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SPE 56708

FPSO Trends
B.F. Ronalds, SPE, and E.F.H. Lim, U. of Western Australia

Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

Details of FPSO applications to date are listed in the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Appendix. The sections below summarise the state-of-the-art
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, 3–6 October 1999.
in relation to mechanical and fluid swivels, factors affecting
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of vessel selection, and the increasing applicability of FPSOs to a
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to wide range of field developments.
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Mooring System
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is FPSOs are generally, but not always, held on station by a
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous SPM. This configuration enables the vessel to rotate about a
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. vertical axis such that it always faces into the weather.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Without this weathervaning capability the ship-shaped hull
would experience severe motions under beam seas.
Abstract Components of the mooring system may include:
A review of trends in floating production, storage and • structure linking the hull to the SPM
offloading (FPSO) technology is presented, using an extensive
• rotating connector to allow weathervaning
database of past, current and planned developments around the
• SPM body
world. The review commences with the first FPSOs in the
mid-1970s, explores the stimuli for FPSO development in • one or more anchor-legs linking the SPM body to the
Asia, in particular, over the next two decades and their seabed
widespread acceptance in the North Sea in the late-1990s. • foundation system
Current and future FPSO innovations in both hardware and SPMs were first developed as an anchor point for tankers,
applications are discussed against this background. generally to transfer oil, and have been the subject of
extensive research effort over the years. Early SPMs were
Introduction categorised according to their mooring system as either
Floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) facilities catenary anchored or a single anchor point.
generally comprise a ship-shaped vessel, held on location by a
mooring system. Well fluid is passed from the seabed to the SALM. In a single anchor-leg mooring (SALM), the SPM is
vessel through a fluid transfer system and is processed by attached to the seabed at a single point. This mooring
equipment mounted on the deck. Produced oil is then stored arrangement was first adopted in 1963 in Italy, by using a
in tanks in the hull, awaiting periodic transfer to a shuttle small jacket structure mounted with a rotating head, and
tanker to take it to shore. similar schemes have also been utilised for several FPSOs (eg.
Two key components of the FPSO system are single-point Adanga/Akam/Ebughu in Nigeria4, Fig. 1).
moorings (SPMs) and subsea trees. Both technologies were A very simple form of SALM comprises a single vertical
pioneered by Shell in the early 1960s, and they came together chain connected to a base. The chain remains tensioned and
in 1977 in the prototype FPSO (Castellon), installed offshore essentially vertical due to buoyancy forces generated by a tank
Spain. Shell chose the scheme as the most cost-effective either atop the chain or attached under the mooring yoke (see
system to develop a single well in moderately deep water below). Such a system was adopted for Castellon and the
(117m), remote from pipeline infrastructure for oil export. product riser was clamped to the chain. In a further
Economics were improved by converting a second-hand alternative, the anchor-leg may comprise a rigid riser tube,
tanker, which enabled the scheme to come on stream just 11 connected to the base by a universal joint (eg. Tazerka, Fig. 2).
months after the start of engineering2. The tube may provide buoyancy to assist in keeping the
FPSOs have evolved continuously since the 1970s and are SALM upright and also gives protection to the product risers
now a favoured solution in many petroleum provinces. within.
However, they still constitute only 1% of the world’s offshore The most recent SALM installation on a FPSO is Suizhong
facilities and are yet to find acceptance in the Gulf of Mexico. in 1993. Hondo, in 150m, was the deepest water FPSO
2 B.F. RONALDS, E.F.H. LIM SPE 56708

moored by a SALM.

Fig. 2: Tazerka SALM

Fig.1: Adanga/Akam/Ebughu SALM

CALM. Early catenary anchor-leg mooring (CALM) systems

were developed by Imodco in 1959 and Single Buoy Moorings
(SBM) in 1960. These comprise a shallow-draft buoy that is
held in position by restoring forces generated by the weight of
a number of catenary chains. Cadlao (Fig. 3) is an early
example of a FPSO CALM system; a recent example is the
reuse of the FPSO II vessel in 1997 at South Marlim in 1420m
water depth.

Turret. A later innovation was to adopt a long spar-shaped

buoy, called a riser turret. The Jabiru SPM installed in 1986 is
the first such turret mooring5, although a somewhat similar
Fig. 3: Cadlao CALM
shape had earlier been adopted for offloading systems (eg. From [8]
Brent Spar, 1976). Riser turrets have since been adopted for
three other FPSOs offshore Australia (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4: Griffin FPSO with riser turret

Courtesy BHPP

Further variations arise when the SPM is not a floating valves and a pig receiver.
buoy but is mounted directly on the vessel, either within or A new innovation is the submerged turret, comprising a
external to the hull. Recent examples include Maui B13 in conical-shaped buoy that locks into a recess in the underside
1996 (Fig. 5) and Escravos in 1997. These turrets are located of the hull. Like other SPMs, it was first used for shuttle
well above waterline and so care must be taken to guard tankers and floating storage units (FSUs). Its first application
against contact between the mooring lines and the hull. Other on a FPSO is Lufeng (1997).
external turrets extend down into the water – Nilde (1987)
offshore Italy was the first example, and this facility is
currently being reused at the Aquila field in 850m water.

Fig. 5: Maui B external turret

Courtesy Shell Todd Oil Services

Petrojarl 1, commissioned in 1986, utilised the first

internal turret mooring. To date, all moored FPSOs in UK and
Norwegian waters have internal or submerged (see below)
turrets. Through this, internal turrets have become the most
popular mooring type (Table 1).

Table 1
FPSO Moorings

Mooring Number

CALM 12 Fig. 6: Bottom mounted internal turret
Riser turret 4 Courtesy SBM
External turret 7
Internal turret 22 Mechanical connection between hull and SPM body. In its
Submerged turret 2 simplest form, the mechanical link between the vessel and an
Spread 9
external SPM might be just a hawser. In this case the vessel
DP 2
may also require an independent station-keeping method,
Total 69 using its thrusters and/or a tug boat where necessary to ensure
it does not collide with the SPM. This system is generally
There are many internal turret arrangements (eg. Fig. 6). restricted to loading/offloading purposes, but has also been
The anchor chain table is typically at the bottom. The risers adopted for extended well tests (EWT), eg. Liuhua (1988)7.
are pulled through guide tubes and hung off at a riser Where a more permanent mooring system is required, an
termination deck, and fluid lines are combined at a manifold A-framed yoke may be used to make the mechanical
deck. Above this are the swivel stack and gantry structure. connection, and the SPM provides positive anchorage for the
The bearing system may be located at deck level and/or within vessel. This system was first used for an oil terminal in 19732.
the hull. Other equipment housed in the turret may include Early yokes were often either “soft” (eg. Adanga/Akam/
chain and riser winches, production and test manifolds, ESD Ebughu, Fig. 1) or incorporated hinges at their connections to
4 B.F. RONALDS, E.F.H. LIM SPE 56708

the vessel to accommodate relative heave and pitch motions nectable mooring systems have been adopted to date to enable
between the SPM and the ship (eg. Tazerka, Fig. 2). FPSOs to avoid cyclonic conditions off North West Australia,
Riser turrets and external turrets are connected to the hull typhoons in the South China Sea, and ice off Canada and in
through a rigid arm; the turret then heaves with the vessel. Bohai Bay. A disconnectable FPSO may readily return to port
Riser turrets are generally suspended below the rigid arm via for class reinspection (which allows a lower design service
an articulated joint to allow angle changes in the vertical plane life) or for upgrades.
in addition to weathervaning. External and internal turrets are In environments like the North Sea where hostile weather
founded directly on the arm or hull structure through a system is more prevalent, permanent connections are designed to
of bearings. withstand extreme storms, because disconnection would give
excessive down-time. The cost advantage of a disconnectable
Mooring lines. Turrets are generally held on station through a mooring also tends to diminish in deeper water and with more
series of mooring lines which hang off the chain table and are risers.
anchored at their base by either drag embedment anchors, The first use of a disconnectable turret mooring system
piles, suction anchors or gravity bases. In moderate to deep was on Jabiru (1986)5. Disconnection occurs immediately
water the lines typically comprise both chain and wire below the universal joint and the riser turret then drops down
segments. Wire rope is cheaper and lighter than chain. to its position of neutral buoyancy, avoiding the possibility of
However, the robustness of chain is advantageous at rubbing recontact with the vessel.
points at the top and bottom terminations of the mooring and Huizhou, offshore China, adopted the first disconnectable
in the touchdown region. The chain and wire lengths may be internal turret mooring in 19906. In this system the mooring
tuned to optimise the restoring response. lines and risers are hung off a buoyant tank which clamps into
The Fife field development in 1995 pioneered a new the base of the internal turret. The submerged turret concept
mooring arrangement where the lines are concentrated in three adopted for Lufeng also has rapid disconnection capability.
groups at 120 degrees spacing17. The wide arcs between Rapid disconnect systems have additionally been
mooring groups may enable a greater number of risers to be developed for several SALMs, beginning with Weizhou
installed and are of assistance when performing additional (1986). The extremely shallow water at Gombe Beta dictated
riser tie-ins at a later date. a disconnectable spread mooring which is activated when the
mooring line loads become excessive.
Spread Mooring. FPSOs may be held in position by a spread
mooring system rather than a SPM in locations where the Fluid Transfer System
environmental conditions are benign and highly directional, The fluid transfer system generally includes flowlines and
such as Africa and parts of Asia. A spread mooring system risers linking the wells to the SPM body, and a swivel to
generally comprises a number of mooring lines arranged enable the fluid transfer to the vessel. With spread mooring
around both the bow and stern of the FPSO. It was first systems a swivel is unnecessary and the risers simply hang
adopted for Geisum in the Red Sea in 1985 and has since been over the side amidships.
chosen for water depths as shallow as 15m (Gombe Beta, Depending on the field requirements, the system may need
19919) and as deep as 1360m (Girassol, 2001). to transfer the following to or from the vessel:
• well fluid (test and production)
Dynamic Positioning. Small FPSOs used for EWT or for • injection fluids including gas, water and chemicals
draining small fields have relied on dynamic positioning (DP) • export gas (and possibly export oil)
rather than a mooring system to remain on station. Examples • utility and control fluids including hydraulics, air and
include Crystal Sea, commissioned in 1994 for well testing, heating media
and Seillean, developed by BP in 1990 and reused in 1999 in • electric power, communication and control signals
1853m water offshore Brazil19.
Many larger FPSOs, including those designed by Maritime Risers. The vast majority of FPSOs have flexible risers in
Tentech, use DP to assist station-keeping. Active DP reduces order to withstand vessel motions. The flexibility is provided
vessel excursions, facilitating the design of risers and allowing by both material and configuration. Flexibles typically
lighter mooring lines. An additional advantage of thrusters is comprise interlocking steel and plastic layers with steel
that they provide self-propelling capability. Fife (1995) is the armouring to provide strength, and are arranged in catenary
first FPSO in the North Sea to be passively moored without patterns.
DP assistance. However, a number of alternatives exist. With SALMs,
the product risers may be of hard piping with jumper hoses
Disconnectable Moorings. In some circumstances it is across the bottom and/or top articulations (eg. Tazerka).
advantageous to design the mooring and fluid transfer systems Seillean is equiped with a rigid product riser that disconnects
to be readily disconnectable. Disconnectability enables the when its maximum operating conditions are approached.
mooring system to be much lighter in regions that experience In very deep water, further alternatives become technically
harsh environmental conditions only occasionally. Discon- and economically feasible18. In 2001, Girassol will produce

through three self-standing buoyant riser towers, with flexibles

only over the final 50m to the water surface. There are also
proposals to trial steel catenary risers (SCRs) on future
deepwater FPSOs offshore Brazil.

Fluid Swivel. Often fluid is passed across the weathervaning

bearing though swivels. Each swivel comprises an annulus
around which the fluid flows. The inner wall of the annulus is
connected to the SPM body and remains stationary while the
outer wall connects to piping on the vessel and thus rotates
with the ship around the inner wall. Fig. 7 shows the Cossack
Pioneer product swivel stack with five separate toroidal fluid
Many swivel systems can freely weathervane. However,
stern thrusters are commonly incorporated to allow heading
control; for example, when an adjusted heading gives greater
comfort than that taken up naturally by the vessel in a
particular wind, wave and current condition. The turret may
also be locked down to maintain a particular heading, for
example, during offloading.

Drag Chain Transfer System. An alternative transfer system

uses drag chain technology. Here the individual flexible risers
are arranged within the drag chain, which winds or unwinds to
allow a maximum rotation of approximately ±270 degrees
from neutral position11. A large diameter turret is required to
accommodate the high riser rotations. Early drag chain
systems were installed on Petrojarl 1, Gryphon A, Captain and
Balder, and Norne has both drag chain and swivel technology.
Drag chain systems require active rotational control,
provided by thrusters fore and aft. The turret drive system
may include a turning and locking mechanism to overcome the
friction which also tends to rotate the turret as the vessel’s
heading is altered.

Number of Wells, Risers and Articulated Flow Paths. As

subsea and floating production technologies have gained
maturity, FPSOs have been adopted to produce larger and
more complex reservoirs with more wells. The number of
risers and articulated flowpaths has been managed in various
ways by manifolding at the seabed and/or the SPM, and by
bundling risers.
In 1977, Castellon produced from one subsea well through
a flexible riser to a single-bore swivel. Four years later,
Cadlao was producing from two wells. The system included
four flexible risers and a 4-flowpath swivel stack to give
independent production and test lines for each well2.
This approach becomes less feasible, however, with greater
numbers of wells. The next year (1982) Tazerko came on
stream, with the capability to produce from up to eight wells
and the possibility of gas lift or water reinjection. The
solution in this case comprised 24 hard pipe risers inside a
SALM, manifolded at the top (well above waterline) prior to
passing through a 6-path swivel3. Barracuda’s P34 (1997) has Fig. 7: Wanaea/Cossack swivel stack
Courtesy SBM
6 B.F. RONALDS, E.F.H. LIM SPE 56708

23 product risers together with 11 umbilicals to serve 11 developed recently in the North Sea using FPSOs, but larger
individual wells scattered around the field. A manifold deck vessels have been adopted to maximise the offloading interval
in the turret reduces the fluid paths to single production, test and also because some offtake tankers may be bigger than
and gas lift lines to enable a 6-path multi-product swivel, those in the North Sea. These FPSOs are generally
including two spares13. Marlim’s P35 accommodates the conversions rather than new-buildings and so the cost penalty
largest number (47) of flexible risers and umbilicals to date. of a larger vessel may not be high. Table 3 illustrates the
In various other recent developments, the trees have been relationship between production rate and vessel size for typical
grouped in drilling centres, facilitating manifolding at the large FPSOs in various regions.
seabed to reduce the number of flexible risers (Table 2). Other factors that may influence the chosen vessel size
Foinaven, for example, includes 14 production and 8 injection include the volumes of off-specification product requiring
wells, reducing to 10 risers and then a 6-path swivel. Swivel temporary storage, and sea-keeping requirements.
volumes and pressure ratings have increased markedly in
recent years to accommodate these requirements, although Deck Layout. Two FPSO layouts have evolved from
riser diameters are still limited in very deep water. Griffin different sources: tankers and drillships.
(Fig. 4) represents an intermediate layout with some seabed Many FPSO conversions are from tankers (one notable
manifolding. In its namesake, Gryphon, 23 flowlines and 14 exception is Foinaven). For tankers, the living quarters are at
umbilicals are bundled together to form 6 large risers. the stern of the vessel, where there is little spray or green
water and reduced heave. A natural location for the SPM in a
Vessel converted FPSO is the bow as it enables the vessel to continue
Storage Capacity. Important determinants of a FPSO’s to head into the weather. As long as the wind is nearly co-
required storage capacity are the production rate, and the size directional with the effective environmental force, helicoptors
and availability of offtake tankers. In the North Sea, FPSOs are able to approach upwind, but this also puts the
may have dedicated shuttle tankers regularly performing the accommodation and temporary refuge downwind of the SPM
round trip to a relatively nearby oil terminal. The FPSO and process deck. For the early facilities FPSO II and FPSO
therefore only needs storage capacity for a few days, VI, SBM therefore adopted a stern external mooring after its
depending on the frequency of tanker visits and including a feasibility was proved in model testing1.
buffer so that production may continue with late arrival or in Amidships has optimum pitch response and is therefore the
bad weather when offloading is not possible. Schiehallion, ideal location for motion-sensitive process equipment. It may
currently the largest FPSO in the North Sea, has a storage also be a good place for an internal SPM, to minimise first
capacity of 0.95 million barrels. order excitation of the mooring system and risers, and with
In more remote areas like Africa, the sailing time to an oil sufficient beam to accommodate a large turret. In Maritime
terminal may be much greater. Tankers are likely to be Tentech designs, beginning with Petrojarl 1, the internal turret
chartered as required, and a much larger ratio of storage to is placed just forward of amidships (Fig. 8), following the
production rate is therefore desirable. Production rates are tradition of drillships15. However an amidships turret location
typically smaller in these regions than for the major fields may have a number of potential disadvantages, including:
Table 2
Relationships between Number of Wells, Risers and Articulated Flowpaths

Field Water First Recoverable Peak Wells Risers Umbilicals Product Swivel
Depth Oil Oil Oil Production Injection Fluid Max
Reserves Production Paths Diameter
(m) (MMbbl) (k.bbl/d) (in)

Castellon 114 1977 40 20 1 0 1 1 4

Cadlao 96 1981 30 2 Possible 4 4 6
Tazerka 140 1982 10 20 8 Possible 24 6 4
Gryphon 120 1993 96 55 8 6 6 2
Griffin 130 1994 117 80 9 1 14 5
Fife 70 1995 30 50 4 3 9 4 4
Wanaea/Cossack 80 1995 239 115 9 0 7 2 5 12
Liuhua 11-1 310 1996 200 65 20 0 3 3 12
Lufeng 22-1 330 1997 33 40 5 0 2 2 2 7
Norne 380 1997 470 173 7 7 9 3 5 12
Barracuda P34 835 1997 30 11 0 23 11 6
Foinaven 460 1997 233 100 14 8 10 2 6 16
Schiehallion 400 1998 450 142 16 13 14 5
Asgard 280 1999 830 200 40 19 16 5 12

Table 3
Relationships between Peak Production and Vessel Size

Region Field Vessel Storage Peak Oil Ratio New-build

Size Production
(k.dwt) (MMbbl) (k.bbl/d) (days)

North Sea Schiehallion 154 0.95 142 7 Yes

Australia Wanaea/Cossack 152 1.10 115 10 No
Asia Huizhou 255 1.45 80 18 No
Brazil Albacora (P31) 282 2.00 100 20 No
Africa Ukpokiti 275 1.70 20 85 No

• little propensity to weathervane, commonly requiring stream in 1986 and, since then, have become an important
thrusters feature of the industry. Conversions have also remained
• significant hull strengthening to support the turret and popular, however (Fig. 9). Around 60% of the FPSOs coming
compensate for loss of hull continuity in a region of high on stream in 1997-99 are converted either from tankers or
bending moment from other field locations; the only region where conversions
• significant hull deformations under overall hogging and and reuse do not dominate the market is the North Sea. The
sagging which may affect the operation of the turret UK has now seen four conversions, all in the period 1995-97,
bearings but there is yet to be one in Norway.
• significant loss of oil storage capacity Conversions often have an external SPM, with the yoke
• splitting of the process plant configured to facilitate attachment to an existing vessel. New-
These effects are mitigated by placing the internal turret at build FPSOs, in contrast, commonly have internal turrets.
the bow; Anasuria (1996) is the first new-building in which However, there are numerous exceptions to these trends. For
this location was adopted. With an internal bow turret the example, the new-build Australian FPSOs Challis (1989) and
quarters are at the stern; however, for all other new-buildings Griffin (1994) have a SALM and riser turret, respectively.
they are located at the bow. In several very recent designs, eg. The first conversion to have an internal turret fitted was
Varg and Jotun (both 1999), the turret is located well forward Huizhou in 1990.
of amidships and immediately behind the accommodation Major field developments in harsh environments are likely
(separated only by a fire and blast wall), as a compromise to be new-buildings. Purpose-built vessels may be designed
between the various conflicting layout criteria. with the strength, fatigue and operating performance required
at the location. Although immobilised vessels are currently
New-buildings and Conversions. With FPSOs traditionally exempt from MARPOL requirements for a double hull,
being converted from oil tankers, they have ship-shaped steel double-sided FPSOs are now expected in a number of
hulls. A notable exception is Ardjuna (1976), commonly countries. Double sides safeguard against oil spillage in the
considered to be the world’s first FPSO, which was a purpose- event of a collision or other damage. The wing tanks can
built concrete barge. The first new-build steel FPSOs came on carry segregated ballast and, with the hull stiffening on the

Fig. 8: Gryphon vessel

8 B.F. RONALDS, E.F.H. LIM SPE 56708

Table 4
FPSO Reuse

Vessel Owner Entered Fields


P34 (PP de Moraes) Petrobras 1979 4

FPSO II SBM 1981 3
Acqua Blu Bluewater 1985 2
Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor 1986 7
San Jacinto Oceaneering 1986 3
FPSO Firenze (Agip Firenze) SBM 1987 2
Lan Shui Bluewater 1988 2
Modec Venture 1 (Skua Venture) Modec 1991 2
Ocean Producer Oceaneering 1991 2
Seillean Reading & Bates 1990 3
Armada Perkasa (Red Teal) Bumi Armada 1995 2
Berge Hugin Navion 1997 2

ballast side of the shell, cleaning and inspection of the oil 360m and 1420m water depth with a CALM system10.
storage cargo tanks is facilitated. When there is a requirement Petrojarl 1 has seen extensive reuse, having produced at 7
for double sides, many older tankers are eliminated from locations in the North Sea. These cases demonstrate the
consideration for conversion. feasibility of FPSO reuse, and have led to the concept of an
Conversions are often suited to developments with short “FPSO fleet” (Table 5). With abandonment issues gaining
field life. They are generally quicker than a new-building and increasing profile, they also emphasise the relatively small
the reduced lead-time to first oil improves the rate of return decommissioning costs for FPSOs relative to fixed platforms.
substantially. A short field life is also likely have less
stringent fatigue and corrosion requirements. Ownership and Operatorship. Production platforms are
The trend for ship owners or builders to commence FPSO generally owned by an oil company whereas mobile offshore
fabrication on speculation, eg. Bleo Holm (1998), may units are commonly owned by a contractor and leased by oil
accelerate the delivery of a new-building. In other cases a companies as required. FPSOs fall somewhere in between.
new-build tanker has been used for immediate conversion, eg. Currently around 40% of operating FPSOs are contractor-
Durward/Dauntless and Lufeng (both 1997). owned, with Cadlao (1981) being an early example. It is
As described in Ref. 12, the balance between conversions typical in these cases for the contractor to operate the vessel
and new-buildings will continue to be influenced over time by while the oil company operates the field. However, there is a
the cost, age and suitability of available second-hand tankers trend for increasing responsibility to be taken by the
and demand on the ship-building yards. contractor, eg. Fife (1995), where the FPSO owner is the
safety case duty holder.
Reuse. A further alternative to tanker conversion or a Leasing may be economic for an oil company for fields
purpose-built FPSO is reuse of an existing FPSO. This was with short life or high reservoir uncertainty, or for early
first done at Badejo in 1981 using Petrobras’ PP de Moraes production systems (EPS) and EWT. The contractor is then
FPSO from the Garoupa field. The vessel, which is currently able to spread the facility capital costs over several field
performing an early production role at Barracuda16, has been developments. Large oil companies may achieve the same
moored using four different SPMs in its life: a SALM, two effect internally (eg. Petrobras). Leasing may also be
CALMs and now an internal turret (Table 4). FPSO II, beneficial when the oil company has little experience in FPSO
another early FPSO, has moored at three locations in 96m, operations or is producing in a new region. In Norway, the tax
Table 5 system discourages the use of leased facilities.
Breakdown of FPSO Applications
Field Parameters
Category Number
Location and Size. The first decade of floating production
saw 12 FPSO developments, in Asia, Africa, Southern Europe
Currently Operating 55 and North and South America (Fig. 10). These were generally
Retired 10 small-to-medium oil fields in mild environments and where
Reused 22 infrastructure for pipeline export is limited. 1986 saw a step
Total 87 change in FPSO development with the entry of Golar-Nor’s
Petrojarl 1 vessel to give first production in the North Sea.
FPSO applications then continued relatively steadily over the

New-build SALM
15 Spread Mooring
Conversion Riser Turret
External Turret
1500 Internal Turrret
Submerged Turret

Water Depth (m)




0 0
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Year Year

Fig. 9: Distribution of new-buildings, conversions and reuse Fig. 11: FPSO water depths for various mooring types

through gas lift or reinjection, and similarly with water

North Sea
injection. In each of these cases the gas and water (unlike the
15 America produced oil) must pass back through the fluid transfer system
Australasia to the wells.
South Europe With increasing pressure to monetize associated gas, major
gas export from a FPSO became a reality in Australia in 1994
(Griffin) and 1995 (Wanaea/Cossack). In 1997-99 nearly 40%

of the FPSOs to come on stream have gas export capability.
These include Tantawan (1997), which has been billed as the
first gas FPSO. Again, export occurs via the fluid transfer
system to an export pipeline. In some instances, eg.
MacCulloch (1997), the oil is also exported by pipeline
without utilising the storage capability of the vessel.
Natural gas liquids may be stored and offloaded from a
FPSO in the same way as oil; Skua (1991) was the first FPSO
with plant on board to recover NGLs. At Ardjuna3, and more
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
recently Escravos13, gas is refrigerated on board to produce
Year LPG. (These vessels are sometimes referred to as floating
storage units (FSUs) rather than FPSOs because fluid
Fig. 10: FPSO developments by year and location
processing occurs on a nearby platform.) Several companies
are currently developing schemes by which gas may be chilled
next decade, with the majority being in Asia. Over half of the
to form LNG on a FPSO, or converted to methanol or other
North Sea applications in this period utilised Petrojarl 1, often
forms, allowing gas export without a pipeline.
for EWT or EPS.
The first major field development by FPSO in the UK was
Water Depth. To date, FPSOs have produced in water depths
Gryphon A in 199311. In Norway, Norne (1997) was the first.
ranging between 15m and 1853m (Fig. 11). Mooring and riser
These developments signalled a third era for FPSOs with their
system design presents challenges in both very deep and very
adoption for large fields in harsh environments. The
shallow water. In shallow water it is difficult to build in
production capacity record has been broken regularly since
sufficient flexibility to withstand the motions generated in
1995 (Wanaea/Cossack, Norne, Asgard). The rapid growth of
extreme sea states. The current shallow water limit for a
FPSOs in 1997-99 is due largely to their extensive use in the
FPSO moored permanently in a harsh environment is Fife in
North Sea, along with increasing applications in Brazil.
the North Sea (70m)17, having a ratio of design maximum
wave height to water depth approaching 40%.
Gas Production. The simplest application for a FPSO is to
The trend to produce major fields from FPSOs in ultra-
produce, store and offload oil. In early FPSOs, any associated
deep water and/or harsh environments generates large loads on
gas surplus to power requirements was vented, flared or
the SPM. Internal turrets are more suitable for these
incinerated. More recently such gas has been disposed of by
applications than external turrets (with their less direct load
reinjection. Gas may be beneficial in enhancing oil production
10 B.F. RONALDS, E.F.H. LIM SPE 56708

path through the rigid arm), although the loads may still These three factors have had a major influence on subsequent
present challenges for the design of the turret bearing system. FPSO development.
The effective weight of the risers may be reduced by attaching During 1997-99, the number of FPSOs to come on stream
buoyancy. Suitable configurations may include distributed has surged. The increased popularity is due to their adoption
buoyancy, subsea arches, or buoyant riser towers (eg. in the North Sea and Brazil. Many of these recent applications
Girassol). Buoyancy may also be adopted for mooring lines. are characterised by relatively large field reserves and the
A further option is to use polyester, which is neutrally buoyant export of gas as well as oil. The need for a pipeline has
and thus much lighter than chain and wire. The first uses of negated one of the major drivers for FPSO selection and
synthetic mooring lines for a FPSO are Barracuda P34 (835m demonstrates that other advantages of FPSOs must now be
water) and South Marlim (1420m water), both in 1997. In important. Indeed, in some fields even the oil is exported by
future the polyester lines may be arranged at a steeper angle to pipeline.
the seabed with anchors that can resist vertical uplift. Added The North Sea now dominates the FPSO market. The
advantages of the resulting taut-leg configuration are that it majority of FPSOs have internal turrets; these have benefits
gives a tighter watch circle for the vessel, which aids riser for harsh weather conditions, large numbers of risers, gas
design, and a smaller anchor pattern. export and very deep water. Around 40% of recent FPSOs are
new-buildings. It should be remembered, however, that
Drilling and Workover. Current FPSOs have the alternatives are still adequate for many developments.
disadvantage of lacking drilling capability. FPSOs with large Examples include the recent reuse of FPSOs with a CALM, an
turrets may have a workover derrick, eg. Petrojarl 1, and it is external turret mooring and DP in three of the deepest water
expected that future FPSOs may enable drilling through the applications to date.
turret for wells directly beneath the vessel. A further FPSOs have proven over the past two decades to have
possibility is a double bow, where both bow and stern of the numerous benefits over alternative field development options.
FPSO are shaped to face into the weather. Such an In addition to oil storage capability, these may be grouped as
arrangement avoids the need for full 360 degrees follows:
weathervaning. This may allow the mooring and fluid transfer Construction. Ship construction is standardised and
systems to be separated, which would facilitate drilling. automated, making it relatively fast and inexpensive in
The distinction between FPSOs and drillships is becoming comparison with jacket fabrication15. The process modules,
increasingly blurred: most of the new-generation drillships being small and low-rise, may also be built quickly and have
currently under construction have oil storage and offloading reduced structural steel requirements. Modules can be
capability, making them suitable for EWT, and may readily be installed at the fabrication yard, avoiding the need for a heavy
converted to FPSOs with the addition of full processing lift vessel at the field site, and allowing inshore hook-up and
facilities. commissioning. These features can significantly reduce the
There are numerous examples where FPSOs have been lead-time to first oil (although the extent of schedule
utilised for field development in combination with other compression has been less than expected in a number of more
facilities to help overcome their deficiencies. In some complex recent developments).
instances the development also includes one or more wellhead Versatility. The large deck area allows safe and
jackets; this allows surface trees, which can be cost-effective convenient layout of process and other equipment. Combined
when the wells are numerous and/or require frequent with the large vessel displacement, it gives versatility to cope
intervention, and reduces the number of risers entering the with changes to production equipment, for example, when
SPM. Recent examples include Captain (1997) and Jotun tying in a new field. It also enables vessel construction to
(1999). In deeper water, the FPSO may be teamed with a commence on speculation. FPSOs are relatively insensitive to
semi-submersible (eg. Liuhua, 1996). water depth and geotechnical conditions. The flexibility of
FPSOs is demonstrated by their significant reuse, which
Conclusions further suggests that field abandonment is relatively simple,
FPSOs were developed the late 1970s to produce from small- with the facility retaining significant residual value. This is
to-medium oil fields in remote locations and/or moderately particularly helpful in making high-risk or small fields
deep water where pipeline and fixed platform infrastructure economically feasible.
would be uneconomic. The mild weather conditions allowed Deep water. FPSOs may have advantages in deep water
tanker conversions to be used, generally moored through an applications, where their considerable buoyancy assists in
external SPM. supporting heavy riser and mooring line loads.
1986 was a pivotal year in the evolution of FPSOs, All field development options have disadvantages as well
generating the first: as advantages. Constraints induced by the necessity for all
• turret mooring (independent development of internal and fluids to pass though a SPM have been diminished with
disconnectable external turrets) advances in turret and swivel technology, combined with
• North Sea production manifolding and bundling of flowlines. Drilling capability on
• new-build ship-shaped hull a FPSO is likely to improve in the near future.

1. Williams LM, Pierce DM and Van Berkel PB (1982), FPSO II – a
second generation floating production system for offshore
Philippines. Proc. 14th OTC, OTC 4274
2. Carter JHT and Foolen J (1982), Evolutionary developments
advancing the floating production, storage, and offloading
concept. Proc. 14th OTC, OTC 4273
3. Remery GF (1985), Tanker-based marginal field production:
eight years’ operational experience. Proc. 17th OTC, OTC 5036
4. Eppley DR and Van Berkel PB (1987), 12 months’ operational
experience with a FPSO handling the production from three fields
offshore Nigeria. Proc. 19th OTC, OTC 5491
5. de Boom WC (1989), The development of turret mooring systems
for floating production units. Proc. 21st OTC, OTC 5978
6. O’Nion G, Calo D, Seguin R and Huang SP (1990), Innovative
disconnectable mooring system for floating production system of
HZ-21-1 oil field at Huizhou, South China Sea. Proc. 22nd OTC,
OTC 6251
7. Paces RS and DeFu L (1990), South China Sea extended well
testing program: implementation and results. Proc. 22nd OTC,
OTC 6200
8. Clauss G, Lehmann E and Ostergaard C (1992), Offshore
Structures, Vol 1 – Conceptual Design and Hydromechanics,
Springer-Verlag, London
9. Liles EG (1992), Spread moored FPSO for very shallow water
depth, Proc. 24th OTC, OTC 6964
10. Vincent-Genod F and Jeannin O (1993), Cadlao’s successful
FPSO II redeployed at the deepwater West Linapacan field. Proc.
25th OTC, OTC 7179
11. Addy PD, Dickerson J, Doble PA, Smith G and Young RJ
(1994), Gryphon A: the first purpose-built permanently moored
FPSO in the North Sea. Proc. 26th OTC, OTC 7424
12. D’Souza RB, Delepine YM and Cordy AR (1994), An approach
to the design and selection of a cost-effective floating production
storage and offloading system. Proc. 26th OTC, OTC 7443
13. Mack RC, Gruy RH and Hall RA (1995), Turret moorings for
extreme design conditions. Proc. 27th OTC, OTC 7596
14. Henery D and Inglis RB (1995), Prospects and challenges for the
FPSO. Proc. 27th OTC, OTC 7695
15. Jeannin O (1995), FPSOs today: what is the optimum concept?
Proc. 27th OTC, OTC 7697
16. Carneiro PRB (1995), Barracuda field: new records for turret
moored FPSOs. Proc. 27th OTC. OTC 7700
17. Lowie PM (1997), Today’s world of FPSOs changes quickly.
World Oil, Part 1: 79-91, April, Part 2: 95-104, May
18. Carter BA and Ronalds BF (1998), Deepwater riser technology.
APOGCE ’98, SPE 50140, Perth, October
19. Garcia AL, Pinto FJCP, Dias MAG and Mattos AMCGF (1998),
Roncador field – a rapid development challenge in ultra-deep
water. OMAE ’98 – Petrobras Workshop, 56-61, Lisbon, July
12 B.F. RONALDS, E.F.H. LIM SPE 56708

Appendix – FPSO Applications

Left side
No Field Vessel Owner Oil Location Water First Last Recoverable Field EPS/
Company Depth Oil Oil Oil Life EWT
(m) (MMbbl) (yr)
1 Ardjuna B Ardjuna Saki Arco Indonesia 43 1976
2 Castellon Shell Shell Spain 114 1977 Yes 40 9
3 Garoupa PP de Moraes Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 118 1979 1985
4 Cadlao FPSO II SBM Alcorn (Amoco) Philippines 96 1981 1991 10
5 Hondo Santa Ynez Exxon Exxon USA 150 1981 Yes
6 Badejo PP de Moraes Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 117 1981 Yes
7 Nilde Agip Milano Agip Agip Italy 90 1982 1986
8 Tazerka Tazerka FPSO Samedan Shell Tunisia 140 1982 Yes 10
9 Lucina Banio Shell Gabon 34 1984 6
10 Mila Acqua Blu Bluewater Selm Italy 27 1985 1987
11 Geisum Al Kahera 1 Conoco Egypt 50 1985 Yes
12 Bach Ho Chi Linh Vietsovpetro Vietnam 50 1985 Yes 200
13 Kepiting San Jacinto Sarida Conoco Indonesia 90 1986 1989
14 Oseberg Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor Norsk Hydro Norway 125 1986 1988 EWT
15 Jabiru Jabiru Venture Gulf (BHPP) Gulf (BHPP) Australia 120 1986 13
16 Weizhou 10-3 Nan Hai Xi Wang NHWOC NHWOC China 38 1986 9
17 Adanga/Akam/Ebughu FPSO VI SBM Ashland Nigeria 38 1986 50
18 Kakap KH Kakap Natuna Modec Clyde Indonesia 87 1986 30
19 Albacora PP de Moraes Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 238 1987 1993 EPS
20 Nilde Agip Firenze Agip Italy 98 1987 1989
21 Lyell Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor UK 146 1988 1988 EWT
22 Liuhua 11-1 Lan Shui Bluewater Amoco China 305 1988 1989 EWT
23 Troll West Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor Norway 330 1989 1991 EWT
24 Talisman Acqua Blu Bluewater Marathon Australia 78 1989 1992 8 3
25 Ikan Pari San Jacinto Sarida Conoco Indonesia 100 1989 1994 10 5
26 Intan Lan Shui Bluewater Maxus Indonesia 30 1989 Yes 90 EPS
27 Bozhong 28-1 Bo Hai You Yi Hao JCODC JCODC China 23 1989 30
28 Challis Challis Venture Gulf (BHPP) Gulf (BHPP) Australia 110 1989 50 8
29 Lufeng 22-1 Ayer Biru Bluewater Occidental China 335 1990 1991 EWT
30 Cyrus Seillean (Swops) BP BP UK 108 1990 1992 5 2
31 Huizhou 21-1 Nan Hai Fa Xian ACT ACT China 116 1990 80 10
32 Bozhong 34-2 Chang Qing Hao JCODC JCODC China 20 1990 34
33 Anoa Anoa Natuna Modec Premier Indonesia 77 1990 25
34 Balder Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor Norway 125 1991 1991 EWT
35 Gombe Beta Ocean Producer Oceaneering Kelt (Amoco) Gabon 15 1991 1993 2
36 Angus Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor Amerada UK 80 1991 1993 11 1
37 Skua Skua Venture BHPP BHPP Australia 82 1991 1997 20 6
38 Yombo Conkouati Walter Walter Congo 113 1991 34 8
39 West Linapacan FPSO II SBM Alcorn Philippines 360 1992 1996 4
40 Belida Intan Conoco Indonesia 100 1992 1992 190 EPS
41 Donan Seillean Reading & Bates BP UK 140 1992 1997 26 5
42 Hudson Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor Amerada UK 158 1993 1995 17 2 EPS
43 Suizhong 36-1 Bo Hai Ming Zhu Bohai Bohai China 30 1993 100
44 South Tano Discoverer 511 Ghana Petroleum Ghana 93 1993 135 15 EWT
45 Lufeng 13-1 Nan Hai Sheng Kai JHN JHN China 330 1993
46 Gryphon Gryphon A Kerr McGee Kerr McGee UK 120 1993 96 15
47 Griffin Griffin Venture BHPP BHPP Australia 130 1994 117
48 Sembilang San Jacinto Oceaneering Conoco Indonesia 90 1994
49 Xijiang 24-3 Nan Hai Kai Tuo Phillips Phillips China 100 1994 100 12
50 Kiabo Ocean Producer Oceaneering Sonangol Angola 56 1994 20
51 Rong Bavi Vietsovpetro Vietsovpetro Vietnam 48 1994 30
52 Zaafarana Al Zaafarana Zaafarana Zaafarana Egypt 60 1994 40 15
53 Crystal Sea Halliburton Conoco North Sea 120 1994 WT

Right side
Vessel Storage Purpose Double Mooring Wells Risers Peak Gas Gas Lift/ Field
Size Built Sides Type Location Disconnect Oil Export Reinjection
(k.dwt) (k.bbl) (k.bbl/d) (MMm3/d)
66 375 Yes CALM 2 LPG Ardjuna B
60 350 Conversion SALM 1 1 20 Castellon
54 400 Conversion CALM (SALM) 9 35 Garoupa
127 700 Conversion CALM Stern 2 4 30 Lift possible Cadlao
50 230 Conversion SALM 37 Hondo
54 400 Reuse CALM 35 Badejo
84 Conversion SALM 2 1 20 Nilde
210 1020 Conversion SALM 8 24 20 Both possible Tazerka
530 CALM Lucina
70 390 Conversion CALM Yes 4 5 Mila
228 1000 Conversion Spread 15 1 30 Lift possible Geisum
151 975 Conversion CALM 2 70 Bach Ho
12 50 Yes Spread 2 1 10 Kepiting
31 190 Yes Turret/DP Internal 1 1 26 Oseberg
160 980 Conversion Riser turret External bow Yes 6 6 60 Lift Jabiru
152 600 Conversion SALM Yes 6 3 30 Weizhou 10-3
285 1300 Conversion Jacket Stern 27 2 40 Adanga/Akam/Ebughu
136 760 Conversion CALM Stern 9 2 70 Reinjection Kakap KH
54 400 Reuse CALM 14 50 0.4 Albacora
138 550 Conversion Yes Turret External bow 3 2 Nilde
31 190 Reuse Turret/DP Internal 1 1 26 Lyell
70 420 Conversion CALM Yes 3 1 20 Liuhua 11-1
31 190 Reuse Turret/DP Internal 1 1 26 Troll West
70 320 Reuse CALM 2 30 Talisman
12 50 Reuse Spread 5 1 10 Lift Ikan Pari
70 420 Reuse CALM 14 65 Intan
52 390 Yes Jacket Yes 8 2 12 Bozhong 28-1
132 850 Yes SALM 7 11 60 Lift Challis
45 300 Conversion CALM 20 Lufeng 22-1
76 310 Yes Yes DP 2 1 18 Cyrus
255 1450 Conversion Turret (buoyant) Internal bow Yes 30 4 80 Lift Huizhou 21-1
68 370 Yes Jacket Yes 9 3 12 Lift Bozhong 34-2
76 550 Yes Turret External bow 9 2 32 Anoa
31 190 Reuse Turret/DP Internal 1 1 26 Balder
77 510 Conversion Spread Yes 2 2 15 Lift Gombe Beta
31 190 Reuse Turret/DP Internal 2 2 32 Angus
150 990 Conversion Riser turret External bow Yes 6 6 30 Lift Skua
235 1420 Conversion Spread 22 6 35 Yombo
127 700 Reuse CALM Stern 3 3 30 West Linapacan
178 1300 Conversion Turret External bow 20 Belida
76 310 Reuse Yes DP 4 1 18 Donan
31 190 Reuse Turret/DP Internal 2 2 40 Hudson
58 390 Yes Jacket Yes 11 4 45 Both Suizhong 36-1
15 No Conversion Turret Internal 3 8 South Tano
128 700 Conversion Turret (buoyant) Internal bow Yes 5 4 23 Lufeng 13-1
94 530 Yes Yes Turret/DP Internal 14 6 55 Both Gryphon
100 750 Yes Yes Riser turret External bow Yes 10 14 80 1.4 Both Griffin
12 50 Reuse Spread 5 1 10 Both Sembilang
152 1000 Conversion Turret (buoyant) Internal bow Yes 32 2 66 Xijiang 24-3
77 510 Reuse Spread Yes 4 2 15 Lift Kiabo
155 1000 Conversion CALM 2 60 Rong
111 800 Conversion Turret External bow 2 2 25 Zaafarana
9 45 Yes DP 1 35
14 B.F. RONALDS, E.F.H. LIM SPE 56708

FPSO Applications (continued)

Left side
No Field Vessel Owner Oil Location Water First Last Recoverable Field EPS/
Company Depth Oil Oil Oil Life EWT
(m) (MMbbl) (yr)
54 Lion Red Teal Bumi Armada UMC Ivory Coast 70 1995 1997
55 Blenheim Petrojarl 1 Golar-Nor Arco UK 148 1995 23 3
56 Nemba Jamestown McDermott Chevron Angola 119 1995 EPS
57 Fife Uisge Gorm Bluewater Amerada UK 70 1995 30 7
58 Wanaea/Cossack Cossack Pioneer Woodside Woodside Australia 80 1995 239 25
59 Liuhua 11-1 Nan Hai Sheng Li Amoco Amoco China 310 1996 200 20
60 Zafiro Zafiro Producer Mobil Mobil Eq. Guinea 180 1996 100
61 Teal/Guillemot Anasuria Shell Shell UK 88 1996 86 15
62 Maui B Whakaaropai Shell Todd Shell Todd NZ 114 1996 25
63 Connemara Berge Hugin Statoil Statoil Ireland 114 1997 1997 EWT
64 Captain Captain FPSO Texaco Texaco UK 104 1997 350
65 Durward/Dauntless Glas Dowr Bluewater Amerada Hess UK 90 1997 100 5
66 Foinaven Petrojarl Foinaven Golar-Nor BP UK 460 1997 233 10
67 MacCulloch North Sea Producer Maersk Conoco UK 148 1997 58 5
68 Ukpokiti Independence Express Conoco Nigeria 27 1997
69 Bunga Kekwa Armada Perkasa (Red Teal) Bumi Armada IPC Malaysia 55 1997 100 EPS
70 Escravos Escravos Modec Chevron Nigeria 29 1997
71 Okwori Okwori Nigeria 1997
72 Barracuda P34 (PP de Moraes) Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 835 1997 5 EPS
73 South Marlim FPSO II SBM Petrobras Brazil 1420 1997 EPS
74 Tantawan Tantawan Explorer SBM Pogo Thailand 73 1997
75 Curlew Maersk Curlew Maersk Shell UK 92 1997 71 7
76 Lufeng 22-1 Navion Munin Navion Statoil China 330 1997 33 4
77 Norne Norne Statoil Statoil Norway 380 1997 470 20
78 Albacora P31 Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 330 1998
79 Aquila FPSO Firenze (Agip Firenze) SBM/Saipem Agip Italy 850 1998 20 6
80 Elang/Kakatua Modec Venture 1 (Skua) Modec BHPP Aust/Indo 83 1998 29 4
81 Schiehallion Schiehallion FPSO BP BP UK 400 1998 450 17
82 Marlim P33 Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 780 1998
83 Ruby Ruby Princess Nortrans Petronas Vietnam 50 1998 EPS
84 Kiame Petroleo Nautipa Nortrans Ranger Angola 142 1998 9
85 Rang Dong Rang Dong FPSO Mitsubishi Vietnam 60 1998
86 Roncador Seillean Reading & Bates Petrobras Brazil 1853 1999 1999 EWT
87 Pierce Berge Hugin Navion Enterprise UK 85 1999 104 10
88 Banff Ramform Banff PGS Conoco UK 89 1999 70 7
89 Ross Bleo Holm Bluewater Talisman UK 100 1999 75 9
90 Bittern/Guillemot Triton Amerada Amerada UK 90 1999 150 10
91 Marlim P35 Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 850 1999
92 Varg Varg B Saga Saga Norway 84 1999 50 5
93 Jotun Jotun FPSO Esso Esso Norway 126 1999 195
94 Balder Balder FPU Esso Esso Norway 125 1999 170 15
95 Marlim P37 Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 905 1999
96 Asgard Asgard A Statoil Statoil Norway 280 1999 830 20
97 Kuito Chevron Chevron Angola 400 1999
98 Laminaria Northern Endeavour Woodside Woodside Australia 383 1999 189 10
99 Abana Knock Taggart Moni Pulo Nigeria 6 1999
100 Buffalo Modec BHPP Australia 250 1999 22 3
101 Masa Petronas Malaysia 1999
102 Salema/Bijupira P45 Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 675 2000
103 Espadarte FPSO VI Petrobras Brazil 940 2000
104 Terra Nova Terra Nova FPSO PetroCanada PetroCanada Canada 95 2000 370 15
105 Girassol Elf Elf Angola 1360 2001 700
106 NC137 Elf Libya 2001 150 EPS
107 Barracuda P43 Petrobras Petrobras Brazil 785 2001

Right side
Vessel Storage Purpose Double Mooring Wells Risers Peak Gas Gas Lift/ Field
Size Built Sides Type Location Disconnect Oil Export Reinjection
(k.dwt) (k.bbl) (k.bbl/d) (MMm3/d)
390 Conversion CALM 2 Lion
31 190 Reuse Turret/DP Internal 5 6 35 Lift Blenheim
35 185 Conversion Spread 3 3 20 Reinjection Nemba
99 620 Conversion Yes Turret Internal bow 7 9 50 Both Fife
152 1100 Conversion Riser turret External bow Yes 9 7 115 3.2 Lift Wanaea/Cossack
140 720 Conversion Turret Internal bow 20 3 65 Liuhua 11-1
268 1600 Conversion Spread 8 8 80 Zafiro
130 850 Yes Turret Internal bow 12 7 60 1.0 Teal/Guillemot
135 660 Conversion Turret External bow 4 2 32 Yes Maui B
103 650 New Yes Turret/DP Submerged 60 Connemara
114 550 Yes Turret/DP Internal 22 9 63 Captain
105 660 New Yes Turret Internal bow 5 9 55 Both Durward/Dauntless
260 Conversion Yes Turret Internal 22 10 100 Both Foinaven
110 No Conversion Turret Internal bow 9 8 72 0.7 Lift MacCulloch
275 1700 Conversion Spread 5 4 20 Ukpokiti
60 390 Reuse Spread 4 2 15 Bunga Kekwa
340 Yes Turret External bow LPG Escravos
440 Conversion Okwori
55 340 Reuse Turret Internal bow 11 23 30 0.6 Lift Barracuda
127 830 Reuse CALM Stern 2 3 30 Lift South Marlim
137 1020 Conversion Turret Internal 50 4.2 Tantawan
100 560 Conversion Yes Turret Internal bow 3 4 45 2.8 Curlew
103 650 New Yes Turret/DP Submerged Yes 5 2 40 Lufeng 22-1
100 730 Yes Yes Turret/DP Internal 14 9 173 Reinjection Norne
282 2000 Conversion Turret Internal bow 35 100 2.6 Albacora
138 500 Reuse Yes Turret External bow 2 4 20 Lift Aquila
150 990 Reuse Riser turret External bow Yes 4 6 33 Lift Elang/Kakatua
154 950 Yes Yes Turret Internal bow 29 14 154 Reinjection Schiehallion
279 2000 Conversion Turret Internal 9 50 2.0 Marlim
140 1000 Conversion Turret External bow 8 1 30 Ruby
140 1000 Conversion Spread 2 30 Kiame
Conversion 45 Rang Dong
76 310 Reuse Yes DP 2 1 20 Roncador
103 650 Reuse Yes Turret/DP Submerged 9 45 2.8 Both Pierce
31 120 Yes Turret/DP Internal 5 7 95 Yes Banff
105 666 Yes Yes Turret Internal bow 11 18 40 1.4 Both Ross
630 Yes Turret Internal bow 100 3.4 Bittern/Guillemot
270 2000 Conversion Turret Internal 22 100 3.0 Marlim
100 440 Yes Yes Turret Internal 14 57 Reinjection Varg
93 590 Yes Yes Turret Internal 24 80 0.8 Both Jotun
87 380 New Yes Turret/DP Internal 25 10 70 Yes Reinjection Balder
280 2000 Conversion Turret Internal bow 35 150 4.6 Marlim
175 910 Yes Yes Turret Internal 59 16 200 Yes Reinjection Asgard
100 Reinjection Kuito
250 1400 Yes Turret Internal bow 6 6 170 Both Laminaria
50 Abana
104 850 Conversion Turret External bow 3 2 40 Buffalo
Conversion 35 Masa
850 Conversion 20 55 2.4 Salema/Bijupira
2000 Conversion 9 100 Espadarte
960 Yes Turret Yes 24 125 Terra Nova
340 2000 Yes Spread 40 13 200 Yes Reinjection Girassol
30 NC137
2000 Spread 24 200 6.0 Barracuda

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