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Rose minani

English 2010


My bestfriend and I

Having a bestfriend is the most valuable thing that a girl can have. Sometimes having fun

with your bestfriend is all the therapy you need.Bestfriends are the first people you think about

when you make plans, they are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk

to.There comes a time where you have several bestfriend , but there is that one friend that you

just can’t replace.Growing up, I seemed to make a lot of friends easily but not many of the

friendships would last because I moved or we had different classes the next year. My first best

friend was Aurelia; we met in sixth grade and were attached at the hip after the first day of

meeting.She was my sister, best friend and partner in crime.We did mostly everything together

and I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Our friendship lasted for three years before I moved

away and was forced to go to a new school. I was angry that I had to move , I was so hurt to the

point of wanting to cry but tears weren’t able to come down my face .

In seventh grade , I attended Sunset Ridge Middle School. I was a shy girl going to a

school where I felt like I didn’t belong. My old school, Glendale Middle School was very diverse

and I felt like I was home.My principal went by the name mrs.duneche. She was a tall lady that

everybody was scared of . She somehow reminded me of the principal Agatha Trunchball from

the movie Matilda. Although she wasn’t as scary or aggressive. She had one of the TA’s show

me around and then took me to my locker to put my backpack away.


My first class was english ,I made a new friend, Monica, and we were crazy and a

handful.Monica and I were both new students at Sunset Ridge Middle School. We happened to

have the same english class and happened to sit together when we looked at the sitting chart.She

seemed like someone that I could be friends with.The first time we met I just knew that we were

going to be great friends. Our teacher Mrs Ericksen had the class introduce themselves one by

one.When Monica introduced herself , I started to realize that we had a lot in common.

Monica and I compared our schedule and realized that we had all of our classes together

except for computer tech . So during lunch we decided to hang out and get to know one another

better. After school we went to the mall and I met a couple of her friends. The first person I met

was Rosie . Rosie and I became really good friends because we both had the same name . They

would sometimes say Rose and we would both turn around . After a couple of hours Monica and

Rosie wanted to introduce me to one of their friends. We went to Olive garden and that's where I

met Enrique. He was really goofy and super fun to be around and honestly you couldn’t be sad

around him. We were the Four musketeers and we did everything together.

When the third quarter ended I found out that my parents were planning on moving us to

herriman. I was so angry and even stopped talking to my friends and cooperating in class

discussions. My friends kept asking me what was wrong and why I was always moody all the

time. After school on the bus I sat down next to Monica and told her what was going on. I started

crying because I knew that if I had to move again it would mean making new friends all over

again. Monica was already going through a lot with her parents and she was also depressed about

her situation at home.So we were both crying and this kid named Ray that was sitting across

from us tapped on my shoulder because i was sitting on the outside of the sit and asked if we

were okay. He mentioned that his friends were going on a road trip that same day and so Monica

and I thought it was a good idea to tag along without asking our parents .The bus dropped us off

at Ray’s stop and we got our backpacks into ray’s friend jeep and next thing you know we were

on our way to Sun Valley, Idaho.

On our way to Idaho , I kept getting phone calls and text messages from my parents and I

just kept declining their calls. Monica’s parents also called her and she turned off her phone. We

arrived in Sun valley, Idaho within 5 hours of driving. We only stopped twice to get gas and take

pictures. My parents kept calling so I answered and they asked me where I was; and informed

them that I was in idaho. They told me to stay put and that they would come get me . They told

me that I was irresponsible and that I should have talked to them first. My mom was very

worried and scared. After a few hours I thought about what my parents said and decided to tell

Monica to call her parents. We got on a flight back home the next day. We were really sad about

the choices we had made but we were happy that we were safe. My parents told me that we

weren’t moving and that they were very sorry for making me feel the way I felt . Till this day me

and Monica are still best friends even though we didn;t make the right choices , it got our parents

to listen and it made a big difference.She was that one friend that I was willing to get in trouble

for. I didn’t want to make new friends all over again , I just wanted a place to call home and this

was my home.

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