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A Guide

By Christian R.

Steam Page


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Table of Contents

1. Game Basics
a. Character Creation
b. Combat Primer
c. Mana Veins
d. Alignment
e. Stronghold
i. Services
2. Walkthrough
a. Stopthroat Bay
b. Knightswood West
c. Burntfoot March
d. Knightswood East
e. Mount Pious
f. Bracewind
g. Blackglass Sprawl
h. The Caldera
i. Mount Luntime
j. Bonesalt Wetlands
k. Pagewood
l. Knavewood
m. The Coldforge
n. Yaksteppe
o. Whetners
3. Appendices
a. Bond Characters
i. Campfire Scenes
b. Monsters
c. Personal Traits
d. Skills
e. Equipment
i. Soul Weapons
f. Items

Game Basics

Character Creation

When you begin a new game, you will perform the following:
1. Customize your main character’s appearance.
2. Choose the crime you’ve been accused of. This choice influences the availability of ​party
members​ and ​personal traits​.

Murder Rape Desertion

Thievery Blackmail Forgery

Heresy Abduction Racketeering

Apostasy Arson Quackery

Extortion Banditry Slavery

Miscegenation Assault Desecration

Conspiracy Rioting Necromancy*

Treason Blasphemy Vandalism

Indecency Malediction* Cannibalism

Fraud Buggery Profiteering

Each crime has a personal trait attached to it:

● Violent​ (Physical Attack Up): Murder, Assault, and Rioting.
● Heartless​ (Critical Damage Up): Rape, Abduction, and Slavery
● Detached​ (Physical Defense Up): Desertion, Conspiracy, Treason, and Vandalism.
● Frugal​ (Gain Gp on Hit): Thievery, Racketeering, Extortion, and Banditry.
● Opportunist​ (Critical Chance Up): Blackmail, Forgery, Quackery, and Fraud.
● Godless​ (Magical Defense Up): Heresy, Apostasy, Desecration, and Blasphemy.
● Touched​ (Magical Attack Up): Arson, Necromancy, Malediction, and Cannibalism.
● Impassioned​ (HP Regenerates): Miscegenation, Indecency, and Buggery.
● Innocent​ (Bonus to Max HP): Deny your guilt the second time you’re asked.

3. Plead guilty or not guilty. What you decide to plead influences the availability of ​party
members​ and ​personal traits​, as well as the player’s ​alignment​. Your plea is not
necessarily truthful.

4. You are sent to the Stocks of Lukatt. A voice outside of your cell asks if you really are the
type of criminal you’ve been accused of. Whether you stick to your story or not influences the
availability of ​party members​ and ​personal traits​, as well as the player’s ​alignment​.
5. Depending on your choices you’ll get your first party member, who breaks you out of your

*All potential party members you can start with*

6. You will distribute your initial 10 skill points. Depending on who your first party member is, it
will suggest skills to complement their own.
○ Each skill point adds one to the its row and column value; the value in each skill is
equal to its row and column values.
○ You gain up to two skills at first level, either in the same trait, or in two traits that share
an axis. You will have more points to spend each time you gain a level.
○ A summary of each of the nine skill categories:
■ FIGHT​ improves a character’s damage with basic attacks. At higher ranks they
can even cause enemies to ​hesitate​ more (to allow you to ​recruit​ or ​ransom
from an enemy) and passively buff the physical damage of their allies.
■ GUARD​ specialists increase their defenses against physical attacks. At higher
ranks they can regenerate their HP and passively debuff the physical damage
of enemies in a fight.
■ LABOUR​ focused characters can attempt labour based challenges and
contribute to the ​manpower​ of your lawful and neutral aligned characters. At
the highest rank they even gain a “False Swipe” like effect where their attacks
can’t kill anyone unless they are already low health (perfect when you want to
recruit​ or ​ransom ​an enemy).
■ HUNT​ users look into dealing critical hits (be it with weapon or spell) and
making those crits hurt more. Skilled hunters can even take an immediate
action after dashing to their targets and have their critical hits cause enemies to

■ Those proficient in ​DODGE​ will have increased survivability against physical
and magical attacks. At higher levels they even gain stealth that lets them
scope out the battlefield without starting a battle.
■ A character who specializes in ​THWART​ will be able to attempt thwart based
challenges and contribute to the manpower of your lawful and neutral aligned
characters. At higher ranks they are more successful to ​ransom​ from enemies
and don’t ​fumble​ as much in combat.
■ BLAST​ specced characters are your mages in the game. Your first skill allows
you to start throwing out magical attacks (when an enemy is outside of your
weapon range). Higher ranks in Blast allow you to heal allies, provide them
with a ​boon​, ​curse​ your enemies, and add an area of effect to your spells.
■ Someone with points in ​WARD​ gain increased magical defenses and provide a
healing aura to allies whenever they defend. At higher levels they can improve
this aura and even dispel curses from nearby allies.
■ Focusing on ​WEAVE​ can let a character attempt weave based challenges and
contributes to the manpower of your lawful and neutral aligned characters. At
higher levels they can communicate with unintelligent enemies and can even
interact with items outside of their reach.
■ Each ​UTILITY​ (labour, thwart, and weave) based skill category can also
increase a character’s inventory by one. These stack and a utility specialist can
go from two inventory slots to five.

7. You will choose your character’s personality type. This affects in-game banter, as well as the
dialogue your character will use when appearing in other user’s games.
○ Adventurous
○ Angry
○ Arrogant
○ Heroic
○ Insane
○ Lewd
○ Miserable
○ Pathetic
○ Revelrous
○ Terse
○ Timid
○ Violent

Cheat Sheet

Admitting and Denying Guilt:

● Admit guilt twice​: ​NEUTRAL​ alignment, personal trait associated with crime.
● Admit guilt, then deny guilt​: ​NEUTRAL​ alignment, Innocent personal trait, initial
party member is Greave the soldier.
● Deny guilt, then admit guilt​: ​CHAOTIC​ alignment, personal trait associated with
your crime.
● Deny guilt twice​: ​LAWFUL​ alignment, Innocent personal trait, initial party member is
Greave the soldier.

Your Crime:
● If you are guilty of abduction, cannibalism, murder, or rape then Leftie the
Misanthropist will be your initial party member.
● If you are guilty of Malediction you’ll always start with Zantanak the demon.
● If you are guilty of Necromancy you’ll always start with the Reanimated Guard.
● Otherwise your initial party member is random. Miscegenation will reduce the pool of
potential party members by removing characters of your race (e.g. A Human
character will always have an Orc companion, an Orc character will always have a
Human companion).

Combat Primer

*Mastering the art of acting ​Recklessly (​ Hold Shift) during combat is the key to winning engagements*

Mana Veins

[Intro goes here]

Vein Opposes Curse Boon

Arcus None N/A N/A

The Null Vein

Lux Pox Daze​: Lowers accuracy. Grace​: Increases accuracy.

The Vibrant Vein Max

Rex Nix Entangle​: Lowers movement Vigor​: Increases physical

The Verdant Vein Pox & evasion. damage.

Max Lux Pain​: Lowers physical Rage​: Raises target’s ​risk​ on

The Violent Vein Nix defense, lessens healing attack, can make target
received. fumble​ outright.

Pox Rex Poison​: Take damage at the Shadowcloak​: Increases

The Virulent Vein Lux end of the round. evasion.

Nix Max Nexus​: Lowers magic Focus​: Increases magic

The Variant Vein Rex defense, lowers chance to damage.

Traits relating to the Mana Veins

Align​ - Indicates that the creature is resistant to that particular vein, and vulnerable to that vein’s
opposites. Multiple alignments are cumulative, and can exacerbate or cancel one another.

Mana​ - Usually reserved for equipment, indicates that the user will cast a pure vein spell instead of
Arcus. Using multiple mana sources results in a collapse back to Arcus.

Soul​ - Combines the effects of an Align and a Mana trait. Someone with a Soul trait can still use
another pure vein if they have an appropriate mana focus.


Personal alignments fall in one of three ranges - ​LAWFUL​, ​NEUTRAL​, or ​CHAOTIC​.

Alignment comes into play in two major ways:

The first place alignment matters is in determining your band’s manpowers. It is essential to
keep manpower up if you expect to recruit more people, claim better strongholds, and retain
many services.

● LAWFUL​ people contribute their highest utility skill as manpower.

● NEUTRAL​ people contribute their Utility score squared as manpower.
● CHAOTIC​ people contribute their second-highest skill as manpower.

The second way alignment comes into play is in determining comradery. Any combatant who
has the same alignment in the party will be more likely to succeed when risk is high. If
someone in the party is the only representative of their particular alignment, they miss out on
this comradery bonus. You only need two people to receive a comradery bonus (having
more than two of the same alignment doesn’t stack the bonus).


You must be constantly changing your base of operations as your roster of characters expand and
your need of additional services increases.

● LAWFUL​ people contribute their highest utility skill as manpower.
● NEUTRAL​ people contribute their Utility score squared as manpower.
● CHAOTIC​ people contribute their second-highest skill as manpower.


For a list of all potential places to use as your stronghold click ​here​.


Quartermaster Maximum 1

● Quartermasters handle the storage and sale of surplus inventory. Essential for a large

Appraiser Maximum 1

● An appraiser will help the quartermaster sell difficult-to-move items and will adjust all
stronghold prices in your favor.

Blacksmith Maximum 1

● A blacksmith can combine two identical weapons to make a more powerful one, and are
able to add gemstones to certain items.
○ To view a list of all recipes click ​here​.

Locksmith Maximum 1

● Locksmiths will make and sell keys that will fit all but the most unique locks. A locksmith
will sell the following keys:
○ Normal Key 500 Gp
○ Rare Key 1000 Gp
○ Precious Key 2000 Gp

Healer Maximum 3

● Healers help allies recover after being injured in battle. Multiple healers work together for
greater effect.

Porter Maximum 3

● Porters come with you on your adventures to give you extra inventory space. More porters
means more bag space.
○ For each Porter hired, you’ll receive an extra ​four slots​ of inventory space.

Maximum 6

● Merchants offer items for sale, and will regularly come and go. More merchants means
better selection.

Name Appearance Inventory

Bland Mushroom 45Gp Elixir Vitae 770Gp
Smooth Truffle 120Gp Unfinished Elixir 165Gp
Healing Draught 220Gp Stale Mead 35Gp
Wine Tincture 324Gp Crisp Lager 110Gp
Warped Branch 251Gp Silk Culottes 296Gp
Craftsman Hard Crust 35Gp Amulet p
Bland Soup 40Gp Traveler's Hat 233Gp
Plush Vest 344Gp Soft Shoes 250Gp
Tough Rope 50Gp Ciabatta 255Gp
Torch 100Gp Stale Mead 35Gp
Hard Crust 35Gp Crisp Lager 110Gp
Moist Cornbread 130Gp Honey Beer 320Gp
Makeshift Bow 375Gp Burnt Steak 45Gp
Hatchet 433Gp Dry Turkey 60Gp
Worn Knife 260Gp Roast Chicken 220Gp
Fur Boots 193Gp Braised Duck 370Gp
Rusted Pick 370Gp Stud Brief 296Gp
Bludgeon 285Gp Dry Pretzel 50Gp
Tough Rope 50Gp Stale Mead 35Gp
Plank Shield 90Gp Crisp Lager 110Gp

Battered Blade 384Gp Torch 100Gp
Worn Knife 260Gp Vambrace 125Gp
Body Harness 486Gp Stale Mead 35Gp
Stud Buckler 181Gp Dry Pretzel 50Gp
Rope Whip 210Gp Crisp Lager 110Gp
Stud Brief 296Gp Burnt Steak 45Gp
Thigh Plate 386Gp Grilled Ribeye 190Gp
Stale Mead 35Gp Smoked Tenderloin 390Gp
Salvaged Mantra 384Gp Fur Boots 193Gp
Silk Gauntlet 224Gp Plate Boots 240Gp
Battered Blade 384Gp Golden Mask 210Gp
Worn Knife 260Gp Healing Draught 220Gp
Crude Pike 346Gp Creamy Chowder 170Gp
Brass Shield 113Gp Hearty Chili 350Gp
Lucky Ring 150Gp Unfinished Elixir 165Gp
Bland Soup 40Gp Elixir Vitae 770Gp
Battered Blade 384Gp Circlet 237Gp
Crest Shield 140Gp Chewy Quiche 50Gp
Plate Cuirass 650Gp Quiche Lorraine 155Gp
Lacquer Helm 107Gp Pepper Quiche 295Gp
Crude Pike 346Gp Body Harness 486Gp
Makeshift Bow 375Gp Bland Mushroom 45Gp
Stud Brief 296Gp Burnt Steak 45Gp
Fur Boots 193Gp Dry Turkey 60Gp
Hatchet 433Gp Fresh Sourdough 345Gp
Bludgeon 285Gp Soggy Sandwich 45Gp
Dry Pretzel 50Gp Monte Cristo 160Gp
Mustard Pretzel 130Gp Bacon Club 330Gp


To view spoilers highlight the space between the brackets.

Stopthroat Bay

Party Members​: Jailbreak Character, Bato

Locations (5)

The Stocks of Lukatt Dusklight Grotto

Sheltered Burrow The March Marina
The Pious Pit

The Stocks of Lukatt Stronghold​ - N/A

● Examine the table in the second room for a Normal Key. Map
● Using the key on the room to the west instead of advancing
forward gives you access to a ​Weave ​challenge to quicken your Enemies
escape. If you don’t have someone with that skill then examine Stocks Guard x6
the Old Skeleton for a replacement key. Boss​: Stocks Officer
● In the large chamber, stoking the Fire Pit and examining the
nearby Woodpile rewards you with some gold. Items
● The Emergency Release can be opened by performing a Labour Normal Key x3
challenge. This has the same outcome as the Weave challenge. 58 Gp
● To the east of the chamber lies a Satchel containing a Battered Battered Blade
Blade. Drag and drop it to a party member’s weapon slot (sword Thigh Plate
icon) to equip it. Torch
● In one of the western rooms from the chamber there is an Inner
Gate Switch which will open up the gate in the center room (if you
haven’t already through one of the two challenges). It’s guarded
by the boss, an officer who’s more challenging than the rest of his
guards. Make sure you’re utilizing ​risk​ by performing a ​reckless
action (by holding down Shift). You’ll be able to attack multiple
times in a round.
● There is another Normal Key in that room on the table. You can
use it to unlock the other western room for a Thigh Plate armour
and Torch accessory.
● A cutscene will play after escaping the stocks.

Sheltered Burrow Stronghold​ - N/A

● A cutscene plays after securing and leaving the map. Map

Starved Wolf x1


The Pious Pit Supports 16,
Upkeep 2114

● At the start, examine the Old Barrel for an extra torch and the Map
Map to uncover the area in your minimap.
● Slimes introduce you to your first curse - Entangle. When hit with Enemies
this status that character’s movement is reduced and their Slime x4
evasion is lowered.
● Examine the Mushroom Patch halfway through the map for a Items
couple of Bitter Mushrooms. Torch

82 Gp
Bitter Mushroom x2
Wine Tincture

Dusklight Grotto Supports 15,
Upkeep 1861

● You can recruit Bato here, your first additional party member. Map
● The last Sahaguin drops a Mana Battery which is used to open
the earlier door to obtain Bato. Enemies
● There is a Labour challenge with the chest near the end. Bato Sahaguin x5
has points in Labour so you can switch to him to attempt it.
Succeeding awards you with 48 Gp, a Normal Key, Lucky Ring, Items
and Healing Draught. Stale Mead
Hard Crust
Burnt Steak
Mana Battery
48 Gp
Normal Key
Lucky Ring
Healing Draught

The March Marina Supports 6,
Upkeep 144

● A cutscene plays out after leaving. You’re told to make your way Map
to the eastern side of the map towards Greenback Bay to find a
ship. Enemies
● Bato advises you can use secured areas as strongholds. After Sahaguin x2
you leave you can click on the icon for The March Marina and
claim it as one. Items
● You have enough surplus manpower to hire a Service. The game None
recommends a Quartermaster who will add extra storage in your
Stronghold and can attempt to sell things for you. Services don’t
spawn immediately so check back after you visit a couple more

Knightswood West

Party Members​: Kirilo

Locations (15)

Knightwood Copse Quiet Clearing

Wooded Shoreline A Tiny Forest Clearing
Fundaments Shrine Knightwood Detour
Woodland Passageway Fragmented Fortress
Raptor Gate Ashes of a Burned Village
Bird of Prey Tomb Roadside Reststop
Treasure Trail Old Plantation
The Ashen Brink

Knightwood Copse Supports 34,
Upkeep 10838

● After defeating the Direbear in its cave, retrieve the Tarnished Map
Key from the Remains behind it. This opens a chest in the cabin
to the east with a Dullahan guarding it. Inside is 200 Gp and a Enemies
Makeshift Bow. Ratling x7
● Examining the book on the Shack Desk in the cabin allows you to Direbear
obtain several Bitter Mushrooms by interacting with the Dullahan
mushroom patch outside. Event​: Spriggan x3
● Interacting with the Moss-Covered Shrine and choosing “Move It”
makes three Spriggan hostile in the southwest corner of the Items
minimap, as well as making an Emerald spawn by them. Tarnished Key
● Equipping both the Makeshift Bow and Emerald on someone with 200 Gp
low damage and defenses like Bato allows them to contribute Makeshift Bow
damage from a safe distance during combat as well as inflict a Bitter Mushroom x10
useful curse, thanks to ​TangleStrike.​ Emerald

Wooded Shoreline Supports 43,
Upkeep 17718

● Opening the Chest in the middle of the map causes four Sahaguin Map
to ambush you. Bato will have some extra dialogue if you bring
him. Enemies
Saurian x3
Event​: Sahaguin x4

Bland Soup
Dry Pretzel

Quiet Clearing N/A

● Examining the sign about Landmark Maps explains that some Map
locations like these can’t be secured. This means new locations
can’t be explored from it and you can’t turn the location into a Enemies
stronghold. It serves purely as a transit point between already None
uncovered areas.

Fundaments Shrine N/A

● This location explains several of the game’s basics, including Map
combat, mana veins, and alignment.
● The Struggle statue in the back of the room allows you to reset Enemies
the speaking character’s level back down to one for 1000 Gp. None
After you leave they’ll distribute their initial 10 points again.
● Characters do NOT like this. If you want to bond with them, it will Items
take extra work after being reset. None

Woodland Passageway Supports 31,
Upkeep 8862

● There’s a Satchel to the east containing 600 Gp after defeating Map

the enemies.
Highwayman x2

600 Gp

Raptor Gate N/A

● You’ll find many “Gate” locations like these during your travels. Map
You’ll need to present an item to pass by.
● Hint​: [​Make use out of the Blacksmith when you hire one.​] Enemies
● Spoiler​: Examine the pedestal with a [​Shrike Soul​]​ ​in your None
inventory to unlock the door.

Bird of Prey Tomb N/A

● Bring weapons with Reach and/or characters with a level in Blast. Map
The wisps in the east and west room are on a platform and take
several turns to get to. Enemies
Wisp x6
Wraith x2
Steel Exarch

1000 Gp

Treasure Trail Supports 38,
Upkeep 13842

● Lighting the fire in the watchtower causes two Saurian and a Titan Map
to ambush you after you climb back down. This encounter is a
common cause of frustration early game as the Titan has Enemies
empowered physical attacks and most of your team lacks armour. Direwolf x4
● Among the four shacks, the southeast one houses a random Event​: Titan x1, Saurian
character from your “Roster” folder in your Bastard Bonds files x2
you can recruit. Any character that you create will end up in that
folder. Items
● There’s a Corpse behind the northeast shack that holds a Lucky Hard Crust
Ring. Hearty Chili
Smoked Tenderloin
450 Gp
Luxic Lense
Lucky Ring

The Ashen Brink Supports 26,
Upkeep 6098

● If you choose to add 100 Gp to the Well instead of taking that Map
same amount, the two Sasquatches in the area behind the well
will be neutral instead of hostile and can be recruited. Enemies
● The dilapidated shack in the west houses a random roster Ettin
character you can recruit. Spriggan
● There’s a treasure chest in the middle of the map that requires a Sasquatch x2
Thwart challenge. Succeeding awards you with 200 Gp and some Arthrotan x3
Antique Coins. Boggart

Unfinished Elixir
Mustard Pretzel
100 Gp
Warped Branch
Normal Key
200 Gp
Antique Coins

A Tiny Forest Clearing N/A

● Examining the Campfire will teleport you to an ancient plaza. Map

Examine it again to light the area.

● The northeast shack houses a random roster character you can Enemies
recruit. Ectoplast x2
● There’s a Satchel containing a Sacred Branch in the northeast Myconid x2
corner of that map that’s easy to miss. Matsutaka
● There are some useful enemies to recruit here if you manage to Alpha x2
do so. The Alpha’s come with ​BeastTongue​ which allow them to Centaur Archer x2
converse with animals while the Matsutaka come with six different Centaur Spearman
personal traits.
Warped Branch
Rope Whip
Sacred Branch
Plank Shield
83 Gp
Stale Mead

Knightwood Detour Supports 32,
Upkeep 9508

● You can recruit Kirilo here, another member of the main cast. Map
● Rush to the scream without interacting with any objects other than
the barricades to rescue a group of travellers from several Enemies
Highwaymen and their Bandit Boss. Landshark x2
● Failing to do so will end with the travellers dead and the bandits Direwolf x4
gone. Several items will be on the ground to pick up and you’ll Boss​: Bandit Boss,
miss out on recruiting Kirilo if you didn’t start with him. Highwayman x4
● If you don’t already have someone who has a level or two in
Thwart, you might want to consider either Bato or Kirilo toss some Items
points in there as they have skills on the same axis. One of the 300 Gp
other maps in this region has your first Thwart challenge and Bitter Mushroom
they’ll obtain a point in it quickly from having points in a Glass Jewel
neighboring skill already. Burlap Buttsack
124 Gp
100 Gp

Fragmented Fortress Supports x,
Upkeep x

● The witch here is one the earliest types of enemy that comes with Map
the trait “Command”, one of the few ways to converse with any
type of enemy (both beasts and mindless). Enemies
● There are several locked doors on the map that don’t have Thrall x2
anything behind them. The map is linear and you’ll make progress Witch
by following the main hallway. Zombie
● The Wyvern drops a Warsickle, a tier 3 scythe that’s a strong Wyvern

weapon for this point in the game. Grotesque
● There’s a pile of Rubble that will block your way. A Labour
challenge is required to progress. Items
● After defeating the Grotesque walk out into the abyss and 200 Gp
examine the Campfire to be teleported to the end of the map. Mana Battery
Healing Draught
Normal Key

Ashes of a Burned Village Supports x,
Upkeep x

● The Ignigon and Fire Exarch in the northern part of the map can Map
spot you if you stray too close and open up with hard hitting
magic. They also come with “ViolentAura”, dealing damage at the Enemies
start of the round around themselves, once you close the gap. Troglodyte Fighter x4
● There are some good items to ​ransom​ on this map. The Ifreets Troglodyte Rogue x3
and Ashlords give away gem accessories (which you will need for Troglodyte Mage x2
a sidequest). If you can manage to make the Fire Exarch ​hesitate Ifreet x2
you can ​ransom​ a Maxicon off of her - one of the strongest Ashlord x2
magical weapons in the game. Ignigon
Fire Exarch

Maxic Lense
400 Gp
Worn Knife
Pepper Quiche
Hearty Chili
Normal Key
Alacritous Boots

Roadside Rest Stop Supports 7,
Upkeep 243

● The shack houses a random roster character you can recruit. Map
● This is a good Stronghold to upgrade to after the March Marina.
Highwayman x2

Normal Key

Old Plantation Supports 22,
Upkeep 4208

● The first shack west on the minimap has a random roster Map
character to recruit.
Direwolf x2

Sumptuous Garden

Burntfoot March

Burntfoot March, Brad’uk, & Jamd’uk

Party Members​: Byrne, Greave, Nazar, Paul &


Locations (25)

The Uneasy Grave Foothills Hamlet

Ash-Caked Archive Lost Cabin
Port Town Mouldering Dugout
Rusted Gate Logging Camp
Zosark Underworks Bunker
Leaning Watchtower Burnt Cabin
Military Facility The Burning Void
Hedgefort Gardens Burnt Earth Coven
Cavern Hideaway Woodcutter’s Trail
Young Trail Arkasin Meatus
Brad’uk Labour Camp Anarchic Ruins
Cliffside Path Hellbreath Gulch
Cliffside Cabin

The Uneasy Grave N/A

● After speaking to the Dullahan you’ll be transported to a different Map

part of the map. Be ready as you won’t be able to leave until
completing the map. Enemies
● Make sure clear out the area as once you leave you won’t be able Zombie x6
to return to the compound. Fresh Zombie x6
Thrall x9
Plague Doctor x4
Bogeyman x2
Plague Guard x5
Plague Officer x4

Unfinished Elixir x2
Rare Key x2
200 Gp

Ash-Caked Archive N/A

● Vankan, another main cast member can be recruited here. Map

● Present him with a copy of Sumptuous Garden to recruit him if
you didn’t start with him. A copy can be found behind the locked Enemies
door if you have a spare Normal Key. None

Plush Vest
Sumptuous Garden
Salvaged Mantra
Glass Jewel

Port Town Supports 19,
Upkeep 3050

● x Map

Saurian x5
Direcrab x2
Emperor Crab
Siren x2

Plush Vest
Creamy Chowder
184 Gp
Golden Philter
349 Gp
Normal Key
Crude Pike
Worn Knife
Grilled Swordfish
Sumptuous Garden

Rusted Gate N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Wasp Soul​]​ ​in your Map
inventory to unlock the door.


Zosark Supports 10,
Upkeep 682

● A straight forward enough dungeon. Go from room to room Map

activating the winches.
● The boss with the location’s namesake, Zosark, looks like the Enemies
other Bile Exarchs at first. Don’t be fooled though, although he Bile Exarch x2
shares the same ViolentAura and Venomous traits he also comes Troglodyte Fighter x7
with Flurry (normal attacks hit adjacent enemies) and a lot more Troglodyte Rogue x4
HP. Troglodyte Mage x3
● One of the two chests in the back need a Thwart challenge to Mohrg x9
obtain the Golder Philter and Ornamental Helmet inside. Zosark

Plush Vest
Golden Philter
Ornamental Helmet

Leaning Watchtower Supports 9,
Upkeep 503

● Makes another great early game Stronghold. Map



Military Facility N/A

● You can bring [​Nazar​] here, just the two of you, after you’ve Map
bonded and went to the Seaside Congregation. [​This is step two
in romancing him.​] Enemies


Hedgefort Gardens N/A

● Speak with the Minotaur inside the cafe to get a clue on how to Map
progress through the maze.
● Going off the beaten path does yield a couple of chests with 80 Enemies
Gp in one and 120 Gp in the other. None
● Examining the fountain at the end of the maze teleports you back
to the beginning. Items
● If any companions get stuck in the maze you can examine the 80 Gp
seats at the entrance or exit and they’ll all spawn next to you. 120 Gp
Almond Cookie
Jam Heart
Makeshift Bow
Hedge Rod

Cavern Hideaway Supports 44,
Upkeep 18513

● x Map

Yeti x4


Young Trail Supports 23,
Upkeep 4743

● If you haven’t made it to Hayill yet and recruited Grant, speak to Map
Byrne in the storm shelter after defeating the zombies and he’ll
offer to join your party to help you make it through the mountain Enemies
passage controlled by the vampire Lord Frico to get to the eastern Fresh Zombie x4
side of the island. Dullahan x2
● If you’ve recruited Grant you’ll instead fight a Neonate. Wendigo x2
● Cutting down the Mangled Tree in the first detour awards you with Zombie x5
a Warped Branch. Wisp
● Opening the satchel towards the end of the trail causes a Neonate
Skeleton to spawn. You’ll secure the map right after.
Warped Branch
Wine Tincture
Elixir Vitae

Brad’uk Labour Camp N/A

● As you enter, the rock next to you yields a normal key upon Map
examining it.
● There’s a storage room to the east after going through a room and Enemies
a clearing. Inside is a chest that requires a Labour challenge to Bogeyman x6
obtain the two Rusted Picks inside. Cyclops x2
● In the back room in the center-west cabin is a diary you can read. Ogre x3
Shaking it awards you with a Precious Key to get into the south
cabin. Items
● After an encounter with an Ogre in the mentioned cabin you’ll Normal Key
meet Nazar. Speak with him to recruit him (Nazar will not show up Rusted Pick x2
if you have recruited Rangda). Precious Key x2
● Coming back with Nazar and reading the diary will give you some
additional fluff. He’ll also give you his copy of the key to the south
cabin (a second Precious Key).

Cliffside Path N/A

● Examining the Abandoned Sack causes three Harpies to ambush Map

you. Afterwards you can check it for 589 Gp as well as a hook to
get into a section containing a Chactotan and a Healing Draught. Enemies
● Inspecting the Water Bath after fighting the Arachne allows your Bantam x3
lead character to drink from it once and heal their HP to full. Chactotan x4
● The Crumbling Pillar next to it requires a Thwart challenge to Myconid x4 *One time
scale. Consider clearing out the area, saving, and coming back event

though. If you fail it the pillar breaks and you’re locked out of the Harpy x3 *One time
section it opens up. Once up top you’ll fight a Hagen and find a event
Waraxe. If you pushed forward first and gotten the White Truffle, Landshark x2
you can avoid the fight and recruit him instead. Arachne x2
● Examining the Sturdy Rock towards the end of the dungeon with a Hagen *One time event
Tough Rope in your inventory will open up a section with some Matsutaka *One time
mushrooms and neutral monsters. Examining the mushrooms event
causes the monsters around to turn hostile.
Tough Rope
Battered Blade
Bland Mushroom x2
589 Gp
Healing Draught
Warped Branch
Mana Repository
Rare Key
White Truffle
Lucky Ring

Cliffside Cabin Supports 20,
Upkeep 3416

● Examining the Crumbling Wall in the back prompts your choice of Map
Labour or Weave challenge to open it.
Harpy x2
Goblin Rogue *second
visit onwards*

Normal Key
Monte Cristo
Sumptuous Garden
57 Gp
Makeshift Bow

Foothills Hamlet Supports 10,
Upkeep 677

● Taking the path to the left causes your lead character to be Map

separated from the rest of your group. Simply come around to the
locked door and open it up for the party. Enemies
● There’s a random roster character in the first side room in the Homunculus
building to the west. Direwolf
Ettin x2

200 Gp
Tough Rope
Chewy Quiche

Lost Cabin Supports 7,
Upkeep 248

● x Map

Gevaudan x2
Goblin Rogue *Second
visit onwards

Normal Key
Bland Mushroom
White Truffle

Mouldering Dugout Supports 25,
Upkeep 5560

● There is a random roster character in the shack to recruit. Map



Logging Camp Supports 12,
Upkeep 1046

● Inside the cabin the giant Paul waves you off about work to do. Map
Perform six Labour challenges outside by inspecting the axe in
the stump and speak to him again to have him join you. Enemies
● Return with Paul and examine the Woodcutter’s Axe to obtain a None
Bearded Axe.
Bearded Axe

Underworks Bunker Supports 12,
Upkeep 1040

● x Map

Skeleton x4
Zombie x3


Burnt Cabin Supports 6,
Upkeep 146

● Examine the 9 piles of Smouldering Rubble to open a the Chest Map

containing a Diamond and cause an Ignigon to attack.


The Burning Void Supports 8,
Upkeep 390

● After you defeat the Goblin Mage, opening the Chest that appears Map
causes a Fire Exarch to spawn at the northmost point of the map.

Ruby Ring

Burnt Earth Coven Stronghold

Supports 16,
Upkeep 2076

● Gain access to the complex by performing a Weave challenge to Map

the right. If you don’t have any magically inclined characters, go to
the Ash-Caked Archive first and recruit Vankan. Enemies
● There are a lot enemies here and a boss fight at the end. Don’t be Worg x4
afraid to leave and come back between fights to get back at full Crone x2
HP. Utlunta
● Greave can be recruited by talking to him after defeating the Surrogate
Stormwitch and her two Phantoms. He won’t appear if you’re a Witch
true Necromancer. Harpy
Phantom x2

300 Gp
Warped Branch
Lucky Ring
Healing Draught
Worn Knife

Woodcutter’s Trail N/A

● Towards the end of the map, there is a small clearing with a table Map
that you can inspect for three Almond Cookies as well as four
random roster characters standing around to be recruited. Enemies
Werewolf x2
Centaur Spearman

Smooth Truffle
Worn Knife
Normal Key
200 Gp
Almond Cookie x3

Arkasin Meatus Supports 20,
Upkeep 3403

● x Map

Worg x2


Anarchic Ruins Supports 26
Upkeep 6057

● x Map

Titan x2
Gargoyle x2

Soft Shoes
Honey Beer
Normal Key
Nixic Lense
153 Gp
Silk Gauntlets
Roast Chicken

Hellbreath Gulch Supports 16,
Upkeep 2116

● Examine the Loose Boulder to the east and succeed in a Labour Map
challenge to enable a switch that will let you progress past the
gate. Enemies
● There’s a random roster character by a gate blocking your path Direpottamus x4
south of the entrance. Draconian x4
● There’s another Loose Boulder and Labour challenge after Behemoth
passing the first gate to the east. The switch is near the gate in
the corner. Items
Worn Knife
Moist Cornbread
Thigh Plate

Knightswood East

Party Members​: Grant & Moria

Locations (15)

Isolated Forge Hayill

Woodland Outpost Western Sewer Access
The Silent Library A Ruined Homestead
Lightfoot Lodge Dunbary Hold
A Dilapidated Cottage Secret Bunker
Secluded Chapel Cove Gate
Overgrown Highroad The Drowned Armada
Endless Mine Slaughtered Caravan
Tangled Trail

Isolated Forge Stronghold - N/A

● The smith here requests help in an experiment. Bringing him a Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire,
Emerald, Onyx and a ring (Lucky Ring) has him create a Mood Ring for you.

Enemies Items

None Comfy Undies

Woodland Outpost Stronghold - Supports 20, Upkeep 3416

● The Humbaba here is another monster that has several personal traits (six of them). They
also drop Warhammers (tier 2 mace) when defeated.

Enemies Items

Highwayman x6 None

The Silent Library Stronghold - N/A

● Talk to the Mysterious Light by the locked door and then return to the eastern room and
speak to the Mysterious Light by the bookshelf to obtain a Precious Key.
● After getting into the supply closes, perform a Labour challenge followed by a Weave
challenge to unlock the secret passageway amidst the library bookshelves.

Enemies Items

Bogeyman Lucky Ring

Corpugon Dry Turkey
Zombie Stale Mead
Skeleton Salvaged Mantra
Lantern Wight Wine Tincture
Healing Draught
Precious Key
200 Gp

Lightfoot Lodge Stronghold - Supports 8, Upkeep 360

● Examining the barrels and attempting to move them causes the Craftsman to turn hostile
and summon several enemies.
● Focus fire one enemy down at a time. Everything sans the Craftsman has the personal trait
“Cannibal”, restoring some health when a unit dies.

Enemies Items

Craftsman Moist Cornbread

Utlunta x2 Creamy Chowder
Bantam x2 Roast Chicken
Pygmy x2

A Dilapidated Cottage Stronghold - Supports 10, Upkeep 665

● After talking to the Pastor here he will drop Nikolai’s Emblem as he leaves. Hold on to this.
You’ll meet him much later in the game and presenting it to him opens up a dungeon with a
unique accessory received for beating it.

Enemies Items

Zombie x2 180 Gp
Morlock Nikolai’s Emblem

Secluded Chapel Stronghold - Supports 17, Upkeep 2392

● Trying to reach for the piece of meat in the cage behind shed causes a Werewolf to ambush
you. Afterwards you can pick up the Burnt Steak that was inside it.
● Examine the Chain Winch and you’ll be prompted to perform a Labour challenge.
● Snuffing out the candles of the ritual circle and performing a Weave challenge in the west
causes a Baelor to spawn and attack.

Enemies Items

Ghost Rare Key

Werewolf x2 Normal Key
Troglodyte Fighter Gold Lock
Skeleton x2 Abstract Print
Baelor Wine Tincture
Chewy Quiche x2
Burnt Steak
Mustard Pretzel
Unfinished Elixir
300 Gp
Humanoid Skull

Overgrown Highroad Stronghold - Supports 14, Upkeep 1532

● At the end of the map you’ll see a cutscene where an axe wielding woman takes down her
three would be assailants. Speak to Moria after to recruit her to your party.

Enemies Items

Worg x5 Normal Key

Spriggan x2 400 Gp
Rexic Lense
Worn Knife x3

Endless Mine Stronghold - N/A

● Bring some potions and food, as well as someone who can perform a Labour challenge, you
won’t be able to leave the mine until you complete the puzzle.
● This map appears to have two true floors, after that it just repeats endlessly.
● Floor one has two chests: one containing Gp and a Holy Pickaxe and another that you can’t
open. Take note of this.
● You can perform a Labour challenge on the large metal doors. Behind it will be two
mummies and a pharaoh.
● Examine the Mineshaft with a Tough Rope in your inventory to prompt climbing down. You
can use up the Holy Pickaxe to open the Stone Fist for an Endless Ankh.
● On the second floor make sure to previously locked chest. Nothing will be inside but you’ll
cause it to be open on the first floor. Going up or down one level yields the Foreman’s Key,
needed to access the emergency exit and leave.
● Make sure to examine the Foreman’s Table to secure the area. Leaving via the emergency
exit without doing so causes you to be unable to return to this location. There’s nothing to
return to but the Pharaoh is noteworthy because when the map repopulates he can be
ransomed for Sapphires.

Enemies Items

Bugbear 450 Gp
Goblin Rogue Tough Rope x4
Mummy x2 Holy Pickaxe or Endless Ankh
Pharaoh Foreman’s Key

Tangled Trail Stronghold - N/A

● There is a scene here with Beauregard and Grant after getting their bond tokens.

Enemies Items

None 180 Gp

Hayill Stronghold - N/A

● If you haven’t recruited Byrne yet you can speak to the Alpha about getting through the
mountain passage to head to the east side of the island. When he asks if you plan to pay or
kill the vampire who controls the passage, Lord Frico, say you’re planning on killing him and
he’ll send his bodyguard Grant to join you.
● If you have recruited Byrne you can still dismiss him from your roster before speaking to the
Alpha and get Grant still.
● There are two NPC traders here in the second and third cabins to the west while heading
● Speaking to the orc Labourer causes him to ask you for your opinion on if he should get with
his Wildman buddy. If you say yes you can speak to the Wildman to have him drop a Love
Potion he was getting desperate to use.
● If Rangda is in your party, instead of the Labourer asking for your opinion you’ll get a scene
between them, another bond character will also comment.
● The cabin in the northeast requires a Rare Key from a Locksmith to get inside. It house a
couple of chests with 500 Gp, a Traveler’s Hat, a piece of Beast Obsidian, and an Onyx.

Enemies Items

None Love Potion

500 Gp
Traveler’s Hat
Beast Obsidian

Hayill Trader
Battered Blade 384Gp Fur Boots 193Gp
Worn Knife 260Gp Burnt Steak 45Gp
Body Harness 486Gp Grilled Ribeye 190Gp
Plank Shield 90Gp Smoked 390Gp

Hayill Barkeep
Stale Mead 35Gp Wine Tincture 324Gp
Crisp Lager 110Gp Unfinished Elixir 165Gp
Honey Beer 320Gp Dry Pretzel 50Gp

Western Sewer Access Stronghold - N/A

● Used as a transit point way late in the game when you find the Sewer Entrance in

Enemies Items

None None

A Ruined Homestead Stronghold - Supports 16, Upkeep 2065

● One of the two Chests to the southwest requires a Labour challenge to open. Inside is
several pieces of armour.
● The Hag here has a total of six traits and is another enemy with ​Command,​ a personal trat
allowing her to converse with any type of enemy.

Enemies Items

Spriggan x2 Stud Brief

Dryad Body Harness
Grotesque Plush Vest
Moonrat 500 Gp
Gremlin x2 Ancient Coins
Myconid x3 Hedge Rod

Dunbary Hold Stronghold - Supports 14, Upkeep 1510

● Start by heading to the right to encounter a couple of goblins. The nearby sack contains both
gold and a rare key to get inside the hold.
● The Iron Golem here is one of the two units in the game to have both “Saturated” and “Solid”
traits, reducing magical and physical damage respectively. It is a Mindless enemy though so
it requires someone with the skill “MindSpeak” or the trait “Command”.
● After checking the rusted Lever, head back into the room with the Brass Shield. Checking
the nearby crates provides a bottle of Rust Remover to activate the lever.

Enemies Items

Goblin Fighter 120 Gp

Goblin Rogue Rare Key
Iron Golem Brass Shield
Banshee 200 Gp
Slime Precious Key
Fomorian Rust Remover

Secret Bunker Stronghold - Supports 19, Upkeep 3037

● N/A

Enemies Items

Boggart x2 Wine Tincture

Butcher x2 Poxic Lense

Cove Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Mercenary Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

The Drowned Armada Stronghold - Supports 25, Upkeep 5631

● There's a few possible scenes when you first enter, either between Captain Logus and
Peregrine or Bato and one other (from a small pool of bond characters).
● Start by heading right to obtain a Cannonball and perform a Labour challenge to activate the
Winch. Succeeding in the challenge causes a Soggy Chest to spawn - along with four
● Return to the center of the map and load the Cannonball into the Manacannon and activate
the console. The cannon activates and breaks open a wall for you to proceed through.
● After moving through the cabin you’ll encounter the boss, Captain Arris. Retreating back into
the shack and letting him and his crew come to you avoids aggroing an additional Emperor
Crab and two Skeletons.
● Captain Arris drops the Tarnished Key, needed to get into the chest right before him. Inside
the chest is his sword, Scimitar.

Enemies Items

Sahaguin x4 *One time event Normal Key

Sahaguin x7 200 Gp
Direcrab Moist Cornbread
Thrall x9 Cannonball
Siren x2 1000 Gp
Skeleton x12 Sapphire
Ghost x2 Elixir Vitae
Emperor Crab x2 Lacquer Helmet
Captain Arris Painted Chalice
Sumptuous Garden
Silk Culottes
Tarnished Key
Battered Blade x2
Hearty Chili

Stranded Chest - Ruby
Stranded Barrels - Cannonball
Stranded Chest - Golden Philter

Slaughtered Caravan Stronghold - N/A

● There’s extra dialogue if you bring Grant to the map.

Enemies Items

None Vengeful Clasp

Mount Pious

Party Members​: Borgnina

Locations (5)

Forest Tangle Cloister Gate

Stillwind Abbey Rusted Cloister
Abandoned Barricade

Forest Tangle Stronghold - Supports 11, Upkeep 879

● Examine the Shrubs that block your progress to cut them down.
● Bringing the Reanimated Guard as a Necromancer will cause 4 Direwolves to spawn (due to
his smell) and attack you part way through the map.

Enemies Items

Direwolf x6 Warped Branch

Direwolf x4 *Reanimated Guard scene Moist Cornbread
Mustard Pretzel
Mouldy Shield

Stillwind Abbey Stronghold - Supports 7, Upkeep 251

● Recruit Borgnina by assisting her in placing the Sanctified Jewels but then choosing to stop
her before she begins.
● As a Maledictus, talking to the Crusader causes her and all the Nuns to turn hostile instead.

Enemies Items

Nun x8 Sanctified Jewels

Crusader Sumptuous Garden
Wine Tincture x2
Burlap Buttsack

Abandoned Barricade Stronghold - Supports 17, Upkeep 2382

● Immediately to the left is a random roster character.

● After passing the doorway keep on the lookout for flooring with black dots on them. These
signify spike traps which activate (once) and hit your lead character for a bit of damage.
● This location is the only place in the game with Aesthedra. Holding them for ​ransom​ nabs
you the rare Love Potion item. Having a character who hates you (you reset them at the
Fundaments Shrine without bonding, or haven’t talked to them in a long time) consume one
is one of two ways to get them on the road to start liking you again.

Enemies Items

Orthros x2 Sumptuous Garden

Aesthedra x2 Burnt Steak
Chimaera Honey Beer
148 Gp
Brass Shield

Crude Pike

Cloister Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Paladin Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

Rusted Cloister Stronghold - ?

● Take the Connection Pin from the room locked with a Normal Key to the Damaged Node in
the north east. Performing a Thwart challenge will open up a passageway into a locked
● Entering the final room starts a boss battle with several Thralls, a Savage, and a souped up
Lilim. Defeating her makes her drop the weapon Meteoric.

Enemies Items

Wildman x2 Normal Key

Savage x2 Sumptuous Garden
Thrall x16 Connection Pin
Imp 500 Gp
Lilim Golden Philter
● Drops Meteoric Taboo Manifest
500 Gp
Plush Vest
Elixir Vitae


Party Members​: Greening & Leftie

Locations (18)

Inquisitor’s End Collapsed Tunnel

Basement Breach Crumbling Sprawl
Silent Town Fastad’s Archive
Grassy Field Demon Lord’s Castle
Stewpot Reststop Wind-Blasted Caern
The Pumphouse Brewery Old Schoolhouse
Chrun Meatus Old Guardpost
Crumbling Household Umbral Gate
Old Ratway The Umbral Vault
Fort Galiere Fortress Foundation

Inquisitor’s End Stronghold - N/A

● Opening the first chest you come across causes two Ifreet to spawn in the corridor you just
came through.
● After you work your way through and activate the Spindle to unlock the doors, a Baelor will
be awaiting you in the entryway.
● Light up all the fires and a glowing pedestal will show up.
● Spoilers: Examine the glowing pedestal with a [​Paladin Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to obtain the
weapon Crusader.

Enemies Items

Ifreet x7 Wine Tincture

Imp Moist Cornbread
Ignigon Sumptuous Garden
Mohrg Crusader
Fiend x2

Basement Breach Stronghold - N/A

● x

Enemies Items

Lilith x2 Sumptuous Garden

Gevaudan Depleted Battery

Silent Town Stronghold - N/A

● Take a moment to collect all the food from the houses and be very spooked. The last cabin
in the southeast also contains several chests behind a Rare Key but whose contents will
change in the alternate version of the town you’re about to get into (anything with an “Or”
means the latter is in the alternate world). Opening it prior is the only way to get one of the
two Wizard Capes in the game.
● After lighting all the fire drums and reading the note, examine the well to be lead to the
house to the left. You’ll end up in a nightmare version of the town (as well as get ambushed).
● Make your way from house to house, getting ambushed in each one. The goal is to light all
the fire drums in each house in the nightmare town.
● Alternatively, attempting to leave first will transport you to the nightmare town fully, which will
allow you to enter the buildings without being ambushed. After lighting all of the fires and

examining the well, you will return to the normal town and fight a boss battle with the Mayor.
A cutscene will follow, and you will be able to leave afterwards.

Enemies Items

Dullahan x3 Chewy Quiche

Utlunta x4 Burnt Steak
Mohrg x4 Fresh Sourdough
Kobold x4 Smooth Truffle
Ghost x3 218 Gp
Mummy x4 Luxic Lens or Poxic Lense
Plate Cuirass or Body Harness
Broadsword or Warped Branch
Lacquer Helm or Circlet
Wizard Cape or Shadow Wrap
Crude Pike or Rawhide Whip

Grassy Field Stronghold - Supports 32, Upkeep 9425

● Entering the map causes to you spawn in the center and be ambushed by a Centaur and his

Enemies Items

Centaur Archer 400 Gp

Highwayman x2 Moist Cornbread
Wildman x2 Mustard Pretzel
Savage x2 Rare Key
Nixic Lens
Strider Chaps

Stewpot Reststop Stronghold - Supports 6, Upkeep 148

● Heading into the basement of the reststop has you encounter a trapped mage. After
performing a Labour challenge you can speak to him again and Greening will join your party.

Enemies Items

Highwayman x2 None
Scallywag x2

The Pumphouse Brewery Stronghold - N/A

● Entry requires 200 Gp, afterwards each of your party members will remark on what the
brewery really is.
● Speaking to the Misanthropist twice allows you to recruit Leftie either by offering to pay him
for sex (500 Gp) or hiring him outright (1000 Gp).
● Speaking to the Orc worker in the first room on your left and paying him 50 Gp prompts a
sex scene.
● Speaking to Mailee and paying her 200 Gp prompts some fun as well.
● Braisa, the blue-haired siren Pumphouse worker has broken strings on her harp. If you find
a Delicate Wire, she gives 500 Gp. This is a junk item that can randomly be gotten when
someone with at least Rank 3 Thwart performs a thwart challenge.

Enemies Items

x x

Chrun Meatus Stronghold - Supports 31, Upkeep 8836

● In on the northeast rooms, there is a random roster character to recruit.

Enemies Items

Werewolf x
Alpha x2
Patriarch x2

Crumbling Household Stronghold - N/A

● There is a scene with Moria if you check the End Table. Another bond character will
● There’s a random roster character you can recruit as soon as you enter the house.

Enemies Items

None x

Old Ratway Stronghold - N/A

● x

Enemies Items

Ratling x12 400 Gp

Moonrat x6 Dry Turkey
Arthrotan x4 Unfinished Elixir
Monte Cristo

Fort Galiere Stronghold - Supports 32, Upkeep 9450

● There’s a locked door containing a normal key, behind it holds several chests - one of which
requires a Thwart challenge.

Enemies Items

Bugbear x3 Stud Buckler

Ettin x2 Battered Blade
Gigas x2 Plate Boots
Titan Crude Pike
Actaeon Plate Cuirass
Body Harness
Stud Brief
Lucky Ring

Collapsed Tunnel Stronghold - Supports 9, Upkeep 518

● x

Enemies Items

Gremlin x4 x
Arthrotan x2

Crumbling Sprawl Stronghold - Supports 34, Upkeep 10759

● Grant has some extra dialogue if you bring him.

● Performing a Labour challenge in the axe in the stump rewards you with a Victor’s Axe.
Bringing Paul gives some additional dialogue.
● In the room with the treasure chest, you can perform a Labour challenge to break down the
wall and create a shortcut.

● There are a total of two doors requiring Normal Keys and one requiring a Rare Key. You can
access all of the rooms without bringing any from outside the map though.
● The western most room contains a Normal Key. You can get it taking the long way from the
eastern rooms. Don’t use it on the locked door right outside but instead at the very

Enemies Items

Spriggan x5 Victor’s Axe

Myconid x8 Silk Culottes
Matsutaka Sumptuous Garden
Dryad Glass Jewel
Normal Key
Floral Oil

Fastad’s Archive Stronghold - N/A

● Vankan, Shapiro, and Zantanak all have comments to make if you bring any of them.
● Fastad’s Strongbox requires a difficult Thwart challenge to open. If you fail the contents are
also destroyed. Make sure to save before attempting it.
● Progressing further into the archive requires a Precious Key.
● The altar requires an item forged from several Obsidian pieces at a Blacksmith and
activating certain crystals (The Savage in the Coastal Tower gives you a hint if you speak to
him twice).
● Spoilers: ​[​Place a Devil Adonis on the altar with the crystals for “Por” and “Tas” activated
then complete a Weave challenge​].
● This is a storyline quest area, so don’t be afraid to leave and work on this later.

Enemies Items

x Shadow Psalm
Minister’s Gown

Chest - Empty

Demon Lord’s Castle Stronghold - N/A

● Speaking to [​Demon Lord Barrod opens up an alternate ending to the game​] and also forces
you out of the area. Feel free to explore the castle first (and make sure to pick up the
Commanding Oak) before talking to him.
● Examining the Pipe and smoking from it causes your main character to lose their clothes
while you’re in the castle.

Enemies Items

x Commanding Oak

Wind-Blasted Caern Stronghold - N/A

● x

Enemies Items

x Cold Blade

Old Schoolhouse Stronghold - N/A

● There is a scene with Rosaline and Wisaka after getting their bond tokens.

Enemies Items

x x

Old Guardpost Stronghold - Supports 11, Upkeep 848

● Getting into any of the three entryways requires a Normal Key. You’re probably sitting on
several but if not, hire a Locksmith in your Stronghold.
● Activating the switch inside and checking under the bed rewards you with a Bitter Blade.

Enemies Items

x Bitter Blade

Umbral Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Spark Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

The Umbral Vault Stronghold - N/A

● Defeating the the Revenant awards you with the weapon Grimoire Halex.

Enemies Items

Zombie x10 1000 Gp

Skeleton x2 Ornamental Sword
Wraith x2 Sapphire
Revenant *Casts Halex Diamond
Golden Mask
1000 Gp
Taboo Manifest

Fortress Foundation Stronghold - Supports 50, Upkeep 24115

● Grant has some dialogue if you bring him.

Enemies Items

Gnoll x6 x

Blackglass Sprawl

Blackglass Sprawl & Northslide Foothills

Party Members​: Beauregard & Peregrine

Locations (36)

Blackglass Checkpoint Tower of the Apprentice

Kindergarten Commune Rocky Tunnel
Kashu d’Krop Tunnelside Vault
Emerald Gate Klarthus
Emerald Maze Creepy Cabin
Underground Town Forfshire Overwatch
Ebony Tower Dank Grotto
Frico’s Castle Cliffside Hamlet
Black Claw Trail Wide Cavern
Westgate Crossroads Memorial
Blackglass Reststop Gilded Vaults
Cavern Crossroads The Tomehouse
Chasm Lakeside Road
Arpa Meatus Hotel Zisa
Brimstone Lodge Jade Aqueduct
Eclipse Gate Crumbling Gate
Temple of the Eclipse Collapsed Ruin
Blackspire Oubliette Emitt Manor

Blackglass Checkpoint Stronghold - Supports 20, Upkeep 3416

● X

Enemies Items

Grotesque x2 None
Thrall x3
Vampire x2

Kindergarten Commune Stronghold - N/A

● Saying you want to visit Frico has you perform a quest for an NPC to progress farther.
● Saying you want to kill Frico has you the whole commune turn hostile. If you return at a later
point after killing Frico they will also all be hostile.
● If you chose to visit Frico you have to kill the Celebrant for the matriarch. If you’re killing
everyone he offers you a set of keys in exchange for his life instead.
● Behind a locked door requiring a Normal Key is a chest containing a replacement for the one
you used and 1000 Gp.
● Although everything is named “Guard” or “Celebrant”, they seem to be specially named
versions of what the sprite normally is. I’m assuming they can’t be recruited or ransomed

Enemies Items

Guard Pretty Panties

● Bogeyman Coagulated Fluid
Celebrant x11 Elixir Vitae
● Siren x2 Normal Key x2
● Thrall x4 1000 Gp
● Succubus x3 Rare Key
● Jorogumo
● Alpha

Kashu d’Krop Stronghold - Supports 21, Upkeep 3812

● Examine several Strange Paper’s around the mansion. Doing so makes the Scroll in the
middle accessible, allowing you to perform a Weave challenge. The locations are as follows:
○ The table with the vase in the first room.
○ Northeast room on the third bed from the entrance.
○ On a stool by a door to the center room, before using the first Floor Gate.
○ Another stool after the underground passage.

○ In the small room to the left of the entryway - after going all the way around.
● There is a random roster character in the north room you can recruit.

Enemies Items

Jorogumo x4 None
Boggart x2
Mohrg x2
Oni x5
Ratling x3

Emerald Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Marauder Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

Emerald Maze Stronghold - N/A

● Activating the four Braziers in the maze will open two chambers containing a Golden Philter
and 358 Gp - as well as the other Mimic for the latter.
● Make your way through the maze to the center, where you’ll fight the boss King Jareth.
Defeating him awards you with the weapon Sever.
● Examining the Arcane Map behind where he was after will transport you to the beginning of
the maze.

Enemies Items

Minotaur x4 Mustard Pretzel

Asterion x5 Body Harness
Mimic x2 Precious Key
King Jareth Ciabatta
● Drops Sever Almond Cookie
Golden Philter
358 Gp

Underground Town Stronghold - Supports 39, Upkeep 14346

● x

Enemies Items

Ectoplast x2 Luxic Lense

Goblin Mage x4 Warped Branch
Goblin Rogue x2 Ciabatta
Goblin Fighter x3 Sumptuous Garden
Phantom x2 Golden Philter
White Truffle

Ebony Tower Stronghold - N/A

● After clearing out the Ghosts on the first floor, consider taking all of the other ladders and
saving the northwest one (northwest on the minimap).
● Once you take the northwest ladder, on the third floor an event will trigger. You’ll hear voices
inside a nearby room. Taking too long to reach it will cause the party of Goblins in there to be
gone - as well as the treasure in it.
● Start by entering the door to your right as soon as the event triggers. You’ll climb up and
trigger a switch. Proceed to return to the first floor.
● Take the southwest ladder up the a previously locked door. Examine the Water-filled Barrel
and then take the Chain Winch down to access the room.
● On the top floor after clearing out the Grotesques, opening the chest causes several Draugr
to spawn.

Enemies Items

Ghost x2 Normal Key

Fiend x4 Healing Draught
Ashlord x2 Crude Pike
Cerberus Rare Key
Kobold x2 Poxic Lense
Goblin Fighter Recurve Bow
Goblin Rogue Rusted Pick
Goblin Mage Shadow Wrap
Grotesque x3 Gold
Draugr x5 Normal Key
Sumptuous Garden
171 Gp
Maleficar Plate

Frico’s Castle Stronghold - N/A

● If you have not partnered up with Byrne or Grant, you may speak with Lord Frico and pay

him 10,000 Gp to use the pass.
● With Grant in the party, instead you will use a side entrance to the left.
● After clearing the floor, proceed to step by the third chute with your main character. This will
cause a cutscene and have you get to the main floor.
● Attempting to enter the castle with Byrne in the party gives you an alternate entrance on the
right side of the castle.

Enemies Items

Primordial Ooze x2 Moist Cornbread

Butcher x2 Frico’s Key
Vampire x4
Titan x2 Grant’s Path
Bogeyman x2 Honey Beer
Ectoplast x2
Vampire Lord Byrne’s Path
Wine Tincture
Elixir Vitae
Onyx Ring

Black Claw Trail Stronghold - Supports 30, Upkeep 8358

● There are a total of four barricades that you can break down with Labour challenges. Doing
so isn’t a necessity to get everywhere but it does make travel faster.
● In the far west and far east there are two statutes that require a sacrifice of 40 HP each.
Doing so causes a Ritual Knife to spawn in the center of the map.

Enemies Items

Nosferatu x3 Wine Tincture

Thrall x8 Quiche Lorraine
Glass Jewel
Plank Shield
Ritual Knife

Westgate Stronghold - Supports 5, Upkeep 69

● Getting past this gate to gain access to the eastern half of the island requires you to travel to
Frico’s Castle first and either pay the vampire lord 10,000 Gp or defeating him.

Enemies Items

None None

Blackglass Reststop Stronghold - Supports 11, Upkeep 857

● There is a scene here with Vankan after obtaining his bond token and ​Spoilers: ​[​if you slept
with Leftie​] at the Weatherworn Shack.

Enemies Items

None None

Cavern Crossroads Stronghold - N/A

● Succeeding in a Weave challenge by the Marked Wall opens up a secret room. Attempting
to open the chests inside causes a couple of Shapeshifters and Noble Mimics to attack.

Enemies Items

Spriggan x3 Sumptuous Garden

Mammoth x4 67 Gp
Shapeshifter x2 Rope Whip
Noble Mimic x2 Precious Key
Maxic Lense
Normal Key
Rusted Pick
Mustard Pretzel

Chasm Stronghold - N/A

● Pay the statue 12,000 Gp to get across.

● This area can be ignored if you have Frico’s Key, and serves as an alternative path to using

Enemies Items

Arpa Meatus Stronghold - Supports 28, Upkeep 7113

● X

Enemies Items

Goblin Fighter x2 None
Goblin Rogue
Goblin Mage
Troll x2

Brimstone Lodge Stronghold - Supports 8, Upkeep 372

● With 26 different types of monsters on this map, it functions as a really good map to recruit
or ransom.

Enemies Items

Goblin Fighter Battered Blade

Goblin Rogue Dry Turkey
Goblin Mage Normal Key
Clay Golem Torch
Gargoyle Plank Shield
Acrolith Worn Knife
Lilith Soggy Sandwich
Draconian Crisp Lager
Ifreet Silk Culottes
Ashlord Shattered Fragment
Witch Fur Boots
Ignigon Wine Tincture
Actaeon Normal Key
Imp x2 Hedge Rod
Fiend x2
Thrall x12

Eclipse Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Spark Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

Temple of the Eclipse Stronghold - N/A

● Examining the Chalk Writing gives you a clue on which rooms you need to go to. It also
causes a Ghost to attack.
● Activating a switch in a room causes an assortment of enemies to spawn - regardless if it’s a
right or wrong switch.
● The four rooms that have a jackal statue in it that have the switches you need are: The
corner room in the southeast, the bottom room in the northeast, the right room to the
southwest, and the right room to the northwest. In each case, the Jackal statue is pointed
directly at the correct switch.
● After lighting all four torches, the boss Rakanratep will spawn in the center of the map. He
drops the weapon Grimoire Solaris.

Enemies Items

Zombie x20 N/A

Draugr x14
Mummy x2
Ghost x6
Rakanratep *Casts Solaris

Blackspire Oubliette Stronghold - N/A

● You can recruit Beauregard here after a long quest chain:

○ Go to Ruins of the Royal Court in Great Lakes and obtain Glamig’s Hairbrush.
○ Head to Glamig’s Tomb in Mount Anvil. Give her the hairbrush and you’ll be able to
obtain Glamig’s Crown.
○ Bring the crown here and you’ll be able to pass the barrier. Perform a Weave
challenge and speak to Beauregard to recruit him.
● As you’re about to leave after freeing Beauregard, you’ll be ambushed by an Ice Exarch and
it’s ghostly allies. Careful about bringing too many squishy units, you’re pincered on both
sides and all of them can crit between 50 and 100 depending on your level.

Enemies Items

Ice Exarch 410 Gp

Wraith x2 Plate Cuirass
Revenant Precious Key

Wine Tincture
Lambent Helm

Tower of the Apprentice Stronghold - Supports 8, Upkeep 364

● On the second and third floor are doors requiring a Rare Key to open. Head to the top floor
and examine the potted plant to get a couple.
● After examining the empty chest on the second floor, return to the first floor and grab the
Encyclopedia from the desk.
● On the third floor you can find a chest containing 500 Gp. Checking the cauldron also lets
you restore your HP - a good idea before heading to the top floor.

Enemies Items

Skeleton x3 Encyclopedia
Zombie x2 500 Gp
Blade Spider x3
Steel Exarch

Rocky Tunnel Stronghold - Supports 19, Upkeep 3065

● X

Enemies Items

Utlunta Rexic Lense


Tunnelside Vault Stronghold - N/A

● X

Enemies Items

Landshark 53 Gp
Clay Golem x2 Bland Soup
Goblin Rogue *Future visits Normal Key

Klarthus Stronghold - Supports 20, Upkeep 3539

● Examining the Steaming Humour will award you with a Klarthus Humour. Take it to Klarthus
Tract and you’ll open a shortcut on the world map, as well as gain access to Yaksteppe.

Enemies Items

Skeleton x6 Rare Key

Skinchanger x3 1000 Gp
Primordial Ooze Lacquer Helm
Klarthus Humour

Creepy Cabin Stronghold - N/A

● Bringing Borgnina or Zantanak here causes them to destroy the Morbid Book in the
basement. This doesn’t appear to make anything happen other than get you a Toad
Obsidian and deny you a lot of XP.
● Taking the Morbid Book causes several demon portals to spawn. You must defeat a boss to
exit the map after.

Enemies Items

None Toad Obsidian

Forfshire Overwatch Stronghold - N/A

● You’ll return here later after speaking to Captain Logus in The Greenback Shipyard with 20
units in your roster.
● A cutscene will play out and then you’ll be transported alone to the Dank Grotto.
● Disclaimer for True Necromancers​: ​After clearing the Dank Grotto you’ll lose Reanimated
Guard permanently. Be sure to strip him of his gear or you’ll lose it forever.

Enemies Items

None None

Dank Grotto Stronghold - N/A

● Examine the High Rocks at the other end of the room to proceed to the next floor.
● Take the southwest exit to proceed to the next part of the map (?).
● Moving in front of the Statues will trigger a trap that will damage you.
● After obtaining the Sunken Prayer, return to the statue room and take the newly opened

Enemies Items

Skeleton x8 Quiche Lorraine

2000 Gp
Elixir Vitae
Sunken Prayer

Cliffside Hamlet Stronghold - Supports 32, Upkeep 9575

● x

Enemies Items

Bantam Bludgeon
Pygmy x2 Tough Rope
Alpha x4 12 Gp
Ogre x2

Wide Cavern Stronghold - Supports 34, Upkeep 10748

● Interacting with the Barrels inside the cave will trigger an explosion, creating a shortcut and
securing the map.

Enemies Items

Wyvern x2 Sumptuous Garden

Direbear x2 Bludgeon
Crinos x3 Burlap Buttsack
Chewy Quiche
Dry Turkey

Crossroads Memorial Stronghold - Supports 9, Upkeep 502

● Examine the statue of Maxim Spartill to secure the area.
● Beauregard has an additional scene while examining it.

Enemies Items

None None

Gilded Vaults Stronghold - N/A

● Perform a Labour or Weave challenge or use a Precious Key to gain access.

● The locked door to the far east requiring a Rare Key has a random roster character behind it.
● After making it to the final room, return to the second southern room down the eastern
corridor. You’ll find a Delicate Wire to repair the node.
● This is the only location where you can find a Diretiger. Since the area can’t be secured the
monsters here will never respawn. They share the same passives as Bugbears but you
might want to recruit it for the unique sprite.

Enemies Items

Draugr x2 Normal Key

Iron Golem x2 Rare Key
Gnoll 134 Gp
Oni Hatchet
Chimaera Ornamental Shield
Catoblepas 286 Gp
Blade Spider Comfy Undies
Pharoah 269 Gp
Diretiger Sumptuous Garden
Lilim Tiara
Hydra Hourglass Plate
Dragon 152 Gp
Golden Phileter
197 Gp
Lodestone Loinguard
252 Gp
Warped Branch
Delicate Wire
326 Gp
Onyx Ring

The Tomehouse Stronghold - N/A

● Can sell copies of “Sumptuous Garden” here for 500 Gp each.

● Can bring any grimoires to get more information on them.

Enemies Items

None None

Lakeside Road Stronghold - Supports 40, Upkeep 15158

● X

Enemies Items

Wisp x3 Bludgeon
Aurochs x3 Smooth Pebble (Respawns)
Wendigo x3 Sumptuous Garden
Normal Key
Makeshift Bow
Burlap Buttsack

Connects to:

Hotel Zisa Stronghold - Supports 26, Upkeep 6090

● X

Enemies Items

Thrall x6 Rare Key

Gargoyle Precious Key
Netherlord 350 Gp
Ifreet 150 Gp
Ashlord Traveler’s Hat
Typhon Fur Boots
Incubus Fresh Sourdough
Werewolf Monte Cristo
Corpugon Silk Culottes
Draconian Roast Chicken
Iron Golem Shakshouka
Rakshasa Grilled Swordfish

Jade Aqueduct Stronghold - N/A

● Opening the chest in the southeast causes you to be attacked by a Goblin Fighter and

Goblin Mage.
● In the room with the four brazier’s check the spot where a fourth one would be to perform a
Weave challenge to uncover it - and spawn a Wisp.

Enemies Items

Goblin Fighter x2 Soggy Sandwich

Goblin Mage Vambrace
Acrolith x2
Troglodyte Rogue

Crumbling Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with an [​Assassin Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

Connects to:

Collapsed Ruin Stronghold - Supports 13, Upkeep 1265

● Have 10,000 Gp on hand and offer to pay the Hermit for the treasure he’s hiding. You end up
keeping the money because instead he tries to kill you with his Mimics. Defeating him will
award you the weapon Frenzy.

Enemies Items

Hermit None
Mimic x2
● Drops Frenzy

Connects to:

Emitt Manor Stronghold - N/A

● Examine the Jagged Rock to the west of the manor to meet Peregrine. Together you’ll break
in but Peregrine will get caught.
● Explore the west and east sections of the manor to obtain a couple of keys and other items.
● The boss is behind the door needing a Precious Key. Inside you can accept the Rakshasa’s

bribe of 5000 Gp or choose to free Peregrine. If you refuse the bribe he’ll call backup of an
four Thralls and two Incubus.

Enemies Items

Iron Golem x2 Sumptuous Garden

Zombie x6 Rare Key
Wisp Raspberry Tea
Thrall x10 Monte Cristo
Nosferatu Creamy Chowder
Djinn Grilled Ribeye
Oni Wine Tincture
Witch Plush Vest
Incubus x2 Precious Key
Rakshasa Normal Key
Luxic Lense

Mount Luntime

Party Members​: Captain Logus & Rangda

Locations (7)

Highland Pass Cave Bunker

Forsaken Hideaway Hive Gate
Sparkling Peak Chactal Hive
Luntime Lighthouse

Highland Pass Stronghold - Supports 30, Upkeep 8284

● There is a scene here the first time you visit where one of your bond characters makes a

Enemies Items

Sasquatch x3 Grilled Ribeye

Forsaken Hideaway Stronghold - N/A

● If you have not previously recruited Nazar, or been rescued by him, you will encounter
Rangda here.

Enemies Items

Kobold x2 Tarnished Key

Gremlin x4 Silk Culottes
Morlock x5 Normal Key
Boggart x2 400 Gp
Whelk Crude Pike
Salvaged Mantra
150 Gp

Sparkling Peak Stronghold - Supports 10, Upkeep 671

● Spoilers​: Examine the pedestal with a [​Mountain Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to gain entry to the
temple. Light the four braziers after to obtain the weapon Bifrost.

Enemies Items

Skeleton Tough Rope

Ratling x7 Worn Knife
Sasquatch x4 Crisp Lager
Moonrat x4 Fresh Sourdough
Yeti x3 Bifrost
Harpy x6

Luntime Lighthouse Stronghold - N/A

● Send one person up who can perform Weave challenges to activate the Beacon.
● If you light the beacon before attempting to escape the island, a wounded Captain Logus will
make his way here. Bring him a Golden Philter to heal his wound, and he will offer to join

Enemies Items

None None

Cave Bunker Stronghold - Supports 12, Upkeep 1060

● There is a scene here with Paul and Peregrine after getting their bond tokens. The fourth
party member provides additional dialogue.
● Inside the bunker is a random roster character you can recruit.

Enemies Items

None Antique Coins

Hive Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Wasp Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

Chactal Hive Stronghold - Supports 40, Upkeep 15255

● Work your way through the Hive, there’s a pair of switches to the north and to the south.
Activating all four causes the center to open.
● The central chamber contains a Demon Creep, three Chactotan, and two Hermits. Clearing
out the chamber gives you access to a chest with the weapon Tendril.

Enemies Items

Chactotan x7 Broadhead
Arthrotan x7 Antique Coins
Hermit x5 Lacquer Helm
Demon Creep Tendril

Mount Anvil

Party Members​: None

Locations (17)

Sewer Crossing Alabaster House

Laughlan Manor Grounds Glamig’s Tomb
Laughlan Manor Ivory Gate
Laughlan Loft The Ivory Ascent
Laughlan Dungeon Broad Cavern
Silent Courthouse Queen’s Abbey
Isolated Mansion Arid Gate
Tolling Station Salamander’s Gauntlet

Sewer Crossing Stronghold - N/A

● X

Enemies Items

Whelk x2 Soggy Sandwich

Bile Exarch Bludgeon

Laughlan Manor Grounds Stronghold - Supports 25, Upkeep 5568

● X

Enemies Items

Spriggan x3 52 Gp
Acrolith x2 Dry Pretzel
Thrall x2 Sumptuous Garden

Laughlan Manor Stronghold - Supports 18, Upkeep 2709

● The Vampire in the room with the Thralls drops a Weighted Cog when he dies. He also casts
Arcus instead of Poxus like most Vampires. I assume he’ll never hesitate.
● Take the Weighted Cog and examine the Floor Panel near the center of the north room.
You’ll insert it into a mechanism that unlocks the right bookshelf door.
● Examine the bookshelf to the left and right and work your way through each tunnel. There’s
a switch at the end of each that’ll secure the area for you.

Enemies Items

Iron Golem x2 Depleted Battery

Vampire x7 Stale Mead
Vampire* Hard Crust
● Drops Weighted Cog Bitter Mushroom
Witch x2 Roast Chicken
Thrall x10 Quiche Lorraine
Hag Painted Chalice
Manticore Grilled Ribeye
Flesh Golem Creamy Chowder
Mohrg Glass Jewel
Siren Humanoid Skull
Shapeshifter Amulet
Monolith Salvaged Mantra

Hedge Rod
Rope Whip
Sumptuous Garden

Laughlan Loft Stronghold - Supports 12, Upkeep 1051

● There’s a random roster character you can recruit in the southwest room.
● After defeating the Vampire Lord and reading the note on the bed in the bottom right room,
you need to solve a puzzle concerning the lights in front of the marble statues to light the
Incense Burner.
● Spoilers: Turn the light off in front of [​the man next to the column and the man running a
hand through his hair - the top left and middle right statues respectively​]. Doing so will open
up the middle room with an Incubus in it and a Stud Brief and Stud Buckler.

Enemies Items

Vampire x5 Sumptuous Garden

Witch x4 Hedge Rod
Thrall x4 Rusted Pick
Vampire Lord Wine Tincture
Incubus Dagger
Silk Culottes
Soft Shoes
Stud Buckler
Stud Brief

Laughlan Dungeon Stronghold - Supports 10, Upkeep 693

● Flip the switches in the north room until all five ritual circles are lit. Then perform a Weave
challenge on the scroll nearby. Doing so spawns a Shaitan who drops a Mana Battery.
● Take the long way to reach the southwest room or use a Precious Key. Flipping the switch
will cause two rows of cells in the bottom right corner of the map to unlock.
● After defeating the Ignigon behind the door locked by a Rare Key, use the earlier Mana
Battery to gain access to the other cells.

Enemies Items

Dungeon Guard x4 Precious Key

Bogeyman x5 Rope Whip
Vampire x4 Unfinished Elixir
Shaitan Sumptuous Garden
Homunculus Tough Rope
Fresh Zombie x2 Rare Key

Thrall Crude Pike
Zombie x3 Rusted Pick
Skeleton x4 Chewy Quiche
Flesh Golem Salvaged Mantra
Ignigon Lucky Ring

Silent Courthouse Stronghold - N/A

● After exploring the entire area you’ll secure the area.

● There’s a scene with Moria and Rangda after obtaining their bond tokens and taking Rangda
to the Seaside Congregation.

Enemies Items

None None

Isolated Mansion Stronghold - Supports 25, Upkeep 5556

● X

Enemies Items

Incubus x2 Maxic Lense

Lantern Wight Sumptuous Garden
Mimic Dry Turkey
Lilim x2 Crisp Lager

Tolling Station Stronghold - Supports 16, Upkeep 2071

● The tolling booth requires a rare key to get into. Inside is a chest with Gp.

Enemies Items

530 Gp

Chrun Stronghold - Supports 28, Upkeep 7304

● Make your way through the corridors, cutting down any Nerves you find when your progress
is blocked.
● After examining every Nerve, return to a now open room with a red pool in it. Examining the

pool awards you with a bottle of Chrun Humour. You can now return back to Chrun Tract and
pour the liquid into the statue to create a shortcut across the world map.

Enemies Items

Typhon x3 Golden Philter

Troglodyte Fighter Plate Cuirass
Troglodyte Rogue Chrun Humour
Troglodyte Mage
Primordial Ooze
Fresh Zombie x6

Alabaster House Stronghold - Supports 13, Upkeep 1276

● If you want to save on keys, make your way to the back of the house and use the unlocked
door to gain entrance.

Enemies Items

Manaha x2 35 Gp
Grendel x3 68 Gp
Thrall x6 Salvaged Mantra
Gigajack Battered Blade
Youma Worn Knife
Shaitan Normal Key
Lamia Dry Pretzel
Creamy Chowder
Luxic Lense
Sumptuous Garden
Honey Beer
142 Gp
Body Harness
79 Gp
Normal Key
Crisp Lager
Rare Key
Mystic Thong

Glamig’s Tomb Stronghold - N/A

● Examine the Empty Chests to the east and west to uncover switches to descend further into
the tomb.
● On the second level there’s a chest to the east that requires a Thwart challenge to disarm.
Inside of it is three Golden Philters.

● In order to access the stairs down to the last level, you must light the correct torch on the first
level. It corresponds to the location of Fastad’s grave.
● Down on the last level you’ll meet the ghost of Queen Glamig. You won’t be able to do
anything just yet. Once you’ve cleared out the Ruins of the Royal Court over in the Great
Lakes, you’ll obtain Glamig’s Hairbrush you can bring back to her and receive Glamig’s
● Beauregard has dialogue at both his grave and Glamig’s.

Enemies Items

Revenant Lambent Crown

Wraith x3 Icarus Plate
Shisaa x2 Ornamental Shield
Lantern Wight Golden Mask
Manaha Golden Philter x3
Phantom Glamig’s Crown

Connects to:

Ivory Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers: Examine the pedestal with a [​Shrike Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

The Ivory Ascent Stronghold - N/A

● Speak to the Aesthedra to obtain the weapon Icarus.

● The Serving Tables can be examined to obtain food from.

Enemies Items

None Icarus
Crisp Lager
Moist Cornbread
Creamy Chowder
Grilled Ribeye

Broad Cavern Stronghold - Supports 40, Upkeep 15177

● X

Enemies Items

Direwolf x2 None
Direbear x2

Queen’s Abbey Stronghold - N/A

● Return here after trying to escape the island.

● Reciting the prayer correctly opens a path to basement where you’ll find the Queen’s Diary.
The correct passages are as follows (​Spoilers)​:
○ “in sunken”
○ “is he”
○ “dry”
○ “the brine”
● The journal gives you clues on where to go next. You should head to either Fastad’s Archive
or the Spartill Lodge.
● Bringing the Bezoar Ring here with Nazaar after having it forged from the Isolated Forge or
Steelweaver Tomb will finish up the Nazaar romance quest.

Enemies Items

None Vestal Amulet

Sumptuous Garden

Nazar Sidequest
Nazar’s Embrace

Arid Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers​: Examine the pedestal with a [​Guardian Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

Salamander’s Gauntlet Stronghold - N/A

● After activating the Brazier you’ll have to pass by several Jackal Statutes requiring Thwart
challenges ending with a Suspicious Panel requiring yet another Thwart challenge.

● Examining the chest with the Ruby that was inside a second time reveals a switch.
● After acquiring the Depleted Battery, take it back to the left statue from the previous third pair
of jackal statues to pass through.
● Speak to the Fire Exarch to start a fight with her and two Ignigon. Defeating her causes her
to drop the weapon Vulcan.

Enemies Items

Ifreet Ruby
Imp x2 Wine Tincture
Mould x4 500 Gp
Ignigon x5 Rare Key
Fire Exarch Depleted Battery
● Drops Vulcan

The Caldera

Lake Corona, Lake Fasces, & Lake Kugel

Party Members​: Wisaka

Locations (15)

Capital Highroad Caldera Skyway

Dark Mansion Steep Road
Ruins of the Royal Court Arkasin Tract
Craftsman’s Quarter Arpa Tract
Old Bandit Fortress Chrun Tract
Caldera Slum Klarthus Tract
Bleached Bazaar Zias Tract
Ashborne House

Capital Highroad Stronghold - Supports 27, Upkeep 6605

● X

Enemies Items

Grotesque x4 None
Highwayman x2

Dark Mansion Stronghold - Supports 69, Upkeep 47097

● Once you enter you won’t be able to leave until you secure the area.
● In the open room to the west, if you step near the bookshelf you’ll obtain a Precious Key.
● After entering the northeast chamber of the mansion you’re presented with two options -
sleep with an angry ghost or refuse. Refusing causes a Shaitan to spawn and attack.

Enemies Items

Gremlin x6 Ciabatta
Grotesque x5 Precious Key
Ghost x3

Ruins of the Royal Court Stronghold - Supports 50, Upkeep 24145

● There is a scene between the lead character and Wisaka here if you examine the Signpost.
● Reading the Prisoner Records in the southwest corridor will reward you with a Precious Key.

Enemies Items

Morlock 79 Gp
Dullahan x2 172 Gp
Wraith 21 Gp
Skeleton x6 31 Gp
Thrall x8 210 Gp
Jorogumo 9 Gp
Boggart x2 12 Gp
Oni 43 Gp
Matsutaka Mystic Thong
Incubus Sumptuous Garden
Netherlord Precious Key x2
Rakshasa Worn Knife
Nosferatu Glass Jewel

Antique Lamp
Glamig’s Hairbrush
Protector Pants

Craftsman’s Quarter Stronghold - Supports 27, Upkeep 6617

● x

Enemies Items

Asterion x2 None

Old Bandit Fortress Stronghold - Supports 16, Upkeep 2076

● Peregrine has some dialogue if you open the Chest with him in your party.

Enemies Items

Highwayman x2 2000 Gp

Caldera Slum Stronghold - Supports 28, Upkeep 7220

● Examining the barricade at the beginning immediately puts you into combat with some

Enemies Items

Rakshasa x3 None
Oni x2
Myconid x13
Lammasu x2

Bleached Bazaar Stronghold - Supports 5, Upkeep 71

● X

Enemies Items

Stormwitch 73 Gp *Telekinesis
Rakshasa x2 Rexic Lense *Telekinesis
Gorgon x2 14 Gp
Bland Soup
Burnt Steak
Rare Key *Telekinesis
Silk Gauntlet *Telekinesis

Ashborne House Stronghold - N/A

● You won’t be able to leave the map until securing the area.
● Check the kitchen table on the first floor for a Normal Key.
● After reading the diary on the second floor, head to the other room and check the bed to
receive a Precious Key.
● Don’t head upstairs just yet, examining anything up there will just cause you to lose HP. First
head downstairs into the cellar.
● After activating the pump to empty the well in the garden, examine the well and return inside
to the Metal Box. You’ll now open it and receive a Tough Rope. Return and use it on the
● Take the Serenity Gem from the bottom of the well and return to the third floor. You’ll fight a
Skeleton and two Ghosts. Defeating them will secure the area.

Enemies Items

Zombie x3 Hard Crust

Llorona Stale Mead
Ghost x3 Dry Pretzel
Wraith Dry Turkey
Phantom Normal Key
Whelk 120 Gp
Mould Abstract Print
Skeleton Healing Draught
Dark Ruby
500 Gp
Tough Rope
Serenity Gem

Caldera Skyway Stronghold - N/A

● You can recruit Wisaka here by speaking to the Gevaudan to the right of you before you talk

to the Flesh Golem about taking the lift.
● Agree with everything he says and afterwards speak to him before you leave and he’ll join
your party.

Enemies Items

None None

Steep Road Stronghold - Supports 15, Upkeep 1847

● There’s a random roster character you can recruit at the southmost point on the second part
of the map.

Enemies Items

Fury x6 None
Harpy x2
Wyvern x2

Arkasin Tract Stronghold - N/A

● Pour the Arkasin Humour from Arkasin into the Gruesome Figure’s mouth to open up a
shortcut on the world map.

Enemies Items

None None

Arpa Tract Stronghold - N/A

● Pour the Arpa Humour from Arpa into the Gruesome Figure’s mouth to open up a shortcut
on the world map.

Enemies Items

None None

Chrun Tract Stronghold - N/A

● Pour the Chrun Humour from Chrun into the Gruesome Figure’s mouth to open up a shortcut

on the world map.

Enemies Items

None None

Klarthus Tract Stronghold - N/A

● Pour the Klarthus Humour from Klarthus into the Gruesome Figure’s mouth to open up a
shortcut on the world map, as well as gain access to Yakesteppe..

Enemies Items

None None

Zias Tract Stronghold - N/A

● Pour the Zias Humour from Zias into the Gruesome Figure’s mouth to open up a shortcut on
the world map, as well as gain access to Whetners island.

Enemies Items

None None

Bonesalt Wetlands

Bonesalt Wetlands & Greenback Bay

Party Members​: Borfalgor & Rosaline

Locations (17)

Rosewood Bridge Forgotten Homestead

The Greenback Shipyard Crumbling Ziggurat
Shipbuilding Commune Giants' Barn
Marsh Passage Quagmire Shantytown
Marsh Clearing Isolated Cabin
Secluded Commune Waterlogged Roadway
Unassuming Home Swamp Oasis
The Brine Rush Flooded Township
Lacera Mire

● Now might be a good time to go back and work on unlocking some of the “Gate” locations.
Inside each one is a unique weapon and you should have the funds necessary to make some
of the items needed to unlock them.
● To start off the quest chain that begins end game you need 20 units in your roster. Not
counting the quest giver himself (he can join you), there’s still 3 more Bond Characters to
recruit on the rest of the map so either way you’ll need to recruit some monsters or roster
● Notice that the next several locations will be giving you ample Tough Ropes. It’s good to store
these with your Quartermaster or have a couple of merchants so it’s less tedious to cycle them
out to buy some because you’ll be needing a lot soon to explore more of the island.

Rosewood Bridge Stronghold - Supports 6, Upkeep 151

● Examining the bed gives you the codes to the chest to attempt a Thwart challenge on the
nearby chest.
● You can acquire the Chocolatier Rod instead if you bring Greening after acquiring his bond

Enemies Items

Troll x2
Black Forest Gateau ​OR ​Chocolatier Rod
360 Gp

The Greenback Shipyard Stronghold - N/A

● Talk to the Traitor who identifies himself as Logus. Asking him about a ship prompts you for
the next main story quest. To proceed you’ll need to have ​20 party members​. There is no
time limit, simply return once you have a band size of at least 20. If you’ve done everything
up to this point you’ll have at least 14-15 bond characters. There are still 3 more excluding
Logus himself so you’ll need to recruit some roster characters or monsters. Once you speak
to Logus with at least 20 people in your band, he will relocate to Forfshire Overwatch.
● The Greenback Blacksmith will provide you Blacksmith services for free.
● You can pay the Herbalist 150 Gp for an Elixir Vitae
● The Greenback Trader’s full wares are below.
● Return with Captain Logus to open the chest he was near for a couple of items.

Enemies Items

None Tough Rope

Soft Shoes
Roast Chicken
Captain’s Culottes
Captain’s Cutlass

Greenback Trader
Torch 100 Gp Vambrace 125 Gp
Crude Pike 346 Gp Silk Gauntlet 224 Gp
Stud Brief 296 Gp Lacquer Helm 107 Gp
Body Harness 486 Gp Crisp Lager 110 Gp

Shipbuilding Commune Stronghold - Supports 26, Upkeep 6086

● There’s a scene with Peregrine and a bond character while traveling through the tunnel
connecting the two northern houses.
● Inside the shack in the center of the map, slightly east is a random roster character you can

Enemies Items

Utlunta Comfy Undies

Troll Silk Culottes
Goblin Mage x2 Tough Rope x2
Fomorian Normal Key
Crone Healing Draught

Marsh Passage Stronghold - N/A

● There is a scene with Borfalgor here after receiving his bond token. Bato will also comment if
he’s in your party.

Enemies Items

Goblin Fighter x2 *Borfalgor scene None

Goblin Mage x2 *Borfalgor scene
Goblin Rogue x2 *Borfalgor scene

Marsh Clearing Stronghold - Supports 27, Upkeep 6575

Enemies Items

Saurian None

Secluded Commune Stronghold - Supports 16, Upkeep 2084

● Examining the Door Switch prompts some conversation with the nearby Thrall. Throwing the
switch turns all the Thralls hostile but it’s the only way to progress (as well as gain access to
● Head to the southwest first after defeating the Thralls. You’ll be able to pick up a few items
as well as meet the vagrant Rosaline, who agrees to help you get into the inner sanctum of
the commune.
● After defeating the Dragon boss, before leaving return to the previous locked room with the
provisions inside. You can speak to Rosaline again and convince her to join your party.

Enemies Items

Thrall x18 Normal Key

Jorogumo Soft Shoes
Lilith Bland Soup x2
Witch Hard Crust x2
Bogeyman x2 400 Gp
Dragon Antique Chalice
250 Gp
Lucky Ring
380 Gp
Ornamental Sword
500 Gp
Ornamental Helmet

Unassuming Home Stronghold - N/A

● Borgnina/Zantanak have extra dialogue here.

● After finishing your descent you’ll encounter a cutscene with a Baelor and choose to let him
leave or to fight him. Haven’t confirmed what, if any repercussions there are. If you have
Borgnina with you then you must fight the demon.

Enemies Items

Kobold x3 None

The Brine Rush Stronghold - N/A

● Bring a unit with the highest Labour skill you have. You’re about to perform a lot of Labour
● Make your way across each pier with a Labour challenge, making sure to check each set of
Empty Barrels to make a bridge for the rest of your party as you proceed.
● Failing the long swim (the fifth challenge) or examining the pier right after making it to the
other side gives you the option to access an isolated part of the map.
● Spoilers: Examine the statue located in the isolated part of the map with a [​Mantis Soul​]​ ​in
your inventory to receive the weapon Charon.

Enemies Items

Sahaguin x4 720 Gp
Saurian x4 Creamy Chowder

Wendigo Charon
Fresh Zombie x5 Plate Boots
Thrall x2 Torch

Lacera Mire Stronghold - Supports 58, Upkeep 32973

● Pay attention to the Signpost at the beginning as well as the new monster Saurian
Torchbearer. Each of them will drop a Torch - which you’ll need to complete a puzzle here
on this map.
● In the northmost area of the map lay six Sconces that each take a Torch to light. After
defeating each band of Saurians you’ll have enough without having to bring your own.
● Opening the chest rewards you with 5000 Gp and a Maleficar Plate, as well as an angry

Enemies Items

Saurian x6 Moist Cornbread

Saurian Torchbearer x6 Tough Rope
Draconian x6 Stud Buckler
Zombie x10 Amulet
Hydra Wine Tincture
5000 Gp
Maleficar Plate

Satchel - Normal Key, 200 Gp

Forgotten Homestead Stronghold - N/A

● There is an event with Shapiro and Kirilo after obtaining their bond tokens. Peregrine
provides additional dialogue.
● Reading the Old Note in the farther room will secure the area.

Enemies Items

None Groom’s Noose

Sumptuous Garden

Crumbling Ziggurat Stronghold - Supports 17, Upkeep 2374

● Speak to the Skulk outside the entrance to initiate a quest to retrieve an item for him.

● Examining the Altar in the north room and attempting to take the amulet will cause several
enemies to spawn in the room.
● Flipping the switch in the back of the room will cause all previously locked doors to open.
● If you return Borf’s Amulet to the Skulk you can speak to him again and recruit him to your

Enemies Items

Ghost x4 Elixir Vitae

Zombie x9 Abstract Print
Mummy x3 Soft Shoes
Thrall x2 900 Gp
Borf’s Amulet

Giants’ Barn Stronghold - Supports 47, Upkeep 21242

Enemies Items

Harpy x4 Hatchet
Hard Crust

Quagmire Shantytown Stronghold - Supports 17, Upkeep 2371

Enemies Items

Fury x5 Strider Chaps

Boggart x4 Hatchet
Poxic Lense

Isolated Cabin Stronghold - Supports 7, Upkeep 244

● Examining the bookshelf in the cabin unlocks the door to the annex attached to it.

Enemies Items

Zombie None

Waterlogged Roadway Stronghold - Supports 7, Upkeep 253

Enemies Items

Skeleton x3 Nixic Lense

Zombie x3

Swamp Oasis Stronghold - Supports 29, Upkeep 7644

Enemies Items

Wyrm x2 61 Gp
Boneslime Poxic Lense
Manticore x2 Normal Key
Succubus x2 Humanoid Skull

Flooded Township Stronghold - Supports 8, Upkeep 394

● Examining the two Support Pillars in the center of the map prompts a Labour challenge for
each. Knocking both down opens up a door to the north.
● There’s a Golden Philter behind the door locked by a Rare Key.

Enemies Items

Zombie x15 Golden Philter

Youma x2
Siren Telekinesis
Chest - Telekine’s Knife


Party Members​: None

Locations (6)

Dusty Monastery Briarheart Temple

Spartill Lodge Arkasin
Pond Hut Seaside Congregation

Dusty Monastery Stronghold - Supports 6, Upkeep 151

● Getting further into the monastery requires a couple of Normal Keys.

Enemies Items

Thrall x3 Sumptuous Garden

Shisaa x3 Howl

Spartill Lodge Stronghold - N/A

● Bringing Beauregard here rewards you with some extra dialogue.

● Examine the Journal after trying to leave the island and reading the diary in the Queen’s
● You’ll be prompted to go to Kingstomb over on Whetners island.
● You may want to visit Fastad’s Archive if you haven’t yet before you head over to Kingstomb.

Enemies Items

None Rare Key

Pond Hut Stronghold - Supports 18, Upkeep 2689

● After speaking to the Hag and exploring her hut you’ll hear her scream from outside. Several
monsters await to attack you once you leave.

Enemies Items

Dullahan x2 None
Myconid x4

Briarheart Temple Stronghold - Supports 27, Upkeep 6669

● Spoilers: Speaking to the Dryad outside the entrance with a [​Mountain Soul​]​ ​in your
inventory opens up the locked door for you.
● Make your way southwest first to get a Rusted Pick and a Healing Draught.
● Taking the other path in the fork will have you run into a couple of Crumbling Walls. Use the
Rusted Pick to break them down and proceed further into the temple.
● Descend down the stairs to the right at the end of the path and you’ll face the boss, the
dragon Root Eater and four Acroliths.

● Talking to the two statues after will award you the weapon Yggdrasil and the accessory

Enemies Items

Demon Creep Normal Key

Ectoplast x2 450 Gp
Spriggan x3 Plush Vest
Thrall x7 Rusted Pick
Acrolith x4 Healing Draught
Root Eater Yggdrasil

Arkasin Stronghold - Supports 13, 1319

● You can take the Arkasin Humour you find in the chest at the end of the map. Taking it to the
Arkasin Tract and pouring it in the sculpture there opens up a shortcut on the world map.

Enemies Items

Slime x3 700 Gp
Matsutaka Fine Fur Boots
Primordial Ooze x4 Wine Tincture
Skeleton x13 Arkasin Humour
Mohrg Golden Philter
Antique Chalice x2

Seaside Congregation Stronghold - N/A

● There is a scene here if you bring either Nazar or Rangda after bonding with them.
● Bringing Nazar here is the first step to [​romance him​], the next steps are:
○ Military Facility (after completing the Logus quest chain?)
○ Marsaven
○ Isolated Forge OR Steelweaver Tomb (must have completed the quest on the map)
○ Queen’s Abbey

Enemies Items

None None


Party Members​: None

Locations (8)

Zias Devil’s Treehouse

Private Vaults Noxious Gate
Basement Holdout Venom Pit
Marsaven Thieves’ Hideout

Zias Stronghold - N/A

● Take one of the many Zias Humours to Zias Tract afterward. Pouring the humour into the
sculpture’s mouth gives you access to Whetners island.
● Most Humours are unique (you only find one). Don’t bother keeping extra of the Zias. Extras
have no use AND they don’t sell either.

Enemies Items

Fresh Zombie x6 524 Gp

Demon Creep x5 Zias Humour x30
Boneslime x2 Quiche Lorraine *Telekinesis required
Salvaged Mantra *Telekinesis required
Sack - Telekinesis required
12 Gp
92 Gp
4 Gp
Normal Key
16 Gp
Hearty Chili
Mystic Thong
85 Gp
209 Gp
187 Gp
341 Gp

Private Vaults Stronghold - N/A

● Speak to the Goblin, you have a choice between attacking him or letting him go.
● Defeating him lets you open up four blue chests (check the bookshelf to the west for a
switch) but opening the last chest causes you to lose all the items.
● Letting him go makes him gather those same four items and you keeping them without any
hassle of fighting him. I’ve yet to find any reason why fighting him would be beneficial in any

Enemies Items

Goblin Grilled Ribeye

Sumptuous Garden
Notched Spear
Golden Mask
Golden Philter
721 Gp

Basement Holdout Stronghold - Supports 44, Upkeep 18473

● Behind the Rare Key door near the beginning are a few chests containing a Rope Whip,
Crisp Lager, and Comfy Undies. There’s doesn’t seem to be a key in this location so you’ll
have to bring it from another or buy one from a Locksmith.

Enemies Items

Shaitan x2 Stale Mead

Overlord x3 Dry Pretzel
Thrall Salvaged Mantra
Steel Exarch x2 Sumptuous Garden
149 Gp
Rope Whip
Crisp Lager
Comfy Undies

Marsaven Stronghold - N/A

● There are several merchants in the market area ahead of you when you enter. Their full
inventory is listed below.
● Spending 400 Gp at the Buffet allows you to take an endless amount of Four Course Meals
during that visit. They restore 75 HP but they can’t be sold.
● In the central building you can buy a Hatchet from the Supplier for 40 Gp. In the same
building you can also get a massage from the masseur for 50 Gp, you can also tip him either
a 50 Gp or 200 Gp tip. Your party leader will be the one who gets it.
● The Shady Merchant behind the row of buildings can sell you a Zias Humour if you somehow
didn’t get one or lost all of the many from Zias.
● Working through the passage covered by trees to the western edge of the map will give you
access to the temple. Inside, examine the Saint Statue.
● Spoilers: Examine the Saint Statue with a [​Mantis Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to receive the
weapon Harvest.
● Flipping the switch afterward will open the previous two locked doors.
● Bring Nazar here after getting triggering the event in the Military Facility to continue
[​romancing him​]. You can return to the Healer after the first cutscene but if you return later
you’ll receive a Grand Bezoar instead of a Misshapen Bezoar [​awards you with Nazar’s
Embrace at the end of the quest line​]. Time passes by completing maps; once you start
dropping to one HP at the start of a map you’ll know you’re ready. Take the bezoar
afterwards and head to the Isolated Forge or Steelweaver Tomb.

Enemies Items

None Misshapen Bezoar OR Grand Bezoar

Four Course Meal x​∞


Warped Branch 251Gp Silk Culottes 296Gp
Hard Crust 35Gp Amulet 1578Gp
Bland Soup 40Gp Traveler’s Hat 233Gp
Plush Vest 344Gp Soft Shoes 250Gp

Bland Mushroom 45Gp Elixir Vitae 770Gp
Smooth Truffle 120Gp Unfinished Elixir 165Gp
Healing Draught 220Gp Stale Mead 35Gp
Wine Tincture 32Gp Crisp Lager 110Gp

Fur Boots 193Gp Rawhide Whip 315Gp
Vambrace 125Gp
Stud Brief 296Gp
Body Harness 486Gp

Devil’s Treehouse Stronghold - Supports 7, Upkeep 247

● Examining the Twin Bed on the top floor and sleeping in it will cause you to be attacked by
an Actaeon and a Baelor.

Enemies Items

None Gummy Emerald

Jam Heart
Almond Cookie x2

Noxious Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers:​ Examine the pedestal with an [​Assassin Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

Venom Pit Stronghold - Supports 10, Upkeep 673

● Make your way to the northeast room and examine both Consoles to unlock more of the pit.
● Behind the door requiring a Normal Key is a chest that needs a Thwart challenge. Inside is a
copy of Sumptuous Garden and some Antique Coins.
● Opening the Foreboding Chest through the secret tunnel awards you with the weapon Fang -
as well as spawn several enemies you’ll have to fight.

Enemies Items

Medusa x4 Quiche Lorraine

Lilith x3 Golden Philter
Sphinx x2 Sumptuous Garden
Bogeyman Antique Coins
Thrall x2 Precious Key
Lamia x3 Normal Key
Gorgon x3 Fang

Thieves’ Hideout Stronghold - N/A

● You’ll need to perform a Labour challenge and bring a Precious Key with you to gain access
to the hideout.
● Trying to progress further into the hideout causes you to be captured by several rogues and
their leader. They also steal 2500 Gp from you (can be found in a chest later).
● Examine the Boards to break out of your cell. You’ll need to perform a Thwart challenge or
Smash It, losing some HP in the process. If performing a Thwart challenge there’s a Normal
Key in the other cell’s bed to escape.
● Either way you’ll have to defeat a Highwayman and Thrall before you can work your way
through the hideout.
● After exploring the ground floor and getting the two chests, descend the Ladder and examine
the Jetty to finish exploring the map and secure the area.

Enemies Items

Thrall x5 Normal Key

Ruffian x8 (Highwayman) Rare Key
Ringleader (Jorogumo) Maxic Lense
Rope Whip
Gold Lock
(Up to) 2500 Gp
Tough Rope

The Coldforge

Party Members​: Shapiro

Locations (15)

Riverbend Ferry Collapsing Bunkhuts

Tidal Gate Key Maker’s Keep
The Sunken Diocese Ramshackle Commune
Arpa Icy Abyss
Untouched Chapel Coldbridge
Fort Cartoe Walled Garden
Ferris Market Town Suicide Rock
Winterbound Mine

Riverbend Ferry Stronghold - Supports 5, Upkeep 70

● Examine the Pulley and use the Tough Rope from the chest next to it. You’ll need to bring 9
more Tough Ropes from other maps (or merchants) to be able to cross with the ferry.

Enemies Items

None Tough Rope

Tidal Gate Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers:​ Examine the pedestal with a [​Guardian Soul​]​ ​in your inventory to unlock the door.

Enemies Items

None None

The Sunken Diocese Stronghold - Supports 6, Upkeep 155

● In the southmost room is a Pillar you can examine. After performing a Labour challenge a
door will open to the northwest of it with a couple of chests inside.
● There’s another pillar to the far west. Succeeding in a Labour challenge will open up a
passage to the southeast.
● Next there is a pillar in the southeast room (the bottom left one) and another Labour
challenge. The last pillar will be accessible now in the middle of the map. This one will open
up the boss room.
● Defeating the Hydra and his lackies will grant you access to a couple of chests, one
containing a Plate Cuirass and the other containing the weapon Triton.

Enemies Items

Thrall x2 Rare Key

Saurian x7 500 Gp
Sahaguin Broadhead
Siren x3 Plate Cuirass
Whelk x2 Triton
Chest - Sapphire
Chest - Ancient Coins, Golden Philter

Arpa Stronghold - Supports 31, Upkeep 9012

● There’s a random roster unit right near the beginning you can recruit.
● At the end of the train is a Dining Table you can examine. A Phantom waiter will bring out a
platter of food restoring the HP of your lead character as well as drop an Arpa Humour upon

Enemies Items

Phantom x4 Elixir Vitae

Primordial Ooze x2 Tough Rope
Skeleton x3 Traveler’s Hat
Nidhogg x Precious Key
Arpa Humour
Abstract Print
Lucky Ring

Untouched Chapel Stronghold - N/A

● Opening the chest before entering the chapel and checking it after you fight the monsters
inside will cause three Mohrgs to spawn.

Enemies Items

Imp x4 186 Gp
Mohrg x3

Fort Cartoe Stronghold - N/A

● Greave will have extra dialogue at the start here if you bring him.

Enemies Items

Cerberus Cruel Treads

Fury x3
Bogeyman x2

Ferris Market Town Stronghold - Supports 34, Upkeep 10792

● Start by entering the building in front of you by taking the door on the left side of it. Inside
you’ll “obtain” a key that’ll open all the locked doors in town. You won’t actually get an item,
but you’ll gain the ability to unlock the doors.
● Take the Warhammer from the warehouse to the northeast and head back to Jail House
near the entrance, all the way to the southwest. Examine the Suspicious Wall inside to break
it down with it and performing a Labour challenge.
● Spoilers:​ Examine the Pedestal with a [​Marauder Sou​]​l ​in your inventory to unlock the
obtain the weapon Rift. A boss, a Corpugon and his Skeletons attack after.

Enemies Items

Dragon Luxic Lense

Iron Golem Crisp Lager x2
Vampire Honey Beer
Witch Warhammer
Jotunn 1350 Gp
Troglodyte Fighter x2 Baselard
Troglodyte Rogue Thigh Plate
Zombie x2 Wine Tincture
Skeleton x6 Rift

Winterbound Mine Stronghold - N/A

● Speak to the Host to prompt a series of arena style fights by heading into the next room.
● Room 1 - Tough or Flexible: Monolith or Wyrm
● Room 2 - Cool or Warm: Ice Exarch or Fire Exarch
● Room 3 - Body or Reputation: Primordial Ooze or Nidhogg
● Break Room - Examine the Healing Fountain to restore your lead character’s HP.
● Room 4 - Individual or Allies: Gigas or Kobold x4 (the Spectators transform)
● Room 5 - People or Alone: Aesthedra or Phantom
● Room 6 - Riches or Knowledge: Mimic or Hag
● The Host

Enemies Items

Monolith or Wyrm None

Ice Exarch or Fire Exarch
Primordial Ooze or Nidhogg
Gigas or Kobold x4
Aesthedra or Phantom
Mimic or Hag
Noble Mimic

Collapsing Bunkhuts Stronghold - Supports 7, Upkeep 246

● There’s a scene here with Bato and Greave, the fourth party member also has some
dialogue (their special sprites are still bugged at the moment).
● There’s a random roster character in the west hut that you can recruit.
● Examine the Nightstand to read a scrap of paper - this also secures the area.

Enemies Items

None Wine Tincture

Comforting Boots

Key Maker’s Keep Stronghold - N/A

● The Keysmith to the east functions exactly like a Locksmith in your Stronghold. He’ll sell you
any of the three usual keys.
● Examining the Barrel and eating an apple inside will restore your HP.
● Activating the switch in his room will open up the locked door to the west.
● In the southmost room is another switch that will a room north of it.
● There’s a chest requiring a Labour challenge to open after passing the first locked door and
heading south.

Enemies Items

Goblin Fighter Stud Brief

Goblin Rogue x2 100 Gp
Troll Unfinished Elixir
Plank Shield
50 Gp
50 Gp
Glass Jewel
Worn Knife
Dry Pretzel

Normal Key 500 Gp
Rare Key 1000 Gp
Precious Key 2000 Gp

Ramshackle Commune Stronghold - Supports 11, Upkeep 853

● If Shapiro wasn’t your initial party member than a Pygmy guard will spot you upon entering
and run away to the east.
● Heading that way and entering the hut (Normal Key required) will cause several Pygmy and
Bantams to attack you. Afterwards you can speak to the Charlatan and Shapiro will join your

Enemies Items

Pygmy x14 Warped Branch

Bantam x6 Normal Key
Troll *After Shapiro has been recruited

Icy Abyss Stronghold - Supports 59, Upkeep 34032

Enemies Items

Ice Exarch x2 Precious Key

Stormwitch Shattered Fragment
Nixic Lense

Coldbridge Stronghold - Supports 19, Upkeep 3055

● Walking across the bridge will cause four Saurian to ambush you.

Enemies Items

Saurian x4 None

Walled Garden Stronghold - Supports 19, Upkeep 12124

Enemies Items

None None

Suicide Rock Stronghold - Supports 15, Upkeep 1807

● There is a special event with Bato and Paul after getting their bond tokens.
● Peering over the edge after defeating the enemies here secures the area.

Enemies Items

Dullahan x3 None
Ghost x2


Party Members​: None

Locations (12)

Yakherd’s Crossing Steelweaver Tomb

Ancient Farmhouse Sewer Tunnels
Weatherworn Shack Klarthus Meatus
The Shadowy Depths Cliffside Farm
Earth Berm Inn Dry Tavern
Roadside Farm Coastal Tower

Yakherd’s Crossing Stronghold - Supports 21, Upkeep 3857

● N/A

Enemies Items

Sahaguin x3 Worn Knife

Direpottamus x2 Plank Shield
Saurian x3 Moist Cornbread
Bone Pile - Onyx

Ancient Farmhouse Stronghold - Supports 11, Upkeep 844

● Examine the Work Journal in the barn to the left. Afterwards you can check a stone back in
the main entrance (near the north side) for 8000 Gp.

Enemies Items

Wendigo 8000 Gp
Mohrg x2
Lantern Wight

Weatherworn Shack Stronghold - N/A

● There is a scene here with Leftie after receiving his bond token.

Enemies Items

None None

The Shadowy Depths Stronghold - N/A

● Present Nikolai’s Emblem from the Dilapidated Cottage to the Pastor to gain access to the
dungeon. You’ll be able to pick up the emblem again after he uses it.
● You’ll eventually run into a Dead End. Examine it to perform a Weave challenge to progress.
● After defeating Evans, return to Nikolai. Telling him the truth instead of lying will award you
with Evans’ Emblem.
● Both emblems can be forged together at a blacksmith to create a Remorseful Emblem.

Enemies Items

Thrall x2 Love Potion

Ignigon Wine Tincture
Incubus Evans’ Emblem
Pastor Evans

Earth Berm Inn Stronghold - Supports 14, Upkeep 1507

● There is a scene with Nazar if you’ve finished his [​romance questline​]. Your other two allies
also have unique dialogue.

Enemies Items

Mould x4 Golden Philter

Roadside Farm Stronghold - Supports 61, Upkeep 36534

● There’s a random roster character you can recruit to the eastern border, near a firepit.
● In the building to the north is a Rare Key you can use to open the door in the northwest barn.

Enemies Items

Aurochs x3 Hard Crust

Jotunn x2 Crude Pike
Asterion x3 Golden Philter
Savage Gp 179
Catoblepas Sumptuous Garden
Shapeshifter x2 Rare Key
Flesh Golem Bacon Club
Gigajack x2 Normal Key
Butcher Rexic Lense
Calamity Buckle
Plank Shield
Normal Key
241 Gp
Fine Fur Boots
Healing Draught

Steelweaver Tomb Stronghold - N/A

● Spoilers:​ Examine the Dead Crystal with a [​Mercenary Soul​]​ ​to be able to speak with the
Draugr. Examine the Open Grave after to obtain the weapon Duelist.
● After obtaining Duelist you can speak to the Steelweaver again and he’ll function as a
Blacksmith like in your Stronghold.

Enemies Items

None Duelist

Sewer Tunnels Stronghold - N/A

● Securing the map will connect you to Western Sewer Access in Knightswood East - opening
up a shortcut on the world map.

Enemies Items

Behemoth x4 26 Gp
Revenant x4 Pepper Quiche
Baelor x2 Normal Key
Dragon Rexic Lens
73 Gp
Warped Branch
Lodestone Loinguard *Telekinesis required

Klarthus Meatus Stronghold - Supports 23, Upkeep 4635

● N/A

Enemies Items

Llorona x2 None
Monolith x2
Mould x2

Cliffside Farm Stronghold - Supports 49, Upkeep 23152

● N/A

Enemies Items

Centaur Archer x2 Normal Key
Centaur Spearman x2 49 Gp
Aurochs x2 Tough Rope

Dry Tavern Stronghold - N/A

● There is a scene with Peregrine and Captain Logus here after getting their bond tokens.

Enemies Items

None None

Coastal Tower Stronghold - N/A

● Most of the NPC’s here have two lines of dialogue. Speak to them a second time to see all
their dialogue.
● There’s a random roster character on the third floor among the tables.
● The Savage on the third floor gives a clue regarding the crystals in Fastad’s Archive.
● The Alpha Barkeep will sell you Roast Chicken for 100 Gp each on the third floor.
● Examining the bookshelf on the fourth floor will award you with a copy of Sumptuous

Enemies Items

Sahaguin x3 Chest - Telekinesis required?

Direcrab x2 Sumptuous Garden


Party Members​: None

Locations (4)

Zias Meatus Kingstomb

Plateau Ruins Bath Polyandrium

Zias Meatus Stronghold - Supports 31, Upkeep 8844

● Use the ladder in the top left or bottom left room in the courtyard to get into the top right
room. The switch will open both doors, letting you climb the ladder in the bottom right to
access a chest containing 1200 Gp and an Elixir Vitae.
● There’s a Wizard Cape in a chest behind a locked door needing a Rare Key in the north

Enemies Items

Cerberus x2 Rare Key

Humbaba Wizard Cape
Lammasu x8 1200 Gp
Orthros x2 Elixir Vitae
Fury x4

Plateau Ruins Stronghold - Supports 62, Upkeep 37625

● N/A

Enemies Items

None None

Kingstomb Stronghold - N/A

● Following the main storyline will have you arrive here after visiting Queen’s Abbey and
reading the diary in the basement and then reading the journal in Spartill Lodge.
● Examine the Flowers and then place some on the three graves the journal hinted at.
● Spoilers: ​[​The graves belong​ to ​Mother Veda, Windyssa, and “only worms remember me”.​]

Enemies Items

None None

Bath Polyandrium Stronghold - N/A

● This is the final map, you once you enter you won’t be able to leave.
● Make sure everyone has a Bond Token equipped. The final boss will cast Hadopelagia -
instantly KO’ing the target if they don’t have Lifeguard. It’s also prudent to bring weapons
with Reach and units with ranks in Blast to fight the arms (and destroy the Divine Anchors).

● If you’ve made a deal with [​Barrod​] you can destroy the Divine Anchors by holding down
Shift and attack with a weapon with Reach or magic.
● The room to your immediate left has a bit of lore after examining everything - Beauregard
has extra dialogue here as well.
● The room to your immediate right has a magic circle that will heal your lead character one
● The eastern room has a jackal statue puzzle just like the Dank Grotto. Don’t step in front of
any of them.
● The Uneven Wall to the northeast can be destroyed with a Labour challenge to open up an
area with a couple of chests.
● The Rotor near the middle anchor will create a shortcut back to the previous main chamber.
● Telekinesis makes this battle -a lot- easier.

Enemies Items

Leviathan (Arm) x22 Notched Spear

Lord Leviathan Smoked Tenderloin
Hearty Chili
Healing Draught

Skeleton Supports x,
Upkeep x

● x Maps



*Highlight the text between the brackets to reveal spoilers*

Bastard Buds
Bond with a party member. Have them acquire xp then talk to them in camp. Repeat this
several times until you get a scene upon leaving camp.

The Final Form

Forge two Tier 4 weapons together at a Blacksmith to make a [​Soul item​].

No Friend of Mine
Make a party member hate you. The easiest way to do this is by resetting their level at the
Fundaments Shrine before that character has bonded with you.

The Perfect Body

Fuse a Devil Adonis, requiring [​several pieces of Obsidian (2 Jagged, 4 Warm, 4 Toad, 4
Glittering, and 2 Beast)​].

All the Pretty Colours

Have the Smith at the Isolated Forge in Knightswood East craft you a Mood Ring (requires
one of each gemstone and a Lucky Ring).

Thou Art Beholden

Visit the Demon Lord’s Castle by​ ​[​going to Fastad’s Archieve in Bracewind and place a Devil
Adonis on the altar with the crystal’s for “Por” and “Tas” activated. Succeed in a Weave challenge

Forge a Remorseful Emblem at a Blacksmith by combining Evans' Emblem and Nikolai's
Emblem. Nikolai’s Emblem is obtained at​ ​[​A Dilapidated Cottage in Knightswood East as he
leaves​]. Evan’s Emblem is obtained at [​The Shadowy Depths in Yaksteppe by defeating him
(requires Nikolai’s Emblem to gain access to him)​].

The One from Before

Recruit Beauregard by completing his quest chain:
● [​Obtain Glamig’s Hairbrush at the Ruins of the Royal Court in The Caldera​].
● [​Present the hairbrush to the queen at Glamig’s Tomb in Mount Anvi​]​l​.
● [​Bring Glamig’s Crown to Blackspire Oubliette and perform a Weave challenge to free
Beauregard. Talk to him again to recruit him​].

Swim Towards the Light

Recruit Captain Logus by completing the following steps:
● [​Perform a Weave challenge at Luntime Lighthouse in Mount Luntime​].
● [​Advance the main story by talking to Logus at The Greenback Shipyard in Bonesalt
Wetlands with 20 party members​].

● [​Talk to him at the Luntime Lighthouse after trying to leave the island and present him
with a Golden Philter (rare potion found in several different locations)​].

The Torch
Bring Nazar/Rangda to the Seaside Congregation in Pagewood after bonding with them.

Long Way Down

Bring Bato and Paul to Suicide Rock in The Coldforge after bonding with them.

Open the chest at Rosewood Bridge with Greening after bonding with him. [​Give the cake to

Sleeping Giant
Bring Leftie to the Weatherworn Shack in Yaksteppe after bonding with him. ​Suggest you
both share the same bed​.

Golden Bond
Complete Nazar’s [​romance quest line​] by going to the following locations after bonding with
● [​Seaside Congregation​]
● [​Military Facility (with just the main character and Nazar)​]
● [​Marsaven
● [​Isolated Forge OR Steelweaver Tomb (must have completed that map’s quest)​]
● [​Queen’s Abbey​]

Please, May I?
Bring Paul and Peregrine to the Cave Bunker in Blackglass Sprawl after bonding with them.

Broken Mirror
Bring Vankan to the Blackglass Reststop in Blackglass Sprawl after bonding with him and
completing the achievement “Sleeping Giant”.

King Eagle
Bring Bato and Greave to the Collapsing Bunkhuts in The Coldforge after bonding with them.

Sovereign Star
Bring Rosaline and Wisaka to the Old Schoolhouse in Bracewind after bonding with them.

A Cruel Moon
Bring Beauregard and Grant to the Tangled Trail in Knightswood East after bonding with

In Their Cups
Bring Captain Logus and Peregrine to the Dry Tavern in Yaksteppe after bonding with them.

Not my Kind
Bring Borfalgor to the Marsh Passage in Bonesalt Wetlands after bonding with him.

Not for Sale
Bring Kirilo and Shapiro to the Forgotten Homestead in Bonesalt Wetlands after bonding with

What She Wanted

Bring Moria and Rangda to the Silent Courthouse in Mount Anvil after bonding with them.

The Island Mourns

[​Defeat the final boss Leviathan at the Bath Polyandrium​].

The Island Awakens

[​Free the final boss Leviathan at Bath Polyandrium by destroying the anchors (must have
visited the Demon Lord’s Castle)​].


Party Members

*All unique characters in the game*

Click ​here​ to access a spreadsheet with all the information.

Some of the unique characters in the game are mutually exclusive with one another. The four sets
of exclusive party members are:
● Nazar and Rangda
○ Nazar can be a jailbreak character or recruited later at Brad’uk Labour Camp.
○ Rangda is recruited later at the Forsaken Hideaway.
● Byrne and Grant
○ Recruiting either of them requires that you have not finished dealing with Lord Frico at
Frico’s Castle during the midgame.
○ Byrne can be recruited at Young Trail.
○ Grant can be recruited in Hayill after speaking to the Alpha and saying you’ll kill Lord
● Borgnina and Zantanak
○ Borgnina can be a jailbreak character or recruited later at the Stillwind Abbey.
○ Zantanak is only available as a jailbreak character to a person who is a true

● Greave and the Reanimated Guard
○ Greave can be a jailbreak character or recruited later in the Burnt Earth Coven.
○ The Reanimated Guard is only available as a jailbreak character to a person who is a
true Necromancer.

To view each of the unique character’s bonding scenes click ​here​.


Click ​here​ to view a spreadsheet of all possible enemies in the game.

For a visual reference click ​here​. (Currently missing Ifreet)

Most enemies in the game can be recruited or ransomed from. There are three levels of intelligence
they can possess which can place restrictions on who can interact with them. These are as follows:
● Intelligent​: Can always negotiate with.
● Animal​: Requires the personal trait BeastTongue or Command, or the skill Mindspeak.
● Mindless​: Requires the personal trait Command or the skill Mindspeak.


For a full list of all skills click ​here​.

Skill Calculator
*Created and posted by Aironfaar ​here​*

There is no way to redistribute your skill points in the game but you can speak to the Struggle
statue at the Fundaments Temple and pay 1000 Gp to reset the speaking character’s level back to 1.
This does impact how quickly a character will trust you, so I’d advise you to wait until you’ve seen
their campfire scene and obtained their bond token (or use one of the rare Love Potions).

Skill Builds

It can be handy to tailor a build toward the character’s ​alignment​ so that they can easily
contribute to your Stronghold’s manpower.
● LAWFUL ​add manpower based on their highest utility skill. You’ll want to put most of
your skill points on the same “row” (e.g. A FORCE based build with FIGHT, GUARD, &
● NEUTRAL ​add manpower based on their utility score squared. Since Attack and
Defense skills do nothing for their manpower you’ll want to at least put some points into
one of the Utility Skills (e.g. A hybrid FIGHT & HUNT build could splash points into
● CHAOTIC ​add manpower based on their second highest skill. This allows them to
completely ignore Utility skills (but be careful not to adventure without any character
who can perform challenges). They benefit from builds that focus on two skills, a
primary and secondary (e.g. A BLAST/WARD or BLAST/WEAVE build that prioritizes
BLAST to deal damage and provide combat support).

Going off of the default Band difficulty with a small roster of characters you constantly rotate,
you’ll typically finish the game between your mid to late 40s. The minimum level to to a Rank 6 skill is
level 35, if you dump all your points into that one skill. When you invest points into one skill the other
skills on the same axis get spillover points - putting off that Rank 6 skill to invest in a second or third
can synergize with your primary one. An example:

Level. 35 Character - 44 points in Fight (Rank 6)

Level 38 Character - 42 points in Fight (Rank 6) & 5 points in Guard (Rank 3)

The second character gets the Rank 6 skill three levels later but has enough ranks in Guard
now that their defense isn’t paper thin. They can now use a weapon without ​reach​ that hits harder as
they can take a hit or two.

One note, and to quote “TheGreatZomboni” from a ​Steam thread​, “Guile characters feel weak:
I always felt like the guile based characters were too fragile to use properly. Even with a decent
dodge, it wasn't worth getting into melee, I had hopes for a "monk" character, or even to get a good
use of Kirilo - but I couldn't get them to work (though I'll admit, I may have gave up to easily).”

Staggering​ from Rank 6 Hunt felt too gimmicky (enemies stagger when you crit) compared to
the consistent damage from Fight. ​Stealthy​ from Rank 6 Dodge has been known to have bugs.
LuckOfTheDevil​ from Rank 6 Thwart is such a big opportunity cost because you invest so many
points into thwart but now have no real combat ability to synergize with it. Make no mistake, Guile is
an excellent row - to splash into and get some tertiary skills for a Fight, Blast, or Labour user.

Below is a list of builds I found myself using:


Warrior 1​ (Force build)

Force - 33/11/5, Guile 6/0/0
Key Skills: Warlord, Second Skin, Meatshield

Warrior 2​ (-Meatshield)
Force - 33/5/11, Guile 6/0/0

Rogue 1​ (Guile build)

Force - 11/5/11, Guile 11/5/11
Key Skills: Wielder, Second Skin, Fleet
Utility Skills: Butcher, Repurpose, Shrewd

Rogue 2​ (+Meatshield)
Force - 11/11/5, Guile 11/11/5
New Skills: Meatshield, Advantage (stacks with Counterstrike)

Tamer​ - (Ransom/Recruit build)

Force 2/2/36, Guile 0/0/12
Key Skills: Down to Earth, Shrewd

Mage​ (Magic build)

Guile 6/0/0, Magic 33/5/11
Key Skills: Archmage + Graceful (less risk together)

Psion​ (Weave/Telekinetic build)

Guile 0/0/3, Magic 11/5/35
Key Skills: Telekinetic, Imarcus

Cleric​ (Guard/Ward build)

Force 0/9/0, Magic 13/18/13
Key Skills: Second Skin, EnergyWave, Imarcus


To view a list of all items click ​here​.

Spoilers: ​To view a list of all hidden weapons and how to unlock them click ​here​.


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