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BaZi: YHZP - 论正财 Discuss Direct Wealth

From YHZP, the language is very difficult and often confusing. I could not
understand a few sentences.

What is Direct Wealth/ZHENG CAI? it's like Direct Officer, where Yin meets
Yang or Yang meets Yin.

Largely, Direct Wealth is wealth like my wife, for a man to have women and
assets to enjoy, he must be vital, healthy and strong; If Self is weak,
spiritless/tanpa energi and imbecile/bodoh, he will not be able to enjoy his
wives and wealth.

Thus, wealth must obtain the time/waktu (supported by season), and does not
want to be many/banyak. If there's many wealth and Self is strong, Self will be
competent enough to take on the wealth, in that case, usually wealth
transforms/berubah to Officer.

One Qi in heaven that is frail/fisik lemah and weak, poor and thin/tipis and is
difficult to treat, it's good for self to be prosperous, and does not want to go to
places where (self) is restrained/dikendalikan, Officer and 7K restrain.

Also it is afraid that the month where Self is born is Waning/shuai and
Sick/bing (12 Qi stages)

Or if the four pillars there's no parents/yin to engender, and then it sees
wealth, /maka dikatakan/it is said that many Wealth stars is not auspicious.

If the strength (of the DM) cannot hold on to the Wealth, there would be
hundred misfortunes, when in youth, if DM is going through places where (DM)
is at rest or imprisoned/penjara, things will not happen as one wishes, and will
encounter many hindrances/halangan.

and when in middle age or late age, Luck goes to places of parents/yin, or
seeing three combinations that can assist self, will be rising suddenly, that
cannot be resisted/ditentang.



Or if the four pillars mutually engenders, and it falls into certain noble
structures that is not influenced by KongWang/kon bong, and goes through
prosperous Luck Pillars, or three combinations that engenders/melahirkan
wealth, all these denotes noble life.

Whether the fortune is big or small, will be determined by the grade of the
structure./ditentukan grade struktur bazi

Prosperous Wealth engender Officer, DM must be strong. Abundant wealth
robs/mencuri Qi, if DM is weak, Annual Pillar or Luck Pillar sees Hurt / Wealth,
will lead to disasters/bencana. Or, if it sees/bertemu Punishment/xing, clashes
or 7K, it's extremely inauspicious.

Direct Wealth (structure)/zheng cai, likes prosperous DM, Seal and ribbon,
dislikes Officer stars/zhengguan, dislikes throw away food/mengambil shi
shen (Indirect Seal)/pien yin burung hantu

Dislikes Weak Self, Compare Shoulders/bijian and Rob Wealth/jiecai..

Trey: This is the part where Classical Bazi is different from Modern BaZi,
Compare Shoulders and Rob Wealths are of the same element as DM. In a very
generalize modern BaZi theory, a weak DM favors the same element to
'support' itself, but in actual, that is never the case. These parallel stars are
more competitors than friends, which is why they are named in negative
connotations. Rob Wealth. What does it do? It robs DM's wealth, especially
when DM is weak. However, that does not mean these stars are always
inauspicious, we will see that in future translations, when the subject about

Must not see Officer star/zhengguan, because Officer star will steal Wealth's
Like/suka Seal and ribbon to engender self, as it is primarily/terutama weak.

Trey: Must not see Officer star means the Officer star that comes in the Luck
Pillars are not favorable. In the natal chart, when the Officer star is present, the
chart is not a Wealth structure, it is an Officer + Wealth structure (see previous

Also, when it is a wealth structure, usually the DM is weak, for example Geng
born in the month of Yin or Mao, metal in spring is trapped. That is why Seals
are favorable for Wealth structures, as long as Seal and Wealth does not
hinder/merintangi each other, otherwise, even though Seal is favorable, its
auspiciousness/kebaikannya will be reduced.

Like Jia Day uses Ji as Direct wealth, if Seal is weak, there will be disasters.

When one's life carries Wealth/harta, he must be born in wealthy homes, will
not have his own children adopt will adopt, or counter/konter parents/orang
tua. If self is prosperous, it is better for Rob Wealth and Officer star to be
absent./tdk hadir

If the Officer star has the earth/teci, the Luck Pillars/tay yun favor many Wealth
to engender Officer; if the Wealth star has the earth, Luck Pillars does not
favor Officer star, as it would counter DM, it is fearful/takut for DM to be weak.

Generally, Direct Wealth or Indirect Wealth are the same, they favor Seal and
Ribbon/yin, will become rich.


Ding     Ding     Ding           Xin

Wei      Si         You          Chou
This chart has DM sitting on the earth of Wealths, and also it sees Si-You-Chou
metal frame, that is prosperous Wealth.
Then Ding has the wood storage at Wei, which engenders Ding fire, thus DM is
regarded as strong, capable enough to take on the Wealth.

When Luck Pillar goes east (places of wood)/yin, easy to become very rich.

Ding uses Ren Officer, uses Geng metal as wealth to engender Ren officer,
when DM goes to places where it becomes prosperous/unsur dirinya kuat,
surely/pasti will become rich.

Trey: 得地 gets the earth, generally means to be supported by the earthly

branches/teci, but in this context, it means to be the major element that is
supported by the earthly branches. Especially the month's EB, which denotes
the season.

When Wealth is used (as the Useful God), it is good not to see Officer star.
tdk melihat zhengguan
Another example


Bing   Bing     Yi     Geng

Shen   Shen   You   Shen
geng/Pien cai shin/zhengcai
This chart has Bing DM seeing 3 Shens as Wealth, how is it not good?

Bing uses Gui as Officer, uses Xin as Wealth, seeing 3 Shens and 1 You as
Wealth and Wealth is prosperous.

But DM is weak, fire is Sick at Shen and Dies at You, and that is without Qi (12
Qi stages), when the Luck Pillars goes to the west (metal), Self will be very
weak, prosperous wealth engenders ghost (7K), which will counter Self and
cause failure, thus it cannot win the Wealth, and thus the subject is poor)

Trey: Some people will say that this is a follow wealth structure, but no, it
cannot be follow wealth. DuBu says:
To abandon/meninggalkan Life and Follow Wealth, must 'meet' Wealth; To
abandon Life and Follow Devil, must 'meet' Devil.

'Meet' in this context refers to an elemental frame, SanHui - the three meetings
like Shen-You-Xu or SanHe like Si-You-Chou. But DuBu does not specify if a
Half frame is sufficient to establish a follow structure. In my opinion, it is but
then the 'Follow God' would be weak and the 'Follow' will be unreal (fake).

Interestingly, SMTH has a different view about 2 Bings chart here, which says
that 2 Bing denotes a strong DM, nevertheless/meskipun demikian, the 2 Bings
chart turns auspicious only when Luck Pillars goes to Wu Wu, where Wu EB
provides the support for the fire in the stems.

Another example


Wu    Xin     Gui     Yi
Zi     You     Wei     Mao
This chart has Xin DM sits on You, and year pillar has Yi sits on Mao, both Self
and Wealth are prosperous, and also DM has Gui as Food God, Wu Zi as
ribbon and seal to support, so it's easy for the chart owner to be very rich and

Another example


Bing   Jia     Ding   Wu

Yin     Chen   Si       Zi

This chart has Jia DM born in the last Xun (a period of ten days) of the fourth
month, Bing and Ding fire are protruding together which engenders the Wu
earth in the Month EB, and hour returns to prosperity in Yin (has the stage of
LinGuan in Yin), thus Wealth is prosperous and Jia wood is also prosperous.
Early Years, Luck Pillar is Wu Wu and Ji Wei, Luck became clear (clear as in
'the path is clear')

Under Xin You Luck Pillar, seeing Officer star is inauspicious.

Ren Xu/ding,wu,xin Luck Pillar has Ren to counter Bing, within/didalam the
Hurting Officer and Food God, the subject's position in the government is lost
and so was his wealth, death of his family.

Until fifty nine years old enter Gui Hai LP, which DM becomes prosperous,
subject became somewhat comfortable.

Sixty five years old Ren Chen year, subject died.
krn yong shen nya terkena konter

Early Luck with Hurting Officer seeing Wealth/harta, the chart takes Wu earth
as Wealth, that was why in the LPs of Wu Wu and Yi Wei, the subject was in
very good luck, earth is engendered and wealth was thick/tebal

Until Geng Shen and Xin You, in the west saw Officers/zhengguan, and all
matters had to be with great effort./kerja keras

Even though/meskipun Gui and Hai as Seal and ribbon for Jia wood, but it was
unfavorable as Water clash with Fire, In Hai there's Ren water, and Ren Chen
has Ren water protruding, in LP and natal chart there were Chens, and he died.
ada 2 naga di pilar dan tay yun

For Hurting Officer seeing Wealth structure, Officer star/shin is unfavorable,
only Wealth star is favorable. It is greatly unfavorable for Ren water to counter
fire, which caused fire to be unable to engender earth, which is wealth for Jia

Trey: If we use ZPZQ's method to analyze, Wealth/tanah will be regarded as

Useful God, while Hurting Officer/ding is the Minister God, Ren water counters
the minister God, and that caused the structure to collapse/runtuh.
Labels: Yuan Hai Zi Ping


joeSeptember 12, 2013 at 8:40 AM

Hi Trey,

The comment above - Must not see Officer star, because Officer
star will steal Wealth's Qi;

X Ding Bing Bing 

X Wei Shen Wu

In the above chart, if we go by the comment above, the Geng Zi LP

brings officer which will steal the wealth? 

But shouldn’t water help to cool the chart and help to control the
RWs that are surrounding the month commander? This is a
Wealth structure damaged by RW. With arrival of Geng Zi LP, the
Shen Zi half water combo may weaken wealth star but I feel that
the water weakening Fire RW would result in a better overall chart.
What do you think ? 

Trey TanSeptember 20, 2013 at 6:46 AM

Dear Joe,

Disregarding/tanpa mengabaikan the hour pillar,

The chart does not need cooling because it's born in Shen. Metal
takes command and water is born in Shen. We mostly consider
cooling/pendinginan when some DM is born in summer.

I believe Geng Zi is a fortunate LP, though Geng will be protruding

and thus makes wealth susceptible/mudah kena to be robbed,
Shen Zi forms a water frame to control the rob wealths. 

What seems unfortunate will lead to a success. DM will be able to

turn the tides.

joeSeptember 22, 2013 at 1:46 AM

Hi Trey,

You are correct that Geng zi is good pillar and that is the reason
why I was wondering why in YHZP’s discussion on Wealth, there
was the comment “Must not see Officer star, because Officer star
will steal Wealth's Qi;.


Trey TanSeptember 22, 2013 at 5:46 AM

Dear Joe,

On this, SMTH agrees with YHZP. When the Wealth structure is

'established' without Officer in natal chart, it is best not to see
Officer in the LP because Officer can steal Wealth's Qi.

However if the natal chart is has Wealth and also Rob Wealth, the
Officer can save Wealth from being robbed. 

This concept is similar to ZPZQ saying:

Officer adorned/dihiasi with Seal is not as good as Officer

engendered by Wealth. If Hurting Officer is seen/nampak, it is
better to adorn/dianugerahi Seal.

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