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These are groups that see the Wittgensteins as a

threat to their operations, and wish to ensure no-

The Barony of Wittgendorf has been plagued by warp-taint for more
one else controls these lands, including the ‘Forces
than a century. After Dagmar von Wittgenstein located and brought a
of Law’. Their mission is to eliminate the
warpstone meteorite to the castle for study. The effects of the warpstone
Wittgensteins, as well as raiding and razing the
since then have corrupted the land around. Produce dwindled and
castle. If more than one warband plays this role,
mutated, and the rate of mutant births also went up. Its effect on the
they are allied with each other, but may break their
Wittgensteins, causing severe mutation and insanity, forced them to
alliance later on during the game. Warbands must
retreat into seclusion and inbreeding within the castle grounds, for the
sake of secrecy. The family’s position of power, and the fact Wittgendorf be following “The Raiders”, “The Smugglers”, or any
other non-Lawful warband.
was now a poor backwater allowed them to keep most interlopers from
Models can be deployed outside the walls of the
prying too much into their affairs.
Outer Bailey (as indicated on the map, 16” or more
Recently, Dagmar’s great-great-granddaughter Margritte has found
away from non-allied models and all within 10” of
her ancestor’s notes and the lead casket which contained the warpstone in
each other) or on the river near the dock (see map).
the vaults of the castle. Over the years she has mastered the necromantic
Models deployed on the dock may deploy with any
arts and has harnessed the power of the stone to energize her creations,
boats they may have, or with two free rafts (for this
and obtain raw materials from already tainted peasant stock. Not
battle only).
obviously externally mutated herself, she has been accumulating influence
Models may be distributed between these two
locally and amassing a cadre of followers. She is now looking to expand
locations, but if more than one warband is playing
her influence further by aligning herself with groups interested in using
this role, then one warband must fully deploy at the
the warpstone’s power, for which she can charge exhorbitant rates.
docks, and no other warband can deploy there.

You will need a 4’x6’ table to set up the castle itself, and a smaller These are a coalition that has tracked down the
2’x2’ table for the underground dock and tunnels below the castle. Refer source of the corruption and aims to kill or arrest
to the maps in the next page to see the layout and how you should place the Wittgensteins, and retake the tainted castle.
the castle walls and buildings. They are allied with each other, and cannot break
Place a number of crates, tents and other props in the Outer Bailey: this their alliance. Any Lawful warbands, plus any
is where the beggars are holed up. Place also D3+2 powder kegs and D3 warbands following “The Wardens” or “The Zealots”
Crates of Cargo inside the barracks building. Place several trees and objectives, must belong to the ‘Forces of Law’. They
shrubs outside the castle walls: the castle hasn’t been well maintained are set up outside the Outer Bailey as indicated on
and the usually cleared perimeter has become overgrown. the map, at least 16” away from any non-allied
Place a large, 3-story building inside the Inner Bailey: this is the Manor models. Distribute four ladders and two powder
House. If your building does not have accessible interiors, you can kegs among the ‘Forces of Law’ warbands..
represent the rooms inside the house in a separate table using
WarhammerQuest tiles or similar, or the tiles provided at the end of this
supplement. The Inner Bailey also has a smaller building, where a
Temple to Slaanesh is located, and a 2”x2” wide pit in the center of the These are skulking groups that covet the warpstone
courtyard. meteorite in Margritte’s possession. They have
Finally, you will need a 2’x2’ space for the castle underground, set up as tracked it down, and have discovered the secret
the map shows. access tunnels leading to the castle. Only one
warband plays this role, and if there is anyone
following “The Host of Horrors” objective, they
Warbands and Setup should fill it. Otherwise, any other Evil warband
This scenario must be played between four teams of players: one (especially Chaos) should fill it.
made up of defenders, and 3 teams of attackers (which may or may not The ‘Warpstone Hunter’ warband is deployed in the
be hostile to each other). Warbands should be split in number as equally Tunnel Entry in the underground table (see map),
as possible in 3 parts, between the Defenders, Forces of Law, and Rivals all within 6” of the edge of the entrance.
+ Warpstone Hunters. (eg. If 6 players participate, 2 should be Defenders,
2 should be Forces of Law, one should be Rivals and one should be
Warpstone Hunters). They must deploy in the order as follows:
These models are under the control of the House
Guard warbands.
Place Margritte, the Wittgenstein Monster and 4
Defending warbands can fill one of two roles: zombies in the Manor’s laboratory. The room should
House Guard: These are on Wittgenstein payroll and are loyal to have a window or balcony through which Margritte
Margritte. They are allied with each other and with the Castle Guests, can cast her spells on models in the courtyard of the
and cannot break their alliance. They may be any non-lawful warbands Inner Bailey. Additionally, place the Ogre Slagdarg
following “The Seekers” or “The Smugglers”, or in absence of that, any in the Torture Room in the underground table.
non-lawful Human warband (including unscrupulous warbands Also, deploy D3+2 Mutants in the courtyard of the
following “The Sellswords” objectives). They can deploy in the Outer Outer Bailey: these are the beggars of the castle,
Bailey and in the Guardhouse at the docks and any wagons/animals which Margritte keeps so she can regularly
they own must be deployed in the Stables of the Outer Bailey. experiment on them. They are not controlled by any
Castle Guests: These are guests that Margritte wishes to make player, but may be persuaded to join a cause or may
alliances with. They are allied with each other, and with the House be abducted.
Guard and Margritte, but may break any of their alliances if they wish.
They must be Chaos-worshippers or any other non-Lawful warband that Finally, deploy any models with Infiltration or
is not Greenskins or Skaven. They can deploy inside the Manor House or similar abilities. They can deploy anywhere they
anywhere in the Inner Bailey, and any wagons/animals they own must wish on the main table, but not inside the manor
be deployed in the Stables of the Outer Bailey. house, chapel, or underground table.
Inner Bailey Outer Bailey

2+ story
Temple building

Forces of
Bridge and
Pit Tower ➢Deploy House Rivals
Manor Guard here here

House ➢Deploy Main

Guests Gate
3-story Stables
building here

Down to

Underground : River Gate River

6” channel
Note: this layout is a suggestion. Any model
to Torture dock house with 2-3 floors and enough rooms will do
Temple room + fine, as long as rooms marked “?” are isolated
prisoners rooms (not corridors).

Manor House - ground floor

to outer shallow
bailey water ? room
? to 1st

➢Warpstone Hunters enter here ➢Deploy Rivals’ ? room

boats here

2nd floor 1st floor

? Laboratory ? ?
room room room
to ground
Margritte’s Window
room /balcony

to 2nd Margritte ? ?
floor and Monster room room
start here
“Many had family members taken by the Lady to live in the castle… We don’t know
what’s happened to them!”
- Herbert Marcuse, Innkeeper

“Assaulting the castle head-on won’t work unless you can somehow open the gates
from the inside, or lower ropes down to allow others to scale the walls. Infiltrating
someone inside would prove most useful. You can always try to blow up the main
gate, if you can weather a missile attack!”
- Hilda Eysenck, Outlaw

Starting the Game Underground Events: this scenario does not make
Warpstone Hunters start first, followed by Rivals or Forces of Law use of the Random Events table. When an
(decide randomly which starts first), and finally all the defending underground tile is entered for the first time by a
warbands. Allied warbands should take their turn at the same time. warband, roll a D6. On a 1, something happens! Roll
It is advised that Attacking warbands have a plan in advance to enter a D6 and consult on the table below.
the castle: either siege ladders (or good climbers), models with 1-Skulking Mutant. The mutant Brutagh lives
Infiltration or lots of powder kegs, to blow up the gates! in these tunnels, and has been carefully spying
the invaders. It climbs along ceilings silently,
Special Rules until he is ready to strike. This unfortunate
model is now its victim: the model must make an
Sentries: All defending models deployed in the Outer Bailey are
I test or become Brutagh’s strangulation victim.
unaware of the creeping attackers, so they cannot move normally. The
Roll a T test: if the model fails you must roll for
controller of each such model must roll a dice for each of their models in
Injury with a +2 to the roll. If the model is not
their movement phase: on a 6 they can move the model normally, on a 1
taken Out of Action, in its next turn if there are
an attacking warband gets to move the model, on a 2-5 they don’t move
no friendly models within 2” of it then it is killed
that turn. Once an attacking model is within line of sight (or if hidden,
by Brutagh and taken back ot his lair (remove the
within the model’s detection limit), and the sentry model is not stunned
model from the roster). If the model succeeds, he
or knocked down, at the end of their turn they can sound the alarm! On
can make an attack against Brutagh. Brutagh
their next turn, all sentry models can move freely.
has WS4, T3 and W1. If reduced to 0 wounds,
Models in the Inner Bailey and Underground may move normally from
Brutagh is quickly dispatched. If he survives,
the start of the game, as they have either been alerted by the Countess’
Brutagh slinks back into the shadows waiting for
scryings or have heard footsteps down the tunnels.
its next victim…
2-Lashworm. A model must succeed on an I test
Gates & Walls: There is one reinforced main gate leading into the
or be grabbed by the worm: they will become
Outer Bailey, another in the Bridge Gate, and another at the entrance
knocked down. The worm will then try to drag
of the Inner Bailey. All gates are T7 W4, and can be opened from the
the model down its burrow at the beginning of
inside by spending the entire turn doing nothing else. Above each gate
each of the model’s movement phases: the model
(inside the gate-tower, or the crenellations above it) place a Cauldron of
must succeed on a S test or be dragged down into
Oil (see Encampment Gear), which can be used by defenders.
the depths (remove it from your roster), otherwise
If you detonate more than one powder keg within 1” of a gate, add +1 to
it stays knocked down. Friendly models may
the Strength of the explosions (each one normally explodes for D3 S6
move into contact with the fallen model and try to
hits) for each barrel beyond the first (to a maximum of S8). Walls are
cut them free in the combat phase: the worm’s
too smooth to be climbed normally, but can be scaled normally with
body has T3 and W2, attacks hit automatically.
Rope & Hook or climbing skills (Scale sheer surfaces and Wall-walker),
If reduced to 0 wounds, the worm slinks back to
or with ladders.
its hole and releases the model.
Models on top of the walls can also lower a Rope and Hook down,
3- Rats! D3 Giant Rats are placed in base
allowing models underneath them outside the wall to climb even if the
contact with the model (count as charging). Other
vertical distance would be too high for their Move characteristic.
models can move in to help (count as charging).
The Mutant Beggars: these poor sods are terrified and aren’t much 4-5- A spooky noise! If the model fails on a Ld
help to anyone. However, any model within 2” of them can, if they test it must flee straight backwards 2D6”.
succeed on a Ld test with a -3 penalty to Ld, convince them to act in 6-Sconce. A torch is set on this wall! It
their behalf. If they succeed, they can recruit them to their side, and illuminates a 6” radius, but can also be grabbed
will control them for the rest of the battle. by a model.
They follow the rules for Townspeople, but have only S2 T2 and Ld 5
(their mutations aren’t really useful in combat).

Dark Underground: The underground passage connects the Outer Bailey to

the basement of the Manor House, and can be used as a way around the gates
to the Inner Bailey.
There is no light in the underground, except for the river, dock, Guardroom,
Torture Chamber and Stairwell. Models have zero line of sight, and can only
detect models within the detection range for finding hidden models. Skaven,
Undead, Goblins, Ghouls and Dwarfs add +6” to this detection range when in
darkness. Models in the dark with lit torches consider their entire detection
range (including the bonus from torch) as illuminated and fully within line of
sight. Models can still try to shoot at a target they cannot see but can detect,
but take a -2 To Hit penalty.
Fall Back! Defending warbands are Temple: this former chapel to
surrounded, but they also hold defensive Sigmar has been desecrated and
positions. Whenever their warband would fail a turned into a temple to Chaos. Any
Rout test, instead of removing the models from model entering there will notice a
the board, they will fall back to the next sweet-smelling mist throughout the
defensible position. They will flee 2D6” (as if chapel, a discordant music playing
they had failed an All Alone test) each turn, and a few people slumped and
going by the shortest route, until they reach the writhing along the ground. Any
next position (see below). model inside which is not a Daemon
If they were in the Outer Bailey, they will fall or Undead must make a Ld test
back to the BridgeTower. If they were in the each turn, or become affected with
BridgeTower, they will fall back to the Inner Stupidity.
Bailey. If they were in the Underground, they The condition lasts until they spend
will fall back above-ground through the closest an entire turn outside. When a
stairwell (either to the Outer Bailey or to the model rolls for ‘drooling’ for a second
Manor house). If they were in the Inner Bailey time inside the temple, they also
they will fall back to the manor house. Once in become knocked down.
the manor house, they will progressively fall In one corner of the temple place a
back one floor upwards, until they are on the marker: this is the trapdoor to the Underground table.
same floor as the Countess. On one side of the temple is an organ playing by itself, the source of
They will fall back the first time if below 75% of the mesmerizing music. It can be attacked and destroyed, but it will
their number (as usual per routing rules), the attack back with tentacles manifested from unknown places.
second time below 50% of their number, and a Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
final time if below 25% of their number. The Daemonic Organ 4 3 0 4 5 3 23 5
The Pit: this pit is located in the middle of the
Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Immune to Critical Hits,
Inner Bailey. Down in the pit is where Lady
Margritte throws her failed experiments. Immune to Poison and Diseases.
Anyone falling in there (it’s 6” deep) is
immediately charged by an immobile Chaos Once reduced to zero wounds
Spawn that has W6 and 2D6 attacks. There is a it is destroyed (do not roll for
rope ladder leading out of the pit, so models can Injury). The music stops and
safely climb out without needing to test. Models the mesmerizing effect
within 2” of the pit can, instead of their attacks disappears.
in close combat, try to shove opponents into the
pit: roll To Hit, and then instead of rolling To There are D3+1 cultists of
Wound both models roll D6+their S and Chaos here lying on the floor
compare the results. If the attacking model writhing in esctasy: they are
succeeds, he pushes his opponent into the pit. Stunned, and will not
recover for the duration of
the battle. They can be
taken as hostages, or put
under arrest.

Once the Organ is destroyed,

any attacking model may
spend one turn inside without doing anything.
If so, at the end of the turn the model may collect D3+1 Unholy
Relics, D3+1 Wyrdstone shards. They will also find the trapdoor
which leads to the Underground.

Torture Room: the Torture Room is

located in the underground tunnels, near
the basement of the Manor House. The
torturer, the Ogre Slagdarg (use the
statistics of an Ogre Slaver Hired Sword),
was in the middle of some torturing when
the attack started: place D3 prisoners
chained to the walls (count as hostages).
Slagdarg is controlled by the House
Guard warbands, and can move normally
from the start of the game.
Burning Down the House! The Manor House can be set The Wittgenstein Monster: Margritte’s
on fire. It follows the normal rules for burning buildings, experiments have culminated in a large monstrosity, made
except that as the house is so big the fire takes much from several body parts, and powered by warpstone.
longer to spread. When placing Fire markers, place them in The Monster is controlled by the House Guard warbands. It
the room where the fire was started. Use the table below can move normally from the beginning of the game. It has
instead of the usual Burning Building table. the following stats:

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
D6+Fire Markers Result . The Wittgenstein Monster 4 3 0 4 5 3 2 3 5
1 Gone Out. The fire has gone out (as per the
Burning House table entry). Weapons/armor: massive fists and claws!
2-3 Burning Room. Models in the same room as a Special Rules
Fire marker are affected as per Rising Flames. Cause Fear, Immune to Psychology, Immune to
4-5 Expanding Flames. As per the Rising Flames Poison, Large Target, counts as undead.
entry, but the effect applies to the whole floor No Pain: the Monster treats Stunned results as Knocked
where Fire markers have been placed. Down.
6-7 Rising Flames. As per the Burning House entry. Automaton: the Monster can only be directed by Margritte.
8-9 Raging Inferno. As per the Burning House If the Monster is more than 6” away from her at the
entry. beginning of its turn, roll a D6. On a 1-2 the Monster stands
10+ Collapse. As per the Burning House entry. confused, and does nothing that turn; on a 3-4 the Monster
stumbles D6” in a random direction (stopping 1” from any
The Inhabitants of the house can try to put out fires. The intervening model), on 5-6 the Monster charges the nearest
House has 6 Inhabitants (see The Manor House rules on enemy model.
the right) that are scattered throughout the rooms of the Powered: the Monster is powered by a shard of wyrdstone
house. They can scurry up and down the house as needed to be brought to life. Should the Monster be taken Out of
to put out fires, but until they are found in their rooms, do Action, the model who took it down receives a shard of
not represent them with models on the table. wyrdstone.
As long as there is one Inhabitant, or any defending model
that did nothing during that turn, at the end of the turn The Manor House: the large manor has many rooms, and
roll a D6 for each Inhabitant or defending model that also has lots of knick-knacks, luxury items and even sources of
didn’t do anything. For each roll of 5+, remove 1 fire arcane lore lying around: attacking warbands may be
marker from the Manor. If all markers are removed in this interested in pilfering some of it. There are 6 Inhabitants
manner, the fire is extinguished. living within in total, ready to defend the house against
If the Manor fully burns down, all models inside suffer the intruders: they are the Wittgenstein nobility and their
consequences of a collapsed building. servants, suffering from mutation for generations. The
The Inhabitants can be eliminated by finding them in the House Guard warband should note the number of remaining
rooms of the house (see the Manor House Rooms table). Inhabitants in their roster, and keep track of those who have
Gunpowder Plotting. Whenever a powder keg explodes Whenever an attacker model spends at least one turn in any
within a room of the house or the underground, roll a D6. room doing nothing else, roll a D6 and consult the table
On a 4+, the ceiling comes crashing down. All models in the below.
room must succeed on an Initiative test to jump out of the D6 Result
way (to the edge of the area) or suffer D3 S6 hits. Place 1-2 Trap! As the Standard Trap
markers to denote the rubble: the area is now impassable. Underground Event in the Undertown
If the models underneath haven’t been taken out of action, scenario.
they are now under the rubble and succeed on a T test at 3-4 Nothing of value inside.
the beginning of their turn or lose one Wound, until they go 5 A few valuables worth 2D6 Gc.
Out of Action or escape. They can escape by succeeding on 6 A Treasure!
a Initiative test at a -2 penalty, or a friendly model
adjacent to the rubble markers succeeds on a Strength test If a room is marked by “ ? ” on
at a -1 penalty. the map, roll a D66 and consult
Whenever a Manor room collapses in this way, roll 2D6. the Manor House Rooms table
For each room already collapsed and Fire marker add +1. in the next page. Mark off each
On a result of 10, the whole Manor House collapses. room already visited: that result
Margritte von Wittgenstein: the young lady cannot be used again. Once in a
Wittgenstein has become an accomplished necromancer, room, any model that spends an
and commands vicious magic. Her model is controlled by entire turn there without doing
the House Guard warbands. She can move normally from anything can also make an
the beginning of the game. The zombies that guard her Initiative test with a -1 penalty
must always try to stay within 6” of her. (having the Seeker or Warpstone
It has the following stats: Hunter rules grants a +1 bonus to
Initiative each).
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld If at least one model succeeds on this
Margritte von Wittgenstein 4 3 3 3 3 2 31 test, roll a D6: if the result is a 6 then the
model has found the Vault! Mark the
Weapons/armor: a dagger. Spells: room, and see the Special Rules for the
Mutations: Blackblood Necromancy: Re-Animation, Lifestealer, Vault in the next page.
Skills: Sorcery, Mind Focus, Spell of Doom If the roll is 1-5, mark the room
Magical Aptitude Lesser Magic: Sword of Rezhebel, Dread indicating that the Vault is not here (no
of Aramar. more searches can be made there).
When a room marked with ‘?’ is first entered by an attacker model, roll a D66 and consult the table below.
‘Room occupants’ that charge the entering model are placed in base contact with it, but other friendly models may
move into base contact with occupant models on that turn, as if they were charging, to help the entering model.
Mark off each room result already visited: that result cannot be used again.

11-14 - Taxidermist’s room: this room belongs to Kurt 36-44 - Garderobe and storage room: nothing but
von Wittgenstein, a deranged 4-armed mutant who the bathroom and storage rooms. A model can collect
delights in stuffing his dead victims and collecting them as D3+1 Cargo crates from here.
his “friends”. Place a model representing Kurt in contact
with the entering model: they are now in close combat. 45-52 - Chiming Room: This is where the family
keeps memorabilia, such as musical instruments,
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld knick-knacks and mountains of clocks. For each
Kurt von Wittgenstein 4 4 2 3 3 1 4 3 7 model that spends a turn there, roll a D6. On a 1-2,
Kurt is armed with a dagger in each hand, so he has a the model steps on something or leans into a lever,
total of 4 attacks. If defeated, scratch one Inhabitant from and acciddentaly trigger a mechanism! Roll a D6:
the roster. 1-2: Deafening Chimes. All the clocks in the room set
off at the same time, ringing deafeningly throughout
15-22 - Lady Ingrid’s room: this is the room of the the room. All models within must succeed on a T test
Baroness, Lady Ingrid von Wittgenstein. She is completely or suffer from Stupidity until their next turn.
deranged, but poses little threat. Her mutated cats, 3-4: Cuckoo Clock. A large 3-ft long wooden cuckoo
however, are a different story. Place D2 Pumas (Hunting statuette flies out of one of the larger clocks, striking
Cats) in base contact with the entering model (these are the model square in the face. The model suffers a S3
the biggest ones). Furthermore, all entering models inside hit.
the room suffer a S1 hit each turn (no criticals) from 5-6: Clockwork Knights. Two life-sized mechanical
smaller (but no less weird) mutated cats. Once the Large knight figures, each carrying a mallet, slide out of
cats are defeated, entering models can immediately arrest two tall clocks, along a groove on the ground,
or kill Lady Ingrid: scratch one Inhabitant from the roster. speeding towards each other. And the model
When searching this room, roll 2 dice for each search. happens to stand in the middle! The model must
Models can also grab jewelry worth 40+D6x10gc. succeed on an I test or suffer two S5 hits.

23-31 Kitchen: two mutants are busy preparing food for When searching this room, roll 2 dice for each
the manor. They strike at the invaders wih abandon, search. You can also collect D3+1 Treasures.
brandishing knives and metal spoons. Place both in
contact with the entering model: they are now in combat. 53-56 - Library: this is Lady Margritte’s library, full
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld of obscure and arcane books. Any model with access
Mutants 4 2 2 2 2 1 31 6 to Academic skills can spend an entire turn doing
One of the mutants seeps a horrendous smell (all nothing within the room, to roll a Ld test (with a -2
models in base contact suffer a -1 penalty To Hit), the penalty) at the end of the turn. The first model to
other Causes Fear. They are each armed with a dagger. succeed finds an interesting book: roll a D6.
Once both mutants are dispatched, scratch two 1: Alchemist’s Notebook 5: Book of the Dead
Inhabitants from the roster. 2-4: Tome of Magic 6: Tome of Daemonology

32-35- Butler’s room: Slurd, the family’s butler, lives in 61-66-Servant’s Hall: this dingy room is where the
this room. He is old and not particularly aware, and quite servants of the manor live. Currently, one of them is
mad. Use the statistics above for Slurd, but he suffers from bunking here, and is startled by the invaders
Stupidity and his weapon is one of his claws (he takes no barging in. She will charge at the entering model
penalty for not using a weapon). Once he is dispatched, with a cudgel (treat as a club). Use the statistics for
scratch one Inhabitant from the roster. the mutants above. If dispatched, scratch off one
Inhabitant from the roster.

The Vault: this secret cache is where the

Wittgenstein family keeps their valuables.
Currently, it holds 50+D6x10gc worth of jewelry and
D3+1 Treasures, but most importantly it contains a
Smuggler’s Box with a Warpstone Meteorite inside!!
The box can be carried like a large crate by two
models, but if one of the models is attacked while
carrying it, roll a D6 to see if the box tumbles open.
On a 1 the box opens and the meteorite rolls out,
showering everyone with warp energies! All models
within 6” must immediately roll on the Warp-touch
table. After that, only models holding the meteorite
(such as to put it back into the box) must roll for
warp-touch. The meteorite can be carried by two
models just like the box.
Winning the Game +1 Survives. If a Hero or a Henchmen group survives the battle
Each of the roles/factions in the scenario have they gain +1 Experience.
specific goals they need to achieve in order to +1 per enemy Out of Action. A Hero earns +1 Experience for each
win. enemy model he puts Out of Action.
The Game ends when there is only one faction +1 Winning Leader. Each warband leader in the winning faction
on the table that has not routed. gains +1 Experience.
+1 Bodyguards. Each leader of the defending warbands earns +1
The House Guard and Guests of the Castle:
Experience if Lady Margritte has not been taken Out of Action by
the defending warbands win if they rout all
the end of the game.
other warbands, Lady Margritte is alive and
+1 Indomitable. Each defending Hero and Henchman group that is
enemy warbands do not have possession of the
not out of action or fleeing by the end of the game gains +1
warpstone meteorite.
If other warbands rout but one of them stole the
meteorite, then this faction achieves a draw. +1 The Lady is dead! The Hero that takes Lady Margritte Out of
If Lady Margritte dies, this faction Action gains +1 extra Experience.
automatically loses. +1 Cleanse the Taint! A Hero from the Forces of Law that sets fire
to the Temple, or takes Kurt, Lady Ingrid or the Wittgenstein
Forces of Law: this faction wins if the Temple Monster Out of Action, earns +1 extra Experience.
has collapsed (or is on fire by the end of the
battle), Lady Margritte is taken Out of Action, +1 Conquerors! The Rivals warband earns +1 Experience for each
and they prevent the warpstone meteorite from enemy warband that routs before they do, as long as one or more of
being in the hands of either the defenders or the their Heroes were in close combat with one or more models from
Warpstone Hunters. If they succeed on taking that warband when they rout. Divide up these Experience points
Margritte out of action but fail to retrieve the among the warband’s Heroes as equally as possible, at the end of
meteorite OR the the Temple still stands, then the battle.
they only achieve a draw. This faction loses if by +1 Demolitionist. Each Rivals Hero that sets off a powder keg, or
the end of the battle Margritte is still alive and sets fire to the Manor (and the fire is not extinguished), gains +1
not captive or under arrest. Experience.
+1 Warp Finders. The Hero from a Warpstone Hunters warband
Rivals: this faction wins if Lady Margritte is
that finds the meteorite’s Vault earns +1 Experience.
taken Out of Action and they successfully gain +1 Warp Thieves. A Hero from a Warpstone Hunters warband that
control of the Manor House and Inner Bailey (ie.
is carrying the Warpstone Meteorite at the end of the game gains +1
no models from the other factions remain within
them, although they can be underground). It is
irrelevant for them if the Manor has collapsed
or not. Campaign Progress
Warpstone Hunters: this faction wins if they •Defenders of the Empire. Warbands following The Zealots,
escape with the warpstone meteorite off the The Wardens or The Sellswords that are part of the Forces of
table. If they rout while holding the meteorite,
Law team, and win the battle, gain an additional D2+1 CPs.
they still win if models carrying it are out of
charge range of any enemy models. Additionally, they reveal the foul plots going on in Wittgendorf,
If the Manor collapses before the meteorite is and can reconciliate two Factions under Enmity. If the warpstone
found, this faction can only secure victory by meteorite hadn’t been stolen yet, they hand it to the Templars of
being the only warband left standing without Sigmar, who will dispose of it: each warband earns a 30+D6x10 Gc
routing. reward.
If another warband escapes with the meteorite
off the table, or routs while holding the • Conquerors of Wittgendorf. If The Rivals warband wins, it
meteorite outside of charge range of any enemy gains CPs according to its campaign objectives as per attacking a
models, then this faction immediately loses. defensible structure, or if +1 extra CP if not normally part of their
campaign objectives. In addition, the warband acquires a
Barracks encampment (which is razed if the Manor collapsed) and
It is posssible that castle Wittgenstein is also the warpstone meteorite, if it hadn’t been stolen yet.
razed, but the meteorite is left unclaimed
by no warband (such as if it was dropped as • Tear of Morrslieb. If the warband in the Warpstone Hunters
a warband was routing, or the battle ends team is following The Host of Horrors objective and wins, it
in a draw). earns CPs as detailed in their campaign objectives list. Otherwise,
In such a case, any warband following The they have a very valuable meteorite they can sell to someone.
Host of Horrors that can pick “The
Undertown” scenario to play may instead
• Tainted Alliance. If a defending warband wins, they gain +D2
choose to investigate the tunnels
CPs, are paid 50+D3x20 Gc and D3+1 Treasures, and enters a
underneath the castle to try and find the
Vault. They can play “The Undertown” contract with The Wittgensteins Organization. Furthermore, if any
scenario as the defender, trying to find the Hero from the warband that was not undead or a daemon died
‘Warpstone Deposit’ Hidden Room (which permanently after the battle, Margritte uses her necromantic
instead contains the Smuggler’s Box with powers to re-animate them as per The Spell of Awakening, and the
the meteorite inside. model re-joins their warband as a separate henchman group.

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