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(should contain the details given available
Please type your responses in the spaces below:
Research Methods &Processes
IT Solution Distribution is the proposed business
How and why have you
chosen/decided on the research organization. It aims to provide value proposition
methods and processes which you based on IT products and services. It is a moderate
are using/have used for the business in Bangladesh. This research involves
development of your Major
many stages and processes and tasks also. There 15
are several teams to conduct different parts of the
How would you describe these to: research and as a whole complete the whole
1) a reader of your Major Project research. The IT sector in this country has
emerged a lot and is developing rapidly. People
2) a future employer are now tech conscious and people now a days
rely heavily on technology and the products
(max. 275 words) related to IT. IT Solution Distribution is the topic
chosen because doing business or researching on a
topic which is already an emerging and vastly
growing sector of the country. And this business
delivers the products and services which are in the
IT sector.
There are several teams to conduct several
research and as a whole make the whole report.
The feasibility team will conduct the proper and
comprehensive research about the sustainability of
the business. It will be done in some stages which
are in the following.
In the first stage the feasibility team needs to find
out the problems of this business research and pin
point them to conduct a proper research.
Then in the second stage, the team will have to
find all the other sources and the secondary
sources which are also cost effective, to conduct
the research.
On the third stage, the feasibility research team
needs to plan a proper research methodology to
execute a proper research for the sustainability of
the business.
In these three stages the feasibility team will
conduct the research properly and come up with a
satisfying result.
Literature &sources

1) What are the most important As this is a very important research about the
theories/I literature sources sustainability of the business several theories,
/evidence sources which you are framework and several important notes and
using to justify your research and
references are used. There are several concepts 15
You’re Major Project?
and guidelines that has to be used to conduct the
2) Why are these sources important research and those are taken from some sources
And fundamental to your work? and references.
(max. 275 words)
To conduct and follow those guidelines and
frameworks the following books and resources are

Mark Saunders, P. L. (2015). Resaerch Methods for

Business Students. South Asia: Dorling Kindersley (India)
Pvt LTD.
Wilson. (2006). Marketing Research :AnIntegrated Apprach.
In Marketing Research (pp. 91-143). Harlow: Financial
Times Prentice Hall.

These are the books those are used to take

guidelines and proper frameworks to conduct the
business. All the theories or most of the theories
are taken from these books, to design a proper
research for all the teams and the feasibility team
to find out about the sustainability of the business.
These two are extremely important references
which are used in this research and also extremely
useful and very important for building the
framework and following theories to design a
proper research methodology and also these
theories and frameworks are the most important
which were used to build and design a proper
framework for the feasibility team to follow and
maintain theories and also conduct the research
Addition of secondary sources references are also
extremely important for the research
methodology. So for that the secondary sources
were also given in the research methodology.
To support the project and the research several
secondary evidences are also extremely important.
For that consumer behavior, market gap model
and chain model, these were used as a secondary
evidence for research.

Developing and conducting a research about this

project and also developing the different business
proposal and feasibility research for the feasibility
team was an extremely challenging work. This 10
work had many tasks and several of them.
This business academic proposal was a mixture of
different task and different skills. It has all the
softs skills and also the hard skills which are
needed to conduct the research. So conducting
such research actually helped me a lot to
Your Knowledge
understand about the IT sector of the country and
What key areas of knowledgehave also about the skills to successfully run a business
you gained from undertaking your in this sector of the country.
Research and the Major Project? Besides that there are several skills and
Indicate why these are so important
knowledge which I acknowledged. Those skills I
toyou? developed actually was made possible because of
the research proposal and the research
(max. 200 words) development on this subject. Some of the skills
which I perfectly got and which I will be using in
the future are , entrepreneurship, change
management and innovation, conceptual skills
analytical and decision making knowledge,
business planning and ad implementation skills
and competencies, knowledge on business
functions, risk management skills, business model
development skills and competencies to me.
These are such skills which I acquired and which I
will be able to use in my future life.

Your Learning

What are the most important

I have gained lots of important skills and learning
aspects/examples of learning aspects in my life by undertaking the MBA
and/or skills which you have program. I have learned and acquired such
gained from:
knowledge and skills after joining the MBA
(1) undertaking the MBA program.
programme, The things I learned about this research by 10
applying some analysis and models are given
(2) following through your
research, and
1. By doing the SWOT analysis, I have
(3) applying your knowledge and learned about how the business is doing
what you have learnt in your Major and the areas where I should improve. And
I have also learned about the strengths, the
(max. 200 words) weaknesses, opportunities and also about
the threats of this business.
2. From the McKinsey’s 7s framework, I got
know about the clear picture of the
different status of the running business.
3. From the BVG growth matrix, I have
learned the most useful things about the
business and the long term strategic
planning of the business by reviewing all
the products that is the portfolio of
products. This matrix also taught me about
where to invest in the business, which
product to discontinue and which product
to develop more and where to consider
growth opportunities.
4. By using Bowman’s strategy clock I got
to know about the competitive position of
the business according to the offering of
the competitors.
5. By using the VRIO framework for the
business, I learned about the business
developments of this business. This
framework actually taught me about the
new and sustainable works of the business
that is it uncovers the sustained
competitive advantage of this business.

Critical Thinking and your ideas To get a critical thinking and critical idea,
In carrying out your research, your feasibility research and lots of instigations are
analysis, your evaluation of required. These actually lets the CEO’s know and
evidence, and in identifying or gather more knowledge about the business and
proposing conclusions, what has
also the critical ideas and critical exercises.
been the most important discovery,
or piece of evidence, or theory, or Developing and doing a business is a very critical 10
viewpoint, or critical idea, or and hard challenges which involves critical
critical addition to your knowledge, thinking. It is also very risky thing. For investors
or other item of importance and
also this is a very risky step to come and invest in
a new business. So the investors also need to first
(max. 200 words) come and do proper research and gather
knowledge and proper ideas before they can move
forward for any kinds of investments. Even after
doing such research they also need to do an extra
research which is the sustainability research. It is
because before investing in a business an investor
must know how sustainable the business will be in
the future. Will it sustain or not and will it be
profitable for them, they need to do proper
research about that. So the investors in this case
needs to do a thorough and proper research so that
they get to know the in depth of the sustainability
of the business before investing.
There are many areas and many opportunities for
business in the society where one can invest by
doing a proper feasibility research.
Barriers met By undertaking this research and completion of
What were the main difficulties
major project I had to face lots of difficulties and
and barriers which you were faced barriers in order to complete both of them.
within: At first I had to face a problem which called the
time management problem. It is extremely hard to
(l) undertaking your research, and
separate business life and personal life and also
(2) completing your Major project maintain both of them and work for both of them
at the same time. It is because I have to give time
(max. 200 words)
to both of the sectors. And each sector is equally
important in my life, not only in my life it also
influence impacts on other person’s life as well.
Then comes a problem which I faced during my
feasibility research. The problem was data
collection problem. It is because in our country
right to information is not maintained properly. So
to get proper information to conduct research was
an extremely difficult thing which I had to face.
After that comes another problem which is the
stress and heavy load of work on me. To maintain
both professional and personal life I have to work
super hard on both sides to go through them
properly each.
Lastly, the problem which I had to face was the
funding. Funding was a huge problem and it was
very hard for me to get proper funding to conduct
this feasibility research. So in that case I even had
to fund personally.
Your Professional Development Undertaking my research and my major project
have taught me a lots of things and made me a
What are the most important
business and/or management better and more skillful person than before. By
skill(s) or academic idea(s) or doing the projects of BDP and feasibility research
lesson(s) which you have learnt 10
I have acquired many skills which I will be using
from undertaking your research and
it in my career for the rest of my life and also get
Your Major Project - and why?
better and prosper successfully.
(200 words) Some of the skills which I gathered during this
are, entrepreneurship, relationship management,
and analytical skills and capabilities, leadership
skills, environment bench marking and analysis,
ME management, risk management, social and
people skills, creativity and innovation, the
knowledge on R&D, data collection, data analysis
through software application ,talent management,
conceptual skills, other soft and hard skills.
The projects of BDP and also the feasibility
research project was actually a lifetime
opportunity to gather knowledge and develop and
fulfill the inventory of skills. By doing this things
I got myself in such a position from where I can
develop a lot fast than the one I was as a person
before doing such research and projects of BDP
and feasibility.
These research of feasibility and projects of BDP
while doing my MBA was very valuable exercise
and it will also help me build a better career and
personal life.

Objectives The research and the MBA programme and its use
in my major subject have made me achieve my
Based on your research and the
work which you have done in the objectives very well.
MBA Programme and its use in It is because the feasibility research and the BDP
your Major Project, what were and 10
projects have helped me achieved many skills
how far have the objectives of your
which was not possible for me to achieve by
Major project been achieved?
doing any other things. It might be possible to
(max. 250 words) achieve those skills by doing other things but the
effectiveness and the amount of time which I will
consume from my life might be a lot in the
process of achieving them.
These subjects provide the knowledge and
understanding for applying these to practical
scenario. The knowledge and experience on the
subject and discipline supported to complete the
research project successfully. Especially when I
learned and worked I applied all the theories
which I learned and also applied all the
knowledge and skills which I acquired while I
was doing the feasibility research and the BDP
projects. After doing those I found that both of my
projects the BDP and the feasibility was done
successfully as I applied the things and skills,
theories, knowledge, time, hard work and
everything else which I acquired I gave it all in
and successfully I completed the BDP and the
feasibility research.
So the root success of all of these things was the
MBA program. It is because, because of the MBA
program was given all of these task and these
tasks led me to do hard work and learn a lot to
complete these tasks perfectly. The MBA
program was designed in such a way that the
individual will be forced to do works and take
works loads and also acquire skills and
achievements which the individual did not have
Findings & outcomes
All the outcomes which I got and all the things I
How useful and/or feasible are the
got for my future, I think it was extremely
findings, recommendations,
conclusions, or outcomes of your positive and will be extremely helpful for my
Major Project to you and/or to a future. The business development project was the
Future Employer? crucial and challenging experience for me to have
the wide range of hard and soft skills to my skill
You must justify your answer with
Specific examples. inventory and it is concluded that development of
the business project is the challenging and
(max. 200 words) comprehensive task and it recommends that it
needs the comprehensive analyzing and feasibility
I have gained lots of insights and skills by doing
the business development projects like the
feasibility research. The skills I learned and got
was the professional and managerial level. So the
learnings I got, I will be able to use it in my
professional life if I work as a manager, or I can
also use it in my life if I start my own business in
the future. At that time I perfectly know what are
the things I need to do when I will conduct the
business and how I can make it sustainable.
So the findings, conclusions and also the
recommendations are totally useful for me and
also extremely precious for my future career to
prosper and be successful.


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