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Breakout Session Rules:

Good afternoon Everyone!

I’ll be presenting to you, beloved teachers, the Rules and Important reminders for our Breakout Session.

1. Divided Per Grade Level:

Mga Kapatid, you will be group according to the grade level that you are handling or teaching,
For each group there will be our person’s in-charge, composed of HTs, MTs and Subject Group
For Group A, Grade 7 – We have the HT of the Science Dept. – Mr. Avel B. Alcalde together with
our MT 2 from the Math Dept. – Ms. Lou Dolotina
Group B, G8 – We have the HT of the Engl Dept- Mam Maricar Oriarte together with our MT1
from the Science Dept – Mr. Ephraim Villacrusis.
Group c, G-9 – We have the IHT of the Mapeh Dept- Mr. Gabby Lamsen and with our MT2 from
the Math Dept- Ms. Annie Ascotia.
Group D, G10- We have the HT of the Math Dept – Mr. Lowell De Ramon and with the HT of the
TLE/Computer Dept- Mr. Paul Ryan Quiogue
For our Group E, we will combine our teachers from g11 and g12 to be monitor by the HT of the
ESP Dept- Ms. Leilani Lucero with our MT1 from the Science Dept.- Mr. Ronald Dumapias and
together with the Subject Group Head from the English Dept- Ms. Jasmin Tampes.
Ok so these are our groups together with the person’s in charge in each Grade Level.

2. What to bring?
Mga Kapatid, be sure to have the following during the breakout session;
A. BOW – Budget of work from 2nd to 4th quarter
B. MELC – Most Essential learning Competencies – from 2 nd to 4th Quarter.
C. Integrative Assessment Template
Again, be sure to have those files during the breakout session, ok!

3. What to do?
A. Curriculum Mapping :
So when we talk about the C.M., this is all about the the alignment of learning standards and
teaching, this time we will focus on the assessment tools, the PETA and the wtitten Works.
So each group will review the BOW and the MELC that are align to other subjects to come
up with a collaborative PETA and Written Works.
B. So after reviewing the BOW and MELC, each group will decide on the Learning Competenc
ies that are aligned and from that, the group will discuss on what PETA or Wrtten Works
they/you will come up to, ok!
C. Accomplishing of the Integrative Assessment Template…
In Accomplishing the template, you will be guided by our facilitators for each group.
As was shown during the presentation of the Template and the sample Assessment by Sir
Gabby Lamsen.
D. The Final Stage is the Presentation and Critiquing of each group’s Output.
The presentation will be on the 3rd Day of our Inset, after the scheduled talk in the morning,
followed by the critiquing of your outputs by the assigned HT or MT.
Okay, so these are the important rules and reminders for our Breakout session.
I’ll be ending up my short presentation by leaving a words of wisdom coming from Mr.
Henry Ford, Coming Together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, working together
is Success, I hope this inspires us to do our collaborative task/work this afternoon.
With that, thank you beloved teachers and good luck, from the Filipino Department.

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