Lesson Plan 1: I Am Working On Time Management, Give The Students Instructions and More Verbal Feedback

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Lesson Plan 1

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Topic or Theme: - Count sets of things up to twenty – Read and write
numbers – More and less
Mariam Abdullah

Class: KG 1.2 Date & Duration: 3/3/2021

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on time management, give the students instructions and more verbal feedback

Lesson Focus

Teach the students how to count numbers, read and write it. Learn about where is more and where is

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to read and write numbers. Also, students will be able to know the difference
between more and less.

Links to Prior Learning

Students will be able to write and read numbers at the end of the lesson.

21st Century Skills

- Critical thinking
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Technology literacy
- Media literacy
- Social skills

Key vocabulary

More – less – numbers (1 to 30) .

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Some of the students will find difficulties in
counting numbers especially low-level Give students more activities about numbers that
students. might help them to improve their skills

Resources/equipment needed
- Laptop
- Power point
- Activities
- Kahoot
- You tube for the timer
- Google for the online spinner
- Papers
- Colors

Resources Introduction
& Time
Students will: student will set quietly Teacher will: at the begin of the lesson I’m
and listen to what the teacher is going to welcome the students. For
saying and answer her. Good Morning example: Good morning KG1.2 How are
Ms. Mariam, fine thank you. you today? After that will say Welcome to
Students will close their mic after that our Math class. And start telling the
and listen to the classroom rules. students about the classroom rules. For ex;
Students will open the mic and answer KG let’s see our classroom rules, 1. Listen
the first question by telling the to the teacher 2. Close your mic 3. Open
teacher (it’s a clown in the first your camera 4. Set with an adult 5. Raise
picture, the first clown holding your hand 6. Wear school uniform.
balloons more than the other clown). After I give the students a verbal feedback
Students will answer next question like (Good job KG)
(Fruits in the plate) I will go to the next slide and ask the
Last Question (apple on the tree) students what they see in the pictures and
Students will count depend on their ask them some questions. For instance,
group color (What do you see in this picture? Who will
tell me where is more and where is less?)
(Good Job KG, now who will tell me what is
in this plate? Is this plate more than this
plate?) (Last picture what fruit on this
tree?) (lastly, give the students verbal
feedback like. Good Job KG Amazing)
Divide the students into three groups
(Yellow, Orange, and Green) depend on
the student’s level. Letting each group to
count. Yellow group from 1-10// Orange
group from 10-20 // Green from 20-30

Resources Main activities

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Set with their parents or an adult, join I will ask the students to close their mic
Kahoot and start to work and camera and set with an adult to work
Students will start to work on their on Kahoot. On Kahoot there are 4
papers. questions students must answer each
question in 20 sec
After we finish from Kahoot, I will start to
explain the other activity for the students,
and it will be the last one for them. I will
tell the students what they must do and
show them an example to make it easier.

Give the students verbal feedback and see

their work

Differentiation activities (Support)

Students can do other activities if they finish their activity early.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Give the students activities that might be easy and better than the first one.

Resources Plenary/Conclusion
& Time
Students will Teacher will

Listen to the teacher while she is Time is over now it’s time to give the
calling their names students points in class dojo. Also, give a
certificate to the first 3 students who won
in Kahoot.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



In this lesson, I started as usual my morning routine which is asking the students about their
day and telling them the classroom rules to make sure that they still remember and follow it.
After I did the morning routine, I showed the students the lesson today will be about what and
started to explain everything to them. Deliver all the small things and information to the
students to make the lesson clear to them. It wasn’t only teacher-centred, it’s between the
students and teacher both can talk and discuss because when only the teacher talk or if the
class was quit students start to get bored and it will cause an attention deficit. First, I asked the
students about the pictures and what they are seeing to let them talk and at the same time see
if the students will know the difference between more and less. After that I called the name of
the groups that depends on their levels to count numbers. I realized that low students or the
yellow group didn’t respond fast and I kept repeating the name of the group many times until
one of the students just respond and start to count, I see that those students need an extra
work to do at home to improve their skills. When I finish from the counting part I showed the
students how to use Kahoot because it’s their first time that they are using it, I’ve read the
question one by one for the parents and students and they only have to answer the questions.
In the beginning everything was fine but 2 of parents find difficulties in reading and answering
the question, I have taken their comment as an improve to me for the next lessons. When the
students are done from Kahoot I saw who the three winners are and wrote their names down
so I can give them a certificate at the end of the lesson. I gave the students a verbal feedback
before I start to explain the final activity. I started the final activity by explaining it for the
students and showing them an example of how they are going to do it, after that I kept asking
the students to show me their work and what they have done. Finally, when students finish their
activity before the class ends, I gave them verbal feedback and I was so thankful for their
amazing work. I end the lesson by giving the students points in class dojo. Also, I sent the
certificate in the parent’s group on telegram. At the end of the lesson I reached all my goals,
like finishing the lesson on time and giving verbal feedback

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