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January 11, 2021

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to offer a letter of recommendation for Caleb McCartney. Caleb has been a
student of mine now for a year and a half and has taken numerous music electives that I teach at
DuBois Area High School.

Caleb is a student who is consistently trying to make improvements to better himself. From what
I have observed, he doesn’t miss an opportunity to clarify or further his understanding of a
concept that he finds challenging. This is a good quality to have because it shows he is
determined to better himself at whatever he does. Caleb maintains a good balance between
keeping good grades and participation in activities inside and outside of school. Caleb is
involved in the drama department at DAHS. He has acted in numerous productions and is a part
of the school’s drama club. Additionally, he is involved with Concert Choir and Robotics Club.
Through his time in Concert Choir, he has made positive progress and has remained committed
to learning all he can about music to better himself, which even included taking another music
elective, Vocal Methods. Caleb is an avid photographer and is an assistant senior patrol leader in
Scouts. Caleb has also had a job as a carrier for Whitaker LLC since June 2020. Previously, he
was a teacher’s aide at Treasure Lake Church.

I know that Caleb will succeed in his future endeavors. With his determination to learn anything
and everything he puts his mind to, he will overcome obstacles that stand in his way, whether
school-related or throughout life in general.


Nicholas Kloszewski
Director of Choral Activities
DuBois Area High School

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