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Panimalar Engineering College Integrated Clreuits Lab What ian Integrate Circuit? The term tegrated Cie refers to complex Elston rt soning of Inge nmber of componens ot sine abet, ‘Wha are the base csieaton of Integrated Circuits? The basi clasieaton of cae ") Linear Ie 6) Big ie What are the advantages of 3) Cost eduction 5) Increased operating psd 6) Redon in power consumption {nent seam Relay © Improved fenton pertrmance ‘What are te ateret1Ctechnologes? 3) Moot cholo 3) Hybrdtecnaiogy What i Linear 1c? IC which aces, proces nd produce analog signa cll Linear IC. Ee. evan icra fesse What Dig 1c The IC whith accepts proves and produc sig e149, IC. Ie ar ec Dig 1. Define Anton ign ‘When the ampli of sil varies coningously wth espes © tne, the signal called Analog Define dseete signa ‘When a spel efne only at discrete fata of ns, the sina sill ler lal 9. What Dig signa? [Won signal is define in ems of Binary Digits (Bis) snd te ial is led dig signal, 10. Whats Mopoithe Het ‘In his Cal eet components bo ative and passive slemeats and their Inccconesions are manufactured ito oon op 3 singe chip of Scan 11. What Hybrid ter nhs I, separate component pans ar atche a ceramic ute atch by eas of ter metalation pattem or wre bonds, What does 74LS refers to? 7TarefertoIC Which ean be uscd fo Commer purpose LSteterte Low Power Scho, 13, What are Universal gtes? Why ii elle s0? [NAND and NOR gates are caled Univers pts, boc any basic gts canbe implemented wing thee? ster. 14, What are the classeations of al iret Digital sstem? 1 "Combinsion! Lage 2. Segue Lape 15. Whats Combinational Logic? tosis of Logie ges whose outa t anytime determined dey fom the ‘resent combinations f the inputs thot ep revue np eases memory elements nation to Loge gates, Tei opus ae fntion of ‘np andthe ste the memory clement (Past pus). 17.What i Halt Adder? ‘A Connon circuit thar performs he nkéton of 2 is lle Hl Ade, Teonsists of apts outs The ouput ae Sn ahd Ca. 18. Whats Flt Adder? A Combinational eit tha pefoms he ation of 3 is is alld Full Aker eons of inputs and output The ouput se Sum a Ca, 19, Whats Halfand Full Subractor? "A Combinational cuit that perms the sbraction of? bts sal Half sbactor. i consists of 2 inputs and? utp. The 2 output sre Boom and iflerence. A Combinaonl cel tha proms te sbracion ef ls sale Ful Subanon of 3 inputs and 2 ops The 2 ots ae 28 What Desoder? ‘A Deserts a Combinational cia tht conver binary information ‘oma ina ines oa simu of nig up in aw is Dematipeser? is cit that recives information on single tne and tarts his Infomation on on of” posi ouput ne. 22. Whats Encoder? Enso i 9 Digits ict ta pefoons the inverse operation of «Decor. It hs 2" inpat ins ad pt ine, 23. Whats Muller? Mulileing means transiting » ire munter of infrtion ants over a smal sans of cannel of ins A dighal Mlipienr i eon! coco tat Selects biny infrmation fm ope of many int lies and dec sgl cpa line. The eecton ofa parla ip lin contol by acto cechcn le Normally. tee ae ip lies and sletin ins whose combinations denne ‘which inp set 24, What ithe other name of Maltipexer? Muller io ele Data ctor sine sles ne of many nats nd ster their nvomaton th cup lines, 28, What isthe other name for Detailer? ‘The cther name for Demuliplexe at istibatr, 26. What Flip op? ‘A po is sequential chet which ean msinin he ny sae indefinitely 4 Jong power i detinere to the ecu) nt red ty an nt silos "7.What is RS Flip Nop? What ares other names? refers to Reset nd refers so. Thi ip fp st 2 apts Rand Ss also lied diet coupled RS lip lp o SK latch The rts couple conection fs he ‘put of ee pe oe inp of ther te costes» feedback paths eaefed oe {Synchronussequetal esi JK Hip op ‘A.J Sip lp 8 etigmet of the RS flippin th thinset sate of "RS iypein inn he IK ype, Ips and K Bhan ike nas Sand tse ad lear the Mp op respectively. The input sed} fr Set andthe np marked K is for Rese. hen both inputs J and K are eat tT, the lip op. sth i ie complement sate ad when Both Ja Kissy oO, Mi Nop retains prev sae 29, What iT ip opt "ip lp is sng input version of JK flip. The T fp Rap is stained from the 1K ip op when both inputs ae il oper T refers o Toe thi en ‘Tele. J-K-) he ste of he ip Nop wil be complemented. Wea Tmo change vl sc (ext Ste revi st), 30. What are Counters? ‘A sequel cel tht gue through a presibed Sequence of ses upon the applet of nat ple called cote SM What are Regiten? 'A Regnery group of bay cls stable of holding inary ineration ‘Group of flip ops consis & Reps an cach ip epi 4 Snay sel aple of Sring one 8 of fomation, 52, What Shift Reger? A Regier cable of siting is binary information ether to he right ot he let eae Shi rei. 34 What are the pe of Counters? T Ripple Abyetronous Covers 2 Synchronous Cour se Ripple Counters? Tn this, te ip op output ransiton serves source of wagering other fp ops, Le. The CP inp ofl Mp ps excet the Fi) tigger y th isang us bu ate bythe anion tht osu hehe pope 35. What are Syachronous Counters? Ins. the np pls a apie CP igus of al Mp fps The change of | ste oF pila pp dependent onthe proc state of ot ip Hops 36, What ae the tere ogi fais of Digital 1's? TTL” Trani Trasior Logie 2. Emer Coupled Logie 53. Mos Metal Orde Semiendustor 4.CMOS ~Complemeatary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 37-Define Fan 0 Fun ou of» gat specifies he number of standard fads hat ca be connected 10 te output oF te ate without degrading it normal option. 58, Wha! do oe mean by Pond Theiss pam eps! ni nd epee te aun of ower needed bytes 39, What i Propagation delay? Mt thc veage tansion dca ime for he sgl pops fom input to cut won the inary sil changes inva. ismessred in. 40, Define Noise mara ris he maxi oie vokabe aed to a input signal of ita eu hat oes not eau a undesirable change te cea up 41 Defoe parity bit pry bt ane included with a binary messgs to mak the amb of 1s ited even tie for he parone of detecting rs ing anssion of ‘inary formation 48, What are parity generator and checker? he cath gene the pry it inthe rsiter i called» Pty aesera ad the eet which shecks wheter comet pry Bi generated called ay cect 43. Menton any for haracteristis of an Kea operational ampli. ‘Chanctttisof an ea operational ample 1: Open oop vliag xin Agen) 2npat impedance R= = (iii) Soveputimpedane Ry 1 Zar fet ve Sand wi BBW =e (itn) 44, Desinesten rate, Slows defined as the maximum rt of change feat volage cased by 3 ste ipa tage a stl spcied in Vis, Slew eae of 71 ICs OSV'HS, 46. In what way is ICTS beter than CTA? TCHS ie tary rade of tmplier and has higher slow rate and lower tempest than IC 46 Stat se important eatre of istrumentaton ample. Tipo taurs of sramenaon sper Tigh gain accarcy 2 igs ERR 5H sin saily with ow temper oie alin Seat 47 Defie CoRR, Conon Mode Rejection Rai (CMRR) is dened 3 th ‘ole sito commen masa, vay dn ‘CRRA a Where Avis diference mode gain and A comma mode gin 4% Detine SRR. ower Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) is dined asthe change la opamp inp Set vole ut to varitions in suply vou. tis expend ia covet pst os 4. Detge Tal current, Tal curentI deied a te cuneat chs Ning though te common ‘emitter resistor of the differential amplifier. po 58. raw and explain ie internal block diagram of plea opamp ict The imera ac diagram of typical opamp cian grea ein Ditferentiad J Ditereoiat -+{ lifer ample |i mpi ar usd to provide high ain 2 The bf is ual an enter alower whose apt impedance in Aujeven lang 0p a ge ae 3 The oupu driver sus provided giv ow cut inpetance 51. List the base types faire ample configurations, Fourie pes of dren ampliersotgeaions 1: Dal int atl utp 2 Dial tnd tne ca ingle put nd lnc expr 4 Single input nd utsand cpt £2.Manon he DC ctarcerstis of a pam (DC characteristics of op-amp: " " Tins onc pte 4 Thema it S.Why do weas Ray eit? in bipolar opamp cei, evn when the apt zry the ouput il ot be sr. Tis i de tthe ee fie sen. Th scan be amped its Rose ‘siarand iis gen Fay (RR (Ro Wie tut eine and Ris ed bak resistance, ‘St Define inp ot volage, Input of votage 1 end asthe votage rue tobe applied atthe inpt ‘ea ar mig ou vole oro 55 Define thermal dit ‘Thermal dif i dened a the change in fet cent ad fit voage de 0 renperae ‘56 List ot the ae characteris opamp, [AC charcteistes f n opamp. Frequency sponse Sen ue phase ange pot apie lt dened a he one which sn fan opamp changes wih respectothe change in eqoeey ‘Phase angle lt scene athe one in which pe ange changes with respest, tothe cans in eqn. ‘58 Define compensating network The compensating netrk i formed by components sch as ressor and ‘onc for obutning le bandwith an ows ast op 9 Menton thet type of external compensation echniques “worypes af exer compenssin eho Tr Dominant pote compenston 2 Paezera lg) compensation (60. Detae al power response Ful oer response defined a the main fsueney of Inge amide sinewave mi which opamp can ave undo ouput 61 Deine apa esistance, Input resistance Sefined asthe difrnce nt sistance a en aero the inp terminal withthe ctr teminal comes to Eun, For 781 HC the inet revstnce vale 2M (2 Define input capacitance. Input eapacance dined as the quvlet cpucitace tht can be measured at ite ofthe pu terminals with the ober emi enneted ogous. A peal vale 6. Define large signal voltage gai, Why itis referred sa? ‘arg sina Volpe gains ctned the ratio of the cep vole to siren inp vokage. Since the amplitude othe ouput signals me tha th input signal. thevolenge ain commonly fered asege signal vols ah (4, What does the outpat voltage swing indent? ‘The output olage swing las tha the vale of pve ad negative voltage fen opamp ant shuld never enced he sappy voltage and V 65 Define outpat resistance ‘Opt resistance Reis defied as te resistance measure beeen the ouput ‘ermina ofthe opamp and ground. The ype vale io 80 for Tal Kee 6 Define put oe voltage, Input offset vohage 1 defined a tbe voleage that mst be spi between the inp terminals of am opamp to malt he ouput. For 74, the main vale 67 Define input ote current, Input caren i dtine asthe algae difference berwce the cuentas ‘he input and) input For 781 IC the maxim vale 200 9A (9, Define input vltge range. {aput sole ranges defined ashe common-mode voliag tht ane api to ‘bon iat terminals without sisurbing te performance of on oan. THe range oie Input cormenmode voage #13 Vf 91 (fine output shor iret current ‘pat hon cit eurent I deine as the curt hat may ow if an opp ts shoe cdot andi generated high. The opamp mast be povided wit sa eu protstion. The shor cucu I for 1G 838 A 70. Define supply curren Supply sent fs define the cunemt drawn by the p-amp fromthe powse supply lit? mn or oe ang, cekin rege seine as the rnge of freuencies over which the PLL can ins fook with he incoming signal ts alo eal ss Woeking range The ke Inrange is expressed as percetage of VCO frueney 72 Define captare range Cape rage is defined asthe range of frequences over which the PLL can ‘seguir Tock with an int signal. This parameter expressed ms percentage of VCO Fequeney 73. Detine Palin time Pin time i tied 2 he tl ne tke by ths PLL to etal ack. Thi pens onthe nal pau ap eqn difleenesbercen the wo sgl aswell 2 ‘nthe oval oop gin andloep Ser bracterts, 74. What te base function of phase detector? “Ie ti uncn ofthe hae dtetor compae he pase and equney of the incoming signal with te ouput of VCO in PLL thet inal ciferin Fequney td poe an enor sal generated tis tasieally 2p. 75. What are the two ter of phase detectors avalable? “Two peso phase detectors Te Analg phase eetor 2. Digi phe detsor 76, The rt stage n'a PLL ps dete followed by low pss le. 77 List ou some examples of ital phase detectors. apes fg pase Sectors Tr Exelsve OR phase detector 2. Bdge igure phase dettor 5. Maple pase detest 78 What oltage “fe olay cone oscil fs defined the one in whch the fegueney of ‘he oupt signal (V7) 8 colle by the onl voage() 79, What fhe funtion of VCO in PLL “ie ee vohage in pte detector i amplified and plied as @comlvokge (a t0 VCO. The signal Vy Shits the VCO frequency n'a det to redoce the Freqeny farm betwee an fy Once he aeons, eS ha he ia in The capre range The VCO citiats to change feqcne, til oat eqns Is ‘aly the same a the inp saa equeey List ut the tpi ppticatons of Phase Locked Loop. ‘Appleton a Phase Locket Lop: "eqincy mulipheaton ion 2 freuen rslaton Saw deecton {LPM demodalin and ‘SISK demodulation 1 How can FM signal demodlated using PLL TePLL feed wo PM sip the VCO tack he nstnancos fegueney of se int sil The fiteed arr voltage which comes VCO and aan Tock with ‘he np sigual the demodulated FM ouput. The VCO taasfr charetisiss ‘ermine he sear ofthe demoed oup. 82, What i fegueney sit eying technique? Fregueney Shit Keng (F9K) technique is 9 1p of the data tansmission in which, binary tsi aramid b) mene Of & cance fequeney which sched beeen tape gues SS What frequency shift "The ditrencebetncen the two pret input Ssqunces of Frequency hit Keying FSK) demedlator scale equney si “ne binary data whichis shifled bya eaieregueney between to pest, ‘equences ae eieved by using Pegueney Shi Kesing(FSK) demodulator, be the output requenyifa Phase Locked Loop (PLL) freauensy er fequene) of" and inp requeney of"? ‘The eupa eqns 6, What are the main advantages axing low pass iter in PLL ccs? Main lvetages of asin ow ps fe Th The low pas ite se PLL not oly removes the high euency ompoens and pos, but ao cans ihe dynamic carte Pu “The chase onthe fier capcitrgies sont time memory to the PLL, Thus, even ifthe signal Becomes les than the Boe for ee eles the de volage onthe capacitor canines os the fh) fofthe VCO tl pike up the nl in. 7, Why ithe captre range of PLL dependant wp law pas fiter (LPF) Charsteriie? The cape range of PLL depends on low pus fier characteris hens it removes the high fequeey components and noe athe andi ede he ‘ape range o PLL ao gt eed 58, List ot she important features of am instrumentation amplifier "igh ein accurcy “nus 2.tugs CR 5. High gin salty wth ow temperate cotiiens 5 Low ouput impedance 89. Mention the dsdvantags of passive iters. Disadvantages of pase fier "Indtrs bacon lige, heny and expensive fr low frequency spplicaions, 2/More amber of uns of wie mst Be ed which in ur as tthe series eine dating incurs parfommance ie ow Q, ‘ul high poser dsp 50, Whats an averting ampier? "averting amplier ithe on io which sgl s applied othe inverting apt tena The ouput volge I fen othe ivenng ipa rnin tugh eck ‘ete (R) np resisance (Rework. The ut sil she spied fa ot inne ina with phase sito 10" ou snow inverting amplifier? ‘Non nveing ampli te one in which igalsaplie tthe non aveting ‘np cena and the opt is Tetck to the inverting put trial, he Coca amplifies witout venting the ip sip 22. What snes opamp iret? ‘An opamp cei which as the ott signal wih these shoe shat the ina sgl ake ier opanp ica. The amp Sos oo sen eg 92 List out some of he tinea opamp sti ear opamp ecu TP invering amphi, 2. Non imei mpiies 5.Ditleeniat amples ‘ester amples 5 Comes sonter te 94, What is non Hineae opamp circuit? An opp elt whith has the output signal wi s ifet shape faa the ‘npg ald on incr epranp cuit The pram satura drs pat of input 9S Lit out some non linear opamp sti ‘Nn in op-anp cc Tr Comparer 2. Wine shapers 3. Aatve dds cau, 6 How ste gun stabilized by negative feedback? Negative feedback is used mail to sbize he overall vole sin. the open loop vole gin Ao. increases fr any reat th up vole wil ratee nd eos back more voltage tothe inveing isu This oposing Fedak voltage reece ‘mvoning apt vohage Vs. Teefre cron thug Ao. hs lnetesse, inesing pat voliage Vhs decreed andthe fal ouput cent much es at 8 weal be witout the eztv eda, 97. What votge follower? Vole flower is the cirut in which the opt Voage fellows the pat volage oth n azsitade a well apse 98. Mention the main appintons of dierentator. Main opplston a eens Used in wave supine to et high que) compones ian pat si 2. Used ate change deter in FM modulations 100, Ls the dramach of del atepratr. Drawbacks of el negate, 1 At low feats (J), xn becomes nny 2 When he pam strats. desl megrtor bees ke an open 101. What diereniator? A ier is the ict which perform dhe mathematic! operation of sixematio, V2. the ouput waveform ithe dsivave ofthe Input wavelonm The up vote Sven by Yen C dat Whore the feedback esis, iste inputeapaciane and iste iapu vos. 102, Menton the main applications oir Main plications of ferent ‘Used in wave shaping cits detect high equene erponets in ‘np ssa. 2, Uses of ange detector FM modisions, 103. List th drawbacks oie integrator. Drawbacks fea! tegrtr TV AtTow eqns (6) gin somes ifn 2: Wen the apamp stare, dealer behaves hea pen 106. Why is the practi integrator cll los integrator? ‘The gain ofthe itegrtr Tower fequenles can be fined © avoid the satuation problem, if the edtas capacitor Crit shunted b a esitr Ry The pl Eommbinnton of Ry and Cr behaves Tike pac! capac, wich Jasipts poe, ‘like a ies capaci. Fer his reson the cc led Toy eter 105, Write the major futon of istrmentation ampli ‘The major unto of insruentaton ample so ang te ow level ust signals tha ean drive the indir ody 106, What isan onilator? ‘an oselor Ibs» postive feedbck cut where, a featon of the ouput volageV, is fedback to the ipa ead af he baie apis, wich iin pase Sit theo the base pies 107, Meaton the conditions o be sas for sustained oslation. Contions abe ss for ssned pelo 1 The magnitude of roe of he usa he baie amp.) and ‘ne gun ofthe feedbck ampli) shold be sua ASB 2 Angle Between gain Fhe base ample, gin of Be edback ampli) shold be ea on 360" 108, Clastysineonane osiors based on the range of fegueny. ‘Sinzave olor can ec aesoring othe age of suena TP RC Oscars fr aati frequency 2. LC Osis ford equ) 109, Define Elsie ‘An elect iter is defined a a requeny selective cc that passes a speci band of equenties and blocks or atenue sina of freuen oui eb 110 Mention the lassen of lest ies. Cision of ste ies "Analg or il 2 Paseo active 5. Audio (AP or radio Heguene (RF). 11. Menton the nvantages of et ‘Advantages of setve fier 1 Guinan frequen ajstment is exible 2. Noleaing problem 3. Comistow 112. Define requeey scaling. Frequeny scaling sdetnd asthe procede used o convert a Cig eto Frequency ta ew et teguesy 13. What sa comparator? ‘comparator i ret which compares signa voltage apie 0 oe it of opamp wit known reference lage at eter ipa is basal a opamp th wpa 14. Lstoat the apleations of comparator ‘pletios of compas Te era eating deter 2 Window decor 53. Time marker genre phase meer 11S. Whats Sei trigger? Sch wigger i a inving comparator with osive Feedback. aus an imegularshaped waveform on square wave op i ales squaring conan 16, Whats the use of sample nd hold cir ‘A sample and hold cut samples amp signal ad olds ont its st samples ‘ale. ithe input is sampled asi, 117. Mention fe apleations of ample and ol iret Apolicions of simple and held cect Te Azalag to digi stems 2. Palbe soe medline. 18, Whats sample period? The time pei di voting called sample prod hich the voltage seo he cao seg input 119, Whats bold period? Ts tie etod daring which he volage across the capaci is helo calle old paid 120, List out various restive DAC techniques a Varios wsstive DAC secnigns naa Ir Weighted eisor OAC 2. ROR Ine 5. veer BR adr 121. Whats the slain fora DAC? ‘The resolution of he anno ita onverer isthe smallest change in votage, hich my be produced athe outst orp) a he seme 122 List outdicet ype ADCS Diet pe ADEs 1 Flash compare) pe converte 2 Counter ype conser 3. Tracking orscrve convene 4 Sheestv approximate pe convene 123. om some integrating type comer Mos wide asd inegrleg pe cot: 1 Charge balneng ADC 2 Dualstope ADC 124, Whatisitegeating type converter? ‘an ADC Peto Convenor an indict martes scan the oslo er fant of tine guy ade isp e 8 knoe sleeping ype converter, 12S. Where fe suecesive approximation ype ADCs we? Th sce opine ADC eed aos sch a, da logan insrumentin whee conveson seed is mp 126.The input stage of any data acquisition system wil be sample old cit. 127.Same the various pes of electronic sichs wed in DAC. ‘Varios pes of elecroni swiss sed in DAG 1 Sige pte doubts 2 Totem pole MOSFET sich 3. CMs vere sich 128, Maton the main advantage offs ype ADC? The tain dadvantage of Mash type AD converter fs ta, the number of compares reqiedalmast dbs for exh aed bi Forexample: A 2-i ADC Requies3compaator bit ADC egies 7 compos. 129, How many total number of dock pulses required for 8-it successive approximation spe AID converter? The ttl tbe flock pulse requed for. sueesivespprovimain AD 190, Mention the main advantages of intsgraing ype ADC? Min advange of inept pe ADC 1. The iterating ype of ADCs donot requires SIH circuit atthe np 2. ispostblet tami eueney evn nog eh omment 131. Write the main function of $5 Timer, The 555 Timer ic aighly Sable device for generating accurate time day 192 Menton te appieatios of 85 Timer ‘Thesptns of 55 Timer ‘At Oxi, Pulse geen, Ramp and square wave generator, Moogsht maltvirars Burgas, Tap cont and ‘Vols monitor 13, The other name for monostable rotor fone shot mukibrator. '34 Menton te applications of he monostabe moo operation o $55 IC ‘The splenions ofthe monosable mode of pertan of 8 1 Mising ple detector 2: Liner pene 5. Frequoney dvd and 4. Inpue with modltion, 136: Menton se mun application missing pulse detector monosisbe circa ‘The aio aphicions of ising pulse dtstr mons creeae 1. Ws wed to dtc mising heat baw se 2. Tessa fr speed contol and mesreen 136, Write he nin faction oF voltage reguat for procera aeton of voltage relive provide sable DC volage 137. Lis te dierent pe of oiag elt. Thediteen pes of oe uo ie {Fedo volar le pst or ei) 2 Auta opt ota plas pst rsp 3. Switching regulators and Pe . 4 Specter 138 What sa votage elton? ‘A voli ao ian conics that provides abled age deer a te loa sure sepndot Oe bad aa eae sod ine voage arta 19. Whatare he our mala parts of voltage regulators? 1 perZi iH mina ft whage Se 2 rer ampli 2 Sts pole oisorand 110, Define Lond regulation Load replton defined as the hang nop vag for change in| inp crent is usualy expressed in milo orn percentage Ve "U1, List the main advantages of voltage regulators Toeimain advarass of votage regulars a 1. Shor eel posecton and 2 Ouipur vag (posite er nega) can be vai 142. List the tiation oF 16-723 regulators ‘he tations of 1c-72 elton ae 1. Nolebuit hem! proeicn and 2 No hot kat are ints, 143, List the drawbacks of series regulators The da backs of ein eplatreae 1 Theinpt tp down varstormer ted is bully and most expensive 2 Since topes tow ine equeney, ge vais of fie eapactors re reqied 3, Eteney ies and 4 More powers dspated in he sein pas trans, which always sheaethe region 14. What is sitebed capacitor fer? ‘Asche capacitor Fer isa tee terminal devi, which consists of ‘pact, perio Svitches and operation ampli whose open sat lace tnsferschaactesis represent fering charvieics, 145. Why are series regulators led linear regulators? Since he ransistoscondetin he ae or ea rein, these regulon tne called a nea elt. 146. Dein pple section. Ripple cjetion is « measure ofa regula ability t reject ripple voltage It expressed ind 117. Write the uses oF vltage regulators Wolage segltrs ae commonly wed for en-att regulation ane Inbortoyfgepower switches. Switch pe eeu ae eda cool cuts in pulse width modulation. Push Pll Bridge and sees ype wich mode stoplie. 148, Den optocoupler, ‘8 sombizaton of LED and photodiode felled ws an optocoupler This vce an couple the iepat sloth ue ce 149, Mention the main advantazs of optocoupler ‘Te key advantage ofan opocopir ihe cecal oktion berven 1 lop ouput cress With an optocoupler, he onl cmat beter the wong ‘nd cups beam flip. Because of hi its posible ohare we Leche ‘sng between the vo cium he hounds ores she, 1s, Whats the ference between Latch and Flip? Latches are evel ese and Tip fos ae Edge ene, 1S, Whats Race aoud condition? mJ ip pout ed fk toe apt. Therfore change ne ouput ‘sulin chang inthe inp. Durotan he postive half of chek oe bow an8 K ae hig he out iogues continously This sealed ane son cia 159, Whats Edge triggered ip Nop? ‘The problem of ace nound codlion canbe flip op, The em ese rigsing means that he fig

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