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Unit Plan

Alexandra Hogg

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Performance Task
W - Where the unit The students will be Classifying polygons. Students will revise their Students will work
is headed learning about angles. In The students will be rough draft of the city. The independently to complete their
this lesson the teacher cutting out foldable teacher will have the city map based on their rough
will reintroduce how to shapes to glue into their students work in groups and draft. They will also write a two
use a protractor to math journals and discuss the elements of – three sentence description of
accurately measure classifying each shape. their city. The students will their city and read this to their
angles. each have a checklist of class.
items that should be
included in their city map.
H - Hook The teacher will ask all of The teacher will start the The teacher will show the The teacher will show the
the students to stand up. lesson with a Kahoot! to students a clip from a students a completed city map
She will show the assess the students prior Marvel show explaining a and explain to the students that
students a video about learning. The students map in the shape of a they will be able to use a variety
angles and how to act out will be classifying hexagon. The teacher will of mediums to complete their
what the different angles different polygons. then ask the students what project. (paper, glue, pipe
look like. they noticed about the map. cleaners, beads, paint, markers,

E - Equip The teacher will ask the The teacher will give The teacher will explain The teacher will model a
students to look around each students a packet what the students will successful presentation of a city
the room. She will ask with various foldable creating and how this map. She will go through what
the students to find polygons to cut out. The creation incorporates the the student will need to explain
angles that are obtuse, students will first work two prior lessons on angles and then have the students clap
acute and straight. The together as a class to and shapes. at the end of the presentation.
teacher will then give the discuss each polygon This will show the students what
students a worksheet with and fill out the is expected of them for their
pictures of objects. The classification sections. final presentations.
students will measure the

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

angles of these objects
with their protractors.

R - Rethink, The teacher will give the The teacher will give the Students will create a rough Teacher will review the previous
Reflect, Revise students instruction to students time to glue draft of the city on a blank lessons with the students. Using
draw shapes with specific their polygons into their piece of paper using a ruler nearpod the teacher will have the
measurements. The math journals. The and protractor. The teacher students complete the questions
students will use their teacher will call on will have the students work and activities based on the
protractors to draw these students to read one of in groups and discuss the angles and polygon lesson.
shapes. Ex: a three-sided their shapes out loud and elements of their city. The
shape with one 90-degree have another student Students will each have a
angle, a four-sided shape read the classifications. checklist of items that
with two 30 degree The teacher will have should be included in their
angles. her examples projected city map.
onto the board.
E – Evaluate The teacher will have the Once the students have The teacher will then go The students will share their
students work in groups glued their foldable through the checklist with presentation with the class.
to grade each other’s polygons to their paper the whole class. She will Students and teacher will be able
work. The students will they will pair up and make sure that each student to grade each other’s
discuss the types of quiz each other using has included the correct presentation using the provided
shapes they created using their foldable. Students 1 elements for their final checklist.
these measurements. will ask student 2 to give project. The students will
the classifications of a need to make sure their
specific polygon. roads are made with angels
and labels with
measurements. All of the
buildings and elements in
the map should be created
with the polygons from the
previous lessons.
T - reflect The teacher will show Using manipulatives to Students are able to be Students will be able to use a
individual talents examples on the board to reinforce learning. creative when drawing and variety of creative mediums to
and interests help the special needs constructing their maps construct and complete their
and EL students see and geometry city.

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

visualize what they are
O – Organized to The teacher will Reinforcing new Students will be able to see Students will be able to see how
optimize deep introduce the topic, information on the how shapes and angles are shapes and angles are used in
understanding engage the students in various shapes through used in real life situations. real life situations. In this
higher order thinking, act peer interaction, In this specific case, specific case, creating a map of a
out examples, participate visualization and creating a map of a city. city.
in individual learning and discussion.
group learning and
finally, discuss and
evaluate their learning.

Alexandra Hogg
UbD Template 2.0
Stage 1 Desired Results
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Math Standard Students will be able to independently use their learning to identify 2-dementional shapes and
angles. They will be able to use this knowledge in everyday activities in the real world such as
Draw and identify lines and angles, and building, recreational activities, and art.
classify shapes by properties of their lines
and angles. Meaning
1. Draw points, lines, line segments, Students will understand that…
rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and What can we create with multiple polygons
perpendicular and parallel lines. Every closed shape is a polygon. and angles?
Identify these in two-dimensional
figures. 2-dementional shapes can be classified based How are angles and shapes related?
on the angles and lengths.
2. Classify two-dimensional figures How can polygons be categorized and
based on the presence or absence of Shapes have angles and these angles can be classified?
parallel or perpendicular lines, or the classified.
presence or absence of angles of a
specified size. Recognize right They can use these shapes and angles to create
an image.

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

triangles as a category, and identify They can use shapes in other areas of life such
right triangles. (Two-dimensional as, playing sports, building projects, and
shapes should include special artistic activities.
triangles, e.g., equilateral, isosceles,
scalene, and special quadrilaterals,
e.g., rhombus, square, rectangle, Academic Language:
parallelogram, trapezoid.) CA Acute, obtuse, right angle, parallel,
quadrilateral, polygon, isosceles, equilateral,
ELA Standard: square, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid.

W.4.3. Write narratives to develop real or

imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, descriptive details, and Acquisition
clear event sequences. Students will know… Students will be skilled at…
That polygons are shapes that have different Using shapes and angles to create an image
ELD Standard: angles. based on real life elements.

How to describe the elements in the final Describing and identifying shapes and angles.
C. Productive
performance task using key terms (obtuse,
acute, right, polygon, parallel)
9. Expressing information and ideas in
formal oral presentations on
Students will be skilled at articulating the
academic topics shapes and elements in their imaginary city.
10. Writing literary and informational
texts to present, describe, and explain
ideas and information, using
appropriate technology

11. Supporting own opinions and

evaluating others’ opinions in
speaking and writing

12. Selecting and applying varied and

precise vocabulary and other

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

language resources to effectively
convey ideas

C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas

6. Connecting ideas

7. Condensing ideas

1. Exchanging information/ideas

Contribute to class, group, and partner

discussions, including sustained dialogue, by
following turn-taking rules, asking relevant
questions, affirming others, and adding
relevant information

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
- Students must label the angles on each TRANSFER TASK(S):
shape correctly using their protractor. Students will use the elements of lines and angles to classify shapes based on the lines and
angles. The students will use this learning to create an imaginary city. This city will be created
- Kahoot assessments using a variety of manipulatives. Students will use a protractor and ruler to create shapes when
cutting and drawing. Each shape will have an angle measurement and a label to categorize the
-student checklist shape. The students will then use the shapes they have created to construct city map. The
-peer review checklist students will write a short description of their city and present this to their class.

Informal Assessment: OTHER EVIDENCE:

Students will act out the angles in lesson one.
Identifying shapes and angles around the

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

classroom. Students will complete a rough draft of their city map.

Acting out and demonstrating different angles Students will complete a written description of their city.
with their bodies. (acute, obtuse, right angle).
Students will complete a check list of the requirements for their complete city map.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

Lesson 1 (Angles):
Anticipatory Set
The students will be learning about angles. In this lesson the teacher will reintroduce how to use a protractor to accurately measure angles. The
teacher will ask all of the students to stand up. She will show the students a video about angles and how to act out what the different angles look
The teacher will ask the students to look around the room. She will ask the students to find angles that are obtuse, acute and straight. 
The teacher will then give the students a worksheet with pictures of objects. The students will measure the angles of these objects with their
protractors. The teacher will give the students instruction to draw shapes with specific measurements. The students will use their protractors to
draw these shapes.  (Ex: a three-sided shape with one 90-degree angle [right triangle], a four-sided shape with two 30 degree angles
[trapezoid].) The angles on the shape should be labeled correctly. The teacher will have the students work independently on their worksheets.
When the students have completed their worksheet they will be able to move into their table groups. The students will discuss the types of
shapes they created using these measurements. 
*The teacher will show examples on the board to help the special needs and EL students see and visualize what they are learning.
While the students are working in their groups the teacher will give each student a rubric to grade each other's worksheets. The students will
exchange papers and follow the guidelines on the rubric and assess their peers' work. 

1 2 3

Workshee None of the angles were Some of the angels were All angles were labels
t labeled correctly  labeled correctly  correctly.

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

Lesson 2 (Classifying Polygons)
Anticipatory Set
The teacher will start the lesson with a Kahoot! to assess the students prior learning. The students will be classifying different polygons. 

The teacher will give each student a packet with various foldable polygons to cut out. The students will first work together as a class to discuss
each polygon and fill out the classification sections

The teacher will give the students time to glue their polygons into their math journals. The teacher will call on students to read one of their
shapes out loud and have another student read the classifications. The teacher will have her examples projected onto the board. Once the
students have glued their foldable polygons to their paper they will pair up and quiz each other using their foldable. Students 1 will ask student
2 to give the classifications of a specific polygon.

Once the class has completed this exercise they will complete a final Kahoot! quiz to see what they have learned from the lesson.

Lesson 3 (Performance Task: Part 1):

Anticipatory Set
The teacher will show the students a short clip of a Marvel TV show. In this clip the students will see the map of a town in the shape of a
hexagon. The teacher will ask the students to define the shape and ask if they noticed any other shapes or angles in the map. The teacher will
then explain that today the students will be creating their own map using elements of geometry from the previous lessons on angles and

The teacher will give the students time to discuss city maps with the teacher by looking as a few student examples and looking at google maps.
The students will discuss how the roads create angels and how the building can form different shapes. The teacher will then give each student a

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

blank piece of paper to begin a rough draft of their city. 

The students will then be given a checklist of the required elements of their city. The student will being sketching what they would like their
city to look like. They will be given 30 minutes to complete this task. The students will then check off each item. Once the students feel that
they have completed their rough draft of the city they will have the teacher look over their sketch. When the teacher approves the sketch the
students will go to their table groups and wait for further instructions. 

Once all of the students have returned to their table groups the teacher will pass out a final checklist. The students will then exchange their
papers with their peers and look over the city maps. The students will check off the elements on the list and then pass these back to their peers.
The teacher will then show the students an example of a completed city and examples that the students will be completing this assignment the
following day. 

Lesson 4 (Final and Presentations):

Anticipatory Set
Teacher will review the previous lessons with the students. Using “Nearpod” the teacher will have the students complete the questions and
activities based on the angles and polygon lesson. Once the students have completed these short activities the teacher will bring out the supplies
needed to complete the city maps. 
The students will be able to work on their city maps. Before beginning, the teacher will explain that each of these maps need to have a short
description. The students will look at their rough drafts and write two-three sentences describing their city.  

They will be able to use construction paper, pipe cleaners, glue, paint, markers, etc…. to create their map. The students will be given 20 minutes
to be creative and create their map based on the rough draft from the day before. Once the students have completed their city map they will
make sure it incorporates all of the elements of their rough draft. Once everyone has completed their project, the teacher will then bring up an
example of a completed city map. The teacher will give an example of the presentation. She will read the summary and explain the name of the
city and point out a few angles and shapes that were used in constructing this map. 

The final element in this performance task is the peer review. Each student will present their map in front of the class. As each student is
presenting the rest of the class will be grading their project. The teacher will grade using the same rubric.

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

  1 2 3

Label each Student did not label any Student labeled some of the shapes on their Student labeled all of the shapes on their
shape  shapes on their final final performance task final performance task
performance task

Measuring The angles were not Students measured the angles but angels All angles were measured and measured
the angles measured  were not measured correctly (i.e., not using correctly (i.e. lining midpoint up with the
midpoint and scale correctly) vertex and using the correct scale)

Summary Students did not write a Student had a short summary Student had a summary that included 2 -3
summary sentences describing their imaginary city.

© Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011

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