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Performance test Book # 4 ALC

No. Type Lesso Objective Activity

1 S 1 Listen for, Pronounce these verbs accurately
identify, and
practice using
the 3 regular
past tense
/t/, /d/, or /*d/.
(* = schwa)

2 W 1 Correctly write
short dictated
sentences (6-
12 words).
3 S 3 Recite a dialog
containing a
maximum of 3
medium or 5
exchanges and
utterances of
no more than
10 syllables
each, after
repeating it
after a model.

4 W Write the paragraph with the correct punctuation.

No. Function
5 Conversing about leisure activities Talk with you teacher about the leisure activities you like to do. At least, express 5 activites using complete

6 Discussing ability or inability to perform an action With these words expres ability or inability to perform an action

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