Secret Wing

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BY: MLB998

When I read the story it is about Hailey .Hailey always thought she had a pretty ordinary life .The only thing that could be called

unusual in her life was that her mother had disappeared into thin air not long Hailey’s birth. Soon ,though ,her mother is not the most

important thing on the young girl’s minds as she discovers a hidden side of herself and meets a strange winged boy who pulls her into a

magical world she could never in her wildest dreams have imagined. The main character in the story is Hailey, he has a long brown hair

and sparkling green eyes. Her feathers are snow white except for the shimmering emerald strand in them. He meet a strange boy and

gave a piece of papers to Hailey. He saw a feathered wings and the wings disappeared from the sight. The strange boy looked at Hailey

with a crooked smile and was gone. When I read at the middle of the story Hailey has a wings and Hailey sought a solution to find out

why she had a wings. He discovered that few human are have a wings. Hailey doesn’t give up trying to discovers what her family’s

secret is and to find her mother. Hailey knew that his Mother have wings to. Hailey knew her a lot and became her friend and she went

through a lot of trying to solve her problem and friends helped her fly away and everything. After she showed her dad that she had a

wings and was able to fly and everything. Hailey is favorite in the story that I read because hailey is different from the other around him

and he knew the secret of her family that she makes different.

I could personally relate to the particular circumstances of the characters , no. But , as with any well written story , by reading it , I

was brought into the lives of the winged people. I found the story very realistic for life in that place at that time. Hailey didn’t give up

hope to find out why she had a wings and to solve her life problems just like my experience we have a many problem at home and I do

not give up trying to solve problem here at home and to make my family happy and to help as they move us home I help them to find a

land we can rent. In stories like Hailey he sought a solution to discover and to solve his problem as well as my experienced that I had

problem in my life and I showed my family that I can solve the problem that I have. And have a lot of friends that will help me.

I like the story because the story shows that you must never lost your hope in life to solve the problems that you have in your life.

My favorite part in the book is when he showed her wings to her dad and her dad was shocked to what he showed to her child that has a

wings. The book is very interest to read so that I would like it, the book is about the winged people and they have the potential to fly and

everything. The characters in the book are interesting and entertaining because I read the true heritage of their family and discovers

things that she would have believed before. Hailey find herself in a new world filled with a strange people and creatures .With her

mother’s diary in hand , Hailey now has more chance of finding her than ever .Her search will lead on journey to one of the more

obscure places of the kingdom. Hailey meet a strange boy , his name is Chase , he has messy dark-brown hair and his eye are lighter

brown .His feathers are various shades of brown, with the feathers on the top and tip of the wing being the darkest shade that is the

color of his hair. This strange boy is the lead to her new journey of her life and to see a kingdom that she never believed before. With his

new friend he will discovers about the true heritage of her family . If I could change something in the book s in the ending, I would like

to change the ending because Hailey wants to see her mother.

I feel that this book is so special because of the message that it portrays and how just about anyone can relate to it. It’s an

amazing story about fighting through hard times and not giving up no matter how bad things get, and I think a lot of people can be

helped and inspired by reading this book. Absolutely, This book can inspire to anyone no matter who you are. Even the fattest , laziest

bum in the world would you go run a mile because of what this man lived through and how motivating his words are. This book made

me realize how fortunate I am to be healthy and have a good and loving family. This character can aspire to the person that losing their

hope in life and to the readers of this book.

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