Exercise Lesson 3 Miftahul Jannah

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NIT : 20010346

Now write appropriate prepositions in the gaps.

1. When the bull began to run towartd me, I jumped over the fence into next field.
2. He took two books from the shelf. He put one of them on the table, and the other one into his
3. She ran a long the corridor, and down the stairs into the basement.
4. His bullet whistled past my ear, so I shot him right between the eyes.
5. He came up to her, and put his arm round her waist.
6. The prisoner jumped thought the window, ran across the street, and jumped into a
car that was waiting for him on the other side.
7. Looking thought the microscope, she saw the two cells separate and move slowly away form
each other.
8. They couldn’t get over the high wall, so they dug a tunnel under it.

Where do they go?

Answer :
1. Exactly where the road goes
Answer : mountains
2. Exactly where the burgal went, from the evidence of his footprints in the snow
Answer : go away from home
3. Exactly where the soldier has to do to complete the assault course.
Answer :
1. Climb up to tree
2. Cross between to tree
3. Down the tree
4. Jumped over the wall
5. Creeps
6. Climb up the stairs
7. Into the tunnel
8. Swim

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