RayFire Tool 1.43 Help

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RayFire Tool 1.

43 Help
The RayFireВ ToolВ gives you the ability to shoot, destroy, demolish,
ruin, break down, make havoc, blow up, burst, detonate, explode and
do other similar things that you have always dreamed of in Max...

Table of Contents
Compiled and prepared by John Rand http://www.4rand.com/
Installation Support Plugin Access & Menus

Installation:Install the RayFire Tool in your 3ds Max folder.

Launching:You can launch RayFire Tool via Command Panel / Create / Geometry -
RayFire Tool


1. Execution
Via the Execution menu you can quickly perform all the main RayFire tool functions such
as Activate Draw Fragment Mode, Simulate Shooting, Fragment, Simulate Explosion,
Simulate Demolition, and Activate Instant Action.

2. Manager
Via manager menu You can activate Interactive mode. Select or delete layer and effects
seleted in respective lists in Interactive Layrmanager rollout. For instance, after
fragmentation last RF Layer will be selected in Layers list, so You can quiclky delete it via
manager menu and fragment it again.

3. Tools

Creat gun : creates simple plane with Look at constraint.

Clear all lists : CLear all RayFire Tool lists.
Delete all original objects : When You fragment objects RayFire creates copies of Impct
objects, hides original objects and fragment copies. so if You happy with results You can
delete all hidden original objects to avoid confusions later.
Clean up scene from RayFire info : cleans all objects in scene from any RayFire info.
Clean up delected from RayFire info : cleans only selected objects from any RayFire
Detach by element selected.
Remove middle edge vertices: ProBoolean operation creates a lot of unneeded vertices.
You can remove them using this tool. You can define angle threshold in Advanced
Fragmentation rollout. Set it to 179 to remove all certices. Set it ot 5 or less to remove
vertices only on straight edge.
STL check selected: RayFire will check all selected objects using STL check modifier and
will suggest You to select all objects witth erors.

4. Options

Hold scene before execute: holds scene before shoot, fragment or explode.
Update viewports: update viewports while fragmentation process.
Advanced Fragmentation options : open Advanced Fragmentation options rollout.
Add RayFire options : add custom Fragmentation options rollout for selected geometry
objects. Custom options might be useful if You want to use Reactor demolition. They will
allow You to fragment each object in its own way.
Remove RayFire options : remove custom Fragmentation options rollout from selected
geometry objects.

5. About

Help: Open off-line chm help file. Off-line help might be obsolete. For latest help check out
On-line help.
About: Open About rollout. In about Rollout You can see You request Id, build number,
and peoples who help me.
Website : Open RayFire Tool Website.
Tutorials : Open Video Tutorial page.
Purchase : Open purchase page.
Online Help : Open On-Line help page.
Check for updates : Download and install latest available build.
Table of Contents
Installation, Support, Plugin Access, & Menus

1. Simulation TAB
1.1 Impact Objects

1.2 Interactive Layer Manager

1.3 Shooting Options

2. Physics TAB
2.1 Physics Options

2.2 Impact Objects

2.3 Unyielding Objects

2.4 Inactive Objects

2.5 Physx Influence

3. RayXplosion TAB
3.1 Fragmentation Options

3.2 Reactor Explosion

3.3 Reactor Demolition

3.4 Draw Fragment Mode

4. Geometry TAB
4.1 Holes

4.2 Reactor Debris

4.3 Decals & Bullets

4.4 Displace & Reactor Hit

5. Particles TAB
5.1 Particle Debris

5.2 Particle Sparks

5.3 Smoke

5.4 Blood

6. Effects TAB
6.1 Light

6.2 Custom Effect

6.3 RayFire Presets


1.1 Impact Objects

In this rollout you can define Impact objects.

Impact Objects
Impact objects are geometry objects which you want to shoot, fragment or explode. You
can use multiple animated Impact objects. You can also use skinned, pointcached or
modifier deformed objects, note that in this case you loose the ability to use some of the
features in RayFire, such as creating Realtime and Predefined Holes, and Reactor Hit.

Pay attention that every time when You fragment, shoot using Any of Impact
deformations or use reactor demolition, RayFire creates copies of Impact objects, hides
original objects and use copies for simulation. When You delete simulation layer via
Interactive layer Manger, RayFire deletes objects from selected layer and unhides originla
objects. If You dont need in original Impact objects, You can delete them picking "Delete
All Original Objects" in Tools Menu.

Working with lists

Each list in the RayFire Tool has three buttons: Add, Clear and Menu.

Add : To add some objects to the list, you must first select the objects in the viewport, then
Left-click the Add button. Right-click the Add button to open the Selection Floater window
to select objects inside floater.

Clear : You can clear list by Left-clicking Clear button. In case you want to remove only
one object from the list you must select the object in list and Right-click the Clear button.

Menu : The Menu button gives you ability to mark objects in the list and quickly add them
to the list later. Right-click the Menu button to open the Menu list. Selecting Mark objects
from the list will remember the marked objects, and quickly add them to the list later by
Left-clicking the Menu button. You can unmark objects from the list or unmark all marked
objects using next two buttons. Note that if you want to add a marked object in next max
session you must save the scene after the objects have been marked.

You can automatically add marked objects or add last added objects in the list every time
when RayFire tool is launched or a max file is opened by turning ON Automatically add
marked objects and Automatically add last added objects. You can use only one of
them at a time, or turn both of them off.

Interactive selection : Interactive selection available only for Impact objects list.
Every time when You want to exlode or fragment some objects You have to add these
objects in Impact objects list.
In some cases such workflow might speed down You workflow. Turn On Interactive
Selection and after that RayFire will update Impact Objects list every time when You will
select objects. So, You can go to RayXplosion Tab and fragment objects just selecting
them and clicking Fragment or Explode Button.

1.2 Interactive Layer Manager

In this rollout you can define Interactive mode and work with created effects: select, delete,
hide\unhide or
freeze\unfreeze them.

Layers and Effects Lists

Layers and Effects Manager has two lists. Left list shows you all simulation Layers existed
in scene. Right list shows you all existed effects in selected simulation Layer in the left list.
If you select All Layers in left list, right list will show you all effects existed in scene You
can select, delete, hide\unhide and freeze\unfreeze different effects or layers selecting
them in lists and using buttons at the bottom of the lists.

If you want to select all effects in scene: select All Layers and All Effects and
push Select button.
If you want to hide all effects in first simulation: select RF_Layer_1 and All
Effects and push Hide button.
If you want to freeze all lights in second simulation: select RF_Layer_2 and
RF_Light and push freeze button.
If You want to delete one of the layer and all effects: select this layer in left list
and All Effects in right list and push delete button.

Tip: you can select several effects holding Shift button.

Right list can shows you 11 different effects: RF_Impact, RF_Fragments, RF_Displace,
RF_HolePredef, RF_Light, RF_Light_Muzzle, RF_Fume_Muzzle, RF_Debris,
RF_Debris_Reactor, RF_Smoke, RF_FumeFX, RF_ObjectSrc, RF_Decals,
RF_Sparks , RF_Blood, RF_InstantGun, RF_Bullet , RF_Custom.

RF_Impact – Impact objects. Pay attention, every time when you use one of the impact
deformation, RayFire creates copies of the original Impact objects, hides original Impact
objects and makes all deformations on these copies. If you select RF_Impact in the right
list and delete it using Delete button at bottom of the list, RayFire will automatically unhide
original objects.

1.3 Shooting Options

In this rollout you can define the effects for shooting, how they are linked to Impact objects,
the impact deformation type for Impact objects, use Interactive modes and simulate

Gun Objects
Gun objects are objects which will shoot Impact objects from the gun pivot point in the Z
axis direction. You can use multiple animated Gun objects. You can also quickly create a
plane with look at constraint to use it as gun clicking Create Gun in the Tools menu.

Shooting Options
Start frame : First shooting frame. It cannot be less than frame 5.
End frame : Last shooting frame.
Shooting rate : Shooting rate.
Rounds per shot : How many shots RayFire will create at each shoot frame. Increase this
spinner to get a shotgun like shooting effect, but do not forget increase Shoot spread
spinner too or all shots will appear at the same position.
Spread angle : Maximum random angle for each shot.

Simulate Shooting
Executes shooting simulation. Be sure that you define at least one gun and one impact
object. Note that if you use some impact deformations, such as:

Reactor Hit, Displace, Holes - Realtime or Holes - Predefined, RayFire will create
copies of all Impact objects, add Impact Deformation type to their names, hide original
objects and will make all impact deformations on copies. After the simulation RayFire will
automatically add these objects to the Impact objects list.

Instant Action
Using this feature you can create all of the effects and impact deformations without a gun.
Just choose some effects, add ONE object to the Impact objects list. Push Instant Action
button, then start picking points on the impact object. All chosen effects will automatically
be created at these points.

Warning: If you use impact deformations: Instant Action works directly with the original
Impact objects, save your scene before using the Instant Action feature.

Decals : Create animated plane for Decals effect.
Bullets : Create animated box or predefined objects for Bullet effect.
Reactor Debris : References : Create geometry objects from Debris Reference list in
Debris rollout at each impact point and explode them using reactor.
Reactor Debris : Fragmented Predefined Holes : Fragment predefined holes in case
you use Holes : Predefined impact deformation and explode them using reactor.

Impact Deformation
Reactor Hit : Using this feature you can create a realistic physical interaction of Impact
objects with bullets. Every shot will hit an impact object and create animation for it using
Displace : Using this feature you can shoot low poly objects and automatically subdivide
impact faces to get detailed dent.After that RayFire will create Displace space warp and
bind it to the impact object.
Holes : Realtime : Using this feature you can create holes in impact objects. Holes will
appear in the real time and Impact objects will get additional geometry on fly.
Holes : Predefined : Using this feature you can create holes in impact objects. Holes will
be already predefined. Objects which fill these holes will change visibility at 0 at each
impact frame. Also using predefined holes you can fragment each predefined object and
explode them using Reactor at each shot.
None : Do not create any impact deformations. Use this mode if you just want to create
effects like smoke, debris etc.

Effects Link Mode

Attachment Constraint : Every time RayFire creates effects it must link these effects to
the impact objects. Use the attachment constraint if you want to create effects on skinned
or pointcached objects. In this case RayFire will apply attachment constraint on each
created effect and link it to the impact objects impact face.
Select and Link : Created effects will use standard Select and Link function to link effects
to the impact objects. Use it with non deformed impact objects.

Blood : Create particles for Blood effect using PArray and emitter plane.
Sparks : Create particles for Sparks effect using PArray and emitter plane.
Debris : Create particles for Debris effect using PArray and emitter plane.
Smoke : Create particles for Smoke effect using PArray and emitter plane.
Custom : Use this feature If you want to create your own particle system, lights or any
other objects at impact points.

Impact Flash : Create Flash effect at each impact point using Omni Light
Muzzle Flash : Create Flash effect at gun muzzle using Omni Light

Interactive Mode
Using Interactive mode you can interactively change properties in the already created
There are two modes:

Selected Layer and Selected Objects. Depends on which is active you can
work with simulation Layer selected in the right list or only with selected
objects. After you will activate one of the mode, all spinners which can
interactively change properties will get red brackets.

For example: You have debris in first and second simulations. You
want to change particles amount for debris in first layer, particle size
for debris in second layer and particle speed for all debris in scene.

Turn On Selected Layer interactive mode Select

RF_Layer_1 in the list.
Change Num: spinner value in Debris group in Effects
Select RF_Layer_2 in the list.
Change Size: spinner value in Debris group in Effects
Select All Layers in the list.
Change Speed: spinner value in Debris group in Effects

If you want to change color in specified lights, turn ON Selected Objects interactive mode,
select these lights in viewport, don’t worry if you select any other objects and change
color in Lights rollout. RayFire will change color for all selected lights created using

Using this technique you can change any properties in created effects through RayFire
Tool, no matter when you create them.
Also using presets you can interactively load properties.
For example: you can create two presets, one with low amount of particles
and one with high amount. While you work in scene better to use low amount of
particles to speed up your workflow, but before rendering you can turn on
Selected Layer interactive mode, select needed layer, select preset with high
amount of particles and push Load button. After rendering you can select
preset with low amount of particles and load them again.

2.1 Physical options

In this rollout you can define physical properties.

Physical Options

Physical engine : Define which physical engine You want to use. Physx engine supports
only 32 bit MAX.

Start frame : Define simulation start frame.

Time range : Define how many frames will be simulated starting from Start frame.

Collision tolerance (cm) : One of the tasks that reactor performs at each simulation step
is detection of whether any objects in the scene are colliding, and then updates the scene
accordingly. If objects are closer together than the Collision Tolerance value, reactor
considers them to be colliding. A high Collision Tolerance value results in a stable
simulation, but it can also cause gaps between "colliding" objects. (3ds Max reference)

Substeps : Defines simulation substeps for physical engine. Keep it in range between 2
and 10. It is desirable to increase it in case simulation objects pass through each other.

Gravity : Multiplier for default gravity.

Move timeslider (only for PhysX) : Check ON if You want to bake animation for
simulated objects. Check OFF if You just want to physically spread objects around.

Scale Factor (only for reactor): Using it RayFire scales down fragments BEFORE send
them into reactor simulation and scale them BACK AFTER simulation finished. It seriously
decrease simulation time and completely removes gaps between fragments and collision
objects like walls and ground. Set it to 0 to turn it off.

Override properties : when ON, RayFire will override the reactor properties in the
Turn this OFF, if you want to use your own reactor properties, such as gravity, substeps,
and worldscale.

Preview and Create Animation buttons (only for reactor): Gives you ability to use
reactor via RayFire User interface.

PhysX simulations buttons.

1. Start preview: Check ON this button to start simulation in preview mode. After Time
range will be simulated Physx will start simulation again. So You can interactively adjust
properties like gravity, time scale, etc in real time and get instant result. Also You can start
simulation again manually Right clicking on this button. Check OFF if you want to stop
simulation and restore all objects postion.

2. Bake animation: This mode works in the same way as Preview mode, but in this case
it bakes animation for simulated objects. After Time range will be simulated Physx will
stop simulation. Check OFF if you want to stop simulation and restore all objects postion.

3. Pause: Check ON if You want to pause simulation and make some adjustments, like
add space warps, change physical properties, etc. Check OFF to continue simulation.

4. Stop: Hit this button to stop simulation.


2.1 Impact Objects

In this rollout you can define physical properties for Impact objects.

Impact and Debris Properties

Simulation Geometry : Geometry for physical interaction during simulation.

Material : Material presets, use these to quickly assign Friction and Elasticity on next two
Mass By : Method which RayFire will use to assign mass for to the Impact Objects and
Reactor Debris.
Random: range : RayFire will apply a random value from the mass range to each
By volume: range : RayFire will distribute mass from the mass range to each fragment
using the fragments volume. So the smallest fragment will get the minimum value from
range and largest fragment will get the maximum value from range.
By material density : RayFire will apply mass to each fragment using the fragments
volume and material density.
Mass range : First spinner: Minimum value, Second Spinner: Maximum Value.
Friction and Elasticity : RayFire will assign these values to the objects.

2.2 Unyielding Objects

In this rollout you can define physical properties for Unyileding objects.

Unyielding Objects list

Add objects to this list in that you want to use as deflectors (ground, walls) for Impact,
Inactive and Reactor Debris objects.

Unyielding Properties
Simulation Geometry : Geometry for physical interaction during the simulation.
Material : Material presets, use these to quickly assign Friction and Elasticity on next two
Friction and Elasticity : RayFire will assign these values to Unyielding objects.

2.3 Inactive Objects

In this rollout you can define physical properties for Inactive objects.

Inactive Objects
RayFire will not shoot and explode objects added to this list. These objects will collide and
interact with Impact, Unyielding and Reactor Debris objects.

Inactive Properties
The same as in Impact and Debris properties.

2.5 PhysX influence

In this rollout you can define advanced Physx properties.

Physx influence list

Physical influence list supports: Space warps (Wind, Drag, Gravity, PBomb ),
Geometry, Helpers (RF_Bomb, RF_PhysX)
Commomn options

Deactivate static Impact objects: It is possible to deactivate Impact objects with purpose
to selectively activate them later. RayFire will deactivate only STATIC impact objects,
which means that these objects should not be animated at simulation start frame. While
objects is deactivated it behaves like Unyileding object.

Activate by Force : Activate deactivated objects by affecting on them by force. For

instance, You can prefragment wall, then create RF_Bomb or PBomb with some range
near this wall, and then explode only small part of wall, which in the bomb's explosion
range while all other part of wall will be simulated as unyileding objects.

Activate by Geometry : It is possible to activate objetcs by some animated geometry in

case You want to activate some aprts of deactivated objects at spcial moment. Using this
feature You can script demolition of some building activating different parts at different
time. Important to know that object will beactivated when it's bounding box will intersect
with Activation geometry's bounding box. Also good way to use this feature is to define so
simulated object as Activation geometry, For instance, You want to throw some rock in the
wall and You want to break only some small part of this wall. In this case You can define
all wall fragmets and rock as Impact objects and turn ON "Deactivate static Impact
objects", then turn on "Activate by geometry" and add rock in Physx Influence list to define
it as Activation geometry. When You will start simulation all wall fragments will be
deactivated beause they wer not animated. When rock will be near wall's fragments it will
activate them and hit right after that. So, it will break only part where it collides with wall.
Here You can see small video demonstration:

Activate by Mouse (radius) : You can activate objects just hovering mouse cursor over
deactivated objects with pressed SHIFT key.

Activate by texture (map channel) : It is possible to activate objects using animated

balck and white testure. To use this featur You have to create some material with
animated texture in DIFFUSE channel, then assign this material to all objects which You
want to activate, start simulation, object will be activated right after it will become white.
This feature is turned OFF when it is 0.

Stick selected to mouse : Using this feature You can physically affect on simulated
objects just selecting them. All selected objects will try to reach mouse cursor. With such
ability You can easily physically spread some objects over the ground. If You want to
release selected objects just hold SHIFT key for a second.

Collision damping : Decrease objects speed if they collide with each other.

Force options

Strength multiplier : Global strength multiplier for all defined forces.

Strength by mass : Simulated objects will be affected by forces accordinly to their mass.

Affect on Inactive : Forces will affect on Inactive objects.

Interactive Demolition options

Interactive Demolition works only in Bake Animation mode. Pay attention that before
start Interactive demolition simulation, RayFire copies all simulated objects, hides
original objects, and creates simulation with copies.

Important to know that Interactive Deolition works in conjuction with objects material, which
meanst that it takes into account material density and solidity before decide whether object
should be demolished or not. For instance if You will collide Concrete with Glass , RayFire
will demolish Glass but Concrete will not be demolished. Also You should know that it isn
ot possible to demolish objects with metal material.

Demolish geometry : Activates Interactive demolition for geometry objects.

Demolish groups :Activates Interactive demolition for groups.

Depth level : Defines how many times each object migh be fragmented. 1 means that
original object will be fragmented one time and not more. 2 means that original object will
be fragmented and EACH createdfragment might be fragmented again and so on.

Material solidity : Global multiplier for material solidity. For instance, if want to collide
concrete with glass and break them both then You should decrease global Material

Minimum size limit : Object will not be demolished if distance between it's farthest
corners of bounding box is less then Minimum size value.

3.1 Fragmentation Options rollout

In this rollout you can fragment Impact Objects and define fragmentation properties for
Reactor Demolition feature.

Fragmentation will not work properly if your mesh has open edges.
Close all open edges before using fragmentation.

RayFire will weld vertices and cap open edges automatically, this is better done by
You can fragment several objects at once, although it is recommended you fragment them

To use this feature add base object to the Impact Objects list and push Fragment Impact
Objects button. After the fragmentation process you can select new objects or delete them
via Interactive Layer Manger.

In case the Impact object has more then 50000 triangles a Yes/No/Cancel window will
It will inform you about Impact objects which have more then 50000 triangles and ask you
"Do you want to optimize these objects automatically before fragment?"

Choose Yes to optimize mesh, but pay attention that in this case UVW map will get out of
Choose No to continue without optimizing, ProBoolean may fail during fragmentation
Choose Cancel to cancel fragmentation process.
Keep this in mind and try to fragment object no more than 10000 - 20000 triangles
Fragmentation Types:

1. Uniform: All fragments will have about the same size.

2. Irregular: Some fragments will be big, some small.

3. Relative to Bomb/Impact.
Fragment object with more tiny fragments to point in space or to Impact point in case You
use Reactor Demolition. You can set this point by defining one object as bomb in Reactor
explosion options, RayFire will use it`s pivot point position. If Bomb object undefined
RayFire will use Impact objects average position.
4. Relative to Mouse. Fragment objects relative to mouse cursor position. RayFire will
fragment objects only near mouse cursor, if You will move cursor far from fragments
RayFire will use Uniform fragmentation type.

5. Relative to Pivot. Fragment objects relative to objects pivot point.

6. Continuous. Fragment objects at one pass. Try not to use iterations more then 25.
Each next iteration will take more and more time.
6. Voronoi - Uniform. Fragmentation type based on Voronoi diagram. Creates fragments
with about the same size.
7. Voronoi - Bomb\Impact. Fragmentation type based on Voronoi diagram. Fragment
object with more tiny fragments to Bomb object or to Impact point. If Bomb objects is not
defined, object will be fragmented relative to pivot point.
7. Voronoi - Particle system. Fragmentation type based on Voronoi diagram. Fragment
object using particles of selected particle system as point cloud. For now RayFire supports
only PCloud and Pflow. So, poition particles as You wish, then select particle system and
click Fragment Impact Objects.

Iterations : Defines how many times object will be cut. Second Spinner will add variation.
Chaos : Defines random angle range for cutter object.
Detailization : Defines fragments surface detailing.

Noise strength : Defines fragments noise strength.

Material Button : push this button to define material for the fragmented area.
Pick Button : push this button and pick object with material which You want to use as
fragment material.
Advanced fragmentation rollout.

Also via Options menu or Rigth clicking "Fragment Impact Objects" button You can
open Advanced fragmentation rollout.

Fragmentation method : RayFire provides two ways to fragment object: ProBoolean and
ProCutter more stable but less accurate.
If for some reason ProBoolean cannot fragment object try to use ProCutter.
Fragmentation seed : using fragmentation seed You can fragment object evry time with
the same pattern.
Set seed to 0 to fragment object each time in different ways.
Face threshold : Defines fragments minimum face number.
If a fragment has a lower face number than the Face threshold value it will be deleted.
Useful if you want to explode fragments using reactor.
Size threshold : Defines fragments minimum size.
If fragment has a lower size than the Size threshold value it will be deleted.
Useful if you want to explode fragments using reactor.

Jitter amount : Defines the maximum position shift for the fragments.

Material Id : Defines material Id for fragment surface.

Pay attention that value should be greater then biggest material Id value of Impact object.
Set it to 0 to apply Material Id automatically.

Rift width : Defines gap distance between fragments.

Useful if you want to explode fragments using reactor.

Fill rifts : Creates object which fill rifts.

Bake animation : Bake fragments in case Impact object has animation.

Quadrangle faces : Make all fragment`s faces four sided.

Create selection sets : create slection set with fragments after fragmentation.

Animate Impact and Fragment objects Visibility : Activate this checkbox if you want to
animate visibility for original object and the resulting fragments. Use Start Frame spinner in
Shooting Options to define the time when the original object will change its visibility to 0
and fragments will change their visibility to 1. If this checkbox deactivated RayFire will just
hide the original object.
Useful if some fragments become unstable during reactor explosion.

After fragmentation has finished you can delete them.

Remove middle edge vertices : removes two-edged vertices after fragmentation is


Remove angle threshold : defines maximum angle for two edge which shares middle
edge vertex.

3.2 Explosion Options rollout

In this rollout you can set properties for reactor explosion and explode Impact objects.

Using Reactor Explosion you can quickly and realistically explode objects.
To use this feature add objects in which you want to explode to the Impact objects list.
Do not forget to add unyielding objects in Unyielding Objects list in the Reactor
You can also define the physical properties for objects in Reactor rollout .
Each time you push Explode Impact Objects button RayFire creates a simple animation
for impact objects. It moves them from the defined objects pivot point. You can define this
object by pushing Pick Bomb button and picking object.
If Bomb object is not defined RayFire will move them from their average position. After that
Reactor creates an animation.
Pay attention that this feature can works with animated objects.
Do not forget to set proper properties in Reactor utility, such as collision tolerance and

Bombs List : RayFire Tool will explode objects from objects defined in Bombs list.
In case You did not define any bombs, RayFire will explode objects from their average
You can use several bombs but all of them will use the same explosion properties.
If You want to use each bomb with differnet properties You should use special RF_Bomb
object. Go to Create Panel --> Helpers --> RayFire Tool category, click RF_Bomb button
and click somewhere in the viewport. To use cretaed RF_Bomb add this object in Bombs
list. In RF_Bomb Modify panel You can set custom explosion properties, including
explosion time.

Explosion Direction : You can use three different explosion direction:

Sperical: explodes objects in all direction from bomb.
Planar: explodes objects in two directions using bomb`s Z axis.
Cylindrical : explodes objects in all directions using bomb`s Z axis.

Time range : Defines explosion simulation time starting from Explosion Frame value
Explosion Frame : Defines explosion start frame.
Explosion Strength : Defines explosion strength.
Explosion Chaos : Defines explosion chaos.
Spin Strength : Defines spin strength for exploded objects.
Explosion Range : Defines explosion range for selected Explosion Direction. Set this
value to 0 to use unlimited Explosion range.
Range Angle: Defines explosion range angle for selected Spherical ExplosionDirection.
Lowering this value You can get cone explosion direction.
Show Range : Show bomb`s ranges in the viewport.
Blue color means that bomb has unlimited range, Green color means that bomb has
limited explosion range.

Create Animation : Check this OFF if you want only animated impact objects within the
Reactor rigid body collection. After that you can manually define some properties for
impact objects such as mass or friction.
Later you can create a Reactor animation using Create Animation button in Reactor Utility.

Set strength by size : When ON, RayFire will distribute explosion strength by the objects
size, smallest objects will get the maximum explosion strength value and biggest object
will get the minimum explosion strength.

Objects out of range : Defines simulation status for objects out of bomb`s range.

Explode Impacts Objects : Execute explosion.

Tip: If you want to recreate an explosion just change the properties and push Explode
Impacts Objects button again.

3.3 Reactor Demolition

In this rollout you can set properties and simulate Reactor Demolition.

Using Reactor Demolition you can quickly and realistically collide and brake objects.
To use this feature add objects which you want to brake to the Impact objects list or to the
Inactvie Objects list if You want to make them inactive until first collision.

Warning: Reactor Demolition does NOT work with Havok 3 solver.

Break Impact object: RayFire Tool will fragment and brake Impact objects on their first
collision with Inactive or Unyileding objects.
Turn this Off if You want to brake only Inactive objects

Break Inactive object: RayFire Tool will fragment and brake Inactive objects on their first
collision with Impact or Unyileding objects.
Turn this Off if You want to brake only Impact objects
Use reactor fracture : Creates Reactor fracture for fragments.

Break at Impact Time : Set Reactor fracture break time to First collision time.

Fracture connectivity :Define reactor fracture connectivity.

Break velocity : Defines minimum velocity for breakage for simulated objects.

Energy loss : Set Energy loss value for reactor fracture.


3.4 Draw Fragment Mode

In this rollout you can define Draw Fragment Mode properties and activate Draw Fragment
Mode .

Using Draw fragment mode You can fragment objects drawing strokes on screen in
all supported views.

Step size : Defines stroke detalisation. Pay attention that drawn shape will appear on
screen only after You will move mouse cursor from First click on Step Size value distance.

Segments : Defines detalisation for fragmented area.

Noise : Defnes noise for stroke and for fragmented area.

Auto smooth threshold : Defines smooth threshold angle for fragmented area.

Draw Fragmnt Mode button : Activates Draw Fragmnt Mode.


1. Add object which You want to cut in Impact Objects list.

2. Zoom object.

3. Activate Draw Fragment mode. Your viewpost will be changed to orthographic.

4. LEFT click to start draw stroke.

5. Start draw stroke, pay attention that it will appear only after You will move mouse on
distance more the Step Size spinner value.

6. LEFT clik gain to finish stroke. RayFire will cut object using drawn stroke.

7. LEFT click to draw another stroke or RIGHT click to exit Draw Frgment mode.

4.1 Holes
In these groups you can define the properties for Holes - Realtime and Holes -
Predefined impact deformation features.

Custom Hole Reference

With each shot RayFire will randomly use one of the objects from the list as hole
Do not forget to apply proper materials to these objects.

Default Reference
In case you did not define a custom hole reference object(s) RayFire will use the default
hole reference.

Geometry type : Geosphere and Cone : Use Geosphere if you want to shoot impact
objects at the same place several times, each shot will make hole deeper and deeper. Use
cone if you want to create more realistic holes, notice the results will be imperfect if you
shoot at the same place more than one time.
Size : Define the size for the default object.

Segments : Default object segments, increase it to make the holes more detailed.

Noise strength : Noise strength for the default hole reference.

Noise scale : Noise scale.

Size Variation : Add some size variation in percents to each hole reference.

Random rotate : randomly rotates each hole reference before using it.
Do not use Random rotate with Cone geometry type.

Tip: Sometimes ProBoolean may create a hole incorrectly or the impact object may
disappear, in this case
delete the layer created through the Interactive Layer Manager then decrease the noise
strength and/or increase the shoot rate. Then try again.

4.2 Reactor Debris

In this rollout you can define the properties for Reactor Debris.

Debris Reference List

Geometry objects inwhich RayFire uses as debris references. If you didn't
define any debris references RayFire will use boxes.

Reactor Debris
If you checked Reactor - Explode Debris References ON in the Debris group, RayFire
will create geometry objects from the Debris Reference list at each impact point and
explode them using reactor. RayFire will also animate their visibility. Pay attention to the
explosion properties - explosion strength and explosion rotation RayFire will use the
Reactor Explosion Options from the RayXplosion Tool rollout.

Amount : Total amount of reactor Debris. Second spinner will add variation.

Size variation : Size variation in percentage. 30 means that the object size will
be in therange between its original size and (original size * 1.3)

Distribution radius : Maximum distance from the impact point. Reactor Debris
uses reactor to explode objects, to avoid penetrations at the moment the
explosion occurs they must be positioned some distance from Impact object.

Explosion direction : Defines explosion direction. Reactor debris uses

RayXplosion tool for creating explosions, it needs bomb position. Using this
spinner you can define position of the bomb.

0 means that bomb will be exactly at impact point, in this case

explosion angle will be 180 degree.
0.3 means that bomb will be inside impact object and explosion
angle will be less then 180 degree.
-0.3 means that bomb will be between gun and impact point. This is
useful if you shoot a thin wall.
Simulate Debris from previous shot :

When ON, Reactor will simulate Debris from previous shot as well, it
means that all debris from the previous shots will interact with debris
from current shot. Pay attention that each shot will take more time to
simulate because reactor will simulate more and more debris.
When OFF, Reactor will simulate debris only from current shot.

If you checked Explode Fragmented Predefined Holes in the Debris group, you can use
the Holes - Predefined impact deformation and RayFire will fragment predefined holes
using ProBoolean Fragmentation options in the RayXplosion Tool rollout and explode
them using reactor. This feature only uses the Explosion direction spinner from Reactor
Debris group.
Tip: You can totally explode an impact object after the first shot by increasing hole size in
Holes rollout. In this case RayFire will use the whole object as a hole object. It will
fragment it and explode it.

4.3.1 Decals
In this rollout you can define the properties for decals and bullets.

If you checked Decals in the Effects group, RayFire will a create plane with animated
height and width and apply a procedural decal texture to the plane. Later, you can pick this
material from the Decal plane, modify it or apply your own texture.

Size : Plane size. Second spinner will add variation.

4.3.2 Bullets
If you checked On Bullets in Effects group, RayFire will create box and animate its position
and visibility. Also you
can use any other objects instead default box.

Size : Basic Size for thebullet.

Length : Bullet length.

Speed : Defines how many frames it will take for the bullet to move from the gun to the
impact object.

Pick Bullet : Push this button and pick an object to represent the bullet reference.

4.4.1 Displace
In this rollout you can define the properties for Displacement.

If you select Displace Impact Deformation in Impact Deformations groups, RayFire will
subdivide each impact face, create at this face Displace space warp object with a
procedural map for strength and animate the strength property. After that RayFire will bind
this displacement to the Impact object.
Pay attention that original impact objects will be hidden and all subdivide operations will be
produced on their copies.

Bake animation : By default RayFire uses standard Select and Link function to link
Displace space warp with impact object. But in case impact objects are skinned or
pointcached or deformed in any other ways you must bake displace space warp position
and rotation at each frame.

Subdivide Level : Number of times impact face will be subdivided.

Strength : Strength for displace space warp.

Size : Length and width for displace space warp.

Second spinners of each will add variation.

Tip: If you want to apply your own map for strength, just select one of the displace space
warps, then drag and drop a Gradient map as an instance from the image group to the
material editor. After that you can modify this gradient map or exchange it with your own
map. This will affect all of the RF displace space warp objects.

4.4.2 Reactor Hit

In this rollout you can define the properties for Reactor Hit.

Reactor Hit strength : Hit strength for the Reactor Hit impact deformation. Increase it to
make the interaction stronger.

Reactor Hit additional time : adds additional frames to the reactor simulation.

For instance, if you want to simulate shooting with Reactor Hit Impact
deformation between 10 and 70 frames, it means that reactor will create a
simulation between 10 and 70 frames. Setting 20 in this spinner means that
reactor will create the animation between 10 and 90 frames.

Inactive Impact objects : for instance, if you want to shoot several Impact objects with
Reactor Hit Impact deformation. RayFire will create an animation for each object that is hit.
In this case, the checkbox is OFF, all other Impact Objects in this simulation will be treated
as Unyielding objects and the object that was hit will collide with them but reactor will NOT
create animation for them. When this checkbox is ON all other Impact objects will be
treated as Inactive objects, this means that after an object is struck it will collide with them
and reactor will create animation.

5.1 Particle Debris

In this rollout you can define the properties for Particle Debris.

Debris Reference list

Geometry objects which RayFire will use as particle debris references.
Particle Deflectors list
Deflectors for particles.

Particle Debris
If you checked ON in the Particles in Debris group, RayFire will create a PArray and an
emitter plane at each impact point and animate PArray`s rate property. RayFire will also
create a Gravity force and bind this force to the PArray. The gravity force will be called
RF_Gravity_Debris. Later you can change its properties to get different dynamics for
particles. RayFire will not create this force again at the next simulation if it already exists
in scene. It will bind the already existing force to the new PArray`s. In case you did not
define Debris references, debris will appear as a sphere with the impact object material.

Rate : Total amount of particles for each PArray.

Divergence : Particle divergence angle.
Size : Debris size.
Speed : Particle speed.
Life : Particle life.
Gravity : Gravity for particles.
Display as mesh : Displays debris particles as a mesh.

5.2 Sparks
In this rollout you can define the properties for Particle Sparks.

4.2.1 Particle Deflectors list

Deflectors for spark particles.

4.2.2 Sparks

Rate : Total amount of particles for each PArray.

Life : Particles life.
Speed : Particles speed.
Divergence : Particles divergence angle.
Size : Sparks size.
Length : Sparks length.
Gravity : Gravity for particles.

Second spinners will add variation.


5.3 Smoke
In this rollout you can define the properties for Smoke.

If you checked ON Smoke in Effects group, RayFire will create a PArray and an emitter
plane at each impact spot and animate PArray`s rate property to simulate smoke. Later
you can use these particles with the AfterBurn plugin. Also RayFire creates wind and drag
forces and binds these forces to the PArray. Wind force will be called RF_Wind_Smoke
and drag force will be called RF_Drag_Smoke. Later you can change their properties to
get different dynamics for the particles. Also RayFire will not create these forces again at
next simulation if they already existing in scene. It will bind the already existing forces to
new PArray`s. In this group you can define impact rate, life, divergence and speed for

Rate : Total amount of particles for each PArray.

Life : Particle life.
Speed : Particle speed.
Divergence : Particle divergence angle.

Second spinners will add variation.


5.4 Blood
In this rollout you can define the properties for Blood.

If you select Blood in the Effects group, RayFire will create PArray with red bloody material
and emitter plane at each impact spot as welll as animate PArray`s rate property to
simulate blood. For now it uses MetaParticles. RayFire also creates a Gravity force and
binds this force to PArray. The gravity force will be called RF_Gravity_Blood. Later you
can change its properties to get different dynamics for particles. RayFire will not create this
force again at the next simulation if they already exist in scene. It will bind the already
existing force to new PArray`s.

Particle deflectors list

Deflectors for blood particles.


Rate : Total amount of particles for each PArray.

Size : MetaParticle size.
Speed : Particles speed.
Divergence : Particles divergence angle.

Second spinners will add variation.

Life : Particles life.

Gravity : Gravity for particles.

6.2 Custom Effect

In this rollout you can define the properties for Custom Effects.

In this rollout you can define custom objects and their options. This feature gives you the
ability to create any object at the impact spot. Using this feature you can create your own
particle system, adjust the properties, and assign a material. You can then animate any of
the properties at 0 frame.

For example: Animating the Rate properties. Push the Auto Key button, go to frame 0 and
set the Rate: 0 then go to frame 3 and set the Rate: 50, then go to frame 5 and set the
Rate: 0 again. Next add this particle system to the Custom object list, check the
Synchronize checkbox to ON, and create the simulation. RayFire will create the same
particle system at every Impact spot and shift the Rate animation at the Impact frame for
each particle system.

Using this technique you can create any animated type of object (Geometry, Lights,
Cameras, Particle Systems etc.) and RayFire will create them and shift their animation.
You can also animate their position, rotation and scale.

Z Axis rotation variation : Add variation in Z axis rotation.

Random Seed : If you use particle systems as Custom objects, RayFire will
create a different seed in each particle system, check this checkbox on.
Synchronize : Synchronize animation in created Custom objects with Impact

6.2 Custom Effect

In this rollout you can define the properties for Custom Effects.

In this rollout you can define custom objects and their options. This feature gives you the
ability to create any object at the impact spot. Using this feature you can create your own
particle system, adjust the properties, and assign a material. You can then animate any of
the properties at 0 frame.

For example: Animating the Rate properties. Push the Auto Key button, go to frame 0 and
set the Rate: 0 then go to frame 3 and set the Rate: 50, then go to frame 5 and set the
Rate: 0 again. Next add this particle system to the Custom object list, check the
Synchronize checkbox to ON, and create the simulation. RayFire will create the same
particle system at every Impact spot and shift the Rate animation at the Impact frame for
each particle system.

Using this technique you can create any animated type of object (Geometry, Lights,
Cameras, Particle Systems etc.) and RayFire will create them and shift their animation.
You can also animate their position, rotation and scale.

Z Axis rotation variation : Add variation in Z axis rotation.

Random Seed : If you use particle systems as Custom objects, RayFire will
create a different seed in each particle system, check this checkbox on.
Synchronize : Synchronize animation in created Custom objects with Impact

6.3 Presets
In this rollout you can setup presets for your effects.

This is where you can save and load all spinners, checkboxes and radiobuttons.

There are two default presets:

Default and Close\Open.

Default preset is settings predefined by me.
Close\Open preset is settings which RayFire saves every time when you close
it and loads every time when you open it. If you open RayFire, change some of
the properties, then later decide to revert to initial settings you can simply load
Close\Open preset.

Save : Push the Save button to save your settings. Give a proper name for it,
than push Ok.
You can now load your custom presets at any time.

Load : Select a preset from the Preset and Left:click the Load button. Right:clicking the
Load button will open an additional
dialog where you can choose which RayFire properties you want to load.
Delete : Select a preset from the Preset List and push the Delete button if you want to
remove it from the system.

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