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PREPARED BY: Aileen M. De Torres


March 16, 2021

I. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. identify the literary devicessuch as (Simile, Metaphor, personification,
and Hyperbole.)
II. Learning Content:

Topic: Literary Devices of Poetry

Reference: Almonte, Liza R. (2020) The Voice. A journey through Anglo American Literature

Learner’s Material (2016) (p9– 13).

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, visual aids, laptop, and speaker.

III. Learning Experiences

Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

1. Prayer
“Everyone, please stand for the prayer.” stand
(S1 leads the prayer)
2. Greetings
“Good morning class!” “Good morning ma’am!”
3. Classroom conditioning
Okay class, before you take your seat please
Arrange your chairs, pick up some trashes and (comply)
throw it in the trash bin.

You may now take your seats. (take their seats)

5. Checking the attendance
Who is absent today? “None ma’am.”
Wow! That’s wonderful.
6. Collecting of assignments
Please pass forward your assignments silently (comply)
Without standing.
7. Review
Now class who can still remember what was our Ma’am it’s about literary devices.
lesson yesterday?

Very good! Again class, what do we mean by Literary devices are specific techniques that
literary devices? allows the writers to convey a deeper meaning
that goes beyond what’s on the page.

Great job! So, what are the literary devices that Rhymes, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Assonance,
are used in poetry? Consonance, Imagery, Simile, and Metaphor.
Raise their hands.

8. Motivation
Class, who among you believe that our mother is (Answers vary)
one of the best poets?
Wow that’s impressive. Do you believe that
sometimes when they are angry, they becomea Yes, ma’am.

For example, when our little brother or sister ask

to buy new toys, then our mom will say “You
have millions of toys at home!”

Now, who can give instances that our mother is a For example, ma’am, my mother will tell me if
poet? What do they usually say when they are the dishes can speak it will shout at me and tell
mad?Can anyone give me examples? me to wash them.

Great answer! What else? I’ve told you to clean your room a million times!

Very good! But always remember our mother are

still the best people we can have because they
love us unconditionally.

Before we proceed with our lesson today please (Read the objective)
read first, the lesson objective.
At the end of the lesson, the students are
expected to:
1. Identify the literary devices used in
poetry such as (Imagery, Simile, Metaphor,
personification, and Hyperbole.)

Now, class for your activity, I will play a video of
the song “Fireworks” by Katy Perry and all you
have to do is listen carefully and try to list down
the lines that you find exaggerated.

(Teacher play the video) (Watch attentively)

Did you enjoy the video class? Yes ma’am!


Okay, based on the song that you just watched, The song used different types of literary devices
what have you observed with the lyrics? ma’am.

Good observation! So, what literary devices has Simile, metaphor, assonance, Alliteration, and
been used in the song? Onomatopoeia ma’am.

Great job! Now class, poem usually contains

figurative language to describe better the
emotions, feelings and to compare things, right?
Yes ma’am!
But if you noticed, the song has also literary
devices, right? Yes ma’am.

So, meaning figurative language can also be

found in songs or in any type of text. It could be a
story, song, or poem and more.


Yesterday we have discussed the literary devices

such as End rhyme, Internal rhyme,
Onomatopoeia, Assonance, Alliteration and
Consonance, right?
Yes ma’am.

Today, we will continue our discussion with the

other literary devices, such as metaphor, simile,
personification and hyperbole.

Now, let us start with Metaphor. What do you

know about metaphor? Metaphor is literary device that makes a
comparison between two unlike things.
Very good answer! A metaphor is a rhetorical
figure of speech that compares two subjects
without the use of “like” or “as.”

Here are the examples:

Last night I slept the sleep of the dead.
He’s buried in a sea of paperwork.

Now, can you explain why the first line were

considered as metaphor? Ma’am because in the first line his sleep was
compared by the sleep of the dead.
Great job! how about the second line?
Ma’am in the second line the man’s work was
compared by sea of paperwork.

Good job! always remember that metaphor

compares two different things without the use of
“like and as”.

Now that you know the Metaphor, let us go on to


If Metaphor is used to compare two unlike things

without using “like or as” how about the Simile? Ma’am Simile is use to compare two things with
the use of “like or as”.
Wonderful observation! A simile is a figure of
speech that directly compares two things.
Similes differ from metaphors by highlighting the
similarities between two things using words such
as "like" or "as", while metaphors create an
implicit comparison.
Here is an example of a simile is:
She is as innocent as an angel.

In this example the girl was compared to an angel

with the use of the word as.

Let’s have another example

The earth is like a ball.
Chemical bonding is like a magnet.

Based on these examples, why do you think it is

considered as simile? Because it compares two things ma’am by using
the word like.

Okay, who can give me another example?

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to
Wow! That’s impressive! stop.
Okay class, let us proceed to Personification.
What is personification?
Personification means giving an object or animal
human characteristics to create interesting
Good answer! Personification is a figure of imagery.”
speech in which an idea or thing is given human
attributes and/or feelings or is spoken of as if it
were human. This allows writers to create life
and motion within inanimate objects, animals,
and even abstract ideas by assigning them
recognizable human behaviors and emotions.

Here are the examples:

My alarm yelled at me this morning.
The wind is whispering outside.

In these examples, if we will take it literally, it will

be confusing because things can’t speak right?
Yes, ma’am.
Now who can give me another example of
personification? The school bell called us from outside.

Wow that’s wonderful! Okay so let us now

proceed with the last literary device that we will
discuss today which is Hyperbole.

Who among you have an idea what is Hyperbole?

Ma’am hyperbole is anexaggerated statementor
claim not meant to be taken literally.
Very good answer! Hyperbole is a figure of
speech and literary device that creates
heightened effect through deliberate
exaggeration. Hyperbole is often a boldly
overstated or exaggerated claim or statement
that adds emphasis without the intention of
being literally true.

These are the examples:

I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse.
She is more beautiful than the moon and stars.
In these examples, why do you think the lines Because these lines ma’am were stated
were considered as hyperbole? exaggeratedly.

Very good! Who can give an example? Ma’am “he’s as skinny as a toothpick.”

Now class, do you have any question? None, ma’am!

I assume that all of you understand our lesson

today, so let us proceed with our next activity.

For your activity, I will group you into four.

This row will be group 1, row 2 will be group 2,

row 3 will be group 4 and the last row will be
group 4.
Please choose your leader because your leader
will be the one to report your output.

Each group will be given lines that contains

literary devices. All you have to do is identify
what literary device is being used in each line and

Your answer should be written on this paper

together with the lines that I provided on it.
Leaders, please get your activity paper.

(Teacher distribute the paper that will be used for

the student’s activity.)

This is for group one;

Love is A Song
By: Walt Disney

Love is a song that never ends

One simple theme repeating
Like the voice of a heavenly choir
Love’s sweet music flows on

Group 2
By: Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
Group 3

I’m just one stomach flu away from my goal

weight. (The Devil Wears Prada)

I’m the king of the world! (Titanic)

As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again

(Gone with the Wind)

Group 4

“Tree at my Window”
by: Robert Frost
But tree, I have seen you taken and tossed,
And if you have seen me when I slept,
You have seen me when I was taken and swept
And all but lost.

I will give you 10 minutes to discuss and prepare

and another 5 minutes to present your output.
And remember you will be graded based on this

(Teacher present the criteria.)


Content 25%
Clarity 20%
Presentation 25%
Group work 30%
TOTAL 100%

Do you have any question?

None, ma’am.
Okay, you can now start with your activity.
(Starts with their activity)
(After 10 minutes of preparation)

Okay class, is everyone ready to present your

output? Yes, ma’am.

That’s wonderful! So, let’s start with the group 1.

(Group 1 leader presents their work.)

Ma’am our output is from the song “Love is a

song” by: Walt Disney.

The first two lines feature a metaphor. Love is

directly compared to a “song that never ends
The last two lines of these lyrics feature a simile.
The way “love’s sweet music” flows is compared
Excellent job! okay all group 1 please stand here to the “voice of a heavenly choir.”
in front, and class let’s give them frog clap.
You may now go back to your seats group 1.

Now let us proceed and see the output of group Group 2 leader presents their work.)
Ma’am the topic that we got is the poem “Dream
by Langston Hughes.

In this poem, Hughes used metaphor to compare

life to a broken-winged bird and a barren field as
consequences to the loss of dreams. In the first
stanza, Hughes claims that if dreams die then life
is a “broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”

That’s wonderful group 2! Okay all group to

please stand and class lets give them mosquito
Thank you group 2. Please sit down.
Now, let’s go and see the output of group 3.
Group 3 leader present their work.

Ma’am we got some lines from movies

such as The Devil Wears Prada, Titanic, and Gone
with the wind.
These lines used hyperbole; its lines used
exaggerated words which should not be taken
Amazing work group 3! Okay all group 3 please
stand and class let’s give them 5 angel’s claps.

You can now take your seats group 3.

And now, the last but not the least, let’s witness (Group 4 leader present their output.)
the output of group 4.
Ma’am we got some lines from the poem entitled
“Tree at my Window” by: Robert Frost. In this
poem he used Personification. Here, the tree is
personified as someone that stands outside, and
has worries and movements, instead of it just
being a plain tree.
Fabulous work group 4! Now all group 4 please
stand and class, let’s give them five Fireworks
You may now take your seats group 4.

(After the activity)

Okay class, again what are the literary devices Ma’am simile, personification, metaphor, and
that we have discussed today? hyperbole.

Based on the results of your activity, I assumed

that everyone of you understood the lesson well,
so let’s have a short quiz.

In a one-half sheet of paper, identify the literary devises used in the lines on the screen.

1. They fought like cats and dogs. (Simile)

2. His words cut deeper than a knife. (metaphor)

3. You were as brave as a lion. (Simile)

4. My dad will kill me when he comes home. (Hyperbole)

5. The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky (Personification)

6.This room is so cold that I’m getting hypothermia. (Hyperbole)

7. He's running faster than the wind. (Hyperbole)

8.My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning. (Personification)

9.Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. (Simile)

10.Laughter is the best medicine. (Metaphor)


For your assignment, I want you to look for a song that contains literary devices and write at least 5 lines
on your note book. Please indicate what types of literary devices are used in the song.

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