AT 223 Basic Electronics Module I. Module 04: Three Basic Variables in Electronics II. Learning Outcomes

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Learning Outcomes:

Table of Contents

Republic of the Philippines
Piccio Garden, Villamor, Pasay City

Barrier voltage
Charged atom
Positive and negative
barrier voltage at the p-n

Depletion region
P-type and n-type
Width of depletion region

Core Content
AT 223

Module 04: Three Basic Variables in Electronics




Time Allotment



Ohms Law:

Ohms, Volts & Amperes.

The resistance of a conductor is measured in Ohms and the Ohm is a unit
named after the German physicist George Simon Ohm (1787-1854) who was
the first to show the relationship between resistance, current and voltage. In
doing so he devised his law which shows the inter-relationship between the
three basic electrical properties of resistance, voltage and current. It
demonstrates one of the most important relationships in electrical and
electronic engineering.

Ohm´s Law states that: "In metallic conductors at a constant temperature and
in a zero magnetic field, the current flowing is proportional to the voltage
across the ends of the conductor, and is inversely proportional to the
resistance of the conductor."

In simple terms, provided that the temperature is constant and the electrical
circuit is not influenced by magnetic fields, then:

• With a circuit of constant resistance, the greater the voltage applied to a

circuit, the more current will flow.

• With a constant voltage applied, the greater the resistance of the circuit,
the less current will flow.

Notice that Ohm´s law states "In metallic conductors" This means that the law
holds good for most materials that are metal, but not all. Tungsten for
example, used for the glowing filaments of light bulbs has a resistance that
changes with the temperature of the filament, hence the reference in Ohm´s
Law to ‘at a constant temperature’. There are also components used in
electronics that have a non-linear relationship between the three electrical
properties of voltage, current and resistance, but these can be described by
different formulae. For the majority of circuits or components, which can be
described by Ohm´s Law:

Rather than trying to remember the whole of Ohm´s law, the three electrical
properties of voltage, current and resistance by single letters:

Resistance is indicated by the letter R and is measured in units of Ohms, which

have the symbol Ω (Greek capital O).

Voltage is indicated by the letter V (or sometimes E, an abbreviation for
Electromotive Force) and is measured in units of Volts, which have the symbol

Current is given the letter I (not C as this is used for Capacitance) and is
measured in units of Amperes (often shortened to Amps), which have the
symbol A.

By using the letters V, I and R to express the relationships defined in Ohms Law
gives three simple formulae:

Each of which shows how to find the value of any one of these quantities in a
circuit, provided the other two are known. For example, to find the voltage V
(in Volts) across a resistor, simply multiply the current I (in Amperes) through
the resistor by the value of the resistor R (in Ohms).

Defining The Ohm, Ampere & Volt

Can be defined as "The amount of resistance that will produce a potential
difference (p.d.) or voltage of 1 Volt across it when a current of 1 Ampere is
flowing through it."

Can be defined as "The amount of current which, when flowing through a
resistance of 1 Ohm will produce a potential difference of 1 Volt across the

Can be defined as "The difference in potential (voltage) produced across a
resistance of 1 Ohm through which a current of 1 Ampere is flowing."

Ohm’s law states this mathematical formula: Voltage is equal to resistance

multiplied by the current flow, or V=IR.

As with any algebraic formula, it is possible to rearrange the terms in order to
solve the equation for a specific unit of measurement. Two algebraic
equivalents of the formula would be:

Ohms law and other formulae like it will yield an accurate result if and only if
all of the units of measurement (such as Volts, Amps, and Ohms) use the same
multiplier prefix within the same algebra problem. Otherwise, your answer will
be off by some order of magnitude, or power of ten. Most often, it is easiest
just to convert any readings you have into units, where no prefix is required.
But this could leave you with a large number of 0s to keep track of. On
occasion, it may be more expedient to maintain a prefix such as Mega, if all of
the measurements are given using that prefix. If the latter method is used, the
answer to the problem will automatically come out in the same prefix used for
the component parts.
For example:
#1 E (in volts) = I (in amps) x R (in ohms)
E = 2A x 100Ω E = 200v
#2 E (in Megavolts) = I (in MegaAmps) x R (in MegaΩ)
E = 2MA x 100MΩ E = 200Mv

Power Law
Definition of the volt—the unit of measure of voltage. Using the relationship
between voltage and potential energy difference V = U/q, we define a volt to

(Be aware that the use of “V” for both an algebraic quantity and a unit of
voltage is a potential source of confusion in an expression like V  1.5 V. The
algebraic quantity is in italic.)

Two points with a voltage of 1 V between them have enough “pressure” to

per-form 1 J worth of work while moving 1 C worth of charge between the
points. For example, an ideal 1.5-V battery is capable of moving 1 C of charge
through a circuit while performing 1.5 J worth of work.

expres-sion to get:

The following derivations are possible:

I = P/V
V = P/I

This is referred to as the generalized power law. This law is incredibly powerful,
and it provides a general result, one that is independent of type of material
and of the nature of the charge movement. The unit of this electrical power is
watts (W), with 1 W  1 J/s, or in terms of volts and amps, 1 W = 1 VA.In terms
of power, then, the volt is defined as:

The generalized power law can be used to determine the power loss of any
circuit, given only the voltage applied across it and the current drawn, both of
which can easily be measured using a voltmeter and an ammeter. However, it
doesn’t tell you specifically how this power is used up—more on this when we
get to resistance.

Suppose that the following schematic is given, and that the problem is to find
the total current draw:

We are seeking the value of I, and covering that symbol on the magic triangle
gives the formula:
I = P/E
First the total power consumed by the circuit must be determined.
PT = P1 + P2 + P3…
PT = 500W + 1000W
PT = 1500W
I = P/E
I = 1500W/120v
I = 12.5A

Scherz, P., & Monk, S. (2016). Practical electronics for inventors. New
York: McGraw Hill Education.

V. Enrichment/ In-text activities

Answer the following questions. Turn in your answers in google

classroom in PDF or Document format.

1. Determine the current resulting from the application of a 9 V

battery across a network with a resistance of 2.2 .
2. Calculate the resistance of a 60 W bulb if a current of 500 mA
results from an applied voltage of 120 V.
3. Calculate the current through the 2 k resistor if the voltage drop
across it is 16 V.
4. Calculate the voltage that must be applied across the soldering
iron to establish a current of 1.5 A through the iron if its internal
resistance is 80 .

Criteria Inadequate Adequate Above Exemplary Score
65%-74% 75%-84% Average 93%-100%
Organization Writing lacks Writing is Writing is Writing shows
logical coherent and coherent and high degree of
organization. It logically logically attention to
shows some organized. organized with logic and
coherence but Some transitions reasoning of
ideas lack unity. points remain used between points. Unity
Serious errors. misplaced and ideas and clearly leads

stray from the paragraphs to the reader to
topic. create the conclusion
Transitions coherence. and stirs
evident but Overall unity thought
not of ideas is regarding the
used present. topic.
Level of Shows some Content Content Content
Content thinking and indicates indicates indicates
reasoning but thinking and original synthesis of
most ideas are reasoning thinking and ideas, indepth
underdevelope applied with develops ideas analysis and
d and original with sufficient evidences
unoriginal. thought on a and firm original
few ideas. evidence. thought and
support for
the topic.
Development Main points lack Main points Main points Main points
detailed are present well well
development. with limited developed developed
Ideas are vague detail and with quality with high
with little development. supporting quality and
evidence of Some critical details and quantity
critical thinking. thinking is quantity. support.
present. Critical Reveals high
thinking is degree of
weaved into critical
points thinking.
Format Fails to follow Meets format Meets format Meets all
format and and and formal and
assignment assignment assignment assignment
requirements; requirements; requirements; requirements
incorrect generally margins, and evidences
margins, correct spacing, and attention to
spacing and margins, indentations detail; all
indentation; spacing, and are correct; margins,
neatness of indentations; essay is neat spacing and
essay needs essay is neat and correctly indentations
attention. but may have assembled. are correct;
some essay is neat
assembly and correctly
errors. assembled

Honesty Clause
This honesty clause establishes a fundamental social contract within
which the College community agrees to live. This contract relies on the
conviction that the personal and academic integrity of each individual
member strengthens and improves the quality of life for the entire
community. It recognizes the importance of honesty, trust, fairness,
respect, and responsibility and wishes these principles to be a defining
part of Philippine State College of Aeronautics
The Institute of Engineering and Technology values and fosters an
environment of academic and personal integrity, supporting the ethical
standards of the engineering profession, where we design and build for
the benefit and safety of society and our environment.
I agree that the submission of any academic work shall constitute a
representation on my part both that such work has been done, and its
submission is being made, in compliance with honesty and integrity.
Furthermore, my responsibility includes taking action when I have
witnessed or am aware of another’s act of academic dishonesty.

Students Name and Signature

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