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LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Topic or Theme: - Count sets of things up to twenty – Read and write
numbers – More and less
Mariam Abdullah

Class: KG 1.2 Date & Duration: 3/3/2021


In this lesson, I started as usual my morning routine which is asking the students about their
day and telling them the classroom rules to make sure that they still remember and follow it.
After I did the morning routine, I showed the students the lesson today will be about what and
started to explain everything to them. Deliver all the small things and information to the
students to make the lesson clear to them. It wasn’t only teacher-centred, it’s between the
students and teacher both can talk and discuss because when only the teacher talk or if the
class was quit students start to get bored and it will cause an attention deficit. First, I asked the
students about the pictures and what they are seeing to let them talk and at the same time see
if the students will know the difference between more and less. After that I called the name of
the groups that depends on their levels to count numbers. I realized that low students or the
yellow group didn’t respond fast and I kept repeating the name of the group many times until
one of the students just respond and start to count, I see that those students need an extra
work to do at home to improve their skills. When I finish from the counting part I showed the
students how to use Kahoot because it’s their first time that they are using it, I’ve read the
question one by one for the parents and students and they only have to answer the questions.
In the beginning everything was fine but 2 of parents find difficulties in reading and answering
the question, I have taken their comment as an improve to me for the next lessons. When the
students are done from Kahoot I saw who the three winners are and wrote their names down
so I can give them a certificate at the end of the lesson. I gave the students a verbal feedback
before I start to explain the final activity. I started the final activity by explaining it for the
students and showing them an example of how they are going to do it, after that I kept asking
the students to show me their work and what they have done. Finally, when students finish their
activity before the class ends, I gave them verbal feedback and I was so thankful for their
amazing work. I end the lesson by giving the students points in class dojo. Also, I sent the
certificate in the parent’s group on telegram. At the end of the lesson I reached all my goals,
like finishing the lesson on time and giving verbal feedback

LESSON PLAN Subject: Science

Trainee: Topic or Theme: Day and night – 4 seasons

Mariam Abdullah

Class: KG 1 Date & Duration: 17/3/2021


I started as usual my morning routine which is asking the students about their day and how
they are feeling. After I did the morning routine, I showed the students the lesson today will be
about what and started to explain everything to them. Deliver all the small things and
information to the students to make the lesson clear to them. For example, telling the students
the name of the lesson and showing them the learning board. it’s between the students and
teacher both can talk and discuss because when only the teacher talks or if the class was quit
students start to get bored and it will cause an attention deficit. First, I asked the students about
the pictures and what they are seeing, asking them about the four seasons. After that I opened
a You Tube video about the seasons, I repeat it again because the students asked me to
repeat it. For the next slide I wanted from the students to talk, so I asked about what they are
wearing in all the seasons and what they are seeing the pictures. After that, it was activity time.
I explained the activity for the students and showed them an example to make it easier. Started
to ask the students what season they love the most, what they drink and eat, and what they
wear. At the end of the lesson I reached all my goals, like finishing the lesson on time and
giving verbal feedback

LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Trainee: Topic or Theme: Weather and sky - Foggy day

Mariam Abdullah

Class: KG 1 Date & Duration: 14/3/2021


In this lesson, my focus was on time management and giving the students a good instruction.
Also, to make the outcome clear for the students. I started the morning routine which is asking
the students about their day and how they are feeling today. After that I told the students about
the lesson and it will be about what. I realized that students were engaged. I started to tell the
students about the rules and what they are going to do after reading the story, the students
were understandable. Even after the story when I did the small activity with the students, I saw
that they are capable and start to answer my questions because they followed my rules and
what I asked for. Students in this age love to talk and it must be students centred more than
teacher centred to let them talk and don’t feel shy. After the small activity we moved to the main
activity, I showed the students a sample to let them do the same as I did and make it easier for
the students. While they are doing their activity, I kept talking to them and asking them
questions connected to the theme and lesson, so they don’t get bored while they are doing the
activity. At the end of the lesson I reached my goal which is engage the students and make the
outcome clear for them, with giving the students a verbal feedback as a motivate to complete
what they are doing.

LESSON PLAN Subject: Science

Trainee: Topic or Theme: Describe how humans prepare for and or
Mariam Abdullah respond to daily and seasonal changes eg, by wearing
appropriate clothing, carrying an umbrella, turning on the
heater or air conditioner.

Class: KG 1 Date & Duration: 15/3/2021

Before I start the lesson, I did the morning routine with the students. First thing is the national
anthem, students must open the camera, microphone, and stand up. Second, we did the calendar
too. Also, I asked the kids about the date, day, and the weather. Finally, I called the students by
their names and marked them absent or present in Class Dojo and told them about the name of
the lesson and which subject. The lesson was about describing how human prepare for and or
respond to daily and seasonal changes, in Science subject.
Students was so quiet, and they were listening to me, which is good. I realized that KG1 students
love to talk and share their thoughts. So, I let my students to express their feelings about the
lesson and tell me more about what they know about seasons. They were so smart and respectful,
and as a reward I gave the ones who talked points in class dojo. The lesson went smooth and
everything was so good and like I imagined because students love Science classes. Kids enjoyed
the lesson because as I mentioned before they love science classes. Also, they loved the
Lastly, I realized that when students and teacher get to know each other, the lesson will no
longer be hard to teach or do. The focus was on time management and deliver the information to
the students and I achieved my goals.

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Topic or Theme: State the forwards number sequence from one to twenty
Mariam Abdullah Count sets of things up to twenty using one to one correspondence (10)

Class: KG 1 Date & Duration: 16/3/2021

As usual I started by doing the morning routine, which is the national anthem and calendar. After that I
told the students about the subject and what the lesson is going to be about. I went through the
vocabulary words to make the lesson easy for the students, and I told them what they are going to do
and take during the lesson. The students were so respectful, and they were listening to me.

After that I started the lesson by showing the students a YouTube video about the numbers, and I asked
them to repeat after. Students enjoyed this part a lot because they love YouTube videos. This helped me
to engage the students. When I am done from the YouTube video, I asked the students some questions
about numbers and I let them to count to make sure that they know how to count. For the main activity,
I sent the day before activity for the parents on telegram to print it because I want the student to color
it and feel the activity as a change. The activity was so excited, and the students love it. At the end of the
lesson I checked the students work and give them points in LMS as a reward.

Finally, I achieved my goal which is to let the students engaged, and give them verbal feedback.
LESSON PLAN Subject: Science
Trainee: Topic or Theme: Recognize and make observations that
Mariam Abdullah weather is a minute-by-minute variation of atmospheric
Class: KG 1 Date & Duration: 18/3/2021

I did the everyday routine for my students with the roles to make sure that they are still
remember all the roles and follow it. After that I told them the lesson will be about what and I
asked some questions about the weather. Students showed me that they are engaged and know
what I am talking about. It is important to ask the students questions about what I am going to
teach or in general to let them talk and don’t feel shy.
After the opening part, I told the students about the key vocabulary and open a YouTube video
about the lesson, and students were focused. When I am done from the video, I asked the
students some questions about what they saw in the video.
When I finished from the video part, I explained for the students what they are going to do in the
main activity, and I asked them to close their microphone so they can hear me clearly. I showed
them an example to make it easier for them. The example was a video from a student in other
class. It was so helpful for the KG students. They were so ready and excited, and they prepared
all the materials. While students were working on their activity, I kept asking them questions
about what they are seeing and what they are doing.
When the students finished their work, I called them by their names and make sure that they are
done. I give them points in class dojo to make them happy.

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