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The Superior College, Lahore

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Course Outline
Course Course Title Pak Studies
Information Course ID Course Type
Credit hours 2 Hours per week (C-L) 2
Programs MLS, OPT, HND, MIT,BIOLOGICAL Preferred Semester
Date 2019-05-24 Version
Offered Programs Semester Session
Course Instructor(s) TA / Junior Lecturer
Course The objective of this course is to enable students to understand;
Objectives No. Objective Relation
(CO) with PEO
CO1. This Pakistan Studies course provides a background on the Pakistan Movement
and the political development after its inception. It will also cover the salient
features of Pakistan such as its land, economy, contemporary issues and futuristic
Course At the end of this course students will be able to;
Learning No. Outcome BT Relation
Outcomes Level with PLO
(CLO) CLO1. Describe historical perspective and ideological background of C2 PLO 6
CLO2. Explain the basis of Pakistan’s governance and Political system. C2 PLO1,
Discuss the causes of failure of political systems and suggestion to PLO8
solve these problems.
CLO3. Discuss the land of Pakistan and Analyze the issues and challenges C4 PLO2,
of modern Pakistan and generate practical ideas to cope with these PLO3,
challenges in the futuristic approach. PLO4
Follow up
Textbook Title Edition Authors Publisher Year ISBN


Assessment Assessment Due Weight Used to attain

Criteria CLO
(100%) Quiz Quiz L9 10% CLO 1
Assignments Assignment#1 L8 5% CLO 1
Assignment#2 L28 5% CLO 3
Class Activity Participation Class activity L 13 10% CLO 2

Presentation Presentation L 31,32 10% CLO 3

Written Examination Mid Term L 15 20% CLO 1,2
Term 40% CLO 1,2,3
Total 100

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Course Contents
Week No. Topic Lectur Lecture Contents Relation
e No. with CLO
Historical Perspectives of Pakistan

W1. Introduction: the L1. Introduction to the course CLO1

concept of civilization Concept of Civilization
L2. Ancient civilizations of Indus Valley: Mohenjo-Daro and CLO1
W3. Islam in Sub L3. Invasion of Sindh: Muhammad Bin Qasim, Mahmood CLO1
L4. Religious movements of Mujadid Alif Sani and Shah wali CLO1
ullah in sub-continent
Assignment 1: Select any one Religious or Educational Movement (1857-1905) during British colonization in sub-continent
Write down the purpose and achievement of the movement and its effects on the creation of Pakistan
W5. Ideological rationale L5. Two-nation theory: Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Iqbal, and CLO1
with reference to
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
L6. Factors leading to the birth of a nation CLO1
Economic, social, and political factors leading to the
creation of Pakistan
W7. The struggle for L7. The struggle for independence (1925–1940) CLO1
Pakistan a) The Simon Commission (reasons and opposition): the Nehru
Report and Jinnah’s Fourteen Points, the Salt March and Iqbal’s
Allahabad Address
b) continued attempts at a solution and reasons for failure: the
Simon Report, the three Round Table Conferences, the Communal
Award and Government of India Act 1935
c) Congress Rule 1937–39: reasons for the success of Congress in
the election of 1937 and impact of Congress Rule on the Muslim
L8. The Pakistan Movement (1940–1947) CLO1
The Lahore Resolution 1940, the failure of the Cripps Mission and
the Quit India Resolution
b) failure to reach agreement: the Gandhi-Jinnah Talks 1944,the
Simla Conference, the significance of the 1945–1946 elections,
the failure of the Cabinet Mission Plan 1946
c) partition achieved: Direct Action Day 1946 and communal
violence, the failure of the Executive Council, the appointment of
Mountbatten, the June 3 Plan, the Radcliffe Commission/Award
and Independence Act 1947, and the overall contribution made in
achieving the establishment of Pakistan by Mohammad Ali
Jinnah, Allama Mohammad Iqbal
and Chandri Rahmat Ali.
W9. L9. Quiz CLO1
L10. Discussion on Assignment#1 (Movements for the creation CLO1
of Pakistan)
Government and Politics in Pakistan
W11. The government of L11. Introduction of Systems of Government in CLO1
Pakistan Pakistan( Autocratic, Democratic)
L12. Level and branches of Government (Federal, Provincial and CLO1
Home Task: Divide the class into groups, and ask them to name at least three countries with an autocratic system of
government and three with a democratic system. Keeping the countries in mind, they should identify central beliefs of
W13. L13. Discussion on Home task in the class
L14. The Constitution of Pakistan: key features and implications CLO2
W8. Mid Term Exams L15. Mid Term CLO2
Politics in Pakistan
W9. The Political phases L17. Pakistan: the early years (1947–1958) CLO2
The Ayub era (1958–1969)
L18. The Yahya regime (1969–1971) CLO2
The Z.A. Bhutto era (1971-1977)
W10. L19. The Zia regime (1977–1988) CLO2
Civillian rule (1988–1999)
L20. Musharraf ’s rule (1999–2008) CLO2
Zardari’s rule (2009–2013)
W11. The Political phases L21. Civilian rule ( 2013- to date) CLO2
Agenda of current government
L22. Class Activity: Discussion on causes of failure of Political CLO2
process using Pest tool.
Land of Pakistan
W12. Geography of L23. Geography of Pakistan with help of Map CLO3
Pakistan The countries sharing a border with Pakistan, and Pakistan’s
position in relation to others in South and
Central Asia.
L24. Physical features of Pakistan CLO3
Northern and Western Highlands
The Punjab Plain
The Sind Plain
The Balochistan Plateau
The Thar Desert
Assignment#2 (Task1): Divide the class into six groups. Each group will choose a province with consent of Resource
Person. Describe Main features of each province of Pakistan in relation to its location ( capital territory, culture,
Language, Life style, Festivals and Literature, Natural Resources) and Futuristic outlook of Province for the development
of Pakistan
W13. Pakistan’s Foreign Pakistan Relations With the Muslim World CLO3
Policy L25.
Pakistan and the wider world: Organization of CLO3
L26. Islamic Cooperation (OIC), South East Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
W14. Contemporary L27. Overview of the current situation of Pakistan from an CLO3
issues of economic perspective and practical solutions
Pakistan L28. Reforms in education system CLO3
W15. Futuristic L29. The geo-strategic importance of Pakistan CLO3
opportunities of Natural Resources of Pakistan (Water)
Pakistan L30. Natural Resources of Pakistan-issue of sustainability CLO3
Mineral resources
Assignment#2: (Task 2) The students will present features and futuristic outlook of their assigned
province as mentioned in Task#1
W16. Presentations

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