in our sample stressed the need of eating is considered low EA in females (30 kcal/kg), below which
behavior screening in endurance athletes in order to reduce hormonal disruption is apparent.3,4 On a related sidenote,
risk of any disordered eating patterns. FUNDING De Souza et al5 recently reported that they were unable to

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 5

substantiate the threshold of 30 kcal/kg FFM/day in a References
carefully designed randomized controlled trial of
1. Williams NI, Koltun KJ, Strock NCA, De Souza MJ.
manipulating energy availability with diet restriction and
Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy Deficiency
in Sport: A Focus on Scientific Rigor. Exerc Sport Sci
Back to the present study… Between the two subgroups Rev. 2019 Oct;47(4):197-205. [PubMed]
(with EA ≥ 30 kcal/kg FFM/day and with EA < 30 kcal/kg 2. Mountjoy M, Sundgot-Borgen J, Burke L, Carter S,
FFM/day), there were no differences in exercise Constantini N, Lebrun C, Meyer N, Sherman R,
performance, blood parameters, or psychological Steffen K, Budgett R, Ljungqvist A. The IOC
parameters (including cognitive restraint – which 75% of consensus statement: beyond the Female Athlete
the subjects exhibited). The authors thus concluded that Triad--Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S).
the threshold for low energy availability in men is Br J Sports Med. 2014 Apr;48(7):491-7. [PubMed]
probably lower than 30 kcal/kg FFM/day. It’s notable that 3. Loucks AB, Thuma JR. Luteinizing hormone
the subjects were lean (averaging 10.2% body fat), and pulsatility is disrupted at a threshold of energy
trained more than 2 hrs/day, expending 1173 kcal daily. availability in regularly menstruating women. J Clin
And still, adverse symptoms of low energy availability Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Jan;88(1):297-311. [PubMed]
were not apparent despite EA below 30 kcal/kg FFM/day. 4. Loucks AB, Heath EM. Induction of low-T3 syndrome
This study is the first to demonstrate this divergent finding in exercising women occurs at a threshold of energy
with women, where the latter EA threshold is accepted as a availability. Am J Physiol. 1994 Mar;266(3 Pt
benchmark of concern. 2):R817-23. [PubMed]
5. De Souza MJ, Koltun KJ, Williams NI. The Role of
Closing out this discussion, I’ll quote an excerpt from a Energy Availability in Reproductive Function in the
recent review by Wasserfurth et al, who piled up a nice Female Athlete Triad and Extension of its Effects to
bevy of EA-related opinions/recommendations: 6 Men: An Initial Working Model of a Similar
Syndrome in Male Athletes. Sports Med. 2019
“Although, to date, there are no guidelines prescribing Dec;49(Suppl 2):125-137. [PubMed]
an optimal EA for high performance athletes, studies on 6. Wasserfurth P, Palmowski J, Hahn A, Krüger K.
habitually sedentary, normal-weight women defined Reasons for and Consequences of Low Energy
45 kcal/kg fat-free mass (FFM) as a threshold at which Availability in Female and Male Athletes: Social
optimal energy balance can be achieved [16, 17]. In Environment, Adaptations, and Prevention. Sports
contrast, a study on exercising men by Koehler et al. Med Open. 2020 Sep 10;6(1):44. [PubMed]
used 40 kcal/kg FFM as a threshold for a balanced EA
and showed that this was still enough to support energy
balance [18]. However, an EA of 30–45 kcal/kg FFM is
already considered a reduced EA, and athletes should
only stay within this range for a short period of time, e.g.
when aiming to reduce body weight [19]. In any case,
clinical studies showed that an EA of < 30 kcal/kg FFM
appears to be a threshold at which severe health
implications can be observed after only 5 days in healthy
young women [17, 20, 21]. Therefore, low EA is
commonly defined as EA < 30 kcal/kg FFM. For males,
Fagerberg described a prolonged EA < 25 kcal/kg FFM as
critical [22].”

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 6

The present paper takes a well-organized and practical
look at the metabolic adaptation concept as it applies to
Metabolic adaptations to weight loss: a brief weight loss. Last month, Nuno Casanova examined
review. metabolic adaptation from the standpoint of comparing the
Martínez-Gómez MG, Roberts BM. J Strength Cond Res. role of behavior change versus physiological shifts
2021 Mar 3. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003991. Online amounting to adaptive thermogenesis. In contrast, the
ahead of print. [PubMed] present paper is less specialized, and more of a broad
overview of metabolic adaptation to weight loss, and it
ABSTRACT: As the scientific literature has continuously
delves into some brotacular applications such as diet
shown, body mass loss attempts do not always follow a
linear fashion nor always go as expected even when the breaks and refeeds as means to mitigate the unfavorable
intervention is calculated with precise tools. One of the effects of metabolic slowing. Let’s hop through the key
main reasons why this tends to happen relies on our body's subtopics within the paper.
biological drive to regain the body mass we lose to
survive. This phenomenon has been referred to as Evolutionary origins & models
"metabolic adaptation" many times in the literature and
A long-standing question currently under investigation is,
plays a very relevant role in the management of obesity
what are the factors responsible for the decreased energy
and human weight loss. This review will provide insights
expenditure resulting from weight loss? What causes
into some of the theoretical models for the etiology of
metabolic adaptation as well as a quick look into the metabolic slowing? More specifically, what causes
physiological and endocrine mechanisms that underlie it. decreases in energy expenditure which exceed what can be
Nutritional strategies and dietetic tools are thus necessary predicted from losses in lean mass and fat mass – in a
to confront these so-called adaptations to body mass loss. process called adaptive thermogenesis (AT)?1 Why does
Among some of these strategies, we can highlight AT occur in the first place, and why are we so strongly
increasing protein needs, opting for high-fiber foods or wired toward it?
programming-controlled diet refeeds, and diet breaks over
a large body mass loss phase. Outside the nutritional According to the “thrifty gene hypothesis,”2 several
aspects, it might be wise to increase the physical activity thousand years ago, natural selection would favor
and thus the energy flux of an individual when possible to individuals who could best survive famines (long periods
maintain diet-induced body mass loss in the long term. of food scarcity). Therefore, those most fit to pass their
This review will examine these protocols and their genes to future generations where those who could best
viability in the context of adherence and sustainability for conserve or economize the expenditure of energy. So, our
the individual toward successful body mass loss. metabolically thrifty genetics have had disastrous
consequences in the modern “obesogenic environment”
General commentary that not only lacks periods of food scarcity, but also
One of the authors of this review is Brandon Roberts, who presents a constant abundance and high-availability of
has several articles in the AARR archive, the most recent hyperpalatable, energy-dense foods that are prone to
of which is in the Feb 20231 issue. It’s a collaboration passive overconsumption within sedentary conditions.
with Ryan Lefebvre titled, Energy expenditure Other models of homeostatic setpoint drive include the
equations: a look into the past and future. If you have not adipostat hypothesis (an axis connecting the brain, gut, and
yet read that, I highly recommend it. Brandon dies adipose tissue)3 and the protein-stat hypothesis (where
consistently excellent work, and his article with Ryan is no bodyweight regulation is governed by the maintenance of
exception. lean mass).4

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 7

Components of energy expenditure between changes in body tissue mass and their influence
on appetite-regulating hormones, and the role of lifestyle
& behavioral (environmental) factors, including physical
activity and diet composition. The following figure
outlines the basic components of metabolic adaptation:

The figure above outlines the various components of

energy expenditure (and their coefficients of variation) are
listed above. The component with the greatest potential for
inter-individual variation is non-exercise activity
thermogenesis (NEAT), ranging 15-50% of total daily
energy expenditure.5,6 Nutritional strategies to reduce metabolic adaptation to
body mass loss
Physiological responses to body mass loss and
endocrine modulation of food intake It’s always great when authors muster the courage to offer
practical solutions to the problems presented by the
interaction of our biology and the environment. Here are
the strategies proposed to mitigate metabolic adaptation,
from a nutritional programming standpoint:

• Rate of body mass loss. A mix of data must be

grappled with in this area. A recent systematic review
& meta-analysis by Ashtary-Larky et al7 reported
beneficial effects of gradual (~0.2-1.2 kg/week)
instead of rapid weight loss (~1.2-2.2 kg/week on fat
mass, body fat percent, and resting metabolic rate in
individuals with overweight/obesity. However, fat-
free mass and anthropometric measures did not
The figure above outlines the various components of significantly differ between the rates of weight loss. I
endocrine system’s influence on the regulation of energy would add that this analysis was limited to obese &
balance. These components include the relationship overweight individuals. Therefore, Garthe et al’s
Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 8
study on elite athletes8 was not included. However, References
Garthe et al reported better retention of lean mass as a 1. Müller MJ, Bosy-Westphal A. Adaptive thermogenesis
result of slow weight loss (0.7%/week vs with weight loss in humans. Obesity (Silver Spring).
1.4%/week). 2013 Feb;21(2):218-28. [PubMed]
2. Oʼrourke RW. Metabolic thrift and the genetic basis of
• Keep protein high. To preserve lean mass, high-
human obesity. Ann Surg. 2014 Apr;259(4):642-8.
protein diets, 1.2-1.5 g/kg in overweight individuals,
and up to ~2 g/kg in leaner individuals is likely to 3. Cowley MA, Pronchuk N, Fan W, Dinulescu DM,
guard against metabolic adaptation.9 Colmers WF, Cone RD. Integration of NPY, AGRP, and
melanocortin signals in the hypothalamic paraventricular
• Carbohydrate & fat are broadly open to
nucleus: evidence of a cellular basis for the adipostat.
individualized intakes. Quoting the authors, “Overall,
Neuron. 1999 Sep;24(1):155-63. [PubMed]
it seems that the distribution of carbohydrate and fat 4. Millward DJ. A protein-stat mechanism for regulation of
is of little relevance when designing a nutritional plan growth and maintenance of the lean body mass. Nutr Res
whose aim is to reduce metabolic adaptation and Rev. 1995 Jan;8(1):93-120. [PubMed]
prevent body mass regain.” The authors caution that 5. Levine JA, Vander Weg MW, Hill JO, Klesges RC. Non-
the majority of metabolic adaptation research is on exercise activity thermogenesis: the crouching tiger
overweight and obese subjects. Lean individuals with hidden dragon of societal weight gain. Arterioscler
athletic performance goals should be mindful to not Thromb Vasc Biol. 2006 Apr;26(4):729-36. [PubMed]
undershoot carbohydrate intakes that can optimize 6. Levine JA, Eberhardt NL, Jensen MD. Role of
ergogenesis. nonexercise activity thermogenesis in resistance to fat
gain in humans. Science. 1999 Jan 8;283(5399):212-4.
• Fiber can function as an agent of satiety. Overall, the [PubMed]
literature shows beneficial effects of fiber intake on 7. Ashtary-Larky D, Bagheri R, Abbasnezhad A, Tinsley
appetite control. Generally speaking, high-fiber foods GM, Alipour M, Wong A. Effects of gradual weight loss
have a high satiety index.9 v. rapid weight loss on body composition and RMR: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Nutr. 2020
• Diet refeeds and diet breaks. Diet refeeds can be Dec 14;124(11):1121-1132. [PubMed]
defined as a strategy where calories and 8. Garthe I, Raastad T, Refsnes PE, Koivisto A, Sundgot-
macronutrients are increased to maintenance levels or Borgen J. Effect of two different weight-loss rates on
slightly above on 1–2 days per week, predominantly body composition and strength and power-related
by increasing carbohydrate intake.10 Diet breaks can performance in elite athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc
be defined as 1-2 week interruptions of hypocaloric Metab. 2011 Apr;21(2):97-104. [PubMed]
conditions where intake is raised to maintenance, or 9. Holt SH, Miller JC, Petocz P, Farmakalidis E. A satiety
are not specifically restricted. It’s worth noting that index of common foods. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1995
Sep;49(9):675-90. [PubMed]
the current literature on diet breaks is mixed, with the
10. Campbell BI, Aguilar D, Colenso-Semple LM, Hartke K,
latest example by Peos et al11 showing a general a
Fleming AR, Fox CD, Longstrom JM, Rogers GE,
general lack of specific benefit from the week-long, Mathas DB, Wong V, Ford S, Gorman J. Intermittent
monthly diet breaks in terms of body composition Energy Restriction Attenuates the Loss of Fat Free Mass
improvements, but reduced appetite was observed in in Resistance Trained Individuals. A Randomized
the group taking monthly diet breaks. Controlled Trial. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2020 Mar
8;5(1):19. [PubMed]
• Nondietary interventions are important. Increasing
11. Peos JJ, et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Continuous versus
physical activity EE and engaging in resistance intermittent dieting for fat loss and fat-free mass
training should be combined with the aforementioned retention in resistance-trained adults: The ICECAP Trial.
nutritional strategies to maximally guard against Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2021 Feb 12. doi:
metabolic adaptation. 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002636. [PubMed]

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 9

no difference between WHEY and MEAL. ΔPB was - 6.3
(- 11.5, - 1.18; P = 0.02) greater for EAA + W than WHEY
Essential amino acid-enriched whey enhances and - 7.7 (- 11.9, - 3.6; P = 0.002) greater for MEAL than
post-exercise whole-body protein balance during WHEY, with no difference between EAA + W and
energy deficit more than iso-nitrogenous whey or MEAL. ΔNET was 22.1 (20.5, 23.8; P = 0.001) and 18.0
a mixed-macronutrient meal: a randomized, (16.5, 19.5; P = 0.00) greater for EAA + W than WHEY
crossover study. and MEAL, respectively, while ΔNET was 4.2 (2.7, 5.6; P
= 0.001) greater for MEAL than WHEY. Mixed-MPS did
Gwin JA, Church DD, Hatch-McChesney A, Allen JT,
Wilson MA, Varanoske AN, Carrigan CT, Murphy NE, not differ between treatments. CONCLUSIONS: While
Margolis LM, Carbone JW, Wolfe RR, Ferrando AA, mixed-MPS was similar across treatments, combining
Pasiakos SM.. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2021 Jan 7;18(1):4. free-form EAA with whey promotes greater whole-body
[PubMed] net protein balance during energy deficit compared to iso-
nitrogenous amounts of whey or a mixed-macronutrient
BACKGROUND: The effects of ingesting varying meal. Trial registration:, Identifier no.
essential amino acid (EAA)/protein-containing food NCT04004715 . Retrospectively registered 28 June 2019,
formats on protein kinetics during energy deficit are first enrollment 6 June 2019. FUNDING SOURCE: This
undetermined. Therefore, recommendations for study was supported by the U.S. Army Medical Research
EAA/protein food formats necessary to optimize both and Development Command. The study sponsor had no
whole-body protein balance and muscle protein synthesis role in study design or data collection, analysis, and
(MPS) during energy deficit are unknown. PURPOSE: interpretation; writing the report, nor the decision to
We measured protein kinetics after consuming iso- submit the report for publication.
nitrogenous amounts of free-form essential amino acid-
enriched whey (EAA + W; 34.7 g protein, 24 g EAA Strengths
sourced from whey and free-form EAA), whey (WHEY;
This study addresses an interesting question with potential
34.7 g protein, 18.7 g EAA), or a mixed-macronutrient
applicability to military personnel, physique athletes,
meal (MEAL; 34.7 g protein, 11.4 g EAA) after exercise
weight class-based performance athletes, and wildland
during short-term energy deficit. METHODS: Ten adults
firefighters. These populations have unique physiological
(mean ± SD; 21 ± 4 y; 25.7 ± 1.7 kg/m2) completed a
demands set forth by unavoidable energy deficits
randomized, double-blind crossover study consisting of
combined with intensive physical work. These conditions
three, 5 d energy-deficit periods (- 30 ± 3% of total energy
threaten muscle preservation, and the science of mitigating
requirements), separated by 14 d. Whole-body protein
it through protein and/or amino acid supplementation has
synthesis (PS), breakdown (PB), and net balance (NET)
plenty of uncharted ground. A crossover design enabled all
were determined at rest and in response to combination
subjects to undergo all 3 conditions. In addition to whole-
exercise consisting of load carriage treadmill walking,
body net protein balance (synthesis versus breakdown,
deadlifts, and box step-ups at the end of each energy
measured via stable isotope infusion), muscle protein
deficit using L-[2H5]-phenylalanine and L-[2H2]-tyrosine
synthesis (MPS) was measured. All exercise sessions were
infusions. Treatments were ingested immediately post-
supervised. Registered Dietitians designed the weight
exercise. Mixed-muscle protein synthesis (mixed-MPS)
maintenance diets for the 3-day run-in period. Total daily
was measured during exercise through recovery.
protein was 1.6 g/kg during the 5-day hypocaloric period.
RESULTS: Change (Δ postabsorptive + exercise to
postprandial + recovery [mean treatment difference
(95%CI)]) in whole-body (g/180 min) PS was 15.8 (9.8,
21.9; P = 0.001) and 19.4 (14.8, 24.0; P = 0.001) greater As with all studies on short-term anabolic response, there
for EAA + W than WHEY and MEAL, respectively, with are still open questions about longer-term adaptation (i.e.,

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 10

changes in body composition). A 30% energy deficit was notice the top graph depicting the MPS results (as opposed
held for 5 days prior to testing. Ideally, future research to whole body protein balance, which includes non-muscle
would carry out this framework over the course of several proteins). No significant differences – hence, no
weeks to see where the rubber meets the road in terms of advantages in MPS were seen among any of the 3
the manifestation of any ‘real’ advantages of any of the treatments. Here are the nutrient profiles of each:
treatments. The results of the present study would need to
be generalized with caution since they could be limited to
the profile of the subjects (healthy, young, non-obese
adults). It’s still unknown whether the findings would
apply to athletic/trained or diseased & older populations.
Another caveat is that the results could be limited to the
exercise protocol, which consisted of 24 minutes of load
carriage followed by 18 minutes of alternating trap bar
deadlifts and box step-ups followed by another 24 min of
load carriage.

Comment/application As shown above, all 3 conditions were isonitrogenous

(meaning protein was equated). However, as I highlighted
in red, EAA content was highest in the best-performing
condition (at least in terms of protein synthesis at the
whole-body level). EAA + W had 5.3 g more EAA than
WHEY, and 12.6 g EAA more than MEAL. EAA + W
caused as greater increase in whole-body PS compared to
the other conditions, and it also reduced whole-body
protein breakdown to a greater degree than WHEY. Thus,
it’s apparent that the anabolic advantage was attributable
to the higher EAA content (which was associated with
higher circulating EAA levels).

The present study’s findings lend further support to

previous work by Park et al (from the same group of
researchers),1 who found that free-form EAA combined
with whey is more anabolic than a whey protein-based
recovery product, and that the response is dose-dependent.
So, once again, it appears that free-form EAA plus whey is
a potent agent of anabolism, above and beyond whey
alone, even in an isonitrogenous comparison (meaning that
the combo treatment contains less whey in order to
accommodate the EAA while keeping the comparison
isonitrogenous). But once again, this superiority of EAA +
As shown directly above, whole-body net protein balance Whey over whey alone was seen in terms of whole-body
was greatest with the post-exercise ingestion of a protein balance, not muscle protein balance.
“proprietary” whey/EAA mix (EAA + W), whey alone
(WHEY) came in second, and in last place was a mixed It would be interesting to compare the anabolic response of
macronutrient meal of chili and beans (MEAL). Now, 30-50 g whey with 30-50 g EAA, just to purely exploit the

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 11

anabolic capabilities of EAA. Of course, what we would Supplementation with 12 Weeks of Resistance
need to more definitively settle the glimmers of promise is Training on Strength, Body Composition, and Skeletal
a longitudinal (longer-term) study that measures effects on Muscle and Adipose Tissue Histological Attributes in
muscle hypertrophy. College-Aged Males. Nutrients. 2017 Sep 4;9(9):972.
Thus far, branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) 6. Spillane M, Emerson C, Willoughby DS. The effects
supplementation on top of sufficient total daily protein (at of 8 weeks of heavy resistance training and branched-
least 1.6 g/kg) has failed to enhance muscular adaptations chain amino acid supplementation on body
to resistance training,2-6 with one exception,7 which was a composition and muscle performance. Nutr Health.
sketchy study, to put it lightly.8 These consistently null 2012 Oct;21(4):263-73. [PubMed]
findings of BCAA supplementation don’t inspire 7. Dudgeon WD, Kelley EP, Scheett TP. In a single-
confidence in the possibility of EAA added to sufficient blind, matched group design: branched-chain amino
protein intake causing any further magic. However, an acid supplementation and resistance training maintains
important component of scientific thought is keeping an lean body mass during a caloric restricted diet. J Int
open mind to all possibilities. Soc Sports Nutr. 2016 Jan 5;13:1. [PubMed]
8. Dieter BP, Schoenfeld BJ, Aragon AA. The data do
References: not seem to support a benefit to BCAA
supplementation during periods of caloric restriction. J
1. Park S, Church DD, Azhar G, Schutzler SE, Ferrando Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2016 May 11;13:21. [PubMed]
AA, Wolfe RR. Anabolic response to essential amino
acid plus whey protein composition is greater than
whey protein alone in young healthy adults. J Int Soc
Sports Nutr. 2020 Feb 10;17(1):9. [PubMed]
2. Bagheri R, Forbes SC, Candow DG, Wong A. Effects
of branched-chain amino acid supplementation and
resistance training in postmenopausal women. Exp
Gerontol. 2021 Feb;144:111185. [PubMed]\
3. DE Andrade IT, Gualano B, Hevia-LarraÍn V, Neves-
Junior J, Cajueiro M, Jardim F, Gomes RL, Artioli
GG, Phillips SM, Campos-Ferraz P, Roschel H.
Leucine Supplementation Has No Further Effect on
Training-induced Muscle Adaptations. Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2020 Aug;52(8):1809-1814. [PubMed]
4. Aguiar AF, Grala AP, da Silva RA, Soares-Caldeira
LF, Pacagnelli FL, Ribeiro AS, da Silva DK, de
Andrade WB, Balvedi MCW. Free leucine
supplementation during an 8-week resistance training
program does not increase muscle mass and strength in
untrained young adult subjects. Amino Acids. 2017
Jul;49(7):1255-1262. [PubMed]
5. Mobley CB, Haun CT, Roberson PA, Mumford PW,
Romero MA, Kephart WC, Anderson RG, Vann CG,
Osburn SC, Pledge CD, Martin JS, Young KC,
Goodlett MD, Pascoe DD, Lockwood CM, Roberts
MD. Effects of Whey, Soy or Leucine

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 12

devices with indirect calorimetry. Quoting their
conclusion: “The tested trackers could not show valid
The end of tracking: how to graduate away from results. Hence, it is concluded that current commercially
the micromanagement of your diet. available activity trackers are most likely not accurate
By Alan Aragon enough to be used for neither purposes in sports, nor in
_______________________________________________ health care and rehabilitative applications.” A systematic
review by Evenson et al4 found that wearable devices had
First things first: tracking is not always bad (or good) higher validity for tracking steps, but lower validity for
tracking energy expenditure.
It’s easy to read the title of this article and automatically
think that I’m denouncing the concept or practice of Good candidates for transitioning away from tracking
tracking dietary intake. I’m not. This article is designed to
provide guidance for those who have been tracking for a Those who have been tracking for a while (typically a
while (typically via an app and/or food scale), and feel number of years) are the most common group asking how
trapped into the routine. This is for the folks who want to to stop. The good news is, this group is in the perfect
be able to abandon tracking, but fear that they will lose a position to stop tracking because they’ve been doing it
critical degree of control and awareness, the thereby slip long enough to gain an accurate perspective of the caloric
from their goals. I fully acknowledge that there are & nutritive values of various foods & beverages in various
individuals who don’t need or want to stop tracking. I serving sizes that they consume. This is a very useful skill
personally know a few who actually enjoy it (yes, I think which, in my observations, takes roughly 2-4 weeks to
that’s weird, but hey – live and let live). become reasonably adept at. A lot of these folks crying out
for help have been tracking for years, and are now feeling
The dark side of tracking is that some folks simply dislike somewhat enslaved to it.
it. They see it at as a tedious chore, at best. At worst, it
becomes a means of nurturing and reinforcing obsessive If your goal is to maintain, you’re a good candidate for
behavior. For some people, it strengthens an unhealthy letting go of the reins. Those who are proactively trying to
degfree of perfectionism and micromanagement. Levinson lose or gain weight under tight, time-constrained deadlines
et al1 reported that ~75% of participants used My Fitness might not be ideal for attempts to wean off of tracking.
Pal and that 73% of these users perceived the app as Now, if you want to try teaking an extended break (several
contributing to their eating disorder. Furthermore, we weeks at least) from tracking with maintenance as a gosl
found that these perceptions were correlated with eating during the break, this is a good setup for letting go of your
disorder symptoms. tracking habits.

There are validity & reliability limits to tracking energy Changing false perceptions
and nutrient consumption, just as there are limits to
accurately tracking energy expenditure. Griffiths et al2 A common perceptual framework is that meticulous
examined the accuracy of five of the most popular free tracking is what led to results, so stopping tracking will
nutrition tracking apps had a tendency to report lower lead to a lack of progress, and eventual undoing of hard-
values than the Nutrition Data System for Research fought results. While this unfavorable scenario is not
(NDSR); correlations with the NDSR ranged 0.73-0.96. impossible, it shouldn’t automatically be presumed as
inevitable, or even probable. The act of tracking adds a
For those compelled to track energy expenditure, it’s layer of accountability and awareness. However, it also has
noteworthy that devices are prone to inaccuracty. Passler the tendency to reduce flexibility and openness to
et al3 compared five popular wrist-worn activity tracking impromptu adjustments based on internal hunger and

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 13

satiety cues. Now, the kicker is this – accountability and on the goal (not everyone wants to lose weight), you’ll be
awareness is entirely possible without the meticulous able to be more conscious of hunger and fullness levels,
tracking of dietary intake. and proactively make moves that align with your goal.
After 1-2 weeks of ICAN, it’s far more common for
Proactively building awareness of internal cues people to either lose weight or maintain, rather than gain.
And at the end of the 1-2 weeks, your perception of hunger
Also, it’s incredibly ironic that many people who track and fullness, and your overall awareness of how your
everything down to the gram do not have an awareness of emotional state affects eating behavior will be much
when they are actually satiated or hungry. This is partially keener. If things don’t click by the end of the first week of
due to the pressure of fulfilling the plan (the servings on this exercise, run it for another week. Sometimes it just
the menu, or the nutrient targets per meal or per day). This takes more time to break through deeply ingrained
gets combined with the shame of not doing so, which we behavioral/psychological patterns – which in this case, is a
often see as a breached contract or broken promise with relative “numbness” fostered by sticking to a rigid script.
ourselves, or a failure to perform. These elements actually
hinder the ability to build awareness of internal cues, Gradually taking off the training wheels
which is a legitimate, and very useful skill in and of itself.
Building awareness of internal hunger and satiety cues It bears reiterating that awareness of body composition
involves purposely NOT sticking to a pre-planned script or progress (or maintenance of progress) is relatively simple
casting judgment on your perceived performance. when you just open your eyes a little. What works well as
a mental safety net for those who are afraid of regaining
For those seeking a concrete way to approach this without weight while not tracking their diet intake are two
tossing all journaling out the window, a technique I’ve elements: exercise performance and total bodyweight. If
successfully used with clients is something I call internal the scale is stable (daily fluctuations are inevitable; similar
cue awareness training (or nurturing); ICAT or ICAN. The weekly averages are what to keep an eye on), and training
latter has a cool, optimistic ring. Here are the steps: performance is maintained, these are reliable indicators
that you’re maintaining your body composition. If lifting
1) Before each meal, give yourself a hunger rating. performance is maintained while bodyweight is stable,
2) After the meal, give yourself a fullness rating. This can that’s a good indicator that you’re not losing muscle. Of
be done via numerical ranking, I used a 5-point scale for course, there could be the welcome scenario of lifting
both hunger and satiety. A 3-point scale can be used if performance improving while bodyweight is stable, which
you’re not the type with a broad range of hunger and could indicate recomposition (simultaneous fat loss and
fullness sensations. muscle gain).
3) Write down what you ate, estimating the quantities to
the best of your ability (without actually measuring them). Protein-tracking as the last step of graduation
4) Here’s the important part to not forget – write down
subjective feelings and thoughts after each meal. Another strategy for those who aren’t ready to let go of
formal tracking is to only track protein and total kcals
And that’s it. That’s the journaling method. Over time while keeping all else flexible. Doing this while staying
you’ll notice patterns and you’ll be able to draw mindful of hunger and satiety cues is effective and
correlations between your hunger levels prior to eating and significantly less tedious than tracking all of the macros.
your fullness levels upon ending the meal. You’ll notice The next step in the graduation process would be tracking
patterns of the types of foods you choose correlate with only protein. From that point, weighing and measuring
hunger levels. The goal is not to obsess over what you’re protein foods can be abaondoned once you’re comfortable.
eating, but rather to find out what’s eating you. Depending Protein tracking by eye-balling food servings or portions

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 14

you routinely consume gets easier with time. Once you’;re
comfortable, you can stop taking formal/written/app-
accounted records of your protein intake, and just maintain
a mental awareness of staying in the right ballpark.

Head-first into deep water

When someone asks how to stop tracking, I’m tempted to

say, “Just stop tracking.” The vast majority of people who
ask me that question have simply never tried it! Just
stopping cold is indeed one of the options. I’ve issued 30-
day “stop tracking & just live your life” challenges many
times. I’m not talking about YOLO-ing for a month, I’m
talking about maintaining mindful eating patterns and
choices conducive to the goals, just don’t track or obsess
over the details. If you have enough courage, don’t weigh
yourself for the full month. The overwhelming majority
brave enough to try this are pleasantly surprised to see that
they don’t gain weight, and any changes are minimal. Our
bodies are wired toward preserving the status quo, and the
30-day no-tracking challenge demonstrates this time and
time again. After you’ve made it past the month, you can
make decisions after reassessment. I dare you to try it.


1. Levinson CA, Fewell L, Brosof LC. My Fitness Pal

calorie tracker usage in the eating disorders. Eat
Behav. 2017 Dec;27:14-16. [PubMed]
2. Griffiths C, Harnack L, Pereira MA. Assessment of the
accuracy of nutrient calculations of five popular
nutrition tracking applications. Public Health Nutr.
2018 Jun;21(8):1495-1502. [PubMed]
3. Passler S, Bohrer J, Blöchinger L, Senner V. Validity
of Wrist-Worn Activity Trackers for Estimating
VO2max and Energy Expenditure. Int J Environ Res
Public Health. 2019 Aug 22;16(17):3037. [PubMed]
4. Evenson KR, Goto MM, Furberg RD. Systematic
review of the validity and reliability of consumer-
wearable activity trackers. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act.
2015 Dec 18;12:159. [PubMed]

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 15

reduce the expression of the DPP-4/CD26 receptor,13
which is thought to be a factor in COVID-19 infection.
Is vitamin D supplementation a legitimate COVID-19 is associated with the increased production of
preventive measure against COVID-19? pro-inflammatory cytokines, pneumonia, and heart failure,
By Alan Aragon all of which are inversely associated with blood levels of
25(OH)D.8 Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS,)
_______________________________________________ is the most important cause of COVID-19-related
morbidity and mortality.14 Overproduction of
inflammatory cytokines (including IL-6 and CRP) are
Vitamin D has been called the sunshine vitamin, due to its characteristic of ARDS, as is endothelial impairment and
dermal production upon exposure to the sun.1 Vitamin D, increased barrier permeability. Vitamin D can mitigate
called a vitamin but is technically a steroid hormone, is inflammatory reactions, which can inhibit the development
required to maintain healthy bones via regulating serum of ARDS. It’s also possible that adequate circulating
calcium homeostasis.2 Adequate intake of vitamin D (and 25(OH)D levels can assist in pathogen recognition and
calcium) are crucial for preventing osteoporosis. Vitamin stimulating adaptive immunity. Maintaining adequate
D is also important for proper neuromuscular function, so vitamin D status has been proposed to prevent the cytokine
its demonstrated benefits on muscle strength and function storm, and favorably influence the outcomes of SARS-
in the elderly3,4 are not too surprising. Vitamin D Cov2.14 A recent pilot study by Castillo et al15 found that
deficiency has been defined as blood levels of 25- calcifediol (the main metabolite of vitamin D) significantly
hydroxyvitamin D (also called 25(OH)D) of less than 30 reduced the need for ICU treatment of COVID-19 patients.
ng/mL.1 A blood vitamin D3 level of 40-60 ng/mL is
recommended by the Endocrine Society, which also Here come the studies (of the studies)
recommends a D3 intake of 1500 to 2000 IU for all
A systematic review and meta-analysis by Pereira et al
included 27 observational studies on the prevalence of
vitamin D deficiency in severe cases of COVID-19.16
Vitamin D & viral immune response
Severe cases of COVID-19 were had 64% more vitamin D
Vitamin D has been demonstrated to play significant roles deficiency versus mild cases. Vitamin D insufficiency was
in immunity, including the production of antiviral associated with increased hospitalization and mortality
peptides.6,7 Low levels of vitamin D have been associated from COVID-19. A systematic review by Yisak et al17
with respiratory tract infections, the flu, and increased risk found that 7 out of the 9 studies found a correlation with
for pneumonia.8 There is considerable literature vitamin D status and COVID-19 infection, severity, and
implicating vitamin D in the decreased risk for infectious death. It was concluded that, maintaining sufficient
diseases.9 In vitro research has demonstrated vitamin D’s vitamin D levels has preventive and protective potential
role in respiratory function by potentially interfering with against COVID-19.
the replication of respiratory viruses.10 In controlled human
interventions vitamin D supplementation has been shown Concluding perspectives
to reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.11,12
The RDA for vitamin D for individuals aged 14-70 years
is 600 IU/day, and this bumps up to 800 IU/day at 71 years
Vitamin D & COVID-19: potential preventive &
and up.18 Since the Endocrine Society, recommends a
therapeutic mechanisms
vitamin D3 intake of 1500 to 2000 IU for all adults (250-
COVID-19 is the respiratory disease resulting from 330% of the RDA), a good case can be made for
contracting the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). supplementing the diet with the latter dosing range.
Correcting vitamin D insufficiency has been shown to Notably, vitamin D toxicity is not likely to occur below

Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 16

daily intakes of 10,000 IU.18 I’ll end this article with a 9. Lang PO, Aspinall R. Vitamin D Status and the Host
quote from a recent review by Brenner,19 which echoes the Resistance to Infections: What It Is Currently (Not)
Understood. Clin Ther. 2017 May;39(5):930-945.
protective and therapeutic potential of vitamin D amidst [PubMed]
the current pandemic: 10. Zdrenghea MT, Makrinioti H, Bagacean C, Bush A,
Johnston SL, Stanciu LA. Vitamin D modulation of
“Despite remaining uncertainties with respect to optimal innate immune responses to respiratory viral infections.
dosing, evidence from vitamin D trials with other Rev Med Virol. 2017 Jan;27(1). [PubMed]
endpoints suggests supplementation should preferably 11. Autier P, Mullie P, Macacu A, Dragomir M, Boniol M,
be done on a regular basis rather than by occasional Coppens K, Pizot C, Boniol M. Effect of vitamin D
supplementation on non-skeletal disorders: a systematic
high-dose bolus therapy. For patients with manifest
review of meta-analyses and randomised trials. Lancet
COVID-19 infection, initiation of high-dose Diabetes Endocrinol. 2017 Dec;5(12):986-1004.
supplementation as early as possible after diagnosis [PubMed]
should be strongly considered whenever there are no 12. Rejnmark L, Bislev LS, Cashman KD, Eiríksdottir G,
specific contraindications against such treatment. At the Gaksch M, Grübler M, Grimnes G, Gudnason V, Lips P,
very least, such strategies would help to reduce the Pilz S, van Schoor NM, Kiely M, Jorde R. Non-skeletal
burden of established adverse consequences of health effects of vitamin D supplementation: A
widespread vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency, which systematic review on findings from meta-analyses
would be a great achievement by itself.” summarizing trial data. PLoS One. 2017 Jul
7;12(7):e0180512. [PubMed]
13. Vankadari N, Wilce JA. Emerging WuHan (COVID-19)
References coronavirus: glycan shield and structure prediction of
spike glycoprotein and its interaction with human CD26.
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nutrient with versatile functions in nearly all organs. Int J
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4. Halfon M, Phan O, Teta D. Vitamin D: a review on its patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized
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direct target of the vitamin D receptor and is strongly up- 17. Yisak H, Ewunetei A, Kefale B, Mamuye M, Teshome F,
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FASEB J. 2005 Jul;19(9):1067-77. [PubMed] COVID-19 Infection and Prognosis: A Systematic
7. Wang TT, Dabbas B, Laperriere D, Bitton AJ, Soualhine Review. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2021 Jan 7;14:31-
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NOD2/CARD15-defensin beta2 innate immune pathway Evidence from Epidemiological and Intervention Studies
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Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 17

“You survived every single thing you thought you wouldn’t.”
– Kareem Burke

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, bones

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Alan Aragon’s Research Review – April 2021 [Back to Contents] Page 18

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