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Nosocomial Infection
OBJECTIVE: The first 70 years of critical care can be considered a pe- Marin H. Kollef, MD1
riod of “industrial revolution-like” advancement in terms of progressing the Antoni Torres, MD, PhD2
understanding and care of critical illness. Unfortunately, like the industrial Andrew F. Shorr, MD, MPH, MBA3
revolution’s impact on the environment, advancing ICU care of increas- Ignacio Martin-Loeches, MD, PhD4
ingly elderly, immunosuppressed, and debilitated individuals has resulted
Scott T. Micek, PharmD5
in a greater overall burden and complexity of nosocomial infections within
modern ICUs. Given the rapid evolution of nosocomial infections, the
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdgGj2MwlZLeI= on 02/14/2021

authors provide an updated review.

and OVID for peer-reviewed literature dealing with nosocomial infections
in the critically ill, as well as the websites of government agencies involved
with the reporting and prevention of nosocomial infections. Search terms
included nosocomial infection, antibiotic resistance, microbiome, antibiot-
ics, and intensive care.
in the ICU setting are evolving in multiple domains including etiologic
pathogens plus novel or emerging pathogens, prevalence, host risk fac-
tors, antimicrobial resistance, interactions of the host microbiome with
nosocomial infection occurrence, and understanding of pathogenesis and
prevention strategies. Increasing virulence and antimicrobial resistance of
nosocomial infections mandate increasing efforts toward their prevention.
CONCLUSIONS: Nosocomial infections are an important determinant of
outcome for patients in the ICU setting. Systematic research aimed at improv-
ing the prevention and treatment of nosocomial infections is still needed.
KEY WORDS: antibiotic resistance; intensive care unit; nosocomial
infection; outcomes

osocomial infections (NIs) are major threats to hospitalized patients.
NIs are common within ICUs and associated with prolonged hospi-
talization, development of multiple organ dysfunction, and increased
hospital mortality (1). NIs can be considered an inevitable consequence of crit-
ical care due to the utilization of invasive life prolonging procedures including
venous and arterial catheterizations, tracheal intubation, urinary catheteriza-
tion, invasive intracranial pressure monitoring, and placement of sterile site
drainage catheters. From the advent of critical care, coinciding with the polio
outbreak from the 1950s when early ICUs focused on the use of hand ventila-
tion, oxygen therapy, IV fluids, and ventilation with the iron lung to the present
modern ICUs, NIs have been steadily increasing. Coinciding with the escalat-
ing technology of critical care, there has been a change in the types of patients Copyright © 2021 by the Society of
admitted to ICUs who are older, with greater disease severity and multiple Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
organ derangements. Increasingly, critically ill patients also have significant Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
immune suppression due to either their underlying disease or organ dysfunc- Reserved.
tion and the administration of immunosuppressive therapies (2). DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004783

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Kollef et al

NIs are estimated to increase total annual health- Currently, the most common NIs in the ICU setting
care costs in the United States by almost 10 billion are those related to the use of specific invasive proce-
dollars (3). The clinical impact and costs associated dures and prior parenteral antibiotic exposure (11).
with NIs have resulted in concerted efforts aimed at Urinary tract infections, lower respiratory tract infec-
their prevention. NIs within ICUs are relatively com- tions (ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis [VAT],
mon compared with non-ICU patient areas, especially ventilator-associated pneumonia [VAP], and hospital-
nosocomial pneumonia and Clostridium difficile infec- acquired pneumonia), central line-associated blood
tions as reported by the Centers for Disease Control stream infections, skin and skin structure infections in-
and Prevention (CDC) and other groups (4, 5). In cluding wound infections, and C. difficile-associated in-
addition, as critical care advances, with the use of in- fection make up the most common NIs seen in the ICU
vasive devices especially within immunocompromised setting. Table 1 provides an overview of the relation-
patients, novel pathogens and types of NIs are be- ship between life-supporting technologies employed in
coming ever more recognized (6, 7). The first 70 years the ICU with the major NIs and pathogens associated
of critical care can be considered a period of “indus- with those interventions. It is very likely that future
trial revolution-like” advancement. Unfortunately, like technologic advances in critical care will be associated
the industrial revolution’s impact on the environment, with their own specific types of NIs. Indeed, one of the
advancing ICU care of increasingly elderly, immuno- necessary elements in the development of such new
suppressed, and debilitated individuals has resulted in technologies is the need to minimize or eliminate the
a greater overall burden and complexity of NIs within occurrence of NIs. Advances in materials engineering,
modern ICUs. device coatings, and device-patient connectivity should
help in preventing many future NIs (12).
DATA SOURCES AND STUDY In 1995, Vincent et al (13) published the first European
SELECTION Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care (EPIC) study.
We searched PubMed and OVID for peer-reviewed Out of 10,038 patients, in their 1-day point prevalence
literature dealing with NIs in the critically ill, as well study, 2,064 (20.6%) had ICU-acquired infection with
as the websites of government agencies involved with pneumonia (46.9%) being most frequent followed by
the reporting and prevention of NIs. Search terms in- other lower respiratory tract infection (17.8%), urinary
cluded NI, antibiotic resistance, microbiome, antibiot- tract infection (17.6%), and bloodstream infection
ics, and intensive care. (12%). The identified risk factors for ICU-acquired in-
fection included increasing length of ICU stay, mechan-
ical ventilation, trauma, central venous, pulmonary
MAJOR NI AND UNDIAGNOSED artery, urinary catheterization, stress ulcer prophylaxis.
INFECTION ICU-acquired pneumonia, clinical sepsis, and blood-
During the first decades of critical care from the 1950s stream infection were associated with increased risk of
through the 1970s, nosocomial bacterial infections ICU death. Vincent et al (14) published EPIC II in 2009
were more common among surgical patients than encompassing a more global distribution of ICUs and
medical patients (8). Wound infections, pneumonia, reported that 7,087 of 13,796 ICU patients (51%) were
urinary tract infections, and bacteremia predominated infected. However, 9,084 patients (71%) were receiving
and the most common causes of bacteremia in the antibiotics in the ICU. The lungs were the most com-
hospital were Streptococcus pneumoniae followed by mon site of infection (64%), followed by the abdomen
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, and Staphylococcus (20%), the bloodstream (15%), and the renal tract/
aureus (9). Although these infections were generally genitourinary system (14%). Patients who had longer
antibiotic susceptible, compared with todays’ patho- ICU stays prior to the study day had higher rates of in-
gens, outbreaks of penicillin-resistant S. aureus infec- fection, especially infections due to resistant bacterial
tions especially in nurseries led to public concern species and fungi. Most recently, EPIC III conducted in
regarding NIs for the first time (10). Throughout the 2017 showed similar distribution of NIs (Fig. 1) (15).
1980s and 1990s, NIs became increasingly associated Furthermore, EPIC III found that antibiotic-resistant
with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. microorganisms increasingly accounted for NIs.

170 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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50th Anniversary Articles

ICU Technologies and Corresponding Nosocomial Infections
Technology Nosocomial Infection Major Pathogens

Intracranial pressure monitor Ventriculostomy-associated •  Coagulase negative Staphyloocci

• Intraventricular Infections •  Staphylococcus aureus
• Intraparenchymal • Ventriculitis • Diphtheroids
• Subarachnoid • Meningitis • Streptococci
• Epidural •  Brain abscess • GNB
• Anaerobes
• Fungi
• Mycobacteria
Vascular catheters Catheter-related bloodstream •  Coagulase negative Staphyloocci
•  Central vein catheter infection •  S. aureus
•  Arterial catheter • Enterococci
•  Pulmonary artery catheter •  Candida species
Implantable pacemakers and •  Pocket infection •  S. aureus
cardioverter-defibrillators •  Endocarditis (lead or valve •  Coagulase negative Staphyloocci
vegetation) • Cutibacterium
• Bacteremia •  Candida species
• Mediastinitis •  Alpha-hemolytic streptococci
• Pericarditis •  Beta-hemolytic streptococci
• Enterococci
Cardiopulmonary assist devices •  Pump or cannula infection •  See Implantable pacemakers and
•  Intraaortic balloon pump •  Pocket infection cardioverter-defibrillators
•  Ventricular assist devices •  Percutaneous driveline infection • GNB
•  Extracorporeal membrane • Mediastinitis
oxygenation •  Sternal wound infection
• Bacteremia
• Cellulitis
Urinary catheter •  Symptomatic bacteriuria •  Escherichia coli
• Urethral •  Asymptomatic bacteriuria •  Candida species
• Supracubic • Pyelonephritis •  Enterococcus species
•  Percutaneous nephrostomy •  Pseudomonas aeruginosa
•  Klebsiella species
Ventilatory support •  Ventilator-associated pneumonia •  S. aureus
•  Endotracheal tube • Ventilator-associated • GNB
• Tracheostomy tracheobronchitis   –  P. aeruginosa
•  Mechanical ventilation   – Acinetobacter species
  –  E. coli
  –  Enterobacter species
  –  Klebsiella species
• Viruses
Nutrition support • Sinusitis •  S. aureus
•  Enteral via nasogastric tube, • Bacteremia • GNB
orogastric tube, or gastrostomy- • Cellulitis •  Candida species
tube/gastrojejunostomy tube  Peritonitis
•  Parenteral via central vein catheter
GNB = Gram-negative bacteria.

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Figure 1. Bar graph indicating the prevalence of nosocomial infections from European Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care III (see
Vincent et al [15]). GU = genitourinary.

The EPIC studies are important in demonstrating regimens that fail to treat the resistant pathogens (20, 21).
that NIs are increasingly prevalent, associated with In addition to prior antibiotic exposure, risk factors
worse outcomes and more commonly associated with for antibiotic-resistant NIs include age, underlying ill-
infection due to antibiotic-resistant pathogens. These ness, international travel, and use of acid-suppression
findings are similar to those reported by the CDC therapy, especially in the ICU setting (22). We should
and the European Centre for Disease Control and view the prevention of NIs in parallel with the preven-
Prevention (ECDC). In 2012, the ECDC described the tion of antibiotic resistance given their close relation-
results of a point-prevalence study conducted in 2010 ship. This will require reexamining common practices
with 19,888 surveyed patients, of whom 7.1% had an performed in the ICU environment such as the use of
NI and 34.6% were receiving at least one antimicrobial prophylactic antibiotics and acid-suppression therapies.
agent (16). NI-prevalence results were highest in ICUs One of the main challenges for ICU clinicians, in
(28.1%) and 61.4% of ICU patients were being treated addition to preventing NIs, is identifying the presence
with antimicrobials. Pneumonia and other lower respi- of an NI and selecting an appropriate empiric antibi-
ratory tract infections represented the most common otic regimen based on the likely source of infection, the
type of NI. The ECDC also reported similar NI prev- prevailing local antibiotic susceptibility patterns, and
alence rates for pediatric and neonatal ICUs (17). In individual patient risk profiles for antibiotic resistance.
the United States, the CDC has described comparable Traditional laboratory methods for pathogen identifica-
distributions of NIs, although NI rates appeared to be tion and antibiotic susceptibility typically require 48–72
dropping for several important infections due in large hours (23). Unfortunately, such historically acceptable
part to state-sponsored prevention programs (4, 18). diagnostic delays can result in inadequate initial treat-
The increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance ment regimens or unnecessary use of broad-spectrum
among NIs is also an increasing threat to human health antimicrobials. In addition, these traditional micro-
(19). Carriers of multidrug-resistant microorganisms biology methods predating the first ICUs are insensi-
(MDROs) are at greater risk for developing infections tive for the identification of many atypical pathogens
that are difficult to treat and associated with greater mor- including viruses and fungi. Use of novel diagnostics
tality due to initial empiric therapy with antimicrobial including real-time molecular methods like multiplex

172 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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50th Anniversary Articles

Clinical Isolates From U.S. Hospitals as Reported by the National Nosocomial Infections
1970–1979 1986–1989 1990–1992
(Unknown, (76,798 (70,411 Blood Pneumonia
Organism Not Reported) Isolates) Isolates) (2,971 Isolates) (4,389 Isolates)

Escherichia coli 19 16 12 3 4
Staphylococcus aureus 9 10 12 13 20
Coagulase-negative staphylococci — 9 11 36 1
Enterococcus species 10 12 10 16 2
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9 11 9 3 21
Candida albicans 5 5 5 3 1
Klebsiella species 8 5 5 4 8
Numbers are shown as percentages.
See Allen et al (32), Schaberg et al (33), Emori and Gaynes (34), and Richards et al (35). Blanks reflect missing data or inability to cal-
culate accurately percentage.

polymerase chain reaction and advanced microscopy NI within ICUs. Gram-positive organisms especially
should enhance microbiologic diagnostics leading to methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) increased in
improved outcomes (23–25). In the future, metage- predominance from the 1960s to the 1980s. This was
nomic next-generation sequencing should allow earlier followed by a period of escalating prevalence of antibi-
and more targeted treatments for NIs, identify emerg- otic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (32, 33). Table 2
ing infections causing NI outbreaks, and accelerate the provides an overview of the predominant bacterial
workup and treatment for noninfectious causes of di- isolates from U.S. hospitals, including ICUs, from
sease promoting antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) (26). the 1980s and 1990s as reported from the National
The importance of early identification of novel NI Nosocomial Infections Surveillance system, which is
outbreaks for purposes of epidemiologic surveillance, conducted by the CDC (32–35). As these surveys show,
curtailing NI spread, and providing early treatment is the 1980s introduced the predominance of potentially
illustrated by nosocomial outbreaks of Candida auris, antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria especially
middle eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19, Wuhan, The EPIC studies for the first time provided a global
China), and pan-resistant E. coli (6, 27–30). perspective on the changing landscape of NIs within
ICUs. The first EPIC point-prevalence study in 1992
found that 4,501 ICU patients (44.8%) had one or
more infections with more than 35% being NIs (13).
The causative pathogens responsible for NIs within The most frequent isolates were Enterobacterales
ICUs have dramatically changed over the last 70 years (34.4%) (E. coli, Klebsiella species, and Enterobacter
predominantly in terms of their antimicrobial resist- species), S. aureus (30.1%), P. aeruginosa (28.7%),
ance. In the 1960s, wound infections constituted the coagulase-negative staphylococci (19.1%), and fungi
predominant postoperative ICU infection replaced by (17.1%). Interestingly, only 0.2% of patients had iden-
urinary tract infection in the 1970s and 1980s and closely tified viral infections. In terms of antibiotic resistance,
followed by bloodstream infections (31). In the 1990s, 59.6% of S. aureus infections were methicillin-resis-
nosocomial pneumonia became the most common tant, whereas 65.1% of Pseudomonas species and 75%

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Kollef et al

of coagulase-negative staphylococci were resistant to (Fig. 1). As in the previous EPIC studies, the lung was
one or more antibiotics. the most frequent source of infection (60%) followed
Forty percent of the positive cultures revealed by the abdomen (18%) and the bloodstream (15%).
Gram-positive bacteria, 62% had Gram-negative bac- Sixty-five percent of patients had at least one posi-
teria, 19% revealed fungi, and no viruses were reported tive microbiological culture with 67% of isolates being
in EPIC II (14). The most common Gram-positive bac- Gram-negative bacteria, 37% Gram-positive bac-
terium was S. aureus, and the most frequent Gram- teria, and 16% fungal. Gram-negative bacteria were
negative bacteria were P. aeruginosa and E. coli. Patients more frequently isolated in hospital-acquired than in
with longer ICU stays prior to the study day had higher community-acquired infections (71% vs 51%). The
rates of infection, especially infections due to resistant most common Gram-negative bacteria isolated were
staphylococci, Acinetobacter species, Pseudomonas Enterobacterales (26%), Pseudomonas species (16%),
species, and Candida species. Unfortunately, the EPIC and Acinetobacter species (11%). Gram-positive bac-
II study did not differentiate between nosocomial teria including MRSA were more frequently isolated
and community-acquired infections. However, when in North America. Viruses represented 3.7% of the
comparing the two first EPIC studies, the infections microbiologic isolates. Among antibiotic-resistant
attributed to MRSA decreased and infections caused microorganisms, infections with vancomycin-resistant
by Gram-negative bacteria increased as a proportion Enterococcus (VRE), beta-lactam-resistant Klebsiella,
of all infections (Table 3). and carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter species were
A total of 1,150 centers from 88 countries partici- independently associated with increased risk of death.
pated in EPIC III and 8,135 patients (54%) had at least The EPIC studies provide an overview of changes
one suspected or proven infection on the day of the in infections in the ICU setting over a 25-year period.
study (15). Community-acquired infections occurred The EPIC studies are consistent in demonstrating the
in 44% of patients with hospital- or healthcare-acquired lungs as the main source of ICU infections, followed by
infections in 35% and ICU-acquired infections in 22% the abdomen and the bloodstream. The EPIC studies

Distribution (%) of Microorganisms From All Sites—European Prevalence of Infection in
Intensive Care (I, II, and III)

Year 1992 2007 2017

Number of infected patients 4,501 7,087 8,135
Gram-negative bacteria — 62.2% 67.1%
  Enterobacterales (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, 34.4% 35.7% 25.5%
and Enterobacter species)
  Pseudomonas aeruginosa 28.7% 19.9% 16.2%
  Acinetobacter — 8.8% 11.4%
Gram-positive bacteria
  Staphylococcus aureus 30.1% 20.5% 9.6%
 Methicillin-resistant S. aureus — 10.2% 4.6 %
Fungi 17.1% 19.4% 16.4%
Viruses 0.2% — 3.7%
EPIC = European Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care.
Blanks reflect missing data or inability to calculate accurately percentage.

174 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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50th Anniversary Articles

demonstrate a discernable decrease in S. aureus infec- interrelationships between the microbiota and disease
tions but an increase in Gram-negative bacterial infec- have only begun to emerge in the last 2 decades, limiting
tions including MDROs, more fungal infections (mainly any historical perspective, especially within critically ill
Candida and Aspergillus species), and more reported patients. Microbiota are detectable in health possess-
viral infections. Approximately half of all infections ing their own genetic code, termed the microbiome,
identified in ICUs are now hospital- or healthcare- and closely interact with host cells to maintain overall
acquired NIs. Fungal infections have become more body homeostasis. A common hypothesis related to the
common presumably due in large part to the greater microbiome and its impact on host disease activity is that
numbers of immunosuppressed patients admitted to changes in microbiota gene activity and metabolic pro-
the ICU and the increasing presence of long-term cen- cesses can directly impact host tissues and result in ab-
tral vein catheters. Additionally, the increasing emer- normal host immune responses (Fig. 2) (40).
gence of antimicrobial resistance in fungi has become a VAP and sepsis caused by MDROs are two of the
reality with the emergence of C. auris infections as the conditions best understood, whereby alterations in the
most recent example of this trend (6, 30). host microbiome contribute to the development and
The increasing presence of immunosuppressed progression of disease activity (41). It is increasingly
patients within ICUs also reflects a major change in apparent that dysbiosis or microbial imbalances or
the microbial etiologies (36). Solid and liquid organ- maladaptations within the body such as an impaired
transplant patients and patients undergoing chemo- intestinal microbiome represent an important patho-
therapy, corticosteroid administration, and biological genic mechanism for the development of nosocomial
treatments frequently present with infections that may lung infections. Animal studies indicate that dys-
require ICU admission, with these infections being ei- biosis results in a proinflammatory environment that
ther community- or hospital-acquired. It is expected can lead to alteration of microbial molecules termed
that other novel pathogens, or reemergence of older pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
pathogens with greater antibiotic resistance or viru- (42). Subsequent translocation of bacteria and their by-
lence, will likely arise as important causes of NIs in the products including PAMPs is associated with immune
future as host factors continue to evolve (37). pathology such as systemic immune activation, tissue
damage, and sepsis with organ dysfunction (42).
Kelly et al (43) demonstrated that critically ill sub-
HOST-MICROBIOME INTERACTION jects had lower initial diversity of their microbiota in
Microbiota are the set of microorganisms that coexist both the upper and lower respiratory tracts compared
symbiotically with our own body (38, 39). The delicate with healthy controls. Presence of endotracheal tubes

Figure 2. Homeostasis within the intestinal microbiome contrasted to subsequent dysbiosis along with the resulting adverse
consequences to the host.

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Kollef et al

and antibiotic administration can promote pathogenic and yeast introduced into the intestine in order to sup-
bacterial colonization in the airways contributing to port and enhance the integrity of the gut microbiome.
both lower microbiota diversity and the development of Regrettably, there is not conclusive evidence yet to
an intermediate respiratory infection termed VAT (44). support the routine use of probiotics in the critically
VAT represents a compartmentalized host response as- ill population (54, 55). Another novel therapeutic
sociated with a better overall prognosis than VAP (45). approach termed “postbiotic therapy” has emerged,
If the aforementioned response is not compartmental- which focuses on molecules or metabolites that are
ized, progression to VAP is likely and potentially other secreted, modulated, or degraded by the microbiota
organ failure to include the acute respiratory distress subsequently exerting their effects directly onto host
syndrome (ARDS) may occur (46). An observational cells (56). Metabolite-based therapeutics could po-
study performed in European ICUs attempted to eluci- tentially target downstream signaling pathways of the
date the role of the microbiome in the development of microbiota, mitigating the negative effects of an ex-
VAP (47). Dysbiosis of microbial communities in the cess, scarcity, or dysregulation of metabolites involved
respiratory tract was most profound in patients who in these pathways (57). Finally, fecal transplantation
developed VAP. However, mechanical ventilation it- to restore the normal microbiome activity is another
self, but not antibiotic administration, was associated therapeutic approach in critically ill patients being ac-
with more pronounced changes in the respiratory tively investigated (58).
microbiome. These findings provide alternative po- Host-pathogen interactions represent one of the most
tential mechanisms by which ventilator-induced lung exciting areas of future research, as it relates to the de-
injury influences local changes at the airway level pro- velopment of NIs and outcomes in the critically ill. The
moting the occurrence of NIs. first 70 years of critical care have undoubtedly resulted
Dickson et al (48) examined the lungs of critically in alterations of the microbiome from ICU therapies in-
ill patients and found a correlation between lung-spe- cluding mechanical ventilation and antibiotics. Better
cific microbiota and clinical outcomes. Patients with understanding of the continuum between local colo-
increased lung bacterial burden had fewer ventilator- nization with pathogenic microorganisms altering the
free days. In addition, these investigators found that microbiome to NI development and organ failure will
the community composition of lung bacteria, driven benefit from new investigative techniques potentially
primarily by gut-associated bacteria, was also predic- leading to future novel treatment strategies (50, 59).
tive of ventilator-free days and the presence of ARDS.
Thus, bacterial burden and community composition CURES OF INFECTION: ANTIBIOTICS
of the microbiota both influence disease presenta- AND OTHER THERAPIES
tion and clinical outcomes. Other investigators have The first 70 years of critical care have demonstrated
also demonstrated the importance of the microbiota that prompt administration of antimicrobial therapy
in the gastrointestinal tract as a contributor to critical is the foundation upon which all other therapies are
illness (49). The gut functioning as a “complex organ” based on the treatment of infections in ICU patients.
regulates many aspects of the interaction between mi- As such, clinical practice guidelines, most notably the
crobiota and the immune system of the host. Recently, Surviving Sepsis Campaign, have endorsed the admin-
the development of enteropathy and growth stunting istration of broad-spectrum antibiotics within 1 hour
in undernourished children has been linked to mi- of sepsis and septic shock recognition (60). This strong
crobiota changes (50). These findings have important recommendation is based on multiple observational
implications for further understanding the role of the studies of large patient cohorts spanning the last 15–20
microbiota on disease progression and outcomes of years (61–63). During this same time period, equal im-
critical illness. portance has been placed on the administration of ap-
Antimicrobial preventative therapies such as selec- propriate initial antimicrobial therapy, therapy active
tive digestive decontamination have shown the ability against the offending pathogens, stemming from asso-
to avert NIs in the short term but result in the disrup- ciations of significant reductions in all-cause mortality
tion of the microbiota, leading to future antibiotic- and a number needed to treat as low as 10 patients
resistant infections (51–53). Probiotics are live bacteria to prevent one fatal outcome (64). Unfortunately,

176 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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50th Anniversary Articles

Figure 3. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic alterations in critically ill patients. AUC = area under the concentration/time curve,
CL = drug clearance, Cmax = maximum serum concentration, fu = fraction of unbound drug, t½ = serum concentration half-life, Vd = volume
of distribution.

broad-spectrum antimicrobials prescribed with the for several failed VAP clinical studies of contemporary
intention of improving patient outcomes can lead to antibiotics (68, 69). Taken together, antibiotics along
unintended collateral damage by selecting for resistant with their ineffective delivery in increasingly complex
pathogens (65). This likely explains the temporal trend patients promote the development of NIs and, more
of increasing antimicrobial resistance, necessitating the importantly, antibiotic resistance (70, 71).
development of newer and more powerful antibiotics. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for amino-
The cause and effect relationship of antibiotic use- glycosides has been available since the advent of crit-
spurring antibiotic resistance has been a constant since ical care (72). Although initially limited in scope and
the introduction of penicillin, but this is often height- applicability for critically ill patients, TDM has more
ened in critically ill patients because of altered phar- recently been advocated as a tool to optimize serum
macokinetic parameters that lead to subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations in the face of altered phar-
and subtherapeutic antibiotic concentrations (Fig. 3). macokinetic in critically ill patients. Studies performed
This in turn can stimulate resistant gene expression in the last decade evaluating the first dose of antibiot-
and transfer as well as mutagenesis (66). Alterations ics including beta-lactams and aminoglycosides con-
in pharmacokinetic observed in critically ill patients sistently demonstrate that target concentrations are
include variability in absorption of oral medications seldom-achieved despite the use of recommended
in patients with mesenteric hypoperfusion or delayed maximal doses (73–75). Continuous or prolonged
gastric emptying. This can result in reduced max- infusions of beta-lactams have been vigorously studied
imum serum concentrations (Cmax), total serum con- as a method to meet target concentrations, commonly
centrations as described by the area under the curve, defined as the percentage of time the free beta-lactam
and changes in drug half-life. Likewise, critically ill concentration is above the minimum inhibitory con-
patients often display variability in drug distribution centration (%fT > minimum inhibitory concentra-
stemming from fluid shifts or changes in plasma pro- tion). Although application of this approach does
tein concentrations such as albumin. This can result improve the frequency at which targeted serum con-
in increased volumes of distribution, particularly for centrations are met, there has been minimal evidence
hydrophilic antibiotics like beta-lactams, and lead to that associates improved clinical outcomes within het-
decreased serum concentrations (67). Reduced serum erogeneous populations of critically ill patients when
concentrations generally result in lower concentra- evaluating individual trials. However, when meta-ana-
tions at the site of infection, which may be responsible lytic techniques are applied to randomized, controlled

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Kollef et al

trials of patients with sepsis or severe sepsis, prolonged harbor resistance mechanisms that are difficult to treat
infusions appear to offer a significant survival benefit with traditional antibiotics and the potential to serve
compared with short-term infusions (76, 77). Beta- as nanodelivery vehicles that carry agents that exert
lactam infusion group (BLING) III, an ongoing multi- antibacterial activity beyond the current drug phar-
center, open, phase 3 trial will recruit 7,000 critically ill macology. However, with any of the nontraditional
patients to compare 90-day mortality rates in patients approaches mentioned, it is unlikely that any innova-
randomized to continuous infusions of meropenem or tion will replace the use of antibiotics in the near term
piperacillin/tazobactam or intermittent infusions of and instead will be used as part of combinations of
the same antibiotics (78). In addition to the primary therapy with currently approved antibiotics.
outcome evaluation, this study will provide a more de-
finitive look into the relationship between beta-lactam ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE
target attainment and patient outcomes.
One specific population that is of particular in- No review of the historical trends of NIs in critically ill
terest when considering adequate doses of antibiotics patients would be complete without addressing antimi-
are patients presenting with or developing augmented crobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance represents
renal clearance (ARC). It is quite clear that traditional one of the most important challenges in all types of
dosing approaches of beta-lactams are inadequate for NIs since the beginning of critical care in both Gram-
achieving targeted serum concentrations in the pres- positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Antimicrobial re-
ence of ARC (79, 80). Due to the concerns associated sistance has also been progressively observed in fungal
with inadequate antibiotic concentrations at the sites and viral pathogens over the past 70 years. Concurrent
of infection in the critically ill, especially individuals with the evolution of critical care as a distinct subspe-
with ARC, TDM has been recommended as standard cialty, we have witnessed an alarming increase in anti-
practice in this group of patients when available (81). microbial resistance. The World Health Organization
In addition to optimizing how antibiotics are now considers antimicrobial resistance a major threat
administered and monitored, the addition of new to human health, whereas others suggest that nearly
agents with novel pharmacology to the therapeutic ar- 300 million individuals will die over the next 3 decades
mamentarium is a much needed approach to combat- as a direct result of antimicrobial resistance (83, 84).
ing antibiotic resistance. Since 2014, the United States The economic costs, both direct and indirect, associ-
Food and Drug Administration has approved 10 new ated with antimicrobial resistance are staggering (85).
antibiotics. Each new approval targets difficult to treat, Antimicrobial resistance denotes a particular
drug-resistant pathogens including carbapenem-resis- problem in ICUs. The burden and prevalence of anti-
tant Enterobacterales (CRE), multidrug-resistant P. microbial resistance in the ICU reflect a combination
aeruginosa, and MRSA (Table 4). of both patient and organizational pressures that mu-
Other novel approaches to circumventing bacterial tually reinforce each other. In terms of patient-related
drug resistance have been in development for several factors, those cared for in the ICU have often been
years. One such approach is via inhibition of viru- exposed to antibiotic therapy prior to ICU admission,
lence factor (VF) production or activity. An example routinely are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics
of this that is available for clinical use is bezlotoxumab, while in the ICU, and may be colonized with antibi-
a human monoclonal antibody (mAb) that binds to C. otic-resistant pathogens (85, 86). Organizationally and
difficile toxin B indicated in patients who are receiving historically, patients in the ICU are cohorted in a small
antibacterial therapy and are at high risk for infection geographic area such that failures in infection control
recurrence (82). Other VFs that are mAb targets are S. can have a significant and rapid impact across the ICU
aureus α-toxin and protein A, and Type III secretion (87, 88). Similarly, many ICUs face nursing shortages,
systems embedded in many Gram-negative bacteria made more acute by the recent COVID-19 pandemic,
including P. aeruginosa. The field of phage research has which result in nurses having to care for multiple
been rekindled in response to the epidemic of MDROs. patients.
Phage therapy is attractive because of the specificity to Epidemiologically, few analyses have specifically fo-
single bacterial species and, in particular, strains that cused on antimicrobial resistance in ICU populations.

178 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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50th Anniversary Articles

Rather, prevalence studies generally describe the pro- Hence, the key issue related to antimicrobial resist-
portion of resistant organisms seen throughout the hos- ance and its impact centers on how resistance affects
pital or throughout a country and/or region (87, 88). initial antibiotic prescribing. The higher mortality
Reports that explore risk factors for infection with anti- rates and greater resource use associated with antimi-
microbial-resistant organisms and indirectly describe crobial-resistant NIs do not, per se, relate to the pres-
epidemiology, though, generally indicate that requir- ence of resistance. Resistance, in other words, does not
ing ICU care serves as an independent risk factor for make a specific pathogen more virulent. Rather, the
such processes (89, 90). In addition, one should recog- presence of resistance complicates the clinician’s an-
nize that the prevalence of specific resistant pathogens tibiotic selection process and, in turn, decreases the
varies from ICU to ICU based on local epidemiology probability that the patient will receive initially ap-
and multiple other variables such as the frequency of propriate antimicrobial therapy (IAAT). For nearly
resistance in the community- and antibiotic-prescrib- all infections, the timeliness and appropriateness of
ing patterns outside the ICU. Currently, the major con- antibiotic treatment are the central modifiable deter-
cerns surrounding antimicrobial resistance center on minant of outcomes. Multiple analyses document that
Gram-negative organisms. Specific pathogens that lead failure to administer promptly an agent to which the
to trepidation include both extended-spectrum beta culprit pathogen is in vitro susceptible independently
lactamase producing Enterobacterales, CREs, multi- increases a patient’s risk for death (61, 93–96). One re-
drug resistant (MDR) P. aeruginosa, and carbapenem- cent report suggests that the number needed to treat
resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. In earlier decades, to save one life with appropriate antibiotic therapy is
more emphasis was placed on resistant Gram-positive as low as five (96). Strikingly, the number needed to
bacteria such as MRSA and VRE. For both MRSA and treat is lowest for antibiotic-resistant infections. The
VRE, however, rates of infection with these pathogens significant impact of IAAT has also been noted in the
have either plateaued (as in the United States) or fallen cases of infections due to both molds and yeast, two
(as in parts of Europe) (91). Additionally, and in con- nonbacterial pathogens routinely encountered in ICU
trast to the scenario with resistant Gram-negative bac- patients. Why do some patients fail to receive IAAT?
terial infections, multiple agents presently exist to treat Often it is either because of a failure to recognize that
both MRSA and VRE. an infection is present or, more often, because the pa-
Historically, it is important to realize that resistance tient harbors a resistant organism that the prescriber
has arisen to every antibiotic ever developed for use in failed to consider. In short, antimicrobial resistance
the ICU setting. Initial reports of resistance often fol- presents two specific challenges in the care of NIs: 1)
low soon after a new molecule’s introduction into the correct identification and treatment of NIs caused by
anti-infective armamentarium (Fig. 4). The key issue, antibiotic-resistant pathogens and 2) the prevention
though, revolves around when resistance becomes suf- and spread of further antimicrobial resistance.
ficiently common such that traditional anti-infective With respect to the concerns associated with antibi-
regimens are no longer reliable choices for therapy. In otic-resistant NIs, AMS represents a key undertaking.
that vein, many epidemiologic reports employ a vo- Several position statements describe the central com-
cabulary that categorizes resistant pathogens as either ponents of AMS (90, 91). Put simply, AMS as it relates
MDR (e.g., resistance to one or more agents in three to the ICU “involves a multifaceted and multidiscipli-
or more classes of antibiotics), extensively drug-resis- nary approach to … combating antimicrobial resist-
tant (e.g., resistance to at least one agent in all but two ance, improving clinical outcomes, and controlling
classes of antibiotics), or pandrug-resistant (e.g., re- costs by improving [anti-infective] use” (90). Important
sistant to all currently available agents) (92). Although components of any AMS initiative address proper pa-
this approach to classification facilitates case finding tient identification, dosing optimization, anti-infective
and reporting, it is of little value to clinicians. For ex- deescalation, and shortening the duration of therapy.
ample, MDR P. aeruginosa is now fairly common across Furthermore, any AMS project should include a
the globe. However, in many cases, MDR P. aeruginosa mechanism for prospective audit and feedback so that
may remain in vitro susceptible to routinely used anti- members of the AMS team and bedside physicians can
biotics such as cefepime and piperacillin-tazobactam. assess the impact of their efforts. Although a complete

Critical Care Medicine      179

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Kollef et al

New Antibacterial Agents—Activity Versus Difficult-to-Treat Pathogens and Major Toxicities

New Delhi Metallo-

Extended- Klebsiella Beta-Lactamase/
AmpC Spectrum pneumoniae OXA Verona Integron- Methicillin-
Beta- Beta carba- Beta- Encoded Metallo- Resistant
Antibacterial Lactamase Lactamase penemase Lactamase Beta-Lactamase Staphylococcus
Agent (Ambler C) (Ambler A) (Ambler A) (Ambler D) (Ambler B) Acinetobacter Pseudomonas aureus
 Ceftaroline +

  Ceftolozane and ± + +

  Ceftazidime and + + + ± +

 Cefiderocola + + + + + + +

  Meropenem and + + + ± +
 Imipenem/ + + + ± +
cilastatin and

 Omadacycline + + + ± ± + +

 Eravacycline + + + ± ± + +

 Plazomicin + + + + ± ± ±

 Delafloxacin + ± + +

 Dalbavancin +

 Oritavancin +

 Tedizolid +

Virulence factor inhibitor (human monocolonal antibody)


+ = active, ± = potentially active, cIAI = complicated intra-abdominal infection.

Functions as a siderophore and binds to extracellular free ferric iron.

180 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

Copyright © 2021 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
50th Anniversary Articles

Intermediate Vancomycin-
Staphylococcus Resistant Clostridium
aureus Enterococcus difficile Toxicities

+ Diarrhea, nausea, and rash

Direct Coombs’ test seroconversion
Decreased efficacy in cIAI patients with a baseline CrCl of 30–50 mL/min
Nausea, diarrhea, headache, pyrexia, elevations in liver tests, and renal impairment/renal
Decreased efficacy in cIAI patients with a baseline CrCl of 30–50 mL/min
CNS reactions, especially in renal impairment
Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
An increase in all-cause mortality with cefiderocol compared with the best available therapy in
patients with carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative infections, primarily due to Acinetobacter,
Stenotrophomonas, and Pseudomonas.
Diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, infusion-site reactions, elevations in liver tests,
hypokalemia, and cough

Coadministration with valproic acid or divalproex sodium may increase the risk of breakthrough seizures
Headache, infusion-site reactions, and diarrhea
Seizures and CNS reactions, and coadministration with valproic acid or divalproex sodium
may increase the risk of breakthrough seizures
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, infusion-site reactions, elevations in liver tests, pyrexia,
hypertension, and headache

+ + Mortality imbalance (> moxifloxacin) in community-acquired bacterial pneumonia trial

Tooth discoloration and enamel hypoplasia
Diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, infusion-site reactions, elevations in liver tests, and insomnia
+ + Tooth discoloration and enamel hypoplasia
Infusion-site reactions, nausea, and vomiting

Nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, neuromuscular blockade, and fetal harm


Tendinitis and tendon rupture, peripheral neuropathy and CNS effect, and exacerbation of
myasthenia gravis
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, elevations in liver tests, and headache

+ Elevations in alanine aminotransferase

Diarrhea, nausea, and headache
+ + Coagulation test interference (activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time/
international normalized ratio, and activated clotting time) and infusion-related reactions
(slow infusion over 3 hr recommended)
Avoid use in osteomyelitis
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, limb and subcutaneous abscesses, and headache

+ + Safety and efficacy have not been established in patients with neutropenia
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, infusion-related reactions, dizziness, and headache

+ Heart failure exacerbations commonly reported in patients with a history of congestive heart failure
Nausea, headache, and pyrexia

Critical Care Medicine      181

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Kollef et al

For example, if the prev-

alence of antimicrobial
resistance is low in a par-
ticular ICU, regular use of
these newer technologies
may result in more false-
positive than true-positive
results. As such, one may
need to employ rapid diag-
nostics based on a risk-
stratification scheme so
as to optimize their utility.
Likewise, machine learn-
ing and artificial intelli-
gence models may either
augment or perhaps sup-
plant novel rapid diagnos-
Figure 4. The year of introduction of several commonly used antimicrobials along with some
recently approved agents specifically designed to address antibiotic resistance. The bar for each
tics (99). With sufficient
antibiotic begins with the year of introduction and ends with the year that in vitro resistance to data, one might be able to
that agent was initially reported for the pathogen the agent targeted. For example, for levofloxacin, create trainable models to
the end of the bar indicates the report of Streptococcus pneumoniae resistance to levofloxacin, predict resistance and se-
whereas the end of the bar for ceftazadime-avibactam reveals the year of reports of resistance lect the most appropriate
for this agent in Enterobacterales. Source: compiled from information contained in the Centers for
anti-infective for a patient
Disease Control and Prevention: Report on Antibiotic Resistance, 2019. Available at: https://www. Accessed Jan 1, 2020.
with a specific NI. In sum,
antimicrobial resistance
discussion of AMS is beyond the scope of this review, will continue to represent a challenge in the treatment
readers should note that one area where the evidence of NIs. However, with recognition of the problem, an
is relatively clear relates to antibiotic treatment dura- emphasis on IAAT and, by implementing AMS, those
tion, particularly in critically ill subjects. Essentially who practice in the ICU can help to limit the impact of
every randomized trial comparing longer durations antimicrobial resistance.
of therapy to shorter ones has demonstrated that the
shorter duration is associated with similar if not bet- PREVENTION OF NI
ter outcomes for the patients (97). Shorter durations Despite the technological and medical advances that
of treatment also decrease the selection pressure that have occurred in the care of critically ill patients over
promotes further antimicrobial resistance and reduces the past 70 years, NIs continue to be a present and
the risk for C. difficile-associated diarrhea. seemingly more difficult problem for the modern
Future approaches to combating antimicrobial re- intensivist. It is very likely that NIs will continue to be
sistance will certainly include the incorporation of a vexing problem for future generations of intensivists
newer rapid diagnostic tests. These tools hold the to come. The use of standardized infection-prevention
promise of being able to narrow therapy more quickly practices appears to reduce the occurrence of NIs but
while shifting patients treated inappropriately to bet- may be limited in the prevention of the more difficult
ter anti-infective options sooner (23). It remains un- infections such as VAP and C. difficile, as well as the
clear how to best employ these newer diagnostics as prevention of antibiotic resistance emergence (4). The
some remain cumbersome to use while others either contributions of Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis in terms
are only validated on selected types of samples (e.g., of hand cleansing, approaches to antiseptic surgery
blood) or are costly to purchase. Similarly, these tests by Joseph Lister, and development of modern nurs-
cannot be interpreted without consideration of the un- ing by Florence Nightingale still serve as the pillars
derlying prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (98). upon which our current infection control practices are

182 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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50th Anniversary Articles

Emerging and Future Approaches for the Prevention of Nosocomial Infections in the ICU
Pathogen-focused approaches
  Vaccines to prevent common nosocomial infections (Clostridium difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudom-
onas aeruginosa, Candida species, and respiratory syncytial virus)
  Biologic prevention strategies (pathogen and virulence factor-directed monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies)
  Bacteriophage therapy
  Quorum-sensing inhibitor molecules
Host-focused strategies
  Microbiome preservation (prebiotics, probiotics, and fecal microbiota transplantation)
  Immune enhancement therapies (antiprogrammed cell death protein 1, antiprogrammed cell death protein 1
ligand, and anticytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4)
  Topical disinfectants with longer term persistence
  Gene and stem-cell therapies
Environment-focused approaches
  Self-disinfecting surfaces in hospital rooms and on medical devices/endoscopes
  Continuous room disinfection (ultraviolet light, dilute hydrogen peroxide aerosolization, antimicrobial peptides,
photoactivated surfaces)
  Heavy-metal coatings (silver and copper)
  Antiadhesive surfaces

based (100). Disappointingly, the increasing com- CONCLUSIONS

plexity of the patients cared for in modern and future
ICUs along with the intensifying threat of antimicro- NIs continue to be and will be for the foreseeable
bial resistant pathogens serves as a warning that novel future an important detrimental influence on pa-
approaches to NI prevention are needed. tient outcomes in the ICU setting (101). Further re-
Table 5 presents potential new approaches for the search focusing on the prevention and treatment
prevention of future NIs in the ICU population. These of NIs is needed going forward to improve the out-
potential new approaches include therapies focusing on comes and to reduce healthcare costs for critically ill
specific pathogens to prevent NIs including vaccines, patients.
mAbs, bacteriophage, and molecules aimed at disrupt-
ing quorum sensing. Host-directed strategies targeting
1 Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
microbiome preservation, enhancement of the host Department of Internal Medicine, Washington University
immune response, and improved persistent topical dis- School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
infectants may also play a role in the future prevention 2 Pulmonology and Respiratory Intensive Care Department,
of NIs. Improvements in environmental and equipment Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, University of Barcelona,
disinfection employing novel surfaces and disinfection Barcelona, Spain.
techniques could also be employed in the future espe- 3 Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Respiratory Services,
cially within high risk environments such as ICUs. One MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC.
key challenge will be to develop such approaches in a 4 Department of Clinical Medicine, Multidisciplinary Intensive
cost-effective manner given the economic constraints Care Research Organization (MICRO), St James’s Hospital,
already placed on most hospitals around the world. Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland.

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