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United Nations

Submitted to:

Sir Adil

Submitted by:

Amna Shoukat

Roll #:



Bs English Literature semester 1 (Morning)


International relations (IR)

University of Okara
 United Nations:

The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of 1
January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together
against the Axis Powers. In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International
Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter. Those delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals worked out by the representatives of
China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States in August-October 1944.


It played a vital role in keeping world peace. Gradually its membership started to increase. Now UNO has 193 member states. These numbers
will increase in future. Really, the establishment of the UNOcreated a new chapter in the world history. Along with the establishment of UNO,
the maintenance of world peace began to take a concrete step.In order to reduce the gap between Russia and United States of America in the
Cold War period, the attempt of the UNO was remarkable.


The headquarters of the United Nations is located at 750 United Nations Plaza, in Manhattan, New York City.

Current General secretery:

António Guterres is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Goals of United Nations:

1. No poverty

To end poverty, everyone should have basic healthcare, security and education.

2. Zero hunger
Globally, one in nine people are undernourished. This goal aims to end hunger.

3. Good health

Ensuring people live healthy lives can cut child mortality and raise life expectancy.
4. Education
The UN wants everyone to have access to inclusive, equitable quality education.

5. Gender Quality:
Gender equality is a human right, and is vital for a peaceful, prosperous world.

6. Clean water
Clean water protects people from disease, yet three in 10 people lack access to it.

7. Clean energy
Targets for 2030 include using more renewable, affordable energy
8. Economic growth
The aim is for sustainable economic growth and decent employment of all.

9. Industry and infrastructure

This involves building resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation.

10. No inequality

The poorest 40 per cent of the population should be able to grow their income faster than average.

11. Sustainability
The UN wants to increase affordable housing and make settlements inclusive, safe and sustainable.
12. Responsible consumption
This goal aims to foster eco-friendly production, reduce waste and boost recycling.

13. Climate action

Urgent action is needed, by regulating emissions and promoting renewable energy.

14. Life underwater

The aim is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

15. Life on land

To stop degradation, we must preserve forest, desert and mountain ecosystems.

16. Peace & justice
The aim is inclusive societies with strong institutions that provide justice for all.

17 .Partnership

If all countries are to achieve the goals, international cooperation is vital.

Principles organs of UN:

The main organs of the UN are 
 General Assembly
 Security Council
 Economic and Social Council
 Trusteeship Council
 International Court of Justice
 UN Secretariat

Activities and achievements:

 From the very beginning, the United Nations Organization had to deal with a large number of conflicts and problems in the international field.
The Security Council of the U.N.O. made several efforts to solve those problems. But the efforts of the Security Council had been greatly
hampered by the free use of the veto power. During the year 1946-47, Russia exercised the right of veto on twenty-two occasions. But in spite of
this serious handicap U.N.O. has achieved success in solving many problems. some of them are as

Maintenance of Peace
The main function of UNO had been the maintenance of peace in the world. UNO achieved peace in the following conflict situations.

The Problem of Iran

On 1st January 1946, Iran presented a complaint against Russia before the U.N.O. The root cause of the conflict was stationing of Russian troops
in Iran. U.N.O. took a very strong line as a consequence of this, the Russian troops were withdrawn from Iran, which had been stationed there
for many years. This was the first and the most important achievement of the U.N.O.

Syria and Lebanon

 Similar complaint was also made by Syria and Lebanon before the U.N.O. Both of them requested the U.N.O. that British and French troops
should be immediately removed from their respective states. The Security Council, therefore, made its efforts and at last it succeeded in securing
the withdrawal of British and French troops from those states.

The Kashmir Problem

This problem arose between India and Pakistan. Both of them fell into a state of great rivalry on this issue. This problem was brought to the
notice of the U.N.O. It made its best efforts to remove hostility and differences between them. As a result of its mediation, the war was stopped
between India and Pakistan. But this problem could not be solved permanently. It still awaits a peaceful and permanent solution.

The Problem of Korea

 Before the beginning of the Second World War, the whole of Korea was under the control of Japan. After the Second World War, Russia and
America decided to divide Korea on the 38th parallel line. On 24th June 1950 the army of the North Korea made a fierce attack over South
Korea. The matter was again brought before the U.N.O. Hence, the Security Council decided to take some strong steps against North Korea.
UNO sent its army under the command of an American, General Douglas MacArthur. A treaty was signed on July 27, 1953 by which the U.N.O.
withdrew its military action.

Other Important Problems

 UNO tried to bring peaceful conclusion of many other problems such as Suez Crisis [1956], Cyprus issue [1960], Congo problem [1960], Gulf
War [1990].Besides, UNO was concerned about arms control and disarmament, particularly the nuclear disarmament and control of nuclear

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