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teng Shao, hong Jin, lihua Zhao

Current Situation and improving StrategieS

for northeaSt China’S rural houSingS

Teng Shao, Hong Jin, Lihua Zhao

According to the survey and measurement on rural housing in the Northeast severe cold regions of China, this paper
analyzed the existing situation and problems of current rural housing in terms of integral development, functional lay-
out, envelop structure, interior thermal environment, heating system and energy utilization etc.. Based on the climatic
open house international vol.42 no.4, december 2017. Current Situation and improving Strategies for northeast China’s rural housings.

features of severe cold regions, as well as rural financial and technical conditions, living and production mode, resi-
dential construction characteristics and existing resource status etc., the feasible approaches of achieving building ener-
gy saving has been proposed, thus acting as a guidance for new rural housing design in severe cold regions.

Keywords: Cold Regions, Rural Housing, Envelop Structure, Interior Thermal Environment, Heating System.

1. introduction systematic investigated, this paper analyzes the exist-

ing problems of villages and towns in cold regions and
from the year of 1996 to 2008, the new rural hous- provides the basis for energy-saving technologies.
ing is about 7-8 billion square meters each year in
China, and by 2020 the backwardness of 50 to 60 2. methodology
million rural people’s living environment is to be 2. 1 Questionnaire survey
solved annually on average. improving rural living
environment is a long-term historical task (Building the content of questionnaire survey includes two
energy Conservation research Center of tsinghua types: objective information and subjective informa-
university , 2012 ) . Currently, the Chinese gov- tion. the objective information such as building form,
ernment has put a premium on the new rural con- structure types, function layout, building materials,
struction. however, most of the China's new rural personal features and economic conditions are
housing construction has brought the problems of recorded by enquiry, picture and drawing. Combining
energy waste and environment disruption due to the the questionnaire survey and synchronically testing,
lack of previous studies. therefore, the study of ener- the residents' satisfaction of the indoor thermal envi-
gy conservation for rural houses is essential. With the ronment and thermal expectations are surveyed.
harsh cold climate conditions ( the Jan. average tem-
perature is -31℃~-10℃, and the extreme low tem- 2. 2 Environment testing
perature generally below -35℃), long cold winter and the environmental testing contents include the out-
heating period of up to six months (from october to door and indoor temperature, humidity and black
april the following year), severe cold regions have globe temperature; the inner surface temperature and
huge heating energy consumption and more promi- heat transfer coefficient of envelop enclosure, and
nent building energy and environmental problems. in building thermal infrared imaging.
the aspect of rural houses’ indoor thermal environ- applying BeS-02 recorder to continuous test
ment and energy-saving design, some research has the indoor and outdoor temperature, humidity and
been carried out with the method of questionnaire sur- black globe temperature, in order to avoid the effect
vey, field testing and experimental study etc (nguyen of solar radiation, the outdoor recorder are placed at
a t, tran Q B, tran d Q, et al, 2011)(ana B, fábio the shady and ventilated place, the indoor recorder
g, pedro f, 2014)(manoj K S, Sadhan m, atreya S are placed at the geometric centre of the room, 1.6m
K, 2009)(liu Sheng, huang Chunhua, 2016) height, automatic gathering a group of data every 15
(Sun hejiang, leng muji, 2014)(gou S Q, li Z r, min.using flir infrared thermal imager detect the sur-
Zhao Q, 2015). however, most of the results are for face temperature of building envelope and heated
a specific area of the climate, environment, culture kang.
and social conditions, the study of severe cold region
of China is limited. therefore, relying on the project 3. analysis and discussion
research of national natural Science foundation of 3. 1 Overall Condition of Rural Chinese Housing
China, 42 villages in four provinces of China-- the residential type in severe cold regions is predom-
heilongjiang, Jilin, liaoning and inner mongolia were inated by single-family detached housing (fig.1), along
the design, construction technology, material selec-

teng Shao, hong Jin, lihua Zhao

tion, etc.. however, due to the constraints of tradition-
al philosophy and economic factors, there are still
some problems in residential construction and opera-
tion. Compare to the urban dwellings, the rural hous-
es have special characteristics as follows: (1) the rural
houses are single-layer freestanding, with large heat
radiating areas, its energy consumption of per build-
ing area higher than the urban dwellings. (2)
restricted by the economic & technological conditions
and the farmer's consciousness of energy conserva-
tion, the heat preservation performance of building
Figure 1. The traditional rural of severe cold regions in envelope is far lower than the Chinese national stan-
China. dard. (3) the heating mode is independent and inter-

open house international no.4, december 2017. Current Situation and improving Strategies for northeast China’s rural housings.
Figure 2-4.
with a small number of town houses. the distribution mittent, with a variety of fuels such as coal, straw.
ratio according to the survey is shown in fig. 2.
Judging from architectural forms, the proportion of 3.2 Functional Layouts
single-storey pitched roof housing reaches about 3.2.1 Analysis of Current Situation
96%, with only a small number of single-storey flat- rural residential layout of severe cold regions mostly
roof houses, and two-story building occupy minimal adopt the traditional "one bright two dark" type(Jin
amount. the main building structures are earth/wood hong, Zhao hua, 2001), that is with the kitchen or
structure, brickwork structure, stone-wood structure, hallway in the middle and other auxiliary functions
wood structure, among which brick structure is the arranged on both sides of the bedroom. the function
most commonly used, with a proportion of over of this layout is single, where the bedroom shoulders
92%(fig.3). the housing in the form of the rest of the resting, associating, dining and other multiple func-
structures are much less, most of which were built tions, resulting in cross-interference between different
before 1990 and with poor durability. Judging from functional spaces, so that the use of the space
construction time, more than 77% of the housing was becomes very inconvenient for the residents (fig. 5). in
constructed before 2000, over half of which were addition, the lack of professional design, or some new
before 1990s (fig. 4). as the housing were mostly "new countryside" "project with no in-depth study of
constructed by farmers themselves, the lack of consid- local residents living characteristics, resulted in the
eration for development while designing and the bias serious discrepancy between the designed housing
towards large floor area and courtyard space have and villagers’ habits, thus the comfort of living did not
resulted in many problems in residential use. the improve. for example, the living room is a product of
number of new housing is small since 2000, account- the advancement of village housing, and some of the
ing for only 23%, although levels were promoted in new towns have set it up, but some villagers do not
teng Shao, hong Jin, lihua Zhao

Figure 5. Appearance and floor plan of traditional rural

housing(Teng Shao, Hong Jin, Lihua Zhao, 2014.

know how to use it, and some even pile grains and
other sundries in the living room; another example is
the indoor toilet, which cannot easily be accepted by
open house international vol.42 no.4, december 2017. Current Situation and improving Strategies for northeast China’s rural housings.

the local population, mainly because of the develop-

ment and construction of these rural regions are lag- Figure 6. Reasonable floor plan and layout of rural housing
ging behind, and there is no perfect water supply and (Jin Hong, Chen Kai, Shao Teng, Jin Yumeng, 2015)
drainage system, resulting in the inconvenience of the
use of indoor toilet. a comprehensive consideration is should be used to effectively reduce the building
needed while designing. shape coefficient.

3.2.2 Improvement Strategies 3.3 Envelopes

traditional rural housing has been unable to meet the 3.3.1 Analysis of Current Situation
demand of increasing living standards of farmers.
therefore, in the residential flat functional layout, the • exterior Walls
foremost parts are reasonable partition and compre- the main wall types are brick walls, adobe walls,
hensive functions, and a separate living room, dining masonry wall, soil brick walls, and soil stone walls and
room, bathroom and other space should be set up to so on. the investigated wall type distribution is shown
accommodate the residents of the modern lifestyle. in fig. 7. the largest proportion is the brick wall,
Based on the abovementioned steps, a reasonable mainly solid bricks with thickness generally between
thermal partition is needed to meet the residential 370-620mm, among which 370mm wall (fig. 8)
requirements of comfort and energy conservation. in accounted for more than 60%, while most have not
the design, the depth of the building should be taken insulation measures. tests show that the heat
increased to form the double depth mode. in order to transfer coefficient of 370mm brick wall is up to 1.56
maximize the use of sunlight, major functional areas - W/m2·K, far from meeting the requirements of energy
---the frequently used and require high indoor tem- conservation design standards, even 490mm brick
perature----such as the bedroom, the living room, wall, with the heat transfer coefficient reaching 1.29
etc., are arranged in the south; the store room, north W/m2·K. adobe walls, masonry, brick and earth com-
hall and other auxiliary space are arranged in the pound walls are the main wall types of old buildings,
north to function as a "temperature buffer" to avoid but with the development of economy and technology
cold air infiltration effects on the north side of the main and due to their poor durability, such walls only retain
functional areas ; the kitchen (heat source), the restau- a few. as is shown in fig.9, walls taken insulation mea-
rant and other space are set in the "central position" sures only account for 26.8%, and the usual way is to
architecture, and close to the main rooms, so that the set up an air layer in the wall or exterior insulation.
heat can be fully utilized. furthermore, the position of insulation materials are usually polystyrene board and
the exterior door should be reasonably arranged, and expanded perlite particles (board), but research found
the proposed position of arrangement is in the south. that thickness of insulation is only about 50mm or
it is better not to set the exterior door in the north; oth- paved only in the north gable wall, thus the ideal ener-
erwise an additional door is needed to resist the wind. gy-saving effect has not yet reached in spite of the
also, the northern exterior door is not supposed to be insulation measures taken.
accessible straight to the main room which requires
higher temperature, in order to prevent cold air from •doors and Windows
entering the main room directly, causing fluctuations the materials of exterior windows are mainly wood,
in room temperature (fig. 6). in addition, to ensure steel, iron, aluminium alloy, and plastic steel, etc.. the
residential comfort, the shape coefficient of the hous- window type distribution based on research is shown
ing should be controlled. too many concave-convex in fig. 10, among which the proportion of single and
changes in the plan may lead to additional increases double wooden windows account for 44.4%.
in energy consumption and waste of resources, thus however, wooden windows’ poor durability, deforma-
layout modes such as semi-detached and townhouse tion and large heat transfer coefficient (4.7 W/m2·K
teng Shao, hong Jin, lihua Zhao
Figure 7-8-9.
for single wooden window) result in a significant
increase in building energy consumption. new hous-
ing uses more aluminium windows or plastic steel win-
dows. due to problems in quality of materials and
installation, aluminium windows have a higher heat
transfer coefficient and poor sealing performance, so

open house international no.4, december 2017. Current Situation and improving Strategies for northeast China’s rural housings.
they have gradually been replaced by plastic steel win-
dows, but most plastic windows are single frame and
double glazing, the energy conservation effect of
which has not met the requirements of severe cold
regions. in addition, in order to increase the insulation Figure 11. Distribution of exterior door types of rural hous-
properties of windows, modular forms of exterior win- ing in severe cold regions.
dows are sometimes used, such as an additional inter- plastic shed outside the door, forming a simple sun-
nal single layer wooden window in a single aluminium shine space, reducing cold air infiltration caused by
or plastic steel window, to play the temporary role of frequent opening of the entrance.
insulation in winter, and can be removed in summer
without affecting indoor natural ventilation; in order to • roofs
reduce cold air infiltration through exterior windows, the main form of rural housing roofs in severe cold
farmers will use some simple insulation measures, regions is double sloping roof, with only a small
such as a window on the inside or outside of the addi- amount of flat roofs, in the consideration of the quick
tional layer of plastic film or glass. drainage of snow in winter, and to avoid an impact on
as is shown in fig. 11, the exterior door of the roof caused by the load of snow. as is shown in
rural housing in severe cold regions are mainly single fig. 12, the frame of sloping roof is mainly wooden
and double wooden doors, with a proportion of 66%, trusses, with only a small number of steel trusses.
but the durability, sealing and insulation properties of prefabricated concrete panels are mainly for flat roofs.
the doors are poor, often using iron wrapped wooden the main forms of insulation in roof trusses are ther-
doors or additional cotton curtain inside or outside the mal insulation and ceiling insulation. as is shown in
door to enhance its strength and insulation properties. fig. 13, more than 70 percent of rural housing has
new or retrofitted housing mostly use aluminium taken insulation measures in roofs. truss insulation is
doors or plastic steel doors, and a few with better eco- laying insulation on the panel under the bottom chord
nomic conditions use metal insulation doors. in order of the truss, using rice husk, sawdust, ash and slag as
to increase the insulation performance of the the usual materials, with a thickness of 150mm-
entrance, an additional layer of single wooden door is 200mm or so, the insulation properties of which are
usually set outside the door to form a buffer space poor; based on truss insulation, ceiling insulation is
between the two doors. another way is to put up a laying insulation on the interior ceiling keel, using
benzene board, perlite board (particle) and other
lightweight materials, but the thickness of the insula-
tion layer is thinner, usually around 40-60mm, and it
has not achieved the desired insulation effect, mainly
restricted by the farmers’ awareness of energy conser-
vation and economic factors.

• ground
the floor of rural housing in severe cold regions bare-
ly takes the insulation measures, only a small amount
of new housing gradually began to use insulation on
Figure 10. Distribution of exterior window types of rural the ground. the insulation materials are mainly Slag,
housing in severe cold regions. benzene board.etc. housing of years earlier generally
teng Shao, hong Jin, lihua Zhao

Figure 12-13
has no surface, the ground of which generally uses (fig. 14) or framework aerated concrete block can be
traditional forms like rammed earth, red brick; cement adopted.
floors, etc., in recent years, floor tiles, wood and other reasonable set of roof insulation. the
open house international vol.42 no.4, december 2017. Current Situation and improving Strategies for northeast China’s rural housings.

modern paving materials are increasingly used in new method of benzene board insulation on the ceiling
housing. should be adopted in the form of sloping roof ceiling
insulation. Besides, insulation materials should use
3.3.2 Improvement Strategies building materials of good insulation properties, such
the performance of building envelope has an impor- as polystyrene board, perlite particles (fig.17). if the
tant impact on the thermal insulation and energy sav- local biomass resources can meet the insulation
ing of buildings. aiming at the current situation of tra- requirements, sheet made of rice husk, sawdust, straw
ditional rural housing envelope in severe cold regions, and biomass materials can be used as insulation.
the performance can be improved through improving increasing ground insulation measures. the
building envelope materials and construction. thermal quality of ground has great impact on human
preferred exterior materials and rational struc- health, but it is often overlooked(Sun Shijun, Yu
ture design. percentage of heat loss contributing to the Yixin, Chen Qingfeng, 2003). the ground of rural
exterior walls of rural residential buildings in severe housing in severe cold regions should be insulated,
cold regions account for up to about 40 % of total because in the 0.5-1.0m range away from the inside
heat loss(Zhao hua, Jin hong, 2007), thus thermal of the exterior wall, due to the effect of outdoor air and
insulation energy saving design towards exterior walls the low temperature soil around the building in winter,
of rural housing is of great importance. the use of new there will be a lot of heat transferred away from this
type of wall materials is recommended, such as brick, part, resulting in increased energy consumption for
hollow brick and other masonry materials or straw heating. materials such as slag, general and extruded
board , grass tiles and other ecological building mate- polystyrene board panels etc can be chosen as insula-
rials(fig 14); and wall insulation types should tion materials (fig.18, fig.19).
reducing the heat transfer and improving the
be reasonably chosen, such as outer insulation walls , tightness of doors and windows. there are two main
sandwich insulation walls and self insulation walls ways of heat loss caused by doors and windows: one
which are suitable for severe cold regions. is heat conduction, radiation and convection though
additionally, epS board insulation system can be used faces of doors and windows; the other is cold air infil-
in outside wall insulation and the sandwich walls can tration through gaps. therefore, measures for energy-
take walls with epS board and brick (fig. 15), or straw saving of windows and doors should be taken in both
board sandwich walls (fig.16), and then as for the self ways: the first one is increasing the number of layers
insulation walls framework and grass brick infill walls or adopt excellent performance glass for doors and

Figure 14-15-16-17
teng Shao, hong Jin, lihua Zhao
Figure 18-19. Fig.18. Ground insulation structure Fig.19. Paving the ground insulation
windows to reduce the heat transfer coefficient; the
second one is using pvC-steel doors and windows of
good sealed performance to reduce cold air infiltra-

open house international no.4, december 2017. Current Situation and improving Strategies for northeast China’s rural housings.
tion in winter.
Cutting the thermal bridges reasonably. the
thermal bridges should be cut at lintels of walls, doors
and windows, the joint of exterior wall and roof, the
joint of other parts of the exterior walls and the ground
with efficient insulation materials.

3.4 Heating mode and the indoor thermal environ- Figure 20.a)Kang b) Fire wall c) Heater Common
ment heating modes of rural housing in severe cold
3.4.1 Situation Analysis
heated kang is a heating system most commonly used
in towns and villages of severe cold regions. often
heated kang utilizes waste heat of cooking to heat
kang surface, so that indoor temperature rises, there
for not only heat source of cooking and the heating
can be solved at the same time. after testing, when the
outdoor temperature reaches -30 ℃, kang surface
remain at a comfortable temperature, but it is likely to
cause uneven distribution of the indoor temperature.
Kang is also often used in conjunction with other heat-
ing methods , such as the heating mode of integration
of kang and firewall, which means the kang and fire-
wall communicate with the big stove, then gas gener-
ated by the fuel combustion in the stove goes through
kang and firewall then discharges after entering the
chimney . in addition, kang and firewall have a sepa- Figure 21. Traditional residential indoor temperature curve.
rate filler port, so one can use supplemental heating the results also show (fig. 21) that due to the heating
with filler port when not cooking. in response to fre- mode and envelope characteristics of rural housing,
quent extreme climate, in recent years, a lot of new fluctuations of indoor temperature is greatly influ-
housing uses heater and heated kang together. When enced by outdoor temperature. When the outdoor
the weather is coolish only kang heating is used, and temperature reaches -30 ℃, the indoor temperature is
when the weather turned colder, soil heating is also lowered to below 10 ℃, seriously affecting the indoor
used with kang heating (fig. 20). rural residential thermal comfort of village residents, which is consis-
heating energy consumption mainly comes from crop tent with the villagers’ subjective feelings we learned in
stalks and other biomass and coal , however, for kang the interview with villagers.
and small coal-fired furnaces, due to its structure and in addition, the degree of condensation of
the fire-blocking combustion limit, furnace heat , the traditional residential envelope and frost knot is
smoke , incomplete combustion heat losses are large, very serious at the four corners of the housing, due to
the heating efficiency is only 30% -40 % of which in long winter frost, the interior surface of the wall is
urban areas(Yuan Wenqian, 2006), causing great moldy and long-haired, seriously affecting the use and
waste of energy. beauty of interior, and in winter living quality is poor.
through testing of traditional rural residential using infrared cameras to detect (fig. 22), in a three-
indoor thermal environmental in severe cold regions,
without shelter, thus have good conditions for the use
teng Shao, hong Jin, lihua Zhao

of solar energy. in order to reduce the amount of com-

mercial energy use, according to the economic and
technological conditions in rural areas, passive solar
houses can be designed and built. Currently, there
were some villagers build the temporary sun room at
the south of the house in winter (fig.24), to form the
temperature damping region, in this way not only can
they get a lot of solar energy, but also reduce the heat
transferred capacity and cold air infiltration of exterior
walls, doors and windows.

4. Conclusions
through the systematic survey and testing analysis on
rural housing in severe cold areas, the present situa-
tion in terms of the functional layout, building enve-
lope, indoor thermal environment, heating modes is
grasped: (1) the plane layout lack of reasonable divi-
open house international vol.42 no.4, december 2017. Current Situation and improving Strategies for northeast China’s rural housings.

Figure 22. Surface infrared imaging map of traditional

sion for function and thermal environment; (2) the
rural housing (unit: ℃)(Jin H, Kang J, Jin Y M, Shao T, building envelope has poor thermal properties, most
2016) of (73%) houses without thermal insulation measures,
dimensional angle of the envelope, the surface tem- leading to the building energy consumption up to 2-3
perature is significantly lower than the main walls, times of urban dwelling; (3) the indoor thermal envi-
mainly due to the poor performance of the building ronment is poor, the intermittent heating system lead-
envelope insulation, combined with intermittent heat- ing to the indoor temperature great fluctuations and
ing mode so that the indoor temperature distribution is most of time the temperature below 12℃, unable to
uneven, leading to the inner wall surface temperature satisfy the residents’ comfort requirement,
is below the dew point temperature of the room air. according to the existing problems, it put for-
ward the feasible energy-saving ways: (1) increasing
3.4.2 Improvement Strategies the building depth to form the “two-depth” plane lay-
for the existing problems of heating mode and the out mode and "temperature buffer"; (2) adopting new
indoor thermal environment, new forms of heating can materials or reasonable structure to enhance the ther-
be introduced based on the inheritance of the tradi- mal performance of building envelope and cut the
tional heating methods. Kang can create a comfort- thermal bridge; (3) improve the heating system and
able micro thermal environment for its residents, so it fully utilize solar energy.
has been liked by the majority of farmers, but relying in the construction of rural houses, all aspects
solely on kang were difficult to meet the heating needs such as building design, construction measures, heat-
of residential heating, and uneven distribution of ing modes and construction technique etc. should be
indoor temperature is likely to be caused, it is difficult taken into account, and also through the energy poli-
to meet the conditions of the requirements of residen- cy advocacy and demonstration house implementa-
tial thermal comfort in modern life. therefore, the tion, to improve the villagers’ awareness of energy
research group adds radiant floor heating mode in conservation, thus promote the construction of new
new residential design practice, using the heating rural houses and the popularization of energy- saving
mode of “kang + radiant floor heating "(Jin hong, technologies.
Chen Kai, Shao teng, Jin Yumeng, 2015), making
kang work with radiant floor heating. tests showed acknowledgements
that the combined heating mode can create more uni-
form distribution of the indoor temperature, and this paper is sponsored by the national natural
improve the comfort of the living environment (fig.23). Science foundation of China (grant no. 51378136).
moreover, severe cold regions are rich in solar
energy resources, and in rural areas buildings are

Figure 23-24 . Kang combine with radiant heating(Jin Fig.24. Sun rooms in rural housing Hong, Chen Kai, Shao Teng, Jin
Yumeng, 2015.

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teng Shao*, hong Jin, lihua Zhao

Harbin Institute of Technology, NO.66 Xidazhi Street,

Nangang District, Harbin and 150001, China


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